Installer Failure

2005-02-08 Thread David de la Hunty

Dear all,
What does this sound like?
Powered up the iMac G4 733 the other day, blinking folder icon and no 
joy. Currently running 10.2.8. Ultimately had to reinstall from the 
discs (10.2).
Tried several times to download/update 10.2.8 including (as the error 
message suggested) downloading to desktop and installing from there, 
but even that failed. Double clicking the 10.2.8 updater pkg ran the 
Installer but brought up no windows so the app is open and doing 
Picking "open" and selecting the pkg, brought up a window titled 10.2.8 
installer, but the buttons for "ok" and "cancel" were inactive and had 
no text (needless to say couldn't install).
Tried a total of 3 copies of the installer app (from previous system 
folders), none worked.
Tried to reinstall Epson printer drivers from the CD and the installer 
worked (only when selecting Open... from the menu) and got through it 
as far as "click Install to install the software..." and then the 
buttons wouldn't work.

Have: Repaired permissions (twice)
Repaired HDD (one minor error - repaired)
What am I missing? Much gratefulness for any helpings -

1993 Apple PowerCD

2005-02-08 Thread Karen

I just brought an Apple PowerCD from Cashies yesterday. I got 
everything with it,  the remote, power supply, floppy, books etc. It is 
like new and I managed to get them down to half there asking price, as 
the salesman kept telling me that Apple stuff doesn't shift very well 
and the manager is keen to get rid of it (ho hum). By the way, they 
have an old imac tray loading (dark green colour) for $275, he tried to 
sell that to me too, for the same reason and was open to offers, if any 
one is interested. I had a play but with The Others playing with it on 
display they look like they have buggered up the system, we all know 
Mac Users wouldn't have done that. It is running 10.2 and it is in good 
nick but just very dirty.

Anyway, when I hook up my speakers or headphones to play a cd, one 
speaker plays fuzzy, same with headphones. I know there is something 
about audio channels, I just don't know how to fix this again. Or what 
speakers or headphones, maybe an adapter to the PowerCD to accommodate 
the later model speakers or headphones. Other than that it works 
perfectly, the sound through one speaker is perfect.

Help and replies are appreciated.

Re: TiPB Battery

2005-02-08 Thread Peter Sealy

On 06/02/2005, at 7:00 AM, Peter Sealy wrote:

I have a TiPB 867, new in Jan 03. The battery is naturally beginning 
to show signs of age; the PB giving less time when running on the 


Thanks for replies on battery replacement. I had not thought of 
specialist battery companies in lieu of computer companies. I need to 
think different more!


Peter Sealy

Re: ISDN failures

2005-02-08 Thread Vladimir James
Thanks for the replies.

Plugged into back of machine. No hubs. Few USB connections: Kensington
trackball plugged into keyboard; keyboard plugged into machine.
Connections solid. Modem set to carry voice and data. Voice
communications excellent, both when online and offline.

Carol had similar problems which were fixed when Telstra carried out a
"firmware update" said to be required for a Mac. I'm waiting on Telstra's

-- WAMUG replies 
>>Have recently installed ISDN, and it works fine at 128k -- when it's
>>I regularly get knocked offline after anywhere from a few minutes to more
>>than an hour. The error messages always state "The modem has unexpectedly
>>hung up. Please check your settings and try again." followed by "The USB
>>device has been unplugged while an application was still active. This can
>>result in loss of data." 
>>However, no USB device has ever been unplugged or plugged during these
>>failures. Nor have there been any incoming calls. Call waiting is off. I
>>am usually doing little if anything (reading an email perhaps) when the
>>connection fails. My previous dialup connections were very slow, but
>>disconnections were rare.
>>Equipment: iMac G4/800, 512k RAM, MacOS 10.3.6, NT1 Plus II self-powered
>>modem connected to G4 by USB.
>Is it plugged into the keyboard port, or the back of the machine? Are 
>there a lot of other devices plugged into USB? Any USB Hubs? It's 
>possible the modem draws too much power under some conditions, which 
>might cause problems. Also, check all the USB connections.
>Have fun,
--- also -
>You may need more RAM ;) 512K is not much on a G4
>In all seriousness, is your ISDN service both voice and data ? if so, is 
>there any noise or dropouts in the voice side ?

