[wanita-muslimah] Iranian military officers killed in attack: report

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Iranian military officers killed in attack: report 
October 18, 2009 - 6:29PM 

Several senior officers in Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Corps were killed 
in an attack early Sunday in the south-eastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, 
Fars news agency reported.

In this terrorist act, General Nur-Ali Shushtari, deputy commander of the 
Revolutionary Guards land army, General Mohammad-Zadeh, commander of the 
Revolutionary Guards in Sistan-Baluchestan province, the Guards' commander for 
the town of Iranshahr and the commander of the Amir al-Momenin unit died, the 
news agency reported.

It was the biggest strike in recent years on the Revolutionary Guards.

Parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani confirmed the officers' death in an 
announcement to parliament which was broadcast on television.

Iran has previously accused shadowy Sunni group Jundallah (Soldiers of God) of 
launching regular attacks in the province, which borders both Afghanistan and 

Sistan-Baluchestan is home to a sizeable Baluch minority which adheres to Sunni 
Islam. Jundallah is strongly opposed to the government of predominantly Shiite 

© 2009 AFP

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Maths whiz, gardener and bully: the many sides of bin Laden, family man

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Maths whiz, gardener and bully: the many sides of bin Laden, family man
October 18, 2009 

OSAMA bin Laden's first wife has given a revealing insight into the complex 
character of the world's most wanted terrorist.

Najwa bin Laden has published a memoir claiming he was a contradiction of 
personality traits. She says he was a disciplinarian who would beat his 
children for showing too many teeth when they smiled, but maintained a passion 
for growing sunflowers and driving fast cars. He also banned the use of 
electrical appliances in his home and tried to toughen up his sons by making 
them climb desert mountains without water.

Details from the home life of the founder of al-Qaeda and purported mastermind 
of the September 11 attacks have emerged in the book Najwa has written with son 
Omar, 28.

Growing Up Bin Laden charts bin Laden's journey from teenage newlywed to the 
face of international terrorism, revealing along the way that he was fond of 
mangoes and the BBC.

Alongside details of his domestic life, the memoir portrays a man who became 
increasingly severe as he was pursued by the Western powers.

Najwa married bin Laden when he was 17 and she was 15 and went on to bear seven 
sons, including Omar, and four daughters. Bin Laden went on to take a total of 
six wives and kept them in seclusion in spartan homes in Saudi Arabia and Sudan 
where they were not allowed to use electrical appliances, according to the 
book, which will be published in Britain next month.

In lighter moments his sons admired his horsemanship and he liked to show off 
his mathematical ability by challenging people to beat his arithmetic with a 
calculator. Najwa added: ''Osama's favourite undertaking was working the land.''

Omar and his mother left Afghanistan before September 11, 2001 and neither is 
in contact with Osama bin Laden. Omar married Jane Felix-Browne, a British 
grandmother, in 2006. They are thought to be living in the Middle East. 


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[wanita-muslimah] Pakistan 'at threat' + State of denial

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Pakistan 'at threat'
October 18, 2009 
Pakistan says militants threaten the sovereignty of the nation after a twin 
suicide bombing capped a wave of attacks killing more than 170 people this 

At crisis talks on plotting a course of action, army chief General Ashfaq 
Pervez Kayani gave a detailed briefing on the national security situation.

The military and political leaders condemned the rise in attacks and observed 
that the militant elements posed ''a serious threat to the sovereignty and 
integrity of the state''.

Chaired by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, the meeting was attended by 
leaders of all political parties. It followed an increase in a two-year Taliban 
and al-Qaeda-linked campaign of suicide bombing and armed assaults in Pakistan.


ANALYSIS: State of denial -Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi

 Pakistan's political and socially active circles need to come out of their 
state of denial. Pakistan will not be able to overcome the threat of terrorism 
unless its political and social elites accept the reality that terrorists have 
their roots within Pakistan

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon in Lahore. There have been several deadly 
incidents during the last two years. What distinguishes the terrorist attacks 
on October 15 is the coordinated assault at three different locations belonging 
to law enforcement agencies.

The Lahore incidents are part of the latest series of terrorist attacks that 
began with the suicide bombing at the UN Food Programme office in Islamabad on 
October 5, followed by the suicide attack at a marketplace in Peshawar and a 
daredevil attack on the outer perimeter of the army headquarters in Rawalpindi.

On October 15, when attention was focused on Lahore, two attacks took place in 
Kohat and Peshawar, raising the total number of attacks to five in one day. 
Never in the past have five attacks taken place in one day in urban areas. On 
October 16, Peshawar experienced two suicide attacks.

The string of terrorist attacks is a reminder of what many people in official 
and non-official circles tend to deny, that terrorist groups continue to be 
entrenched not only in the tribal areas but also in the mainland. These groups 
have a tendency to proliferate and regroup after security agencies take some 
action against them.

The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for these 
attacks, demonstrating that it has overcome the problems associated with 
leadership transition from Baitullah to Hakimullah Meshud. It has also shown 
that it has the capacity to strike at any place in Pakistan and at a time of 
its choosing. This is an attempt to wrest the initiative from the security 
forces for deciding the venue of confrontation. The TTP wants to deter military 
action in South Waziristan by building security pressure in cities.

These attacks also aim at demoralising security personnel and weakening the 
confidence of people in Pakistan's civilian and military authorities. If 
anything, the latest attacks appear to represent a renewed attempt on the part 
of the Pakistani Taliban and their associates in Punjab to overwhelm Pakistani 
state authorities.

Initially, local Punjab-based groups had limited interaction with the Taliban. 
The former generally facilitated the suicide bombers as they reached some city 
on a suicide mission. Their interaction has expanded by now, and is a lot more 
than just facilitation. Now, Punjab-based groups directly take part in 
TTP-sponsored attacks. This is expected to make Punjab and other parts of 
Pakistan more vulnerable to terrorism.

There are two broad categories of militant groups in the Punjab: sectarian and 
Kashmir-oriented groups. Their activities were curtailed as the government 
banned them and came hard on their activists. The security agencies also 
stopped facilitating their cross-LoC movement. Some of these groups resurfaced 
under new nomenclature while the leadership and the hardcore developed linkages 
with the Taliban because they could get safe haven as well as training for new 
recruits in the tribal areas.

Militant elements linked with various groups are to be found in the southern as 
well as central regions of Punjab. Some are remnants of old sectarian groups; 
others defected from parent groups to create new ones that function 
autonomously. There is no single command directing these groups. They may 
cooperate with each other or work separately. Some of them undertake joint 
operations with the Taliban; they also secure new recruits through their 
connections with local clergy and madrassas.

A lot of attention is now focused on Southern Punjab with reference to reported 
increased involvement of Punjab-based groups. Two factors, hitherto neglected, 
are mainly responsible for increased religious extremism and pro-militancy 

[wanita-muslimah] Illiteracy root cause of terrorism: PM

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Illiteracy root cause of terrorism: PM 
Sharafat Kazmi

Islamabad-Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday said that 
education is his government's top priority as illiteracy is the root cause of 
terrorism. Speaking at the inauguration of upgradation of NUML College in 
Mianwali to university, the Prime Minister praised PTI Chairman Imran Khan for 
setting up the institute and said giving access to education is a noble cause 
as knowledge is power. 

Degree classes at the university have commenced from Saturday. 

The Prime Minister also announced 100 scholarships worth 200,000 each, and said 
it will help the deserving students of Mianwali to get quality education. 

He said Imran Khan was doing a great service in the field of education in a 
remote area of Pakistan. 

Prime Minister Gilani said that the government will strive to give best 
emoluments to the teachers, who are the builders of the nation, so that they 
can fully concentrate on educating the future generations of Pakistan. 

He also lauded the services being rendered by Shaukat Khanum Hospital in 
Lahore, also set up by the former cricketer. 

The Prime Minister said that his government is also doing its best to provide 
health facilities in the country. 

He recalled that his forefathers were instrumental in setting up educational 
institutions in Multan and one of such institutes is still considered best in 
that region. 

He said it was his earnest desire to follow the footsteps of his forefathers.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] China Sees Diminishing Returns With Russia

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

China Sees Diminishing Returns With Russia 
15 October 2009
By Alexander Lukin
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Wen 
Jiabao, in Beijing on Tuesday. An official meeting between the two countries' 
prime ministers will be held annually under the auspices of Russian-Chinese 
strategic cooperation and as part of efforts to form a permanent bilateral 
commission. Issues involving trade and economic cooperation are usually the 
main focus of these talks. During the latest visit, Putin and Wen signed more 
than 20 agreements on projects involving bilateral cooperation. 

A joint communique was signed announcing the start of cooperation on ballistic 
missiles and missile delivery vehicles, as well as the establishment of 
cultural centers. There also were agreements on improving customs controls, 
developing high-speed train lines in Russia and cooperation between Russian and 
Chinese special economic zones. 

The results of this visit are extremely important because it is precisely in 
the area of trade and economic cooperation that the greatest number of problems 
exist. Since early this year, bilateral trade volumes have dropped by more than 
35 percent compared with the same period last year. And although China's trade 
volume has also dropped with most other countries as a result of the crisis, it 
is falling at the greatest rate with Russia.

The global economic crisis has further aggravated old problems in bilateral 
trade and economic relations, leading to the current situation. As a result, it 
is now clear that the goal set by the leaders of both countries to increase the 
trade volume to $60 billion to $80 billion by 2010 will not be met. The same is 
true regarding investment targets. It is possible that Russia will drop from 
being China's eighth-largest trading partner to the 15th or 16th largest, 
falling behind countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, India, the Netherlands, 
and possibly Britain, Brazil, Thailand and France. That would further decrease 
the mutual importance of Russia and China as trading partners.

Two additional trends characterize Russian-Chinese trade relations. First, 
Russia is running a substantial trade deficit that first appeared in 2007. 
Second, the share of machinery and equipment in Russian exports has dropped 
sharply. The trade deficit has decreased somewhat during the crisis because of 
an even sharper decline in Russian imports compared with exports. (Imports fell 
by 48.2 percent in the first half of 2009, while exports fell by only 24.1 
percent over the same period.) Of course, that hardly constitutes a long-term 
solution to the problem.

In this sense, the crisis has only underscored the main problems of 
Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation - problems that were well known 
beforehand and that analysts pointed out long ago. They include:

. Systemic corruption. This problem has spread through all areas of trade, a 
significant portion of which is carried out by organized criminal groups among 
the business communities in both countries, as well as by representatives of 
Russian government agencies such as the border and customs services, the 
Interior Ministry and regional administrations. In the current system, a 
significant percentage of all goods crossing the border are never declared, 
with the result being that both official figures for trade volume and budgetary 
income from customs fees are correspondingly lower. Russia is battling illegal 
trade. One measure was the closure in June of Moscow's Cherkizovsky Market - a 
main retail outlet for contraband goods. However, these measures are 
insufficient and haphazard. When the authorities shut down one place where 
contraband goods are sold, traders quickly find another venue for doing 
business. It would be far more effective to block the transit of contraband 
goods across the border, but to do that would require an overhaul of the entire 
Federal Customs Service.

. The unfavorable investment climate in Russia. Chinese businesspeople complain 
about Russia's confusing laws and other regulations, corruption in regional 
administrations and law enforcement bodies, and underdeveloped infrastructure 
as evidenced by the lack of decent roads, hotels and even toilets.

. The low quality of vehicles produced by the Russian automobile and truck 
industry that cannot effectively compete against vehicles available to Chinese 
buyers and made by other countries.

. Russian businesspeople's lack of familiarity with the Chinese market and 
business culture.

. The underdeveloped condition and high prices of Russia's tourism services. As 
a result, the number of Chinese tourists visiting Russia has steadily declined 
since 2004, while the number of Russian tourists visiting China has increased.

Without solutions to these problems, no further development in bilateral trade 

[wanita-muslimah] Bahasa

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Pengumuman besar budak dalam belon gagal berlaku
18/10/2009 3:43am

FORT COLLINS, Colorado 18 Okt. - 'Pengumuman besar' daripada bapa kepada budak 
yang dikhuatiri hilang di dalam belon helium gagal berlaku.

Richard Heene memberitahu pihak media pagi Sabtu bahawa dia akan membuat satu 
pengumuman pagi itu.

Bagaimanapun, apabila dia keluar dari rumah dan menuju ke arah mikrofon yang 
tersedia, dia berkata, dia akan meletakkan kotak di luar pintunya untuk 
mengambil soalan bertulis sahaja. 

Katanya dia akan menjawab soalan tersebut pada petang itu.

Kanak-kanak berkenaan ditemui menyorok di loteng garaj selepas ibubapanya 
melaporkan dia berada di dalam belon yang terlepas.

Penyiasat polis bercadang untuk menyoal Richard dan Mayumi sekali lagi bagi 
menyelesaikan persoalan sama ada drama tersebut mungkin sengaja dilakukan. - AP

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[wanita-muslimah] No woman nominee for the cabinet: presidential aide

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday, October 18, 2009 

No woman nominee for the cabinet: presidential aide
Tehran Times Political Desk 


TEHRAN - Samareh Hashemi, a senior advisor to the president, said on Sunday 
that no women will be proposed to the Majlis for the three vacant ministerial 

The president should name candidates for the ministries of welfare, energy, and 

In September, Iranian MPs endorsed 18 of the 21 nominees proposed for 
ministerial posts by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 

So far two of the nominated ministers have been finalized with the remaining 
one that is yet to be decided, the presidential advisor said. 

The names of proposed ministers will be released to the Majlis after lawmakers 
finish their study of the subsidies bill, he added. 

For the first time since the Islamic Revolution, women were named as ministers 
and a designate for the post of health minister won the parliamentary approval. 
However, the Majlis rejected the nominees for welfare and education ministers, 
citing lack of qualification. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] File - Tata Tertib dan Peraturan

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik wanita-muslimah



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Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik abdul latif
Alhamdulillah, setelah lebih 1 tahun hmnur menghilang, sekrang muncul lagi...
semoga sdr kita ini tdk lagi berkata kata burukdlm berdiskusi

Syariat Islam yang mana? 
Syariat Islam wahabi Fanatik, atau syariat Islam DR Quraish shihab,Ah tafsir?
Kalau kita mengikuti Syariat Taliban...maka semua tubuh dari kepala sampai 
ujung kaki adalah Aurat.
Kalau mengikuti tafsiran Ahli tafsir Indonesia, kepala, tangan dan kaki 
bukanlah aurat
Kalau mengikuti Hadits2 Palsu yg belum tentu ucapan Rasul, rambut kepala adalah 
Dalam Al Quran tidak ditentukan batas2 Aurat
Aurat menurut Al Quran, berdasarkan cerita adam dan hawa menutup kemaluan saja..
dengan daun2an, selain dari itu terbuka

Breaking News, Ulama Alazhar sudah mengharamkan cadar yaitu menutup semua muka

Kalau kita perhatikan HMNUR mengikuti pemahaman Islam Taliban yg tdk diberkahi 
oleh ALLAH perjuangannya.

--- On Sat, 10/17/09, H. M. Nur Abdurahman mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id wrote:

From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 12:13 PM



- Original Message - 

From: sunny am...@tele2. se

To: Undisclosed- Recipient: ;

Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 19:32

Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam

From: sunny am...@tele2. se

To: Undisclosed- Recipient: ;

Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam

Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009 19:33

Refleksi : Bagaimana kalau diwajibakan kepada orang laki agar tutup aurat 

tidak pakai jeans, open jas , dasi sutra, kemeja putih atau kaos Tshirt, 

baju batik etc, tetapi jubah dan turban dipakai  seperti nabi-nabi zaman 

dahulu kala.  Bukankah para nabi juga  tidak naik auto, sepeda, KA, becak, 

ojek, atau kapal terbang tetapi unta, kuda dan keledai.  Petinggi! tirulah 

para nabi agar masyarakt bisa insyaf dan ramai-ramai bisa tutup aurat.

 # # # # # # ##


Qaidah Usul Fiqh

Menyangkut ibadah mahdhah (ritual) berlaku qaidah SEMUA TIDAK BOLEH KECUALI 

SEPERTI YANG DICONTOHKAN. Seperti misalnya shalat maghrib dicontohkan 3 

raka'at, tidak boleh 1,2 4,5 dst... n raka'at.

