[wanita-muslimah] Changing public's mind-set is key

2006-07-20 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Changing public's mind-set is key 
Indraswari, Bandung

Tansa Musa's article, Millions of girls suffer 'breast ironing', in 
the July 7 edition of The Jakarta Post shocked me. Breast ironing 
adds to the list of harmful practices engaged in by women: the 
ancient Chinese custom of foot binding, female genital cutting in 
some African countries and suttee in India -- now very rare -- the 
act of a Hindu widow willingly being cremated on the funeral pyre of 
her husband.

According to the report, breast ironing is "the use of hard or 
heated objects or other substances to try to stunt breast growth in 
girls (which) is a traditional practice in West Africa". It says 
that in Cameroon one in four teenagers are subjected to the cruel 
practice by relatives. 

Three days later, there was an article in the Post on schoolgirls in 
Makassar, South Sulawesi, being ordered to leave their leg-baring 
short skirts in the closet to avoid attracting unwelcome attention. 

While Cameroon and Makassar are millions of miles away and the two 
cases may not be comparable, both apply the same logic in blaming 
women for sexual harassment -- generally defined as unwanted and 
unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. What lies behind the breast 
ironing practice are the dominant misleading views that when women 
are sexually harassed it is because they are too attractive. 

Such views explain why the cruel practice occurs under the notion 
to "protect" women from sexual harassment, or rape, by lessening 
their sexual attractiveness and that the practice is for their own 
good. In a similar tone, the Makassar mayor as quoted in this paper 
explicitly stated that the order to don long skirts for female high 
school students aims to ensure they maintain decent conduct and to 
prevent inviting sexual harassment. 

We can only stop sexual harassment from occurring if we make efforts 
to change people's mind-sets. A campaign to educate the public about 
sexual harassment should be run by the government. It is a crime for 
which the perpetrators should be punished. On a practical level, 
opening up a hot line or a center that receives reports of sexual 
harassment could be done by the police together with, for instance, 
local non-governmental organizations. 

This has been done in some regions, but staffing these facilities 
with gender-sensitive personnel who can empathize with the victims 
is imperative. Moreover, law enforcement should be upheld properly 
to ensure justice. 

Regardless of such initiatives, however, women will not be protected 
until perceptions of sexual harassment change. The victims of rape, 
for instance, include children and elderly women. Sexual harassment 
occurs not only in public places but at also in th home. The 
perpetrators are not only strangers but also family members or 

Quoting government and media surveys, website Wikipedia estimates 40 
to 60 percent of women in the U.S. are sexually harassed in the 
workplace. The European Women's Lobby reports that between 40 and 50 
percent of female employees have experienced some form of sexual 
harassment or unwanted sexual behavior in the workplace. 

A 2002 study of students in the eighth through to the 11th grade by 
the American Association of University Women revealed that 78 
percent of girls have been sexually harassed. To my knowledge, there 
is not yet statistical data on sexual harassment in Indonesia, but 
this does not mean that we do not need to pay attention to it. 

In the case of breast ironing -- which may result in one or both 
breasts "disappearing" -- there is no guarantee that the victims are 
then free from sexual harassment as the report indicates that the 
same parents might mutilate other parts of their daughters' bodies, 
which are seen as attractive to men. 

In a similar vein, if women are required to cover their legs, the 
same government officials might instruct women to cover other parts 
of their bodies. 

The problem is, even when women are completely covered, sexual 
harassment still occurs. So sexual harassment is not about women's 
clothing and their attractiveness to men, it is about unequal power 

In such a case, it is not only the victims who are dehumanized but 
the perpetrators, as the latter are considered no more than sexual 
creatures, devoid of respect for other human beings and unable to 
control their sexual desires. 

Both men and women should dress appropriately but if women are not 
treated with respect, regardless of their dress, we cannot expect to 
curb sexual harassment. 

The writer is a lecturer at the Department of Public Administration, 
School of Social and Political Science, Parahyangan Catholic 
University. She can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[wanita-muslimah] Dropping religion from ID cards requires the courage to decide

2006-05-26 Terurut Topik ayeye1


Dropping religion from ID cards requires the courage to decide

Mohammad Yazid, Jakarta

The relationship between man and God is very personal. Only the
individual and God are conscious of the extent and closeness of this
relationship. Owing to the personal nature of one's belief, it is
understandable that some people object to revealing their faith to
others, let alone having it placed on their identity card (ID). This
may explain why some countries exclude religion from their IDs.

This is unlike Indonesia, where IDs better known as Kartu Tanda
Penduduk (KTP) are currently under debate for the inclusion of
religion on the card.

Although it has been publicly denied, the government reportedly is
going to reexamine the possible omission of religion on the KTP, as
recommended by several non-governmental organizations to avoid
categorizing people according to religion.

Some policies are at times hard to fathom, such as, why should our
religion be identified when we are admitted to the hospital? Likewise,
the government has decided to exclude occupation and marital status on
the new national KTP, in a bid to protect people's privacy.

A negative reaction however came from Muhammadiyah chairman Din
Syamsuddin. "Don't omit religion, just refrain from propagating new
and strange ideas," he said. "Indonesians like to identify themselves
with their religion."

We may agree or disagree, but a very simple question arises: Does the
inclusion of religion truly reflect the faith embraced by the
individual concerned?

This has proven to be untrue in Indonesia's political history, when
under the New Order regime, Confucianism was not recognized as a
religion in 1979. During the rule of first president Sukarno,
Confucianism was recognized along with Islam, Protestantism,
Catholicism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

As a result of political intervention in the religious domain, a large
number of Confucianists were forced to declare themselves Buddhists or
Christians or simply leave the space for religion on their KTP vacant.

Now the government has officially re-acknowledged Confucianism.
Several local governments like Malang in East Java allow people to put
Confucianism as their religion on their KTP.

Some circles suggest that the inclusion of religion on the KTP is
purely symbolic. Din may be right that Indonesians are fond of being
identified by their religion, but regrettably it becomes a mere symbol
instead of enhancing one's spiritual life.

We are trapped in the spirit of an outward _expression_ of religiosity
like the building of lots of houses of worship rather than utilizing
these houses to gain a closer bond with God. With limited resources it
would be wiser for us to prioritize other projects that are more
useful for the public at large.

Furthermore, the zeal for construction is usually accompanied by a
passion for religious propagation to gain the maximum number of
followers. This has perhaps triggered conflicts of a religious,
ethnic, racial and communal nature such as those in Poso, Ambon and
other areas in the country. We have been overwhelmed by the fervor of
seeking quantity rather than quality, of physical pursuit rather than
spiritual exploration.

A respectable ulema from Banyuwangi made the following observation:

"There are beautiful mosques, magnificent churches, fascinating
temples and shrines. Why then is the earth pervaded by the stench of
blood coming from fighting between faiths. Whatever happened to the
teachings of Ihsan (good deeds), of tat twan asi (sameness or
friendliness), of kasih (compassion), of dharma (good deeds). Why
aren't they grasped as a personal force to act and build public
welfare in the world?" writes Slamet Oetomo in his foreword in the
book Berguru kepada Allah menghidupkan kecerdasan emosional dan
spiritual (Learning from Allah to revitalize emotional and spiritual
intelligence), authored by Abu Sangkan.

Many factors have certainly led to social conflicts. But the other
causes will in fact be overcome if religious practice bears spiritual
strength because this power will pacify and bring man to the quest for
social improvement.

With this tendency toward social conflict, the government needs to
consider removing religion from the KTP. This will allow religion to
be defined in legal terms, in view of the difference between the
government's recognition of only a limited number of creeds and the
Constitution's guarantee of freedom of worship.

In addition, the omission can at least give various lessons to society
in religious practice. The time has come for the public to be saved
from the trap of religious pride of a symbolical and ceremonial
nature, let alone non-religious attitudes. On the other hand, appeals
that religions take the path of social improvement should come to the

Formerly, the inclusion of religion on the KTP posed no problem and in
some cases could even be useful to determi

[wanita-muslimah] A Chinese-Indonesian history of discrimination

2006-05-26 Terurut Topik ayeye1


A Chinese-Indonesian history of discrimination

M. Taufiqurrahman, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

For more than 40 years, Hariyanto has been judged by his ethnicity.

During the anti-communist pogrom in the mid-1960s, the native of Tanah
Abang was accused of being a communist simply because he was a Chinese

Even today, his religion, Taoism, is constantly confused with
Confucianism and his ID card says he is a Buddhist.

Years of official discrimination against Chinese-Indonesian citizens
prompted Hariyanto and thousands of others to put Buddhism, one of the
five religions then recognized by the government, on their ID cards.

While it may just be an imprint on a piece of paper, its consequences
are serious.

"We all have to disguise what faiths we practice because we fear that
government officials will meddle in our religious affairs," Hariyanto
told The Jakarta Post.

When he went to worship -- the sign on the Taoist temple's main gate
also stated it was a Buddhist institution.

Despite this insult, ethnic Chinese like Hariyanto are so used to
discrimination that they accept it as the norm.

"I personally don't care anymore whether or not the government
recognizes Taoism or Confucianism as religions. These are our beliefs,
not theirs," Hariyanto said.

"I don't want to talk too much about the discrimination or else I will
be accused of being a communist once again," he said.

A member of the Army-sponsored Student Action Front during the 1960s,
Hariyanto was labeled a communist because he was reluctant to join a
campaign to crush the Indonesian Communist Party.

After the fall of the New Order regime, the government officially
recognized Confucianism as an established religions in the country,
aside from Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism and Buddhism.
However, this acceptance has not filtered down to the lower levels of

Unfortunately for Hariyanto, Taoism, an offshoot of Confucianism, was
not recognized. Most people here confuse Confucianism and Taoism
because both are beliefs originally from mainland China.

However, Taoist texts reject many of the basic assumptions of

During his presidency, Abdurrahman "Gus Dur" Wahid tried to end
discrimination against ethnic Chinese by officially recognizing their
beliefs and culture.

However, despite the policy change, most ethnic Chinese say little has

Daniel Lesmana, who lives in Palmerah in West Jakarta, says that being
a Chinese Confucian means he is often extorted by government officials.

The 45-year-old said that even if he wanted to state his real religion
on his ID card, the process would be slow, costly and uncertain.

"Issuing ID cards and other documents to Chinese people has become a
way for government officials to make money. That is why it is
difficult to change their attitudes to us," he told the Post.

Daniel feels Chinese Indonesians here are being unfairly singled out
by officials in the country, unlike Indonesian Arabs or Muslims from
other ethnic groups.

Communities here are often targeted by officialdom in random ID card
sweeps, especially when alleged wrongdoing by Chinese Indonesians is
exposed in the media.

This happened earlier this month in Makassar, South Sulawesi, where
tensions in the area were high following the death of a housemaid who
worked for a Chinese family. 

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
Kirim Posting mailto:wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Berhenti mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Milis Keluarga Sejahtera mailto:keluarga-sejahtera@yahoogroups.com
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Different religions beliefs

Women in islam



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[wanita-muslimah] Re: PDS dan Syariat -Fobia

2006-05-22 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Di bawah ini beberapa artikel yang membahas soal hukum sharia, 
perda, moralitas seksual dan subyek yang berkaitan dalam konteks 
perkembangan di Indonesia yang baru ini. Untuk membaca semua artikel 
secara lengkap silakan klik link pada setiap artikel, karena saya 
hanya mengutip bagian-bagian tertentu.

Mengenai artikel yang dikirim oleh Mbak Flora, saya ada satu 

Bagaimana mungkin seseorang yang bertanggung jawab sampai bisa 
menulis seperti:

Soal zina dalam Islam sudah jelas. Pelakunya harusnya diganjar hukum 
rajam atau cambuk 100 kali.

Padahal soal hukum zina, bahkan definisi zina, masih menjadi 
debatable dalam masrakyat Islam. Di milis ini juga pernah dibahas 
panjang lebar hingga beberapa kali. Lagipula, pernyataan di atas 
membingungkan, karena dibilang jelas, tetapi nanti dibilang rajam 
atau cambuk 100 kali. Mana yang benar alias jelas?

Maka, orang yang cepat bilang "ini sudah jelas" dan sejenisnya bisa 
menjadi bahaya apabila yang bersangkutan memegang kekuasaan. Apalagi 
atas dasar hukum yang masih debatable. Maka harus dimengerti mengapa 
sebagian masrakyat mempunyai rasa takut terhadap hukum Islam, lebih 
tepatnya terhadap para penguasa yang nanti akan menjalankannya. 
Sedangkan ketakutan itu memang wajar, karena yang mengerihkan adalah 
sifat totaliter dan arbitrer. Ditambah dengan sikap sebagian 
pendukung hukum Islam yang khususnya hanya bisa mengancam dengan 
hukuman mati, sehingga Islam ditampilkan oleh mereka sebagai ajaran 
yang haus darah dan mengerihkan.


Activists seek review of shariah 
Monday, May 22, 2006

In Tangerang, women are subject to arrest as suspected prostitutes 
if they venture out without a male companion at night.

"In Palembang city (in South Sumatra), being a homosexual is 
punishable by jail terms and hefty fines," she said.

Ratna points out that many of the shariah bylaws discriminate 
against women, depriving them of their basic rights, such as the 
right to dress as they choose and act as they choose.

"In some regencies in South Sulawesi province, the bylaws require 
women to wear Muslim clothes but they do not prescribe the same 
thing for men," said Masruchah, who wears a headscarf. 

"The bylaws curtail women's rights to move and act. In the West Java 
regency of Cianjur, women are seen as 'good women' only if they wear 
Muslim clothes," she said.

Is NU shifting toward intolerance? 
Monday, May 08, 2006

Following NU's revelation of its controversial stand, some hard-line 
Muslim groups declared the blood of the Ahmadiyah congregation 
halal, which contravenes the Koran that forbids the killing of 
believers (An-Nisaa:92).

Later, NU, following in the footsteps of MUI, issued a fatwa that 
condemns and forbids liberalism, pluralism and secularism.

In another twist in its changing image, NU expressed support for 
sharia-based bylaws adopted by some regencies across the country. 
The bylaws have given a boost to the phenomenon of "morality police" 
in the regencies, which in some cases has prompted certain groups to 
take the law into their own hands.

Now, the changes are going the hard-liners' way. It not only 
legitimizes the totalitarian rule they are seeking, but also 
silences and marginalizes moderate Muslims.

Bureaucratization of Islamic law and faith-based power politics 
Friday, May 05, 2006

In South Sulawesi they maintain that the regional bylaws will not be 
enacted over non-Muslims, although in practice non-Muslims have 
little option but to follow the rest, such as in the dress code.

Most Indonesians, Muslims and minorities, including people within 
South Sulawesi, do not endorse formalized Islamic law. Most 
subscribe to a substantive sharia. Within Muslim groups and 
individuals, there exists a diversity of views on what Islam should 
mean and imply in the private and public sphere. The subscribers to 
substantive sharia, for example, put great emphasis on education for 
science and technology, employment, law enforcement, corruption 
eradication, public service, economic reforms, and other crucial 
inclusive problems.

The dissenting groups would be regarded as a threat rather than a 
dialog partner.

Power is everywhere and those who dominate discourse hold power, as 
Michel Foucault says. The dominant discourse over what sharia means 
and implies influences who hold power, and create and impose 
regulations over society at large, and vice versa. Those in power 
may determine discourse on sharia. In many legal cases, however, the 
majority remain silent. Noise comes from the vocal few often 
speaking on behalf of the silent majority.

'Sharia-based bylaws violate Constitution' 
Thursday, May 04, 2006

[wanita-muslimah] Balasan: Re: Tubuhku Adalah Milikku - kontemplasi

2006-05-18 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Mbak Flora, kalau Anda mau berusaha untuk memeriksa arsip milis ini, 
Anda akan menemukan banyak variasi pendapat dari masing-masing 
anggota muslim/muslimah terhadap berbagai subyek, sehingga tidak 
perlu Anda mengklaim bahwa pendapat pribadi Anda adalah satu-satunya 
kebenaran dari ajaran Islam. Justru tidak sesimpel itu dan menurut 
saya adalah berlebihan kalau Anda "mengajak" saya untuk berpendapat 
bahwa Islam berlebihan, karena pendapat saya ditunjukkan kepada 
pendapat pula.

Mbak Flora juga kudu sadar bahwa dengan mengatakan dirinya sebagai 
Islam, khususnya dengan tujuan yang ingin membenarkan diri sendiri, 
itu bukan akan meningkatkan kredibilitas Anda sebagai lebih islamih, 
sebab yang saya melihat hanya isi dan cara tulisan Anda, termasuk 
kata-kata yang Anda mengunakan di sini. Mbak Flora mengerti maksud 

Sedangkan maksud dari pendapat saya yang semula, agar kita jangan 
meletakan terlalu banyak kepada suatu hal sehingga sudah tidak 
menjadi proporsional lagi. Masa kita bisa menyalahkan gerakan Inul 
atas terjadinya tindakan kriminal atau pelecehan? Dasar pembenaran 
terhadap pendapat seperti itu apa? Lihat saja, kasus kekerasan dalam 
rumah tangga, pelecehan seksual, pedagangan anak dan perempuan, dst. 
sudah ada dan terjadi bukan karena keberadaan Inul.

Berikut di bawah ini saya mengutip tanggapan dari Mbak Mia:

Mbak Flora kudu belajar berkontemplasi. Itulah yang diimplikasikan
Pak Ayeye sebagai suatu ajakan berkontemplasi. Yang perlu mbak
kontemplasikan itu begini: kita sering memproyeksikan pikiran bias
kita sendiri ke pihak lain. Jadi eling, gitu.



--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Flora Pamungkas" 
> Saya orang Islam, jadi ya pakai sudut pandang ajaran Islam, di 
milis wanita
> muslimah pula.  Jadi ya relevan to?
> Mengenai menjaga pandangan, mengekspose tubuh, pertunjukan Inul, 
> Islami memang begitu adanya, jelas, simple.
> Jadi kalau tanggapan saya anda anggap berlebihan, ya silakan, mari 
anda saya
> rujuk ke rujukan saya, ajaran Islam.
> Dan silakan kalau pak Ayeye mau berpendapat bahwa Islam berlebihan.
> Kemarin juga Sdri. Mia menghimbau saya untuk kontemplasi atas 
pendapat pak
> Ayeye yg sebelumnya. (mau saya lampirkan postingan Sdri. Mia, tapi 
> ketemu.  Soalnya saya pilih terima postingan milis ini sekaligus 
> sekali masuk bisa 25 postingan.  Resikonya sering ada yang 
terlewat nggak
> kebaca, saking banyaknya sih.)
> Bagi saya, kontemplasi oke!, dan kontemplasi HARUS 
menghasilkan sesuatu
> sikap yang menambah rasa kepatuhan dan mendekat kepada aturan yang 
> diberikan oleh Allah SWT. Dan pada saat yang sama, juga menjauhi 
> Bukan kontemplasi yang malah membuahkan sikap sejenis "pengeyelan" 
> baru, terus ngajak2 lagi... :-)
> Saya sudah capek ngeyel.  Repot ah :-(
> Salam,
> Flora
> ___
> From: "ayeye1" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Thu May 18, 2006 4:21am(PDT)
> Subject: Balasan:  Re: Tubuhku Adalah Milikku
> Mbak Flora, sepertinya sifat berlebihan tercerminkan pula dalam
> tanggapan Anda, sehingga saya merasa bahwa pendapat saya malahan
> didukung oleh Mbak Flora, meskipun (saya mengassumsikan) tanpa
> disengaja.
> Salam,
> ayeye
> --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Flora Pamungkas"
>  wrote:
> >
> > Mbulet-mbulet gak karuan iki ...
> > Sudahlah, dari sudut pandangan Islam, kita kan tahu betul (jangan
> pura2
> > nggak tahu ya ..), bahwa Islam tidak mengajarkan apa yang
> dilakukan diajeng
> > Inul.
> > Jadi apa yang dilakukan diajeng Inul itu tidak Islami  
> kalau
> > diajeng Inul melakukan ngebor, kayang, vibrator, entah apa
> lagi ... HANYA di
> > depan suaminya sendiri ... maka Islam tidak melarang.
> > (eh ..ngomong2 .. ini milis wanita muslimah kan ya ..? He ...he..
> saya takut
> > salah alamat sih ...)
> >
> > Wis ngono wae!
> > Gitu aja kok refot!
> > "inbox" nii ..yee..:-))
> >
> > Salam,
> > Flora
> >
> > 
> >
> > From: "ayeye1" ayeye1@
> > Date: Wed May 17, 2006 2:21am(PDT)
> > Subject: Balasan: RE: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Tubuhku Adalah 
> >
> > Sebaliknya Mas Wida. Jangan-jangan kita menghakimi suatu hal yang
> > normal sebagai dosa, karena kebetulan pikiran kita sendiri yang
> > berlebihan.
> >
> > Salam,
> > ayeye
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, m

[wanita-muslimah] Balasan: Re: Tubuhku Adalah Milikku

2006-05-18 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Mbak Flora, sepertinya sifat berlebihan tercerminkan pula dalam 
tanggapan Anda, sehingga saya merasa bahwa pendapat saya malahan 
didukung oleh Mbak Flora, meskipun (saya mengassumsikan) tanpa 


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Flora Pamungkas" 
> Mbulet-mbulet gak karuan iki ...
> Sudahlah, dari sudut pandangan Islam, kita kan tahu betul (jangan 
> nggak tahu ya ..), bahwa Islam tidak mengajarkan apa yang 
dilakukan diajeng
> Inul.
> Jadi apa yang dilakukan diajeng Inul itu tidak Islami  Kecuali 
> diajeng Inul melakukan ngebor, kayang, vibrator, entah apa 
lagi ... HANYA di
> depan suaminya sendiri ... maka Islam tidak melarang.
> (eh ..ngomong2 .. ini milis wanita muslimah kan ya ..? He ...he.. 
saya takut
> salah alamat sih ...)
> Wis ngono wae!
> Gitu aja kok refot!
> "inbox" nii ..yee..:-))
> Salam,
> Flora
> From: "ayeye1" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Wed May 17, 2006 2:21am(PDT)
> Subject: Balasan: RE: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Tubuhku Adalah Milikku
> Sebaliknya Mas Wida. Jangan-jangan kita menghakimi suatu hal yang
> normal sebagai dosa, karena kebetulan pikiran kita sendiri yang
> berlebihan.
> Salam,
> ayeye
> --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Wida.Kusuma@ wrote:
> >
> > Nah, berarti gerakan Inul dkk itu sudah termasuk gerakan porno. 
> > yang bisa membuat fikiran orang kotor. Kalau orang yang 
> menjadi
> > kotor kemudian bermain kotor di pelacuran maka Inul sudah ikut 
> > Karena dialah stimulusnya. Walaupun orang itu tidak bermain 
kotor di
> > pelacuran, membuat orang berfikiran kotor dengan gerakan atau 
> > berpakaian, itu adalah dosa.
> >
> > Salam,
> >> "Chae" 
> > Sent by: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> > 05/17/2006 03:14 PM
> > wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
Kirim Posting mailto:wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Berhenti mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Milis Keluarga Sejahtera mailto:keluarga-sejahtera@yahoogroups.com
Milis Anak Muda Islam mailto:majelismuda@yahoogroups.com

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Women in islam



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[wanita-muslimah] Money... Money... Money...

2006-04-03 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Money talks for smooth processing of work, stay permits

Ridwan Max Sijabat, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Stop by Floor M of the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry on Jl.
Gatot Subroto in South Jakarta to witness a finely honed bureaucratic
process in full working order.

The unsuspecting would be surprised to find a crowded hall, resembling
the bustle of a traditional market, with long lines of people at
cubicles for the processing of expatriate work permits.

It's organized chaos operating according to its own discreet culture,
governed by a tacitly understood process of transactions where money
but few words are needed.

Most companies who employ expatriates choose to hire agents to
navigate the complicated and potentially time-consuming ins and outs
of the process.

On a recent afternoon, an agent, accompanied by his Italian client,
went from desk to desk to secure five preliminary documents before an
expatriate employment permit (IMTA) was furnished.

No additional bargaining was needed, because the agent knew the amount
needed, including the extras presented for satisfactory service.

The approval for the expatriate employment plan (RPTKA) -- defining
the role of the expatriate within the institution -- costs Rp 150,000
(about US$18), and the IMTA was issued after the officer in charge was
presented with an envelope containing Rp 200,000.

It took two weeks, and a total of Rp 1.2 million for the various
payments, to secure the two essential documents.

With little supervision and clear overstaffing in the department, many
of the employees are available to offer additional help to facilitate
the visa processing (the discovery of fake IMTA documents, with
falsified receipts for the payment of funds for development, is being
investigated by the ministry).

The securing of the work permit is one thing; an expatriate also needs
permission to reside here.

The same Italian expatriate paid Rp 800,000 for a temporary stay
permit at the South Jakarta immigration office, with the funds used to
confirm the expatriate's arrival documentation, pay for the telex to
inform the Indonesian Embassy in Rome of the issuance of his permit,
to purchase the "blue book", which documents changes in the holder's
immigration status, and also to apply for a temporary stay permit (KITAS).

It's possible to get the latter two documents within a few days,
depending on the agent's clout and the "recreation" money paid to
immigration officers. Expatriates are allowed to apply for a permanent
stay permit (KITAP) after using a Kitas for an uninterrupted five-year
period (formerly 10 years). A Kitap costs, with benefits including the
right to hold a residence card, costs between Rp 50 million and Rp 100

It took another three months, an additional Rp 3.5 million, for the
Italian to secure the KITAS.

Bureaucratic procedures become even more complicated when expatriates
extend their KITAS and IMTA, with recommendations needed from the
local population office, the National Police Headquarters and the
National Intelligence Agency.

"Rachel", an expatriate who has tried to process her own visa, says it
has proven time-consuming and costly.

"They will tell you that you need this document, or another one, and
to come back another day," she said. "I'm also pretty much at their
mercy, because I don't want to and really can't pay extras, so they
tell me to bring in presents for them instead."

Document.Issuer.Length of process.Unofficial rate

1. Mandatory report...Population Office...2 days...Rp 200,000
2. RPTKA..Manpower Ministry...7 days...Rp 150,000
3. TA-01..Manpower Ministry...3 days...Rp 75,000
4. Telex..Immigration Office...7 days...Rp 300,000 + US$100
5. Arrival card...Immigration Office...1 day...Rp 100,000
6. Fingerprinting...Immigration Office...1 day...Rp 100,000
7. POA*...Police Headquarters...1 day...Rp 50,000
8. Blue book...Immigration Office...3 days...Rp 200,000
9. KITAS..Immigration Office...3 days...Rp 200,000
10. Reentry permit...Immigration Office...1 day...Rp 100,000
11. DPKK*.Manpower Ministry...1 day...US$1,200
12. IMTA..Immigration Office...3 weeks...Rp 150,000
13. SKPPS*local population office...1 day...Rp 35,000
14. SKTT*.Population Office...1 day...Rp 50,000
15. STM*..Police Station...1 day...Rp 25,000
15. SKLD*.Police Headquarters...1 day...Rp 75,000

* POA: Monitoring of foreigners
* SKPPS: Recommendation for temporary resident
* SKTT: Recommendation for expatriate resident
* STM: Letter of registration with local police station
* SKLD: Letter of registration with National Police Headquarters
Various sources 

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Buku Quraish Shihab dikritisi di Mesir

2006-04-03 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Terima kasih atas artikel ini, Mbak Flora Pamungkas. Hanya, saya
berkesulitan untuk menemukan nilai informatif dari artikel tersebut.
Apakah Mbak Flora Pamungkas  bersedia untuk menjelaskannya?

Sebab apa yang saya mendapat dari artikel ini hanya berupa kritikan
terhadap buku "Jilbab, Pakaian Wanita Muslimah" yang ditulis oleh
Prof. Quraish Shihab. Kemudian kritikan tersebut datang dari tiga
orang intelektual, yaitu Dr. Mukhlis Hanafi, mahasiswa Zain An-Najah
dan mahasiswa Aep Syaefullah. Tetapi kritikan mereka malahan kurang
dijelaskan, sehingga (sayangnya) tertampil destruktif. Atau pertanyaan
mengapa mengenakan jilbab hukumnya wajib bagi wanita muslimah tidak
dijawab dengan argumen yang informatif, melainkan dengan klaim seperti:

[..."Kewajiban berjilbab dengan ketentuan tertentu, didasari atas
dalil dan qarinah (petunjuk) yang sangat kuat, jika tidak ingin
mengatakan qhathi' (yakin)"...]

Di sini tidak diterangkan secara konkrit petunjuk mana yang sangat
kuat dan mengapa. Seperti dikira bahwa dengan mengatakan "kewajiban
berjilbab dengan ketentuan tertentu, didasari atas dalil dan qarinah
(petunjuk) yang sangat kuat", pembaca sudah akan puas dan merasa
tercerah. Itu gaya bahasa yang manipulatif, mungkin cocok untuk
diterima oleh orang yang muda mempercaya omongan orang lain. Seperti
kita pergi ke toko kain dan sang penjual bilang... oh ini kain sangat
bagus dan cocok, lagipula murah sekali, karena kebetulan untuk
Anda...atau...the bar is closed, because the bar is not open...
Berikutnya hanya disebutkan ayat jilbab dan ayat hijab dalam surah
an-Nur dan al-Ahzab sebagai referensi dan dasar klaim mereka mengapa
hukum mengenakan jilbab adalah wajib bagi wanita muslimah. Dalam kedua
ayat itu (24.31 dan 33.59), masih menjadi debatable apakah hukum
tersebut wajib atau tidak, karena belum ada bukti empiris yang bisa
memperjelas posisi hukum dalam hal ini. Sedangkan klaim hanya tinggal
klaim, termasuk klaim berikut di bawah ini:

[..."Kehati-hatian di dalam memutuskan hukum memang sangat perlu, namun
kebimbangan yang berkepanjangan juga kurang tepat, apalagi masalahnya
dibahas ulama-ulama yang muktabar (otoritatif)"...]

Klaim ini tidak berfokus kepada materi yang dibahas, melainkan
membelokan pembahasan kepada ulama-ulama yang muktabar, sehingga
dengan sengaja menghindari untuk menjawab pertanyaan pokok dan memberi
perasaan kepada pembaca bahwa semua sudah terjawab (oleh para
ulama-ulama yang muktabar). Jadi para pembaca tidak perlu, malahan
tidak diperbolehkan, untuk ikut berpikir, karena sudah ditugaskan
kepada orang-orang yang lebih otoritatif dan lebih mengerti. Para
pembaca tinggal menelan kebenaran mutlak yang sudah disediakan oleh
mereka yang benar-benar mengerti agama, kalau tidak mau disebut paling
mengerti. Pokoknya tidak perlu diragukan lagi, karena inilah solusi
untuk semua permasalahan!

Selanjutnya ketiga intelektual yang bersangkutan disebut dalam artikel
itu sebagai kritis dan analitis.
Jadi kalau kita mengeluarkan pernyataan seperti: "penulis banyak tidak
mengacu kepada buku primer" atau "penulis nampak kurang hati-hati
dalam mengutip", kita sudah disebut sebagai kritis dan analitis.
Hebat! Padahal tanpa keahlihan akademis, bahkan tanpa sekolah dasar,
rata-rata manusia bisa menghasilkan pernyataan dengan kualitas yang

Kemudian mahasiswa Aep Saefullah memohon agar buku Prof. Quraish
Shihab jangan diterbitkan. Alasannya, buku tersebut hanya menampilkan
"pendapat sementara orang" serta mengutip sumber dari "orang yang
kurang otoritatif dalam bidangnya".

Apabila seorang mahasiswa berani untuk berkata demikian kepada seorang
profesor, ia harus memiliki argumen akademis yang kuat. Sayangnya,
majalah Hidayatullah sepertinya tidak mau membuka rahasia itu kepada
para pembaca. Oh mungkin jangan sampai menampilkan pendapat sementara
orang. Kita juga tidak diberitahu apakah mahasiswa Aep Saefullah sama
bersikap kritis dan analitis terhadap para ulama-ulama yang muktabar :-)



Buku Quraish Shihab Dikritisi di Mesir
Rabu, 29 Maret 2006
Buku Profesor Dr. Quraish Shihab berjudul; "Jilbab, Pakaian Wanita
banyak dikritisi mahasiswa al-Azhar. Katanya, banyak sumber tidak
dan lemah

Hidayatullah.com--Forum Studi al-Qur'an (FORDIAN) dan Senat Mahasiswa
Fakultas Syariah Islamiyah Kairo (SEMA FSI), Selasa,( 28/3/06) kemarin
melakukan bedah buku di Aula Wisma Nusantara. Buku yang dibedah adalah
Prof. Dr. M. Quraish Shihab berjudul; "Jilbab, Pakaian Wanita Muslimah"
(Pandangan Ulama Masa Lalu dan Cendekiawan Kontemporer).

Buku ini sempat menyuguhkan pro kontra dua kelompok yang berseberangan.
Yakni, antara yang mendukung kewajiban memakai jilbab dan meyakininya
sebagai bagian dari ajaran Islam, dengan kelompok yang menolak mengenakan
jilbab sebagai sebuah kewajiban agama.

Acara diskusi buku ini sempat mendapatkan apresiasi hangat dari publik
Masisir (sebutan untuk mahasiswa Indonesia Mesir) denga

[wanita-muslimah] Kerudung = hijrah? (Re: Melajang Sebuah Pilihan atau Keterpaksaan)

2006-04-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Mas Jano-ko, yang perintah Allah itu yang gimana dong? :-)

Kok dicampurkan dengan hadis, ntar jadi gado-gado lah :-)

Ya pantas aja dibilang perintah orang Arab ya kan?


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mas Waluya,
>   Mohon maaf lho, mohon jangan "salah kaprah" dong :) , perintah
untuk berjjilbab itu adalah perintah Allah, bukan perintah orang-orang
Arab :)
>   Hadis:
>   Hadis riwayat Ali bin Abu Thalib ra., ia berkata: 
> Dihadiahkan kepada Rasulullah saw. kain sutera bergaris. Rasulullah
saw. mengirimkannya kepadaku maka aku pun memakainya. Tetapi aku
melihat kemarahan di wajah beliau. Beliau bersabda: Sungguh, aku
mengirimkan pakaian itu kepadamu bukannya untuk engkau pakai tetapi
aku mengirimkannya agar engkau memotong-motongnya menjadi kerudung
buat para wanita 
>   ---
>   Al Qur'an :
>   [33.59] Hai Nabi katakanlah kepada istri-istrimu,anak-anak
perempuanmu dan istri-istri orang mukmin:"Hendaklah mereka mengulurkan
jilbabnya ke seluruhtubuh mereka". Yang demikian itu supaya mereka
lebihmudah untuk dikenal, karena itu mereka tidakdiganggu. Dan Allah
adalah Maha pengampun lagi Mahapenyayang
>   Punten lho Mas..
>   Salam damai saja.
> waluya56 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Istri saya kebetulan beli majalah Kartini bekas dari loak, terbitan 
> tahun 2004, disitu ada artikel "Ratu Rania dan Putri Salma dua 
> Wanita Muslim Perkasa". Ratu Rania adalah istri Raja Abdullah dari 
> Yordania, Ratu Rania adalah keturunan Kuwait dan Palestiina. 
> Sedangkan Putri Salma adalah istri kedua Raja Marokko, Mohammed. 
> Saya tidak bermaksud membicarakan isi artikel di Majalah "Kartini" 
> ini, tapi foto-fotonya. Foto-foto kedua Wanita Arab yang 
> berpengaruh  di negaranya itu sama sekali tanpa kerudung/ Jilbab. 
> Saya bilang ke istri saya, kamu pakai kerudung, orang Arab sendiri 
> malah berpakaian Barat ..
> Salam,

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[wanita-muslimah] Political Porn: Autonomy means repression against women

2006-04-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Political Porn: Autonomy means repression against women

Julia Suryakusuma and Tim Lindsey, Jakarta

Reformasi promised to unravel the New Order and its legacy of state
control, social repression and intermittent violence. One of the key
mechanisms for this was, of course, decentralization and the grant to
the regions of various levels of autonomy.

