Re: removing spyware etc on OSX

2006-11-27 Thread Holipac info


The levels of threat for Windows and Mac are totally different, so  
its not useful to compare yourself against your friend's experience.

There are very few viruses for Mac - the ones that are identified are  
so rare they get individual attention, and are often proof of concept  
rather than real.  So you really don't need to worry.

That said, its prudent to take basic precautions like having your  
firewall on, and turning unnecessary services off.
So go to System Preferences, Sharing and turn off Personal File  
Sharing and Windows File Sharing if you aren't using them.  Click the  
Firewall tab and turn the firewall on.

Running anti virus software like Clam AV ( isn't  
necessary for OS X (due to lack of viruses), but is useful for your  
friend because it will stop you inadvertently receiving and then  
sending on files infected with Windows viruses (even though they  
don't affect Mac).

If you want an external reference point, have a read of the Princeton  
University OS X security guidelines:
They include the following:
"There is still, at this writing, no virus that infects OS X. But  
virus-infected documents and e-mail attachments can be transmitted  
through OS X to Windows computers. Prevent that by using anti-virus  
software on your Mac.

This is quite different to the virus situation on Windows, I think  
you'll agree.  114,000 viruses to ... effectively none.

Viruses are different to spyware/keyloggers etc, however they aren't  
a problem either.  The program you found - MacScan - is fine.  It is  
reviewed by MacWorld: 

But once more:
But the biggest problem with the program is that neither of its two  
core functions—scanning for spyware and cleaning up after your Web  
browser—is particularly necessary. There simply aren’t many actual  
examples of Mac OS X spyware to worry about. Of the 40-plus threats  
listed on the MacScan Web site, for example, many apply only to OS 9.  
And you can already configure most Web browsers not to collect  
cookies, caches, and other traces of past activity or to erase such  
information after it’s been collected.  While Windows users might  
need a dedicated spyware-catcher, I’m not convinced there’s a real  
need for such specific Mac software.

You could sum this up by saying ...  'trust in OS X but tie your  
camel first".   A few easy precautions to be on the safe side, and  
then relax.


On 27/11/2006, at 10:22 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi WA muggians

Does anyone know if there are good reputable programs for OSX that  
can check and remove spyware/malware type programs, if there are any?  
Im just a bit worried after talking with a friend of mine about it  
(he has a PC).

I had a look on google and also version tracker. There was one that  
appeared on both called Macscan. Its weird that now I dont trust  
anything, as I dont know if they are one of these spyware programs  

Or is  Mac OSX just not worried about these bits of software. Im in  
the dark here about all the above!

Kind regards to all


Re: Mail rejecting password

2006-07-12 Thread Holipac info
Brett, this is what Mail does if your mailbox is offline when it  
tries to check.

Probably just means Bigpond mail was down at the time of the check.   
If you Ctl click your mail box, take it back online, then check mail  
again, it will probably be fine.


On 12/07/2006, at 12:12 AM, Brett Carboni wrote:

Hi All,

Using Mail I have suddenly been presented with a dialog box asking  
me to re enter my password for the account "Brett's email". It  
states "The POP server "" rejected the password for  

Trouble is I'm using the right password.

Been through Bigpond Tech support (the Mac guy who I had to wait  
for 30 minutes but was quite polite but couldn't help apart from  
backing up my email and creating a new account and putting it into  
the new one - oy vey!) and checked the preferences that everything  
was filled in correctly. Even double checked that the password is  
the right one but to no avail. And don't remember anything on Wamug  
about this.

Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing or any advice?

Thanks in advance.

Brett Carboni
"Best sushi provided - no password required"

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Re: 10.4.7 combo update

2006-06-30 Thread Holipac info

Ronni, I checked my settings and it has remained unticked.

One thing I have noticed since 10.4.7 was installed is an outbound  
network request from a process called dashboardadvisory, to an  
address  (this is reported by Little Snitch).
This looked pretty strange, however has the same IP  
address as Apple, so it appears to be a new part of the Dashboard  

Don't know if anyone else has encountered this, I can't see any  
references to it (bar 1 very obscure chinese language site).



On 30/06/2006, at 9:37 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi WAMUGers,

I used the Combo OSX10.4.7 to update three computers here.

On two I noticed after installing the Combo update that Safari >  
Preferences > General

that'Open "safe" files after downloading'
had reverted back to the default setting of this being ticked.

It was unchecked on all machines prior to doing the update.