Menyangkut ibadah ghair-mahdhah (non-ritual) berlaku qaidah: SEMUA BOLEH 

KECUALI YANG DILARANG, berpakaian termasuk ibadah ghair-mahdhah. Tidak ada 

larangan dalam Al-Quran dan Hadits untuk pakai, open jas , dasi, kemeja 

putih, kaos Tshirt, baju batik etc. jadi semua model pakaian yang menutup 

aurat diperbolehkan 





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Gempa Guncang Jakarta

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik abdul latif
Ulama2 Fundamentalis sudah banyak yang musryik, yaitu beriman kepada manusia 
Muslim,Bukhari dan Hurairahapalagi daerah Padang dan Aceh;

Mereka bukan beriman kepada ALLAH(al Quran) tapi beriman kepada 
manusia2,ulama2,imam2 dsb

“Dan kepunyaan-Nya-lah segala apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi, dan
untuk-Nya-lah ketaatan itu selama-lamanya. Maka mengapa kamu bertakwa
kepada selain Allah?” (Qs. An-Nahl [surah 16] ayat 52)

“Mereka(yauhdi,Nasrani)  menjadikan orang-orang alimnya, dan 
rahib-rahib(ulama2, imam2 muslim-Bukhari dll) mereka sebagai tuhan selain Allah 
QS 9:31

Sekiranya penduduk negeri-negeri beriman dan bertaqwa,
pastilah Kami akan melimpahkan kepada me-reka berkah dari langit dan
bumi(kekayaan,kemakmuran), tetapi mereka (ulama2)mendus-takan
(ayat-ayat Kami) itu, maka Kami siksa mereka di-sebabkan perbuatan
mereka sendiriQS.7: 96.

--- On Fri, 10/16/09, H. M. Nur Abdurahman mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id wrote:

From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Gempa Guncang Jakarta
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 11:19 PM



- Original Message - 

From: L.Meilany wpamu...@centrin. net.id

To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 07:16

Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Gempa Guncang Jakarta

Yg benar 16.52,

Maknanya haruslah kita taat dan menerima.


 # # # ###


QS 1652. dan kepunyaan-Nya- lah segala apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi, 

dan untuk-Nya-lah ketaatan itu selama-lamanya. Maka mengapa kamu bertakwa 

kepada selain Allah?



  - Original Message - 

  From: Dwi Soegardi

  To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com

  Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 11:02 PM

  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Gempa Guncang Jakarta

Waktu gempa 16:53

  al-Quran 16:53

  Dan apa saja ni'mat yang ada pada kamu, maka dari Allah-lah

  (datangnya), dan bila kamu ditimpa oleh kemudharatan, maka hanya

  kepada-Nya-lah kamu meminta pertolongan. 

Silakan dihubung-hubungkan.

Tanggal kejadian 16 Oktober.

  al-Quran 16:10

  Dia-lah, Yang telah menurunkan air hujan dari langit untuk kamu,

  sebahagiannya menjadi minuman dan sebahagiannya (menyuburkan)

  tumbuh-tumbuhan, yang pada (tempat tumbuhnya) kamu menggembalakan


atau 10:16 (kalau bulannya disebut duluan)

  Katakanlah: Jikalau Allah menghendaki, niscaya aku tidak

  membacakannya kepadamu dan Allah tidak (pula) memberitahukannya

  kepadamu. Sesungguhnya aku telah tinggal bersamamu beberapa lama

  sebelumnya [677]. Maka apakah kamu tidak memikirkannya? 

  [677] Maksudnya: sebelum Al Qur'an diturunkan

2009/10/16 asriprabosinta@ gmail.com:

   Ya, betul memang barusan ada gempa maka sy beritahu orang rumah (yang 

ada para pekerja RT) gempa! gempa ada gempa! Dgn keras supaya mrk dengar 

tetapi  karena tak ada sahutan, saya menganggap tak apa-apa atau barangkali 

hanya perasaan saja. Maka saya lanjut dgn kegiatan saya. Kalau di gedung 

tinggi ya pasti terasa.


   Sent from峴mart Stacey...!


   -Original Message-

   From: sunny am...@tele2. se

   Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 11:26:11

   To: Undisclosed- Recipient: ;Invalid address

   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Gempa Guncang Jakarta


   Refleksi : Jakarta siap menghadapi gempa? Bagaimana kalau gempa bumi 

terjadi waktu lagi banjir?




http://nasional. kompas.com/ read/xml/ 2009/10/16/ 16540673/ Gempa.Guncang. 


   Gempa Guncang Jakarta


   Adhi Kusumaputra/ KOMPAS

   Gedung-gedung tinggi di Jakarta. Apakah semua tahan gempa? Jumat, 16 

Oktober 2009 | 16:54 WIB


   JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Guncangan gempa beberapa menit terasa di 

gedung-gedung tinggi di Jakarta, Jumat (16/10) pada pukul 16.53. Beberapa 

karyawan gedung tinggi berteriak histeris saat gempa terjadi. Mereka 

berusaha turun melalui tangga untuk menghindari dampak gempa.


   Menurut Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, pusat gempa 

berkekuatan 6,4 skala Richter berasal dari 6,79 Lintang Selatan-105, 1 Bujur 

Timur, 45 km barat laut Ujung Kulon, dengan kedalaman 10 km. Jaraknya 

sekitar 300 km dari Kota Jakarta.


   Pembaca Kompas.com melaporkan, kepanikan terasa di pusat perbelanjaan 

WTC Matahari Serpong. Pengunjung berebutan keluar gedung itu saat guncangan 

gempa terjadi.


   Di Jakarta, sejumlah karyawan gedung tinggi berhamburan keluar, melalui 

tangga dururat. Mereka berteriak histeris.



   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




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   Milis Wanita Muslimah

   Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.

   Twitter: http://twitter. com/wanita_ muslimah

   Situs Web: http://www.wanita- 

[wanita-muslimah] Jordan girl killed for pregnancy outside marriage

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Jordan girl killed for pregnancy outside marriage

October 18, 2009 

Article from:  Agence France-Presse 
A JORDANIAN man was charged today with premeditated murder after allegedly 
stabbing to death his 22-year-old daughter because she became pregnant outside 
wedlock, police said.

The father and his brother took the girl on Saturday to a doctor because she 
suffered stomach pains, and everybody was surprised to learn that she was six 
months pregnant,'' a police spokesman said.

On their way home, the father stabbed the girl with a sword 25 times in her 
stomach, killing her immediately as well as her unborn baby boy.'' 

The source said the suspect has confessed to the crime following the murder, 
which took place in the Jordan Valley. 

His brother was also charged with premeditated murder, while the victim's 
boyfriend is being held in custody for his own protection,'' he added.

Murder is punishable by the death penalty in Jordan but in such cases of the 
so-called honour killings'' a court usually commutes or reduces sentences, 
particularly if the victim's family urges leniency. 

In the past, parliament has refused to institute harsher penalties. 

Around 15-20 women are murdered each year in Jordan in the name of honour, 
despite government efforts to fight such crimes. So far this year, 17 cases 
have been reported.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Arab education is very elementary

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Copyright (c) 2009 The Daily Star
Friday, October 16, 2009

Arab education is very elementary
By Raja Kamal 
Commentary by 

Many of the Arab countries have been blessed with vast reserves of oil and 
natural gas that became the dominant engines of the economic change over the 
past century. That, of course, is the good news. The bad news is that oil and 
natural gas still constitute the commercial foundation of much of the Arab 
world. All attempts to achieve economic diversity have failed.

If oil and natural gas were excluded from the various economies of what we 
define as the Arab world, with its 350 million inhabitants, their cumulative 
gross domestic product would amount to less than that of Finland, a country 
with a population of little over 5 million. With the exception of a few 
isolated pockets, the Middle East has failed miserably at catching up with the 
economic growth seen in most other corners of the world. If it is to turn this 
around, reforming the educational system-including colleges and 
universities-should be one of the starting points.
Higher education in the Arab world is witnessing fast growth. The recent bold 
Arab academic expansion reflects a serious attempt by rulers and policymakers 
to enable their citizenry to catch up with the rest of the world. It is 
believed that the construction of new colleges and universities would speed up 
the developmental progress and change. 

About 100 new colleges have been founded in the Arab world since the early 
1990s. Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have established over 40 universities 
alone during the same period. Mostly are private and the bulk are branches of 
or associated with American universities.

Arab universities have consistently produced graduates who have difficulty 
finding a place in the increasingly global economy. The last decade has seen an 
attempt to increase drastically the number of colleges in the Arab world. The 
latest has been the inauguration of the King Abdullah University of Science and 
Technology (KAUST). This $12.5 billion institution is being viewed as the 
catalyst that will start a great educational reversal.

Yet, this massive investment - which will make KAUST, on day one, among the 
richest 10 universities in the world - is a drop in the bucket. Even if 
successful, KAUST will serve few lucky students while the majority of the Saudi 
and Arab youths will still be victims of a system that teaches students what to 
think instead of how to think.

Will this massive investment expenditure in higher education pay off? Or, is it 
just a quick fix to a much deeper and serious problem?

In reality, the poor educational system in the Arab world is rooted in poor 
elementary education systems that are entrenched in religious studies and weak 
in math, science, and foreign languages. Several international tests reflect 
the poor performance of Arab students: they consistently score among the worst 
globally. With poorly trained and underpaid teachers most of whom do not 
encourage critical thinking, these poor results are not surprising.

Although no one will doubt the commitment of Arab leaders to promote and 
advance education in the Arab world, change must take place at the ministries 
of education in Riyadh and elsewhere in Arab capitals. Reforming the elementary 
educational system to strengthen instruction in essential subjects will allow 
students to succeed and to be prepared for higher education. This is the reform 
that will train teachers to inspire and motivate students to think instead of 
the current system that advocates memorization.

Each additional hour of religion taught in Arab public schools is one less hour 
taught in math and science - an hour badly needed to prepare students to be 
globally competitive. Religion must be diluted in the curriculum and taught 
after school or on the weekend. Studying religion should not compromise the 
essential education required to succeed in school and beyond. Tackling the 
problem should start with the drastic revamping of the early childhood 
education. This will require bold leadership currently nowhere to be found.

As for higher education, very few successful models exist now in the Arab 
world. The American University of Beirut (AUB) continues to be a unique 
exception to the norm. It has proven to be resilient and progressive since it's 
founding in 1866, weathering domestic and regional challenges. Yet, it never 
steered away from its core mission of preparing students to succeed globally by 
embracing critical thinking. AUB had the advantage of having a predominantly 
secular educational system to recruit students from.

Arab leaders should look to AUB as a model. No need to reinvent the wheel.

Raja Kamal is senior associate dean at the Harris School for Public Policy 
Studies at the University of Chicago. He wrote this commentary for THE DAILY 

[wanita-muslimah] The 'other' Kurdistan seethes with rage

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Oct 16, 2009

The 'other' Kurdistan seethes with rage
By Derek Henry Flood 

IRBIL - The Qandil Mountains in Iraqi Kurdistan have maintained a reputation 
for relative tranquility and stability in a diagonal belt across northern Iraq 
while much of the rest of the country has burned with sectarian nihilism and 
anti-occupation insurgency. 

Three years ago, the California public relations firm Russo Marsh  Rogers 
launched an advertising campaign entitled The Other Iraq [1] which showed 
Kurds at peace and thankful for the removal of dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003. 
The campaign was intended to lure American and British private investment to 
Iraqi Kurdistan and to let the world know that at least part of the war was an 
outright success at a time when the Iraqi insurgency was at its worst. 

All this glossed over the fact that Iraq's Kurds had been operating as a de 
facto state for quite some time - since the implementation of Operation 
Northern Watch in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War (though this process of 
democratization was interrupted by the Kurdish civil war of the mid-1990s). 

Iraqi Kurdistan is a stable statelet that is remarkably secular in its outlook. 
The area suffers from only the rare suicide attack, and it even has an army of 
trash trucks providing regular rubbish pick-ups. 

This unusual serenity is run by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and its 
President and CEO Massoud Barzani. Indeed, the three KRG governorates of 
Duhok, Irbil and Sulaimaniyah are for the most part oases of relative calm in 

 According to a source in the General Security Directorate, known locally in 
Kurdish as the Asayish, all of the territory held by the KRG is admittedly not 
under its control. Very recently, Asia Times Online made a clandestine trip to 
the notorious Qandil Mountains along the Iraq-Iran border region where the 
Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), from southeastern Turkey, and the Party for a 
Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK), from northwestern Iran, control territory. 

As, over time, the KRG fuses with the once-rival ruling parties, the Kurdistan 
Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and trade 
increases rapidly with Turkey and, to a lesser degree, with Iran and Syria, the 
notion of a sovereign Iraqi Kurdish state becomes more plausible while making 
the fantasy of reunification of Greater Kurdistan much less so. 

Kurdistan cannot escape its landlocked geography quadrisected in the ashes of 
World War I. The roughly 35 million ethnic Kurds are the world's largest ethnic 
group without their own country. Iraqi Kurdistan's ruling politicians and their 
corresponding corporate interests are now shuttling between the central 
government in Baghdad and various regional capitals to feel out which way the 
winds of change are blowing. 

The Kurds have been caught in a web of wildly varying, intolerant nationalisms 
for most of the post-Ottoman era from which they have not been able to escape. 
The most significant of these is Turkey's secular and militarist Kemalism. 
Mustafa Kemal, known as Ataturk the Father of Turks, replaced the unifying 
Islam of the dying Ottoman caliphate with so-called Turkishness. 

Millions of Kurds, in what would become the Turkish Republic, were to be 
absurdly labeled Mountain Turks. Ataturk insisted on doing away with any 
cultural practice related to the caliphate, including the tolerance of 
linguistic and religious minorities under its jurisdiction. 

The newly created Turkey, forged in 1923, left no room for Kurdishness and 
Turkey's Kurds began rebelling almost at once. The 1979 Islamic Revolution in 
neighboring Iran did away with the enforced secularism of the Pahlavi dynasty 
and enshrined a form of Shi'itism as the state ideology around which the 
nascent Islamic Republic was formed. 

The then-new Iranian regime presented itself to the outside world as a pious 
Persian Shi'ite monolith, leaving little room for Iran's restive, mostly Sunni 
Kurdish minority. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's unorthodox interpretation of 
traditional Shi'itism and the creation of the velayat-e-faqih (The rule of the 
jurisprudent - considered an unwelcome innovation by much of the Shi'ite 
clerical establishment) left the Kurds of Iran's Kordestan and Western 
Azerbaijan provinces disaffected even more so. 

The takeover of Iraq and Syria by Ba'athists in the 1960s led to the rise of a 
myopic pan-Arabism in Baghdad and Damascus that left no room for the Kurds' 
distinct language, culture and traditions. The Cold War Arab socialism of the 
Ba'ath party was, for the Kurds, simply more ethno-chauvinist demagoguery, 
that, as in Turkey and Iran, was bent on the destruction of their massive 
stateless nation. 

One of the only identifying factors that these highly divergent ideologies of 
Kemalism, Khomenism and Ba'athism had in common was their policy of constant 


2009-10-18 Terurut Topik abdul latif
Innalilahi wainnaillahirajiuun.
Klompok Tentara Allah Sunni Ekrims di Iran melakukan bom2 bunuh diri di Mesdjid 
dan ditempat2 umum,sudah banyak manusia civil Syiah yang menjadi korban.

Di Yamen. tentara pemerintah Wahabi menyerang klompok Syiah.
Di Saudi Arabia, 2 juta umat Syiah di perlakukan discriminasi, 2 mesdjid Syiah 
di tutup.
Di Iraq, 85 000 rakyat Irak (Syiah dan wahabi) yg terbunuh oleh bom2 bunuh diri 
Di Dubai dan Emerart Arab, umat Islam syiah diperlakukan diskriminasi.

Ulama2 islam sedunia, tidak mengutuk sama sekali dan tidak ada usaha untuk 
mencegah perjuangan2 Islam Fundamentalis fanatik dlm melakukan bom2 bunuh diri 
di mesdjid2 dan tempat2 umum.

Terakir ini, terjadi pembunuhan terhadap;six senior Revolutionary Guards' 


Kemungkinan sekali pejuang2 Islam fanatik Syiah akan melakukan pembalasan2 
lawan2nya di Timur Tengah

Inilah akibat kalau pemerintah dikuasai oleh ulama2 Islam Fundamentalis Syiah 
dimana tidak ada kemerdekaan beragama dan berkeyakinan sebagaimana di amerika.

Begitu pula di saudi, yang masih dikuasi oleh ulama2 Fundamentalis 
Wahabi,dimana tidak ada kemerdekaan beragama dan berkeyakinan.