The wave of local elections through to late 2005 has brought with it
some of the most radical change Indonesia has experienced in decades.
Of the 219 local elections conducted to date, some 40 percent or so
resulted in the removal of incumbents and the rise of new elites,
cementing a broader social process that has been underway across the
archipelago since 1998.

We say "new" elites but in many cases they are, in fact, the old
elites redux, that is, traditional leaders pushed to one side under
the New Order, reasserting themselves three decades later. Often they
are male and often they draw their authority from traditional local
sources, including adat and religion.

In other words, new local leaders tend to look for their legitimacy to
conservative and socially-regressive value systems linked to local
identity. In many regions these groups have begun to replace the old
Jakarta-endorsed bureaucrats, most of whom had a strongly secular
nationalist bent and some level of commitment to a modernizing agenda.
These old-for-new elites are influencing local policy right across the
country, even where they haven't won office.

In realpolitik terms, many local heroes want to differentiate
themselves from the past and to strengthen their local support. One
way to achieve this is to support or even lead local agendas sponsored
by conservative social groups, often religious in nature.

The result has been a wave of attempts to introduce conservative
interpretation of adat (custom) or, more often, syariah-derived moral
norms through regional regulations (Perda). This has occurred most
obviously in Aceh, but social disruption has not been so significant
there, as many of the norms underpinning that province's new Qanun
(Islamic law) were long ago internalized by most Acehnese.

It is more disruptive in other areas with greater religious and social
plurality such as Tangerang, Cianjur, Padang and South Sulawesi, to
give just a few examples of regions where "Islamising" Perda have been
proposed or introduced.

That some of these new regulatory regimes are inspired to some extent
by Muslim hard-liners is clear. The drafting of the Acehnese Qanun,
for example, drew inspiration from the radical and very controversial
codes introduced by PAS in Kelantan and Trengganu, Malaysia.

Undeterred by failure at the national level, hardliners renewed
efforts to introduce legal grounds for shariah implementation at the
local level, with some success. But regional moral conservatism is now
no longer isolated, if indeed it ever was. Its reflection at the
national level is the huge controversy over the Anti-Pornography Bill
(RUUAP). This is, in a sense, the Perda writ large.

Like the Perda, the RUUAP seeks to ban modern behavior that offends
traditional and religious cultural norms. If it is passed in its
original form it would prohibit forms of expression that its
supporters consider pornography or pornoaksi and is very focused --
like most of these Codes -- on the expression of sexuality and women's

The pornoaksi ban (which may now be dropped by the Bill's supporters)
would prohibit people from public displays of affection (such as
kissing and holding hands), or exposing "sensitive" body parts such as
breasts, thighs, belly, but also hair, shoulder and legs.

The Anti Pornography Bill is thus not really about pornography. It is
about denying women and sexuality public space. It uses pornography as
an excuse, equating expression of sexuality outside the marriage bed
-- even the very presence of women outside the home -- with obscenity
and criminality. And it would lock up artists and writers who present
these themes, as do many artists in most societies, including Indonesia.

The irony is thus that reforms intended to give democracy and the
right to a voice to millions of Indonesians silenced for decades under
Soeharto may now strip away from half of them some of the few rights
they enjoyed under his rule -- take for example, the recent case of
three Christian women teachers jailed in West Java for proselytizing
to Muslims by teaching at a Sunday School. While decentralization may
deliver political democracy to the regions it may also deny social
democracy -- at least for women and non-Muslims.

In a broader sense, although created by some of the key beneficiaries
of the end of the New Order, that is, legislators and Muslim leaders
(both tightly controlled groups under Soeharto), the new laws now
threaten to strip away much of the freedom of ideas, expression and
political participation fought for so ha

[wanita-muslimah] Women 'target of violence' in Aceh camps

2006-04-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1
http://www.thejakartapost.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&irec=0

Women 'target of violence' in Aceh camps

Hera Diani, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Cramped, poorly laid-out living quarters are leaving Acehnese refugee
women vulnerable to violence, with sex crimes accounting for over 50
percent of recent reported cases.

A five-month study of 59 facilities for people left homeless by the
December 2004 tsunami determined 146 cases of violence, the National
Commission on Violence Against Women in Aceh said Thursday.

Reported acts ranged from 10 incidents of rape, sexual assault, verbal
abuse, forced marriage/divorce to peeping toms in public bathrooms.

The actual figure may be considerably higher, with many women afraid
to report sexual violence because of the shame associated with the
crimes and society's blaming of the victim.

Most of the crimes in the study -- which began last October in
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam -- were committed by people close to the
women. Most of the women were aged below 28 years of age, with one
gang-rape of a 15-year-old by seven men.

The commission's report also said about 75 percent of domestic
violence victims reported their assaults to the police, who had
responded positively in most cases by arresting the alleged perpetrators.

Aside from sexual violence, women refugees also suffered physical,
psychological and economic abuse, the latter including abandonment and

There were also 38 cases of gender discrimination reported by 136
women, who said their rights as refugees were limited, for instance,
in the decision-making process.

There were also three cases of underage prostitution, which the report
said was due to poverty and a legacy of the armed conflict in the

About 67,000 people remained in tent communities and 30,000 in
shelters in Aceh at the end of 2005.

The report found poor facilities in the camps left women vulnerable to

Living quarters were overcrowded, closely located to each other and
lacking proper air circulation, with three people to a three by three
meter room, and four crammed into a four by five meter room.

Almost half of the sites were poorly lit, with 20 percent unable to be
shut or locked. Bathrooms, 97 percent which are shared between the
sexes, are generally far from the living quarters; 54 percent were at
the end of dimly lit paths and 25 percent did not provide sufficient

The commission called on the government and Aceh administration to be
more involved in supervising security at refugee facilities and to set
up state-run agencies for women to report assaults.

It also urged law enforcers to uphold the law on domestic violence, as
well as urging government to empower women particularly on economy.

The commission said it would release the full report on April 21,
before it is presented to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Will the real government of RI please stand up!

2006-03-31 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Will the real government of RI please stand up!

B. Herry-Priyono, Jakarta

Imagine you were a newcomer to Indonesia. Like any new arrival in a
new place, the first few weeks may be filled with excitement about
newly found experiences. Then the reality principle sets in, and these
days you probably would observe a brouhaha caused by fierce fights
over a bill on pornography. Back home, such a bill may be a matter of
fact, for it is simply common sense that the sales of pornographic
materials must be regulated. So, why such a fuss?

This is a land of the extremes. Many aspects of public life in
Indonesia have recently been pounded by a wave of extremism. The need
for a strong government has been turned into authoritarianism, the
expansion of a market economy has been taken as a license for market
fundamentalism, and the clamor for civil society has been twisted into
communal tribalism. The controversy over the porn bill is part of the
story, not of authoritarianism and market fundamentalism, but of
communal tribalism.

As many observers have correctly noted, the bill has nothing to do
with the regulation of pornography. My colleague at the Driyarkara
School of Philosophy, Franz Magnis-Suseno, has offered an acid test.
If indeed the bill has something to do with that noble effort, it must
be able to distinguish between "pornography", "sensuality" and
"eroticism". Nay, the bill has failed the test, and failed miserably
(The Jakarta Post, March 10, 2006). What is the bill about then?

It is here that opinions differ. Not a few accounts seem to have
understood the issue as rooted in the problem of state
authoritarianism, and the porn bill is simply another case of the
stubbornly authoritarian state that refuses to die out. In the process
of firming up its grip, the state is trying, yet again, to encroach on
the private lives of citizens in matters of how to dress and present
their bodies or parts of their bodies in public. In this view, the
struggle is directed against the draconian tendency of the state, and
the banners are littered with "state terrorism" jargons.

Of course, a struggle against the porn bill has to start from
somewhere. And if the starting point is a resistance against state
authoritarianism, so be it. But as the causal factors begin to show up
more plainly, it is somewhat clear that calling the porn bill a form
of state authoritarianism is like barking up the wrong tree.

Let us start with a simple question: who is the state? The state does
not and cannot act! It is the people within the state institutions who
act. To say that "the state encroaches on the private lives of the
citizens" is simply shorthand for saying that "policy makers within
the state institutions" do so. But who are these policy makers? Are
they people from the executive, legislative or judiciary bodies? In
all likelihood, there is not even a uniform voice; not within the
legislative, the executive or judiciary branches.

In many respects, branding the porn bill state terrorism is like
calling an empty room a terrorist. The state is an arena, quite like a
boxing ring. As much as the boxing is conducted by the boxers, and not
by the arena, so is the porn bill devised not by the state, but by the
people within the state institutions. These people may assemble in
one, two, three or many political parties, or they could assemble as
an alliance of diverse interests. In any case, it is against this
specific alliance, and not against the state as an impersonal
institution, that the struggle should be waged.

No doubt the task of identifying the political alliance that
thoughtlessly advances the porn bill is wrought with dangers. Very
often the truth in politics can be gauged not from what appears, but
from a hypothetical image that has plausibility in the visceral world.
So, let us imagine that for sometime I have been running a political
party in a country called Megalomania, whose population suffers so
much from miseria (misery). In the process of winning the support of
grassroots citizens, I could not but base the platform of my party on
a compassionate ideology.

But of course, motive plays a quite outrageous part in politics. It is
only me and my trusted lieutenants who know exactly that the time has
arrived for the party to launch a more specific agenda, that is, to
conquer the land of Megalomania with a rule based on what is written
in the Holy Book that I and my lieutenants believe. Other people may
call it theocracy or religious bigotry, but let them go to hell, for I
and my lieutenants call it a purified way of practicing religion.

After the tireless work done by my followers at the grassroots level,
there seems to be enough support for a showdown. For sometime I have
observed that the pages and screens of the media in the Republic of
Megalomania have been crowded out by a certain orgy of carnal
knowledge, which may be part of the application o

[wanita-muslimah] Kissing ritual gives porn bill the kiss-off

2006-03-31 Terurut Topik ayeye1
http://www.thejakartapost.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&irec=4

Kissing ritual gives porn bill the kiss-off

The Jakarta Post, Denpasar

Legendary dangdut singer Rhoma Irama and others intent on beefing up
the moral fiber of Indonesian society would probably have been
scandalized by Friday's spectacle in downtown Denpasar.

In the age-old tradition of omed-omed or med-medan, hundreds of youths
braved the rain to warmly hug and kiss anybody they met on the streets
in Banjar Kaja, Sesetan.

The tradition is performed on Ngembak Geni Day, the day following
Nyepi, or the Hindu Day of Silence, which fell on Thursday.

The public display of youthful affection carried new meaning this
year, with the porn bill currently being debated in the House of
Representatives. Bali was the first province to formally reject the
bill, with strong opposition to what local people see as potential
constraints on their cultural traditions, as well as to the tourist
industry on the resort island.

Despite the lashing of the city by tropical cyclones, crowds lined the
streets to observe the sacred ritual. Young women waited shyly, while
the boys, many from local Hindu youth organizations, seemed impatient
for it to get underway.

Their wait went on, with a number of obligatory rituals to be
performed, including a stunning performance of the Barong mythical
lion dance. When the dancer was in a trance, it was taken as a sign of
the gods' blessing of the omed-omed ritual.

The boys then set off in pursuit of the girls, with some shy pecks on
the cheek or, for the bolder types, a kiss on the lips.

Local elders say the ritual dates back to the Oka Sesetan royal
family, and the order of one of its ailing members for the local
community to keep quiet on Nyepi. The people relaxed and enjoyed
themselves instead, and the nobleman found that their unabashed
merriment also lifted his spirits.

The tradition has not always been to the liking of outsiders, said
community elder Pekak (grandfather) Item.

"The Dutch colonial government banned the tradition, as did the
Indonesian government soon after independence," the 90-year-old said.

In the 1970s, local authorities also put a stop to the ritual.

Locals say strange occurrences began after the ban, such as widespread
outbreaks of illness. Villagers believed the gods were angry and the
omed-omedan ritual was revived.

"Here, we are having fun with all the village members," said Ketut
Wiryani, a participant in the ritual in her youth.

"Now, I have two children and the younger residents must keep up the

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[wanita-muslimah] Homoseksual? Re: Welcome To The Real World?

2006-03-29 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Mas Wida, saya tidak setuju dengan pendapat bahwa homoseksualitas bisa
menular dan meluas di masrakyat. Ini benar-benar aneh dan saya belum
pernah mendengar tentang satu single kota/tempat seperti itu dimana
kredibilitasnya terjamin :-)

Kebetulan saya punya rekan kerja dengan orientasi seksual sejenis dan
yang bersangkutan mengakui itu secara terus terang. Tetapi tidak
pernah ia bersifat kurang ajar atau mencoba mendekati rekan laki-laki
yang lain, termasuk saya. Bahkan salah satu guru SD saya juga
berorientasi sama dan sudah lama hidup serumah dengan guru lain. Waktu
saya masih SD, memang tidak ada tanda khusus dan baru beberapa tahun
kemudian saya pernah mengetahui hal itu dari cerita orang dan terakhir
saya dengar langsung dari guru. Kedua guru sudah hidup bersama selama
puluhan tahun dalam hubungan setia. Umur mereka sudah 70an dan
terakhir saya ketemu tahun kemarin. Saya hanya mau bilang bahwa saya
bakalan akan tertular perilaku homoseksual. Saya yakin itu tidak
mungkin sama sekali. Dipeluk sama pria, meskipun itu biasa di berbagai
negara dan tidak maksud apa-apa, saya saja tidak suka. Hanya, saya
sama sekali tidak memiliki hak secara moral untuk mencap mereka
sebagai manusia yang tidak benar. Saya rasa, selain tidak fair malahan
tidak benar.

Sedangkan kasus bahkan keberadaan Sodom belum pernah terbukti secara
ilmiah, melainkan disebut dalam teks keagamaan semitis.

Mengenai hukuman membunuh soal memasukkan zakar ke dubur. Itu kan
pendapat sebagian ahli fiqh, meskipun pendapat itu cukup
representatip. Namun di Al Quran tidak ada (silakan dikoreksi apabila
keliru). Hukuman rajam terhadap zina pun dihapus dalam Al Quran.

Artikel tentang Islam dan homoseksualitas:

Artikel tentang homoseksualitas:

Informasi tentang homoseksualitas, termasuk dalam binatang:

Mengenai perilaku seksual di pesantren, saya sendiri belum pernah
melihat dengan mata saya sendiri, tetapi bukan berarti tidak mungkin.
Ada seorang pembaca yang pernah mengemukakan seperti "Even in Islamic
schools with dormitories, I have seen with my own eyes such excesses
as sodomy and adultery."


Sementara ini perilaku homoseksual adalah perilaku yang tidak benar. Ia
bisa menular dan meluas di masyarakat sebagaimana kasus kaum Sodom. Dalam
Islam perbuatan hubungan seks laki-laki dengan laki-laki, atau perbuatan
kaum Luth, disebut Liwath. Atau berhubungan seks dengan memasukkan zakar
ke dubur. Hukuman bagi pelaku Liwath di zaman nabi adalah dibunuh (menurut
ahli fiqih). Jadi saya agak ragu jika di Pesantren hubungan sejauh itu

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[wanita-muslimah] Ratna Batara Munti: Struggling for women's rights

2006-03-26 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Ratna Batara Munti: Struggling for women's rights

Endang Roh Suciati, Contributor, Jakarta

The battle of 33-year-old activist Ratna Batara Munti for women's
rights and empowerment in Indonesia is far from over.

Yet, it is now facing a challenge from what is seen as an upsurge in
conservative ideology collaborating with certain political groups that
are trying to impose a new form of repression on women.

This ideology, which promotes narrow-minded "moralism", is a threat to
women's rights, and unconstitutional, the activist says. "We are women
who object to the conservative ideology, as it will destroy our
nation. It is also against the national ideal, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
(Unity in Diversity).

"The controversial draft pornography bill being discussed in the
national legislature, as well as regional regulations, will impose
unreasonable limitations on women's activities," Ratna said.

On the draft pornography bill, Ratna said it did not regulate
pornography per se but took a very narrow perspective on morality,
i.e. how women dress. She was speaking from the offices of the legal
aid organization of the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice
(LBH APIK) in Jakarta, of which she is the director.

LBH APIK is an organization whose activities stem from the giving of
legal aid to women who are politically, economically or socially

It also gives training and legal empowerment to the community,
especially women, advocating policy changes by analyzing legislation
that is discriminatory against women; there are many other activities
as well.

Ratna is now facing what appears to be a misunderstanding of the
pornography problem.

"All they understand is morality, which is not the same as
pornography," she said.

The use or promotion of pornography is a crime that must be regulated
by the state acting within the law, but the state cannot interfere in
morality. The state cannot regulate ethics and people's expressions,
including what clothes they wear.

"We have societal norms and customary laws, which people can relate
to," she said.

Born in Yogyakarta in August 1972, Ratna has a strong background in
Islamic and legal studies as she many years in pesantren (Islamic
boarding schools). She spent junior and senior high school at Islam
Diniyyah Putri Padang Panjang in West Sumatra.

She completed her studies at the Institute of Agama Islam Negeri
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in 1995, specializing in sharia (Islamic
law), where she also studied national and customary laws.

She finished her master's in sociology at the University of Indonesia,
studying in the school of political and social sciences.

Ratna's deep knowledge and involvement in legal and women's issues is
seen not only from her activities in advocating on behalf of women who
need help, but also her intellectual thinking reflected in books and
articles she has written.

These include Perempuan Sebagai Kepala Rumah Tangga (Women as the head
of the household), Respon Agama Islam Terhadap Pembakuan -- Perempuan
(The response of Islam toward the standardization of women), Kondisi
Perempuan di Bawah Hukum Islam (The position of women under Islamic
law) and Demokrasi Keintiman; Seksualitas Era Global (Intimacy and
democracy: sexuality in the globalized era).

Now, with fellow women's activists, she is calling for a postponement
of deliberations of the pornography bill, which she says is fatally
flawed and not urgently needed.

"On urgency, we have laws in force that relate to pornography," she said.

"The problem of VCD porn is one of enforcement, not that we don't have
legislation," she said. She added that if the legislature was
concerned as the people's representatives and wished to respond to the
VCD porn issue, it had a duty to ask why enforcement was so
ineffective or nonexistent.

Many other draft bills, Ratna says, like those on trafficking, witness
protection and so on are more urgent and should be given a higher

The current draft of the pornography bill does not really protect
children who may be vulnerable to pornography. It also does not really
address the problem of distribution of pornography, including easy
access on the Internet. Besides, the definition of the pornography is
far from clear.

On porno-aksi (activities that are deemed to be pornographic) she said
the concept was strange. It is not defined anywhere, so the bill
should focus on the regulation and distribution of pornography.

Ratna, an articulate woman, has been an activist since her university
days when she joined the Association of Islamic Students (HMI), where
she was on the executive board (in 1995). She has focused on women's
issues ever since.

In 1996 she became interested in the issue of domestic violence. "At
that time the main activist was still Ibu Nursyahbani. I was assigned
to produce a draft on domestic violence."

She subsequently became actively involved in advoca

[wanita-muslimah] Manolak Radikalisasi Agama, Re: Fw: Re: PENOLAKAN RUU APP

2006-03-26 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Maaf Mas Wida, saya baru bisa menanggapi diskusi yang kemarin.

Saya rasa adalah penting agar penyebab dari masalah psikologis yang
disebut oleh Mas Wida dapat diketahui dengan lebih jelas. Kalau saya
mempunyai asumsi seperti berikut di bawah ini: 

Sebagiannya, saya rasa adanya ekses dari idealisme dengan
karakteristik seperti cepat bersemangat, tetapi cepat pula menyerah
alias tidak dikerjakan dalam prakteknya. Jadi pada awalnya dipasang
target yang kedengaran sangat bagus, meskipun secara kenyataan, target
itu terlalu tinggi, sehingga dalam kehidupan praktis kurang realistis
atau bahkan mustahil untuk dikerjakan. RUU APP adalah salah satu
contoh tipikal di sini. Maaf :-)

Bersemangat idealisme seperti itu tercerminkan pula dalam sebagian
cara pendidikan anak dimana idealisme ingin dipaksakan melalui ekses
pengaturan dan larangan. Ketika anak itu nanti menghadapi dunia luar,
ia cenderung akan lebih berkesulitan untuk berorientasi dibanding anak
lain. Karena tiba-tiba ia berada dalam situasi dimana ia tidak
terkontrol lagi oleh orang tua dan itu bisa mengakibatkan kepada ekses
kebebasan yang keablasan. Sebab tanpa kontrol ia kurang mengetahui
kapan mesti berhenti sendiri.

Kemudian saya pikir ada juga ekses dalam ritualisasi. Di sini ritual
formal diberikan sedemikian banyak kepentingan, sehingga sebagian
orang sampai memperdagangkan tindakan versus ritual, istilah
membersikan diri dari "dosa" melalui ritual atau mengikuti
ritual-ritual demi pengakuan sosial. Seorang yang rajin beritual
cenderung lebih cepat dianggap baik dan bermoral.

Saya percaya bahwa ekses pemberhalaan terhadap ritual formalistik,
termasuk yang lain seperti status dan titel, membuat manusia menjadi
kurang kritis dan teliti. Sedangkan ekses pengaturan dan larangan
malahan bisa membuat manusia menjadi takut dan kaku atau bahkan tidak
peduli lagi. Ini nanti menghambat manusia untuk berkembang, karena
takut mengambil resiko dan berbuat kesalahan atau tidak mau
memikirkannya lagi. Padahal berbuat kesalahan merupakan bagian dari
proses belajar sendiri. Sistim pelajaran dimana seorang anak atau
murid hanya menerima instruksi dari seorang pemimpin tidak bisa
menghasilkan skills tambahan seperti kreatifitas, rasa bertanggung
jawab yang tinggi dan sikap berinisiatif sendiri dalam kehidupan praktis.

Sedangkan proses konservatisme dan radikalisasi merupakan salah satu
bentuk ketakutan atau ketidaksukaan dalam menghadapi modernitas yang
baru dan lebih kompleks. Dengan kemunduran ke nilai-nilai tradisional,
masrakyat mencoba untuk menghindari masalah-masalah baru alias kembali
ke lingkungan yang akrab, karena nilai-nilai tradisional dianggap
lebih "pasti". Dengan RUU APP, sebagian pendukung berharap agar bisa
kembali ke masa lalu.

Juga sebagian orang tua ketakutan terhadap anak-anak mereka agar
jangan sampai melakukan kesalahan dan mempermalukan orang tua.
Kesalahan yang dimaksud khususnya penyimpanan dari nilai-nilai moral
seksual yang dianut. Ketakutan bahwa nanti dijauhkan dari lingkungan
sosial atau malahan menjadi bahan gossip, sering dijadikan hal yang
paling penting selain takut telah "berdosa", setidaknya di kasus-kasus
yang saya pernah melihat sendiri. Di sisi lain, para orang tua yang
ketakutan sering kurang mampu untuk memberikan alternatif yang memadai
kepada anak mereka, karena orang tua sendiri sudah menjadi korban
lingkungan yang tidak memberi pilihan pula kepada orang tua, sehingga
anak dibiarkan dalam posisi dilematis dan akhirnya hanya bisa memilih
antara dua ekstrim, yaitu antara ketaatan secara total dan kebebasan
yang keablasan.

RUU APP itu dengan sengaja menciptakan tindakan kriminal baru
berdasarkan idealisme terhadap nilai-nilai moral tertentu yang
memiliki karakteristik puritan, seperti berciuman di tempat umum atau
bergoyang yang bisa ditafsir sebagai erotis, diancam dengan denda
hingga ratusan juta Rupiah atau hingga berapa tahun penjara. Selain
terdapat unsur subyektifitas yang nanti berimplikasi terhadap cara
pelaksanaan hukum, perlu dipikirkan juga supaya RUU APP itu jangan
sampai mengorbankan sistim hukum dalam mengadili tindakan kriminal
berat, termasuk kekerasan seksual, perdagangan anak-anak dan
perempuan, pelacuran terpaksa, dst. Karena nanti akan juga berurusan
dengan hal-hal trivial seperti berciuman, pakaian dan goyangan.
Sedangkan kapasitas aparat dalam melaksanakan hukum memiliki
keterbatasan. Begitupun dengan jumlah penjara, kapasitas gedung
peradilan dan proses persidangan. Tugas itu tidak dapat diserahkan
kepada masrakyat umum, karena akan mengacaukan netralitas dan
profesionalitas sistim hukum itu sendiri. Maka setiap produk hukum
yang diciptakan perlu diuji sebelumnya apakah bisa diimplementasikan
serta dilaksanakan secara realistis supaya efektif.

Menurut saya, RUU APP itu hanya melakukan pembenaran terhadap ekses
idealisme, pengaturan dan larangan sambil me"reinforce"ekses-ekses
itu. Memang pengaturan tetap perlu, namun eksesnya yang mesti
dihilangkan, menurut pendapat saya. Misalnya pengaturan so

[wanita-muslimah] A red light for what should be a legitimate little business

2006-03-23 Terurut Topik ayeye1

A red light for what should be a legitimate little business

By Richard Ackland
March 24, 2006

PICK up your local throwaway suburban newspaper and finger your way to
the rear. You will see that a goodly proportion of the journalists'
wages are paid by classified advertisements placed by small and large
brothel keepers.

There are thousands of knock shops honeycombing the city and suburbs
and most of them are run by women operating alone or with a few
colleagues from a flat or house.

Erica Red, from the Scarlet Alliance and a founding member of the
Private Worker Alliance, estimates that in NSW there are 4000 women
working as micro-businesses in this way - that is about 50 per cent of
all the sex services supplied in the state. This is an enormous business.

I'm not talking about the traditional trade, where married women
provide sexual services to their husbands in exchange for domestic
harmony and possibly a small bibelot.

The paid-by-the-hour professional woman is the focus of attention
here. Apart from its important revenue contribution to journalism and
the print medium - and heaven knows we need all the support we can get
at the moment - the sex industry fulfils other important social
functions. It minimises men's harassment of women at work and home and
generally calms an unpredictable element of the populace.

Those who object to the trade on moral grounds are being a tiny bit
hypocritical since the benefits of the professional sex business over
the centuries have been shown to far outweigh the detriments.

It was no accident that 50 years ago a brothel operated on the top
floor of Selborne Chambers, one of the leading barristers' chambers in
the city. The tonic-like qualities this had, directly, for members of
the bar and judges and, indirectly, for clients and parties to
litigation and the whole justice system would be quite incalculable.

The important thing is that those plying the trade run their
operations in a healthy manner, and as free from criminals and
standover types as possible.

That is why the 1995 NSW Disorderly Houses (Amendment) Act was such a
groundbreaking piece of law. It decriminalised the provision of sex
outside one's own home, for money. The Restricted Premises Act says a
place should not be declared a "disorderly house" solely because it is
a brothel.

The details of how that should work in practice were to be the
responsibility of local councils. And that's where the rot set in.

In 1996, a committee of eight senior state bureaucrats constructed a
set of guidelines as the basis for local government regulation of
private workers and commercial brothels.

Those guidelines were subsequently ditched and, in 2000, a ministerial
taskforce on brothels got to work. It fiddled around for two years and
then decided that a different body was needed to draw up new guidelines.

That's when the Sex Services Premises Planning Advisory Panel was
created and finally, by the end of 2004, it came up with 200 pages of
what's what in the business of sex.

You can see that this was not a wham-bam sort of process. Slow and
gentle has been the pace here. The Government sat on the recommended
guidelines for a further 15 months and has only just released them.

Not even those on the panel were allowed to have copies and freedom of
information applications were rejected on the basis that releasing
them would "be contrary to the public interest".

How wrong can you be? The guidelines deal with how the sex game would
operate throughout the state. What could be more interesting than that?

In the meantime, there's been an immense upheaval in the whole
planning landscape, as Elizabeth Farrelly pointed out on this page on
Wednesday. A bill is before Parliament to transfer more planning
authority and power away from councils and to the minister, Frank Sartor.

The local-standard environment plan proposed by the Department of
Planning cuts across the intent of the legislation that decriminalised
the workers in 1995. The plan allows councils to prohibit
home-occupation sex work and allows the work to be distinguished, for
planning purposes, from other home-based occupations.

Development applications will have to be sought from councils if a
woman wants to sell sex from home. This immediately obliterates the
veil of discretion and anonymity that is the cornerstone of the caper.

So now we've pretty well come full circle. From a decriminalised
workplace, it's back to one where, unless development applications
have been obtained, these small businesswomen will have to work
outside the law.

Of course, the big brothel owners have the game sown up. They can
fight the local councils in the Land and Environment Court and usually
win. This is why large commercial brothels now dominate the sex trade
in the regional areas of NSW.

And they'll just keep getting bigger. After all, if a large brothel

[wanita-muslimah] Why women cheat

2006-03-23 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Why women cheat

Desperate housewives and lonely girlfriends are increasingly straying
from their men. And thanks to sneaky text messaging and internet
dating, things have become a whole lot easier for the wandering femme.
So why do so many modern women cheat?

Boys, lock up your women: The number of them who cheat have increased
by 27 per cent since 1970.

The glamorous Harpers and Queen UK magazine drawls that it's the
"immaculately coiffed women sweeping around in shiny convertibles,
firing, hiring and having flings on business trips" that are doing the
dirty behind their men's backs.

But whoever they are, modern women are doing it in whopping
proportions. A recent survey of divorce lawyers in the UK found that
in almost half of cases where infidelity is cited, the female is the
guilty party.

But don't pretend you're shocked by the stats - after all, women who
cheat have been around for decades. In ancient Egypt, Queen Cleopatra
had an affair with both Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony. And in modern
day America, the television show Desperate Housewives portrays
cheating wife Gabrielle Solis (who indulges in an affair with her
younger bronzed gardener) as a modern day heroine.

"TV programs like these infer to women who can't make their own
decisions that it's OK to cheat," says relationships expert Allan
Pease. "The basis of this concept is the false belief that women are
motivated to cheat for the same reasons men do."

Experts agree that Mars and Venus have vastly different reasons when
it comes to explaining their wandering eye. According to relationship
psychologist Toby Green, "men will always statistically be the greater
cheaters because monogamy isn't natural for them. It has to be
concentrated commitment that keeps them faithful. But monogamy is
natural for women - the instinct to settle and breed and nest."

Green argues that because women are now more financially independent,
they want equal partners in the area of friendship, household chores,
co-parenting and emotional intimacy. And if they're not getting it?
"They feel free to put on their walking shoes or their straying shoes
and go for what they want," she says.

Sexologist Dr Janet Hall cites a different reason: "It's the element
of danger, of surprise, of being naughty, of adding a sense of

But what about getting caught? Susan Shapiro Barash, a New York-based
author who has written several books on the topic including A Passion
for More: Wives Reveal the Affairs that Make or Break their Marriages,
seems to think getting caught isn't on the agenda.

"Women are very good at multitasking," Barash told CNN. "If they don't
want their affair to be discovered it won't be."

Perhaps (since 9 out of 10 affairs are revealed from evidence found on
mobile phones), she should warn them against leaving their phones
lying around...

Why do women cheat?

March 22, 2006 10:59 PM

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[wanita-muslimah] House ratifies United Nations convention on corruption

2006-03-21 Terurut Topik ayeye1

House ratifies United Nations convention on corruption

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The House of Representatives passed two bills Tuesday, ratifying a
United Nations convention on corruption and a bilateral agreement on
transnational crimes with China.

During a plenary session led by House deputy speaker Soetardjo
Soerjogoeritno, all 10 House factions agreed on the need to ratify the
2003 United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

Lawmakers said the bill was necessary because successive reform-era
governments had not recovered most of the public money stolen in the
aftermath of the Asian financial crisis.

The bill provides the legal basis for the government to seek
international cooperation to fight graft and recover state assets.

At the meeting, the House also passed a bill approving a bilateral
agreement on transnational crimes with China, a top destination for
Indonesian graft fugitives.

"The crime of corruption cannot only be settled on a national level,
we need to cooperate with other countries," said Andreas Parera, of
the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, as quoted by Antara.

Speaking for the government, Justice and Human Rights Minister Hamid
Awaluddin said the passing of the two bills represented a breakthrough
in the fight against graft.

"These bills ease international cooperation in combating corruption
and other transnational crimes. We now have a legal framework from the
investigation phase to a court trial, and we can more easily recover
state property taken by graft criminals," Hamid said.

The bilateral agreement with China will allow prosecutors and police
forces from the two countries to share evidence gathered on criminals
and repatriate the proceeds from crimes.

When Hamid had finished his speech, legislator Anas Yahya of the
National Awakening Party interrupted the session.

Anas said all legislators being investigated in connection with
corruption at the General Elections Commission (KPU) should not be
allowed to speak in House sessions about graft.

Hamid, a former KPU member, has been questioned by Corruption
Eradication Commission investigators over graft in the commission
committed during the 2004 elections. Investigators have not named
Hamid a suspect.

Soetardjo said he would consider the suggestion. 

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[wanita-muslimah] The Baduy: Keepers of tradition, natural heritage

2006-03-21 Terurut Topik ayeye1

The Baduy: Keepers of tradition, natural heritage
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Adji Kurniawan, Contributor, Banten

The Baduy ethnic tribe live in a territory located only around 165
kilometers west of Jakarta, in Banten province. As such, information
obviously has easy access to the area, along with all its impacts.
Moreover, the two nearby cities of Cilegon and Serang are growing
rapidly, encroaching ever closer to the Baduy's ancestral lands.

Even so, the Baduy community continue to observe their traditional way
of life, through a strict and loyal adherence to their age-old customs.

The Baduy territory is divided into Baduy Dalam and Baduy Luar, or
inner and outer districts. Visitors wishing to enter Inner Baduy have
to travel through several villages, including Cijengkol in Outer Baduy.

This village is about three hours' walk from Simpang Koranji, the last
public transport terminal before reaching Baduy territory. The terrain
leading to Cijengkol varies from rocky ground, hilly tracks and
farmland to paddy fields. A white board and a field of pineapple
bushes serve as a boundary between Baduy and non-Baduy territory. From
here onwards, the rows of hills and woods adorning the territory are
clearly visible, though the Baduy settlements are curiously obscured
by dense foliage and hills.

Cijengkol has about 10 imah, or stilted houses, one of which belongs
to Sarmin, 50, known to provide stopover facilities and lodging for

The village is made up of modest homes with wooden pillars, woven
bamboo walls, palm-fiber-lined sago leaf roofs as well as wooden and
bamboo couches in front. Using only local materials, the dwellings are
built without nails or pegs, and are unpainted. Yellow plastic twine,
however, is used to fasten the roofs.

"Palm fibers are now more expensive than plastic cords," said Sarmin.

At night, Cijengkol is dark, as the neat and well-arranged homes have
no electricity, and light comes only from wood stoves and small oil
lamps. It's so quiet that only the sound of bamboo trees rustling in
the breeze can be heard.

The Baduy people, according to Sarmin, embrace the faith of Sunda
Wiwitan. Baduy's custom and heritage chief, who is also the head of
the indigenous religion, is called pu'un. There are three chiefs in
Baduy Dalam.

"Members of the Baduy community go on a fast, or kawalu, every year,"
Sarmin said.

Kawalu ends with a feast day led by the pu'un called ngalaksa, the
equivalent of Idul Fitri at the end of the Muslim fasting month, Ramadhan.

Sarmin said that the Baduy had refused the government's cash aid for
the poor in compensation for the fuel hike. The designation "poor" had
prompted locals to turn down the assistance, because they thought many
people were more disadvantaged than they. "If the aid had used a label
other than "poor", they might have accepted it," he added.

Why were the Baduy people bold enough to reject cash aid? It is
because the Baduy are already self-sufficient in food, clothing and
shelter within the structure of their modest lifestyle.