Canon digital SLR

2005-02-08 Thread michael.hawkins

I've had a Conon 300D since June, and use it with the lenses that I
had for my 12 year old (and still going strong) EOS 1000. The lenses
are standard 105m zoom, 75-300m zoom and 100m(?)-500m Sigma zoom. The
500 zoom is sharp enough for me to see a fellow in a wheel chair who
was 2500 metres away from where I took the photo. The 300D is a great
camera but naturally enough I'm a bit envious that the 20D doesn't
cost much more now than the 300D did last June.

Don't forget to factor in the scan disc cost. I bought  a 1 gb disc
but I think that 6 gb discs are available.

Plaza Digital (upstairs in Plaza Arcade, Murray Street end) and
Camera & Video in City Arcade (Murray Street level and end) are two
shops worth visiting.

Michael Hawkins.

Re: Entry level Digital SLR recommendations?

2005-02-08 Thread Chris Burton

Hi Mark

I have had great success with Canon gear. Initially the 10D and now the 
recently released 20D. These are 6.3 and 8.2 megapixel DSLR cameras 
respectively. Canon have a good range of lenses too: mid range of all 
sizes and the pro range which are expensive but fantastic.

I have had good service from local digital camera stores:

plaza digital in plaza arcade, perth


team digital in lord st, north perth (formerly Perth Pro Photo)

and also an online distributer in Albany who has great deals and 

Stu simmonds

I havnt tried any others

kind regards

chris burton

Western Whale Research

Re: Installer Failure

2005-02-08 Thread Shay Telfer

Dear all,
What does this sound like?
Powered up the iMac G4 733 the other day, blinking folder icon and 
no joy. Currently running 10.2.8. Ultimately had to reinstall from 
the discs (10.2).

Were these the original disks that came with the machine?

Have: Repaired permissions (twice)
Repaired HDD (one minor error - repaired)
What am I missing? Much gratefulness for any helpings -

It sounds like your install is broken. At that stage I'd probably get 
everything off the machine, erase the hard drive (with the 'write 
zeros' option turned on, it'll take a while) and try again with a 
different set of install disks.

Being paranoid I'd try running memtest as well before doing all that...

Have fun,
=== Shay  Telfer 
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire  [POQ] 2005 World Solar Challenge 

give away old computers

2005-02-08 Thread Eugene

Hi all,

I have a number (about 12) Mac 7200 including 15" monitors, keyboards & 
mice, some printers and other peripherals going for free. Is there 
someone on the list connected with charities associated with E Timor, 
Bali, Aceh who could make good use of them? Otherwise they are going to 
the tip which is a real shame as they are in good working condition.

I am located in the Perth foothills.


   Eugene de Gouw
   Coordinator of Computing
   Helena College Senior School

   PO Box 52
   Glen Forrest
   Western Australia 6071

   PH: : +618 9298 9100
   FAX: : +618 9298 8616


Backup Disk Ideas?

2005-02-08 Thread Gavin Criddle
A cheapish idea would be to buy two 3.5" IDE drives and then buy external
USB drive cases for them - I think a 120/160GB drive is about around 100
dollars these days and a USB case should cost around the same - I used one
of these setups once at an old workplace - a nice cheap solution.  Oh, and a
piece of tape to mark "backup drive X" on the drive (:

Only downside was the cooling fan for the drive case was a little loud - and
since I was sitting near the server most of the day, it was a bit
irritating.  I usually turned it off all day until I left for the day to
leave the overnight backups running.  

Re: Backup Disk Ideas?