Car'n The Pies

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Airport Extreme Card available

2006-06-29 Thread Holipac info
I have an Airport Extreme card for sale.   This card is suitable for  
Macs that are Airport Extreme ready:

$60 if you pick it up (Shenton Park), or $70 and I will post to you  
in an Express Post bag.

Please email me off list if you are interested in buying.

It is *not* an Airport card: 

If you have an Airport card you want to sell, I will buy it from you,  
or swap it for the Airport Extreme card.



Re: Windows emulation/virtualisation on Intel Macs

2006-06-27 Thread Holipac info


We have a MacBook Pro 17" running OS X and Windows under Boot Camp.   
It is fast.
However, everything *read* about Parallels suggests it is very fast  
as well (possibly 90-95% of 'native' ), and the ease of use of Cmd- 
Tab to CAD rather than shutdown/reboot should be a major consideration.


On 26/06/2006, at 7:19 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

On 26/6/06 6:43 PM, "J Philippe Chaperon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Dear WAMUG'ers,

I have a relative of mine thinking of moving from Windows to a Mac  
- Intel.
However it is important for him to be able to run a CAD  
application, only
available in Windows version, 3D rendering and Photoshop apps for  
his last

year of architect studies.

Does any one has experience of Parallels and Boot Camp, and can  
thus report

on their respective pros & cons?

All the articles I have read so far indicate that Parallels is  
faster than
Boot camp - but not sure about Potoshop or CAD apps. Have not seen  
about reliability, which is extremely important as assignments  
will be done

on the Mac, if purchased.

Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


Hi Philippe

I can't comment on CAD applications, but we have an Intel iMac 17"  
1.5GB of RAM running Mac OSX and Windows XP and it runs quite well.  
We have
thrown some pretty high end games at it and it managed to run this  
with no
problems at all. We did it via Bootcamp rather then Parallels as  
that is
what we needed to see how it worked. Overall, we've been pretty  
with it. It runs quite well. I've "sourced" a few machines for  
clients and
they purchased Win XP at the same time and we set it up and they've  
very happy with it. So overall I think it should handle most tasks  


Hope that all helps.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960

**For everything Macintosh**

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Re: Slowing down a movie

2006-06-07 Thread Holipac info

You need to look into iDVD, another of the iLife applications.

On 07/06/2006, at 4:07 PM, Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:

Using iMovie is a new world for me.  I found the edit for slowing  
the movie down, thank you.
Now, as to a DVD.  If I export it back as a Quicktime and burn it  
to a DVD would that work in a video player?  Intuitively I feel  
that there must be an intervening step(s).


At 8:26 PM +0800 6/6/06, Stephen Chape wrote:

You should be able to import it into iMovie.
At least then you can play around with the format and export it  
back to Quicktime or maybe even burn a DVD.

On 06/06/2006, at 5:28 PM, Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:

I have been presented with a CD with a QuickTime Movie.
The movie consists of simulated views in 3D of the outside and  
interior of a building.  These views have been generated from  
architectural drawings.
The clip lasts for 27 seconds, pans around the building, enters  
the building, pans within the building.  I feel seasick trying to  
catch the detail in less than half a minute.

Is there any way to slow down QuickTime player?
I would like to set it up as a standing display for people to  
see, but not at the speed of light.

Any suggestions?
"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we  
must also believe in order to see."

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Stephen Chape

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"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must  
also believe in order to see."

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Silent Flip4Mac

2006-06-05 Thread Holipac info

Hi all,

I'm having a bit of trouble playing a wmv file with Flip4Mac - it  
plays the vision nicely, however I can't hear the audio stream.   I  
can run up Virtual PC and play it with audio (same machine, same  
file, different OS and Windows Media Player instead of Flip4Mac).   
The lack of audio occurs whether I play it via (I can see  
the embedded file with player controls), or after detaching and  
launching (it comes up in Quicktime Player).

I am running a 2.1GHz G5 iMac with 1.5Gb RAM :
OS X 10.4.6 (i.e. fully updated)
Quicktime Player 7.1.1 (i.e. fully updated)
Flip4Mac WMV : Windows Media(r) Components v2.0.2.10 for Quicktime  
(i.e. fully updated)

I have checked the volume control, and it is turned up.

Any ideas on what I can do to get Flip4Mac working?


Wanted: 14" G4 Laptop

2006-06-01 Thread Holipac info

Good afternoon,

I'm looking for a second hand 14" G4 Laptop, in good condition, circa  
$500.Just like the one that went out on the list a few months  
back :)

Please contact me off list.

Glenn Nicholas.
0401 143 918

(formerly [EMAIL PROTECTED], but recently updated my email).