This is reflected in the daily diet of Baduy families, comprising
rice, fish, tempeh, tofu, salad and sambal (chili sauce). Most of the
food -- including cooking oil -- come from their farms, while fabrics
and clothing are locally produced except salt and fish, which have to
be purchased. Their income mainly originates in the sales of
vegetables, fruits, honey and handicrafts. In other words, the Baduy
people are not consumers.

Beyond the bridge

Visiting the Baduy would not be complete without entering Inner Baduy,
whose residents are the Tangtu. From Cijengkol, the terrain is no less
challenging, with natural paths, farmland, woods, rivers and
undulating tracks.

A bamboo bridge spans Ciujung River, which separates Inner and Outer
Baduy. About 10 meters long, the bridge was built by binding bamboo
stems with palm fiber ropes. Two big trees on opposite banks serve as
supporting pillars, making it solid and safe, though it may be simple
in appearance.

Cikartawarna is one of three villages in Inner Baduy. It is deserted
during the day, because most villagers are working on their farms and
in the woods. The rows of stilted houses are built atop rock-packed
foundations to make them resistant to landslides.

The next village is Cibeo, an hour's walk from Cikatawarna through
bamboo copses, several outdoor "showers" made from channeled springs,
and granaries. The interior set-up of its houses is not very different
from that in Cikatawarna. For instance, in the tepas, or sitting room,
of villager Sanif's home, no modern furnishings like chairs, tables
and mattresses are to be found, let alone a radio or a TV, and only a
stove and utensils made of wood or bamboo are found in the kitchen.

Inner Baduy residents who have never left the district are generally
reticent and inclined to be visitor-shy, perhaps due to their rare
interaction with

[wanita-muslimah] False paradise: Beware of opiate religion

2006-03-21 Terurut Topik ayeye1

False paradise: Beware of opiate religion
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Syaiful Bari, Contributor, Yogyakarta

Agama Itu Bukan Candu: Tesis-tesis Feuerbach, Marx, dan Tan
(Religion is No Opium: Theses of Feuerbach, Marx and Tan Malaka)
Eko P. Darmawan
Resist Book, Yogyakarta, October 2005

A close observation of recent practices in the name of religion surely
make us uncomfortable. Religion is considered to be no more than an
instrument with which personal wishes can be translated into reality.
This is evident from the increased frequency of religious TV programs,
such as contests for the best and most popular da'i (Muslim

Religion has been propagated in the manner a salesman adopts when
selling his wares, namely by offering people certain advantages and
successes. Religion has thus suddenly become a disparate knowledge and
skill through which one can claim worldly gains, as can be seen in the
increasing number of people that have made proselytizing their profession.

Even children are being prepared to become proselytizers of Islam, as
we can see in a program aired by one of the local private TV stations.

At the end of the day, religious propagation has become no more than
just the transfer of words, instead of the act of sharing spiritualism
and feelings. Neither is it an example of how to share a common life.
Religious propagation has therefore become only a communication skill
and means to talk to other people; it is not about working together to
make the world a better and more valuable place to live in.

Religious propagation today is simply an occasion of "delivering a
sermon and then taking leave". The relationship between the
proselytizer and his listeners is one that is instantaneous and
anonymous. When religious propagation is made a livelihood, the
listeners become consumers and the proselytizer a service provider.

We may then safely say that religion itself has begun to be turned
into a business commodity.

That religion has been made into a commodity via TV programs is
undeniable. A child of capitalism, television -- that is, the media --
places its programs within a logical framework of business.

The logic is simple: when contests aired on television are popular
among viewers, the stations will see an increase in ad spots. That's
why contests such as the best Muslim proselytizer award, for example,
are broadcast on TV.

We find it hard to accept this reality. It is difficult to give a
green light to the commercialization of the holy realm of religion,
the sacredness of which should be safeguarded.

It is therefore quite natural to hear complaints that Islamic
propagation programs on TV are simply examples of how religion has
been exploited and turned into a commodity and that therefore, that
such programs must be avoided. Some people have even gone to another
extreme, saying that it is unnecessary for one to have a religion, as
religion is a nuisance.

Eko P. Darmawan's Agama Itu Bukan Candu: Tesis-tesis Feuerbach, Marx,
dan Tan Malaka (Religion is No Opium: Theses of Feuerbach, Marx and
Tan Malaka) is a criticism of the ugly reality of how religion is
practiced and, at the same time, is a means to correct the
misunderstanding of Karl Marx's famous statement: "Religion is the
opium of the masses."

The three figures -- Feuerbach, Marx and Tan Malaka -- have been
chosen as subjects of discussion, because Eko believes that their
thoughts may expose another aspect of religiosity. He believes that
this exposure will, in turn, enlighten mankind and give meaning to
human life on earth.

Eko posits a brilliant theory on Marx's oft-misunderstood statement,
which has generally been taken to be his final analysis on the matter,
resulting in Marx's utter condemnation for "belittling" religion.

According to Eko, Marx's body of thought has far too often been
reduced into "Religion is the opium of the masses" because few ever
read this statement within the context of Marx's work. (p. 178).
Looking only at Marx's statement on religion, his foes spared no
effort to accuse Marx as out-and-out opponent of religion, and used a
host of filthy and horrible terms for him.

In fact, when Marx associated religion with opium, he did not make
this statement in an unfavorable and pejorative manner. It is almost
certain that Marx was not against religion. Religion, he said, is the
panacea for the soul, a light for life.

This means that religion will not be born in times of spiritual health
or when the road of life is awash with light, as medicine is not
necessary for a healthy body, and light is unnecessary during the day.

Religion is the antithesis of eras of darkness. When society is
engulfed in gloom, religion will be present. Obviously, religion does
not come about just anywhere; religion is present when a particular
social condition demands it. Or, more precisely, when a social
condition is far from ideal, demand f

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Islam, Poligami, dan Perempuan

2006-03-20 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Mbak Mia, di bawah ini ada pendapat dari Mbak Marina Mahatir tentang
situasi di Malaysia. Kalau artikel ini saya ingat secara spontan.


No cheer for Muslim women


In 1948, one of humankind's most despicable ideas, apartheid, was made
into law in South Africa where racial discrimination was
institutionalised. Race laws touched every aspect of social life,
including a prohibition of marriage between non-whites and whites, and
the sanctioning of "white-only" jobs. Although there were 19 million
blacks and only 4.5 million whites in South Africa, the majority
population were forced to be second-class citizens in their homeland,
banished to reserves and needing passports to travel outside them,
even within their own country. It was only in 1990 that apartheid
began to crumble and South Africans of all colours were finally free
to live as equals in every way. 

With the end of that racist system, people may be forgiven for
thinking that apartheid does not exist anymore. While few countries
practise any formal systems of discrimination, nevertheless you can
find many forms of discrimination everywhere. In many cases, it is
women who are discriminated against. In our country, there is an
insidious growing form of apartheid among Malaysian women, that
between Muslim and non-Muslim women. 

We are unique in that we actively legally discriminate against women
who are arguably the majority in this country, Muslim women.
Non-Muslim Malaysian women have benefited from more progressive laws
over the years while the opposite has happened for Muslim women. 

For instance, since the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976,
polygamy among non-Muslims was banned. Previously men could have as
many wives as they wanted under customary laws. Men's ability to
unilaterally pronounce divorce on their wives was abolished and, in
its place, divorce happens by mutual consent or upon petition by
either spouse in an equal process where the grounds are intolerable
adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion of not less than two
years, and living separately for not less than two years. Compare that
to the lot of Muslim women abandoned but not divorced by their husbands. 

Other progressive reforms in the civil family law in the late 1990s
were amendments to the Guardianship Act and the Distribution Act. The
Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 was amended to provide for equal
guardianship for both father and mother, rather than the previous
provision where only the father was the primary guardian of the
children. In contrast, the Islamic Family Law still provides for the
father as the sole primary guardian of his children although the
mother is now allowed to sign certain forms for her children under an
administrative directive. 

The Distribution Act 1958 was also amended to provide for equal
inheritance for widows and widowers, and also granted children the
right to inherit from their mothers as well as from their fathers.
Under the newly proposed amendments to the Islamic Family Law, the use
of gender-neutral language on the issue of matrimonial property is
discriminatory on Muslim women when other provisions in the IFL are
not gender-neutral. Muslim men may still contract polygamous
marriages, may unilaterally divorce their wives for the most trivial
of reasons and are entitled to double shares of inheritance. 

These differences between the lot of Muslim women and non-Muslim women
beg the question: do we have two categories of citizenship in
Malaysia, whereby most female citizens have less rights than others?
As non-Muslim women catch up with women in the rest of the world,
Muslim women here are only going backwards. We should also note that
only in Malaysia are Muslim women regressing; in every other Muslim
country in the world, women have been gaining rights, not losing them.

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Mia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Minggu lalu sekilas saya baca di Jkt Post artikel ttg diskriminasi 
> modern di Malaysia. Untuk sebagian perempuan (non muslim) berlaku 
> hukum poligami yang terlarang, cerai dan hukum warisan yang berlaku 
> umum. Sedangkan pada sebagian perempuan yang lain (muslim), boleh 
> dipoligami dan diceraikan begitu saja oleh suami, sering tanpa 
> alasan, dan ketentuan hak waris ala SI.
> Menurut penulis, kok di negaranya jadi berlaku undang-undang 
> diskriminatif seperti begitu di antara perempuan.  Silakan kalau ada 
> yang bisa posting artikel tsb.
> SAlam
> Mia
> --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Ari Condro"  
> wrote:
> >
> > 1. Tertulis dalam paragraf tulisan di bawah ini : "UU RI Nomor
> > 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan membolehkan poligami
> > dengan syarat atas izin istri pertama."
> > 
> > a. Berapa banyak orang yang minta ijin dulu ?
> > b. Dan bagaimana kalau tidak diberi ijin oleh istrinya ?
> > 
> > 
> > 2. Tunisia dan Turki sudah mel

[wanita-muslimah] Fw: Re: PENOLAKAN RUU APP

2006-03-20 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Mas Wida tadi menyebut bahwa masyarakat negara berkembang yang
menganut budaya seks bebas, akan jauh lebih rusak dan banyak penyakit
sosialnya, dibandingkan negara maju yang menganut budaya seks bebas.
Saya rasa ini penting sekali untuk dipahami, mungkin formulasi bisa
diubah sedikit dengan membedakan dengan orang yang belum bisa
bertanggung jawab, belum diberdayakan, serta belum berdisiplin versus
orang yang bertanggung jawab, berdaya, serta berdisiplin. Boleh
dikatakan bahwa masing-masing masrakyat Indonesia maupun masrakyat
negara lain memiliki semua karakteristik tersebut, tetapi mungkin
masih ada perbedaan dalam proporsi. Pertanyaan adalah bagaimana bisa
mengubah proporsi itu, sehingga bagian besar masrakyat dan khususnya
generasi muda akan menjadi orang berdaya. Tentu ini perdebatan yang
panjang, tetapi salah satu aspek yang saya sering sempat memperhatikan
di berbagai keluarga Indonesia adalah komunikasi antara orang tua dan
anak yang kurang menyambung. Misalnya posisi orang tua sering berada
di level atas dibanding posisi anak. Ketika anak menghadapi suatu
permasalahan ataupun pertanyaan, khususnya seputar pacaran dan
seksualitas, sepertinya tidak berani untuk terlalu terbuka sama orang
tua. Apalagi jika melihat bahwa sikap orang tua rada kaku dan lebih
berusaha untuk menghindari perdebatan dengan alasan anak masih terlalu
kecil, sehingga anak juga merasa tidak dianggap dengan serius oleh
orang tua. Akhirnya anak bisa jadi lebih membuka diri kepada
lingkungan luar karena merasa lebih dimengerti di sana, tidak melulu
ditanggapi dengan perkataan itu dosa atau perkataan kamu masih kecil.
Sedangkan dengan orang tua, anak semakin tertutup karena komunikasi
tidak pernah se-level. Nanti bisa sampai orang tua masih menjelaskan
kepada anaknya bahwa tidak boleh berduaan sama lawan jenis, apalagi
berciuman. Sementara anak sudah mempunyai pengalaman seksual, tetapi
tidak berani untuk dibahas dengan orang tua, karena takut dimarahin.
Salah satu modus operandi yang masih populer di sebagian kalangan
remaja adalah berbohong sama orang tua bahwa akan menginap di rumah
teman, padahal calling dulu dan nanti ketemu sama pacarnya. Apalagi
kalau remaja mempunyai teman yang sudah akrab dengan orang tuanya,
sehingga orang tua semakin percaya.

Mengenai perilaku seksual di negara-negara "Barat", memang sulit untuk
dipukulratakan sebagaimananya sulit pula untuk Indonesia, tergantung
juga kita bergaul dalam lingkungan mana. Kebudayaan di "Barat" tidak
seragam pula. Italy Utara sama Italy Selatan saja beda :-) Dari
pengalaman pribadi, saya melihat bahwa banyak yang memilih untuk
bercinta dengan pacarnya saja. Ketika misalnya baru kenalan dengan
seseorang yang baru, masih suka ada proses berkenalan lebih dalam,
sehingga tidak langsung berhubungan intim. Tergantung juga ketemu
dimana. Tetapi adalah suatu hal yang biasa kalau kita mengadakan
dinner dengan lawan jenis yang baru kenal, tujuannya sama sekali tidak
mesti seks, tetapi ngobrol. Bahkan kalau menginap di rumah teman lawan
jenis sering tidak mesti bertujuan untuk berhubungan intim. Pasti ada
juga yang istilah "one-night stand" dan sebagian orang memiliki phase
dalam kehidupan dimana mereka tidak terikat dengan satu partner saja.
Namun, menurut saya, adalah salah alamat jika perilaku seks bebas
dialokasikan secara pukul-rata ke budaya Barat. Saya memahami seks
bebas seperti perilaku seksual tanpa batas apapun dan seandainya
perilaku seperti itu menjadi norma di "Barat", tidak mungkinlah orang
bisa bekerja dengan serius. Saya saja yang saat ini sedang berada di
"Barat" tidak mungkin bisa membalas tanggapan Mas Wida dengan serius
seandainya mitos "seks bebas" itu benar. Seharusnya saya lagi
berorgy-ria dengan paling sedikit 10 perempuan sambil mabuk-mabukan,
apalagi 2 minggu lagi mau balik ke Jakarta. Maka tinggal pakai logika
saja sedikit :-)


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Tanggapan saya disisipkan di bawah.
> "ayeye1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Sent by: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> 03/20/2006 05:55 AM
> Please respond to
> wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> To
> wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> cc
> Subject
> [wanita-muslimah] Fw: Re: PENOLAKAN RUU APP
> Terima kasih atas tanggapan, Mas Wida.
> Saya sependapat bawah mendisiplinkan para pedagang kaki lima yang
> menjual majalah/VCD pornografi tidak realistis dilakukan dalam sesaat
> serta dalam kondisi seperti sekarang. Disiplin tumbuh melalui proses
> dan tidak datang secara instan. Manusia juga memerlukan motivasi untuk
> menjadi berdisiplin. Sedangkan saya tidak tahu darimana seorang
> pedagang kaki lima mendapat motivasi untuk berdisiplin jika ia sudah
> berkesulitan untuk mempertahankan diri serta alternatif lain semakin
> tertutup. Bagaimana 

[wanita-muslimah] Will the real prostitutes please stand up, then stand down

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Will the real prostitutes please stand up, then stand down

Endy M. Bayuni, Jakarta

Something seems to be amiss in the current nationwide crackdown on

Tangerang municipality is leading the charge by rounding up women
walking alone in main streets past newly imposed curfew hours, but
Jakarta and other major cities have also been raiding locations
allegedly used as brothels. Needless to say, these campaigns get
massive coverage by the ever news-hungry media, with female
prostitutes the main focus, to send a clear message that the
authorities are serious about fighting vice.

Waged in the name of stopping society's moral decay and saving the
nation's young from moral bankruptcy, one is left to wonder if the
campaign is missing the real targets.

Commercial sex workers who sell their bodies for a few hundred
thousand to a few million rupiah are certainly a menace, and if they
operated in your neighborhood, you'd probably want them removed too,
and thus you would wholeheartedly support the campaign.

But let's be honest with ourselves. These streetwalkers are not the
only ones who are selling their bodies and souls for financial or
material gain in this country. Since they work in hiding to evade the
authorities, they are not even the most visible of all prostitutes,

No. There are bigger prostitutes -- bigger fish for the authorities to
catch if they are serious about wiping out prostitution. And a lot of
the time, these prostitutes do their deeds so blatantly that it is
really just a matter of political will for the authorities to round
them up.

Prostitution is usually defined as the sale of sexual services, but
the online encyclopedia Wikipedia says: "In a more general sense of
the word, anyone selling his/her services for a cause thought to be
unworthy can be described as prostituting him/herself."

Going by this wider definition, we can think of many other people in
various forms of employment who are engaging in the world's oldest

* The elected politicians who betray the people's mandate by
continually claiming to work for the people when they are really just
serving their personal and political interests.

* The appointed officials and bureaucrats who, instead of acting as
the servants of the people, make the people their servants while
enriching themselves.

* The intellectuals who sell their minds and thoughts to provide
scholarly justifications for laws and policies that are clearly
detrimental to the interests of the people.

* The ulemas and priests who willingly give a religious cloak to laws
and regulations that suppress people's freedoms and rights.

* The journalists who betray the public trust and fill the media with
lies and half-truths to mislead the people.

True to the wider definition of prostitution, they are selling
services for causes thought to be unworthy. And there is no cause more
unworthy than corruption.

These, and many other people in different professions, are the real
hardcore prostitutes and thus the real menace to society. Their
corrupt and perverted conduct poses a much more serious threat to the
nation's morals than the simple sexual services offered by streetwalkers.

Most streetwalkers enter the profession not by choice but because of
economic pressures. 11 million people in this country out of job
(according to unreliable official statistics) and 30 million others
are underemployed. For many, prostitution is the only available means
of survival.

Such justification cannot be used by the elite members of society who
willingly and knowingly sell their soul and services, and sometimes
their body too, for profit, material or otherwise. Their only reason
for prostituting themselves is greed.

And they are doing it in the open for all to see. Corruption is so
rampant that our children, whose future we are all concerned about,
are so exposed to such practices at early age that some grow up to
accept them as normal.

Moral decadence is indeed a big problem in this country, but moral
hypocrisy is an even bigger problem since we tolerate the bigger and
more dangerous type of prostitution.

Condemn prostitution in the name of morality, but it's the bigger and
more menacing prostitutes that deserve to be pilloried. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: PENOLAKAN RUU APP

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Mas Wida, kalau kita cepat puas dengan jawaban pertama, kita cenderung
menimpulkan bahwa penyebab tindakan perkosaan adalah pornografi.
Karena kata pelaku tadi: "setelah habis nonton VCD porno, saya
melakukan perkosaan". Namun, itu masih jauh sampai memenuhi kriteria
untuk bisa diklasifikasi sebagai kenyataan. Harus diuji dulu apakah
benar atau tidak. Secara psikologis juga wajar kalau pelaku mencari
suatu alasan yang di luar dirinya guna mengurangi beban terhadap
dirinya :-)



Oh ya, masalah kekerasan yang ditonton oleh anak-anak, juga dedemit dan
takhayul, juga hal yang harus diperhatikan. Tetapi pornografie ini
masalahnya jauh lebih besar dari hal-hal itu sehingga perlu mendapat
prioritas utama. Dan saya rasa karena hal itu terkait dengan dosa zina
(budaya seks bebas) dan bahaya perkosaan. Sekalipun banyak teori yang
mengatakan perkosaan bukan karena pornografie, kenyataan di lapangannya
sebagian besar adalah demikian. Bangsa kita ingin menjauhkan kedua hal itu
dari generasi mendatangnya.

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[wanita-muslimah] Fw: Re: PENOLAKAN RUU APP

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Terima kasih atas tanggapan, Mas Wida.

Saya sependapat bawah mendisiplinkan para pedagang kaki lima yang
menjual majalah/VCD pornografi tidak realistis dilakukan dalam sesaat
serta dalam kondisi seperti sekarang. Disiplin tumbuh melalui proses
dan tidak datang secara instan. Manusia juga memerlukan motivasi untuk
menjadi berdisiplin. Sedangkan saya tidak tahu darimana seorang
pedagang kaki lima mendapat motivasi untuk berdisiplin jika ia sudah
berkesulitan untuk mempertahankan diri serta alternatif lain semakin
tertutup. Bagaimana mungkin ingin berdisiplin ketika ada ketidakadilan
di depan mata kita yang jauh lebih besar? Sampai orang kaya menjadi
tebal hukum dan hanya orang kecil tersentuh oleh hukum dan itupun
sering secara arbitrer. Maka saya pikir pengaturan yang lebih baik
terhadap produk pornografi hanya bisa dilakukan dalam jangka lebih
panjang dan sejalan dengan perbaikan lingkungan secara umumnya. Kita
selalu gampang berkhayal yang idealistis dan berpikir dengan
menciptakan suatu UU yang bombastis, masalah sosial sudah langsung
selesai. Sama merepotkan kalau ada politikus yang ikut dalam proses
pembentukan hukum guna mensekor poin politik, tetapi nanti tidak
terlibat lagi dalam proses pelaksanaan hukum. Presiden SBY saja harus
mempelajari bahwa ternyata masalah korupsi tidak semudah dihilangkan
seperti [mungkin] dibayangkan sebelum menjadi presiden.

Memang sebagai orang tua, kita selalu harus memperhitungkan bahwa
suatu saat anak-anak kita akan terkonfrontasi dengan pornografi.
Seperti kata Mas Wida, bahan pornografi muda diperoleh dari internet
jika memang dicari, karena selalu dapat ditemukan lubang meskipun
pakai adult software dan segala. Maka sudah adalah tugas dan tanggung
jawab kita untuk mempersiapkan dan memberdayakan anak-anak kita agar
siap menghadapi dunia yang tidak sesteril rumah kita. Saya juga sadar
ini lebih gampang diucapkan daripada direalisasikan. Banyak orang tua
tidak merasa sanggup untuk menjelaskan seksualitas kepada anak-anak
mereka. Terutama di lingkungan dimana seksualitas masih dianggap
sebagai tabu untuk dibicarakan. Di sisi lain, anak-anak yang berasal
dari keluarga baik masih bisa terjun ke dunia narkoba dan kriminal.
Jadi tidak ada kepastian yang seratus persen.

Memang usaha sangat berpotensial untuk menaruh keuntungan materi di
depan moralitas. Jangankan usaha, orang individual saja yang demikian
pula. Moralitas enak untuk dibicarakan dan sulit dilaksanakan,
terutama dalam situasi tertentu. Maka saya pribadi sudah capek kalau
mendengar orang bicara soal moral, apalagi soal moral seksual :-)

Soal perbedaan antara "Barat" dan "Timur" dalam persepsi terhadap
seksualitas, saya rasa perubahan yang diakibatkan oleh proses
modernisasi sudah lama mempengaruhi moral seksual di Indonesia,
apalagi perilaku seksual generasi muda. Itu dikarenakan oleh kondisi
yang telah berubah secara signifikan, ambil saja umur nikah yang
rata-rata telah meningkat drastis atau perubahan struktur keluarga dan
lingkungan sosial, dengan nilai-nilai seksual yang masih tetap
(setidaknya dalam lingkungan resmi), sehingga terjadi penyimpanan yang
semakin besar antara realita lingkungan dan moral seksual. Kalau tidak
ada alternatif untuk mengantisipasi perbedaan ini, hubungan seksual
pra-nikah cenderung akan semakin ditolerir oleh generasi-generasi yang
akan datang. Atau alternatif lain untuk kalangan Islam misalnya, bisa
menjadi perkawinan secara agama saja dulu, sehingga tidak akan
dianggap zina dan sekaligus melibatkan keluarga, meskipun ada batas
umur minimal juga agar tidak melanggar hukum. Setelah pasangan sudah
merasa sanggup selayaknya orang yang ingin membentuk keluarga,
perkawinan dilakukan secara resmi negara.

Kebetulan di tahun 80-an saya juga sempat berada di Indonesia dan
waktu itu, seingat saya, sebagian generasi muda sudah melakukan
hubungan seks pra-nikah dan pelacuran sudah banyak, bukan hanya di
kota-kota besar. Cuman di era ORBA, masalah sosial tidak pernah
dibahas dengan kritis. Gaya bahasa pun berbeda seperti sempat
diceritakan oleh Mbak Meilany di milis ini. Contohnya, di jaman ORBA
ditulis "harga disesuaikan", sedangkan sekarang ditulis "harga
dinaikkan" :-) Kata-kata yang vulger pun masih jarang digunakan. Waktu
itu saya hanya mengenal kata "kawin" dan "bersetubuh" untuk hubungan
seks. Baru di akhir tahun 80-an dan awal 90-an variasi menjadi lebih
luas. Yang tetapi banyak berubah adalah umur PSK setelah krisis
moneter dan politik. Hingga sekarang masih banyak anak-anak seumur
anak SMA dan SMP yang melacurkan diri di jalan. Juga suasana di
klab-klab malam setelah krismon menjadi lebih komersial.

Mas Wida, terminologi "seks bebas" sering menjadi misleading,
khususnya apabila dikaitkan dengan perilaku seksual generasi muda di
"Barat". Sudah sering saya pernah menyinggung soal itu dalam milis ini :-)



- Forwarded by Wida Kusuma/JJ0269/JOC/ID on 03/17/2006 08:09 AM -

Ide jika pornografie dihala

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Balasan: Batasan seni?

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1
--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Hadi Nugraha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[Saya kira semua orang bisa sepakat, kalo pornografi adalah sesuatu yg
harus diberantas (kecuali bagi pengusaha media yg memang memasarkan
pornografi, yg pasti akan menolak mentah2 RUU ini).]


Kalau semua orang sepakat bahwa pornografi harus diberantas, mengapa
masih banyak yang mengkonsumsinya? Apalagi sampai membayar uang tidak
sedikit untuk produk pornografi. Kalau ngga ada pembeli, mana mungkin
pengusaha media yang memasarkan pornografi akan laku :-)

Jadi kesannya justru banyak yang teriak bahwa pornografi harus
diberantas, tetapi diam-diam berstatus konsumen porno. Saya sendiri
sudah lihat banyak sekali model seperti itu. Mungkin karena norma
sosial untuk ruang publik masih ketat soal moral seksual, sebagian
warga tidak berani untuk mengakui secara terang-terangan dan itu juga
dapat dipahami.


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[wanita-muslimah] Apakah Bali Mengenal Pornografi?

2006-03-18 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Apakah Bali Mengenal Pornografi?

Gde Aryantha Soethama

Bali sangat gigih menentang Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi dan
Pornoaksi (RUU APP). Sejumlah cendekiawan, budayawan, dan seniman Bali
mendatangi Pansus RUU tersebut di Jakarta untuk menyatakan penolakan
(Kompas, 22/2). Berbagai komponen rakyat Bali beramai-ramai meminta
agar pembahasan rancangan undang-undang tersebut dihentikan ketika
mereka hadir dalam pertemuan dengan anggota Pansus RUU APP di Denpasar
(Kompas, 4/3).

Di distrik wisata Kuta digelar konser yang melibatkan 38 grup musik,
menolak RUU APP. Di lokasi acara dibentang kain putih khusus bagi
pengunjung untuk membubuhkan tanda tangan bagi mereka yang setuju
menolak RUU APP (Kompas, 5/3). Dalam setiap aksi itu selalu terlontar
sejumlah alasan mengapa rancangan undang-undang itu harus ditolak.

Begitu gencar Bali menolak undang-undang antipornografi, apakah Bali
sendiri mengenal pornografi? Bagaimana segala macam yang berkaitan
dengan pornografi disikapi dalam keseharian masyarakat Bali?

Porno dalam bahasa Bali berarti jaruh. Tetapi, jaruh tidak semata
berarti cabul atau porno. Jaruh juga berarti jahat. Cicing jaruh
artinya anjing jahat, bukan anjing cabul, karena anjing tak bisa
dituduh melakukan pornoaksi ketika mereka kawin seenaknya di tengah
jalan ramai orang lalu lalang di siang bolong. Cicing jaruh berarti
anjing yang suka mencuri makanan, diam-diam menyikat habis makanan
tuannya di atas meja. Anjing yang tiba-tiba suka mengejar ayam di
pekarangan, mengejar pengendara sepeda, atau menggigit orang lewat,
juga disebut cicing jaruh, anjing jahat, bukan anjing porno.

Banyak anjing bisa dijumpai berkeliaran di jalan-jalan kota di Bali.
Dr Masri Singarimbun, yang semasa hidup rajin berceramah tentang
keluarga berencana, pernah berujar di Bali bahwa anjing atau ayam
kawin di jalanan itu bisa menjadi kesempatan bagi orangtua untuk
memperkenalkan pendidikan seks kepada anak-anak yang kebetulan

Ada pula istilah jalema jaruh, manusia tunasusila. Mereka adalah
pelacur (wanita) dan gigolo (laki-laki). Tetapi, jaruh bagi orang Bali
lebih menekankan pada pengertian seseorang yang suka mengumbar
kata-kata cabul, senang melontarkan guyon yang nyerempet-nyerempet seks.

Hukuman akhirat

Orang Bali dikenal memiliki awig-awig (aturan adat) sangat rinci dan
ketat. Aturan itu menekankan tata cara hidup dalam lingkungan sosial.
Sanksi bagi pelanggar awig-awig itu pun sangat beragam dan
mencemaskan. Tetapi, tak satu pun awig-awig itu yang mengatur tentang
pornografi. Memang ada aturan tentang penyimpangan perilaku seks. Jika
terbukti seseorang menyetubuhi binatang (sapi misalnya), si pelaku
diwajibkan menyelenggarakan upacara untuk menghilangkan leteh
(malapetaka) yang menimpa desa.

Di Bali, cabul itu biasa, tak ada hukum yang mengatur. Ajaran agama
juga hanya sepintas menyinggung hukuman bagi mereka yang berbuat
jaruh. Lukisan wayang klasik Kamasan ada berkisah tentang hukuman bagi
jalema jaruh, orang cabul. Lukisan itu mengangkat kisah Bima Swarga,
tentang perjalanan atman ke surga atau neraka. Digambarkan pelacur
yang kelaminnya dibakar di neraka, payudaranya dirubung ulat bijal
besar-besar. Orang- orang yang suka ngomong cabul mulutnya ditikam
keris yang jatuh dari pohon, mulutnya disodok dengan nyala obor.
Lukisan ini bisa dilihat kapan saja oleh siapa saja, karena menjadi
penghias plafon bangunan Kerta Gosa di Klungkung (30 km timur
Denpasar), dilukis sangat indah oleh pelukis dari Desa Kamasan.
Bangunan ini merupakan gedung pengadilan di zaman kerajaan.

Orang-orang jaruh tidak dihukum di dunia, tetapi mereka akan menerima
kesengsaraan itu di akhirat. Tidakkah ini berarti yang berhak
menentukan kesalahan moral bukan manusia, tetapi Tuhan. Itu mungkin
sebabnya orang Bali tidak pernah mengucilkan orang jaruh. Mereka yang
suka melontarkan omongan cabul justru disukai lingkungannya, disambut
hangat, dan ditunggu-tunggu karena ia adalah pengocok perut, mudah
membuat orang tertawa terpingkal-pingkal.

Di Bali bisa dijumpai banyak kesempatan untuk bertindak jaruh,
terutama melontarkan guyonan cabul. Mereka yang rajin ngayah
(melakukan kerja sosial dalam kegiatan adat) pasti sering tenggelam
dalam obrolan jaruh. Mereka yang terlibat dalam guyonan cabul itu laki
perempuan. Seorang lelaki melontarkan sepotong kata cabul, yang lain
menimpali, lalu seorang wanita menyahut, maka jadilah kegiatan ngayah
itu semarak oleh omongan cabul. Puncaknya adalah tertawa cekikikan
disusul derai panjang. Tawa itu pertanda mereka senang. Dan, omongan
cabul itu biasa dilontarkan di tempat ibadah yang suci, saat ngayah
menjelang upacara piodalan.

Jika ada kegiatan ngayah di banjar, bisa muncul kelompok-kelompok yang
penuh gelak tawa berderai. Kemungkinan besar karena omongan jaruh
sedang dibahas dan diperdebatkan. Seseorang lelaki bicara, setelah
minum pil ia jadi kuat mongkod (memanjat). Seorang wanita pe-ngayah
yang mendengar segera menyamb

[wanita-muslimah] Reporting assault of mother, sister lands Bekasi man defending himself in co

2006-03-17 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Reporting assault of mother, sister lands Bekasi man defending himself
in co

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Since he reported a crime committed by a religious leader in his
neighborhood last year, all Bekasi resident Iman Firmansyah can be
certain of is, the truth is out there.

In August, Iman reported to police a local teacher of Islamic studies,
Syekh Maulana, for sexually assaulting seven of his female students,
including Iman's mother, sister and sister-in-law.

Consequently, Syekh's friend, Dadang Suhendi, reported Iman to police
for getting residents of Padurenan, Mustika Jaya district, to banish
the teacher from the village.

Syekh was found guilty by the Bekasi District Court. He is now serving
an 18-month sentence at Cipinang Penitentiary in East Jakarta.

But police pursued the case against Iman. He was charged under the
"catch-all" improper conduct clause in the Criminal Code.

"It's about time we had a regulation to protect the witness in cases
like this," said representatives of the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute
(LBH Jakarta) and the Women's Legal Aid Foundation (LBH Apik) on Friday.

In a joint press conference, the two rights watchdogs questioned the
government's attention to the rights of witnesses.

"The government has been working on it since 1999. Up to now, I
haven't seen any signs they will pass the regulation (on witness
protection) into law in the near future," LBH Jakarta executive
Nurkholis Hidayat said.

Both organizations also represented Iman in his trial at the Bekasi court.

Nurkholis suspects irregularities in the trial process.

"We found that Iman's statements in the police report had been
changed. There were two additional questions that were never asked,
there were also statements and signatures that were not his in the

Zaimah Husin of LBH Apik added that the whole trial process had
brought more questions than answers because the judge and the
prosecutors were the very same people who tried Syekh.

The lawyers reported Bekasi officers to the Jakarta Police for
document tampering. They also requested the Bekasi Court delay Iman's
trial pending the investigation.

If found guilty, Iman could face one year in jail; just six months
less than Syekh Maulana, who was proven guilty of sexually assaulting
seven women.

"We also asked the police not to treat victims and their family
members as if they were suspects," Nurkholis said. (07) 

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[wanita-muslimah] Police hunt for men who coerced 12-year-old girl into sex work

2006-03-17 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Police hunt for men who coerced 12-year-old girl into sex work

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Acting on a report issued Wednesday by the National Commission for
Child Protection (Komnas Anak), city police are hunting down two men
who allegedly coerced a child into performing sex work.

Police have identified the suspects only as SN and DD, crime unit
chief Sr.Comr. M. Jaelani said Friday.

On March 6, SN -- who is from Indramayu, West Java -- offered a
12-year-old girl a job as a restaurant attendant in Jakarta with a
monthly salary of Rp 300,000.

Accompanied by her mother, the girl and SN went to the capital the
next day. They two stayed for a week in a rented house in Kebon Jeruk,
West Jakarta, while waiting for SN to take the girl to her new workplace.

On March 14, the suspect together with a companion, DD, escorted the
young girl to work, while her mother waited at the house.

After waiting for a whole day, however, SN returned without the girl
and handed the mother Rp 1.4 million in payment, which aroused the
mother's suspicions.

After demanding to see her daughter, she was taken by DD to meet the
girl, who was in a room in a West Jakarta hotel.

The hotel management helped her to locate her daughter's room and to
contact Komnas Anak.

The rights body provided legal assistance for the child and a safe
house. A medical examination showed signs of physical trauma,
confirming she was sexually abused.

Witnesses told the police the girl had been in the hotel room with a

Police are tracking down the foreigner.