Apakah Indonesia akan membiarkan ulama2 Islam Fundamentalis berkuasa seperti 
Mari kita bersama sama mencegah klompok2 Islam Fundamentalis ini mengambil 
kekuasaan ,agar tidak terjadi tindakan2 penindasan terhadap element2 bangsa 
yang berbeda dgn mereka.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurahman

- Original Message - 
From: abdul latif latifabdul...@yahoo.com
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 00:11
Subject: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat 

Alhamdulillah, setelah lebih 1 tahun hmnur menghilang, sekrang muncul 
semoga sdr kita ini tdk lagi berkata kata burukdlm berdiskusi

Syariat Islam yang mana?
Syariat Islam wahabi Fanatik, atau syariat Islam DR Quraish shihab,Ah 

Wahabi, Apa dan Siapakah?

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Afwan ustadz ana baru pertama ikutan dan baru-baru ini juga baca-
baca Eramuslim, jadi mungkin pertanyaan ana sudah ada yang duluan
tanya. Tapi ana mohon tolong dijawab secara tuntas.

1. Apa itu Wahabi? Sejarah singkatnya? (Panjang juga boleh)

2. Kalau ada kekurangannya apa? Kalau ada kelebihannya apa?

3. Apakah kita perlu belajar dari mereka atau kita harus mengambil
jarak dari mereka?

Sekian ustadz... Jazakallah Khoir..

abu_irham at eramuslim.com

Assalamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Istilah Wahabi sebenarnya bukan istilah baku dalam literatur Islam.
Dan penisbahan istilah wahabi kepada sebagian umat Islam pun kurang
objektif. Meski istilah `wahabi` bila kita runut dari asal, memang
mengacu kepada tokoh ulama besar di tanah Arab yang bernama lengkap
Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab At-Tamimi Al-Najdi (1115-1206 H
atau 1703-1791 M). Namun para pendukung dakwah beliau umumnya
menolak bila dikatakan bahwa gerakan mereka adalah gerakan
wahabiyah. Justru mereka lebih sering menggunakan istilah ahlisunnah
wal jamaah atau dakwah salafiyah.

Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab lahir di 'Uyainah dan belajar Islam
dalam mazhab Hanbali. Beliau telah menghafal Al-Qur'an sejak usia 10
tahun. Dakwah beliau banyak disambut ketika beliau datang di
Dar`iyah, bahkan beliau dijadikan guru dan dimuliakan oleh penguasa
setempat saat yaitu pangeran (amir) Muhammad bin Su`ud yang berkuasa
1139-1179. Oleh amir, dakwah beliau ditegakkan dan akhirnya menjadi
semacam gerakan nasional di seluruh wilayah Saudi Arabia hingga hari

Pokok Ajaran Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab

Sosok Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab menjadi pelopor gerakan ishlah
(reformasi). Sosok beliau muncul menjelang masa-masa kemunduran dan
kebekuan berpikir pemikiran dunia Islam, yaitu sekitar 3 abad yang
lampau atau tepatnya pada abad ke-12 hijriyah. Dakwah ini menyerukan
agar aqidah Islam dikembalikan kepada pemurnian arti tauhid dari
syirik dengan segala manifestasinya.

Sementara fenomena umat saat itu sungguh memilukan. Mereka telah
menjadikan kuburan menjadi tempat pemujaan dan meminta kepada selain
Allah. Kemusyrikan telah merajalela dan merata di hampir semua
penjuru negeri. Bid`ah, khurafat dan takhayyul menjadi makanan
sehari-hari. Dukun berkeliaran ke sana ke mari, ramalan-ramalan dari
syetan sangat digemari, sihir menjadi aktifitas umat, ilmu ghaib
seolah menjadi alternatif untuk menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan
dalam kehidupan umat Islam.

Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab saat itu bangkit mengajak dunia
Islam untuk sadar atas kebobrokan aqidah ini. Beliau menulis
beberapa risalah untuk menyadarkan masyarakat dari kesalahannya.
Salah satunya adalah kitabut-tauhid, yang hingga kini masih menjadi
rujukan banyak ulama di bidang aqidah.

Dakwah Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab ini kemudian melahirkan
gerakan umat yang aktif menumpas segala bentuk khurafat, syirik,
bid`ah dan beragam hal yang menyeleweng dari ajaran Islam yang asli.
Mereka melarang membangun bangunan di atas kuburan, juga
mengharamkan untuk menyelimuti kuburan atau memasang lampu di
dalamnya. Mereka juga melarang orang meminta kepada kuburan, orang
yang sudah mati, dukun, peramal, tukang sihir dan tukang teluh.
Mereka juga melarang tawassul dengan menyebut nama orang shaleh
seperti kalimat bi jaahirrasul atau keramatnya syeikh Fulan dan

Dakwah beliau lebih tepat dikatakan sebagai dakwah salafiyah. Dakwah
ini telah membangun umat Islam di bidang aqidah yang telah lama
jumud (beku) akibat kemunduran aqidah umat. Dakwah beliau sangat
memperhatikan pengajaran dan pendidikan umum serta merangsang para
ulama dan tokoh untuk kembali membuka literatur kepada buku induk
dan maraji` yang mu`tabar, sebelum menerima sebuah pemikiran.

Sebenarnya mereka tidak pernah mengharamkan taqlid, namun meminta
agar umat ini mau lebih jauh meneliti dan merujuk kembali kepada
nash-nash dan dalil dari Kitabullah dan sunnah Rasulullah SAW serta
pendapat para ulama salafus shalih.

Di antara tokokh ulama salaf yang paling sering mereka jadikan
rujukan adalah:

a. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (164-241 H)
b. Ibnu Taimiyah (661-728 H)
c. Muhammad Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jauziyah (6691-751H)

Oleh banyak kalangan, gerakan ini dianggap sebagai pelopor
kebangkitan pemikiran di dunia Islam, antara lain gerakan Mahdiyah,
Sanusiyah, Pan 

[wanita-muslimah] It's racist to suggest Obama didn't deserve Nobel Prize

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

It's racist to suggest Obama didn't deserve Nobel Prize 
October 15, 2009 
Indian artist Sudersan Pattnaik gives final touches to a sand sculpture of 
Barack Obama at Golden Sea Beach in Puri. Photo: AFP

In the first edition of Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone With The Wind Rhett 
Butler boasts of having shot dead a young black man for looking at a white 
woman 'the wrong way'. The presumptuous young pup was getting above himself, 
Rhett explained, 'so I shot him then and there'. Much the same thing happened 
in US public life last week when Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, 
and white America howled him down.

Too soon, white America said, the presumptuous young pup. He's getting above 

It was a classic repressed-racist reaction. He's got the presidency, God damn 
it, what else does he want? An Oscar? An Emmy? A Pulitzer Prize? There was no 
such response when Al Gore won the Nobel for a single travelling slide show. No 
one said he hadn't done enough yet, he hadn't saved the world yet. It was 
sufficient that he wanted to, and spoke well in that cause. 

The racism attendant on the American response was blatantly evident because 
nobody mentioned who else should have got it. They emphasised only that he 
didn't deserve it. He hadn't done anything yet. Nobody said who deserved it 
more. Partly because it was hard to think of anybody who did. He should just 
give it back, that's all. He was nominated only 11 days into his presidency. It 
was far too soon. Glenn Beck said he should 'give it back'. 

A curious thing to say. The presumption was that he wasn't born before he was 
president, that he had no life before then. That he hadn't addressed massed 
crowds in Berlin, promising a better world. That he hadn't electrified America 
with his oration at the 2004 Convention in Boston, thought by many to be as 
good as the Gettysburg Address. That he hadn't written a book that changed 
lives. That he hadn't enthused black America by winning the nomination. That he 
hadn't astonished the world by being elected President and by the speech he 
gave that night, a speech some thought as good as 'I Have A Dream'.

It was hard to see how Morgan Tsvangarai had done more for world peace by then, 
or ever; or Hu Jia had. So their names weren't mentioned by Glenn Beck or Rush 
Limbaugh or Alexander Downer. Nor was anybody else's. Give it back, they said, 
give it back. 

They also seemed to suggest he got the prize 11 days into his presidency, not 
that he was merely nominated for it that day, along with 200 others. And what 
he did after that - the ending of torture in US military prisons, the 
unshackling of travel to Cuba, the abolition of the rockets pointed at Russia, 
the call for universal nuclear disarmament - had nothing to do with it, nothing 
to do with his winning it 252 days later. Some would say his speech in Cairo, 
which did much to pacify a billion Muslims, and win many thousands of angry 
young men back from jihad and confrontation - was worth a peace prize on its 

But no, he didn't deserve it for all these things, or for any of them. Somebody 
else did. It was just never established who that was. 

Never before had being president been thought a precondition for the Nobel 
Peace Prize. Mother Theresa never held that office, nor Muhammad Yunus, nor 
Martin Luther King, nor (though he came close) Al Gore. Nelson Mandela got his 
prize before he was president, and so did Jose Ramos Horta. They got it for 
inspiring hope, for the audacity of hope they stirred up in their people. Aung 
San Suu Kyi and the Dalai Lama, it could be said, in their long pilgrimages of 
eloquent protest and stifled leadership, achieved almost nothing for their 
people. But they got the peace prize anyway for trying hard, and for speaking 
wonderfully and for winning foreign hearts to their cause.

Barack Obama in the past five years, in the 1872 days of his fame, his 
candidacy and his presidency, has achieved more for the general good (I draw a 
deep breath here) than all of them put together. And yet he is being told to 
give it back, it's such an embarrassment, it devalues the currency, it's 
corrupt, it's unpleasant, it's a joke, by those media commentators whose trade 
is encoded racism. 

He's getting above himself, the uppity mulatto. 

Or is there some other explanation?

Just asking. 

Source: theage.com.au

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurahman

- Original Message - 
From: abdul latif latifabdul...@yahoo.com
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 00:11
Subject: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat

Alhamdulillah, setelah lebih 1 tahun hmnur menghilang, sekrang muncul
semoga sdr kita ini tdk lagi berkata kata burukdlm berdiskusi

Syariat Islam yang mana?
Syariat Islam wahabi Fanatik, atau syariat Islam DR Quraish shihab,Ah

Baca Quraisy Syihab dalam Seri 100 di bawah


[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
100. Tradisi Keilmuan Ummat Islam

Sebenarnya saya ingin sekali turut berpartisipasi secara pasif, yaitu
menguping, dalam seminar yang berlangsung di auditorium Aljibra UMI Kampus
Baru, Selasa 12 Oktober 1993, utamanya ingin sekali menguping sajian
Nurkhalis Majid. Sayang sekali keinginan menguping itu tidak terlaksana,
karena waktunya berimpit dengan kegiatan akademik, yaitu ujian meja
mahasiswa. Yang sempat saya berpapasan adalah dengan kendaraan pemakalah
Mattulada memakai songkok, suatu penampilan yang agak langka baginya, yang
dalam penampilan keseharian biasanya tidak berpeci. Demikian pula perihal
kendaraan yang dikendarai oleh sahabat lama saya ini sejak di Sihan Gakko di
Nengo dahulu, sayang untuk tidak direkam dalam media cetak. Kendaraan itu
tersesat di lapangan parker sebelah Barat. Itu adalah peristiwa langka,
tersesat dalam Kampus Baru UMI yang relatif kecil itu pada waktu menuju ke
auditorium Aljibra di pingir lapangan parker Timur.

Terakhir sekali saya bertatap muka secara langsung dengan Nurkholis Majid
dalam permulaan tahun 70-an di Perpustakaan Umum Makassar yang gedungnya
sudah dibongkar disulap menjadi hotel di Jalan Kajao (DR) Laliddo, dalam
majelis yang sangat terbatas, hanya berjumlah 5 orang: Nurkholis Majid,
M.Quraisy Syihab (sekarang Rektor Pascasarjana IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah,
tempat Nurkholis Majid menjadi dosen), A.Rahman Rahim (sekarang Koordinator
Kopertis, mantan Atase Kebudayaan di Arab Saudi), Halide (sekarang Atase
Kebudayaan di Arab Saudi) dan saya sendiri. Yang dibicarakan dalam majelis
terbatas itu adalah gagasan sekularisasi Nurkholis yang menghebohkan itu.

Sekularisasi Nurkholis Majid menyimpang dari pemahaman yang dianggap mapan,
namun Nurkholis pandai berkelit dengan senjata pamungkas: bukan begitu
maksud saya. Sekularisasi bukanlah sekularisme, demikian kelit Nurkholis
Majid. Tidak ada kesimpulan yang disepakati dalam perbincangan itu, oleh
karena saya tetap bertahan, bahwa menduniakan yang dianggap sakral
(sekularisasi) dengan pemisahan dunia dengan akhirat (sekularisme), keduanya
berasal dari sumber yang sama: Geeft dan den Keizer wat des Keizers is, en
Gode wat Gods is (Marcus 12:17), berikanlah kepada Kaisar yang milik
Kaisar, dan berikanlah kepada Tuhan apa yang miliknya Tuhan. Dari Marcus
(12:17) ini diturunkanlah paradigma sekularisme yang terkenal dalam
sejarahnya orang barat: Scheiding tussen staat en kerk, pemisahan atau
dikhotomi antara negara dengan gereja.

Untuk lengkapnya bagi yang berminat silakan visit =


[wanita-muslimah] Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagaimana dengan HT di NKRI? 


Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad 
By Munawer Azeem 
Sunday, 18 Oct, 2009 

Policemen stand guard at the site during raid in Islamabad. - Photo by PPI 
ISLAMABAD: Police raided a 'safe house' of the proscribed student organisation 
Hizb-ut-Tahrir on Saturday and took into custody over two dozen activists.

Six activists of the group managed to escape despite a siege of the house in 
sector F-8/3.

Police raided the house after a tip-off that a large number of the banned 
outfit's members were huddled in a meeting there to plot acts of subversion in 
Islamabad. The house is located only a few kilometres from the offices of 
police high-ups.

A heavy contingent of well-equipped policemen and personnel of anti-terrorist 
squad took part in the raid.

Police found some objectionable literature, computers and some other stuff in 
the house and seized over 15 vehicles, including Sedan cars and sport utility 

According to a senior police officer, the arrested people were booked under the 
Anti-Terrorism Act and produced in a court of law for further legal action. He 
said the activists were suspected of helping militants. 

He said the meeting was being held in a rented house and police were searching 
for the owner who would also face a legal action.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Ungovernability of Pakistan

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny
BOOK REVIEW: Ungovernability of Pakistan -by Khaled Ahmed

 Pakistan in Regional and Global Politics
Editor:Rajshree Jetly
Routledge 2009; Pp365
Price Rs 845 Indian
Available in bookstores in Pakistan

One of the suicide-bombers involved in the July 2005 terror attacks in London, 
Shehzad Tanweer, spent a week at the Manzur ul Islam madrassa in Lahore, run by 
Jaish-e-Muhammad, during a 2004 visit to Pakistan

Amin Saikal, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for Arab 
and Islamic Studies at the Australian National University, in his paper 
Musharraf and Pakistan's Crisis, finds that General Pervez Musharraf (retd) 
turned his back on Pakistan's clients - the Taliban regime and its Al Qaeda 
allies - and moderated Pakistan's support for cross-border violence in Kashmir 
to commit himself to a policy free of religious extremism. (p.8)

Musharraf publicly backed the Hamid Karzai government in Afghanistan, but 
privately demanded that Karzai give his ethnic Pashtuns the largest share in 
the post-Taliban power structure and rid his government of the influence of the 
Northern Alliance. In September 2006, he went so far as to claim (inaccurately) 
that in Afghanistan the Pashtuns constituted almost 60 percent of the 
population and that the Tajiks formed a mere 5-7 percent minority. 
Historically, the Pashtuns have never accounted for more than 42 percent of the 
Afghan population, followed by ethnic Tajiks as the second largest group with 
25-30 percent of the population and other minorities making up the rest. (p.11)

Saikal also finds that Pakistan was not too happy about Afghanistan getting 
into SAARC and thereafter tried to limit the linkages between Afghanistan, the 
Central Asian republics and India in order to maintain Pakistan's 
manoeuvrability as a pivotal actor in the process. (p.14) Most observers have 
found President Musharraf ambivalent in his policies. This obfuscation, which 
ultimately led to his downfall, emanated from his incumbency of office inside 
the Pakistan Army.