Re: simple resizing of images?

2006-05-29 Thread Holipac info

Hi Rob,
ImageWell is free and does the job one by one.  http://
YellowMug Software has a batch converter EasyBatchPhoto ... has a  
shareware fee.

Both good.


On 29/05/2006, at 4:43 PM, Lodge Family wrote:

Hi all
Anyone out there got any suggestions for batch processing digital  
images.  At present we have three cameras all producing different  
sized images.
Have used graphics convertor but this does far more than a primary  
school would ever need.

Thanks in anticipation

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iDVD Problems

2005-11-16 Thread info

Hi guys,

We do video production at our office here in Perth and we have been 
doing some DVD production lately.  We have been using iDVD to do some 
simple menus and to burn the DVDs.  We have been finding a problem 
that occurs sometimes.  We have an opener on one of our productions 
that starts with a After Effects  montage of still images blending 
together.  Several layers of these.  Only in this part of the 
presentation, and only in PAL format we are getting a "shutter" 
effect (problem) happening on some of the still After Effects images. 
What could be causing this problem?  Some here are thinking that 
there might be a compression problem causing it and that perhaps DVD 
Studio Pro wouldn't have that problem.  What do you all think?


Cal Conkey

New machines just out!

2005-10-26 Thread info

Hi guys,

I have been looking over all of the message strings and haven't seen 
any discussions regarding the new powerbooks or powermacs.  Is 
everyone simply disgusted or running to the stores to get one!  What 
do you guys think about the new powerbooks? Are they any different 
than the superseded ones?  Really?


Cal Conkey

Locking Folders?

2005-09-15 Thread info

Is it possible to lock a folder with a password in OS 10.3?

Thanks guys

Cal Conkey


2005-08-17 Thread info
Thanks guys for all of your responses!  It was a cable 
problem...thank God we saved all of the media and hard drives.

Thanks again,

Cal Conkey

Crisis counceling needed!

2005-08-16 Thread info

Hi guys,

Also, I have a bit of a crisis situation that has happened with one 
of our older editing suites.  It is a Media100 editing suite running 
on a G3 Beige 300mhz machine.  I have about five hard drives with "64 
pin? (the small high speed variety) SCSI" daisy chained connection. 
Two hard drives just all of a sudden gave up the ghost!  When I boot 
up the computer a window asking me to initialize those two hard 
drives comes up.  But when I try and initialize it says that the hard 
drive are damaged and cannot be initialized.  What could have caused 
this to happen?  None of the other hard drives were effected.  Just 
those two.  Everything was working perfect before this happen.

Cal Conkey

Looking 4 SDRAM 4 Powerbook

2005-07-17 Thread info

Hi guys,

I am looking for a 256MB SDRAM chip for my Powerbook G3 400mhz . 
Does anyone have one they want to flog off or where is a good place 
to get one cheap?


Cal Conkey

An interesting problem

2005-07-04 Thread info

Hi guys,

I have an interesting problem.  I have a 500mhz G3 Powerbook that I 
have been running OS 10.3.x on for several months without any 
problems.  All of a sudden it stopped booting up.  The screen would 
turn from grey to blue and then back to grey and stop booting up at 
that point.  I booted from a OS 10.3.x install disk and did a disk 
repair and permissions, etc... with no effect.  Eventually, I had to 
erase the whole hard drive and start all over again.  I loaded system 
9.2.2 and then tried to load system 10.2 but every time I tried to 
boot from the OS 10 install disk the powerbook would freak out and 
start creating lines and shapes on the LCD screen.  I updated the 
firmware and updates to system 9.2.2 and tried again, with no 
success.  I also tried the system 10.3.x install disk and the same 
thing happened.

So right now I have a computer that refuses to run on anything but 
system 9! :-(  What happened to all of a sudden cause this?  help!

Cal Conkey

RAM Allocation in OSX

2005-03-01 Thread info

Hi guys,

How does one increase the RAM allocation for a program running in 
system 10.3?  Or is it no longer needed?


Cal Conkey

Looking for the best price!

2004-12-08 Thread info

Hi guys,

I am looking to purchase a PowerMac G5 2GB dual processor.  Who knows 
where I can find the best price?  Can I beat the A$4499.00 price 

Thanks guys,

Cal Conkey

Need to purchase another backup drive

2004-11-11 Thread info

Hi guys,

I am needing to purchase another backup drive for our office as the 
Maxtor that we had before was stolen a couple of months ago.  I have 
seen that Office Works is selling the 200GB version of the Maxtor for 
$369.00 seems like a pretty good price to me.  Is this a good price?