According to Jaelani, the suspects violated the Criminal Code and
Children Rights Protection Law. They could face a maximum sentence of
10 years' jail and a Rp 200 million fine if found guilty.

Many activists are outraged by state laws on child trafficking and
prostitution, comparing them with the U.S. laws, which impose heavier

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[wanita-muslimah] Komnas-HAM senior official rejects porn bill

2006-03-17 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Komnas-HAM senior official rejects porn bill

Muninggar Sri Saraswati, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Legislators should drop the controversial pornography bill because its
implementation would only lead to human rights violations, a member of
the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) says.

Hasto Atmodjo told the House of Representatives on Friday he feared
the bill's vague articles would allow multiple interpretations and
could be easily manipulated.

"The House should cancel its deliberation or at least postpone it
until a compromise between the advocates and the critics is reached,"
he said.

Hasto has been assigned by the commission to study the legislation.
The commission is set to announce its official stance on the bill
early next month.

"Such things as sensuality and eroticism are difficult to define in a
law," he said.

"Actually, the bill is unnecessary because the issues it deals with
are already covered by other laws like the Criminal Code, the
Broadcasting Law and the Film Censorship Law," Hasto said.

On Friday, Muslim groups in Bandung and Makassar called for the speedy
passage of the legislation into law.

Some legislators doubt they will be able to finish the deliberation of
the bill by June, the deadline set by legislator Balkan Kaplale of the
Democrat Party who chairs the committee.

Lawmakers are set to go on recess next week until March 24.

In Bali, the Young Hindu Dharma Intellectuals Forum came out Friday
against the bill, saying it would threaten tourism and local culture.

Earlier, members of the hard-line Muslim Indonesian Mujahidin Council
had protested the Bali provincial government's stand against the bill.

"We reject any laws that discriminate against religions and local
cultures," forum chief Anak Agung Ngurah Arya Wedakarna said.

However, the forum said it would support any law that would stop the
distribution of pornographic materials.

The group said the bill was inspired by sharia law, which might suit
some Muslims but should not be imposed on people of other religions.

The draft legislation, which has articles banning kissing in public
and punishing people for how they dress, has been rejected by artists,
women's activists and media groups. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Who is fit to be the moral arbiter of dress sense?

2006-03-17 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Who is fit to be the moral arbiter of dress sense?

Soeryo Winoto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Thank God! Finally, the government has made its position clear on the
controversial pornography bill.

State Minister for Women's Empowerment Meutia Hatta Swasono said
Wednesday the focus of the bill should be on limiting the distribution
of obscene materials, not prosecuting personal conduct, especially the
conduct of women.

The day before, the chairman of the House committee deliberating the
bill, Balkan Kaplale, said the bill on pornography would focus on
pornographic materials and their distribution.

Meutia and Kaplale demonstrated strength of leadership and clear
thinking among all the absurdity in the House surrounding this bill,
including those legislators who insist the bill target personal
conduct, particularly of women who wear a "certain" type of clothing.

This change in the emphasis of the bill was made only after waves of
public protests, the latest by about 500 performers of the traditional
tayub dance in Surakarta on Wednesday. Though the government was slow
to respond to the public outcry, it could no longer ignore all the
voices opposed to the bill.

While the legal definition of pornography here remains hazy, it is
interesting to consider the American Family Association's online
definition of pornography. This definition states, "Pornography is
sexually explicit pictures, writing or other material whose primary
purpose is to cause sexual arousal."

Given that women are the target of the bill, it is pretty clear the
House committee deliberating the bill is dominated by men. This
underlines the results of a survey conducted in the U.S. by Harris
Interactive Inc. and released in September 2004. The survey found 57
percent of women believe pornography is demeaning to women, and showed
that men and women differ in their views about pornography. This may
help us understand why the majority of the protesters against the bill
are women.

Of the many surprises surrounding the deliberation of the porn bill,
the biggest is that none of the committee members have been able to
offer a clear definition of what exactly constitutes pornography.

What is defined as pornography in the bill differs very little from
the definitions of porn offered in articles 282, 283 and 284 of the
Criminal Code, which have in the past been used to prosecute people
from the entertainment world, including models.

The Criminal Code clearly is still relevant and workable. The problem
seems to be the classic one of poor law enforcement.

Perhaps the House committee deliberating the bill should have
considered the American Family Association's definition of
pornography, whose key words are "to cause sexual arousal".

So, can a woman's outfit be considered sexually explicit material?
Probably, since men apparently are so easily aroused, at least
according to the original draft bill. This just highlights the
absurdity of the definition of pornography. So how can the House
committee decide something is pornographic when the exact definition
of pornography is so unclear?

Perhaps inspired by the absurdity of the House members, the Tangerang
mayoralty has passed its own regulation on prostitution, which has
drawn criticism for targeting women. The mayoralty, however, remains
unbowed and is preparing another regulation on the dress of female

Since the 1950s, students in the country have been playing a game of
hide-and-seek with their teachers and a kind of moral police over
their clothes. In those days female students were not the only
targets. Boys with tight trousers, called Napoleons, had to be extra
careful out on the street to avoid being caught by the police, who
would insert a bottle inside the leg of their trousers. If the
trousers proved to be so tight the bottle would not fit, the officer
would slit the pants. And nobody complained or questioned the legality
of the officers' actions.

In the 1970s, a lot of teens got into trouble over their hair. Quite a
few boys sporting Beatles-like hairdos received unwanted haircuts from
their teachers in front of their classmates. Teachers were also prone
to confiscating "Beatles" shoes from unlucky fashion wanna-bes.

The authorities and teachers defended their actions by arguing that
young people had to be protected from "destructive Western culture".

History clearly shows that the authorities here have always been
impractical idealists who have turned quite trivial matters into major
affairs. And if fashion caused moral decay among the young, as the
authorities believed at the time, what are we to think of the moral
state of people now in their 40s, 50s and 60s, who grew up with
Napoleon trousers and Beatles shoes?

Maybe lawmakers should consider adding an article to the Constitution
governing how people dress, to save the country from moral decay. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Religion in the public sphere

2006-03-17 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Religion in the public sphere

Suratno, Jakarta

The controversies surrounding the pornography bill and the Tangerang
prostitution bylaw are attracting a great deal of attention. The pros
and cons have made many people question why it is necessary to
legislate for the way we wear our clothes, comport ourselves in public
and express our innermost feelings.

>From the legal perspective, both the pornography bill and the
Tangerang bylaw are unusual. Laws and regulations usually govern one's
actions as they relate to others. However, the pornography bill and
the Tangerang bylaw are designed to govern how one expresses oneself.

Several problems arise in this regard.

The Tangerang bylaw overlaps with the Criminal Code. It is also so
loosely drafted that many people describe it as a catch-all bylaw.
Chapter 4, for instance, allows the authorities to arrest a woman
based solely on the grounds that she looks like a prostitute.

Although the objective of both the bill and the bylaw is to "improve
the nation's morality", they do not address the roots of the moral
problems affecting the nation.

When they enter the public sphere, certain aspects of morality and
religion give rise to various problematic issues:

First, the possibility of using religion to achieve social, economic
and political goals.

Second, the difficulty of translating and implementing religious
values in the public sphere,

Third, the fact that the public sphere is an area in which many groups
attempt to show their power,

Fourth, the fact that the public sphere consists of many different
(pluralistic) groups. Therefore, one group cannot claim that it has
the "best morality" or "best religion", and then try to force it on
other groups.

Basically, religion cannot be attributed in either the public or
domestic sphere. This is because religion is not a functional entity,
meaning it does not exist only when it is needed. Religion is an
existential thing, meaning it forms an integral part of one's
existence and life.

A doctor, for instance, is only a doctor when he is treating and
healing his patients. However, a Muslim will always be a Muslim. For
such a person, religion must be translated and implemented in everyday
social intercourse. This raises the question: which aspects of
religion should be translated and implemented in everyday social
intercourse (the public sphere), and to what extent?

Many sociologists of religion, such as Jose Casanova, argue that only
certain aspects of religious values should be presented in the public
sphere, although not all of the public sphere is amenable to these
values. Meanwhile, John Rawls in his book Political Liberalism (1993)
supports Casanova's argument, saying that in a pluralistic society,
religious values can be presented in the public sphere only if they
are rational -- something Rawls refers to as "public rationality".

In the case of the pornography bill, it is clearly difficult to even
define pornography, while the application of the Tangerang bylaw has
often led to citizens being denied their human rights.

Based on the above arguments, when presenting religion in the public
sphere, the religious values that are presented should not be based on
those adhered to by one group alone. They should be based on the
decision of the highest court of religious values through public
rationality. The concept of good that is offered by particular groups
must be rationally translated as the common good.

Consequently, the concept of bad must also be rationally translated as
the common bad. This is the best way of bringing religion into the
public sphere in an elegant, fair and rational manner. To achieve
this, the deliberation and legislative processes must be based on the
principle of objectivity and inclusiveness.

The writer is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religion,
Paramadina University, Jakarta. He received a bachelor's degree in
philosophy from the School of Philosophy and a master's degree in
comparative religion from the Center for Religious and Crosscultural
Studies (CRCS), both at Gadjah Mada University (GMU), Yogyakarta. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Bali bombing suspects ready die

2006-03-16 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Bali bombing suspects ready die

Luh Putu Trisna Wahyuni, The Jakarta Post, Denpasar

Three men awaiting trial for their alleged involvement in the Oct. 1,
2005, Bali bombings that killed 23 people, including three suicide
bombers, said Wednesday they were ready to face the death sentence.

The three suspects made the remarks when they and their case files
were handed over by Bali Police chief Insp. Gen. Soenarko Danu A to
the head of the Bali High Court, Pasek Suharta.

One of the suspects, Anif Solchanudin, 24, said his only regret was
that Muslims were killed in the bombings.

"I apologize because many Muslims were killed in the bombings, but my
targets were Americans," he said before being taken back to the
detention center at Bali Police Headquarters.

Anif said he was a member of the regional terrorist network headed by
the fugitive Noordin M. Top, but did not know Noordin personally.

Another suspect, Abdul Aziz, alias Jafar, 30, who is alleged to have
helped create the website used to organize the bombings, said he knew
Noordin and used to help hide the suspected terrorist mastermind from
the police.

"I met Noordin M. Top in Pekalongan (Central Java) at the end of June
2005, but I did not know Dr. Azahari (Noordin's accomplice who was
killed in Batu, East Java, late last year)," Abdul Aziz said.

He also admitted his involvement in the bombings in Kuta and Jimbaran
last Oct. 1.

The third suspect, Moh Cholily, alias Hanif, 28, showed no remorse for
his alleged crimes, saying his death was in the hands of God. "Why
should I seek penance, everything has already taken place?" he said.

"I do not hate anybody, I just hate their infidelity," Cholily said.

Police also presented evidence in the case to the court, including
bomb making equipment and a Yahama motorcycle belonging to Anif that
was allegedly used as part of the attacks.

The three suspects will be tried at Denpasar District Court. Each case
file will be handled by three prosecutors.

The deputy chief of the Bali High Court, Salman Maryadi, said his
office would have the indictments finished within the next two months,
as stipulated in the law on terrorism.

"We don't have any targets for when the three case files will be
handed over to the court, as it depends mostly on the preparation of
the indictments, as long as it does not exceed the deadline," he said. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Parties agree to scrap anti-porn bill articles

2006-03-14 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Parties agree to scrap anti-porn bill articles

Muninggar Sri Saraswati, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Several House of Representatives factions have agreed to throw out
articles in the pornography bill that criminalize personal conduct
deemed indecent and allow for the establishment of a special
anti-pornography body.

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) has voiced the
most vocal opposition to the draft law. It and the National Awakening
Party (PKB), the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the Democrat Party
-- support the demands to scrap all articles that target behavior
deemed indecent.

PDI-P legislator Eva K. Sundari said her party suggested that articles
on these sanctions be included in a draft revision of the Criminal
Code, which is due to be discussed later this year.

"The articles about criminal sanctions (on behavior judged obscene)
would be regulated in the bill to revise the Criminal Code," she said

As a consequence, all articles on the establishment of an
anti-pornography body would also be eliminated, Eva added.

The major supporters of the bill are conservative Muslim-based
parties, including the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the United
Development Party (PPP).

Eva said the legislators wanted the bill to only rule on pornographic
materials and industries in a bid to protect children.

"We have to make it formal. But we are still concerned about the
paradigm of the bill. If the bill is to rule on the distribution of
pornographic materials, it should be changed completely," she said.

Separately, deputy chairwoman of the House special team deliberating
the bill, Chairunissa, confirmed there was an agreement to scrap such
these articles as "we are still in the stage of listening to people's

"It is still a long way before the bill is passed into law," she said.

A series of meetings by the special team last week only produced minor
changes to the bill, including an agreement to change the title of the
bill from the Anti-Pornography and Pornoaksi (indecent acts) Bill into
either the Bill on Pornography or the Bill on Pornography and Pornoaksi.

The team did not discuss the substance of the bill during the
three-day meeting, which was boycotted by PDI-P representatives.
Neither did the team compile a list of contentious articles for
further debate.

Meanwhile, several Muslim clerics from South Sulawesi met with the
special committee deliberating the bill to express their support for
the legislation.

"Please, don't go back (on the bill). We need it because pornography
has intruded on our children's lives," said a cleric, Sirajudin.

Legislator Balkan Kaplale, who chairs the House special committee, has
repeatedly said the bill would be passed into law by June. However, it
is now unlikely the deadline will be met as the House will enter its
recess period next week.

Legislators must produce a list of contentious articles in the bill
before they submit it to the government.

After this, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is expected to issue a
presidential letter to approve the deliberation of the bill and
appoint ministers to represent the government in deliberating it with
the House.

The bill has drawn controversy because it bans a series of acts
including kissing in public and nudity in public art, and also could
punish people for how they dress. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Protecting women

2006-03-14 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Protecting women

While women throughout the world are celebrating International Women's
Day on March 8, lots of women in Indonesia are feeling disturbed by
the controversial pornography bill which is being deliberated in the
House of Representatives.

It is said that the pornography bill is meant to protect women from
sexual exploitation but because of its heavy content which tends more
to frighten rather than to make women feel secure, it creates greater
confusion and unrest among women.

It is earnestly hoped that the bill which will be enacted into law
will not disadvantage any community particularly women. In fact, many
women groups such as Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, Srikandi Demokrasi
Indonesia and Seknas Koalisi Perempuan are against the bill because of
its interference in the private sphere, thereby restricting freedom of
expression. Criticism of the bill include its failure to clearly
define those guilty of producing pornography materials, thereby
victimizing women.

If the bill really intends to protect women, then it must do so with
wording that protects women, not threatens them. Before the
pornography bill passes into law, more and more women experts should
be consulted. Within the society itself, the bill has caused panic
among various groups. The legislature should be wise in accommodating
the interests and aspirations of all people throughout Indonesia.

In accordance with the theme of this year's International Women's Day
which is "Women in Decision-Making: Meeting Challenges, Creating
Change" and as mentioned in the Beijing Platform for Action that
women's equal participation in decision-making is not only a demand
for simple justice or democracy, but can also be seen as a necessary
condition for women's interest to be taken into account; women experts
from various fields should be involved in working on this pornography
bill. If more chance is given to women experts in making decisions on
the bill, there is hope that they could make a difference and create
change for the sake of not only women but also other change agents in


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[wanita-muslimah] Pornografi dan budaya timur

2006-03-14 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Pornografi dan budaya timur
Jean van de Kok


Belum sampai ke tangan pembacanya, majalah Playboy versi Indonesia,
sudah mengundang polemik. Walaupun jelas tidak menakutkan, orang-orang
takut dengan foto-foto yang bakal dimuat. Dan dianggap bakal merusak
Budaya Indonesia.
Bukan Budaya Indonesia
Beberapa waktu lalu saya kebetulan membaca sebuah artikel di internet
ihwal kasus seorang selebriti Indonesia, Anjasmara, yang berpose bak
Adam telanjang di Taman Firdaus. Ketika saya menyimak foto yang
dikemas sebagai karya seni tersebut, sang selebriti ini sama sekali
tidak telajang alami, untuk ukuran seni masih dalam batas malu-malu
tapi toh berani. Dalam wawancara sang model menyatakan, dia tidak
telanjang bulat lho. Namun pameran foto ini toh mengundang protes yang
antara lain menyatakan, berpose dengan pakaian minim itu bukan adat Timur.
Beberapa hari kemudian timbul kontroversi ihwal Playboy edisi
Indonesia. Kritik terhadap niat penerbitan ini bahkan sudah semarak
sebelum hari H nya. Orang belum lihat tapi sudah takut bisa
dikonfrontir dengan foto yang aduhai, jangan-jangan…yah jangan-jangan
apa? Apa yang ditakuti? Wah datang alasan yang muluk-muluk: dalam
budaya Timur gambar-gambar macam begini tidak pas. Ini akan merusak
budaya Indonesia, akan merusak mental kawula muda.

Patung Bugil Nabi Daud
Nah, sikap cemas sementara kalangan di Indonesia ini pasti bisa
berkurang dengan undang-undang menentang pornografi dan porno aksi.
Polisi sudah siap-siap menyita vcd dan gambar-gambar yang disebut pers
sebagai syur… Apa itu definisinya kurang jelas bagi saya.

Kalau hanya telanjang yang dimaksud, dan ini dianggap tidak senonoh
dan patut untuk dilarang, maka seorang Indonesia tidak pernah boleh
masuk museum seni rupa di mana pun terutama di Eropa dan Amerika.
Suvenir paling disukai turis asing termasuk Indonesia kalau
jalan-jalan ke Roma adalah patung David, nabi Daud karya pematung
besar Michael Angelo. Untuk anda yang belum pernah melihatnya, patung
David atau Daud ini adalah seorang pemuda ganteng dengan otot seorang
olahragawan yang berbugil ria total, jadi bukan separo-separo bak
Anjasmara itu.
Dengan kata lain, di Indonesia tidak pernah akan ada pameran seni rupa
kontemporer maupun masa silam, apalagi membuka museum seni modern. Hal
ini pasti segera akan langsung diprotes, ini 'kan porno…"So what?
Itulah jawaban publik Belanda kalau dihadapi dengan ungkapan ini.

Tabu seksualitas
"Anda takut kalau melihat manusia tanpa busana bisa mengundang
nafsu..?" Yah, kalau itu masalahnya maka problemnya adalah tabu
seksualitas yang masih menghantui benak anda. Masalahnya bukan karya
yang menampilkan adegan manusia tanpa busana.
Lalu kapan sikap tegang rasa akibat tabu seksualitas ini menjadi
bagian dari budaya Indonesia yang sering diberi cap Timur ini? Yah
acap kali diskusi ihwal moral seks dan porno ini berlangsung dalam
kerangka dikotomi atau perbedaan Timur- Barat.

Kalau Barat itu terlalu bebas terhadap seks, langgeng terhadap gambar
orang telanjang, kalau Timur itu lebih bermoral, masih kuat adatnya
dan sebagainya. Anehnya perbedaan ini adalah perbedaan berdasarkan
praduga saja, karena apa yang anda anggap Timur itu dulu adalah bagian
dari Barat juga.

Kaki meja pun erotis
Namanya budaya Victorian, karena muncul di Inggris pada masa
pemerintahan Ratu Victoria. Dalam budaya ini tabu terhadap seks dan
ketelanjangan sangat ditonjolkan, sampai kaki meja dianggap erotis dan
harus ditutupi dengan taplak meja panjang!
Lewat pendidikan Barat pada era kolonial, budaya Victorian ini
dicamkan dalam benak murid-murid di Jawa misalnya. Padahal dalam
budaya Jawa sendiri tabu terhadap ketelanjangan lain sekali. Kunjungi
candi Sukuh yang sarat dengan gambar erotis, telanjang total, 'made in
Jawa', apakah ini porno? Lalu apa sebenarnya porno itu? Dan siapa yang
menentukan sesuatu adalah porno. Semua moral itu adalah relatif
tergantung siapa yang merumuskannya, demikian ilmu antropolgi budaya.
Benar juga.
Beberapa waktu lalu saya mengunjungi pameran Indonesia di Amsterdam,
yang dibuka oleh ratu Beatrix. Yang menonjol adalah beberapa patung
era Hindu Jawa yang telanjang dengan alat vital yang mencolok.  Orang
Belanda, termasuk ratu Beatrix, menikmati patung-patung ini sebagai
karya seni, tidak ada yang protes.

Pengawetan budaya Barat di Timur
Nah, ini ironisnya perkembangan sejarah moral Timur dan Barat.
Sementara di Barat era Victorian itu berakhir dan orang lebih santai
dalam kehidupan seksualitas dan erotik, budaya vVctorian a la Barat
tetap bercokol dalam hati Timur. Seakan-akan ada konservasi, semacam
pengawetan budaya Barat abad lalu dalam budaya Timur, terselubung
dengan bungkusan khas Timur. "Kok gelem diapusin", kata orang Jawa,
atau 'kok mau dibohongi'.

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Dia itu Mbak Chae bukan Mbak Kilat

2006-03-14 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Mas Rudyanto Arief, komentar Anda sudah melecehkan. Ada beberapa
alasan mengapa ada anggota yang tidak ingin mengunakan nama asli di milis.

Pertama, milis WM bersifat umum dan siapa saja, termasuk yang tidak
anggota bisa mengakses bagian pesan milis ini secara terbuka. Jadi
informasi pribadi bisa disalahgunakan oleh orang yang tidak
bertanggung jawab dan itu pernah dialami oleh beberapa anggota di sini.

Soal bertanggung jawab, seharusnya Anda mengetahui bahwa banyak
anggota mempunyai keluarga/relatip juga dan bisa saja orang lain yang
mengunakan informasi pribadi untuk melakukan kejahatan terhadap
keluarga/relatip dari anggota ybs.

Atau ada orang yang "meminjam" nama pribadi anggota di sini dan
kemudian mencaci-maki orang lain di luar milis.

Kemudian tujuan milis ini, saya rasa, bukan untuk membicarakan soal
data pribadi anggota (untuk tujuan seperti itu ada banyak milis lain),
tetapi untuk membahas soal seperti tercantumkan di halaman utama milis

Maka tidak pantas jika Mas Rudyanto Arief menuduh Mbak Chae di sini
sebagai pendusta, tidak bertanggung jawab, munafik, dll.

Pendusta dalam hal ini adalah kalau ada anggota yang pakai nama lain
dan mengklaim itu nama asli. Itu tidak pernah dilakukan oleh anggota
dengan nama Mbak Chae atau Mbak Kilat.

Tidak bertanggung jawab dalam hal ini adalah apabila ada anggota yang
terus menerus mengirim tulisan provokatip, tetapi tidak pernah
menanggapinya setelah ditanya oleh anggota lain malahan terus mengirim
tulisan lain. Itu tidak pernah dilakukan oleh anggota dengan nama Mbak
Chae atau Mbak Kilat.

Sedangkan munafik dalam hal ini adalah ketika ada anggota yang sendiri
memakai nama tidak asli dan di saat yang sama menuduh anggota lain
memakai nama palsu. Itupun tidak pernah dilakukan oleh anggota dengan
nama Mbak Chae atau Mbak Kilat.

Jadi semua tuduhan Anda sudah gugur dengan sendiri, Mas Rudyanto
Arief. Mungkin saatnya untuk mengaca diri sendiri dulu :-)



--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Rudyanto Arief" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hahaha... kenapa harus pada sembunyi2? Sebenarnya anda2lah yang telah
memberikan teladan untuk tidak bertanggungjawab pada diri sendiri.
mengaku Chae, lalu kilat biru, besok entah apalagi.
Kutip ayat2 suci disetiap diskusi, tapi nggak bisa jujur pada diri
sendiri. Apa bedanya dengan orang munafik?

Kalau nggak salah nama lengkapnya katanya Chaerunisa Mahadewi.
Berarti si empunya nama telah berdusta. Untuk apa belajar dengan orang
memelihara dusta?
Percaya deh mbak, nggak ada pahalanya diskusinya mbakyu atau mas (?),
awalnya dimulai dengan niat yang nggak jujur. hanya orang yang
tersesat yang
percaya cara berfikir mbak.

Boleh2 saja kita pada saling curiga, ada hidden agenda yang sedang
dijalankan anda2 yang bertemeng dibalik nama yang nggak jelas. Sebuah
kemunafikan yang dipelihara milis wanita muslimah. Hm...

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: MUI: Pakaian Pertontonkan Aurat, Simpan di Museum

2006-03-13 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Pakaian adat Indonesia memang tidak sesuai martabat bangsa ini di
waktu kini, tetapi merupakan peninggalan dari jaman pra-moral serta
jaman kolonial yang barbar dan anti-moral.

Usulan untuk disimpan di musium harus ditolak dengan sekeras-kerasnya,
karena musium merupakan tempat publik, sehingga -apabila dipamarkan di
musium- bisa merusak moral bangsa, khususnya generasi muda kita yang

Tolak pornografi! Tolak pornoaksi!
Mari kita selamatkan dan bangun bangsa kita, menjadi bangsa yang
bermoral, cerdas dan maju!


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Muhkito Afiff
> MUI: Pakaian Pertontonkan Aurat, Simpan di Museum
> http://www.kompas.com/utama/news/0603/13/174110.htm
> Laporan : Heru Margianto
> Jakarta, KCM
> Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Cholil Ridwan, mengatakan pakaian 
> adat Indonesia yang mempertontonkan aurat sebaiknya disimpan saja di 
> museum. Itu harus dianggap sebagai pornoaksi dan harus masuk dalam 
> kategori porno yang diatur dalam RUU Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi 
> (APP). "Itu disimpan saja di museum, jangan dilestarikan, karena tidak 
> sesuai dengan martabat bangsa ini. Biar menjadi sejarah bahwa itu
> menjadi bagian dari bangsa ini," katanya, Senin (13/3).
> Cholil mengemukakan hal itu ketika ditanya pendapatnya soal revisi RUU 
> APP. Ia tidak sependapat jika pakaian yang mempertontonkan aurat di
> umum tidak termasuk dalam kategori porno. Ia juga tidak sependapat jika 
> pornografi hanya dikategorikan sebagai menjual pornoaksi. Menurutnya, 
> pornografi adalah tindakan orang yang melakukan pornoaksi. "Jadi 
> orangnya, misalnya striptease atau mereka yang melakukan tari 
> telanjang," ujarnya.
> Ia menambahkan, MUI dan ormas Islam sudah membentuk tim yang akan 
> mengawal pembahasan mengenai RUU APP ini.
> Penulis: Ima

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[wanita-muslimah] Hutan di Indonesia 15 Tahun Lagi Bisa Punah

2006-03-12 Terurut Topik ayeye1

LINGKUNGAN  Minggu, 12 Maret 2006 18:30 WIB
Hutan di Indonesia 15 Tahun Lagi Bisa Punah

JAKARTA--MIOL: Ketua Komite Nasional Hijau Nusantara, Ary Sudarsono,
mengatakan seluruh hutan di Indonesia diperkirakan bisa punah dalam
jangka waktu 15 tahun lagi jika tidak ada upaya serius dari pemerintah.

"Dengan tingkat kerusakan yang mencapai 2,8 juta hektare per tahun,
diperkirakan 15 tahun lagi hutan di Indonesia akan punah," katanya
dalam siaran persnya, Minggu.

Menurut dia, selama periode 2000-2006 dari luas hutan 120,3 juta
hektare, maka 59,2 juta hektare di antaranya telah rusak.

"Kalau semua hutan kita sudah rusak, maka bencana alam mulai dari
tanah longsor, banjir dan kekeringan akan terjadi di mana-mana," ujarnya.

Kerusakan hutan itu juga, menurut Ary, dapat mengakibatkan punahnya
27.500 spesies tumbuhan berbunga (10 persen dari seluruh tumbuhan di
dunia), 1.539 spesies burung (17 persen dari seluruh burung di dunia),
515 spesies satwa mamalia (12 persen dari seluruh spesies mamalia
dunia) dan 270 spesies amfibia (16 persen dari seluruh amfibi dunia).

Oleh sebab itu Komite Nasional Hijau Nusantara akan melakukan kampanye
pelestarian lingkungan pada acara-acara olahraga, seni dan kebudayaan.


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[wanita-muslimah] Menyongsong UU Kewarganegaraan yang Baru

2006-03-12 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Menyongsong UU Kewarganegaraan yang Baru

SALAH satu tujuan negara didirikan adalah untuk melindungi warganya.
Selain itu, juga memberikan kemudahan sehingga hak-hak warga dapat
dipenuhi tanpa pandang bulu.

Namun, maksud yang indah-indah dalam filosofi berdirinya negara itu
tidak selamanya mulus dalam praktiknya. Bahkan negara justru menjadi
bengis dan menebar teror kepada warganya. Teror itu menjelma dalam
berbagai bentuk, baik langsung melalui aparaturnya maupun lewat
perangkat aturan dan undang-undang yang diskriminatif.

Itulah yang menimpa kita, bangsa Indonesia, selama beberapa dasawarsa.
Negara mengerangkeng hak-hak sipil warga. Akibatnya, sebagian warga
takut dan terkekang. Salah satu aturan yang membuat takut itu adalah
UU No 62 Tahun 1958 tentang Kewarganegaraan.

Dengan UU itu, negara menebarkan ketakutan bagi etnik tertentu. UU
yang seharusnya dibuat dengan semangat melindungi kepentingan warga
negara itu justru merampas hak warga dan meneror mereka.

Etnik Tionghoa, contohnya, hingga kini masih menjadi warga kelas dua,
bahkan baru menjadi setengah warga negara Indonesia (WNI). Warga etnik
Tionghoa yang lahir dan menghirup udara pertama kali di Indonesia,
dengan landasan UU itu, tetap dianggap sebagai WNI keturunan. Karena
keturunan, mereka harus memiliki surat bukti kewarganegaraan Republik
Indonesia (SBKRI).

Jelas, aturan itu tidak hanya diskriminatif, tapi juga menjadi alat
pemerasan terhadap etnik Tionghoa. Bahkan, aturan itu telah memakan
korban manusia-manusia cemerlang pengharum bangsa.

Sebutlah sejumlah pebulu tangkis yang telah mengharumkan nama
Indonesia di pentas dunia seperti Susy Susanti, Hendrawan, dan Alan
Budikusuma yang begitu sulit mendapatkan kewarganegaraan Indonesia.
Padahal, mereka lahir dan besar di Tanah Air, bahkan telah berjasa
mengibarkan Merah Putih. Kesulitan serupa dialami ratusan ribu, bahkan
jutaan etnik Tionghoa lainnya.

Semua perlakuan diskriminatif harus dihapus dari Bumi Pertiwi. UU
Kewarganegaraan yang lama harus segera diganti. Untuk itulah, DPR
sedang membahas Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Kewarganegaraan yang
diharapkan memberikan jawaban revolusioner.

Misalnya, dengan tegas-tegas menyebut semua warga negara keturunan,
siapa pun dan dari etnik apa pun, apakah Tionghoa, Arab, India, dan
lain-lain yang lahir di Indonesia, semua dianggap Indonesia asli.
Mereka adalah WNI.

Sebuah undang-undang yang menjunjung tinggi persamaan hak warga
negara, dan memberikan kemudahan kepada warga negara, sebentar lagi
dihasilkan DPR. Itulah UU Kewarganegaraan yang turut menunjukkan
bangsa ini bangsa beradab.

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[wanita-muslimah] Jangan Asal Terapkan UU di Papua

2006-03-12 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Jangan Asal Terapkan UU di Papua

Jayapura, Kompas - UU Pornografi dan Pornoaksi tidak dapat
diberlakukan begitu saja di Papua karena UU itu bisa bertentangan
dengan budaya dan tradisi kehidupan masyarakat asli. Kehidupan manusia
koteka dan yali yang dinilai sebagai telanjang oleh sebagian warga di
luar Papua adalah bagian dari budaya masyarakat Papua, khususnya di
daerah pedalaman.

Kepala Badan Informasi dan Komunikasi Papua Fred Manufandu di
Jayapura, Minggu (12/3), mengatakan, UU Pornografi dan Pornoaksi tak
boleh dipaksakan berlakunya di Papua. Dalam pertemuan Muspida Papua
dengan Komisi VIII DPR pekan lalu disampaikan agar pemerintah
mempertimbangkan pemberlakuan UU itu kelak di Papua, yang memiliki UU
otonomi khusus. "UU Otonomi Khusus Papua menegaskan pelestarian dan
penghormatan terhadap budaya asli Papua sebagai hak dasar orang asli
Papua. Jadi, kalau UU itu kelak berlaku, jangan berlakukan di Papua,"
kata Manufandu.

Bagi sejumlah warga Indonesia yang belum mengenal budaya Papua itu,
koteka dinilai bukan pakaian. Di sejumlah daerah pedalaman Papua,
manusia koteka itu secara perlahan mulai berkurang. Pembangunan dan
kemajuan daerah dengan sendirinya menggusur tradisi koteka.

Tetapi, pada pesta-pesta adat, keagamaan, dan pesta pelantikan pejabat
di pedalaman, pakaian tradisional itu masih digunakan sebagai bagian
dari budaya.

Selain kaum pria, kaum wanita juga memiliki pakaian tradisional yang
hanya untuk bagian tubuh ke bawah. Bagian dada dan perut tak dilapisi
pakaian atau kain. Pakaian untuk perempuan ini terbuat dari
rumput-rumput, serat pisang, atau tali-tali hutan yang disebut yali. (KOR)

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[wanita-muslimah] RUU Antipornografi Direvisi

2006-03-12 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Pasal Mengenai Sanksi Pidana Dihapus
RUU Antipornografi Direvisi

Jakarta, Kompas

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Panitia Khusus Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi dan Pornoaksi
akhirnya merevisi sejumlah pasal yang selama ini menimbulkan
perdebatan di masyarakat. Draf RUU yang baru tidak lagi mengatur,
antara lain, soal sanksi pidana dan pembentukan badan antipornografi
dan pornoaksi nasional.

"Kami sepakat soal sanksi pidana dalam kasus pornografi dan pornoaksi
disisipkan dalam revisi Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana. Nantinya,
polisi, jaksa, dan hakim yang akan melakukan penegakan hukum
antipornografi dan pornoaksi sehingga tidak dibutuhkan lembaga baru
untuk menjalankannya," kata Balkan Kaplale, Ketua Panitia Khusus
Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi dan Pornoaksi (Pansus RUU APP),
kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Minggu (12/3).

Berbicara di sela-sela diskusi publik mengenai RUU APP di Pusat Dakwah
Muhammadiyah, Balkan mengungkapkan, Pansus telah memangkas draf lama
dari 11 bab menjadi delapan bab. Jumlah pasal pun dikurangi dari 93
pasal menjadi tinggal 82 pasal.

Selain penghapusan pasal yang mengatur soal sanksi pidana, Pansus juga
sepakat merevisi definisi pornografi dan pornoaksi. Dalam draf lama
disebutkan, "pornografi adalah substansi dalam media atau alat
komunikasi yang dibuat untuk menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan yang
mengeksploitasi seksual, kecabulan, dan/atau erotika". Adapun
"pornoaksi adalah perbuatan mengeksploitasi seksual, kecabulan,
dan/atau erotika di muka umum".

Dalam draf terbaru, lanjut Balkan, Pansus sepakat memakai pengertian
yang dipopulerkan Yunani, yaitu porne (pelacur) dan graphos (gambar
atau tulisan). Adapun pornoaksi adalah upaya mengambil keuntungan,
baik dengan memperdagangkan atau mempertontonkan pornografi.

Jika RUU APP disahkan menjadi UU pada Juni nanti, pemerintah harus
menyiapkan 12 peraturan pemerintah (PP) untuk pelaksanaannya.
"Selanjutnya polisi, jaksa, dan hakim yang akan melaksanakan fungsi
penegakan hukumnya berdasarkan PP dan KUHP. Jadi, tidak akan ada badan
antipornografi dan pornoaksi nasional," kata Balkan terkait dengan
pembahasan draf RUU APP dalam rapat tertutup selama tiga hari di
kawasan Puncak, Jawa Barat, pekan lalu.