2005-02-08 Thread Shay Telfer

A cheapish idea would be to buy two 3.5" IDE drives and then buy external
USB drive cases for them - I think a 120/160GB drive is about around 100
dollars these days and a USB case should cost around the same - I used one
of these setups once at an old workplace - a nice cheap solution.  Oh, and a
piece of tape to mark "backup drive X" on the drive (:

Only downside was the cooling fan for the drive case was a little loud - and
since I was sitting near the server most of the day, it was a bit
irritating.  I usually turned it off all day until I left for the day to
leave the overnight backups running.

Personally, I'd suggest never using USB to connect hard drives.

In my experience it's slow (yes, even USB2), can cause disk 
corruption, you can't boot off them (there may be a few exceptions to 
this), and really it's not the job USB was originally designed for.

Have fun,
=== Shay  Telfer 
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire  [POQ] 2005 World Solar Challenge 

Any Garageband users out there?

2005-02-08 Thread Gavin Criddle
Hi everyone,

Does anyone on the list use Garageband?  I'm in the process of deciding what
sort of specs I'll need to be using this effectively - I'm quite impressed
with this bit of software.  I've had a play with a G5 1.8, a G4 Powerbook
12" and 15" and a G4 12" ibook - all of which had 256MB which didn't seem to
be enough - after programming a few basic tracks, the system informed me
that it didn't have enough memory to run what I was doing.  I don't have
much hope for my G3 Imac.

I currently have an XP PC that I use for audio production, which is a PIV
2.8 with a gig of RAM, which works fine for recording and mixing - would I
need to be looking at least a gig of RAM for Garageband, or possibly more?  

I'm quite tempted to get a G4 Powerbook for portability (so my angsty music
about the vending machine outside the office can be recorded when it next
steals my choc chip cookie) though as I find with working on my PC, hard
disk space is an issue so maybe a G5 Powermac with a hard disk or two could
be the way to go?

Any suggestions would be welcome - I like Garageband but I'm sure I'll pick
up some more music software for the Mac once I get hooked on using it, so
any advice/experience about audio production on a Mac would be appreciated.



Re: Any Garageband users out there?

2005-02-08 Thread Matthew Healey

On 08/02/2005, at 8:58 AM, Gavin Criddle wrote:

Hi everyone,

Does anyone on the list use Garageband?  I'm in the process of 
deciding what
sort of specs I'll need to be using this effectively - I'm quite 
with this bit of software.  I've had a play with a G5 1.8, a G4 
12" and 15" and a G4 12" ibook - all of which had 256MB which didn't 
seem to
be enough - after programming a few basic tracks, the system informed 
that it didn't have enough memory to run what I was doing.  I don't 

much hope for my G3 Imac.

You have answered your own question. GarageBand eat RAM. Lots of RAM. 
Put a gig in that G5 and it will be a totally different computer.

Apple really shouldn't be selling computers with only 256Megs as thats 
just enough to run the system and maybe Mail and Safari at the same 

- Matt

Repairing permissions

2005-02-08 Thread Severin Crisp
Disk Utility halts when repairing permissions with an error -9997 "no 
valid packages".  Panther Cache Cleaner apparently goes off and repairs 
the permissions successfully.  What does this mean?

Severin Crisp

Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
   15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
  Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
 email  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web pages

[no subject]

2005-02-08 Thread Inkavannell
I've got an e-Mac, system 10.3.4, 256mb RAM and it's got a curious 
problem with iPhoto.
In the past I have deleted photos and just recently all the files have 
disappeared but the pictures were still in the frame although I 
couldn't open them or Slideshow them.  Now the pictures have gone as 
well and when I open iPhoto I get rows of blocks without photos in 
them.  I must have upset something somewhere.  Please tell me I don't 
have to lug my heavy eMac back to the shop.?

Ineke .van Wel

FYI Motorola E398 mobile

2005-02-08 Thread gary dorn

in Dec I asked about motorola's mobile phones & macs - recommendatned 
was eith Erosscon ofr V600 motorola

I went to get a ericsson 638, but telstra didn't have any at the 
advertises deal price sold out!