Selig S Harrison's paper Global Terrorism: US Policy after 9/11 and Its Impact 
on the Domestic Politics and Foreign Relations of Pakistan, sees Pakistan 
supporting the Taliban because it didn't want them as enemies and didn't want 
the Northern Alliance stepping into the power vacuum created after the downfall 
of the Taliban. (p.26) He notes that two former ISI directors, General Hamid 
Gul and General Javed Nasir, have remained actively involved with Islamic 
radical movements linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. (p.27)

Harrison likewise sees Balochistan as the bastion of the Taliban. Chaman is 
the main base for the Taliban, and several madrassas in the Pashtunabad slum 
area of Quetta not only provide the Taliban with ideological training but with 
extended material help. The rise to power of Islamic groups in the province of 
Balochistan gave a tremendous boost to the Taliban's efforts to regroup and 
many of the provincial ministers and members of Parliament belonging to the 
ruling MMA became actively involved with the Afghan rebels, using the region as 
their base. Many Pakistanis belonging to the ruling group also joined the 
Taliban. (p.27)

He notes that Jamia Banuria in Karachi, with some 10,000 students enrolled in 
eight affiliated madrassas, displayed a banner at its main gate urging Muslims 
to join the Taliban. Some of the other madrassas in the city were used as safe 
havens by international terrorist networks. When the police raided the Jamia 
Abu Bakr Islamia Madrassa, after an FBI tip that it harboured Al Qaeda sleeper 
cells, they found that a student enrolled under the name of Ahmed Mahdi was 
actually Tun Rusaman Gunawaji, a leading activist of Indonesia's Jemaa 
Islamiya, which staged the 2002 bombing of a Bali resort, and was a brother of 
its leader, Hanbali. (p.29)

One of the suicide-bombers involved in the July 2005 terror attacks in London, 
Shehzad Tanweer, spent a week at the Manzur ul Islam madrassa in Lahore, run by 
Jaish-e-Muhammad, during a 2004 visit to Pakistan. (p.29)

Harrison is of the view that the defeat of the Taliban in Afghanistan has led 
to a disproportionate Tajik influence in the Afghan intelligence, police and 
military apparatus at the expense of Pashtun interests. (p.34) But he insists 
that Islamist and secular Pashtuns alike share a common desire to escape from 
the domination of Islamabad. The Pakhtunistan movement is dormant, but not 
dead, and its re-emergence cannot be ruled out in the context of the growing 
instability and disintegrative tendencies in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. 

He delivers himself of the following judgement often seen in his books on 
Pakistan: If history is a reliable guide, the prospects for the survival of 
the Pakistani state in its present form, with its existing configuration of 
constituent ethno-linguistic groups, 

[wanita-muslimah] Fw: [AligarhNetwork] Backward Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik moin khan
Billions of billions thanks to the writer of this article. What a knowledge, he 
is having. It is mentioned in Chapter 47 last three verses in the holy book of 
We wish Almighty to produce a few one more to fulfill the above verses of 
Chapter 47. Amen.

--- On Sun, 18/10/09, M.Z.CHIDA ch...@airtelmail.in wrote:

From: M.Z.CHIDA ch...@airtelmail.in
Subject: [AligarhNetwork] Backward Islam
Date: Sunday, 18 October, 2009, 9:33 AM


   Subject:  Backward Islam
   From: adil naveed adilnav...@yahoo. com
   Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 03:58:33 -0700 (PDT)

Backward Islam
Moulana Mohammed Aslam

Upto this day we had only one impression of Islam…..the bright Islam, the 
quintessence of enlightenment, a bringer of radiance; a herald of glowing 
teachings from beliefs to worship, from interactions to mannerisms; when its 
wisdom is followed, the light spreads everywhere……in your outer self, in your 
inner self; in the surroundings, in your home. Whoever clasps it to their 
breast will be encircled by a halo of light. If a hundred year old kafir 
embraces it, the darkness of kufr leaves him to be replaced by a gentle 
glow……but…..a few days back it was exposed that Islam is of two types: the 
illuminated Islam and the dark Islam, the modern Islam and the backward Islam! 
This revelation was made not by any common man but by the President of Pakistan 

In a BBC program  aired the view that the idea of confining women to their 
houses was absolutely incorrect. He thought that the women staying inside their 
homes and those wearing the veil outside reflect the backward Islam. He said 
that some people think that women should be confined to their homes and not 
step out which was totally wrong. He said, My wife is travelling around. She 
is very religious but she is very moderate*,

A Muslim with his eye on the Book and Sunnah is in a quandary whether to accept 
the modern Islam or the backward Islam. If he takes the latter, he will be 
a target for fun, mockery, and ridicule. He will be called a mulla, outdated, 
fundamentalist, and an enemy to progress. If he accepts the former, where 
shaking hands with non-mehrams, mixing with the opposite sex, intimate 
correspondence, free behaviour is all allowed; where it is okay to go in 
bazaars and markets, clubs, and foreign countries, then the beliefs of the Book 
and Sunnah slip from he hands and you have to negate the Islam taught by the 
sahabah-e-kiraam, mufassarin, and muhditheen.

In Surah Ahzab, Allah Ta'ala commands the wives of Rasoolullah (sallallahu 
'alaihe wasallam),

You are not like any of the (other) women: if you do fear ((Allah)), be not 
too complacent of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved 
with desire: but speak you a speech (that is) just.

This command is being given to those chaste and pure hearted women who were not 
only given the honour of being sahabiyaat but had been through special training 
as the wives of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihe wasallam). Then they were the 
mothers of the ummah, not only in name and in respect but truly for it was 
haraam to marry any of them after the demise of Rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alaihe 
wasallam). Most of the men talking to them were the sahabah who have been 
accepted by Allah Ta'ala and whose purity has been attested by Him in His Book. 
Also keep in mind that whatever conversation took place used to be behind a 
curtain, because the order is,
When you ask for something, ask from behind a screen; there is purity of heart 
for you and for them in this.

Think and think again that when the sacred mothers were not allowed to come 
before chaste persons like the sahabah, not even talk to them in a womanly 
fashion, then how do you expect the lustful people of the fifteenth century to 
be allowed to exchange secrets with, shake hands with, or mix freely with 
someone's daughter or sister?

The next ayah of Surah Ahzab commands,

And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of 
the former Times of Ignorance; 

The Lord of the Worlds is commanding to sit quietly in your homes and not go 
out except for need, but if this injunction is paralleled with backward 
Islam, answer me fairly, is it not a clear rebellion of the Command of Allah?

Before us is the infested, rotten civilisation of glittering Europe, bemused 
with which we are rebelling against the Book and Sunnah. Why do we not stop to 
think that the consequences for following this civilisation will be nothing but 
the destruction of the family system, termination of contentment, souring of 
marital life, the ruin of the daughter of Eve, and social mayhem. Why are the 
followers of this civilisation fed up with it themselves? The fire of egotism, 
obscenity, and immodesty that they had stoked is burning their own hearts; the 
wonder is that the followers of Azir are clamouring to jump out of this 

[wanita-muslimah] Veiled reasons

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

15 - 21 October 2009
Issue No. 968
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Veiled reasons
The grand sheikh of Al-Azhar stirred troubled waters when he told an 
11-year-old pupil at a girls-only school that there was no need for her to 
cover her face, reports Reem Leila 

   Click to view caption 
  Khaled El-Fiqi captures an exclusive photo of Tantawi asking the student 
to remove her face veil 
Although the number of women wearing the niqab in Egypt is unknown, it is 
certainly growing. You need simply to stroll along the street to see that. So 
when the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mohamed Sayed Tantawi complained that an 
11-year-old girl was wearing the niqab inside a girls-only school during a 
visit to classes on 3 October -- the first day of the new term -- his action 
was guaranteed to provoke controversy. Some reports allege that he told the 
girl to remove her face veil after which he asked her what she would have done 
had she been pretty. 

In response to the growing furore, Tantawi said in a press conference on 8 
October that while he respects women and their freedom to dress in whatever 
they want, niqab is a tradition and has nothing to do with Islam. He denied 
allegations that he had told the girl that he was a greater authority on Islam 
than either her or her parents, or that he had otherwise commented on her 

Following Tantawi's lead, the Supreme Council of Al-Azhar decided on 7 October 
to ban students and teachers in all of its affiliated schools and university 
hostels from wearing the niqab on the grounds that they are single sex 

The Supreme Council of Al-Azhar said that while Al-Azhar does not oppose the 
niqab, it added that only a minority of Muslim scholars consider it an Islamic 
obligation and declared its opposition to imprinting the dress code in the 
minds of girls.

On 9 October Minister of Higher Education Hani Hilal declared the niqab would 
no longer be permitted inside women's hostels at public universities for 
security reasons. Hilal said that while he would not prevent female students 
from wearing the niqab inside public universities or classes they could do so 
only after uncovering their faces on entering university premises so that 
security guards could check their identities. 

The decision to ban the niqab inside hostels, he said, followed a number of 
incidents in which men had been caught entering hostel premises in female 

I took this decision to protect students who are my responsibility, Hilal 
said, calling on university presidents to implement the new directive.

Both Tantawi and Hilal maintained that females who wish to wear the niqab do so 
because they do not want to be seen by men, so there is no need for them to 
cover their faces as long as they are inside classrooms and hostels assigned to 
females only.

Amna Nuseir, professor of Islamic Sharia at Al-Azhar University, supports 
Tantawi, arguing that niqab is neither a Quranic obligation nor included in 
Prophetic Sunna. 

Face-veiled women must remove their niqab for daily prayers, and while 
performing the hajj and omra rituals. Why, then, one wonders, do they desire to 
retain it as they go about their daily business? asked Nuseir. 

Abdel-Moeti Bayoumi, a member of the Islamic Research Centre (IRC), points out 
that there is nothing to prevent Muslim women from showing their faces and 
hands. He backed Hilal's assertion that allowing the niqab in academic 
institutions causes a security dilemma.

Muslim Brotherhood MP Hamdi Hassan criticised Tantawi's anti- niqab 
statements and objected to the allegedly offensive way Tantawi had spoken to 
the girl. 

Tantawi's attitude embarrassed the student in front of her classmates. 
Religious figures should show kindness when advising people.

Female students wearing niqab protested against the ban on 7 October in front 
of a Cairo University hostel. 

I am a face-veiled student who comes from Tanta governorate. I have no other 
place to live in. Now that I am banned from staying at the university's hostel, 
where am I supposed to go? asked Nahla Ibrahim. She said the students had 
agreed to show their faces to a female security guard at the entrance gates, 
but none were available.

Hoda El-Sayed insisted that putting on a niqab or not is a matter between the 
individual and God. I am a Muslim female who is seeking greater reward from 
God. Why do they want to deprive me of this? she asked. 

The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) issued a statement defending 
the right of female students to wear whatever they please. In a statement to 
the press Hossam Bahgat, chairman of EIPR, said that while the initiative would 
object to any suggestion that the face veil was 

[wanita-muslimah] Of labour and migration

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny


15 - 21 October 2009
Issue No. 968
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Of labour and migration
The migration of skilled labour can relieve demographic pressures, but it will 
never be the answer to employment challenges in the region, Sherine Nasr 
reports on a study released this week and interviews the director of the 
International Migration Programme of the ILO 

   Click to view caption 

Immediate action is required by governments in Arab Mediterranean countries, 
including Egypt, to upgrade labour conditions and secure labour migration 
rights in host countries. This is the message of a comprehensive study 
entitled, Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean 
Countries: A Regional Perspective, released this week by the European 
University Institute (EUI). 

The study, co-financed by the European Commission (EC) and started in January, 
analysed key labour market determinants of migration flows from eight Arab 
Mediterranean countries (AMCs), including Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, 
Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

The study also touched on the impact of outward migration on the labour markets 
of AMCs, and proposed a series of specific recommendations to improve the 
design of the EU migration policies towards AMCs.

Although scarcity, inaccessibility and inconsistency of data constituted a 
major problem for researchers, some interesting yet alarming facts about the 
dynamics of labour markets in AMCs were brought to light.

For example, less than one in three people in AMCs have a job. The eight 
selected countries have shown the lowest female work participation rate, 
estimated at below 25 per cent against a 42 per cent as the world's average.

Four out of five women do not have a job, said Ivan Martin, a senior member 
of the team that conducted the study, during a conference that was organised 
this week by the EUI, EC and Cairo University.

Estimates are that the working age population of AMCs will increase by 2.5 
million persons a year, from 129 million to 154 million between 2010-20. Thus, 
some 1.5 million additional new jobs a year over the coming 10 years will be 
required in order to provide employment opportunities for new labour market 
entrants, said the study.

Moving to the labour market performance, the study has underlined that the 
highest rates of unemployment are found in AMCs. Skill mismatches in labour 
markets and the poor performance of education systems remain the main problem.

Informal employment is the main symptom of labour market distortions, standing 
at 35 to 55 per cent of non-agricultural employment. The study describes how 
informal employment depresses wages, hampers the development of human capital 
and leads to a prevalence of low productivity jobs, and introduces major 
distortions into the functioning of markets of goods and services, including 
the operations of foreign investors.

However, we still know too little about the working of the informal economy 
and its impact on economic activity and development prospects in the region, 
not to mention its interaction with international migration, said Martin.

Touching on the issue of wages and productivity, the study also found that real 
wages are at a very low level in comparison to the EU, though in Morocco, 
Algeria, Tunisia, Syria and Jordan only a slight divergence of wage levels in 
relation to those of the EU could be noticed.

The low productivity prevailing in AMCs makes it very difficult to improve 
prospects for the coming years, either for wage increases or for job creation, 
said the study.

The study further charges that current employment policies in AMCs are not 
equal to the challenges ahead. Labour regulations were found to be rigid and 
poorly implemented. So migration remains the first choice for many workers, in 
particular the young ones, according to the study. 

The study also found that AMC economies are highly dependent on remittances, 
With Egypt, Morocco and Lebanon amongst the top 20 remittance recipient 
countries in the world.

Ten million AMC citizens are resident in third countries, which represent 
eight per cent of the working age population. In Egypt and Morocco, migrant 
labour represents 8.6 per cent of the working age population. An estimated two 
million persons will be migrating during the period from 2010-20. However, 
total migration could be tripled during the same period as migration ratios 
show a clear increasing trend.

According to the study, there is evidence that skilled migration is causing 
shortages of qualified labour in certain sectors, as is the case in Morocco and 
Tunisia, or a drain on scarce resources, as in Lebanon. In other countries, 
the migration of skilled labour seems to ease the 

[wanita-muslimah] Power for all the people

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagaimana denganblue engery yang disaksikan kehebatannya oleh SBY 
satu atau dua tahun lalu?


Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009

  Horsepower: A Mongolian charges a discarded battery the Fujimura way 

Power for all the people

Special to The Japan Times
The all-electric home craze sweeping Japan with its typhoon of talking 
bathtubs, full-service toilets and flameless kitchens may finally have met its 

  Kensuke Fujimura with a non-electric washing machine in his father's 


His name is Yasuyuki Fujimura, and he is the founder of Atelier Non-Electric, 
an inventors' workshop in Tochigi Prefecture.

Since 2000, the 65-year-old doctor of engineering has been cooking up designs 
for water purifiers, dehumidifiers and lighting systems that don't require 
electricity to run on. He's also been zealously propounding the idea that it's 
time for people in Japan - and the rest of the world - to rethink their 
fondness for appliances that offer convenience and comfort at the cost of 
environmental health and, he says, true happiness. 

On a crisp morning recently, Fujimura sat in front of a wall of glass windows 
in his airy living room, gazed out at the one-hectare property where he's lived 
and worked since 2007, and elaborated on his plans for a Non-Electric Park on 
his grounds. This, he hopes, will include an electricity-free cafe, a bathhouse 
fueled by sunlight and firewood, and a passive- solar house. The latter, 
instead of using active heating and cooling systems, will be designed and sited 
to let in lots of sunlight in winter but not in summer.

I want people to realize that this other option also exists. I want them to 
see a new culture and a new lifestyle. That's why I came here, says the 
soft-spoken Fujimura, who is dressed in an earth-tone polo shirt, old work 
pants and pointy-toed slippers brought back from a trip to take non-electric 
refrigerators to the vast grasslands of Mongolia. 