Secara terpisah, Ketua Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin
meminta DPR tetap terbuka mengakomodasi aspirasi masyarakat.
Selanjutnya, DPR dan seluruh elemen masyarakat bersama-sama membahas
substansi yang sebaiknya ada dalam draf RUU.

Hal senada diungkapkan Ny Sal Tobing dari Masyarakat Lintas Agama dan
Paulus Januar dari Solidaritas Demokrasi Katolik Indonesia. Mereka
meminta DPR membuka kembali pintu pembahasan definisi pornografi dan
pornoaksi secara jelas, lengkap dengan rambu-rambunya.

Sal mengatakan, tanpa rambu yang jelas, takkan ada orang yang bisa
memahami makna RUU APP. Jadi, katanya, definisi pornografi dan
pornoaksi yang jelas sangat dibutuhkan. (HAM)

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[wanita-muslimah] Plain-Jane camouflage keeps prostitutes on street, despite crackdown

2006-03-11 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Plain-Jane camouflage keeps prostitutes on street, despite crackdown

Multa Fidrus, The Jakarta Post, Tangerang

Referred to as the world's oldest profession, some argue that
prostitution will only stop when sex does.

The Tangerang municipal council strongly disagrees. It endorsed a
bylaw on prostitution three months ago to shut down the sex industry.

For a time, streets like Jl. Otista, Jl. Gatot Subroto and Jl.
Merdeka, which are habitually frequented by sex workers, were much

Predictably, the women returned, but they have become ghosts of their
former selves.

On Wednesday evening, The Jakarta Post observed most of the sex
workers had abandoned their skintight jeans, strapless tops and bright
slashes of eye shadow. The idea is to pass unnoticed by public order

'Surya', 25, and many other women were rounded up last month by pubic
order officers for soliciting and fined Rp 500,000 (about US$53).

When the Post stopped to talk to her on Jl. Merdeka, Surya said the
women working the street were aware there was a bylaw but had not seen
a copy of it.

Like most sex workers, Suryanti is in it for the money. She knows the
nightly patrols by public order officers will not stop.

"No law will stop me from doing what I do. So long as I have money, I
can always pay the fine. My fate rests in God's hands,

"I can only earn money like this, what other options are open to me?"
she said.

Following her arrest, the quick-witted Suryanti abruptly modified her
look. Now she wears long, thick dresses and a smear of lipstick.

"I work in places where I can get out fast if I see a patrol car," she

The sex workers on Jl. Otista are also trying another tack. They use
the fruit sellers scattered along the street as a cover.

"If officers come and the girls see no way out, they'll claim to be
the wives of the fruit sellers," said Marwani, a motorcycle taxi
driver who operates in the area.

Novi Ariyanti, a 23-year-old sex worker, who usually waits for clients
at a bus shelter on Jl. Gatot Subroto in Cimone, has made a more
drastic change to her appearance.

She now wears Muslim dress -- covering her neck, ears, hair, chest and
body shape -- and a headscarf.

"With my new look, I am earning more money because men these days are
more interested in women wearing jilbab (headscarves)," she said.

Novi charges clients between Rp 200,000 and Rp 500,000.

"C'mon honey, for you it's just Rp 150,000, and we'll go to hotel
Anggrek, at Rp 75,000 a night it's cheaper than Hotel Merdeka," she
said in a final effort to persuade the Post. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Govt rapped for failing to protect migrant workers

2006-03-11 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Govt rapped for failing to protect migrant workers

Benget Simbolon Tnb., The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The government is yet to take serious action to protect migrant
workers overseas despite recurring cases of their ill treatment by
recruiters and employers, a seminar concluded Thursday.

The government's failure to provide adequate legal protection to
Indonesian migrant workers was the focus of the one-day seminar
organized by the Habibie Center.

The seminar was held in conjunction with the launch of a book,
Development, Migration and Security in East Asia, by Dewi Fortuna Anwar.

Human rights activist Edwin Partogi said between 2001 and 2004, about
1,000 Indonesian migrant workers had gone missing abroad.

"Most of them hailed from West Java, East Java and West Nusa
Tenggara," he said. The migrants went missing in Saudi Arabia,
Malaysia, Singapore, Kuwait, and Qatar.

Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti, a speaker at the seminar, said there had been
many cases of unfair treatment of migrants and even torture, which had
caused the death of many workers on foreign soil.

She said sending people abroad as migrant workers was basically human

"Before, many people used to ask the government to stop (the practice)
because they were concerned workers were being exploited by the broker
companies and their employers," she said.

Other participants noted the Philippines had a better record in
protecting migrant workers than here.

They noted Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo decided last
year to withdraw the country's troops from Iraq to save the life of
single Filipino held hostage by militants.

Social observers Tri Nuke and Rianto Adi suggested the government
improve its policy on migrant workers.

Indonesia passed a law protecting migrant workers in 2004 but the
government never issued the regulations to enforce it.

Official statistics shows that remittances from migrant workers
increased from US$1.8 billion in 2004 to $2.93 billion in 2005.

This year they are expected to reach $3.5 billion. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Big factions want porn bill changed

2006-03-11 Terurut Topik ayeye1
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Big factions want porn bill changed

Muninggar Sri Saraswati, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The two largest factions in the House of Representatives are expected
to push for major changes to the pornography bill currently being
deliberated, as the controversy over the issue continues to grow.

The Golkar Party and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
(PDI-P) occupy 128 and 109 seats respectively in the 550-seat House.

Legislator Yuddy Chrisnandi of Golkar said his faction would likely
push for the withdrawal of all articles regarding pornoaksi --
pornographic or obscene acts -- in the bill, the title of which is the
Anti-Pornography and Pornographic Acts Bill.

It is unclear whether articles in the bill regulating non- pornoaksi
-- pornography in the print and broadcast media and art -- would also
be rejected.

"It is very difficult to define pornoaksi. How can we regulate
something that cannot be defined?" he said Friday.

Yuddy said the articles detailing alleged obscene acts drew the most
controversy because they encroached on the personal rights of
individuals -- including their right to dress and behave.

While the party wanted changes to the legislation, Golkar members
still wanted the bill deliberated by the House, Yuddy said.

Yuddy, who is a member of the House special committee deliberating the
bill, said the Criminal Code did not have sufficient laws
criminalizing pornography in the country.

"We need a particular law for this issue because we have to protect
our children from pornography. Whether you like it or not, pornography
has affected our children," he said.

Meanwhile, the PDI-P vowed to do the best it could to make major
changes to the bill.

"We consider this a war. We will do whatever we can to prevent this
draft being passed into law without changes," legislator Eva K.
Sundari said.

Legislator Afridel Jinu said the PDI-P opposed all moves to attack
freedom of expression.

The faction has decided to boycott the special committee meetings in
Puncak, West Java, which are to be held this weekend.

"We are also planning a move to hold a vote of no confidence in the
committee chairman, who has been very arrogant," Afridel said,
referring to legislator Balkan Kaplale of the Democrat Party.

Balkan, who wants to finish the bill's deliberation in June, had
turned down the PDI-P's request to give legislators more time to
submit their list of contentious articles to the committee.

The draft bill has articles banning public kissing, depictions of
nudity in public art, and could also fine women who refused to cover
"sensitive" body parts like their hair, shoulders, midriffs and legs.

Violators risk jail terms and fines of up to Rp 2 billion (about

Non-Muslim groups in Bali and Papua have voiced strong opposition to
the bill, calling it culturally insensitive, while women's groups have
said it criminalizes female sexuality. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Rules to be relaxed on RI citizenship

2006-03-11 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Rules to be relaxed on RI citizenship

Muninggar Sri Saraswati, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The House of Representatives and the government have agreed to ease
procedures for people from other countries in acquiring Indonesian
citizenship or permanent resident status.

The decision was made during the deliberation of the citizenship bill
recently, legislator Boy. W. Saul of the Democrat Party said Friday.

"Basically, we agreed to ease the procedures for foreigners, who
believe they are entitled to Indonesian citizenship or permanent
resident status," he told reporters.

The move is expected to boost foreign investment to Indonesia, the
legislator said.

Legislator Bomer Pasaribu of the Golkar Party said that the people
affected by the regulation would be "those who can improve the country
such as researchers or investors".

"To get Indonesian citizenship, they are required to have permanent
resident status first -- just like other countries," he claimed.

The permanent resident status will be regulated in detail by the
government, possibly with a presidential decree, according to Bomer.
It will also be stipulated in the bill on immigration, which is due
for deliberation later.

Foreigners, who are married to Indonesians, can be "given a chance" to
get the status regardless of gender, he added.

The existing law does not allow Indonesian women to sponsor a
non-Indonesian husband for permanent resident status. At present,
foreigners can only be sponsored by companies that employ them here.

Permanent resident status only lasts for five years and is subject to

Non-Indonesians can only apply for permanent resident status five
years after they are given a limited stay permit.

Justice Minister Hamid Awaluddin has said that the government had made
a "breakthrough" for foreign residents, so they could enter and stay
in the country. He added that it was done in a bid to woo investors.

The country's citizenship law -- created nearly five decades ago --
has several articles are today seen as discriminatory toward
Indonesian women and their husbands and children, in the case of a
local woman marrying a non-Indonesian.

The committee also agreed upon "limited dual citizenship" for children
of couples with different nationalities, as well as for children of
Indonesian couples born in countries that apply the principle of ius
soli ("right of the soil").

Countries that apply ius soli, such as the United States,
automatically give citizenship to any baby born in the country.

Indonesia applies a limited form of the principle of ius sanguinis
("right of the blood"), however, Indonesian law only recognizes the
father's nationality, not the mother's, as other countries with the
same principle adhere to. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Fwd: What do you look like beneath your clothes?

2006-03-10 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Saya menulis kolom ini, dimuat di Jakarta Post 9 Maret kemarin. Yg
saya kirim di
bawah ini adalah versi asli, saya sendiri tidak tau bagaimana mereka
krn belum lihat korannya. Tapi paling tidak katanya judulnya tetap, tidak

Semoga ada manfaat, untuk menambah semangat paling tidak!



For The Jakarta Post


By Julia Suryakusuma

Recently I was asked to lecture on my subject of expertise in a city
outside of
Jakarta (I can't tell you what the topic was or where, because it would be
really rude, considering what I am about to tell you). My husband came
acting as my assistant, making my Power Point presentation and 
carrying my bags
(I support him when he's the one who has an assignment out of town and
I tag
along, so that's a fair deal, I reckon). He remarked that it was an
course, but it was quite a physically unattractive  bunch of people
Many were overweight, and just not what would be called good looking.

My husband is a professor at a university in Australia, but he paints
and draws
as a hobby, and has had years of experience  in sketching people. He's so
trained at looking at people's bodies, he claims he can actually look
at someone
clothed, and produce a accurate version of what they would be like,
nude. I
laughed, and suggested maybe we should do a game show where the
would have to be able to draw, and they would try to make nude
sketches of other
(clothed) participants. If both groups could draw, then they would
have to take
turns to be the drawer and drawee. The group who got the most accurate
(i.e. in terms of similarity to the individual people in the subject
would score the most points. Naturally, in order to be able to gauge
the degree
of accuracy, the participants would have to take their clothes off for
the jury
to judge and give points, which would be also taken from votes from the
audience.  We  have to be democratic, after all.

Considering the number of tedious, unoriginal quiz games shows on TV
these days,
I would have thought the TV programmers would  jump at our novel idea
. Then, of
course, I remembered the RUU APP or the  Anti-Pornography Bill - the
only Draft
Law I know that can make people  all hot and bothered, anxious and
excited  at
the same time. And then there's all these new moralistic PerDa (regional
regulations).  Taking your clothes off would certainly not be what their
drafters had in mind either.  In fact, if the PerDa are implemented, I
even  do my morning walk wearing my standard exercise outfit of shorts and
skimpy top, especially if I pass the border between Depok and Banten,
which is
about 100 meters from my front gate.  Now that would be a nuisance.
Would I run
the risk of asserting my human rights to dress the way I want?  The PerDa
drafters seem to forget that clothes are contextual.  I need shorts
for exercise
but  I wouldn't wear them to the DPR or State Palace. (Actually I did once
consider wearing a Papuan outfit - grass skirt and nothing else -  to
the State
Palace but that would have been a political statement).

I figure that the Anti-Pornography Bill  is being pushed by people who
are not
really interested in political power or in imposing their values on
others (even
those who are not of the same faith or nationality), but because they are
jealous. They are probably physically unattractive people who are
jealous of
people who can expose their belly buttons and look sexy rather than
of those who can wiggle their hips without looking like a hippo in
heat, or who
can flash their thighs without looking like dimpled semi-hard jello on
the verge
of disintegrating. If the prize money on the "Beneath Your Clothes"
(BYC) quiz
were big enough, probably the same people pushing the Anti-Pornography
might want to be on the show and suddenly the Bill would get
cancelled. Sadly, I
guess we'll never know for sure, because we Indonesians are so imbued
with our
Asian values of modesty and decency, aren't we, we'd never stoop so
low, would
we, as to expose ourselves for money?

But if you go even deeper,  the body and the whole persona, is in fact
also just
a set of 'clothes' which besides giving a person an 'identity' often
masks the
real person, especially in the case of uniforms (and there are many
not just the formal ones like the military or civil service). We sometimes
forget that a person who is physically gorgeous, beautifully attired,
and expensively perfumed,  may not be beautiful inside at all - in
fact may be
quite mean, vicious and vindictive. A person who looks powerful, may
not be
powerful at all. They could be powerful in a worldly sense, propped up by
position and money, but could be totally spiritually impoverished (in fact
nowadays, being spiritually impoverished seems to be a criteria of 
being a
'powerful leader').  A person who looks physically attractive,

[wanita-muslimah] The Problem with Indonesia

2006-03-10 Terurut Topik ayeye1

The Problem with Indonesia

Indonesia is blessed in so many ways. It has vast energy reserves:
coal, gas, thermal, solar and oil. It has huge mineral deposits and a
veritable treasure trove of biodiversity in its forests. It has a
mostly literate population, beautiful topography and highly fertile
land. Why then is it trailing in the development stakes? Why is
poverty still widespread? The answer lies in the Indonesian psyche.

Indonesian society is highly ritualized and has been so for hundreds
of years. So ritualized was the relationship between commoners and the
nobility in feudalistic Central Java, for instance, a special language
evolved for communication between the two. Today, that same ritualism
can be seen both in religion and in the status conferred on and
deference shown to government officials.

That ritualism retards has been evident in many societies around the
world. Ritualized religion led to widespread persecution in the middle
ages in Europe and it was politico-ideological ritualism, overlaying
the rituals of nationalism, that led to Europe's wanton war and
destruction in the mid-twentieth century. It was institutionalized
ritualism that led to Japan's aggression in Asia in the mid-twentieth
century too. Invariably, where there is conflict there is ritualism at

The danger of ritualism is that it substitutes for and ousts
compassion. This is so evident in Indonesia. It can be seen in the way
the poor are turfed off their land to make way for lucrative golf
courses and real estate, the way the environment is being degraded,
the way the innocent are jailed and the guilty walk free. It is
manifest, for example, by the beggars in the streets, the growing
numbers of street children and the numerous unnecessary deaths caused
by inadequate health care. Most of these social ailments can be
attributed to corruption and corruption is a direct product of failing

Indonesia has made a great stride in adopting democracy, but there is
the danger that that too could become ritualized. Statutes and public
bodies too, that advance human rights, could degenerate into mere
ritual with the spirit of the legislation and the essential purpose lost.

Indonesia then, could not be better endowed, except in one respect:
Compassion must replace much of the ritual. This does not mean
abandoning religion; but it does mean going to the crux and the
essence where compassion lies. Then and only then can a massive
transformation for the better take place and Indonesia's true
potential be realized.


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[wanita-muslimah] Radicalism and the construction of civilizations

2006-03-10 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Radicalism and the construction of civilizations

M Hilaly Basya, Jakarta

A dialog of civilizations, as promoted by scholars and activists, is
seen by some as an effective way to eliminate radicalism and
terrorism. But such a dialog would not be simple, and any hoped for
results could not be achieved until both Islamic and Western
worldviews were reconstructed.

The progress of Western civilization has been reduced to "the
perennial wisdom". Nature is viewed as a giant machine that works

That is why they tend to materialism that emphasizes empiricism and
positivism as the highest epistemology to achieve truth. Basically,
there are three kinds of epistemology.

First, rational epistemology. It uses a ratio as the base and the
source of knowledge. This epistemology was developed in ancient
Greece. The thinkers who develop it were Socrates, Plato, Anaximenes,
Phitagoras, and most of the ancient Greek thinkers.

Besides Greece, this kind of epistemology was also developed by Muslim
thinkers such as al-Farabi, Ibnu Shina, al-Kindi, etc. They lived in
the ancient period of Islam (7th-13th centuries).

Second, intuitive epistemology. It was developed by theologians.
Revelation and intuition are the source of knowledge. Third is
empirical epistemology. It was developed by modern western scientists.

The empirical epistemology later becomes the positivism paradigm. This
paradigm was based on the architects of modernism, Rene Descartes and
Newton. It is used in many of the disciplines of knowledge, such as
sociology, biology and psychology. Ironically, the paradigm causes the
reduction of wisdom, because it only believes the knowledge and the
truth that come from the empirical world.

Thus, most western people doubt the existence of spirituality in the
universe. Thy see the universe as a thing that has no soul and no
life. They also view human beings as just a body. According to Arnold
Toynbee (1976) there is a big gap in Western civilization. On one side
science and technology grow rapidly, but on other side moral wisdom
and humanity have decreased.

According to Hans Kung in his book A Global Ethics for Global politics
and Economics (1997) the policy of Western governments tend to self
interest and the alienation of morality. That is why they allow the
Israeli annexation of Palestinian areas. The power and riches are

The positivism paradigm is also based on "binary opposition logic". It
creates a pair of opposites, such as subject-object, West-East,
reason-intuition, above-under, matter-non mater, man-woman. The first
position is higher than the second. This kind of paradigm states
implicitly that Western civilization is better than Eastern (Islam).

On the other hand, the theology of most Muslims is exclusive. They
believe that the real truth belongs only to Islamic teachings. At last
the theology produces the arrogance of theology. It disturbs the
mutual-respect between Muslims and others. It will motivate violence.
It will allow oppression and violence to establish justice.

Actually they refer to their Islamic teaching interpretation as the
construction of "ancient reason" (nalar klasik). This kind of reason
was constructed in the Arabic consciousness early in the development
of Islam. The "ancient reason" was influenced by Arabian culture and
the socio-political situation of the time. That is why verses of the
Koran and the Hadits of Prophet Muhammad explain about the enemies of
Islam. They viewed non-Muslims as second class citizens who did not
deserve the same rights as they did. Non-Muslims are called kafir
(infidel). This is discrimination based on Islamic theology.

Recently, this kind of theology has allowed for Muslims to terrorize
non-Muslims, especially Western people. The reasons of terrorists,
like Amrozi who bombed Bali in 2002, show "the arrogance of theology".
They destroy human lives in the name of God, and spread terror on the
name of truth. So, how can peace and mutual understanding is
established if they follow the exclusive theology?

The reconstruction of civilizations is meant to enable us to review
the world-view of both Islam (the East) and the West. Some Western
scholars have criticized and reconstructed the fundamentals of their
civilization. The Post-modernist movement, represented by
reconstructive thinkers such as Paul Ricouer, Gadamer, Fritchof
Chapra, Gary Zukav, has made a significant contribution to that
revision, but without a significant impact.

In Islam, we have to criticize "Islamic reason" (nalar Islam). It is
meant as a deconstruction of "ancient reason" (nalar klasik), the
epistemology that is used to construct Islamic teaching. Several
prominent Islamic thinkers, such as Mohammad Abed Al-Jabiri, Mohammed
Arkoun, Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim, have promoted
this movement. They have especially tried to reinterpret Islamic law,
theology, Sufism and phil

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Legislator receives death threat letter

2006-03-10 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Selain iman yang "benar" kita juga boleh menyebut istilah hati nurani,
karena manusia yang tidak beriman belum tentu berbuat jahat. Ini satu
stereotip lagi dimana orang yang tidak beriman dianggap pasti ataupun
cenderung berbuat yang jahat :-)


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Orang yang kuat, tanpa iman yang benar, cenderung akan berbuat zhalim. 
> Sukarnya menegakkan kebenaran dan kebaikan di republik ini. Karena 
> ternyata hukum rimba masih betul-betul berlaku. Keburukan masih 
> mencengkram kuat dan berusaha bertahan dengan segala macam caranya.
> Salam duka,
> "ayeye1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Sent by: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> 03/09/2006 02:25 PM
> Please respond to
> wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> To
> wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
> cc
> Subject
> [wanita-muslimah] Legislator receives death threat letter

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[wanita-muslimah] Legislator receives death threat letter

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Legislator receives death threat letter

JAKARTA: A legislator who was assaulted in the House of
Representatives complex after he criticized the military has now
received a death threat.

Ade Daud Nasution, of the Muslim-oriented Reform Star Party,
distributed copies of the letter containing the threat to the House on
Wednesday. Purportedly sent by a retired soldier, Achmat Jaelani, the
letter demanded Ade apologize to the military leadership for his remarks.

If he did not, the writer threatened to kill Ade and his family. It is
not yet known whether Achmat exists or is a fictitious name.

Ade was assaulted by a member of a military officer last month. The
assault occurred shortly after he had asked Military Chief Gen. Djoko
Suyanto in a public hearing why the military had maintained a
partnership with a food supplier owned by businessman Kasan Gunawan.

Ade said he had reported the death threat to the police and the
leadership of the House Commission I on defense. -- JP 

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[wanita-muslimah] Reflection of incapability

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Reflection of incapability

A thousand methods can be used to conceal incompetence. The imposition
of sharia bylaws by several local governments is a striking example.
It is based on the assumption that unless the growing moral decadence
is fixed soon, God will punish us more severely.

Natural disasters, which have afflicted this country recently, are
often associated with God's punishment. That rationality, I think, is
based on abstract concepts which don't touch on the real problems
faced by our society, such as corruption, poverty, malnutrition,
unemployment, poor public services, etc. It is even possible that the
imposition of sharia bylaws is deliberately done to fend off criticism
of the incompetence of local governments.

Meanwhile, the imposition of sharia bylaws also means that we overlook
the multicultural characteristics of our society. Therefore, it's
imperative to revoke the sharia bylaws, because they will not improve
conditions, but will only cause tension among our people.


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[wanita-muslimah] The business of counseling

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik ayeye1

The business of counseling

The opening of rehabilitation centers has become a racket says Dony,
whose claims are backed by other drug workers. "Some unscrupulous
doctors have opened clinics, charged huge fees up front and prescribed
expensive medication," he said.

"When the treatment fails they close up shop. Other religious-based
treatments think addiction is a moral flaw caused by a failure to
follow ancient teachings. Some are brutal and believe bashing or
sexually abusing inmates helps a cure.

"I've experienced these `treatments'. I am a Catholic, not an
agnostic. Most users are religious."

In Indonesia there are no controls on who can open a rehabilitation
center or call themselves counselors. Elsewhere such centers are
monitored by the government or professional body, and a `counselor'
must have qualifications from an approved educator.

It's a very tough job that requires extraordinary skills. By their own
admission junkies are very difficult to work with -- and experts at
manipulation. As the survivors say, it takes "hard wisdom".

At last count there were around 80 rehab centers, most in Jakarta. But
they open and close like curtains and there's no user guide to the
quality or success rate.

Fees charged vary from nothing to hundreds of millions of rupiah.
(Dony's Wahana Kinasih charges Rp 3 million a month for full board and
treatment, but waives this when clients are proven poor.)

There are no court diversion programs in Indonesia where addicts are
given the choice of rehabilitation instead of incarceration. In any
case, said Dony cynically, most would prefer prison knowing that drugs
would still be available inside jail and cheaper than on the streets.

Many rehab centers don't have aftercare or reentry units. The result
is that apparently clean clients go from several months' treatment
straight back into the environment which first caused them to become

Free rehabilitation centers and de-tox treatments for the poor in East
Java aren't necessary because users come from rich families, according
to Police Commander Sarwono.

The province has three hospital-based de-tox units and six rehab
centers registered with the police, though many others operate without
telling the authorities.

"Users fear that if they go to a rehab center they'll be arrested," he
said. "That's not so -- they're victims. We're looking for the
suppliers, the Mr Bigs. It's better to prevent than repress.

"The poor can't afford to use drugs. (Former users say a hit of heroin
costs about Rp 100,000 -- or US$11). Sellers target the rich kids."

Sarwono, who heads the 85-strong drug unit in the East Java Police
said last year more than 2,000 suspects were arrested. More than 60
per cent were later convicted of trafficking. Most drugs were found to
have come from Thailand and Aceh.

"I'm optimistic about the future," he said. "The problem is getting
bigger but we are also achieving more arrests and finding more drugs
and drug factories.

"But to catch the suppliers we must have the support of the community
and people who will inform us of drug sales. They should not be
frightened to do that. We'll protect them from any retribution."

Drugs have produced a blight of bureaucracies and acronyms to
bamboozle the newcomer.

Former president Megawati gave the task of coordinating the anti-drug
campaign to the "spooks" -- the National Intelligence Agency (BIN),
maintaining the law-and-order approach. Previously the job had been
done by the National Narcotics Coordinating Agency (BKKN).

This became the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) with responsibility
for implementing programs rather than helping funding agencies and
NGOs work together. Critics say this has created a mess of competing
and overlapping programs.

The ideal system according to Joyce would have agencies assigned
specific tasks and research by one authority so there is no duplication.

Then there's GRANAT - the National Anti-Narcotics Movement. This
organization believes about four million Indonesians use drugs -- and
most are poor. Many use drugs to escape the ugly reality of their
almost hopeless position.

Overseas money is widely used to fund agencies running programs to
combat HIV/AIDS because the disease is considered a global problem.
UNICEF, the Ford Foundation, AusAID and many others have all been

Unfortunately there's no 24/7 national hotline for parents seeking
help. Duncan Graham

For agencies associated with Yayasan Kita call: East Java (031) 503
9228; West Java (0251) 243 077; Bali (0361) 465 203; Makassar (0411)
873 658 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[wanita-muslimah] How the drug war is being lost

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik ayeye1

How the drug war is being lost

The Battle of the Banners is underway in Surabaya and many other
cities. They scream "SAY NO TO DRUGS". They're part of Indonesia's war
against narcotics- - a conflict doomed to fail, according to experts.
The Jakarta Post contributor in Surabaya Duncan Graham reports:

Dony Agustinus is truly junkie tired, as the addicts say.

Though he's only 25, he carries his lean body like a man who's long
passed 40 and seen too much, crippled with the cares of the world.

Yet he hasn't had a hit for almost five years. Since June 6, 2001, to
be exact -- nine years after he started. The reason? "To be cool".

Like most reformed addicts he knows the precise moment he made the
decision to quit. He'd just been diagnosed as HIV positive, probably
through sharing dirty needles.

"I didn't know anything about the disease," he said. "I thought I had
only six months left and I didn't want to die. So I stopped."

He's lived to turn his corrosive, negative experiences into positive
action by starting a drug rehabilitation center in the hill town of
Trawas outside Surabaya.

Wahana Kinasih was funded by Dony's mother, Margarethna Nanik Sunarni.
She stayed the distance with her son through the soul-scarifying years
searching for a cure in Indonesia and overseas.

Medication, counseling, shock therapy, religion, brutality -- Dony's
had them all. He knows more about drug addiction and failed treatments
than a hall full of experts who've never felt the soaring thrill of a
hit and the wrenching agony of withdrawal.

But he has to sit politely in drug conferences and listen to doctors,
government workers, police and others tell addicts to pray feverishly,
drink coconut milk, see a paranormal -- or just decline.

"The SAY NO TO DRUGS campaign isn't working for the same reason it
didn't work in Australia 20 years ago," said Joyce Djaelani Gordon.

"It's pushed by people who have limited understanding of substance
abuse, addiction, social marketing and behavior change.

"If they'd done solid research, they would know the message say no is
translated as do. Basic psychology shows most people want to try what
they're told not to."

Joyce is a psychologist and founder of the Yayasan Harapan Permata
Hati Kita (YAKITA) addiction and treatment center at Ciawi, Bogor,
West Java.

She works with her husband David, also a psychologist and former user,
helping addicts. Their strategy is based on a psychological, spiritual
approach and the 12-step Narcotics Anonymous program.

This has been built from the internationally famous and proven
Alcoholics Anonymous strategy. This provides an instant aftercare
program through regular confidential group meetings where experiences
are shared.

NA supporters believe addiction is a disease. Users have to take
responsibility for their actions and recognize a power greater than
themselves. Treatment has to involve the family often the root of the
problem. The spiritual principle is: Trust God, love yourself and help
one another.

Indonesian statistics, as former president Megawati Soekarnoputri once
observed, are not to be trusted. Officially, the police say they
handled almost 6,000 drug cases in Jakarta last year and made almost
8,000 arrests.

The Jakarta Narcotics Agency reckons there are up to 15,000 injecting
drug users in the capital alone. NGOs talk about a pandemic and say
maybe a quarter of a million people around the archipelago already
have HIV -- with the number growing daily.

One study involving the National Narcotics Agency and the University
of Indonesia claimed Indonesians are spending more than Rp 12 trillion
(US$ 1 billion) on drugs.

Whatever the real numbers no one denies there's a serious problem. The
disputes come over ways to treat it.

At one extreme is the roughhouse, heavy-penalty approach. As the
junkies say -- "if your only tool is a hammer, you see every problem
as a nail."

When politicians announce "crackdowns" and "tough stances" they know
they're on a vote-winner. Electorates everywhere find the issue dirty
and too difficult to unscramble. Druggies are not nice people. There's
little sympathy -- until a family member becomes a user.

Then the awful education begins.

"Recovery is a long process," said David Gordon. "There can be four,
five or more relapses before an addict gets clean. Parents get tired,
disgusted and depressed. They lose faith in `cures' and grow wary of

In 2001 then president Megawati declared a "war" against drug
trafficking to much acclaim. But despite his past experiences and
present front-line commitment Dony refuses to be conscripted. The
bumper sticker on his little red car reads: DRUG ABUSE IS BAD; THE

The U.S. has been running its drug war for years. Millions of dollars
have been spent and nearly 500,000 are behind bars for drug crimes.
Yet drugs get cheaper and more readily available.

The U.S.-based Drug Policy Allia

[wanita-muslimah] Why do some people decide to use drugs?

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Why do some people decide to use drugs?

Family breakdown, peer pressure, spiritual crises, avoiding reality,
sexual hang-ups and trying to handle the hormonal turbulence of
puberty are all factors that turn some people to mood-altering substances.

But not all. Supporters of the disease model of addiction say people
with this affliction are like diabetics; they have a genetic code (a
yet undiscovered X-factor) not of their making and which can never be

Just as diabetics have to avoid sugar to survive, so junkies must stay
clear of narcotics to live. However others without this code can use
drugs without becoming dependant just as not all whisky drinkers
become alcoholics.

This is a fact the scare-tacticians won't admit -- but most users
know. Drug use doesn't necessarily lead to a ghastly death and
interment in an unconsecrated phantom-filled pit -- so shock-horror
programs don't work.

The other fact not recognized in the current campaign is that drugs
are fun. They give pleasure, and who doesn't seek that? That's why
millions use the legal drug nicotine.

Not all psychologists accept the disease model. Others say addiction
is learned behavior and can be unlearned. Many of us can become
addicts, though not necessarily to drugs. Working, gambling, shopping
and eating to excess are all forms of addiction.

The idea of responsible drug use by people who know the facts and use
clean needles and condoms collides with the current laws and community
values. Harm reduction, as advocated by people like Joyce Djaelani
Gordon and other professionals, is interpreted by religious moralists
as an encouragement to sin.

Conservatives argue ignorance is bliss because the more people know
the more likely to try. Look at the logic: Abstainers never get HIV.
Sadly that's not true, as many monogamous lovers of promiscuous
partners have discovered.

Appalling health problems that can impact on the whole community are
already here and expanding. In one study of injecting drug users who
used prostitutes, the percentage of men who had unprotected sex was
far higher in Surabaya than any other Asian city surveyed -- including
Bangkok and Hanoi.

These same men go from brothel to marriage bed, passing on HIV to
their innocent wives -- and their future children. Meanwhile their
infected sex worker partner continues serving scores of clients.

Experts working in HIV/AIDS programs have calculated that every day
another 100 people are infected across the archipelago, and the rate
is accelerating.

Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Vietnam have already started harm
reduction programs, though these are reportedly being outpaced by disease.

Harm reduction boosters claim it's impossible to stop people using
drugs and having sex. Their opponents say they're being weak and
defeatist -- and that people must rise above their basic instincts --
as all religions advocate.

Human psychology is complex. The government health warnings on
cigarette adverts and packages are explicit: You could get cancer,
have a heart attack, become impotent. But sales continue to rise.
That's because every smoker can point to a nicotine addict who's still
alive -- and assumes the deaths of others were from natural causes.

Few light a smoke or take a hit and drop dead. The time between cause
and effect can be years, so really effective campaigns focus on the
immediate result.

Comics produced by Streetwize Communications are in basic language and
show situations that kids on the margin can understand. Like users
being unable to play sport, getting kicked out of the band and losing
mates. The comics are tested for effectiveness with the kids -- not
the bureaucrats.

Celebrity endorsements help. When pop idol Kylie Minogue got cancer
last year thousands of young women who had long ignored medicos urging
mammograms suddenly got their breasts checked.

A successful Australian campaign to persuade people to exercise was
called Life. Be In It. It didn't talk about heart attacks and other
negatives but concentrated on the fun in playing sport.

Psychologists know that people change their behavior when they realize
their lives are unhappy. There are many ways of getting to that point,
and most take time.

Tri Anggun Prihanti and her colleague Diah Laksmi Gumilang assembled
their bravest faces and fronted 250 teenagers in a crowded
Muhammadiyah junior high school library.

The noise was like Mount Bromo erupting and the sweat enough to start
a landslip, but the teachers pushed on with astonishing vigor.

The questions were hardly challenging and included: "What's a man's
reproductive organ called? Ovary, womb, testicles or vagina?"

Predictably some boys sniggered, but the girls (in a separate group)
paid attention. The two young women working for the Empowered Youth
Program handled the class well, conscious the school day was ending
and extra-curriculum classes are seldom popular.

"Most know

[wanita-muslimah] Rombongan Yahudi anti-Zionis berkunjung ke Iran

2006-03-08 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Neturei Karta sect pays visit to Iran

A delegation from the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect is currently
visiting Teheran to meet with senior officials and express their
support for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his calls to
eliminate Israel. 

In a statement to Iran's official IRIB radio, the group called for
"the disintegration of the Zionist regime" and defended the Iranian
president, saying that it "is a dangerous deviation to pretend that
the Iranian president is an anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic personality." 

They added that they were "upset about the recent ploys, propaganda
and tensions which have been created by the West regarding the
statements of the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about a world
free of Zionism, since this is nothing more than wishing for a better
world dominated by peace and calm." 

On Sunday, members of the delegation, headed by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid
Weiss, met with Iranian Vice-President Ahmad Moussavi, who also chairs
the Iranian Committee in Support of the Palestinian Revolution. 

At the meeting, according to the Iranian news agency IRNA, Weiss
"praised the 'enlightening' statements of Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad about the Holocaust and said the establishment of a
Zionist government and occupation of Palestine are contrary to the
injunctions of Judaism." 

The doctrine of Neturei Karta says Jews cannot use human force to
establish a Jewish state before the coming of the universally accepted

The group supports close ties with Arabs, particularly Palestinians,
and rejects Zionism. 

Ahmadinejad has been widely condemned in the West for asserting that
the Holocaust is a myth. 

