re: Sleep G4 PowerBook

2003-05-12 Thread Tony Cockbain
Many thanks to all who suggested a solution to my problem and to those who
offered me OS 10 updates.

What a marvellous thing this WAMUG mailing list is.

Cheers Tony
Tony Cockbain
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
PO Box 8114 Angelo Street
South Perth WA 6151
Tel  Fax 08 9367 7037

Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion [Francis Bacon]
The Great Tragedy of Science ‹ the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by
an ugly fact [Thomas Huxley]

My G4 PowerBook running OS 10.2.3 behaves erratically from time to time when
put to sleep. 

When I close the PowerBook the 'sleep' light on the lid latch does not light
up: on opening the PowerBook the screen is blank (black) and regardless of
which keys I hit it does not wake up. I have to do a force quite to restart
the computer. 

This doesn't happen every time I put it to sleep, but only occasionally and
not according to any particular pattern.

Any suggestions?

Thank and Cheers Tony
Tony Cockbain
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
PO Box 8114 Angelo Street
South Perth WA 6151
Tel  Fax 08 9367 7037

Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion [Francis Bacon]
The Great Tragedy of Science ‹ the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by
an ugly fact [Thomas Huxley]


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Downloading blues

2003-05-12 Thread Vladimir James
I am running MacOS 10.2.1 and would like to upgrade to 10.6, but like
Tony Cockbain (ref Sleep  G4 PowerBook 11 May) my prospects of
successfully downloading large items are poor. So, I am also interested
in hearing from any WAMUGer who can supply the updates on CD.

In fact, I can hardly ever download more than 15MB without being
disconnected. My dialup connection is restricted to about 28k because of
inadequate Telstra cabling. On top of that, iinet is either terminating
or not answering about half the time. I am looking into broadband and
alternative ISPs, but Whirlpool comments are not all that encouraging at
this time.

Can anyone help?

Vlad James
(08) 9295 6440 or 0402 477 222

Re: Downloading blues

2003-05-12 Thread Matthew Healey
At the request of some of the members, WAMUG will be producing a MacOSX 
Update CD which will contain every update for 10.1 and 10.2. It looks 
like 10.2.6 was the last update, so we should be pretty safe.

The CD will be finished soon and can be ordered from out web site.

On Monday, May 12, 2003, at 10:40 AM, Vladimir James wrote:

I am running MacOS 10.2.1 and would like to upgrade to 10.6, but like
Tony Cockbain (ref Sleep  G4 PowerBook 11 May) my prospects of
successfully downloading large items are poor. So, I am also interested
in hearing from any WAMUGer who can supply the updates on CD.

In fact, I can hardly ever download more than 15MB without being
disconnected. My dialup connection is restricted to about 28k because 

inadequate Telstra cabling. On top of that, iinet is either terminating
or not answering about half the time. I am looking into broadband and
alternative ISPs, but Whirlpool comments are not all that encouraging 

this time.

- Matt



Default mail on IE 5.2.1

2003-05-12 Thread Mervyn Giuliana Bond

Recently I upgraded Eudora 5.1 (Classic) to Eudora 5.2.1 to run under OSX 10.2.

Although I installed over the old 5.2 in the Eudora Application 
folder the new application icon appeared outside the folder. 
Everything seemed to be working so I ignored this, and it might be of 
no consequence.

I was able to link Eudora 5.2.1 with IE 5.2.1 using command click on 
an URL in an email, my mail box contents were preserved, and my 
settings appeared to be OK wrt my service provider. However, when I 
tried to make Eudora 5.2.1 the default mail application for IE 5.2.1 
I failed. It reverted to the Classic version 5.1. The routine I 
used was Internet Explorer 5.2.1: Explorer 
menu--Preferences--Network-- Protocol Helpers--select Mailto--click 
on Change--choose Helper--locate Eudora 5.2.1 application--Open--OK., 
but no joy.

Advice appreciated.

Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must 
also believe in order to see.