Japan is the world's fourth-largest electricity consumer, generating 29 percent 
of that power from nuclear plants and 60 percent from oil, natural gas and coal 
- the last three all major contributors to global warming. Appliances account 
for more than a third of home electricity consumption and, despite recent 
improvements in efficiency, home energy use has risen by more than 50 percent 
since 1973, according to data from the Energy Conservation Center of Japan.

But Fujimura insists that's not his primary concern.

We should choose what's enjoyable for us. I chose non-electric technology 
because I like it. The environmental benefits are just a by-product, he says.

As if to prove the point, Fujimura smiles constantly as he talks - which, with 
his white hair and beard, makes him look like a Japanese version of Santa 
Claus. Behind that jolly appearance, however, lies an unshakable self- 
confidence and a mind overflowing with ideas that might appear at first glance 
to be ridiculously simple - but then so completely logical that it seems 
amazing they weren't put into practice years ago.

Take that project in Mongolia, whose roots Fujimura says go back to an episode 
of millennial reflection that redirected his path in life. Looking back at a 
century of raging industrial and economic development, and forward to a looming 
environmental apocalypse, he says he decided in 2000 that his last great goal 
in life was to offer alternative technologies to developing countries.

  Chilling out: Yasuyuki Fujimura poses beside one of his non-electric 
fridges with two young children who live on the vast Mongolian grasslands, and 
whose lives could be greatly improved thanks to his inventiveness. YASUYUKI 

In Japan, switching to something slightly less convenient might seem 
pointless, but in developing countries this technology is extremely 
meaningful, says Fujimura, adding that he by no means rejects the use of 
electricity altogether.

So, in pursuit of his aim, he went to China and Brazil offering his services as 
an inventor - but he got no takers. Then in 2003, he was approached with a 
request from impoverished Mongolian nomads who longed for the televisions, 
electric lights and fridges that many of their urbanized compatriots now enjoy. 
On the plains, though, low population density and the people's nomadic 
lifestyle means a conventional electric system is unfeasible, while solar 
panels are prohibitively expensive.

So Fujimura designed, pro bono, what would become his flagship non-electric 
device: a simple insulated box buried partway underground and lined with old 
plastic bottles. The bottles are filled with water, which acts as a sponge to 
draw heat from items in the box (usually mutton). At night, the outer lid of 
the box is opened, allowing a black inner lid to radiate stored heat to 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik Dwi Soegardi
Kalo jaman Orba dan Orla, sudah lama digulung.
Apa perlu kembali ke masa-masa bahagia itu?

btw, Om, apa salah HT di Indonesia?

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:32 PM, sunny am...@tele2.se wrote:
 Refleksi : Bagaimana dengan HT di NKRI?


 Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad
 By Munawer Azeem
 Sunday, 18 Oct, 2009

 Policemen stand guard at the site during raid in Islamabad. - Photo by PPI
 ISLAMABAD: Police raided a 'safe house' of the proscribed student 
 organisation Hizb-ut-Tahrir on Saturday and took into custody over two dozen 

 Six activists of the group managed to escape despite a siege of the house in 
 sector F-8/3.

 Police raided the house after a tip-off that a large number of the banned 
 outfit's members were huddled in a meeting there to plot acts of subversion 
 in Islamabad. The house is located only a few kilometres from the offices of 
 police high-ups.

 A heavy contingent of well-equipped policemen and personnel of anti-terrorist 
 squad took part in the raid.

 Police found some objectionable literature, computers and some other stuff in 
 the house and seized over 15 vehicles, including Sedan cars and sport utility 

 According to a senior police officer, the arrested people were booked under 
 the Anti-Terrorism Act and produced in a court of law for further legal 
 action. He said the activists were suspected of helping militants.

 He said the meeting was being held in a rented house and police were 
 searching for the owner who would also face a legal action.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Apa saya tidak bilang HT bersalah. hanya bertanya bagaimana?  Pertanyaan 
ditimbulkan dari berita artikel tentang Pakistan, selain itu juga antara lain  
HT di dilarang  di Mesir, Yordania.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dwi Soegardi 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 8:54 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad

Kalo jaman Orba dan Orla, sudah lama digulung.
  Apa perlu kembali ke masa-masa bahagia itu?

  btw, Om, apa salah HT di Indonesia?

  On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:32 PM, sunny am...@tele2.se wrote:
   Refleksi : Bagaimana dengan HT di NKRI?
   Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad
   By Munawer Azeem
   Sunday, 18 Oct, 2009
   Policemen stand guard at the site during raid in Islamabad. - Photo by PPI
   ISLAMABAD: Police raided a 'safe house' of the proscribed student 
organisation Hizb-ut-Tahrir on Saturday and took into custody over two dozen 
   Six activists of the group managed to escape despite a siege of the house 
in sector F-8/3.
   Police raided the house after a tip-off that a large number of the banned 
outfit's members were huddled in a meeting there to plot acts of subversion in 
Islamabad. The house is located only a few kilometres from the offices of 
police high-ups.
   A heavy contingent of well-equipped policemen and personnel of 
anti-terrorist squad took part in the raid.
   Police found some objectionable literature, computers and some other stuff 
in the house and seized over 15 vehicles, including Sedan cars and sport 
utility vehicles.
   According to a senior police officer, the arrested people were booked under 
the Anti-Terrorism Act and produced in a court of law for further legal action. 
He said the activists were suspected of helping militants.
   He said the meeting was being held in a rented house and police were 
searching for the owner who would also face a legal action.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   Milis Wanita Muslimah
   Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Doa #1613;Sebelum Mandi Ihram

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik syamsuri149
Bagi yang akan menunaikan ibadah haji, atau keluarga dan sahabatnya.

Bismillâhir Rahmânir Rahîm
Allâhumma shalli `alâ Muhammad wa âli Muhammad

Bismillâhi wa billâhi. Allâhummaj`alhu lî nûraw wa thahurâ, wa hirzaw wa amnan 
min kulli khawfin, wa sifâan min kulli dâin wa suqmin. Allâhumma thahhirnî wa 
thahhir qalbî, wasyrah lî shadrî, wa ajri `alâ lisânî mahabbataka wa mid-hataka 
wats tsanâa `alayka fainnahu lâ quwwata lî illâ bika, wa qad `alimtu anna 
qiwâma dînî at taslîmu laka wal ittibâ`u lisunnati nabiyyika shalawâtuka 
`alayhi wa âlihi.

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang
Ya Allah, sampaikan shalawat kepada Rasulullah dan keluarganya

Dengan nama Allah dan dengan Allah. Ya Allah, jadikan mandi ini cahaya dan 
kesucian, penjagaan dan keamanan dari setiap kekhawatiran, dan penawar dari 
setiap penyakit. Ya Allah, sucikan aku, sucikan hatiku, lapangkan dadaku, 
alirkan pada lisanku kecintaan pada-Mu dan pujian pada-Mu. Aku tahu bahwa 
tonggak agamaku adalah penyerahan diri pada-Mu dan mengikuti sunnah Nabi-Mu saw.
(kitab Nubdzah min Asraril Hajj)

Teks arabnya, silahkan copy-paste dari:

Wassalam wr.wb
Syamsuri Rifai

[wanita-muslimah] Chomsky banned in Guantanamo

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Chomsky banned in Guantanamo
October 14, 2009 1:05pm
An interesting little item here, on the banning of the works of Noam Chomsky 
from the prison library at Guantanamo Bay. One has to wonder about the 
mentality of the Pentagon lawyer, who was trying to obtain a copy of Chomsky 
for one of the detainees he is representing. Maybe his job at Guantanamo has 
led him to entertain all sorts of subversive thoughts?

Chomsky predictably interpets the ban on his work as further evidence that the 
US is slipping towards totalitarianism. But I see it another way. Obama has 
said that he is banning the use of torture on prisoners at Guantanamo. 
Subjecting them to the works of Noam Chomsky is clearly incompatible with the 
torture ban.

October 14, 2009 1:05pm in Foreign affairs | 31 comments

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Berlebihan, Audisi Calon Menteri Mirip Indonesian Idol

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Rakyat boleh memilih, tetapi raja menentukan. Siapa tahu untuk 
menjadi idol kesayangan raja cukup dengan menyanyikan 5D. hehehe


Senin, 19/10/2009 00:26 WIB

Berlebihan, Audisi Calon Menteri Mirip Indonesian Idol
Amanda Ferdina - detikNews

Jakarta - Proses audisi calon menteri dinilai berlebihan. Bahkan audisi calon 
menteri yang terdiri atas serangkaian tes itu dianggap mirip ajang pencari 
bakat, Indonesian Idol.

Tesnya berlebihan kayak audisi indonesian idol. Nggak perlulah, ujar pengamat 
politik dari LIPI Syamsudin Haris ketika berbincang dengan detikcom, Minggu 
(18/10/2009) malam.

Syamsuddin menganggap audisi yang dilakukan SBY terlalu didramatisir. Langsung 
saja SBY sebut nama menteri, ngapain dipanggil dan ditanya basa-basi, 
kinerjanya juga nanti biasa-biasa saja, ketusnya.

Proses audisi, lanjut Syamsuddin, seharusnya dapat berjalan seperti biasa. 
Sekarang kesan pencitraannya sangat-sangat dominan. Mudah-mudahan serius, tapi 
keseriusan tidak perlu ditontonkan demikian, ucapnya.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Incoming Indonesian Cabinet Criticized Before It is Announced

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

October 19, 2009 
Ulma Haryanto

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the Vice President elect Boediono, both 
left, interview the current Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu for a 
ministerial position in Yudhoyono's next cabinet. (Reuters Photo)

Incoming Indonesian Cabinet Criticized Before It is Announced

The president's new cabinet is drawing brickbats from some observers even 
before it has been named. 

Arbi Sanit, a political expert from the University of Indonesia, said many of 
the names being mentioned did not have the backgrounds their positions 

Other say the president is on the right track. Look, he has an overwhelming 
mandate from the electorate. He needs to be given a chance, said a leading 
industrialist who declined to be named. 

Sri Mulyani Indrawati, who is being labeled by investors and business leaders 
as Yudhoyono's best choice, is expected to retain her position overseeing 

So far the economic team is a bright spot, with current macroeconomic policies 
expected to continue. 

Trade Minister Mari Pangestu is expected to retain her current post. MS 
Hidayat, the chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
(Kadin), is thought to be taking over the Ministry of Industry. 

The country's recent combination of political and economic stability has 
encouraged investors at a time when neighboring countries such as Malaysia and 
Thailand have taken a beating during the global economic crisis. 

Indonesia's economic performance has been cited as one key reason for the 
strong showing by Yudhoyono's Democrat Party in April legislative elections, 
which paved the way for his victory in the July presidential poll. 

Meanwhile, the stock market is up more than 80 percent this year and the rupiah 
is up 18 percent against the dollar. It is one of the Asia's best-performing 

However, those facts have not stopped some observers from saying the president 
may be at risk of relying too heavily on political appointees in his new 

Why would [Yudhoyono] put the rest of his presidential term in the hands of a 
bunch of politicians when he's already got the support from the majority of the 
people? Arbi asked. 

Strategic or important positions should be appointed to professionals instead 
of politicians. 

He also labelled the cabinet as too fat, saying 34 ministers was excessive. 

A fat cabinet is inefficient. It is costly, slow during decision-making and 
has a low output, Arbi said. 

He said Yudhoyono was trying to accommodate the interests of as many political 
parties as possible. 

Lili Romli, a political expert from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences 
(LIPI), also worried that Yudhoyono was pandering to the interests of the 
political parties to facilitate power sharing and that some of the likely 
appointments were out of place. 

Andrinof Chaniago, a political observer from the University of Indonesia, said 
the cabinet was likely to be filled with political appointees who may not have 
the appropriate track records and experience. 

Some of them are former legislators who were not re-elected and became SBY 
supporters, hoping for seats in the cabinet. 

The most high profile of candidates in this category is Agung Laksono, the 
former speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), who was voted out of 
office but is tipped to become coordinating minister of people's welfare, 
replacing Aburizal Bakrie, the new chairman of Golkar.

Related articles
Indonesian President Hints at Many New Faces In Cabinet Lineup
1:18 AM 17/10/2009

Outgoing Indonesian Ministers Leave Legacy of Disappointment
11:44 PM 16/10/2009

Yudhoyono Won't Consider Politicians for Select Cabinet Positions
10:46 PM 18/09/2009

Forget Politics and Just Make New Ministers Professional, Survey Says
11:14 PM 27/08/2009

In Yudhoyono's Hometown of Pacitan, Presidential Poll Is Cause for Celebration
10:47 PM 08/07/2009

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Rising Seas Threaten Shanghai, Other Major Cities

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Rising Seas Threaten Shanghai, Other Major Cities 
Published: October 18, 2009 
Filed at 2:07 p.m. ET

EDITOR'S NOTE -- This is one of an occasional series of stories leading up to 
December's climate conference in Copenhagen, reporting on the impact, future 
and responses to climate change


SHANGHAI (AP) -- This city of 20 million rose from the sea and grew into a 
modern showcase, with skyscrapers piercing the clouds, atop tidal flats fed by 
the mighty Yangtze River.

Now Shanghai's future depends on finding ways to prevent the same waters from 
reclaiming it.

Global warming and melting glaciers and polar ice sheets are raising sea levels 
worldwide, leaving tens of millions of people in coastal areas and on low-lying 
islands vulnerable to flooding and other weather-related catastrophes.

Shanghai, altitude roughly 3 meters (10 feet) above sea level, is among dozens 
of great world cities -- including London, Miami, New York, New Orleans, 
Mumbai, Cairo, Amsterdam and Tokyo -- threatened by sea levels that now are 
rising twice as fast as projected just a few years ago, expanding from warmth 
and meltwater. Estimates of the scale and timing vary, but Stefan Rahmstorf, a 
respected expert at Germany's Potsdam Institute, expects a 1-meter (3-foot) 
rise in this century and up to 5 meters (15 feet) over the next 300 years.

Chinese cities are among the largest and most threatened. Their huge 
populations -- the Yangtze River Delta region alone has about 80 million people 
-- and their rapid growth into giant industrial, financial and shipping centers 
could mean massive losses from rising sea levels, experts say.

The sea is steadily advancing on Shanghai, tainting its freshwater supplies as 
it turns coastal land and groundwater salty, slowing drainage of the area's 
heavily polluted flood basin and eating away at the precious delta soils that 
form the city's foundations.

Planners are slow in addressing the threat, in the apparent belief they have 
time. Instead, Shanghai has thrown its energies into constructing billions of 
dollars worth of new infrastructure: new ports, bridges, airports, industrial 
zones, right on the coast.

''By no means will Shanghai be under the sea 50 years from now. It won't be 
like the 'Day After Tomorrow' scenario,'' says Zheng Hongbo, a geologist who 
heads the School of Earth Science and Engineering at Nanjing University.

''Scientifically, though, this is a problem whether we like it or not,'' says 
Zheng, pointing to areas along Shanghai's coast thought to be shrinking due to 
erosion caused by rising water levels.

Chinese legend credits Emperor Yu the Great with taming floods in Neolithic 
times by dredging new river channels to absorb excess water. In modern times, 
the city has been sinking for decades, thanks to pumping of groundwater and the 
construction of thousands of high-rise buildings.

Today, Shanghai's engineers are reinforcing flood gates and levees to contain 
rivers rising due to heavy silting and subsidence.

''We used to play on the river banks and swim in the water when I was growing 
up. But the river is higher now,'' says Ma Shikang, an engineer overseeing 
Shanghai's main flood gate, pointing to homes below water level near the city's 
famed riverfront Bund.

Twice daily, the 100-meter (330-foot-wide) barrier, where the city's Suzhou 
Creek empties into the Huangpu River, is raised and lowered in tandem with the 
tides and weather, regulating the city's vast labyrinth of canals and creeks.

The 5.86-meter (19-foot) high flood gate is built to withstand a one-in-1,000 
years tidal surge; the highest modern Shanghai has faced so far was 5.72 meters 
(nearly 19 feet), during a 1997 typhoon.

Levees along the Bund and other major waterways are 6.9 meters (nearly 23 feet) 
high, providing better protection than in Miami, New York and many other 
cities. But they still would be swamped if hit by a surge like Hurricane 
Katrina's 8.5-meter (28-foot) onslaught.

Shanghai is considering building still bigger barriers -- like those in London, 
Venice and the Netherlands -- to fend off potentially disastrous storm surges, 
most likely at the point 30 kilometers (18 miles) downstream where the deep, 
muddy Huangpu empties into the Yangtze.