This is not the first time that Neturei Karta has come to the defense
of the Iranian regime. On October 28 of last year, the group issued a
statement denying that Ahmadinejad was anti-Semitic after he called
for the State of Israel to be dismantled. 

Neturei Karta's leader, Rabbi Moshe Hirsh, considers himself a
Palestinian Jew. The group has frequently participated in
pro-Palestinian activities, including a visit to the grave of
Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat in Ramallah in November. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Balasan: [zamanku] Dari New York: Demo anti kartun

2006-03-06 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Terima kasih, Mbak Ida :-)

Wah jangan terlalu kagum dengan saya. Kezaliman yang terjadi terhadap
keluarga saya sudah tidak ada lagi. Maka daripada kita
mengatributasikan kezaliman sebagai ciri khas yang tidak terpisah dari
golongan tertentu dan akhirnya terjebak dalam kezaliman itu sendiri,
kita mesti mempelajari apa itu kezaliman.

Maaf, belum sempat untuk menulis yang lebih panjang :-)


Contoh kebencian terhadap golongan:

What is Hate?

Most definitions of hate focus on the ways in which hate-mongers see
entire groups of people as the "Other." 

For example, U.S.-based Tolerance.org argues that "All hate groups
have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of
people, typically for their immutable characteristics." 

Raymond A. Franklin, author of The Hate Directory, focuses on groups
that "advocate violence against, separation from, defamation of,
deception about, or hostility towards others based on race, religion,
ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation."

Canadian communications scholar Karim Karim points out that the
"Other" is one of a number of human archetypes common to all cultures.
When people transfer their fears and hatred to the "Other," the
targeted group becomes less than human. Hate-mongers can then
"justify" acts of violence and degradation because they have denied
the humanity of their victims.

Situs web di bawah ini mengandung feature dimana kita bisa ngetes diri
soal perasangka yang kita miliki terhadap golongan lain :-)



I'm sorry to hear about the tragedy, Pak Ayeye.
Semoga keluarga Pak Ayeye beristirahat dalam damai.

Saya kagum dengan sikap Pak Ayeye yang berusaha mem"balas" pengalaman
didzalimi dengan melawan kedzaliman. Luar biasa!

Saya pernah dipinjami sebuah buku, memoar dalam bentuk grafis: "Maus",
karya Art Spiegelman:
tentang survivors Holocaust (ayah dan ibunya Spiegelman) --pasti Pak
Ayeye sudah tahu ya, kan komik yang terkenal.

Saya "pantang" berhenti sebelum sampai halaman terakhir volume
II-nya:) Saya pikir Spiegelman sangat jujur menggambarkan apa adanya,
segala aspek yang dialami orang tuanya (hehehe,,, dari situ jadi
ngerti kalau orang suka bilang Yahudi kikir **stereotype mode on :]
maaf, maaf, Pak Ayeye** soalnya Spiegelman detil banget tentang
bapaknya yang 'ya ampun deh, gitu amat sih!' hehehe)

Mungkin menarik kalau Pak Ayeye bikin yang serupa buat audience orang
Indonesia, supaya masyarakat sedikit familiar gitu lho, bahwa Yahudi
ya banyak yang orang biasa juga, ada di sekitar kita,,, nggak curigaan

Saya sedikit2 tahu budaya Yahudi dari film Fiddler on The Roof:


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[wanita-muslimah] Critized, Tangerang mayor defends contentious bylaws

2006-03-05 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Critized, Tangerang mayor defends contentious bylaws

Multa Fidrus, The Jakarta Post, Tangerang

Tangerang Mayor Wahidin Halim, facing intense criticism and the threat
of lawsuits, has vowed to continue pursuing his vision of a more moral
society through bylaws that ban prostitution and alcohol.

"We will go ahead and punish any violations of the two bylaws," he
told The Jakarta Post on Saturday.

The mayor said his administration was prepared to deal with any
consequences that might result from the implementation of the
ordinances, including class-action lawsuits by disgruntled residents.

Wahidin said the bylaws his administration had passed were more
comprehensive than the articles in the Criminal Code dealing with
prostitution and alcohol. He claimed, for example, the Criminal Code
only dealt with prostitutes themselves, but did not touch on those who
facilitated the practice.

"There is room to supplement the Criminal Code. Our antiprostitution
bylaw covers what the Criminal Code does not," he said.

As the municipality marked its anniversary Tuesday, a court was trying
several people who had been charged with violating the new bylaws.

A pregnant elementary school teacher found herself caught by public
order officers enforcing the bylaw on prostitution as she was waiting
on the side of the road for her husband to pick her up.

The woman pled not guilty, and explained to the court why she was by
herself at night on the roadside. The court, however, dismissed her
explanation and fined her Rp 300,000. When the woman was unable to pay
the fine, she was taken to prison.

Wahidin, when informed of the case, said the bylaw upheld the dignity
of women.

"I think (the criticism) is being orchestrated by groups that are
exploiting women to justify their own vices," he said.

Members of the Tangerang Urban Poor Society protested against the
bylaws Friday outside the Tangerang District Court. The group also
threatened to file a lawsuit against the municipal administration
unless the mayor revoked the ordinances.

Religious leaders have praised the administration for its efforts, and
urged the authorities to be forceful in their enforcement of the bylaws.

"The authorities must not be afraid to implement the bylaws, for the
sake of our morality," said Nur Muhamad Iskandar SQ, founder of the
Ashiddiqiyah Islamic boarding school.

Nur said the bylaws were necessary and that all religions frowned on
vices such as prostitution and alcohol.

"No religion allows prostitution or the excessive consumption of
alcohol," he said.

An official with the hard-line group Islam Defenders Front, Eddy
Suseno, said people who objected to the bylaws were probably trying to
protect their business interests.

The head of the Tangerang chapter of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Edi
Junaedi Nawawi, said noble causes often faced greater resistance than
evil ones.

The municipal council endorsed the contentious bylaws Nov. 21, 2005.

The liquor bylaw bans the distribution and sale of alcoholic drinks,
except in three, four and five-star hotels and designated restaurants
for on-the-spot consumption.

Violators can face imprisonment of up to three months or a fine of up
to Rp 50 million.

The bylaw on prostitution bans people, either in public places or
locations visible from public places, from enticing others, either by
words or signals, into acts of prostitution.

It also bans public intimacy, hugging and/or kissing, either in public
places or places visible to the public such as hotels, restaurants or
entertainment centers. Violators may face up to three months in prison
or a fine of Rp 15 million. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Burqas for rent!

2006-03-05 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Burqas for rent!

As a young Balinese woman I want to express my deep concern about the
so-called "Pornography Bill", which -- if passed -- would jeopardize
Bali's main income source, namely tourism.

All over Indonesia (real) pornography (blue films) are sold "under the
table", but this nation's hypocrite legislators are going to
criminalize tourists for showing their belly buttons as they sunbathe
at the beach!

Ten (!) years in prison and fines up to Rp 1 billion (US$107,000) for
sunbathing will certainly attract millions of tourists to visit
Indonesia (not only Bali) as an "open society".

Suggestions for those who are responsible for this "idiotically
ludicrous document" (quoted from columnist Aridus): At every airport,
next to the Visa on Arrival Desk, set up a counter where tourists can
rent a burqa along with their neck-to-ankle swimming suits.

The next elections are not too far away and the Balinese will NOT vote
for any party that supports this ridiculous law.

Karangasem, Bali 

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[wanita-muslimah] Ahmadiyah must act like 'true' Muslims

2006-03-02 Terurut Topik ayeye1
However, the attacks and destructive actions against the Ahmadiyah
village in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, earlier in February, indicated
that the Islamic principles have yet to be socialized among the true
Muslims themselves.


Ahmadiyah must act like 'true' Muslims

Religious Affairs Minister Maftuh Basyuni reiterated the need to
continuously enlighten the controversial Ahmadiyah community to
restudy (reinstate) Islamic principles. This warning is also true to
other Islamic sects in Indonesia, so that all Muslims live in the true
teachings of Islam, known as a religion of peace.

However, the attacks and destructive actions against the Ahmadiyah
village in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, earlier in February, indicated
that the Islamic principles have yet to be socialized among the true
Muslims themselves.

The doctrine of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (MGA) has made the Ahmadiyah Qadian
alienated from the other Muslims, because the former are not
performing joint prayers or congregation in the public mosques. This
exclusive religious activity of Ahmadiyah have resulted in degradation
of the meaning of Islamic teachings and misunderstanding ensues.
However, as a matter of fact, the Ahmadiyah community believes in the
five principles of Islam, and abides by the same Koran and rituals as
the other Muslims.

In order to maintain the harmony within the Muslim societies it is
high time the government -- as the holder of the authority -- demanded
that every mosque in this country must be willing to allow
mosque-goers from any Muslim community to say prayers in public
mosques, once the socialization efforts have succeeded.


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[wanita-muslimah] Foreigners and property

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Foreigners and property

I read with interest your article Calls grow for foreign property
ownership in The Jakarta Post on Feb. 28.

As an Indonesian working with foreigners, I find it amazing that our
government does not allow foreigners to buy property on an equal basis
with citizens.

My uncle (an Indonesian citizen) recently purchased a very nice
three-bedroom house in Singapore without any problems at all. So if we
can buy property so easily overseas, why can't people from overseas
buy property here?

It is not like all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of foreigners
will rush to buy property in Indonesia.

Also, I was amazed with the Indonesian Real Estate Association
recommending that foreign nationals only be "allowed" to purchase
newly built property.

It is a well-known fact that property bought "off-the-plan" is much
more expensive than second-hand homes or hotels.

With citizens of other countries helping us in Aceh, and so many
international NGOs here, what kind of message are we sending to
non-citizens, who happen to live here in Indonesia?

Is it only deemed acceptable to sell them property if it is at
inflated prices?


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[wanita-muslimah] Activists employ Internet to fight pornography bill

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Activists employ Internet to fight pornography bill

I Wayan Juniartha, The Jakarta Post, Denpasar, Bali

Balinese activists launched recently a public Internet campaign to
express their opposition to the controversial "pornography" bill being
deliberated at the House of Representatives (DPR).

"The Internet is a powerful communication medium. It is fast, cheap
and widely accessible, particularly for the island's middle class, the
very target of this virtual campaign," I Made Marlowe said.

Marlowe was one of the eight-member Bali delegation that flew to
Jakarta on Feb. 21 to express their opposition to the members of the
DPR's Special Committee on the Anti-Pornography Bill. The overbearing
attitude displayed by the Committee's members during the hearing
convinced the delegation that the opposition to the bill needed to be
stronger and louder to arouse public support.

"It seemed that the committee members had already made up their minds
that regardless of the opposition from various corners of the country,
they would continue processing the bill into a law," the chief of the
Bali delegation, Ngurah Harta said.

"Given the attitude, we then decided that street protests and public
rallies were unavoidable. Public rallies are the most effective way to
boost awareness on the issue and to jolt the local politicians into
taking a stance on this issue," he added.

Yet, to do so the delegation at least needs visible, initial public
support. The delegation, comprised of some of the island's most
respected figures, including religious leader Ida Pedanda Sebali
Tianyar Arimbawa and scholar Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem, need to utilize
the social and media network to get the message out across Balinese

"Yet, we are quite aware of the limitation of a personal network. We
see the Internet as one of the most promising ways to mobilizing
public support," Harta reiterated.

The task of conducting an Internet campaign fell to I Made Marlowe,
the delegation's computer wizard. "It is easy to mobilize public
support when they share your sentiment and believe in your cause. To
reach such a situation, however, we must first educate the public on
every aspect of the issue," he said.

"Our major problems right now are that a large number of people still
do not have any access to the content of the bill and to the reasons
and reasoning of our opposition," he said.

Marlowe then used a free service provided by www.blogger.com to set up
a simple, virtual communication post. It was aptly named Jiwa Merdeka
(literally meaning "free soul"). The site
(http://jiwamerdeka.blogspot.com) has been in operation since Feb. 22.

"Initially, we did not pay much attention to the graphics and layout
of the site. We only focused on providing the public, in the fastest
way possible, with the necessary written materials. Recently, however,
we've started refining the visual side of the site," he said.

On the site, people can read or download various texts, including the
controversial bill, the Bali delegation's opposition statement and a
list of the notable figures, who support the opposition, in addition
to an enlightening paper on pornography by Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem.

"Unfortunately, most of the texts are still in Indonesian. We are now
still in the process of translating the key documents to English,"
Marlowe added.

So far, the site has received various comments from Internet users.
Most of the comments were supportive in nature. Yet, there are also
some very extreme responses; such as the one urging the Balinese to
secede from the Republic of Indonesia if the bill became a law.

The site has already found an "Internet buddy" and ardent supporter in
another blog (http://electronposts.blogspot.com). This site has
stunning visual presentations accompanied with catchy taglines.

This blog has explicitly and openly voiced support for Jiwa Merdeka
and the struggle against the bill. Most of its recent graphic posts
were dealing with this issue. The latest one portrayed an image of a
human torso with an uncovered navel and a question: What's wrong with
allowing my belly button to have a peek of reality?"

Well, it must be so wrong that the law will impose a hefty fine up to
Rp 1 billion (over US$100,000) and a prison sentence up to ten years
for navel displays.

"We expect that other webmaster and site owners will follow the
Electronposts' move, supporting our site by placing a link at their
site or by creating and posting content in tune with our struggle,"
Marlowe said.

He added that he believed that once the Internet community fully
realized the threat carried by the bill to freedom of expression, then
the opposition movement would gain substantial momentum. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Citizenship law flawed, activists say

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Citizenship law flawed, activists say

Hera Diani, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The 1958 Law on Citizenship is doing more to harm Indonesian families
than it does to help or protect them, experts say.

Most people affected by the law are transnational couples, who are
subject to many restrictions. The law contains odd requirements that
result in legal complications for couples raising a child, or even
maintaining unity as a family.

Observers say there are many flawed articles in the law that need

Article 23 (c) of the law stipulates adopted children automatically
lose their Indonesian citizenship and gain their adopted parents'

Activists fear the clause could encourage child trafficking and the
abandonment of children.

"Indonesia has the fourth-highest number of child trafficking cases in
the world and we're afraid that the country will continue to ignore
its responsibility to protect its children," said Dewi Tjakrawinata,
the head of the Aliansi Pelangi Antar Bangsa organization for
transnational parents.

The recent case of Tristan Dowse, an Indonesian boy who was adopted by
Irish couple at the age of two months but two years later was returned
to an orphanage in Jakarta, was an example of how the law further
complicated an already complex situation, she said.

Because the boy had become an Irish citizen -- he was ineligible for
free education and had to pay for visas and other immigration expenses.

The financial problem was only solved when an Irish high court
recently ruled the boy's adoptive parents must pay regular maintenance
for the four-year old. The boy is now living with his birth mother.

"This could happen to any child," Dewi said.

Another article obliges every citizen living abroad to regularly
report to an Indonesian embassy or consulate for five years or lose
their citizenship.

This creates difficulties for migrant workers living in small cities
or remote places far from an Indonesian mission.

"Thousands of migrant workers in Malaysia have lost their Indonesian
citizenship status because of (the law). One (stateless) migrant lived
in Malaysia for 37 years. Those workers are not only often unaware of
the regulation, they also live far away from the consulate and usually
their employers keep their passports," Dewi said.

Women's activist and lawyer Asnifriyanti Damanik said the law was full
of discrimination against women, particularly those in transnational

Security was lost the moment an Indonesian married a foreigner,
because they could not sponsor their partner for a visa. If the
partner could not work here the family could break up, she said.

Neither could an Indonesian wife win custody of her children if the
couple divorced or split because the children of transnational
marriages automatically received their fathers' citizenship.

Activists are urging the House of Representatives to revise the law.

"The problem of citizenship is not just for women and transnational
families, it applies to all of us," Asnifriyanti said. 

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[wanita-muslimah] The naked truth on the misguided pornography bill

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1

The naked truth on the misguided pornography bill

Pandaya, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

If you love sunbathing on Bali's beaches, you better keep your clothes
on, unless you want to extend your stay on the island -- in Denpasar

If you want to look sexy in your tank top or bare your belly button
while shopping at the mall, think again -- you may end up in jail or
bankrupt after having to pay a Rp 200 million (US$21,000) fine.

It's no joke. These things could happen if the controversial
pornography bill now being deliberated by the House of Representatives
is passed into law without changes.

Inul Daratista, Dewi Persik, Anisa Bahar and other dangdut singers
would have to look for other jobs because the dance moves that
catapulted them to stardom are considered "suggestive", amounting to
"pornography". If they dare to dance, they could be subject to jail
terms and hefty fines.

Javanese women have to hang up their kebaya, or blouses, for good
because Article 79 of the bill mandates a Rp 200 million fine and a
minimal jail term of two years for "showing off sensual parts of the
female body", which include thighs, hips, breasts and navel. Imagine
how many millions of women in Java, Bali and Sulawesi will be jailed
and bankrupted.

What about Papuan women who, by tradition, do not cover their breasts,
and Papuan men who hide their penises in sheaths?

The bill, which was submitted to the House in 1992 and only recently
dusted off, is laughable. Pornography is loosely defined, provoking
protests from artists, the press and more liberal-minded Indonesians.
The bill, which in part is meant to protect women from sexual
exploitation, ends up demonizing women as the cause of all sexual
evils, compelling the state to force them to cover up. Mind you, the
definition of "sensual body parts" does not really apply to men!

Any cultural displays and pieces of art judged to be "sensual" will
not be tolerated unless displayed in places sanctioned by the
government. What to do with the renowned Borobudur Temple, with its
sensual reliefs, or the Sukuh fertility temple?

Writers who make up romantic stories and artists who draw nudes would
soon be working out of prison after being jailed for disseminating
pornography. Sitcom star Anjasmara, model Isabel Yahya, art curator
Jim Supangkat, actor Agus Suwage and photographer Davy Linggar have
already run afoul of the law for doing their jobs. They were named
suspects over the display of "sensual" photographs at an exhibition in
Jakarta after the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) filed a complaint.

The comedy continued with police raiding newsstands and VCD kiosks for
"pornographic" materials.

Bali, the Hindu enclave whose lifeline is tourism, opposes the bill
because of the effect it could have on tourism. They imagine
ubiquitous moral police scaring away casually dressed holidaymakers
from beaches, pubs and malls. A recent conference in the provincial
capital Denpasar, which brought together Balinese from different
professional backgrounds, agreed to file a petition demanding the bill
be scrapped.

On the other side, many Muslim groups, represented by such
organizations as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the FPI and the
Islamic Forum (FUI), believe an anti-indecency law is necessary to
lift the country from the gutter of moral decay.

The MUI, set up during Soeharto's New Order regime to represent the
interests of Muslims, went as far as giving lawmakers until June to
finish the draft law, warning that Muslims would "take action" if the
legislators failed to complete the law by the deadline.

The fierce opposition of the Balinese to the bill and the MUI's threat
give credence to the fear the pornography bill will only widen the
divide in the multicultural and multireligious Indonesia.

Never has a bill so divided our diverse society along cultural,
religious and political lines as the one on pornography. The pressure
tactics of certain groups, such as the ultimatum from the MUI, only
exacerbate fears of open conflict.

Legislators deliberating the bill have tried to appease opponents by
offering "exceptions"; for instance, allowing "erotic" artworks to be
displayed, but only in venues sanctioned by the government, or
offering looser interpretations of sensuality in areas where local
tradition calls for it. But it is difficult to imagine a law with so
many exceptions.

The pornography bill is a delicate issue and unless pornography is
properly defined, the lawmakers will ultimately fail to improve the
nation's moral standards. What they will do is worsen conflicts among

Many of the issues addressed in the bill are already covered by
existing laws and the Criminal Code. The truth is that pornography,
like many other social ills, is rampant because the laws are not
properly enforced as corruption reigns supreme. The distribution and
sale of "erotic" materials are not regulated. Raunchy t

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Balasan: [zamanku] Dari New York: Demo anti kartun

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Pada dasarnya saya setuju dengan semua pendapat dari rekan-2 WM di
bawah ini. Peran agama dalam tragedi Palestina merupakan phenomena
yang relatip baru. Penduduk Palestina terdiri dari berbagai golongan
agama sebagaimananya halnya dengan penduduk Israel.

Setuju bahwa konflik di Palestina suka dipolitisir oleh berbagai
negara tetangga hingga negara-2 yang lebih jauh bahkan dan tujuannya
bukan hanya untuk membantu rakyat Palestina. Saya melihat ini sebagai
salah satu strategi guna mengarahkan rasa frustasi masrakyat dari
kinerja pemerintahan mereka sendiri kepada tragedi Palestina. Memang
penting juga agar masalah Palestina selalu diangkat agar tidak
dilupakan. Hanya, cara politik murahan dan oportunis yang khususnya
bermain dengan sentimen masrakyat, kayanya kurang produktif dalam hal
membantu konflik Palestina/Israel.

Kebetulan saya sendiri adalah keturunan Yahudi dan keluarga saya dari
generasi dulu semua terbunuh oleh Nazi, kecuali satu yang selamat,
yaitu orang tua kakek saya dan kakek sendiri. Meskipun mereka sempat
masuk KZ (Konzentrationslager) sampai makan tali sepatu dalam tahanan
dan waktu kakek saya akhirnya selamat, berat badan hanya 42 kilo.

Sesudah perang dunia kedua, keluarga saya pernah menjadi korban dari
rejim komunis di Eropa Timur. Semua yang dimiliki setelah habis
bersusah payah kembali setelah trauma perang, diambil lagi oleh
tentara komunis Rusia dan kakek saya diperlakukan sebagai dissiden dan
dipaksa kerja di pertambangan. Padahal kakek saya termasuk orang
pinter yang luar biasa dan berpendidikan tinggi, maka ditakutkan oleh
rejim komunis.

Waktu saya ke Indonesia pas ORBA mau mengalami puncak, sempat bingung
juga waktu membaca begitu banyak nonsense (maaf, menurut saya :-)
tentang komunisme di media massa dan dengar pendapat-2 yang pada
umumnya salah kaprah. Ini contoh politisasi lagi. Memang seharusnya
saya pribadi yang mempunyai pendapat buruk tentang komunisme karena
pengalaman keluarga saya dari tangan pertama. Tetapi kita harus
membedakan antara otoritanisme, kejahatan dan lain-lain, sehingga
semua harus dilihat secara proporsional. Jadi tidak benar jika kita
mencap seseorang komunis atau simpatisan sebagai penjahat atau barbar.
Sama salahnya jika kita menuduh semua umat Islam sebagai teroris atau
fanatik secara apriori.

Salah satu penyebab mengapa sampai bisa tumbuh rasa kebencian mendalam
terhadap golongan lain adalah politik polarisasi yang bias dan
ketidakadaan pengalaman personil dengan golongan yang digambarkan
sebagai musuh. Jujur saja, berapa di antara kita sudah benar-benar
pernah mempunyai pengalaman langsung dengan orang Yahudi, termasuk
yang ortodoks?

Dulu pernah masuk mall BIP di Bandung dengan salah satu rekan usaha
dan teman Arab Yahudi semenjak berbelasan tahun. Teman saya bicara
bahasa hebro maupun bahasa Arab dengan lancar. Pas kami mau masuk ke
mall ada orang Arab dengan istrinya orang Indonesia yang mau keluar
plaza. Mereka beragama Islam dilihat dari penampilan luar. Waktu orang
Arab melihat teman saya, ia langsung kasih komentar yang marah-2
kepada kami, khususnya kepada teman saya. Lalu teman saya hanya senyum
dan diam. Di sisi lain, teman saya cerita bahwa ia pernah membantu
para mujahidin Afghanistan yang sempat berantau di perbatasan Malaysia
dan Thailand untuk memperoleh surat-surat identitas baru. Katanya ia
selalu diundang untuk minum air teh dan mereka mulai suka sama teman
saya, meskipun dari awal teman saya mengakui diri sebagai Yahudi.

Apropos keperpihakan politik AS kepada Israel, saya sempat membaca
dari berbagai sumber bahwa di masa sebelum 11-09, investasi dari Arab
Saudi di AS mencapai 800 Miliar USD lebih. Gedung Kedutaan Besar Arab
Saudi di Washington D.C. saja wah dan dijaga khusus oleh personil
kepolisian AS. Mengapa sampai bisa ada investasi yang begitu tinggi
dari Arab Saudi yang di sisi lain membela nasib rakyat Palestina? Kan
katanya AS berpihak kepada Israel. Memang ada berbagai investasi dan
bantuan dari negara-2 Arab di sekitar Teluk kepada Palestina seperti
pembangunan rumah sakit, dll. Tetapi tidak sampai ratusan miliaran
dollar, malahan lebih banyak uang pernah disalurkan oleh Eropa kepada
otoritas Palestina yang notabene juga pernah dituduh sebagai korup.

Saya kira ini masalah rumit dan gampang sekali untuk terpancing dalam
sentimen, khususnya untuk mereka yang tidak senang membaca banyak dan
cepat terpengaruh oleh propaganda yang tendensius. Apalagi kalau tidak
ada akses untuk memperoleh berita yang alternatip atau istilah tinggal
di negara yang masih mengontrol pers dengan ketat. Memang ini dapat
dimengerti. Versi buku-2 sejarah yang dibaca oleh anak-anak Israel
misalnya berbeda dengan buku-2 yang dibaca oleh anak-anak di negara
tetangganya. Atau para prajurit Israel, khususnya yang muda untuk
ditugaskan ke wilayah perbatasan, "dimanipulasi" pula, sehingga mereka
pikir apa yang dilakukan adalah yang benar. Dalam tentara tidak boleh
berpikir banyak, hanya cukup agar bisa mengikuti perintah dari sang


[wanita-muslimah] Pig-headed resistance

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1
The recent destruction of nine homes at the illegal West Bank outpost
of Amona and ensuing violence highlighted a rift in Israeli society
over polarized political views. 

But another riot last month - which lasted for four days in the city
of Beit Shemesh and resulted in seven arrests - drew considerably less
media attention. 

At issue was religious freedom. And now the melting pot in this
rapidly growing city of 52,000 may be about to boil over again - this
time over the construction of a pork processing plant. 

Last month, a self-defined haredi family that has lived in Ramat Beit
Shemesh Beit for the past six years - and has requested anonymity -
was targeted by local ultra-Orthodox extremists who deemed that
members of the family were not sufficiently religious. 

The family's two eldest sons, aged 22 and 20, were the particular
target of the demonstrators' wrath because the young men have stopped
wearing haredi garb and now dress in modern Orthodox style, the mother
of the family says. 

On January 13, extremists attacked her two sons on their way home from
Friday night services. The attack was followed by four nights of
demonstrations outside their home, calling on the family to leave. 

Artikel lengkap berhubung panjang:

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[wanita-muslimah] Cartoon war and unsolved murder

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Cartoon war and unsolved murder

Hisane Masaki, Tokyo

Though the violence continues to heat up over the Prophet Muhammad
cartoons, it is widely seen in Japan as just a fire on the other side
of the river; but it has evoked some bitter memories about The Satanic
Verses murder.

Hitoshi Igarashi, Tsukuba University assistant professor of literature
and translator of the novel by Salman Rushdie, was found murdered on
the morning of July 12, 1991 near his office on the university campus
in Ibaraki prefecture, 69 kilometers north of Tokyo. He was stabbed in
the abdomen and his neck was slashed. Police found only footprints and
stains of type O blood, which they believe belonged to the attacker.
He was 44-years-old when he was killed. The case remains unresolved.

The Satanic Verses was first published in 1988. Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini, Iran's political and spiritual leader of the 1979 Islamic
Revolution, ruled that the book was blasphemous against Islam and
issued a fatwa, or religious edict, calling for the death of Rushdie
and all those involved in the book's publication with knowledge of its
content. The Japanese translation was published in 1990.

An Italian translator of the book also suffered injuries in an attack
in Milan several days before Igarashi's murder. In 1993, a Norwegian
publisher was shot and severely injured in an attack outside of his
house in Oslo. In Turkey, 37 people died when their hotel in Sivas was
burned down by Muslims protesting against Rushdie's Turkish translator.

Several days after Igarashi's murder, an anti-Tehran Islamic group
issued a statement claiming the Iranian government had dispatched an
assassination squad to kill him. The Iranian Embassy in Tokyo strongly
denied the allegation. To the indignation of the Japanese public, some
Muslims in Japan applauded the murder and declared that even if the
murder was not committed by a Muslim, God made sure that Igarashi "got
what he deserved."

In Japan, the Muhammad cartoon issue has attracted a lot of media and
public attention, but not as much as most other countries. That is
primarily because the country has a very tiny Muslim population.

Although there is no official data, one unofficial estimate puts the
number at about 200,000, of which 50,000 are Japanese that have converted.

Japan's Foreign Ministry was also quick to take a precautionary
measure. It has requested that the Japanese media refrain from
reprinting the cartoons. The ministry's top spokesman issued a
statement on Feb. 6 expressing concern about the "difficult situation"
over the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in
newspapers and magazines published in Denmark and dozens of other
countries around the world.

Arab envoys stationed in Tokyo have lauded the Japanese government's
response to the cartoon dispute.

To be sure, the Muhammad cartoon wars have not sparked violence in
Japan. But for many Japanese, violence and the freedom of
speech-blasphemy debate in other parts of the world have served as a
vivid reminder of the killing of Igarashi at a time when their
memories of the case have been fading.

Coincidentally, in July this year, the statute of limitations on the
case will expire. The victim's wife, Masako, is still calling for
Japanese people to remember the case to put pressure on the police.
She says she hopes that the case will not fade away.

The principal religions in Japan are Shinto, Buddhism and
Christianity. Most Japanese are said to be exceptionally tolerant when
it comes to religious beliefs. They do not think it strange to be
involved in several religions simultaneously. The birth and marriage
ceremonies of most Japanese are generally in the Shinto style, while
funerals are usually in the Buddhist style.

A survey conducted last summer by the largest Japanese daily Yomiuri
Shimbun showed that 75 percent of Japanese do not believe in any
particular religion, and a majority, 60 percent, do not think religion
is important.

For most Japanese, Islam has become a household name after the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks in the United States and the U.S.-led wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq. Many books about Islam have sold well in recent
years. But many Japanese still do not know little more than the
typical stereotypes; and that Muslims pray five times a day, refrain
from pork and fast during Ramadhan.

Indifference or ignorance sows the seeds of trouble. Just a few years
ago, Ajinomoto, the Japanese food-seasoning giant, got burned when it
drew the wrath of Muslims in Indonesia, which has the world's largest
Muslim population, for allegedly using pig enzymes in its flavor
enhancing products.

Some experts point out that Japanese people need to face up squarely
to Islam as the nation's population has begun to shrink and the number
of foreigners, including Muslims, living in Japan is expected to grow
in a way that makes up for a decline in the number of Japane

[wanita-muslimah] Boy deals drugs to pay school fees

2006-02-25 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Boy deals drugs to pay school fees

JAKARTA: A student at State High School No. 18 in Tangerang was caught
red-handed Wednesday dealing marijuana at his home in Pinang,
Tangerang, Tempointeraktif.com reported.

The 16 year old was arrested after attempting to sell the drug to
undercover police. He was caught with 16 packets of marijuana and Rp
80,000 (about US$8.60) in cash from previous sales.

The teenager is being held at Cipondoh Police station.

He said he sold marijuana to friends and schoolmates to pay for his
school fees and for extra pocket money. -- JP 

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[wanita-muslimah] Woman sells daughter to pay up debts, buy furniture

2006-02-25 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Woman sells daughter to pay up debts, buy furniture

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

It may be a cliche, but grinding poverty continues to force women into
sex work. It also drives children on to the streets.

Dahlia, not her real name, was just 15 when her mother sold her to a
woman for Rp 2 million.

She worked in the sex industry until she was 18 and could no longer
bear it.

Upon returning to her studies, Dahlia's mother threatened to kill her
if she did not skip school to meet "clients".

Desperate for help, Dahlia told other members of her family, who were
unaware of her past, she was working as a prostitute.

Dahlia and her family members reported the case to the police, leading
to Wednesday's arrest of her mother and the woman she worked for.

To police, the 44-year-old mother, identified only as KH, said she was
in debt and tired of living a life of poverty. She then met the woman,
NS, who lived nearby in Kampung Bulak, Central Jakarta.

In a statement made available to The Jakarta Post on Friday, NS was
said to have been running her business since 2002 through word of
mouth. She received orders for girls over the phone.

Most of her workers were under the age of 18. She sold their services
for between Rp 500,000 and Rp 1 million.

Dahlia's mother was able to pay her debts and buy new furniture and a
TV set from prostitution money.

Police said both women would be charged under the 2002 Child
Protection Law and Article 297 of the Criminal Code on child
trafficking. If convicted, they could face up to 10 years'
imprisonment and a Rp 200 million fine.

When asked to comment, women's rights activist Rita Kalibonso said
forced prostitution was an ongoing problem here.

"This is not just about law enforcement but also about people's
awareness of children's rights," she said.

Family members and neighbors must be ready to take action if they
believe a child is being abused.

"We cannot rely on the police to address this issue because such
crimes happen in homes," she said. (05) 

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Fatwa Melarang Perempuan ....- Working the night shift: a risk factor for br

2006-02-25 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Santai saja, Mas Jano-ko, tidak perlu merasa bersalah karena tidak
membuat kesalahan terhadap saya :-)


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :)
>   Senyum dulu dong mas Ayeye, emoh ach kalau mas ayeye "nesu" dengan
saya, nanti saya merasa guilty lho
>   salam persaudaraan.

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[wanita-muslimah] RUU Antipornografi Disahkan, PKS Ingin Menangi Pemilu

2006-02-25 Terurut Topik ayeye1


RUU Antipornografi Disahkan, PKS Ingin Menangi Pemilu

JAKARTA - Segera disahkannya Rancangan Undang-undang Anti Pornografi
dan Pornoaksi (RUU APP), salah satu jalan untuk kemenangan Partai
Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) pada Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2009 mendatang.

Demikian hal itu dinyatakan anggota Panitia Khusus (Pansus) RUU APP
dari Fraksi PKS Hilman Rosyad Syihab, Rabu (22/2), usai acara rapat
dengar pendapat dengan perwakilan beberapa kelompok perempuan dengan
FPKS di DPR, Jakarta.

Menanggapi kritikan dari perwakilan beberapa kelompok perempuan, yang
tergabung dalam Koalisi Perempuan, Hilman menyebut PKS juga ingin
mendengarkan aspirasi itu sebagai masukan. "Tapi PKS adalah partai
Islam, kami ingin mewarnai undang-undang. Juga ada desakan kuat dari
para pendukung kami agar RUU APP segera disahkan," katanya.

Beberapa pendapat diungkapkan, antara lain oleh Vivi, dari Perempuan
Mahardika, yang berpendapat bahwa substansi RUU APP tidak melihat
perempuan punya hak sama dengan warga lainnya. Demikian juga dengan
penggunaan definisi yang jelas, tentang tubuh perempuan yang sensual.

Deskripsi bagian tubuh sensual menurut RUU APP, antara lain alat
kelamin, paha, pinggul, pantat, pusar, dan payudara perempuan baik
terlihat sebagian maupun seluruhnya. Ada ancaman pidana penjara hingga
10 tahun, serta denda sampai Rp 1 miliar.

Muncul pertanyaan menggelitik dari salah seorang wakil kelompok waria.
Bagaimana halnya dengan waria, yang ketika menjajakan diri
memperlihatkan payudaranya. Bentuknya payudara perempuan, tapi itu
notabene payudara lelaki, karena waria sebenarnya lelaki. Dalam RUU
APP, payudara lelaki tidak masuk bagian sensual.

Ada juga pertanyaan lain, bagaimana bila perempuan akan melakukan
aktivitas olahraga. Atletik, atau renang misalnya. Apakah harus
berenang menggunakan pakaian muslim. Larangan memakai bikini, jelas
juga akan berpengaruh besar pada pariwisata.

