Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Rob Findlay
Open a terminal window and type Man FTP. Or get a copy of ManOpen from and read it that way. You know that if you use a web
browser like safari you can log into an FTP server and the disk of the
server mounts like a network drive. Haven't tried to do anything useful that
was but it's interesting.

 Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
 uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great deal
 of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
 difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
 For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Dark Servant
That would be cool but the directory is set up as http.  I don't really 
know all that much about this.  Perhaps there is a way to access via 
the browser using an ftp directory but I'm not aware of it.  Thanks for 
the help with the terminal though I'll have a crack at it.

Ruben A. Franke

Open a terminal window and type Man FTP. Or get a copy of ManOpen 
from and read it that way. You know that if you use a web
browser like safari you can log into an FTP server and the disk of the
server mounts like a network drive. Haven't tried to do anything 
useful that

was but it's interesting.

Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great 

of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very

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Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Ryan Schotte
Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp 
uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great deal 
of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's 
difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.

I know. And even reliable Shareware ones seem hard to find... version 2
of 'Anarchie' was the best I've ever used, still. Shame they don't sell
it anymore... 'Transmit' is very good, if a little unfinished around
some edges, but at US$25 is a bit expensive for casual (student) usage.

For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very 

Assuming you're moderately comfortable with the terminal already, try
reading through this document:
Section 4.2 describes with the ftp client included with OS X, I _think_.
But they're all pretty much the same.

With web sites, always remember to upload txt/html/php/php4 files as
ascii, and other stuff like movies and pictures as binary. Typing
'ascii' or 'binary' at the ftp prompt sets this. Default is binary.

Also, typing '?' at the ftp prompt will display a list of commands.
Typing '? cmd' will describe it briefly.

'man ftp' at a terminal prompt will show you more than you ever wanted
to know, and isn't friendly about it. A tutorial on the net will be
better, like that howto.

You should also be aware that ftp is insecure - your password is
transmitted unencrypted. Not a great problem if just logging in to your
ISP, but for anything going across the Greater Internet there are
sometimes more secure means available like sftp. If there's not,
encourage it ;)

Hope that helps,


Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Rob Davies
Hi Ruben,

My first thought. this is a web page and how are you planning on coding
this page manually or through a GUI package maybe even a html editor;
because the last 2 in most packages I have seen or used they incorporate
a uploader and or link to specific site or pages locally.

Rob Davies

'If values are uncertain, if they are still too abstract to determine the
particular, concrete case under consideration, nothing remains but to
trust our instincts.'
John Paul Sartre

On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Dark Servant wrote:

 Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
 uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great deal
 of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
 difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
 For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very

 Ruben A. Franke

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Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Stephen Atherton


I was just about to list a few terminal commands for FTP when I thought 
, why not use WebDAV?

A much more Mac-like experience where you just mount the server like 
another hard drive (as you do with iDisk). The server will need WebDAV 
activated but it may be already. This is how I copy files up to my 
website on a Linux server.

Below idea a good one too. Certainly GoLive and Dreamweaver have a good 
interface to upload files.


On 02/04/2004, at 8:50 AM, Rob Davies wrote:

Hi Ruben,

My first thought. this is a web page and how are you planning on coding
this page manually or through a GUI package maybe even a html editor;
because the last 2 in most packages I have seen or used they 

a uploader and or link to specific site or pages locally.

Rob Davies

'If values are uncertain, if they are still too abstract to determine 

particular, concrete case under consideration, nothing remains but to
trust our instincts.'
John Paul Sartre

On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Dark Servant wrote:

Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great 

of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very

Ruben A. Franke

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WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Neil Houghton
This all seems very complicated. If, like me, you're used to the
user-friendly old Mac way, before we had to worry about things like unix,
terminal  the like, check out some of the web-hosting that include a
browser based control panel that makes uploading files, setting up email
accounts, password-protecting directories etc simpler than setting up an OSX
Mac :o)

I use hosting shop and chose a cPanel Junior account.
It looks like it has gone up to $139 a year (I paid $125) and the traffic
has been reduced to 2GB/month (4GB when I signed up a year  a half ago)
but, as that includes my domain name registration charges, it still seems
pretty reasonable to me. I am sure that there are other providers offering
the same sort of interface.

All site management is done by logging into the control panel which has
icons for the following functions:
€Mail€Webmail   €Change Password
€Parked Domains  €Addon Domains €FTP Manager
€File Manager€Disk usage€Backup
€Password Protect Directories   €Error pages
€Subdomains  €MySQL Databases   €SSH/Shell Access
€Redirects   €Frontpage Extensions
€Web/FTP Stats   €Raw Access Logs   €Raw Log Manager
€Error log   €Subdomain Stats   €Search Engine Submit
€Chatroom€PhpMyChat €Bulletin Board
€CGI Center  €Scripts Library   €Agora Shopping Cart
€Cron jobs   €Network Tools €MIME Types
€Apache Handlers €Manage OpenPGP Keys
€HotLink Protection  €Index Manager €IP Deny Manager

I have only had cause to use a few of these so far but in terms of setting
up my first website it has all been very easy.