So I went and got E398 - bluetooth, still camera, MP3 player bla bla bla

went to Apple Mt hawthorn, to verify how to connect it via bluetooth 
- purchased a bluetooth adaptor for the G4
At the office installed bluetooth adaptor, opened bluetooth 
preferences, activated bluetooth and did search, found phone and 
started to download the test photos I had taken.

all worked fine and rather simple really

he is a link to sample of some BMW photos taken - they okay nothing flash

so even though not officially supported by apple isync, bluetooth works

Gary Dorn
Perth,  Australia

Re: Repairing permissions

2005-02-08 Thread Toby Oldham

I think it happens when you move/delete the packages and/or receipts 
you get when you use Apple's software download app.


On 08/02/2005, at 9:59 AM, Severin Crisp wrote:

Disk Utility halts when repairing permissions with an error -9997 "no 
valid packages".  Panther Cache Cleaner apparently goes off and 
repairs the permissions successfully.  What does this mean?

Severin Crisp

Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
   15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
  Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
 email  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web pages

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Archives - 
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WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Re: iPhoto corrupted was no subject

2005-02-08 Thread Greg Sharp

On 8/2/05 1:42 PM, "Inkavannell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've got an e-Mac, system 10.3.4, 256mb RAM and it's got a curious
> problem with iPhoto.
> In the past I have deleted photos and just recently all the files have
> disappeared but the pictures were still in the frame although I
> couldn't open them or Slideshow them.  Now the pictures have gone as
> well and when I open iPhoto I get rows of blocks without photos in
> them.  I must have upset something somewhere.  Please tell me I don't
> have to lug my heavy eMac back to the shop.?
Hold down command-option-shift and then launch iPhoto. It will ask if you
want to rebuild your library. Say yes.and then wait. This should rebuild
your iPhoto Library and return things to normal.


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)

Re: iPhoto corrupted was no subject

2005-02-08 Thread Rod

On 8/2/05 12:19 PM, "Greg Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 8/2/05 1:42 PM, "Inkavannell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've got an e-Mac, system 10.3.4, 256mb RAM and it's got a curious
>> problem with iPhoto.
>> In the past I have deleted photos and just recently all the files have
>> disappeared but the pictures were still in the frame although I
>> couldn't open them or Slideshow them.  Now the pictures have gone as
>> well and when I open iPhoto I get rows of blocks without photos in
>> them.  I must have upset something somewhere.  Please tell me I don't
>> have to lug my heavy eMac back to the shop.?
> Hold down command-option-shift and then launch iPhoto. It will ask if you
> want to rebuild your library. Say yes.and then wait. This should rebuild
> your iPhoto Library and return things to normal.

>From what I can gather, this is especially important when upgrading to
iPhoto5 (not sure if the 5.0.1 update correct this).  A few people on a
variety of lists I am on have reported library problems when going from 4 to
5.  Make sure you rebuild your library on starting up iPhoto 5 for the first
time, just in case!




2005-02-08 Thread Lloyd White
Is there any way Entourage can be configured so that it does not
automatically send a receipt to people who request one. I have spoken to
Westnet (my ISP) who have confirmed that I am automatically sending a
receipt for mail opened even though I don't know this is happening. I am
worried that spammers would be able to confirm my email address simply by
requesting a receipt when they send their email.



Re: Entry level Digital SLR recommendations?

2005-02-08 Thread Derek Yeoh-Ellerton

Hi Mark and WAMUG folks.

Having previously used Nikon SLRs (pre-digital), I recently brought a  
300D one year ago, and haven't looked back (no complaints). If you've  
used a recent Canon before (which your posting suggests), you'll find  
it easy to navigate the menu structure of the 300D or the recent  
addition 20D. Having said that, a new user of Canon cameras would also  
find it easy to pick-up the menu structure, and general use of these  

And the Canon 300D's are very Mac-friendly (like other Canons), so no  
problems there either!

One thing I have noticed... When someone (a new user) is trying to set  
up a manual exposure for the first time on a camera like the 300D, it  
takes a little while for the process to become clear to them. But one  
could compare that to doing a manual exposure on a film SLR vs using  
the standard 'Program' mode, for the first time.