Sang Baoliang, deputy director of the Shanghai Flood Control Headquarters, has 
been to see the Thames Barrier, which protects London, and the Deltaworks 
series of storm barriers and dams in the Netherlands, where two-thirds of the 
population lives on land below sea level, much of it reclaimed from the sea.

Like many Chinese officials, some of whom deem the topic too sensitive to 
discuss, Sang is cautious about what China might do.

''We are studying this, but it is extremely complicated,'' said Sang, as shots 
from surveillance cameras at dozens of flood gates 

Re: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurahman

- Original Message - 
From: abdul latif latifabdul...@yahoo.com
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 00:11
Subject: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat

Alhamdulillah, setelah lebih 1 tahun hmnur menghilang, sekrang muncul
semoga sdr kita ini tdk lagi berkata kata burukdlm berdiskusi

Syariat Islam yang mana?
Syariat Islam wahabi Fanatik, atau syariat Islam DR Quraish shihab,Ah
Kalau kita mengikuti Syariat Taliban...maka semua tubuh dari kepala sampai
ujung kaki adalah Aurat.
INI berita menarik dari Inggris. Muslim memang harus berani melawan 
ketidakadilan! Jangan mau terus jadi korban stereotiping! Yvonne Ridley 
sendiri adalah muslimah mualaf asli Inggris.Ia pernah ditahan pemerintah 
Taliban di Afghanistan, tapi kemudian di bebaskan. Beberapa waktu lalu, ia 
menyatakan masuk Islam di Inggris!. Ia mengaku sangat terkesan dengan 
perlakuan Taliban terhadap tahanan wanita seperti dia! Juga terhadap tahanan 
lain. Katanya, perlakuan baik itu dilakukan Taliban karena dorongan 
agamanya. Dari situlah ia merasakan keagungan Islam, yang kemudian 
membuatnya masuk Islam setelah proses perenungan
beberapa tahun.

Yvonne Ridley lantas membandingkan perlakuan sadis dan keji biasa, yang 
dipertontan Amerika Serikat terhadap tahanan perang di Afghanistan, baik 
yang dibawa ke Guantanamo, maupun ribuan tahanan Taliban yang dibunuh 
pelan-pelan dalam kontainer di tengah panas matahari, tanpa setetes air pun

Ternyata orang-orang TALIBAN yang dituding sebagai fundamentalis dan teroris 
oleh para teroris sebenarnya itu (AS, Inggris, dan konco2nya), JAUH LEBIH 

Yang mau lihat wajah Yvonne Ridley, bisa buka link:= 


Capture by the Taliban

Ridley came to prominence in September 2001 when she was captured by the
Taliban in Afghanistan whilst working for the Sunday Express, and held
hostage for 11 days. She said she was treated with respect during her
captivity, and promised to read the Qur'an after her release, and later did,
partly to find out why the Taliban treated women as they do. She converted
to Islam in the summer of 2003. BBC News point to a popular suggestion that
Ridley is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, in which hostages take the side
of the hostage-takers. Ridley rejects this, however, saying that at no
time did anyone try to brainwash her. She tells me that, at one point, she
was visited by a cleric who asked if she wanted to convert to Islam. She
refused but said that she would read the Koran if she ever got out. Indeed
she says she was horrible to [her] captors. I spat at them and was rude and
refused to eat. It wasn't until I was freed that I became interested in

Ridley is the author of In the Hands of the Taliban: Her Extraordinary
Story soon to be re-published by Islam Channel 2006, detailing the 11 days
she was held captive by the Taliban; as well as Ticket to Paradise
(Dandelion Books, LLC 2003), a novel with fictional characters based on the
real backdrop of 9/11. It was written before she converted to Islam and
friends say it was never published in the UK because she was too embarrassed
by its risque content. She is the presenter of The Agenda, the Islam
Channel's politics and current affairs show, broadcast Europe-wide and
available for download at the Islam Channel website. She also writes a
regular column for the New York-based Daily Muslims and other publications.


Side lines
Emily Wilson
Thursday August 1, 2002

Yvonne Ridley is the burka-clad Express reporter who was captured
donkey-riding on the wrong side of the Afghan border shortly before the US
bombing began last October. She was banged up for 11 days before being set
free by her courteous and respectful

Taliban captors.

Ridley wrote a few hundred thousand words on the subject in her paper on her
return, but it was only in her subsequent book that one really got a sense
of how long and truly terrifying those 11 days were, although of course, as
she never fails to point out, the Taliban were very polite. And, as a
comrade who has read her book points out, nothing very exciting actually
happened once she'd been wrestled from her donkey.

Now Ridley is converting to Islam. This week she told the BBC that one of
the conditions of her release was that she read up on the faith. This she
did, and now she is ready to put her drinking days behind her. So, the BBC
reporter asked, as a Muslim-to-be, did Ridley have any problems with working
for a paper owned by a pornographer? No, replied Ridley, quick as a flash.

Meanwhile it's day eight in the Commonwealth Games arena, and the world
is waking up to the fact that we need look no further for a substitute for
Big Brother. It's on when you get 

[wanita-muslimah] Mimpi Calon Menteri

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny
Jawa Pos
 Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009 ] 

Mimpi Calon Menteri 
Oleh: Arfanda Siregar

HINGGA17 Oktober, para pelamar calon menteri Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu jilid II 
harus terus menghidupkan handphone (HP). Mana tahu, kalau nasib lagi mujur, 
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) akan menghubungi pelamar yang pas 
menjadi pembantunya. 

Kebiasaan menghidupkan telepon genggam seharusnya berlanjut hingga menjadi 
menteri. Waktu kerja menteri melayani publik tidak seperti pekerja kantoran 
yang hanya setengah hari. Stop dreaming, start action, menteri tidak pernah 
berhenti melayani publik walau saatnya bermimpi, seperti kata seorang ahli 

Hanya Mimpi 

Kebanyakan menteri di negeri ini bagai menara gading, terpisah atau malah 
memisahkan diri dengan rakyatnya. Jangan terlalu berharap mampu menghubungi HP 
menteri, sekadar mengetahui nomor HP-nya pun rakyat tidak pernah mendapatkan 
akses. Menteri-menteri kita itu katanya saja akan bekerja siang dan malam untuk 
kemakmuran rakyat.

Kenyataannya, mereka memperjuangkan kemakmuran diri sendiri dan kroni. Fakta 
bahwa kehidupan rakyat melarat tidak membuat hati mereka miris. Berbagai 
kemewahan dan fasilitas berlebih yang didapat, baik legal maupun ilegal, 
dilahap di tengah-tengah pandangan nanar mata rakyat yang lapar. Empati menteri 
atas karut-marut kehidupan publik sangat tipis sehingga tidak peduli bahwa 
tindakan mereka sesungguhnya sangat menyakiti hati rakyat.

Lihat saja di jalan. Kalau ada menteri yang melintas, seluruh rakyat pembayar 
pajak harus menepi dan memberikan jalan kepadanya. Selama lima tahun terakhir 
ini, mobil menteri tak hanya dikawal moge (motor gede) atau mobil polisi. Di 
belakang mobil menteri masih ada sebuah jip berlampu sirene besar. 

Pelayanan kesehatan menteri juga berbeda dengan rakyat. Menteri tidak perlu 
berdesak-desakan sampai mau menjemput ajal menunggu giliran pelayanan kesehatan.

Sekarang SBY begitu bangga dengan program jaminan kesehatan masyarakat miskin 
(jamkeskin) yang, konon, untuk mendapatkan surat miskin masyarakat sudah 
kehabisan napas. Sementara itu, setiap menteri di Indonesia mendapatkan layanan 
kesehatan VVIP, boleh memilih dokter hingga rumah sakit, dalam dan luar negeri. 
Nilai jaminan yang berdasar Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No 115/PMK.02/2009 
mencapai Rp 24 miliar dan dinikmati bersama keluarga. 

Berbagai keistimewaan yang lain akan menjadi sangat menyakitkan rakyat kalau 
dibeber satu per satu. Yang pasti, di negeri ini seorang menteri adalah warga 
negara terhormat yang dibekali berbagai keistimewaan. Dan, bisa saja untuk 
memperoleh itu mereka mengorbankan hak-hak rakyat.

Karena itu, tak usah heran peminat yang kepengin ditelepon SBY membeludak. SBY 
sendiri terus terang telah menerima ratusan proposal dari mereka yang 
mengharapkan menjadi bagian dari 34 menteri kabinet mendatang. Proposal ada 
yang disampaikan lewat atau menelikung partai politik, organisasi masyarakat, 
atau individu pelamar. Cara penyampaiannya pun beraneka macam. Ada yang 
langsung kepada SBY, Ibu Negara Ani Yudhoyono, Sekretaris Negara Hatta Rajasa, 
dan elite Partai Demokrat. Bahkan, orang tua SBY yang renta pun menjadi sasaran 
para pemburu jabatan menteri.

Bukan Sekadar Mainan 

Padahal, menjadi menteri adalah pengabdian, bukan sekadar mengejar keistimewaan 
yang kelak didapat sebagai pembantu presiden. Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa 
Indonesia, mengabdi adalah berjanji untuk benar-benar menghambakan diri kepada 
nusa bangsa atau memperhambakan diri kepada rakyat. Jabatan menteri bukan 
mainan karena yang dipertaruhkan bukan hanya individu, keluarga, atau kelompok 
bersangkutan, tapi nasib masyarakat dan bangsa ini ke depan. Cukup sudah cerita 
bangsa ini terseok-seok karena kepentingan sesaat dan waktunya menatap 
tantangan dan kepentingan bangsa lebih besar. 

Orang yang memahami berat dan besarnya tanggung jawab menjadi menteri pasti 
tidak akan mengocok-ngocokkan diri kepada presiden. Bukan saja tugasnya yang 
berat, tetapi juga berbagai fasilitas yang bakal diterima sudah melawan kodrat 
dasar profesi menteri. Yakni, seorang yang bersumpah dan berjanji akan selalu 
mengabdi kepada bangsa dan negara tanpa perasaan malu menikmati berbagai 
perlakuan istimewa yang tidak mungkin dirasakan oleh rakyat yang menggajinya.

Orang-orang yang konsisten dengan kodrat sebagai pejabat publik bukan tidak ada 
di sini. Salah seorang di antara mereka adalah Bung Hatta. Suatu hari beliau 
kepengin membeli sepatu bermerek Bally yang bermutu tinggi. Saat itu dia tidak 
punya uang. Untuk memendam keinginannya, dia menyimpan guntingan iklan yang 
memuat alamat penjualnya, lalu berusaha menabung agar bisa membeli sepatu 
idaman tersebut. Namun, uang tabungan, tampaknya, tidak pernah mencukupi karena 
selalu terambil untuk keperluan rumah tangga atau untuk membantu kerabat dan 
handai tolan yang datang kepadanya untuk meminta pertolongan.

Hingga akhir hayat Bung Hatta, sepatu Bally idaman tidak pernah terbeli karena 

[wanita-muslimah] Revolutionary Guard Commanders Killed in Iran Bomb

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Revolutionary Guard Commanders Killed in Iran Bomb


  A picture taken on September 21, 2008 shows Iran's elite Revolutionary 
Guards marching during a military parade in Tehran. (AFP) 
  A picture taken in 2008 shows Iranian General Nur-Ali Shushtari, deputy 
commander of the Revolutionary Guards ground forces, who was killed in a 
suicide attack in the Iranian city of Pisheen. (AFP) 
  A picture taken on April 3, 2006 shows special forces of Iran's elite 
Revolutionary Guards participating in military manoeuvers at an undisclosed 
location near the Gulf. (AFP) 
TEHRAN, Iran, (AP) - A suicide bomber killed five senior commanders of the 
elite Revolutionary Guard and at least 15 others in an area of southeastern 
Iran that has been at the center of a simmering Sunni insurgency, state media 
The official IRNA news agency said the dead included the deputy commander of 
the Guard's ground force, Gen. Noor Ali Shooshtari, as well as a chief 
provincial Guard commander for the area, Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh. The other 
dead were Guard members or local tribal leaders. Dozens of others were wounded, 
the report said. 

The commanders were inside a car on their way to a meeting with local tribal 
leaders in the Pishin district near Iran's border with Pakistan when an 
attacker with explosives blew himself up, IRNA said. 

Iran's state-owned English language TV channel, Press TV, said there were two 
simultaneous explosions: one at the meeting and another targeting an additional 
convoy of Guards on their way to the gathering. 

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but the region in Iran's 
southeast has been the focus of violent attacks by a militant group from Iran's 
Sunni Muslim minority called Jundallah, or Soldiers of God, which has waged a 
low-level insurgency in recent years. 

The group accuses Iran's Shiite-dominated government of persecution and has 
carried out attacks against the Revolutionary Guard and Shiite targets in the 

That campaign is one of several ethnic and religious small-scale insurgencies 
in Iran that have fueled sporadic and sometimes deadly attacks in recent years 
- though none have amounted to a serious threat to the government. 

The Revolutionary Guard blamed Sunday's attack on what it called the global 
arrogance, a reference to the United States. 

The global arrogance, with the provocation of its local mercenaries, targeted 
the meeting of the Guard with local tribal leaders, said a Guard statement 
read out on state TV. 

Iranian officials have often raised concerns that Washington might try to 
incite members of Iran's many ethnic and religious minorities against the 
Shiite-led government, which is dominated by ethnic Persians. 

The Guard commanders targeted Sunday were heading to a meeting with local 
tribal leaders to promote unity between the Shiite and Sunni Muslim 

In April, Iran increased security in Sistan-Baluchistan Province, at the center 
of the tension, by placing it under the command of the Guard, which took over 
from local police forces. 

The 120,000-strong Revolutionary Guard controls Iran's missile program and has 
its own ground, naval and air units. 

Iran's parliamentary speaker, Ali Larijani, condemned the assassination of the 
Guard commanders, saying the bombing was aimed at disrupting security in 
southeastern Iran. 

We express our condolences for their martyrdom. ... The intention of the 
terrorists was definitely to disrupt security in Sistan-Baluchistan Province, 
Larijani told an open session of the parliament broadcast live on state radio. 

In May, Jundallah took credit for a suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque that 
killed 25 people in Zahedan, the capital of Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan province, 
which has witnessed some of Jundallah's worst attacks. Thirteen members of the 
faction were convicted in the attack and hanged in July. 

Jundallah is made up of Sunnis from the Baluchi ethnic minority, which can also 
be found in Pakistan and Afghanistan. 

The group has carried out bombings, kidnappings and other attacks against 
Iranian soldiers and other forces in recent years, including a car bombing in 
February 2007 that killed 11 members of the Revolutionary Guard near Zahedan. 

Jundallah also claimed responsibility for the December 2006 kidnapping of seven 
Iranian soldiers in the Zahedan area. It threatened to kill them unless members 
of the group in Iranian prisons were released. The seven were released a month 
later, apparently after negotiations through tribal mediators. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Will Iran Establish Ties with Israel?

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Will Iran Establish Ties with Israel?

By Tariq Alhomayed


At a time when the world, and our region in particular, is monitoring the 
possible outcome of the West's negotiations with Iran on its nuclear file- and 
is waiting to see whether negotiations will lead to a détente or confrontation 
between the West, or Israel, and Iran- it seems that Russia, a state that is 
friendly with both Iran and Israel, has a different vision for negotiations 
that must be completed between Tehran and the West. It is a vision that is 
based on the principle of there being no winner and no loser! 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who is not known for outlandish 
statements, said in an interview with the Russia Today television channel, RIA 
Novosti news agency and the Voice of Russia radio station that he believes that 
Israel and Iran should strive to restore relations and that there is nothing 
impossible in that. 

The Russian FM used Yasser Arafat as an example saying that nobody thought that 
Israel would discuss anything with him. Savrov also mentioned that during the 
reign of the Shah [in Iran], Israel offered Iran help to implement its nuclear 
missile programme and Tehran was supplying Tel Aviv with all the oil it needed. 
Lavrov added, I do not know when, but I think that normalization of relations 
[between Israel and Iran] will definitely happen. The most important thing now 
is to concentrate on the main issues and not to whip up emotions. Nobody needs 

Is this idea really up for discussion? Or are we facing a Russian vision that 
is aiming [to reach a] settlement between Iran and Israel, as Russia is an 
important state in a number of respects, especially with regards to the 
expected sanctions on Iran. In the same interview Lavrov expressed Russia's 
surprise that Iran was concealing its new nuclear facility in Qom. Perhaps this 
is an indication of admonition or that Russia wants to say that it does not 
have a direct link to Iran's new nuclear facility. 