Bayangkan bila para turis di Bali, harus mengenakan pakaian lengkap
untuk berenang atau sekedar berjemur di pantai. Menurut Hilman, memang
membutuhkan waktu, hingga masyarakat bisa menerima, dan terbiasa
dengan penerapan RUU APP itu nantinya.

Nuraini, dari Srikandi Indonesia, menyorot permasalahan RUU APP lebih
jauh pada kehidupan masyarakat pada kelas bawah sekarang ini. Masih
begitu banyak masyarakat miskin bermukim di bantaran, dan terpaksa
mandi di kali. "Pemerintah tidak menyediakan sarana mck (mandi, cuci,
kakus) yang memadai," katanya. (B-14)

Last modified: 23/2/06

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[wanita-muslimah] Human rights a nonissue to elite

2006-02-23 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Human rights a nonissue to elite

Tony Hotland, Jakarta

Doing the necessary work to address human rights issues has never held
much appeal for any administration in Indonesia.

During the many decades that Sukarno and his successor Soeharto were
in power, rights abuses of all types occurred.

Subsequent presidents -- B.J. Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati
Soekarnoputri -- had little time for such issues.

Indeed, human rights were never discussed when Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono and Megawati were campaigning for the presidency in 2004.

On the legislative side, it does not take a genius to determine the
House of Representatives has never lived up to its billing as the
representatives of the people, especially regarding rights issues.

While the future protection of human rights in the country remains an
uncertainty, settling past atrocities seems to be even less likely.

Already frustrated by a lack of action over the 1998 Trisakti and
Semanggi student shootings, families of the victims were dealt another
blow last Thursday when the House decided to do nothing about a
recommendation issued by lawmakers from the previous term.

Legally flawed, the recommendation says there were no elements of
gross human rights violations in the shootings, although an
investigation by the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM)
found otherwise. The commission implicated the military in the shootings.

Unlike the commission, the House does not have the authority to make
such a determination, and now this recommendation poses a hurdle to
the Attorney General's Office as it tries to follow up on the case.

House Commission III overseeing human rights issues promised last June
to have the recommendation revoked, providing a glimmer of hope for
the families of the victims.

But months passed with no news until Thursday's decision, which was
reached in a leadership forum.

House Deputy Speaker Zaenal Maarif quoted fellow Deputy Speaker
Soetardjo Soerjogoeritno, who is said to be the person most familiar
with the issue, as saying that revoking the recommendation would be

Speaker Agung Laksono says there is no precedent for revoking earlier
House recommendations.

It can be dangerous to make assumptions, but let's try these:

Fact No. 1: Soetardjo is a top figure in the Indonesian Democratic
Party of Struggle (PDI-P), which has close ties with the military, at
least when it was the ruling party under Megawati's administration.

Fact No. 2: Agung is the vice chairman of the Golkar Party, an
inseparable ally of the military during Soeharto's reign.

"Funny, even the Constitution and laws can be revised and revoked,"
said National Awakening Party legislator Nursjahbani Katjasungkana,
who dealt with human rights cases before moving into politics.

"The idea that a decision by a commission can be overruled by four
people is ridiculous. The leadership forum is only a substitute for a
House consultative meeting, which deals only with scheduling issues."

Another avenue for probing past human rights cases, the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission (KKR), is still a long way from being
formed, almost a year since the April 2005 "deadline" for its creation

The KKR eventually will investigate alleged human rights abuses that
occurred between 1945 and 2000, with its main tasks being to seek the
truth behind alleged abuses, facilitate a reconciliation between
perpetrators and victims, and provide compensation and amnesty for
both parties.

Stuck with the President is a list of 42 names to be screened for
possible inclusion on the commission, as he is too busy to arrange a
meeting with the screening team.

Yet, the President has time to travel the world. He even plans to
visit Myanmar to preach democracy in another country accused of gross
human rights abuses, as well as to South Korea to help reconcile the
two Koreas.

He can spare time to play golf with colleagues and even has time to
meet with a group of librarians to discuss a private library at his

It is again shaky to make assumptions, but who's to blame?

Fact No. 1: The President, infamous for his indecisiveness, is a
retired military general.

Fact No. 2: Vice President and Golkar leader Jusuf Kalla has openly
expressed his objection to the KKR, calling it unnecessary.

Still waiting for justice are hundreds of families and victims of the
1984 Tanjung Priok massacre, the 1989 Lampung incident, the 1997
forced disappearances of government critics, the May 1998 riots and

This makes one wonder if the President's show of interest in the
Commission of Truth and Friendship jointly formed with Timor Leste was
only a result of international pressure.

Yet the House remains more interested in toying with political issues
rather than questioning the President's commitment to the national
truth commission that has eluded the country.

Usman Hamid of the Commissi

[wanita-muslimah] Islamic law, state of war and peace

2006-02-20 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Islamic law, state of war and peace

Nurrohman, Bandung

The confession of a terror suspect, who was recently arrested in
Central Java for his alleged link to Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) mastermind,
Noordin M.Top, that he had been involved in armed robberies to collect
funds for terrorist activities, has proven police suspicions.

The terrorists see themselves as living in a state of war, in which
killing and stealing are acceptable means to winning the war.

For someone familiar with Islamic law, such opinions are not new. In
classical Islamic law theories, a state of Dar al-Harb (war) is the
opposite of a state of Dar al-Islam (peace). The world during the
classical Islamic period was merely divided by scholars, into these
two categories.

Theoretically, peace is always in conflict, trying to prevent a state
of war. Muslims who adopt or live in Dar al-Islam are obliged to
persuade other nations to abide by Islam. If they (other
nations/religious believers) deny Islam, there are only two options
for them: paying jizyah (taxes), or being attacked and conquered
through jihad -- Holy War.

Non-Muslims who are ready to pay the taxes will be protected by the
Islamic state and get the status of dzimmi bestowed upon them.
Non-Muslims are protected in Dar al-Islam with limited political
rights. While non-Muslims who refuse Islam and refuse dzimmi status,
their blood and wealth are not protected. It means that jihad against
non-Muslim nations/peoples, is used by an Islamic state to change Dar
al-Harb into Dar al-Islam.

As Islam was born in Arabia, as explained by Majid Khadduri in his
book War and Peace in the Law of Islam, Islam was strongly influenced
by Arabic characters who were eager to go to war. Arab tribes, at that
time, were always in a state of war against each other. War as the
principle relation among Arab tribes was then adopted by early Islamic
law scholars and they renewed its role and definition as holy war
toward people who refused to accept Islam.

While noting that Islamic law was the very essence of Islam, scholars
then measured and determined the states that can be grouped to Dar
al-Islam or Dar al-Harb by seeing how far Islamic sharia can be

In Islamic law theory, a state of peace is defined as a state that
assures, or at least, does not hinder sharia to be performed freely by
Muslims. A state of war was thus defined as any situation where people
were not able to implement Islamic law.

The debate on whether Indonesia can be categorized as being in Dar
al-Harb or Dar al-Islam emerged well before Indonesia proclaimed

After the proclamation in 1945, to ensure Indonesia's position as an
Islamic state, some of the founding fathers insisted on including
seven words of the Jakarta Charter, which ensured and obliged Muslims
to incorporate sharia law into the Constitution. Although the now
famous seven words were eventually omitted, the 1945 Constitution of
Indonesia actually does ensure that all Muslims can freely perform
their religious obligations.

The argument that posits that the principle relation between nations
in the world is based on war -- as mentioned above -- is not derived
from the spirit of the Koran. The spirit of the Koran, as mentioned in
many verses, reveals that the principle of relationships among nations
is peace.

Muslims should be aware and able to differentiate between the spirit
of Islamic laws and Arabic culture over a thousand years ago, which is
not always suitable to Indonesian culture in the year 2006 -- or 1427
for devout Muslims.

The writer is lecturer in law and politics in Islam and is the
secretary of the Islamic law unit of the Bandung State Islamic
University's post graduate program. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Cartoon protests bare flawed nationalism

2006-02-19 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Cartoon protests bare flawed nationalism

Well, I've had enough pops at knee-jerk religious intolerance in Metro
Mad recently, so I thought that this week I'd take a few swipes at
that other great opiate, nationalism, for a change.

The two overlap of course. This week has seen Danish flag vendors
doing a roaring trade as everyone from the Jutland peninsular is
labeled an infidel pig. A person's nationality is an easy target,
sure, but what does it really mean to the FPI members threatening to
round up Danes and take them to the airport (and presumably then buy
them tickets home)? Can a whole nation really be tarred with the same

Conveniently for Indonesia, the cartoon scandal materialized at the
same time as East Timor's report on the huge destruction of its land
and people at the hands of Indonesia's militias and military was
presented to the UN, thus enabling the country's elite to change a
defensive position into an offensive one. Nationalism is a
particularly thorny issue in this sprawling, fractious country and the
far flung provinces and islands struggle to cope with
one-size-fits-all, militaristic, Javanese domination. The nationalist
drum has to be pounded loudly here as the Indonesian project is
constantly in danger of disintegrating.

Of course, it should be no surprise that Indonesia invaded East Timor
in 1975, killing 200,000 people (a quarter of its population) and
instigating a rule of terror. After all, this came only nine years
after the killing fields of 1966. To the present day, this country
still hasn't looked itself properly in the mirror over the mass murder
that presaged Soeharto's rise. Perhaps, in turn, this means that such
violence could happen yet again, maybe in the restive province of
Papua this time. Without truth there can be no reconciliation or
lessons learnt from the past. However, with delicious irony, the
Indonesian Military has stated that a truth and reconciliation
commission can only be set up so long as the word, truth, is removed
from the process; thus the same narrow-minded, nationalistic
belligerence persists. In Media Indonesia, for example, I recently
read that, "East Timor has kept a grudge against Indonesia. It prefers
to exhume old graves to becoming a good neighbor".

Oscar Wild once described nationalism as being, "The last refuge of
the scoundrel," and that is so often true in this world, a world in
which the black art of propaganda is hidden behind the easy symbolism
of flags by those who hold power for their own venal purposes.
Nationalism is further complicated in this country by the Indonesian
concept of, "Sons of the soil", or Orang Pribumi. Under this strain of
nationalism, second, and even third-generation ethnic Chinese, despite
being born here, are still discriminated against and required to
obtain SBKRI certificates. The implication is clear; these people are
second-class citizens in their country of birth. Even a celebrity such
as Indonesia's 1992 Badminton Olympic gold medalist, Suzi Susanti,
needed the direct intervention of then President Soeharto in order to
get her RI passport. The atavistic conception of,"Sons of the soil",
persists today but it is, philosophically, a deeply flawed one. People
do not grow in soil, they are not trees. They have legs, boats, motor
cars and airplanes with which to move about the country and indeed the
world. Dual citizenship laws would be a good start here but still we
listen to the same tired old rubbish that says that such laws would
lead to national disloyalty and even mental confusion bordering on

But before insulted Indonesians start to pen peeved missives to The
Jakarta Post about the dignity of their country being affronted (and
thus proving my point about nationalism), let me state that I'm
perfectly prepared to stare my own country square in the face. I can
see behind the Union Jack to both the good and bad. Britain once ruled
three quarters of the globe down the barrel of the gun, which probably
can't be considered a good thing. Interestingly, the UK's official
school history syllabus largely glosses over our colonialist past the
in favor of an intense focus on World War II. Perhaps only a
comparison with Adolf Hitler's lunacy can reflect our history in a
good light. Education is the key of course. A person's sense of, "My
country right or wrong", is instilled at a young age via the textbooks
and history masters of a nation's schools. Japan and South Korea
instinctively seem to know this and are currently having a major
tussle over schoolbooks and official histories. Back in Britain
though, Tony Blair still bangs the nationalistic snare drum and claims
that the country was fully behind the war in Iraq. Yeah, right Tony.

America's position as the pre-eminent world superpower and economic
colonialist par excellence is, of course, bolstered by a corresponding
degree of nationalist propa

[wanita-muslimah] Condemning pornography easier than dealing with corruption

2006-02-18 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Condemning pornography easier than dealing with corruption

Soeryo Winoto, Jakarta

"He who knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him!"

That's the old saying for ignorant people who are not aware of their
ignorance, but instead believe they are smart.

The House of Representatives might want to consider this saying as a
House special committee deliberates the controversial pornography bill.

Echoes of what the lawmakers believe is an effort to save the nation
from moral catastrophe have also been heard at National Police
Headquarters. Police have been deployed to conduct street raids
against the sellers of "pornographic" magazines, VCDs and DVDs.

It is obvious the legislature's discussions of the bill have not been
well thought out. It all began with a certain group of emotional and
interested people, who have yet to be able to define what pornography
actually is.

The articles on pornography in the Criminal Code have yet to be
properly enforced. The Criminal Code is actually strong enough to curb
the spread of obscenity among the public. In 1984, several photo
models got four months in jail each for posing in an erotic calendar,
while the photographer got six months in jail for violating Article
282 of the Criminal Code.

In 2001, model Sophia Latjuba was questioned at National Police
Headquarters after pictures of her were published that the police
considered "seductive". Latjuba was released without further legal
action being taken, while the editor of the local magazine which ran
the pictures was left untouched.

Now, actor Anjasmara has been named a suspect for posing in what the
police call improper photos, which were featured at an art exhibition
in Jakarta last September. Those responsible for the photos claim the
pictures of Anjasmara and female model Isabel Yahya are works of art,
not pornography, while law enforcers seem convinced Anjasmara violated
the laws on pornography.

All of this indicates the Criminal Code is forceful enough to deal
with pornography, the definition of which remains absurd.

Then why is the House determined to pass a new law on pornography?

Amid the absurdity and uncertainty over the definition of pornography,
several non-governmental organizations dealing with women's affairs
have staged protests against the deliberation of the bill on pornography.

The groups have criticized the House for wasting money and energy
discussing the bill, which they claim ignores women's sexual rights.
The draft bill explains that what is meant by "sensual" parts of the
body includes women's genitals, thighs, hips, buttocks, navels and

The bill focuses on the female body, meaning that a woman's body is
misinterpreted as something that disturbs morality. It is unclear if
the commission dealing with the bill is dominated by men who are
easily lured by the beauty of women.

The women's groups also said the House was turning a blind eye to the
reality of poverty, which -- to some extent -- has forced women into
prostitution and the porn industry.

The fact that the draft bill contains exceptions to what the House
describes as pornography means the pornography law will be ambiguous
and that its enforcement will be preposterous. There will be debates
over what law enforcers deem pornographic. Some ethnic groups also
worry that what they consider art and part of their tradition will be
condemned by the authorities as indecent.

The Balinese have reportedly protested the pornography bill because it
is feared the law will affect tourism. Kuta Beach in Bali is
well-known for its topless foreign sunbathers.

While -- honestly -- nobody in Indonesia is able to precisely define
what the House and law enforcers mean by pornography, there is a lot
of speculation as to why the House and the police are so insistent on
the need for a pornography law when the Criminal Code would seem

First, for certain idealistic individuals and groups, efforts to get
the pornography bill through the House is probably motivated by larger
political interests camouflaged as religious concern.

Second, pornography is the safest evil for people to condemn.
Corruption is more damaging than what many Indonesians are defining as
pornography. And corruption is present at all levels of our society,
involving people from all educational and religious backgrounds.

The author is a staff writer at The Jakarta Post.

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[wanita-muslimah] DPR have a heart

2006-02-18 Terurut Topik ayeye1

DPR have a heart

Possible changes to the Indonesian Citizenship Law are being discussed
by the House of Representatives (DPR). It is imperative that the
position of foreign women married to Indonesian men is empathetically
addressed by the DPR commission.

Many foreign wives for personal reasons prefer to retain their
citizenship. Although some of us have been here for many decades, our
situation is still very vulnerable.

Even after living here for most of our lives, if at any time our
husbands suddenly refuse to sponsor us, we have to leave Indonesia,
leaving our families behind.

If we leave Indonesia to visit our families we have to have an
exit-reentry permit, which is an extra financial burden on our
Indonesian husbands. Foreign wives are not permitted to work, which
places a heavy burden on the Indonesian husbands who very often have
to support their extended families as well. There have been some cases
where the husband was retrenched or was too ill to work and the family
was in deep financial trouble.

Why is it that even after living here for many years our rights have
been ignored?

In several other countries, Indonesian men or women married to locals
who retain their Indonesian citizenship are treated more humanely.
Generally they get a Permanent Residents Visa which gives them exactly
the same rights as local citizens except that they cannot vote.

Hopefully the DPR commission is empathetic to our plight.


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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Mbak Ferina, domain SBY

2006-02-16 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Pres Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Wapres Yusuf Kalla

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "L.Meilany" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Soalnya tiap presiden NKRI punya gaya sendiri.
> Wapres Yusuf Kalla kalo ga salah domainnya pemerintah [ go.id], tapi
nggak begitu jalan.
> Maklumlah kan yg mengerjakan juga orang2 pemerintahan [ sekretariat
wapres] yg mungkin kurang serius.
> Sambil disambi disela-sela pekerjaan
> Kalo presiden benar2 di 'swastakan'. profesional.
> Mungkin anggaran rumahtangga kepresidenan di rasa berlebih :-))

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[wanita-muslimah] Condom vending machines up against it

2006-02-15 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Condom vending machines up against it

Indra Harsaputra, The Jakarta Post, Surabaya

Reni (not her real name), 25, was puzzled as she looked at a vending
machine to be installed in a red-light district here in February -- a
device previously unfamiliar to her.

After a demonstration by personnel of the local health office to show
how the silvery box could dispense condoms by means of four
five-hundred rupiah coins, Reni, only gave a shy smile.

"Oh, it's the condom machine that students and religious leaders have
protested over. So it's just like an ATM, but this one gives out
condoms instead of cash," said Reni, a commercial sex worker at Sumber
Loh brothel, Singojuruh district, Banyuwangi regency, East Java,.

The vending machines, locally known as condom ATMs, in the red-light
district of Banyuwangi are distributed under a government program to
prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in the country.

The same condom dispensers have also been allocated to several other
regions, including Jakarta and Central Java. For East Java, the
machines can also be found in Tulungagung, Pasuruan and Nganjuk.

Procured by the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN),
the machines are delivered to regional BKKBN offices for further
transfer to regional units of the Narcotic and AIDS Control Agency
(BPNA), which allot them to regional health offices.

The vending machine project faces various constraints in the field,
including rejection by religious groups, which consider the use of
condoms as an endorsement of prostitution, thus opposing religious norms.

Protests have emerged in some places. In Medan, North Sumatra, for
instance, religious activists and students staged demos against the
installation of vending machines several weeks ago. They also jointly
voiced their objection to the planned circulation of the Indonesian
version of Playboy magazine.

In East Java, no street action has taken place though some circles
have begun to express their disapproval. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the
country's largest Muslim organization with the majority of its members
based in the province, even threatened to thwart the program.

Despite public opposition, BPNA as the agency in charge of
distributing the condom dispensers carries on with the project because
in its evaluation, not all religious groups object to the machines.
Some ulema and local community leaders even support the program. East
Java's Madiun city will have its share in mid-February.

Reni was apparently pleased with the new method but unfortunately she
had no opportunity to benefit from it because of the limited number of
condoms available. Limited condom supplies in Banyuwangi and other
regions using the machines is another constraint in the project.

In the Gudang Garam cigarette factory in Kediri, East Java, where the
same condom dispenser was installed in 2003, its operation has also
been hampered not only by a supply shortage, but also by a price increase.

With the condom price rising from Rp 1,500 (3 pieces) to Rp 2,000,
older machines need to be adjusted. The provincial BKKBN and BPNA have
agreed to immediately cover the condom shortage and to adjust earlier
dispensers to the new price.

Disappointed by the limited capacity of the apparatus, Reni also
doubted that her customers would be willing to use condoms. "Condoms
are also sold around this place at the same price, but many of my
guests are unwilling to use them as they find them unpleasant," she

She knows the risk of HIV/AIDS infection through unprotected sex, but
she is unable to insist on the use of a condom when customers threaten
to refuse to pay unless they go without. However, Reni is not alone in
this case.

A survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2002-2003
discovered that the majority of sex workers in Indonesia were aware of
the risk of HIV infection without the use of condoms. But in practice
they feared losing their guests if they insisted.

Eri (not his real name), a customer of Surabaya's Dolly brothel,
confirmed that some men were reluctant to use condoms because of the
loss of sensation, but others had understood the danger of contracting

"Those who use condoms usually come from middle and upper economic
groups. They are afraid of losing their careers or business ventures
after infection and only want to enjoy safe sex outside marriage," he

Unpopular contraceptive

As a prophylactic as well as a contraceptive, condoms are still not
popular. Despite East Java's enforcement of a regional regulation in
2004 imposing a fine on brothel customers found without condoms, most
men still avoid using condoms as proven by the BPS survey.

As a birth control method, condoms are also being abandoned. Figures
from the provincial BKKBN show that while users of condoms in East
Java totaled 7,818 in 2004, last year the number decreased to 5,999.

As indicated by BPS data the publi

[wanita-muslimah] Overseas workers face difficulties at every stage

2006-02-15 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Overseas workers face difficulties at every stage

Dewi Anggraeni, Contributor, Jakarta

An Indonesian woman, recruited to work as a domestic helper in a
foreign country, arrives at the home of her employer, and is
completely taken by surprise by the situation. What is likely to have

Chances are, she may have been recruited by a dubious sponsor, who may
have sent her to an equally dubious employment agency. Or she may have
been sent directly to an employer overseas without going through the
proper channels.

There are several major players in the proper channels:

Indonesian recruitment agency This is widely known by its Indonesian
acronym, PJTKI. The Overseas Worker Law of 2004 passed by the
Indonesian legislature on Oct. 18, 2004, refers to Indonesian
recruitment agencies as the Administering Agencies of Indonesian
Workers' Placement Overseas, or Pelaksana Penempatan TKI di Luar
Negeri (PPTKILN).

However, this new acronym is yet to gain currency in the migrant
worker industry.

There are currently four known PJTKI associations that send workers,
including domestic helpers, overseas: Asosiasi Perusahaan Jasa Tenaga
Kerja Indonesia (APJATI), Indonesian Employment Agency Association
(IDEA), Asosiasi Penempatan Jasa TKI Asia Pasifik (Ajaspac) and
Himpunan Pengusaha Jasa TKI (Himsataki).

During an interview with the president and the executive officers of
the largest of these associations, APJATI, it was revealed that PJTKIs
had begun recruiting and sending workers overseas since 1979.

"It was before the government had any mechanism in place for
regulating or monitoring the flow of migrant workers out of the
country. A monitoring unit was set up only in 1982," said Hussein
Alaydrus, the association's president.

A hypothetical scenario was then given.

"A PJTKI receives a job order from Hong Kong for a domestic helper who
can look after elderly folks, and the company does not have anyone in
training for that job requirement. It will contact a sponsor, because
APJATI officials are not allowed to go to places outside the
provincial capital.

"The sponsor will then bring the appropriate person and charge the
company a fee. The company gives the candidate an aptitude test. If
the test results are good, the person will go through a medical
checkup before training."

Not all PJTKIs have their own training center or balai latihan kerja
(BLK), but each has working arrangements with a particular accredited BLK.

At the completion of the training, the candidate will have to pass the
competency test prescribed by the government, then the PJTKI will
arrange the candidate's passport and other necessary documents,
including the air ticket to the country of destination.

Before the candidate's departure, the PJTKI will have to arrange a
predeparture orientation program or pembekalan akhir pemberangkatan (PAP).

The going rate for a sponsor's fee for a candidate for Malaysia is
approximately Rp 1.5 million, higher for Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan
and Saudi Arabia.

The length of time between the handover of the candidate by the
sponsor to the PJTKI and her departure for the country of destination,
depends on the amount of training needed, combined with the length of
time the prospective employer or their agency, which is a local
business partner of the PJTKI, comes up with the candidate's visa and
other documents.

Employers in some countries, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, often
request a video or a CD of candidates. They will then choose the one
they deem the most appropriate, and will approve the visa of the
nominated person.

The Indonesian government

After Oct. 18, 2004, the Indonesian government could finally claim it
had proper legislation governing migration of the country's workers

Before this law was passed by the legislature, according to Andi
Syahrul Pangerang, head of the legal planning section of the manpower
ministry's Legal Office, worker migration was governed by a
ministerial decree, known as Ministerial Decree 2002.

Andi believes that the 2004 worker law provides proper legal
protection to migrant workers against abuse and deception before
departure, during employment and after completion of their contracts

"Anyone, be they individuals or legal companies, who breaks the law in
the course of sending workers overseas could go to prison," Andi
Syahrul said.

The 2004 law depends greatly on the integrity of PJTKIs and
individuals involved in sending workers overseas.

In terms of financial capacity, the minimum capital outlay for an
agency has been increased from Rp 750 million to Rp 3 billion; and the
agency is still required to have a monetary guarantee deposited in a
bank nominated by the Manpower Minister.

The minister has authority to withdraw the funds or part thereof. The
minimum amount of this monetary guarantee however, has been reduced
from Rp 250 million to Rp 15 million.

In addition t

[wanita-muslimah] Pornografi, Pornoaksi, dan Sebuah RUU

2006-02-15 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Pornografi, Pornoaksi, dan Sebuah RUU

MEMASUKI proses-proses akhir, Rancangan Undang-undang Anti Pornografi
dan Pornoaksi yang digodok Komisi VIII DPR RI, mulai menunjukkan
gejala bahwa RUU ini akan menimbulkan polemik yang lumayan kencang di
tengah masyarakat. Gejala ini menarik karena sejak RUU ini diajukan
pemerintah ke DPR tahun 2002, reaksi yang muncul adalah respons
dukungan dari berbagai kalangan. Tak terkecuali Majelis Ulama Indoneia
(MUI), berbagai komunitas dan aktivis-aktivis keagamaan, termasuk di
lingkungan kampus. Bahkan dalam perjalanannya, seiring dengan kian
maraknya media massa yang menjadikan sensualitas dan erotisme sebagai
komoditas, dari mulai televisi, majalah, dan tabloid "kuning", hingga
internet, banyak kalangan akhirnya lebih dari sekadar mengeluarkan
pernyataan dukungannya pada RUU tersebut, melainkan telah berubah
menjadi desakan; agar RUU itu secepatnya disahkan menjadi
undang-undang dan segera diimplementasikan.

Meski ada pandangan yang mencoba mengkritisi RUU tersebut, dengan
argumen bahwa negara akan menjadi polisi moral yang masuk ke urusan
domestik setiap orang jika kelak benar disahkan menjadi UU, suara
mereka ketika itu terdengar sayup-sayup dan belum muncul ke permukaan.
Tapi sejak bulan-bulan terakhir di tahun 2005 yang lalu, suara dan
pandangan kritis terhadap RUU itu mulai santer yang dikaitkan dengan
isu kebebasan berekspresi. Terlebih lagi kemudian RUU itu mulai
beredar di tengah masyarakat.

Mencermati pasal demi pasal dan semangat yang termaktub di dalamnya,
agaknya bisa dimengerti jika muncul sejumlah pandangan kritis terhadap
RUU tersebut, yang umumnya datang dari kalangan seniman dan budayawan.
Pengertian ini tidak melulu mendasar pada anggapan bahwa RUU ini penuh
dengan semangat pemasungan atas kebebasan berekspresi dan akan
menyebabkan kemandekan kreativitas, seperti yang dilontarkan oleh W.S.
Rendra dalam diskusi terbatas di Galeri Cipta II Taman Ismail Marzuki
(TIM) Jakarta (6/1) yang lalu. Tapi juga mendasar pada sejumlah
kerancuan pengertian yang banyak terdapat dalam RUU tersebut. Inilah
yang disorot tajam oleh Prof. Dr. Edy Sediawaty.

Dalam pandangan perempuan yang pernah menjabat sebagai Dirjen
Kebudayaan ini, ada beberapa ketidaksinkronan berpikir dalam RUU
tersebut. Ia mencontohkan pasal 4 yang berisi larangan mengeksploitasi
bagian-bagian tubuh tertentu orang dewasa. "Lalu bagaimana dengan
anak-anak? Lalu pengertian orang dewasa di situ disebut adalah manusia
12 tahun ke atas. Dalam psikologi mana pun tidak ada batasan 12 tahun
untuk usia dewasa. Juga di pasal 36 yang berisi larangan
menyebarluaskan barang pornografi kecuali dengan izin untuk keperluan
ilmu dan pendidikan. Kalau untuk pendidikan, kan bukan pornografi.
Jadi, apa itu pornografi? Kalau mau bikin undang-undang pengertiannya
jangan amatir," ujarnya.

Hal yang sama juga muncul dalam pandangan W.S. Rendra dan rohaniwan
Mudji Sutrisno, yang memandang betapa dari segi logika perumusan
definisi yang ada dalam RUU tersebut salah kaprah.


APA itu pornografi? Pornoaksi? Apa benar keduanya tak bisa dipisahkan,
dan melulu berurusan dengan seks? Inilah yang tampaknya sulit diurai
definisinya. Dalam RUU itu keduanya berhubungan. Dikatakan, pornografi
adalah substansi dalam media atau alat komunikasi yang dibuat untuk
menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan yang mengeksploitasi seksual, kecabulan,
dan/atau erotika. Sedangkan, pornoaksi adalah perbuatan
mengeksploitasi seksual, kecabulan, dan/atau erotika di muka umum.

Meski pun jika sebentar kita membuka Ensiklopedia Nasional Indonesia
(1990) yang menjelaskan kata "porno" dari etimologisnya, yakni "porne"
(pelacur), dan karena itu pengertiannya memang berbau birahi; tapi
inilah yang lagi-lagi jadi pangkal sengkarut. Seakan setiap orang
merasa berhak memiliki definisinya sendiri, termasuk RUU tersebut.
Mungkin ini lumrah, sebab seksualitas, sensualitas, dan erotisme,
bagaimanapun bukanlah wujud yang konkret. Paling tidak, ketiganya
selalu berhubungan dengan privasi subjektivitas setiap orang yang
niscaya berbeda dalam memandang memaknainya.

WS Rendra, misalnya, yang memandang kata "porno" dalam pengertian
kebudayaan. Penyair dan budayawan ini menuturkan, porno adalah semua
yang keluar dari tubuh manusia. Tidak sekadar air mani, air kencing,
air liur, tapi juga darah dan seterusnya. Dalam peradaban berbagai
bangsa, hal itu diharap tidak terjadi di depan umum. "Pornografi tidak
sekadar seks," katanya. Rumitnya mengurai sebuah definisi juga harus
berhadapan dengan berbagai kerancuan yang terdapat dalam RUU tersebut,
seperti yang ditenggarai Prof.Dr. Edy Sedyawati. Tak kalah
membingungkan adalah kerancuan yang juga terdapat pada pasal 35 dalam
hubungannya dengan pengecualian pelarangan pornoaksi sebagaimana
terdapat dalam pasal 25 sampai 32, sepanjang itu menyangkut adat
istiadat, ritus keagamaan-kepercayaan, kegiatan seni, olah raga, dan
pendidikan kesehatan.

Yang kemudian terasa m

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Ancaman Itu Bernama Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi dan Pornoaksi

2006-02-15 Terurut Topik ayeye1
--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Lina Dahlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Ya ampuuun...:-) kok sampe ada pikiran bahwa tubuh pere adalah
>barang yang menjijikan, misoginis, 'setan porno', dll dgn adanya RUU
>ini ya?

>Soal budaya, saya pikir budaya koteka, budaya..baju yang terbuka,
>adanya kan di pedalaman ya? Kalau mereka sudah masuk kota, apa
>mereka masih menggunakan baju-baju terbuka tersebut sih ya?
>Misalnya mereka dah bekerja di kantor pemerintahan di Jayapura, apa
>mereka masih berkoteka?
>Sepertinya kok ketakutan sekali sih, terlalu mengada-ada, gitu!

Apa yang terlalu mengada-ada begitu? Saya percaya bahwa pegawai yang
bekerja di kantor pemerintah tidak akan datang dengan baju-baju
tradisional yang sebagiannya lebih terbuka. Bahkan kalau tidak ada RUU
itu :-D Tetapi apakah hal itu harus diban secara total dari kota dan
bahkan dijadikan sebagai tindakan kriminal?

>Hmmm..mungkin memang ada yang mesti diperbaiki isi dari RUU tersebut?
>Bagaimana keikutsertaan LSM2 Perempuan dalam pembentukan RUU ini?
>Mungkin, sebaiknya dalam BAPPN nanti, anggotanya juga harus ada dari
>LSM2 perempuan ini.

Kayanya RUU ini sempat terlewatkan. Para perempuan yang telah terlibat
dalam pembentukan draft RUU lebih telah menciptakan bumerang daripada
alat peningkatan proteksi terhadap masrakyat sipil, termasuk perempuan
dan anak-2, menurut pendapat saya.

>Ya Allah ya Rabb, mengapa tak kunjung jua saling 'berbaik sangka'
>kepada sesama...?

>mari banyak2 dzikir, biar gak terlalu berfikiran matre'.

Maksud apa dengan gak terlalu berfikiran matre? :-)


Di bawah ini salah satu wawancara tentang RUU APP:

Dra. Myra Diarsi, MA:
RUU Anti Pornografi & Pornoaksi Mubazir
Wawancara | 28/06/2005

Orang-orang yang begitu banyak berharap pada RUU Anti Pornografi dan
Pornoaksi bisa jadi akan patah arang. Rumusan yang buruk dan sanksi
yang muluk-muluk menjadi salah satu kelemahan mendasar draf RUU yang
kini beredar. Demikian hasil perbincangan Novriatoni dari Jaringan
Islam Liberal (JIL) dengan Myra Diarsi, salah seorang aktivis
perempuan yang kini bekerja di Komnas Perempuan dan ikut memantau lalu
lintas RUU ini, Kamis (16/6) lalu.

Orang-orang yang begitu banyak berharap pada RUU Anti Pornografi dan
Pornoaksi bisa jadi akan patah arang. Rumusan yang buruk dan sanksi
yang muluk-muluk menjadi salah satu kelemahan mendasar draf RUU yang
kini beredar. Demikian hasil perbincangan Novriatoni dari Jaringan
Islam Liberal (JIL) dengan Myra Diarsi, salah seorang aktivis
perempuan yang kini bekerja di Komnas Perempuan dan ikut memantau lalu
lintas RUU ini, Kamis (16/6) lalu.

NOVRIANTONI: Mbak Myra, apa kita perlu undang-undang khusus yang
mengatur soal pornografi dan pornoaksi?

[Myra Diarsi] MYRA DIARSI: Saya kira, tidak banyak kelompok perempuan
progresif yang terlibat dalam perumusan RUU Anti Pronografi dan
Pornoaksi, sampai perjalanannya demikian jauh menjadi usulan inisiatif
DPR. Tapi pertama-tama perlu ditegaskan, sebuah undang-undang atau
suatu produk hukum merupakan perwakilan negara untuk mengatur atau
melindungi warga negara. Karena itu, pertanyaan mendasar untuk RUU
ini: siapa yang hendak dilindungi negara?

Saya melihat, RUU ini tidak mengandung aspek perlindungan terhadap
warga negara. Dalam Undang-undang Anti Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga
(KDRT) yang disahkan tahun 2004 lalu, di situ sangat jelas aspek
perlindungannya. Undang-undang itu beranjak dari asumsi bahwa selama
ini ada korban kekerasan di dalam rumah tangga, yaitu perempuan,
anak-anak, dan sedikit laki-laki, tapi tidak ada undang-undang yang
mampu mengontrolnya. KUHP tidak bisa membela mereka yang menjadi
korban tindak kekerasan di dalam lingkup rumah tangga. Karena itu,
kita berusaha mengkriminalisasi perbuatan yang semula tidak dianggap
kriminal. Di situ, aspek perlindungannya jelas, karena ada korban yang

Nah, dalam RUU Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi ini, soal itu mestinya
dipetakan lebih dulu secara lebih jelas. Pelakunya siapa, dan siapa
korban yang mau dilindungi. Lantas, pola hubungan keduanya seperti
apa; setara atau tidak. Saya mengira, pasal-pasal di dalam draf RUU
Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi yang selama ini beredar, tampaknya hanya
akan digunakan untuk mengkriminalisasi orang-orang yang justru rentan
terhadap objek-objek pornografi.