Many have emailed me and said that the Maxtor drives are not good and 
that they have had problems with them.  Is there another brand that 
might be more reliable and not too expensive.  I'd like to hear from 
you Mac folks out there that are not trying to sell me there brand, 
OK?  I don't mind getting offers from you retailers out there but I 
would really like to hear from folks who aren't selling anything also.

Thanks guys,

Cal Conkey

Robbery at our office!

2004-11-04 Thread info

Hi there guys and gals,

Just to let you all know that while I was gone overseas someone broke 
into our offices and stole my brand new Maxtor One Touch 200GB backup 
drive.  They didn't touch anything else just the drive in its black 
case.  So if anyone happens to see someone selling one for super 
cheap, you'll know where it came from.

Luckily I hadn't used it much for serious backup was that 
new!  MacWizard helped me to get it.  Any suggestions for a 

Cheers but no backup drive,

Cal Conkey

Calling all O2 XDA II owners!

2004-10-06 Thread info

Hi there,

I am the proud new owner of a O2 XDA II.  They are awesome, and with 
PocketMac most of my problems of syncing are over.  However, I still 
have difficulties loading new microsoft software on the unit as most 
companies don't give you the .cab files that are needed to load from 
your Macintosh.  Does anyone out there own one of these little babies 
and if they do, do you have any suggestions on a work around for this 


Cal Conkey

Need your help!

2004-08-09 Thread info

Hi guys,

Its me guys that has been using Macs for 20 years but 
still doesn't know what to do most of the time!

I just purchased a lovely 80GB hard drive for my Titanium.  It is 
quieter and faster than the original.  One problem, when I tried to 
copy the hard drive to a big Maxtor backup drive and then to the new 
hard drive, after taking my old one out - nothing seemed to work 
right.  I am running OS 10.3 right now.   First of all it wouldn't 
let me copy many things because it said that I didn't have the 
priviledges and then I say all of these funning things like 
"" sitting all over the place and the funning "Resource 
Fork" folders and the like!  Most of the files once they got to my 
new hard drive lost their icons for a funning looking "Exec" black 
box icon and the programs wouldn't recognize them.  Help!  I nearly 
lost it when I thought that I have lost everything!  Eventually, I 
bagged it and went back to the old hard drive so that I could get on 
with work...

See I told you I was an idiot!  :)

Can you guys please help?  Is there a step by step instruction on how 
to do this process under OS 10.3?  I really don't want to have to go 
through the huge process of reloading OS 10.3 on my new hard drive. 
If I could simply copy my present hard drive over to it that would be 

Thanks for your help guys,

Cal Conkey

USB 2.0 question

2004-06-03 Thread info

Hi guys,

A friend of mine has one of the 12" monitor iBooks G3 500mhz machine. 
He wants to know if his USB is version 2.0 or is it the old version 
1.0?  Thanks for your help guys.


Cal Conkey

RAM memory for a Performa 6400

2004-05-20 Thread info

Hi guys,

I need some additional RAM for my Performa.  It is "168 Pin DIMMs 
(2x68MB)" that I am looking for.  Anyone got any?  And how much do 
you want for it?


Cal Conkey

Maxtor OneTouch backup drive

2004-05-19 Thread info

Hi guys,

Where is the best place to purchase a Maxtor OneTouch backup drive?


Cal Conkey

D-LINK DWL-520+ airplus 802.11b wireless PCI card

2004-05-16 Thread info

Hi guys,

Does anyone know whether or not a "D-LINK DWL-520+ airplus 802.11b 
wireless PCI card" is compatible with a Beige G3?



Wireless for the oldies!

2004-05-14 Thread info

Hi guys,

Does anyone know if it is possible for the following computers to run 
an airport card:

Performa 6400
PowerMac G3 Beige Desktop

Also, is it possible for HP Laserprinters 4MP to go wireless?

Thanks guys,

Cal Conkey

the debate goes on!

2004-04-05 Thread info

Hi guys,

Thanks for all the great response to my question about Broadband.  it 
seems to be a 'neck-n-neck" race between IINET and WestNet.  I may go 
with IINET because it is cheaper and seems to be the same as WestNet 
in most other respects.

Thanks again,


Another question about prices!

2004-04-05 Thread info

Hi guys,

I am looking at purchasing a iMac G4 700mhz flat screen powermac, but 
I don't know what it is worth.  Any ideas?