Some people comment in reviews that the 300D is a bit plasticy; I  
believe that's why the 20D does appear a little less plasticy. Also,  
keep your eye out for the black 300D (not to be confused with the 20D).  
They look more and more like a Nikon every day :). I haven't seen these  
black 300D's in Oz though; I last saw one in the UK late last year.  
Anyway... The Canon still feels very solid when you're taking pictures,  
is that's what counts to me.

Lense-wise, the stock Canon lens is very reasonable, especially to  
begin with. I also picked up a powerful Canon image-stabliser zoom lens  
(75-300mm), which I found great to use. But your choice of lens of  
course depends on your subject matter.

I recently purchased a Sigma DC 18-125mm lens. It's a fantastic  
all-round lens and great for travelling with too (much easier to carry  
around than the 75-300mm), and covers a much larger focal range than  
the stock standard Canon lens. (Needless to say, I don't use the basic  
stock Canon lens much any more). I believe this is the link for 18-125  
Sigma lens (available for Nikon or Canon): 

And whatever camera you get, it's worth stocking up on an extra battery  
and memory cards, and with an SLR you can go through 200 photos (and a  
battery), very quickly. Or looking at getting a "camera grip" to hold  
the extra battery. But you'll need a bigger camera case then...

I tried out a variety of cameras in-store, side-by-side before deciding  
on the Canon. Take your own memory cartridges if you'd like to look at  
any sample pictures you've taken in store (or just outside a store if  
they'll let you out!). And at the end of the day, there isn't a great  
deal of difference between the two main contenders in the entry-level  
Digital SLR market. But try them side by side, work out your own  
pros-and-cons, and go from there.

Hope that helps.


Derek Yeoh-Ellerton
National IT Manager
Printforce Australia Pty Ltd
Phone: 08 9223 2400
Fax: 08 9221 2059
Mobile: 0413 838 518

Re: Entry level Digital SLR recommendations?

2005-02-08 Thread Andrew Nielsen
If you're not absolutely set on an SLR then there are cameras that 
may offer an acceptable medium between the capabilities of an SLR and 
the small form factor of a compact camera.

Having been an SLR user from way back, I started down the digital 
path with the original Canon Digital Ixus several years ago and have 
never looked back.  However the Ixus was ageing, only had 2.1 Mpixels 
and was beginning to lose its ability to focus properly.  To be fair, 
it was several years old and had travelled far and wide, taking many 
thousands of photos for us so it sure didn't owe us anything.

Late in 2004, however, I replaced the Ixus with another Canon, the 
newly released PowerShot G6 
.  We took it on 
our trip to Iceland, the UK and Singapore.  It was an outstanding 
choice for our requirements.  It has a comfortable, solid grip to it 
without being anywhere near as bulky as an SLR, and the lens is 
decent without the need to carry separate lenses as you would with an 
SLR.  The battery would typically last us more than a day, we were 
averaging more than 300 shots from a single charge.  We took in 
excess of 5000 photos in 6 weeks so it got a solid workout.

Both Plaza Cameras and Gerry Gibbs Camera House have been helpful to 
me in the past.  I eventually bought the camera online at Digital 
Camera Warehouse  who were 
prompt in processing my order.

Share & enjoy.

Andrew Nielsen  

Re: Entry level Digital SLR recommendations?

2005-02-08 Thread Rod

On 8/2/05 2:34 PM, "Andrew Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you're not absolutely set on an SLR then there are cameras that
> may offer an acceptable medium between the capabilities of an SLR and
> the small form factor of a compact camera.
> Having been an SLR user from way back, I started down the digital
> path with the original Canon Digital Ixus several years ago and have
> never looked back.  However the Ixus was ageing, only had 2.1 Mpixels
> and was beginning to lose its ability to focus properly.  To be fair,
> it was several years old and had travelled far and wide, taking many
> thousands of photos for us so it sure didn't owe us anything.

And what a brilliant little camera it still is :-)  Close up shots are still
spot on.  Distance shots, some work, some don't.  All fun though!