To upload files, for example, click on the file manager, you see your
sites top level folder structure, click on folders to navigate to your
target folder (eg www) and click the upload files button you can then
browse your Mac's hard drive and select the files you want to upload - you
can select up to 12 files at a time and a check box gives you the option to
overwrite existing files of the same name - then press the upload button.
That's it, all done from IE or safari, no FTP software required. A message
confirms successful upload. You can also delete, rename, move and copy files
 folders + change permissions all from the same window.

There are also support forums which include tutorials on how to do certain
things (set up email accounts, mySQL databases etc) but so far I've found it
all pretty self explanatory.

As you can probably tell, I've been very happy with it and it's all been a
lot easier than I expected - not often I can say that about computers
nowadays even using Macs :(

I realise the above may not be too helpful if you're already locked into a
hosting package which doesn't offer it - but if not check it out.

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137

 From: Ryan Schotte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 01:58:55 +0800
 To: WAMUG Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Terminal FTP
 Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
 uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great deal
 of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
 difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
 I know. And even reliable Shareware ones seem hard to find... version 2
 of 'Anarchie' was the best I've ever used, still. Shame they don't sell
 it anymore... 'Transmit' is very good, if a little unfinished around
 some edges, but at US$25 is a bit expensive for casual (student) usage.
 For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very
 Assuming you're moderately comfortable with the terminal already, try
 reading through this document:
 Section 4.2 describes with the ftp client included with OS X, I _think_.
 But they're all pretty much the same.
 With web sites, always remember to upload txt/html/php/php4 files as
 ascii, and other stuff like movies and pictures as binary. Typing
 'ascii' or 'binary' at the ftp prompt sets this. Default is binary.
 Also, typing '?' at the ftp prompt will display a list of commands.
 Typing '? cmd' will describe it briefly.
 'man ftp' at a terminal prompt will show you more than you ever wanted
 to know, and isn't friendly about it. A tutorial on the net will be
 better, like that howto.
 You should also be aware that ftp is insecure - your password is
 transmitted unencrypted. Not a great problem if just logging in to your
 ISP, but for anything going across the Greater Internet there are
 sometimes more secure means available like sftp. If there's not,
 encourage it ;)
 Hope that helps,
 -- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
 Archives -

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Paul Mulroney

Hi Reuben,

On Friday, April 2, 2004, at 05:05  AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great deal
of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very

I use RBrowser, which seems to work reliably for me.

If you want to use the terminal, type ftp sitename, and you'll be 
prompted for username and password.  You'll need to use commands like 
cd to change directories, binary to switch to binary transfer mode, 
get to download files and put to upload files.

RBrowser is a Mac app, makes it much much easier.

Paul W. Mulroney
Logical Developments

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 86 Coolgardie Street  BENTLEY  WA  6102
Ph: +61 8 9458 3889   ICQ# 154484472Fax: +61 8 9458 7204

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Paul Mulroney

Hi Ryan,

On Friday, April 2, 2004, at 05:05  AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

I know. And even reliable Shareware ones seem hard to find... version 2
of 'Anarchie' was the best I've ever used, still. Shame they don't sell
it anymore... 'Transmit' is very good, if a little unfinished around
some edges, but at US$25 is a bit expensive for casual (student) usage.

Anarchie changed name and became Interarchy.  It's not free.  But, it 
is good.

Paul W. Mulroney
Logical Developments

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 86 Coolgardie Street  BENTLEY  WA  6102
Ph: +61 8 9458 3889   ICQ# 154484472Fax: +61 8 9458 7204

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Dark Servant
I have been doing my coding with Taco HTML Edit and uploading with 
Cyberduck.  One of the first things I checked for on Taco was an upload 
feature.  Cyberduck seems to work for single file transfers and only 
crashes occasionally but it's a little more difficult when dealing with 
larger quantities.  Curtin uni has fetch registered for educational use 
in their eMac labs and that worked really well.

Thanks to everyone

Hi Ruben,

My first thought. this is a web page and how are you planning on coding
this page manually or through a GUI package maybe even a html editor;
because the last 2 in most packages I have seen or used they 

a uploader and or link to specific site or pages locally.