However, what's important from the above is Lavrov's belief that Israel and 
Iran could normalize ties and that this will definitely happen even if he does 
not know when. If Russia really believes that, then what does that mean for us, 
the Arabs? I consider his comments important and dangerous - even if some 
people do believe that in reality [normalization of ties between Israel and 
Iran] will never happen - as this is not some media analysis or some confused 
dream; these are comments made by the Foreign Minister of a key state that is 
ally to both Iran and Israel. 

Moreover, this suggestion confirms that a nuclear Iran is not only a threat to 
Israel but a threat to the stability and security of the Arab Gulf states. If 
the Russian Foreign Minister really believes that Israeli-Iranian ties can be 
established, and that this will definitely happen then the question is why, and 
for who, is Iran accumulating all these weapons and why is it fighting for its 
nuclear file? There is a more important question to which there is no answer: 
is the Russian FM's statement an explanation of what Iran wrote in its letter 
to the West that it is ready to negotiate on regional issues instead of the 
nuclear file? 

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[wanita-muslimah] Saudi Foreign Worker Remittances Soaring: Economist

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Saudi Foreign Worker Remittances Soaring: Economist


RIYADH, (AFP) - Remittances from Saudi Arabia's estimated nine million mostly 
Asian foreign workers are soaring as the kingdom recruits more of them for its 
massive development plan, an economist said on Saturday. 

At 18.4 billion dollars last year and 15.0 billion in the first eight months of 
2009, earnings sent abroad now equalled four percent of Saudi gross domestic 
product, John Sfakianakis of Banque Saudi Fransi said, citing government data. 

Remittances in the January-August 2009 period jumped 12 percent compared with 
2008, according to central bank statistics. 

That was a slowdown from the 26.7 percent pace of 2008 versus 2007, but 
remarkably strong considering the global economic slowdown, according to 

That's a huge number, he said of the total amount sent out by millions of the 
mostly Asian and Middle Eastern workers. 

The reason was more the continued Saudi recruitment of labourers to build the 
Saudi government's huge slate of infrastructure projects -- new roads, rails, 
ports, airports, and cities -- that amount to about 400 billion dollars' worth 
in the five years to 2012. 

It is more due to the growth in the expatriate force rather than the rise in 
salaries, Sfakianakis told AFP. 

But, he added, For any economy it is a concern, if you have four percent of 
GDP going out. 

Saudi Arabia was the world's third largest source of foreign worker remittances 
in 2008 after the United States and Russia -- far larger economies -- according 
to the World Bank. 

The Saudi government says around six million foreigners work in the kingdom out 
of a total population of 26 million. 

But, said Sfakianakis, the unofficial figure is closer to nine million. 

With the largest groups Filipinos, Indonesians, Indians, Bangladeshis, 
Pakstanis, and Middle Easterners, they do jobs from domestic work and 
construction to manning fire brigades, staffing restaurants and managing top 

In a report this week, Banque Saudi Fransi -- an affiliate of France's Credit 
Agricole group -- said Saudi remittances are crucial to several poor economies. 

Remittances from expatriate workers form a significant source of hard-currency 
income for oil-importing economies in the Middle East and Asia, such as India, 
Pakistan and Egypt, it said. 

Sfakianakis said that as long as Saudi Arabia continues to enjoy high prices 
for its oil exports, the remittances are not a problem. 

But, he added, it remains a challenge, with a high unemployment rate among 

It is income that is lost to foreigners that could be in some ways earned by 
Saudis, he said. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Polisi Penembak Warga Hingga Tewas Belum Disidang

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Polisi Penembak Warga Hingga Tewas Belum Disidang 

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009 13:20 WIB 
TIMIKA--MI: Kasus penembakan hingga menewaskan korban Simon Fader yang 
melibatkan salah seorang anggota Polres Mimika, Bripka AA pada Januari lalu, 
hingga kini belum disidangkan. 

Berlarut-larutnya persidangan kasus tersebut karena penyidik Polres Mimika 
belum dapat melengkapi berkas berita acara pemeriksaan (BAP) tersangka, 
sebagaimana petunjuk jaksa. Sementara pelaku kasus tersebut, Bripka AA, 
dilaporkan masih menjalani tugas aktif di bagian Provost Polres Mimika. 

Kepala Seksi Pidana Umum Kejaksaan Negeri Timika, Febrian mengakui bahwa BAP 
tersangka Bripka AA yang belum lengkap, telah dikembalikan ke penyidik Polres 
Mimika. Saya sudah kembalikan BAP-nya beberapa minggu lalu karena ada 
keterangan saksi yang perlu ditambah, jelas Febrian. 

Menurut dia, keterangan saksi tambahan tersebut yaitu keterangan saksi ahli 
dari Polda Papua yang menjelaskan tentang prosedur tetap (protap) dalam 
menangani massa. Jika penyidik sulit melengkapi keterangan saksi ahli, kami 
akan minta BAP tersangka dilimpahkan kembali ke kejaksaan supaya kasus ini 
tidak berlarut-larut, ungkap Febrian. 

Almarhum Simon Fader tertembak pada bagian perutnya dengan peluru tajam kaliber 
5,5 milimeter saat anggota Polsek Mimika Baru dihadang sekelompok massa dari 
suku Kei di ruas Jalan C Heatubun, Kelurahan Kwamki Baru, Timika. Simon 
meninggal dunia di RSUD Mimika setelah tiga hari menjalani perawatan. 

Kematian Simon menyulut amarah warga suku Kei di Kota Timika. Massa menyerang 
kantor Polsek Mimika Baru dengan senjata tajam berupa parang, panah dan bom 
molotov. Massa juga membakar pos polisi di Pasar Swadaya Timika dan merusak 
rambu-rambu lalu lintas di sepanjang ruas Jalan Yos Sudarso. Atas perbuatannya 
itu, Bripka AA dijerat pasal 340 jo pasal 338 KUHP. (Ant/OL-02

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[wanita-muslimah] Lima Teroris sedang Diburu Polri

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009 | 

Lima Teroris sedang Diburu Polri 
Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009 15:03 WIB   
Penulis : Shanty

JAKARTA--MI: Walaupun para gembong teroris sudah habis ditangkap dan sebagian 
ditembak hingga tewas, Polri tetap mencari teroris lainnya. 

Pelaku teroris Poso, yang beberapa tahun lalu membuat dan meledakkan bom Poso, 
Nganto Bojel dan Ardin Lawanga alias Upik Lawanga, kini menjadi sasaran utama, 
selain Dul Matin dan Umar Patek. Dua teroris Poso itu merupakan dua ahli bom 
anak buah Dr Azahari yang masih buron. Keduanya sampai kini masih diburu ke 
beberapa lokasi. 

Selain itu, Densus 88 juga mengejar teroris lainnya, walaupun tingkatannya 
hanya sebagai orang yang menyembunyikan teroris, seperti Noordin M Top, Dr 
Azhari, Syaifudin, Syahrir, atau lainnya. Semua yang pernah terkait terorisme 
tetap kami kejar dan kami tindak, ujar Wakadiv Humas Polri Brigjen Sulistyo 
Ishak di Jakarta, Minggu (18/10). 

Dikatakannya, seperti Baridin, mertua Noordin M Top adalah salah satu teroris 
yang dikejar karena menyembunyikan Noordin M Top. Soal gembong teroris Dul 
Matin dan Umar Patek, yang dulu adalah teroris sekaliber Noordin M Top, tetap 
dicari. Namun, dari pengakuan para teroris kelompok Noordin M Top yang 
tertangkap hidup-hidup, tidak ada nama keduanya terdengar ikut dalam berbagai 
aksi terorisme mereka, ujar Sulistyo. 

Umar Patek dan Dul Matin sudah tidak terdengar namanya sejak bom Bali 1 tahun 
2002 lalu. Tidak ada yang pernah melihat keduanya. Walaupun begitu, pemerintah 
Amerika Serikat menyediakan US$10 juta bagi orang yang memberi informasi 
keberadaannya. Keduanya seperti lenyap ditelan bumi. Ada kabar keduanya tewas 
di Moro, Philipina. (San/OL-04) 

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[wanita-muslimah] Cultural strategy of rural Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Cultural strategy of rural Islam
M. Hilaly Basya ,  Leiden   |  Sat, 10/17/2009 1:11 PM  |  Opinion 

Munjid's article Thick Islam and Deep Islam (The Jakarta Post, Aug. 16, 2009) 
is interesting to discuss. He stated that rural Muslims practice Islam as 
culture and tradition and this is what he defined as deep Islam. 

In contrast, he compared them to urban Muslims who perform Islam more as 
identity (thick Islam). Rural Muslims are successfully uniting Islamic 
teachings with their local culture and emphasizing the substance of Islam such 
as human rights, elimination of poverty, injustice, economy, and education. 

Hilman's article entitled Cosmopolitan Muslims: Urban vs Rural Phenomenon 
(Oct. 2009) responded to these ideas critically. For Hilman, thick Islam and 
deep Islam are neither urban nor rural phenomena. 

I would like to critically explore rural Muslims from a historical perspective. 
In my view, what has been explained by Munjid about rural Islam is biased. He 
neglected several important factors that have shaped the outlook of rural 
Muslims. He directly concluded that pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools) were 
the determinant factor influencing the practice of rural Islam as a culture. 

In my view, the form of Islam in rural areas, especially in Java, has been 
influenced by a complex interaction between political interests, cultural 
contests and the supremacy of Javanese identity. In the early time of Islamic 
development in Java, Javanese Muslims still emphasized boundaries between Islam 
and Javanese traditions. They called on Muslims to abandon local traditions 
(Ricklefs, 2006). 

Gradually, the boundaries become unclear. As far as I am concerned, pesantren 
were not the prominent agency that was obscuring the boundaries. Kings were the 
actors who played an important role in smudging the boundaries. Sultan Agung, 
the king of Mataram who lived in the 17th century, was one of the kings that 
attempted to reconcile Javanese traditions with Islam. 

He combined the Islamic calendar with the Javanese calendar. On the one hand, 
it seems that as the king of Mataram in which Javanese customs were strongly 
held, he needed to appreciate these traditions in order to strengthen his 
legitimacy. On the other hand, as shown from label as a sultan from Mecca, he 
had a close relationship with Muslims. 

In addition, most Javanese elites who are described by Ricklefs as abangan 
(Javanese elites), disliked Muslims. There are three important books that can 
be mentioned here: Babad Kedhiri, Suluk Gatholoco, and Serat Dermagandul, which 
were published in the 18th and 19th centuries. 

These books depicted abangan's hatred toward Muslims. Babad Kedhiri, for 
instance, mentioned that Islam is a tragedy for Javanese (2007:189). Suluk 
Gatholoco stated that Allah is stupid and has no budi (moral values from 
Buddhism). In addition the book said it was the Budha age that was truly 
Javanese (2007:195). While Serat Dermagandhul asserted that if you adhere to 
the religion of the walis (Muslim clerics), you should go far away to Arabia 
and join people there (2007:198). 

These books indicate that Islam faced hostile response from Javanese elites. 
That is why Muslim elites, mostly kings, reconciled Islam and Javanese 
tradition. Based on these findings, we understand why Wali Songo preached Islam 
with local culture (Javanese tradition). The main problems faced by rural 
Muslims were not secularization and modernization, but the supremacy of 
Javanese traditions. It also indicates that rural Islam needed a long time to 
be successful. Therefore, the different social political context is one of the 
important factors influencing the way rural Muslims perform Islam. 

This is different to what urban Muslims faced. They negotiated Islam with 
secularism. So far, urban Muslims are divided in various forms. Some of them 
become fundamentalists. They tried to revive Islam as performed in the early 
time of Islamic development. They rejected secularism and to some extent 
modernity as well. 

Other urban Muslims emphasized spirituality. They attempted to overcome the 
challenge of alienating secular life. And the rest become progressive-liberal. 
They are able to negotiate Islam and secularism. Therefore urban Muslims have 
different characters of Islamic understanding. 

Compared to urban Muslims, rural Muslims were late to struggle with secularism 
and modernity, at least, after Indonesian independence. In the 1950s, rural 
Islam represented by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) had difficulty with modernity 
(Clifford Geertz, 1960:162-198). Some younger NU activists often called the 
members to study secular (modern) disciplines. 

They were disappointed with conservatism performed by pesantrens that only 
taught religious subjects such as fiqh, tafsir, and tasawuf. 

Unfortunately, conservatism and traditionalism were hegemonic 

[wanita-muslimah] Washliyah tolak radikalisme agama dalam pendidikan

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik sunny

Washliyah tolak radikalisme agama dalam pendidikan
Oktober 19, 2009 - 5:45 
Kategori Berita Terkini, Nasional

MENTENG (Pos Kota) - Aljam`iyatul Washliyah (Al Washliyah) sebagai Ormas Islam, 
menolak segala bentuk radikalisme yang merusak tatanan agama, masyarakat dan 
demokrasi bangsa Indonesia. Hal ini terkait dengan isu masuknya pemahaman 
radikal dalam Pendidikan Agama di sekolah.

Secara tegas  tokoh Al-Washliyah, di antaranya Ridwan Ibrahim Lubis, Lc, Dr. 
Abdul Rahman Dahlan, MA, dan Ir. Amran Arifin, MM tidak setuju jika lembaga 
pendidikan Islam seperti pesantren dan madrasah diidentikkan sebagai sarang 

Penolakan terhadap pikiran radikalisme merupakan hasil diskusi tokoh Al 
Washliyah, yang digelar di satu hotel di kawasan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu 
(18/10). Selama ini sorotan publik pada dunia pendidikan begitu gencar. 
Seolah-olah pendidikan agama merupakan titik masalah lahirnya teroris.

Menurut Ketua Majelis Pendidikan Al Washliyah, Haris Sambas, kurikulum yang 
diberikan di sekolah Al Washliyah tidak ada mengajarkan kekerasan. Al Washliyah 
mendidik siswanya bahwa Agama Islam mengajarkan kasih sayang kepada seluruh 
makhluk yaitu rahmatan lil 'alamin. Perlu diketahui saat ini Al Washliyah 
memiliki sekitar 700 sekolah di Indonesia.

Terkait dengan pemboman yang dilakukan para teroris, Al Washliyah memutuskan 
bahwa bom bunuh diri yang dilakukan teroris beberapa waktu lalu di Indonesia 
merupakan perbuatan sesat dan hukumnya haram. Bom bunuh diri itu bukan mati 
syahid, tegas Ridwan Ibrahim Lubis dalam pemaparannya.

Hingga saat ini menurut Haris, belum ada satu pun siswa atau lulusan sekolah Al 
Washliyah yang terlibat dalam tindakan kekerasan atas nama agama apalagi 
menjadi teroris.

Selain itu, Haris juga mengajak semua tokoh pendidikan Al-Washliyah untuk 
berjuang mengembalikan citra Islam, sebagai 'agama yang ramah', bukan 'agama 
yang marah'. Islam adalah agama yang damai dan mencintai kedamaian. Untuk itu, 
setiap Muslim harus mampu bersikap ramah kepada umat manusia dan alam 
sekitarnya. (syamsir)

 Print This Post 
Berita Terkait
  a.. Kondisi Ekonomi Membuat Radikal
  b.. Depag Gelar Sidang Itsbat Sore Ini
  c.. Perlu Kreatifitas, Pengajaran Kesadaran Berkonstitusi
  d.. Al Washliyah,`Stop Bantai Umat Islam China`
  e.. Desak SBY Tuntaskan Kasus Bom

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Re: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurahman

- Original Message - 
From: abdul latif latifabdul...@yahoo.com
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 00:11
Subject: Pro HMNUR: [wanita-muslimah] Qory Wajib Junjung Tinggi Syariat 

Alhamdulillah, setelah lebih 1 tahun hmnur menghilang, sekrang muncul 
semoga sdr kita ini tdk lagi berkata kata burukdlm berdiskusi

Syariat Islam yang mana?
Syariat Islam wahabi Fanatik, atau syariat Islam DR Quraish shihab,Ah 
Kalau kita mengikuti Syariat Taliban...maka semua tubuh dari kepala sampai 
ujung kaki adalah Aurat.
Kalau mengikuti tafsiran Ahli tafsir Indonesia, kepala, tangan dan kaki 
bukanlah aurat
Kalau mengikuti Hadits2 Palsu yg belum tentu ucapan Rasul, rambut kepala 
adalah Aurat
Dalam Al Quran tidak ditentukan batas2 Aurat
Aurat menurut Al Quran, berdasarkan cerita adam dan hawa menutup kemaluan 
dengan daun2an, selain dari itu terbuka

Breaking News, Ulama Alazhar sudah mengharamkan cadar yaitu menutup semua 

Kalau kita perhatikan HMNUR mengikuti pemahaman Islam Taliban yg tdk 
diberkahi oleh ALLAH perjuangannya.