BTW, isn't it spooky that too 'veterans' (I use that term loosely!), have
just posted!  Hi Andrew and Derek!



iPod Shuffle RAID

2005-02-08 Thread Paul Mulroney

Hi All,

So, what do you do when you and some friends are all getting iPod 
Shuffles? You make a RAID array out of them, of course! Follow along as 
we explore new depths of geekery...

Paul W. Mulroney
Logical Developments

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 86 Coolgardie Street  BENTLEY  WA  6102
Ph: +61 8 9458 3889  Fax: 
+61 8 9458 7204 

Re: Entry level Digital SLR recommendations?

2005-02-08 Thread Mark Secker

thus spake Derek Yeoh-Ellerton:

Hi Mark and WAMUG folks.

Some people comment in reviews that the 300D is a bit plasticy; I 
believe that's why the 20D does appear a little less plasticy. Also, 
keep your eye out for the black 300D (not to be confused with the 
20D). They look more and more like a Nikon every day :). I haven't 
seen these black 300D's in Oz though; I last saw one in the UK late 
last year. Anyway... The Canon still feels very solid when you're 
taking pictures, is that's what counts to me.

Camera house has the 300D "black" and a very fine looking piece of 
hardware it is indeed I really do wonder about they were smoking 
in the Canon design department  when they came up with the EOS's 
silver colour scheme!

I'm not overly fazed about the plastic body so long as the lens mount 
and internal frame that holds the CCD are rigid enough then I'm OK 
with that - no intention of throwing the thing around.

Anyways... I'm going to be a bit of a Neo-Luddite for the next few 
months as I've pretty much decided that I will get a new film  SLR 
body with  a couple of lenses first (as my old late 70's SLR is well 
and truly superceded).

I'll keep the A80 as it is a very good snap shot camera.

Then later down the track (before I next go overseas) I'll purchase a 
digital SLR that is compatible with the lens system of the film SLR.

Mark Secker Computer Support Officer
ph#6488 1855 (ECEL) 
University of Western Australia - CRICOS Provider No. 00126G
"Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible."
- Miguel de Unamuno
"It takes an idiot to do cool things that's why it's cool"
- Haruhara Haruka (FLCL)

 (sometimes works)

re: entry level dig SLR

2005-02-08 Thread Nancy McIntyre

At 5:05 AM +0800 8/2/05, Mark Secker in WAMUG digest wrote:

Looking at getting the something like the EOS 300D but if anybody has
any horror stories of this model or possible  significant advantages
of other models by,  say, Fuji or Nikon

I'm wanting to "get in the door" (body, lens, battery pack and basic
sync'ed external flash) for about $2000/2500

Well then, don't get a Pentax *istD  or *istDS.  (what inspires these 
ridiculous names?)

Because you will be unsatisfied with others afterwards.

 I've used both on loan with the bundled fast prime Pentax lens.  And 
with all kinds of Pentax lenses back to the original screwmount ones.
The fiddledebumps all over the body come to hand as well as any other 
comparable body - and I've handled the D70 and a couple of Fujis. 
But the Pentax lenses piddle on the Nikor and Canon.

 and knowing that for
that price I'll probably get a low end zoom lens that will need
upgrading or supplementing with better lenses latter on.

As you say, it's the lenses, dummy.  No other reason for getting an 
SLR  shirley?
Why accept a lower quality starter lens when these entry level bodies 
are all pretty much the same?  You shoot your raw image and do your 
processing outside the camera.
Get the best prime fast lens you can start with.   Look through it, 
take some snaps and see what it gives you.

And couple the prime with a tele of the absolute best quality you can afford.

I still have a Pentax Spotmatic film body as my main camera.  Why 
would I want to change after more than 30 years when I have a 
glovebox full of the fantabulous Takumar (Pentax) super multi-coated 

Biased?  Me?

 One thing
though is (going by my experience in the 80's with film SLRs) that
once you start buying extra lenses you tend to lock your self in to a
manufacturer so wanting to stick to a brand like Nikon or Canon.