Best and cheapest ASDL in Perth

2004-04-02 Thread info

Hi guys,

I am needing to get Broadband so I am doing some research on which 
one is the best value for money.  We really don't want a download 
limit unless it is 500MB or higher.  Any ideas?  Some folks have told 
me that IINET's $24.95 per month is the best?!  What do you all think?

Thanks for the help,

Cal Conkey


2003-08-21 Thread info

Hi guys and gals,

Say I just wanted to commend to you Barry down at the Applecentre 
near the Carousel Mall on Albany hwy.  I have never met such a Mac 
loving PC dude! :)  I came by with a Bluetooth problem (couldn't get 
my Palm 505 to sync properly with my G4) last weekend and he fixed it 
right up for me, and he didn't even charge me for his time.  As I 
always say, "Cheap is good, but free is better!"  Now I'm not saying 
this so everyone will go down there and use up his time for free! 
But I was quite impressed by his friendliness and his depth of 
knowledge about Macintoshes.

I call this, "The Proof is in the Pudding", test...while I was 
waiting to meet with him I overheard him very wisely counseling an EX 
PC guy who was "converting" to Mac.  He went on for quite some time 
telling him that they had made the right decision and the Mac was the 
wave of the future!  Wow!  And of course the ultimate proof is that 
he owns and uses, even in his office, a lovely little iBook with a 
cool iSight webcam on top of it!

Sure he is a businessman and needs to make money, but a more 
supportive Mac man in the PC world I don't think you will find.  Good 
on ya, Barry!  Go down there this weekend and see if what I say is 
true...and get your bluetooth working at the same time, like I did.


Cal Conkey

More help needed!

2003-07-21 Thread info
OK, I'm sure that someone has probably asked this already...but how 
in the world do I change the default settings in OSX to print in A4 
size paper rather than US size?


Cal Conkey

Re: Help with OSX

2003-07-14 Thread info
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Wow, that worked, 
hallelujah!! i owe you big time, Shay!

I'm fr


Help with OSX

2003-07-14 Thread info

Hi guys,

I'm not sure what I did but somehow I caused my OSX 10.2.+ to start 
an animation whenever I touch the ctrl, option, apple or shift keys! 
It makes a sound and shows a little image of the keys icon in the 
upper right hand side of the screen. It is driving me mad! And I 
can't turn it off! Help!! What did I do???


Cal Conkey

Need help on display card!

2003-06-13 Thread info

Hi guys,

I need some help on the use of a video display. I had a PowerMac 7600 
that had a ATI Mach64 video display card in it running to monitors. It 
worked great until the computer started to have other problems and I 
needed to replace it. I got a G3 266 mhz beige machine and put the 
same video display card in it and it would not work! One monitor would 
come on and the other would simply show snow! I tried a number of 
things with no change. I have been looking all over the web for any 
indication that there might be an incompatibility problem with the G3. 
All I can find is information on folks using pre-G3 machines with this 
display board, but no conclusive evident of it actually not working 
with a G3. Anyone out there used a video display card with a Beige G3 
to run dual monitors? Help!!!

Any idea where I can find conclusively what video card will work with 
my Beige G3?


Cal Conkey

Need help on display card!

2003-06-11 Thread info

Hi guys,

I need some help on the use of a video display. I had a PowerMac 7600 
that had a ATI Mach64 video display card in it running to monitors. It 
worked great until the computer started to have other problems and I 
needed to replace it. I got a G3 266 mhz beige machine and put the 
same video display card in it and it would not work! One monitor would 
come on and the other would simply show snow! I tried a number of 
things with no change. I have been looking all over the web for any 
indication that there might be an incompatibility problem with the G3. 
All I can find is information on folks using pre-G3 machines with this 
display board, but no conclusive evident of it actually not working 
with a G3. Anyone out there used a video display card with a Beige G3 
to run dual monitors? Help!!!

Any idea where I can find conclusively what video card will work with 
my Beige G3?


Cal Conkey

Titanium PowerBook + Goodies for Sale

2001-10-03 Thread info
I have details available of a
Titanium Power Book G4 (500mhz) for Sale
Along with LaCie 60Gb Fire wire /USB
LaCie CDRW Firewire /USB
Harman Kardon Sound Sticks

now surplus to requirements:

For full details and price contact:

Mr Rae Davison
Equity Finance

on 08 9535 5111
HiMac of Mandurah
Authorised Apple Solutions Reseller
Graphic Design & Web publishing

TPG Internet Direct Dealer
?monthly connections from *$9.90?

Tel: 0500 555 472
Fax: 0500 555473
Direct mobile: 04 11 55 05 45

?it?s hard to make a come back, when you haven?t been anywhere?