Wahyu dan Akal - Iman dan Ilmu
[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
567. Thaliban Dikeroyok, Dijatuhi Sanksi Ekonomi, Siapa-Siapa di Belakang 

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan secara langsung dan tidak langsung ditujukan kepada 
saya, mengapa berturut-turut Thaliban yang diperbincangkan. Betapa tidak. 
Setelah Pemerintahan Thaliban dikeroyok dan ditumbangkan, maka pers amzi 
melancarkan penyerangan citra (image) berupa pembunuhan karakter (character 
assassination) atas Thaliban. Dalam benak orang yang telah terbius oleh 
suntikan narkoba pers amzi, Thaliban itu identik dengan terrorist. Nabi 
Muhammad Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
TDA'AY LH SA^R JSDH BALSHR WALHMY, dibaca: Almu'mini-na fi- tara-humihim 
watawa-dihim wata'a-thifihim kamatsalil jasadi idzasy taka- 'udhwan tada-'a- 
lahu sa-iru jasadihi bissahri walhumma, artinya: Para mu'min dalam kasih 
mengasihi, cinta mencintai, tolong menolong, ibarat tubuh, jika ada salah 
satu anggota yang terkena luka, seluruh tubuh ikut menderita tidak dapat 
tidur dan ditimpa demam. [Bukhari, Muslim]. Pemerintahan Thaliban telah 
dengan ikhlas mendirikan ke-Amiran (Emirate) di negeri Afghanistan, 
dikeroyok, disingkirkan kemudian ditimpakan pula character assassination. 
Maka suatu keniscayaan para Mu'minin ikut merasakan pula mushibah pembunuhan 
karakter itu, dan harus membela Thaliban dari citra sebagai terrorist.

Ketika menggali mencari tahu tentang serangan terhadap Thaliban, tanpa 
sengaja ditemukan informasi dalam laporan indiareacts.com di New Delhi, 
bertanggal 26 Juni 2001. Tiga bulan, ulangi: tiga bulan, sebelum peristiwa 
serangan terhadap gedung kembar WTC dan markas Pentagon terjadi.

Menurut berita yang diturunkan oleh indiareacts.com tersebut, Sekretaris 
Jenderal Kementerian Luar Negeri India, Chokila Iyer, menghadiri pertemuan 
kelompok kerja gabungan Indo-Rusia tentang Afganistan di Moskwa pada waktu 
Thaliban telah mengontrol 95% wilayah Afghanistan. Para pejabat India 
mengatakan India akan memainkan peran sebagai fasilitator, sementara AS 
dan Rusia akan menyerbu Thaliban dari utara dengan dukungan dua negara Asia 
Tengah, Tajikistan dan Uzbekistan. Tujuannya memukul mundur Thaliban kembali 
ke garis tahun 1998, 50 kilometer dari Mazar-i-Sharief, sebuah kota di utara 
Afganistan. Ketika itu AS dan Rusia bersepakat akan melancarkan serangan 
terbatas terhadap Thaliban bila rumusan sanksi keras di bidang ekonomi yang 
disarankan kepada Thaliban tidak berhasil menekannya.

Menurut laporan edisi Juni 2001 indiareacts.com itu, langkah-langkah 
diplomatik menghadapi Thaliban dilakukan menyusul pertemuan antara Menlu AS 
Collin Powell dengan Menlu Rusia Igor Ivanov, dan kemudian antara Powell 
dengan Menlu India Jaswant Singh di Washington DC. Rusia dan India juga 
telah bertemu dalam serangkaian diskusi dan setelah itu kegiatan diplomatik 
kian meningkat. Para perencana militer menegaskan jika Thaliban tidak 
mendapatkan pukulan yang telak sekarang juga, maka mereka dipastikan akan 
bisa menerobos lembah Panjsher. Jatuhnya lembah Panjsher akan memungkinkan 
Thaliban menguasai sisa wilayah Afganistan yang 5 persen yang kini masih 
dikuasai oleh Aliansi Utara.

Thaliban yang menguasai Afganistan, ditengarai oleh Rusia dan India akan 
membahayakan kepentingan ekonomi India dan Rusia, yang tengah mengembangkan 
suatu rencana berlingkup luas untuk menyuplai minyak dan gas ke Asia Selatan 
dan Asia Tenggara melalui India. PBB telah mengirimkan delegasi 12 orang ke 
India pada minggu pertama bulan Mei 2001 untuk memmbicarakan kelaikan sanksi 
ekonomi yang cukup keras terhadap Thaliban. Sehubungan dengan hal itu 
kabinet India memutuskan untuk 

[wanita-muslimah] Ketika Api Cinta Meredup

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Ketika Api Cinta Meredup

By: agussyafii

Siang panas terik saya menerima sms teman mengajak ngopi bareng di Citos. 
Bertemu teman-teman lama ngomongin banyak hal menjadi obat rindu. Perkembangan 
dunia politik sampai dunia pendidikan yang memprihatinkan juga menjadi bagian 
perbincangan yang menarik buat kami. Topik pembicaraan menjadi serius ketika 
salah seorang teman sempat bertanya, 'sebelum menikah, dipelupuk mata saya, 
wajah yang tercantik adalah istri saya, kenapa tiba-tiba sekarang berubah ya 
mas?' Mendengar apa yang dikatakannya tanpa sabar kami tertawa. 'Wah, yang 
berubah istrimu atau dirimu..Bud,' Jawab saya.

Andi, diantara kami bertiga, dialah yang paling muda. Wajahnya bersih, 
berkacamata berkata jujur kepada kami. 'Mas, entah kenapa saya suka berjalan 
bareng dengan teman perempuan sekantor.  Hanya teman untuk curhat mas. Sejak 
istriku melahirkan, kami jarang berjalan berdua bahkan ngobrol bareng.' 
tuturnya. Saya katakan padanya, hal itu tidak boleh diteruskan, sekalipun itu 
hanya ngobrol bareng. Bila cinta keluarga meredup harus dicarikan solusinya.

Meredupnya api cinta didalam diri kita berarti 'warning' yang harus disikapi 
secara serius. Tanda-tanda keterakan biduk rumah tangga tidaklah boleh 
dibiarkan.  Menjaga api asmara untuk keluarga yang kita sayangi memanglah tidak 
mudah namun juga bukanlah sesuatu yang tidak mungkin. Paling tidak ada tiga hal 
yang harus dijaga, pertama, gairah. Kedua, keharmonisan. dan ketiga, komitmen. 
Upaya mempertahankan ketiga hal ini menjadi penting dan juga kemampuan untuk 
menjaga dan merawatnya.

Pertama, Di dalam keluarga membiasakan diri untuk sholat berjamaah. Ada satu 
hadis Nabi yang menyebutkan bahwa Alloh merahmati istri yang membangunkan 
suaminya untuk sholat malam. Jika tidak mau maka istrinya memercikkan air 
diwajah suaminya hingga terbangun.  Bahkan kebiasaan Baginda Nabi Muhamad SAW 
mengajak keluarganya untuk melaksanakan sholat malam. Makna dari ibadah sholat 
malam berjamaah adalah mencairkan kondisi di dalam keluarga. Seusai sholat 
alangkah indahnya suami meminta maaf kepada istri tercintanya. atau sebaliknya. 
Disaat meminta maaf, ungkapkan dengan setulus hati apa yang telah membuat anda 
kecewa terhadap pasangan hidup anda dan diakhiri dengan berdoa memohon petunjuk 
Alloh SWT.

Kedua, Ekspresikan perasaan kita dalam ucapan maupun tindakan. Ada seorang 
sahabat Nabi begitu mencintai istrinya. Baginda Nabi memerintahkan untuk 
menyatakan secara lisan kepada pasangan hidupnya (HR. Daud  Tirmidzi), dan 
menurut riwayatnya, Nabi juga terbiasa dengan istrinya dengan mengucapkan 'aku 
cinta padamu.' didalam kesehariannya atau memanggil panggilan kesayangan. 
Panggilan kesayangan akan membuat emosi terjaga. Rasulullah menyapa orang-orang 
yang disayanginya dengan panggilan sayang. 'Seperti memanggil Aisyah dengan 
sebutan Humairah (kemerahan).

Ketiga, Bertutur lembut. Suara mengekspresikan perasaan. Bila memang maksudnya 
baik terlontar dengan nada lembut akan mudah dicerna sebagai wujud kasih 
sayang. Interaksi yang positif didalam keluarga mampu meningkatkan kekebalan 
tubuh dan mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung maupun kolesterol dengan menjaga 
hormon stress tetap rendah. Kata-kata yang lembut dan perasaan hangat dapat 
menjaga pernikahan agar tetap sehat. Dalam sebuah riset kesehatan dampak tutur 
kata mempengaruhi cortisol pada pasangan suami istri. tetapi perempuan sangat 
sensitif dengan kata-kata negatif. Cortisol adalah hormon berkaitan dengan 
stress. Kadar Hormon akan meningkat bila stress terjadi maka bertutur kata yang 
lembut akan mempererat tali cinta dalam keluarga.

Keempat, bagian yang juga tak kalah pentingnya yaitu perbanyaklah sholat malam 
dan berdoa. hanya Allohlah yang memberkahi sebuah keluarga dengan sakinah, 
mawaddah, warahmah di dalam diri kita. Oleh sebab itu untuk melanggengkan 
cinta, tentram dan rahmah di dalam rumah tangga kita adalah dengan sholat dan 
memohon kepadaNya. Bacalah doa yang diajarkan oleh Baginda Nabi Muhamad SAW 
setiap selesai sholat fardhu,

'Robbana hablana min azwajina wa durriyatina qurrota a'yun wa jangalna lil 
muttaqinaa imaman' (Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkanlah kami pasangan hidup dan 
keturunan yang menyenangkan hati kami, dan jadikanlah kami pemimpin orang-orang 
yang bertaqwa).

Dan yang terakhir, ada satu doa yang dipanjatkan mudah2an anda masih ingat 
ketika waktu menjadi pengantin baru. Semoga doa ini menjadikan keberkahan buat 
keluarga kita semua yang membaca doa ini, amin.

'Ya Alloh, berkahilah kedua mempelai ini. Satukan mereka berdua dalam kebaikan 
dunia akherat. Jadikan kehidupan mereka berdua baik dan bahagia. kehidupan 
penuh kasih sayang. Kehidupan Mawaddah wa Rahmah.  Kehidupan yang tenang dan 
sejahtera. kehidupan yang penuh nikmat dan sejahtera. Ya Alloh, jadikanlah 
mereka berdua termasuk hamba-hambaMua yang mukmin, sholeh, muttaqin, yang 
berguna bagi Umat Islam dan Kaum Muslimin. Ya Alloh, curahkanlah rahmatMu untuk 
Baginda Nabi Muhamad SAW, 

[wanita-muslimah] Hikmah Jual Beli Secara Angsuran Dalam Ekonomi Islam

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik ali
By : Alihozi

Wahai orang-orang beriman , apabila kalian bermuamalah (jual-beli,utang 
piutang) tidak secara tunai untuk waktu yang ditentukan, hendaklah kalian 
menuliskannya…(Al-Baqarah :282)

Pada masa sekarang ini kita sudah maklum bahwa jual beli secara angsuran telah 
berkembang dengan pesat dan dilakukan oleh baik individu maupun perusahaan 
termasuk industri perbankan syariah., dilakukan dengan cara seseorang atau 
perusahaan tsb membeli sesuatu dari pihak lain lalu menjualnya kembali dengan 
harga lebih mahal dari harga pembelian tunai kepada masyarakat dan cara 
pembayarannya mengangsur per bulan s/d jangka waktu yang telah disepakati. 
Dalam literature kitab fiqih banyak yang memperbolehkan jual beli secara 
angsuran tsb.

Pada kesempatan ini penulis hanya akan sedikit menguraikan hikmah dari mengapa 
diperbolehkannya jual beli secara angsuran dalam ajaran agama Islam semoga 
bermanfaat :

1.Selama jual beli secara angsuran tsb sesuai dengan syariat Islam yaitu 
terpenuhinya rukun dan syarat sahnya jual beli, jangka waktu pembayaran dan 
jumlah angsurannya diketahui dengan jelas maka jual beli angsuran tsb tidak 
terdapat gharar, penipuan maupun riba

2.Memudahkan anggota masyarakat yang tidak mampu membeli barang secara tunai 
untuk memiliki suatu barang yang dibutuhkan. Karena tidak semua orang mampu 
membeli barang yang dibutuhkan secara tunai.

3.Baik penjual dan pembeli memperoleh kemanfaatan dengan jual beli angsuran 
yakni penjual dapat memperoleh tambahan keuntungan sedangkan pembeli dapat 
membayarnya secara mudah /ringan dan sedikit demi sedikit.

4.Penjual diuntungkan dengan bertambahnya harga dan pembeli diuntungkan dengan 
adanya jangka waktu pembayaran

Maha suci Engkau Ya Allah tidak ada ilmu padaku kecuali apa yang telah Engkau 
ajarkan kepadaku


Alihozi http://alihozi77.blogspot.com
Bagi anda yang ingin mengajukan KPR BMI bisa menghubungi Ali di no 
Hp:0813-882-364-05 atau email ali.h...@yahoo.co.id , pricingnya kompetitif.

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad

2009-10-18 Terurut Topik Dwi Soegardi
HT dilarang di banyak negara muslim seperti yang Anda sebut.

Tetapi HT tumbuh subur di negara Eropa seperti Inggris.
Nah itulah yang semestinya Anda pertanyakan.

Indonesia mau seperti Mesir dan Pakistan,
yang memberangus setiap gerakan pemikiran yang bertentangan dengan
kemauan rejim yang berkuasa,
atau mau seperti Inggris,
yang atas nama kebebasan berpendapat
membiarkan gerakan yang mengutuk-ngutuk sistem negara yang memberikan
kehidupan baginya?

oh lupa saya, Anda maunya NKRI bubar kan? Kayak HT dong :-)

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 4:04 PM, sunny am...@tele2.se wrote:
 Apa saya tidak bilang HT bersalah. hanya bertanya bagaimana?  Pertanyaan 
 ditimbulkan dari berita artikel tentang Pakistan, selain itu juga antara lain 
  HT di dilarang  di Mesir, Yordania.

  - Original Message -
  From: Dwi Soegardi
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 8:54 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad

    Kalo jaman Orba dan Orla, sudah lama digulung.
  Apa perlu kembali ke masa-masa bahagia itu?

  btw, Om, apa salah HT di Indonesia?

  On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:32 PM, sunny am...@tele2.se wrote:
   Refleksi : Bagaimana dengan HT di NKRI?
   Hizb-ut-Tahrir safe house raided in Islamabad
   By Munawer Azeem
   Sunday, 18 Oct, 2009
   Policemen stand guard at the site during raid in Islamabad. - Photo by PPI
   ISLAMABAD: Police raided a 'safe house' of the proscribed student 
 organisation Hizb-ut-Tahrir on Saturday and took into custody over two dozen 
   Six activists of the group managed to escape despite a siege of the house 
 in sector F-8/3.
   Police raided the house after a tip-off that a large number of the banned 
 outfit's members were huddled in a meeting there to plot acts of subversion 
 in Islamabad. The house is located only a few kilometres from the offices of 
 police high-ups.
   A heavy contingent of well-equipped policemen and personnel of 
 anti-terrorist squad took part in the raid.
   Police found some objectionable literature, computers and some other stuff 
 in the house and seized over 15 vehicles, including Sedan cars and sport 
 utility vehicles.
   According to a senior police officer, the arrested people were booked 
 under the Anti-Terrorism Act and produced in a court of law for further legal 
 action. He said the activists were suspected of helping militants.
   He said the meeting was being held in a rented house and police were 
 searching for the owner who would also face a legal action.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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 Milis Wanita Muslimah
 Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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