Yes, there is proprietary lock-out with the standards.

If you are mainly interested in greater lens compatibility then go 
for Nikon, Fuji or Kodak bodies; they all share the Nikon F mount 


Nancy M

Re: iPod Shuffle RAID

2005-02-08 Thread Shay Telfer

Hi All,

So, what do you do when you and some friends are all getting iPod 
Shuffles? You make a RAID array out of them, of course! Follow along 
as we explore new depths of geekery...

Personally I'm amazed they managed to get one of them, let alone 4!

Have fun,
=== Shay  Telfer 
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire  [POQ] 2005 World Solar Challenge 

Re: Entourage

2005-02-08 Thread Shay Telfer

Is there any way Entourage can be configured so that it does not
automatically send a receipt to people who request one. I have spoken to
Westnet (my ISP) who have confirmed that I am automatically sending a
receipt for mail opened even though I don't know this is happening. I am
worried that spammers would be able to confirm my email address simply by
requesting a receipt when they send their email.



For many reasons, the easiest thing is to not use Entourage. I say 
this after having to rebuild the Entourage databases of numerous 

Have fun,
=== Shay  Telfer 
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire  [POQ] 2005 World Solar Challenge 

Re: iPod Shuffle RAID

2005-02-08 Thread Roger P Kortas
Hi Guys

I ordered 4 and got them last week :  )  no not only for me but also
for friends at the office.  Great little toy!!!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: iPod Shuffle RAID
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 16:05:52 +0800

>>Hi All,
>>So, what do you do when you and some friends are all getting iPod 
>>Shuffles? You make a RAID array out of them, of course! Follow along
>>as we explore new depths of geekery...
>Personally I'm amazed they managed to get one of them, let alone 4!
>Have fun,
>=== Shay  Telfer
>  Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
>  Opinions for hire  [POQ] 2005 World Solar Challenge
>-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
>Archives - 
>Guidelines - 
>Unsubscribe - 
>WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Re: iPod Shuffle RAID

2005-02-08 Thread Ronda Brown

Sure is a great little toy  also makes a good  1GB HD.
I got mine from Daniel last week.


On 08/02/2005, at 4:18 PM, Roger P Kortas wrote:

Hi Guys

I ordered 4 and got them last week :  )  no not only for me but also
for friends at the office.  Great little toy!!!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: iPod Shuffle RAID
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 16:05:52 +0800

Hi All,

So, what do you do when you and some friends are all getting iPod
Shuffles? You make a RAID array out of them, of course! Follow along

as we explore new depths of geekery...

Personally I'm amazed they managed to get one of them, let alone 4!

Have fun,
=== Shay  Telfer

 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire  [POQ] 2005 World Solar Challenge 

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Re: Repairing permissions

2005-02-08 Thread Peder Kristensen
Hi Severin,

The problem you have is that you are missing BaseSystem.pkg which should be
located in root/Library/Receipts/

You can copy this file from another Mac with the same OS, otherwise you need
to reinstall your OS.


on 8/2/05 9:59, Severin Crisp at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Disk Utility halts when repairing permissions with an error -9997 "no
> valid packages".  Panther Cache Cleaner apparently goes off and repairs
> the permissions successfully.  What does this mean?
> Severin Crisp
>  Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
> 15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
>Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
>   email  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: ISDN failures

2005-02-08 Thread Vladimir James
Apparently systems using MacOs 3.5+ require that the Open NT1 Plus II
modem used for ISDN services receive a firmware update. This can be
carried out by a knowledgeable Telstra technician by phone. This has
previously been reported to WAMUG by Carol Southern and, more recently,
privately to me by others.

Anyhow, now that it's all go for me, I've found out that Telstra has been
carrying out extensive cabling operations in the hills around Sawyers
Valley. The upshot of this is that Broadband may either be available now
or imminently. Broadband is what I initially wanted. Wouldn't you know
it, I've just commited myself to a year's plan on ISDN.  

Very frustrating.

Vlad James