Rob Davies

'If values are uncertain, if they are still too abstract to determine 

particular, concrete case under consideration, nothing remains but to
trust our instincts.'
John Paul Sartre

On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Dark Servant wrote:

Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great 

of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very

Ruben A. Franke

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-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
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WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Dark Servant
Awsome.  I tried it as soon as I read your email because I'm familiar 
with the connect to server system.  Worked within seconds.  Great 

Thanks heaps and thank you to everyone else for your input.
Ruben A. Franke

On 01/04/2004, at 11:51 PM, Dark Servant wrote:

Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp 
uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great 
deal of money to throw around at shareware products here and there 
and it's difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be 
very reliable.

In addition to using Terminal or Safari, you can choose Go  Connect 
to Server... in the Finder. In the dialog which appears, type ftp://; 
followed by the name of the server you are connecting to, eg,;. When you provide a legitimate login and 
password the server Volume will mount on your desktop. You can then 
drag and drop files at will (depending on your permissions settings on 
the server, that is).

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer ServicesFileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Western Australia   Phone (618) 9332 6482Fax (618) 9332 0913

   Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Ryan Schotte

Anarchie changed name and became Interarchy.  It's not free.  But, it 
is good.

It's a little bloated these days for my liking though. It's just got so
much more functionality than I need I guess -- I want something simple
that doesn't crash every ten minutes.


Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Ryan Schotte

 In addition to using Terminal or Safari, you can choose Go  Connect 
 to Server... in the Finder. In the dialog which appears, type
 followed by the name of the server you are connecting to, eg,;. When you provide a legitimate login and 
 password the server Volume will mount on your desktop. You can then 
 drag and drop files at will (depending on your permissions settings
 the server, that is).

Okay, that sounds good. But I have never been able to use the Finder to
_upload_ things to ftp mounts - I assumed the functionality wasn't there
yet. It behaves for me as a read-only volume, even though I know I can
upload stuff in other programs.

What am I missing please??


Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Craig Ringer
On Fri, 2004-04-02 at 13:39, Ryan Schotte wrote:

 Okay, that sounds good. But I have never been able to use the Finder to
 _upload_ things to ftp mounts - I assumed the functionality wasn't there
 yet. It behaves for me as a read-only volume, even though I know I can
 upload stuff in other programs.

A lot of programs assume 'anonymous' == 'read only'. If you're using
anon ftp, that could be why.

If you're authenticating with a username  password, I have no idea.

I must say I was really impressed with the FTP interface in Safari. I
was expecting another ugly and clunky directory listing, Mozilla style,
or a bad pretend filesystem (IE/win style). The decision to hand off the
connection to the Finder's VFS works very well, and the interface seems
to deal surprisingly well with the slow nature of FTP. I'd love to see a
similar thing added to KDE/Konqueror.

Craig Ringer

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Ryan Schotte

A lot of programs assume 'anonymous' == 'read only'. If you're using
anon ftp, that could be why.

If you're authenticating with a username  password, I have no idea.

No, it seems the original post was incorrect - at least in implying the
Finder's FTP feature was relevant for uploading web pages.

Panther Finder's FTP is read-only. Safari has no FTP ability, but passes
the URL along to the Finder to process. 

So for uploading, still gotta use something else.


Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Dark Servant
Yes it appears that way.  Haven't really had much time to do anything 
with this stuff cause I'm a bit busy with uni studies atm.

Ruben A. Franke

A lot of programs assume 'anonymous' == 'read only'. If you're using
anon ftp, that could be why.

If you're authenticating with a username  password, I have no idea.

No, it seems the original post was incorrect - at least in implying the
Finder's FTP feature was relevant for uploading web pages.

Panther Finder's FTP is read-only. Safari has no FTP ability, but 

the URL along to the Finder to process.

So for uploading, still gotta use something else.


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Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Greg Pennefather
The simple and elegant solution is to use the Finder to connect to your ftp
server.  In the Go menu choose Connect to Server   In the dialogue
box that appears, enter the server address as ftp://server.address (or and this can be stored as a favourite.  You will be prompted
for your username and password (that can be added to your Keychain and the
server mounts on the desktop (and in the Finder sidebar in Panther).  Copy
files to and fro as you like.

The only issue I don't know about is how it handles binary and ascii file

I hope this helps



 From: Neil Houghton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 11:42:38 +0800
 To: WAMUG Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Terminal FTP
 This all seems very complicated. If, like me, you're used to the
 user-friendly old Mac way, before we had to worry about things like unix,
 terminal  the like, check out some of the web-hosting that include a
 browser based control panel that makes uploading files, setting up email
 accounts, password-protecting directories etc simpler than setting up an OSX
 Mac :o)
 I use hosting shop and chose a cPanel Junior account.
 It looks like it has gone up to $139 a year (I paid $125) and the traffic
 has been reduced to 2GB/month (4GB when I signed up a year  a half ago)
 but, as that includes my domain name registration charges, it still seems
 pretty reasonable to me. I am sure that there are other providers offering
 the same sort of interface.
 All site management is done by logging into the control panel which has
 icons for the following functions:
   €Mail€Webmail   €Change Password
   €Parked Domains  €Addon Domains €FTP Manager
   €File Manager€Disk usage€Backup
   €Password Protect Directories   €Error pages
   €Subdomains  €MySQL Databases   €SSH/Shell Access
   €Redirects   €Frontpage Extensions
   €Web/FTP Stats   €Raw Access Logs   €Raw Log Manager
   €Error log   €Subdomain Stats   €Search Engine Submit
   €Chatroom€PhpMyChat €Bulletin Board
   €CGI Center  €Scripts Library   €Agora Shopping Cart
   €Cron jobs   €Network Tools €MIME Types
   €Apache Handlers €Manage OpenPGP Keys
   €HotLink Protection  €Index Manager €IP Deny Manager
 I have only had cause to use a few of these so far but in terms of setting
 up my first website it has all been very easy.
 To upload files, for example, click on the file manager, you see your
 sites top level folder structure, click on folders to navigate to your
 target folder (eg www) and click the upload files button you can then
 browse your Mac's hard drive and select the files you want to upload - you
 can select up to 12 files at a time and a check box gives you the option to
 overwrite existing files of the same name - then press the upload button.
 That's it, all done from IE or safari, no FTP software required. A message
 confirms successful upload. You can also delete, rename, move and copy files
  folders + change permissions all from the same window.
 There are also support forums which include tutorials on how to do certain
 things (set up email accounts, mySQL databases etc) but so far I've found it
 all pretty self explanatory.
 As you can probably tell, I've been very happy with it and it's all been a
 lot easier than I expected - not often I can say that about computers
 nowadays even using Macs :(
 I realise the above may not be too helpful if you're already locked into a
 hosting package which doesn't offer it - but if not check it out.
 Neil R. Houghton
 Albany, Western Australia
 Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
 Fax: +61 8 9841 6137
 From: Ryan Schotte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 01:58:55 +0800
 To: WAMUG Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Terminal FTP
 Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp
 uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great deal
 of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's
 difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
 I know. And even reliable Shareware ones seem hard to find... version 2
 of 'Anarchie' was the best I've ever used, still. Shame they don't sell
 it anymore... 'Transmit' is very good, if a little unfinished around
 some edges, but at US$25 is a bit expensive for casual (student) usage.
 For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very
 Assuming you're moderately comfortable with the terminal already, try
 reading through this document:
 Section 4.2 describes with the ftp client included with OS X, I _think_.
 But they're all pretty much the same.
 With web sites, always remember to upload txt/html/php/php4 files as
 ascii, and other stuff like movies and pictures as binary. Typing

Re: Terminal FTP

2004-04-02 Thread Greg Pennefather

You are absolutely right.  Sorry to all for appearing smug about my simple
and elegant solution.  Apple has an article
( on this and I have
included it below



Mac OS X 10.2 or Later: Cannot Copy to FTP Servers in the Finder

Article ID:

You can use the Connect To Server command to connect to an FTP server in the
Finder, but you will have read-only access. You cannot copy, or upload, to
an FTP volume in the Finder.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server volumes available in the Finder have
read-only access, even when the FTP server is set to allow you write access.

 If you want to copy files from a Mac OS X computer to an FTP server, you
need to use an application other than the Finder.

 You can use the Terminal utility or a third-party FTP utility such as:

? Interarchy, by Stairways Software (
?  Fetch, by Fetch Softworks (
?  Transmit, by Panic, Inc. (

 From: Ryan Schotte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri,  2 Apr 2004 13:39:23 +0800
 To: WAMUG Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Terminal FTP
 In addition to using Terminal or Safari, you can choose Go  Connect
 to Server... in the Finder. In the dialog which appears, type
 followed by the name of the server you are connecting to, eg,;. When you provide a legitimate login and
 password the server Volume will mount on your desktop. You can then
 drag and drop files at will (depending on your permissions settings
 the server, that is).
 Okay, that sounds good. But I have never been able to use the Finder to
 _upload_ things to ftp mounts - I assumed the functionality wasn't there
 yet. It behaves for me as a read-only volume, even though I know I can
 upload stuff in other programs.
 What am I missing please??
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 WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Terminal FTP

2004-04-01 Thread Dark Servant
Could someone please tell me how I can use the terminal for ftp 
uploading to a server for a web page?  I don't really have a great deal 
of money to throw around at shareware products here and there and it's 
difficult to find a reliable freeware ftp client.
For what I want to do it would work well and I'm sure it would be very 

Ruben A. Franke