NOVRIANTONI: Di Mesir, undang-undang kesusilaan sangat kental
pembelaannya terhadap perempuan. Colek-colek atau suit-suit di jalan
bisa terjerat hukum susila. Tapi di draf RUU ini, aspek pembelaan itu
tampaknya tidak ada, ya?

MYRA: Memang tidak ada. Yang Anda sebutkan tadi jelas betul wujud
korbannya, yaitu orang yang dijadikan objek pelecehan. Tapi dalam
keterangan-keterangan RUU ini, orang yang memakai baju ketat saja bisa
terjerat. Saya geli mendengar keterangan-keterangan mereka yang
berkampanye mendukung RUU ini. Selama ini, saya selalu menggunakan
pendekatan hak asasi manusia dalam menilai produk perundang-undangan.
Dari situ muncul pertanyaan: apakah nilai-nilai universal y

[wanita-muslimah] Press freedom or religion freedom?

2006-02-13 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Press freedom or religion freedom?

Roy Voragen, Jakarta

On Sept. 30, last year, Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published
twelve cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammed. The paper's chief
editor, Carsten Juste, decided to publish these cartoons to question
self-censorship. Kere Bluitgen, who wrote a biography on the prophet
Muhammed, could not find an illustrator willing to draw a picture of
the prophet. Muslims are only a small minority in Denmark, 3 percent
of the population, i.e. 170.000 people.

Danish Muslims criticized the publication of the cartoons, which they
found insulting. On Oct. 28, the Danish Muslims filed a complaint with
the police, but the Attorney General's Office did not see sufficient
reason to continue the investigation.

On Oct. 12 ambassadors of 10 Islamic countries and the representative
of the Palestinian Authority submitted a request to meet the Danish
prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. On Oct. 28 Rasmussen told them
to deal directly with the paper, which is outside his responsibility,
or to file a complaint with the police.

Jan. 1, 2006, Rasmussen condemns all expressions and actions that try
to incite the hatred of groups of people based on their religion or
religious background, but at the same time he emphasizes the freedom
of opinion. On Jan. 25, religious leaders from Saudi Arabia demand
stern action against Jyllands-Posten, the next day the Saudi
ambassador is withdrawn from Copenhagen and a boycott of Danish goods
started in Saudi Arabia.

On Jan. 30, Jyllands-Posten publishes an apology, the daily apologizes
for hurting the feelings of Muslims, but the paper does not express
any regret over the publication. The next day Danish Muslim
organizations demand a clearer apology, because they think the present
apology is too ambiguous.

On Feb. 2, Rasmussen meets with foreign diplomats to explain that he
cannot intervene in an independent newspaper. But the reactions become
violent: Many of the country's embassies are attacked.

Many other European newspapers decide to republish the cartoons. This
is done for two reasons: Either to defend freedom of opinion and to
support the Danish paper, or to inform the public about the controversy.

But while the papers do have a duty to provide information as
objectively as possible, they do not see it as their duty to educate
their readers in general and Muslim readers in particular to deal with
satire. The cartoonists themselves now have to live in hiding after
receiving death threats.

What is the responsibility of journalists? To avoid religious or
ethnic hatred? According to many Muslims the freedom of expression is
misused when it violates the basic tenets of Islam. The freedom of
expression is, of course, not absolute.

But the boundaries cannot be set beforehand, if one thinks an
expressed opinion discriminates or incites hate, one can file a
complaint with the press council or the police and the police can
conduct a criminal investigation, or one can go to court to file a
civil law suit.

While the 12 cartoons are rather innocent seen in the European
context, in some of these cartoons the position of the cartoonists and
publishers is questioned ("a bunch of reactionary provocateurs"). But
the publication of the cartoons can also be seen as insensitive or
even as a lack of respect toward Muslims.

The publication of these cartoons, on the other hand, cannot be seen
as blasphemy. An outsider -- whether we call him a heathen, kafir
(infidel) or unbeliever -- does not have the duty to uphold the basic
tenets of Islam. It would only be haram for a Muslim to depict the

An outsider, on the other hand, however, has the duty to be respectful
and to show empathy. But freedom of expression cannot mean that we can
only express those things we all agree about, in that case public
space would then become rather empty. Do we always have to show
respect for other people's taboos and sensitivities?

Rasmussen does not want to apologize for an independent newspaper. He
explained that the Danish government is not responsible for the
actions of Jyllands-Posten and its employees. Politicians, though,
have to deal with a dilemma. Do they have to defend freedom of the
press, a pillar of democracy, against intimidation?

Or are the relations with Muslims so explosive that it is more
important to appease Muslims so the situation will not deteriorate any
further into a "clash of civilizations"? Instead of an either-or
story, most Europeans politicians try to give a nuanced story: Freedom
of the press is important, but so is respect for fellow citizens.

Many Europeans, though, are afraid that Muslims are not just asking
for respect, but also want to have a bigger share in public space and
that ultimately public space should be so organized that it does not
violate Islam (Amsterdam without the Playboy bunny!).

Many Europeans are fed up of hearing conspiracy theor

[wanita-muslimah] Perang Identitas -> Re: kartun yg melecehkan Rasul SAW

2006-02-13 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Kecantikan atau ketertarikan (tarik becak kali) kan relatip atau
istilah tergantung orangnya masing-2. :-) Cuma kalau menilai
kecantikan cewe berdasarkan stereotip cenderung miring. Toh jumlah
penduduk Jerman lebih dari 70 juta dan banyak variasi :-) Dulu waktu
saya remaja dan baru  berumur 16 tahun, saya pernah keliling Yunani
dengan group jerman, ada cewe sekitar 15 orang dan pria jerman cuman
satu. Tidak semua cewe yang kulitnya berbintik-2 dan ada juga dua cewe
penari yang saaangaaat halus :-)

Soal pria kaukasian yang memilih cewe Indonesia yang "jelek". Pertama,
itu juga soal pilihan. Warna kulit coklat misalnya tidak mesti
dianggap jelek dan sebaliknya. Kedua, pria WNA belum tentu langsung
memiliki akses ke cewe-2 yang dianggap "cantik". Itu biasanya baru
pria yang sudah mempunyai pengalaman tentang Indonesia yang lebih
banyak. Tetapi tidak selalu harus demikian. Kadang-2 cewe yang
dianggap "jelek" suka lebih agresip. Mas He-Man bayangkan saja :-D
Ketiga, bukan soal kecantikan fisik saja. Keempat, silakan diisi
sendiri :-)


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "He-Man" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Saya juga tidak begitu tertarik pada ce Jerman , soalnya berbulu dan
> bintik-bintik , mendingan cewek lokal yang lebih mulus :))
> Ada satu yang saya heran co bule di Indonesia kalo kawin sama ce lokal
> koq rata-rata milih yang jelek , yang tampang pembokat gitu padahal yang
> cantik banyak.Dulu bokap kan ngurusin para tenaga asing , liat yang
> sama ce Indonesia rata-rata kayak gitu.
> - Original Message -
> From: "ni londo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:11 AM
> Subject: RE: [wanita-muslimah] Perang Identitas -> Re: kartun yg
> Rasul SAW
> > Kalau mahasiswa Indonesia di Jerman, yang saya melihat
> > adalah bahwa mereka biasanya juga tidak terbuka untuk
> > pacaran/nikah sama orang Jerman. Berteman saja
> > jarang...  Pasutri Indonesia-Jerman kebanyakan kenalan
> > di Indonesia, bukan di Jerman... trus si (calon) istri
> > (biasanya kan cewek Indo + cowok bule... lebih pas
> > kali ya?) ikut ke sini... tapi cewek2 Indo yg sudah di
> > sini dalam rangka studi jarang terbuka untuk
> > pacaran/nikah dengan orang Jerman... kalau cowok
> > kadang2 (tapi jarang tuh) ada yg pacaran ama cewek
> > bule, tapi biasanya gak lama trus putus...
> > Mungkin mirip dengan yang di Belanda ya Mbak Herni?
> >

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[wanita-muslimah] When religion becomes sin

2006-02-13 Terurut Topik ayeye1

When religion becomes sin

The irony of democracy's cacophony is that the resulting liberty often
gives birth to the freedom to be intolerant.

There can be no greater prejudice in this country than one based on
religious chauvinism.

It is a case of the fervent few manipulating a passive majority.

These experiences teach us not to put stock in the false messengers of
organized religion who excuse the lunacy of fanatics. Holiness is
respect for all and the courage to stand up for helpless minorities.

Moral goodness is in one's heart, proven through daily actions. It can
never be simply founded in a book of laws which the insidious can
interpret to justify the politics of the day.

Imagine Bali adopting bylaws based on strict interpretations of the
Hindu faith, or the Christian majority in Papua taking advantage of
its special autonomy privileges to embrace Christian conservatism as a
legal precept to regulate daily life.

No doubt Muslims throughout Indonesia would be up in arms.

Why then are our politicians acting so obliviously to the legal
misnomers that have resulted in the unnecessary employment of shariah
law by regional administrations? -- a practice which blatantly
contravenes the 2004 Regional Autonomy Law.

Regencies and mayoralties such as Padang, West Sumatra, Cianjur, West
Java, and Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, have issued bylaws implementing
sharia. Conservatives in other regions are also making headway in
their attempt to impose their religious views as law.

This development is, perhaps, a telling sign of the political elite's
(lack of) commitment to the Constitutional vision of pluralism and
equality before the law.

It is one thing if these people are true ideologues, but we fear they
are mere opportunists instead -- those who would forward
narrow-mindedness in society for the sake of short term political success.

They exploit society's longing for equality, justice and decorum by
stoking religious fervor, all the while neglecting the fact that
morality and justice have nothing to do with the application of
religious laws per se.

Islamic values, and those of most major religions, are universal. It
is already ingrained within the spirit of the 1945 Constitution, which
includes respect for all irrespective of their faith (or lack of it).

We find no significant violation of the Islamic spirit in the laws of
this land. On the contrary most actually reinforce the moral spirit of

That laws do not advocate public whippings, the amputation of a
thief's hand or obligate public alms does not make national laws

It is those who would coerce women to wear headscarves and deny them
the right to be treated equally, who, we believe, are morally deficient.

By placing Islam as a focal point these regions are doing this great
religion a disservice. It defies Islam's very egalitarian premise of
purging discrimination.

Needlessly glorifying shariah law as a political object encumbers the
religion with categorical outcomes when the end results fall short of
the intent, as they often do.

It is the same as erroneously equating Islam with terrorism or the
fact that a great many corruptors in this country proudly use
religious titles before their name.

There's nothing wrong with the religion, it's the people who claim to
be Muslims who are wrong!

The crux of the matter lies in our failure to recognize a distinct
separation of religion from the state.

Indonesian society remains enamored by declarations of faith, while
vilifying those who are morally cogent yet refuse to use their
religion as political commerce.

In 1945 our forefathers made a visionary decision to uphold secular
laws over ones which could potentially discriminate and split the
fragile unity of this nation.

It is a cherished foresight, which a nation still vying for greatness
should never lose sight of.

There can be no alternative now but for the highest judicial bodies of
this land -- the Constitutional Court -- to strike down discriminative
and religion-based regulations which local administrations have no
authority to issue.

Articles 28D and 28I of the 1945 Constitution states that everyone
should be free from discrimination and entitled to equal treatment
before a just law.

Law No. 32/2004 on Regional Autonomy clearly stipulates that religious
affairs are the realm of the central government. Article 28 of the law
forbids regional administrations from taking decisions that
discriminate against any citizen.

The core values of Islam are already alive and well in the hearts of
all good Muslims. They need no boasting from politicians seeking to
please an audience.

Failure to rectify these trespasses would be a moral, Constitutional
and, dare we say, religious sin! 

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[wanita-muslimah] Dual citizenship not enough

2006-02-13 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Dual citizenship not enough

Sally Wellesley, Jakarta

The limited dual citizenship being hailed as a breakthrough by Slamet
Effendy Yusuf, chairman of the House special committee on citizenship
(Bill may lead the way for dual citizenship, The Jakarta Post, on Feb.
8) is indeed a big step forward for Indonesian women, but does not go
nearly far enough toward solving the problems of people in
transnational marriages.

Slamet says that it is "good for Indonesian children to pursue better
education, health and other opportunities in foreign countries". The
problem is, if an age limit is imposed on dual citizenship, these
children will find it difficult to bring the benefits of such
opportunities back to Indonesia.

Let's look at the implications if an age limit of 18 is imposed. We'll
take the example of Putra, the son of an Indonesian mother and an
Australian father. He finishes high school and has managed to earn a
place to study at an Australian university.

Although he has spent all his life in Indonesia, and thinks of
Indonesia as home, he opts for Australian citizenship so that he can
take advantage of the lower fees and other benefits while he is there
-- his parents, who are not wealthy, could not afford to pay the
international fees applied on him as an Indonesian citizen.

Putra works hard and gets a part-time job to help support himself. But
what happens when he makes his yearly visit home to see his family? He
is now a "foreigner", forced to pay US$25 for a visa to enter his own
country and told he can only stay one month.

He finishes his degree and wants to return home to apply his new
skills in Indonesia. He has set his heart on an entry level job with a
local NGO working on community development projects. But, because he
is no longer an Indonesian citizen, he does not have this option.
First, as a new graduate and therefore not an "expert", he doesn't
qualify for a work permit.

Second, few, if any, companies -- and certainly not the small NGO he
wants to work for -- would be willing or able to pay out the huge
costs of a work permit and related fees for a new, inexperienced
graduate. Shunned by his own country, Putra sadly returns to Australia
to find a job, his parents have to resign themselves to the fact that
their son -- and later, their grandchildren -- will always be living a
continent away, and Indonesia loses a potentially valuable human resource.

Indonesia's legislators could look to India for a more pragmatic
approach to this issue. Recognizing that many Indians who have
naturalized overseas still retain important familial, cultural and
economic ties to their native country, the government passed a law in
2003 allowing them to maintain their Indian citizenship as well.

Now they can travel to their own country without visas and invest
without any restrictions. Some developed countries are even witnessing
a reverse migration of highly qualified and experienced Indians who
want to contribute their expertise to the development of their homeland.

At a recent seminar on the Citizenship Bill, a panel of experts that
included Azyumardi Azra, Ikrar Nusa Bakti and Paulus Wirutomo agreed
that dual citizenship was long overdue for Indonesia. In fact, taking
all the advantages and disadvantages into consideration, most of them
concluded that there was no longer any good reason not to allow
unrestricted dual citizenship for all citizens of Indonesia.

The usual objections that are raised -- relating to taxation, national
security, child abduction and so on -- are covered by a multitude of
other laws, conventions and treaties. Indonesia's insistence on a
restricted version of dual citizenship will only keep the door closed
to potential national assets and ensure continued difficulties for
families with "feet in two cultures".

The writer is Co-Secretary of Aliansi Pelangi Antar Bangsa, a
voluntary organization that advocates for nondiscriminative laws and
government policies and legal protection for Indonesian and foreign
nationals and their families. She can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[wanita-muslimah] Gadis Arivia on pornography, philosophy

2006-02-12 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Gadis Arivia on pornography, philosophy

A. Junaidi, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

"Gender influences all aspects of life -- arts, politics, culture and
economy," says feminist thinker Gadis Arivia of University of
Indonesia's (UI) school of philosophy.

Gadis, who is also co-founder and former chief editor of Jurnal
Perempuan feminist magazine, told The Jakarta Post in a recent
interview that gender bias and discrimination against women was also
found in education and sciences, including philosophy.

"Many philosophers should be held responsible for the current
discrimination against women. Their discriminative thoughts have been
applied to many aspects of life," said the mother of two children,
Anissa Joice and Benyamin Arif, from her American husband Rick Polard.

Born in New Delhi on Sept. 4, 1964, Gadis is not new to philosophical
thinking, feminism and women's right movement in Indonesia.

Two years ago, she released her first book, Filsafat Berperspektif
Feminis (Philosophy with Feminist Perspective), which was based on her
doctoral dissertation at UI. Philosopher Franz Magnis-Suseno once
encouraged people interested in philosophy to read the book.

Gadis, who obtained her master's degree from the Ecole Haute Etudes
Scietifique Sociale in France, was once arrested and tried for an
illegal rally protesting against shortage of infant milk during the
last days of Soeharto's era in February 1998.

"Academicians should be involved in the real problems of society,"
argued Gadis, who claims to have been influenced by French philosopher
Jacques Derrida. "Silence is golden, one proverb says, but voicing out
(our ideas) is better, especially for women who have been silenced for

During the interview, Gadis, who is planning to launch another book in
March, talked about various issues -- politics, economy, culture,
body, sexuality and pornography. "We don't need a bill on pornography
and pornographic acts," she said firmly.

The House of Representatives is now deliberating a controversial bill
against pornography and pornographic acts. Do you think we need a law
on pornography?

According to me, we don't need a law on pornography. We already have a
criminal code which is adequate. Moreover, in the bill, there is no
clear definition of pornography, eroticism or sexuality. Those three
terms are very different. If we look at the sanctions stipulated in
the bill, many women would fall victim to the regulation. The bill
regulates (women) on how to dress and behave, which will cost women a
lot. According to me the bill is not useful at all.

Furthermore, the bill curtails the development of arts and culture in
the country.

Theoretically, among feminist theorists, there are two different camps
-- one supports and the other rejects pornography?

There is the McKinnon camp (Chaterine McKinnon, a law professor of
Chicago University) that is anti-pornography. But the camp never
proposed any law to ban pornography. It just suggests on the level of
regulation, which should carry more limitations. McKinnon is often
included in the radical cultural feminist camp.

The other camp is called the radical libertarian feminist. Both camps,
however, agree that regulations have to be established to ban
pornography for children.

They agreed that people who have business in pornography -- writings
or pictures -- should be highly taxed. In so doing, people would think
twice before entering into the business. Any regulation should state
that pornography could only be accessed by people 18 years and older
and that it should only be sold in certain places.

But the current bill on pornography only targets women. It also
suggests a supervisory agency that will be funded by the state budget
or local government. Do we need such an agency? It would be better if
such funds were allocated to health or education.

Moral standards are used more in the bill..."

It seems that moral reasons are used in the bill, but it has an
arbitrary definition of moral. What kind of morality is used in the
draft? It relates to how women should dress up and behave. It does not
regulate men wearing tight pants or being half naked. Clearly, the
target is women.

Many women, if not all, would go bankrupt because the bill carries
heavy penalties of between Rp 50 million and Rp 1 billion for
offenders. It's no secret that our country is one of the most corrupt
in the world. We can already predict that the law would become fertile
ground for corruption. It would be better for offenders to bribe
officers Rp 1 million than to pay the heavy penalty.

How can the use of words such as vagina, penis, sexual and intercourse
be considered pornographic?

Could the literary works of Ayu Utami and Djenar Maesa Ayu become
victims of the bill?

Education is critically important in reading literary works. One has
to be taught how to interpret signs critically. People should not use
a dualistic way of 

[wanita-muslimah] Impractical idealist

2006-02-11 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Impractical idealist

There is no doubt that almost nobody in Indonesia openly agrees with
pornography. However, it is doubtful that the current antipornography
drive, starting with busts of roadside magazine vendors and their
seductive tabloids, will eliminate what the police define as pornography.

Pornography-related issues have hit the headlines along with reports
on the planned publication of a local version of world-renowned men's
magazine Playboy.

The House of Representatives has been deliberating a new law on
pornography, despite the fact that existing articles on pornography in
the Criminal Code have yet to be properly enforced or implemented.

Pros and cons have colored the recent discourse on the issue, with the
debate at times descending to the level of absurdity. A tug-of-war is
taking place in the House over the new law on pornography. Some agree,
some oppose and some are skeptical.

Experts, artists and many others have been summoned by the House to
provide their insights on what constitutes pornography. the result,
however, has been more absurdity. The "king" of dangdut, Rhoma Irama,
used his 15 minutes on the House floor to criticize fellow dangdut
singer Inul Daratista, for what he described as here overly erotic
dance moves.

While our national lawmakers have not yet reached a consensus on a
locally accepted definition of pornography, the police have listed at
least 15 tabloids, newspapers and magazines as "racy publications",
which they claim could erode the morality of the nation. Thus
eliminating "pornography", according to the chairman of the House
special committee drafting the pornography bill, is an exercise in

But all the newspaper sellers are concerned with is how to make ends
meet. So why have they become the first targets of the police raids?
Law enforcement institutions may say the magazine sellers are on the
front line in the battle against porn.

There are newspapers that often run photos of female models in erotic,
seductive poses in their Sunday editions. Some TV stations also have
special adult programming with much sexual innuendo. But they remain
untouched because, frankly, arresting magazine sellers is much simpler
and less problematic than arresting the editors, publishers and
producers behind the TV programs and publications.

There have been several cases of local films being heavily censored
after being deemed obscene by the Film Censorship Institute, only to
have the uncut films circulate widely on the Internet.

According to the draft bill on pornography, anyone broadcasting or
printing footage, songs, poems, recordings or written materials that
exploit sexual-related activities is subject a two-year jail term.

Whatever the reasons behind the recent pornography eradication
efforts, many people enjoy reading racy publications. For married
couples, adult tabloids or magazines may be necessary tools for
maintaining their sexual life.

While people may feel obliged to pay lip service to the merits of the
antipornography drive, there are no doubt some who are asking which is
more dangerous to the morality of the nation: pornography or
gratuitous violence.

Acts of violence take place almost daily across the archipelago.
People can snap in an instant over trivial matters, becoming angry
enough to kill or burn down a building. Violence often is the first
choice for settling problems instead of dialog.

So, before things go further, more study is needed so we can move
forward in a more realistic, practical and appropriate manner. In this
way we can avoid becoming impractical idealists like Don Quixote. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Samsidar: In pursuit of a humane Acehnese society

2006-02-07 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Samsidar: In pursuit of a humane Acehnese society

Carla Bianpoen, Contributor, Jakarta

Both the Helsinki Accord and the BRR (Aceh and Nias Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction Agency) are failing to include women, says Samsidar,
Nobel Prize candidate, special rapporteur on Violence against Women,
and chair of the Aceh Women Volunteers for Humanity (RPuK).

"Women should have been given a major role in the making of the
rehabilitation and reconstruction blueprint, but although BRR chief
Pak Kuntoro has repeatedly stated women have a key role in making the
rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts a success, he has yet to
establish concrete strategies to allow women to act upon his word,"
she says.

"Neither has the Helsinki Accord accorded adequate space to women.
Women took the brunt during Aceh's long struggle, were harassed,
violated and raped, while taking responsibility for the survival of
their families when their menfolk left home to fight, or were killed
or simply disappeared without trace.

"Setting up shelters and barracks without giving a thought to women's
specific concerns may have been inevitable in the first moments of
urgency, but today such negligence is giving rise to rampant violence;
women in the barracks are left in fear, anguish and inconceivable

The post-tsunami situation and peace accord should have provided
momentum to revitalize old traditions with modern understanding,
explains Samsidar.

When internally displaced people (IDPs) from Meunasah Lhok wished to
leave their shelters, she and her RPuK Team facilitated the rebuilding
of their village based on democratic values rooted in community
traditions of mutual respect that were on the verge of extinction.

"Women are a major source to tap if a peaceful, prosperous, and just
society is a genuine desire of power holders," says Samsidar.

Her commitment to the establishment of a society where peace and
security reign as basic elements of people's well-being does not come
out of the blue. One of the early leaders of the Aceh women's
movement, her efforts started when she found women were sidelined and
marginalized in ways that defied logic. That was some twenty years ago.

Activist and action

Following her activism during her student days at the Department of
Agriculture of Syah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, as a researcher into
sustainable food crops and plant protection, she blended lecturing at
the Agriculture Department of Gajah Putih University in Takengon with
consultancy for the PPW/LTA-77 Project for Coffee Smallholders, which
included empowerment of women farmers (a joint project between the
Indonesian and Dutch governments).

She became the founder of the Foundation for Women's Development in
Takengon (YPW), which was among the first women's organization in the

With a membership of 1,000 women (now reduced to 500), YPW includes a
credit union (economic empowerment), and organizes community
participation, studies on women in Islam, and provides advocacy for
women victims of violence as well as assisting women IDPs.

She and her team defied threats to help coffee smallholders retain
their human dignity.

A mover and shaker, she was also a founder of the Aceh Transformation
and Gender Working group (1986), as well as a founder of Flower Aceh
NGO in 1987 which aimed at women's empowerment, heading the board
until recently. She was also behind the founding (in 1999) of RPuK, a
group she still heads, focusing on assistance and rehabilitation of
women and children IDPs, which has earned a unique reputation for
credibility in post-tsunami assistance.

In 1998 she became a member of the newly established National
Commission on Violence against Women, also serving as adjunct

Since 2005 she has served as the special rapporteur on Violence
against Women in Aceh, who seeks out and receives information on
violence against women in Aceh, and recommends ways and means of
dealing with these issues at local, regional and national levels.

Samsidar was also a major player in the holding of Duek Pakat Inong
Aceh (All-Aceh Women's Conference) 2000, bringing together over 500
women who came up with a a comprehensive blueprint for establishing
peace in their troubled land.

Similarly, she helped hold the second Duek Pakat Inong Aceh in June
2005, the recommendations from which were welcomed warmly by BRR
chief, but have yet to be realized.

Known for her firm commitment and belief in women as prime movers of
transformation, she is also among the most credible women whose
personal integrity makes her among the strong pillars of the women's
movement in Aceh.

Family ties

As she travels throughout the province and back-and-forth between
Lhokseumawe, Banda Aceh and Jakarta, the 39-year-old Acehnese is a
familiar face in the world of activists.

Not many know, however, that her roots were in the aristocracy that
ruled Aceh Besar and

[wanita-muslimah] Drawn conclusions

2006-02-07 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Middle East dispatch
Drawn conclusions

Arab governments have joined the fray over the cartoon row for their
own political reasons, writes Brian Whitaker

Tuesday February 7, 2006

In one of the less-reported protests against you-know-what, thousands
of Yemeni women marched through the streets of Sana'a on February 1
with banners saying "Boykot Danish products".

The demonstration lasted a couple of hours and was a peaceful affair,
marked not so much by fury as puzzlement over the Danish newspaper's
behaviour in publishing the cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad.

"The question 'why?' was asked again and again among the women," a
reporter for the Yemen Times wrote. "A lot of the protesters believe
that the drawings [sic] has to do with ignorance. People in the west
do not have enough knowledge about the prophet Muhammad and the place
he has in the hearts of Muslims."

Article continues
One woman demonstrator told the Yemen Times: "If the editor of the
[Danish] newspaper had known about Muhammad's life, he would not have
published these drawings. The people of the west should read about
Islam, because then they would understand why we love him so much, and
why we feel so insulted."

Another agreed: "There are bad people all over the world. Bad
Christians, bad Jews, bad Muslims. We all know that. But the newspaper
portrayed Muhammad as a terrorist, and terrorism has nothing to do
with Muhammad or with being a Muslim."

I had been reluctant to write about the Great Cartoon War until now,
believing there are more serious things for the world to worry about,
but the political consequences of the affair have become difficult to

Of course, there are plenty of Muslims who are upset by the drawings
(now that they have heard about them) - though bombarding the editor
of Jyllands-Posten with protest letters or following the peaceful
example of the Yemeni women strikes me as a far more appropriate
response than setting fire to embassies.

On the other side of the argument, there are also more useful ways of
asserting free speech than by reprinting the cartoons and causing
gratuitous offence.

Since the cartoons were first published last year, all sorts of people
with an axe to grind have muscled in on the row. A posting on the
notoriously Islamophobic website, Jihadwatch, for instance, describes
it portentously as "a struggle between exponents of a free society and
organised thuggery". Meanwhile, several Arab governments - for their
own political reasons - have busily fanned the flames in the opposite

I spent most of last week in Qatar where there was coverage in the
press and the authorities permitted a demonstration, but the cartoons
were scarcely the topic on everyone's lips. In the hotel where I
stayed - a small place frequented by Pakistani Muslims - nobody
mentioned it, nor did any of the local taxi drivers. On Friday
lunchtime, when news of the Red Sea ferry disaster first appeared on
TV, people in Qatar seemed much more concerned about that.

The main offence of the cartoons, as far as I can see, is that several
of them stereotype Muslims, portraying Islam as an inherently violent
religion. The additional matter of insulting the prophet is more
difficult for non-Muslims to understand.

Theologically, it's a bit of a puzzle. In Christianity Jesus is divine
but in Islam Muhammad is simply a man chosen by God to deliver 'His
message'. Profane images of Jesus may provoke controversy in the west
but these days they don't usually cause serious uproar - so why all
the fuss among Muslims over images of the prophet?

The Egyptian blogger Sandmonkey offered a non-theological explanation
in an interview with the Austrian newspaper, Der Standard: "This
reaction isn't really about the cartoon or how offensive it is. Not
really. This is actually an outlet to the huge frustration that
millions of Muslims have accumulated over the years ... they are so
angry and frustrated and hopeless that they all turn more and more to
religion for solace and comfort and it becomes their focus.

"The prophet for many of them is the ultimate symbol of the good
strong Arab Islamic leader at a time where such leaders are
inexistent. It's the only role model, only hero, they have left. So
naturally they are not exactly the most understanding people when it
comes to what they view as attempts to mock or discredit him."

At the level of Arab governments' reactions, however, there are
grounds for cynicism. Egypt's foreign minister, Ahmed Abul-Gheit, for
example, took up cudgels over "this disgraceful act" last November, in
the midst of parliamentary elections where the opposition Muslim
Brotherhood were making gains.

Despite being steeped in corruption (or perhaps because of it), the
Mubarak regime's efforts to appear holier than the Brotherhood - by
banning books, rounding up gay men, and making diplomatic
representations about the cartoons - have b

[wanita-muslimah] My loving, respectful image of Prophet Muhammad

2006-02-06 Terurut Topik ayeye1

My loving, respectful image of Prophet Muhammad

Lily Zakiyah Munir, South Carolina, U.S.A.

"None of you (truly) believes until he wishes for his brother what he
wishes for himself." (Prophet Muhammad)

The above citation from the Prophet Muhammad's hadith popped into my
mind as I was following the news here in the U.S. on the worldwide
protests staged against the insulting cartoons of the Prophet.
Earlier, I received an email from a friend with the website address
containing the 12 cartoons, and also from an email group of which I am
a member.

My immediate reaction was, like most other Muslims', emotional. I
could not help but to shed tears. It was like the feeling I had when
my beloved kids were hurt or insulted by their naughty friends. It is
even more than that.

But then I tried to calm myself down. I prayed to Allah to give me
patience and wisdom so that I can react with sanity.

My childhood times in pesantren (Islamic boarding school) have shaped
my loving and respectful image of this special human who is an uswatun
hasanah (role model for good qualities). Muhammad's life and his work
are a living testimony to his genius. His success in transforming the
Arab nomads into societies with shared norms and ethics within ten
years is a tribute to his faith and his superior moral qualities.

Muhammad did not consider his mission as superior to any of the former
prophets; he was one of them, but the last to be commissioned by Allah
to deliver the same message previously delivered by his former
colleagues. He wanted his fellow Arabs to worship one God, the only
God, as worshiped by their neighbors, the Christians and the Jews, as
ordained in the Koran,

"Say, we believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to us, in what
was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes; in
what was given to Moses and Jesus, and in what the prophets received
from their Lord; we make no distinction between any of them." (Q.S.

"Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for
others, sharing other people's suffering. On these lines every
religion had more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal," so
said the Dalai Lama of Tibet.

The Prophet Muhammad's above hadith clearly reflects the Dalai Lama's
saying. Back 15 centuries ago, the Prophet taught his people that if
they want to become true believers, they are to treat their fellow
human beings the way they wish to be treated. In Christianity, this
religious precept is often expressed as "Do unto others as you would
have them do onto you."

Religions differ in their concepts of deity, other beliefs and
practices. But there is a near unanimity of opinions among almost all
religions that each person should treat others in a decent manner.
Almost all great traditions have passages in their holy texts, or in
the writings of their leaders, which promote this Ethic of Reciprocity.

One result of this Ethic of Reciprocity is the concept that every
person shares certain inherent human rights simply because of their
membership in the human race. People are individually very different,
they come in different genders; different sizes, colors and shapes;
different races and ethnic groups; and different levels of ability.
They follow different religious and economic systems; and they speak
different languages and follow different cultures. But there is a
growing consensus that each and every member o the human race is of
equal importance. All should enjoy basic human rights. The United
Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is one
manifestation of this growing worldwide consensus.

The incidents resulting from the insulting cartoons on the Prophet
Muhammad would not have happened if people in the Jyllands Posten in
Denmark had internalized this Ethic of Reciprocity, which is an
underlying principle of the UDHR. This ignorance is perpetrated by
their further ignorance of the true essence of Islam, which led to
their failure in distinguishing between Islam and its Prophet Muhammad
and a number of individuals claiming themselves to be 'Muslims' but
actually are hijackers of the religion for their political interests.

This incidence refutes Huntington's thesis that the conflicts between
Islam and the West occur because of the so called 'clash of
civilizations.' It is not that, but to me, it is because of clash of

The writer is a pesantren activist. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Religious persecution

2006-02-06 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Religious persecution

The inconsistency between what the government says and what it does
(or does not do) about freedom of religion could not have been more
starkly illustrated than it was by two incidents that took place just
hours, and a few hundred kilometers, apart Saturday.

In Jakarta, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in a speech
celebrating Chinese New Year, said the government was constitutionally
bound to protect freedom of religion and the right of all people to
practice their faith.

Using the occasion to address followers of Confucianism, here is what
the President said, in part, as quoted by Kompas: "In this country,
there is no such thing as religions that are recognized or not
recognized by the state. The Constitution guarantees the freedom of
every citizen to have a religion and to practice their faith. The
state shall never interfere in any religious teachings. The duty of
the state is to protect, serve and facilitate the building and
maintenance of places of worship and to encourage citizens to become
good followers of their religions."

To the east, in a village on Lombok, about 2,000 people attacked a
compound housing 31 families of followers of Ahmadiyah, an Islamic
sect with origins in India. Police sent to protect the families were
far outnumbered and helpless to stop the attackers from burning the

Fortunately, there were no deaths and all of the families were safely
evacuated. Still, the ugly attack had the tacit approval of the local
administration and Muslim ulema. Nationally, Ahmadiyah has been
declared a heretical sect by the Indonesian Ulema Council, which is
one reason the authorities have been halfhearted in coming to the aid
of its followers when they find themselves under attack, including
this latest incident.

The President's speech was comforting, particularly for religious
minorities in the country. To them, these were words to live by in a
country that has, since its inception, strived to adhere to the
principles of pluralism where the rights of minorities are respected
and protected.

Yudhoyono was simply invoking the Constitution in his speech. He was
reiterating the duties and obligations of the government in
guaranteeing and protecting religious freedom. Although the context of
his speech was the discrimination followers of Confucianism, mostly
ethnic Chinese, continue to encounter, there was no doubt the promises
and guarantees were universal and applicable to followers of all
religions and beliefs that exist in the country.

Sadly, the reality is far from the rosy picture painted by the
Constitution and the President. If anything, the situation seems to be
deteriorating of late. Minority Christians are finding it harder to
build new churches and established Christian places of worship have
been forced to close down by their Muslim neighbors and radical
groups. And the followers of Ahmadiyah face nothing less than
persecution, with very little state protection being offered.

The President himself appeared ambiguous, if not inconsistent, in his
speech, invoking a 1965 presidential ruling that identifies six
religions -- Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and
Confucianism -- that are followed by citizens of the country. This
ruling amounts to a state recognition of these religions, and by way
of implication, the nonrecognition of any other religions and beliefs.

The bureaucracy has religiously applied this policy of recognition and
nonrecognition when dealing with such issues as the religion of a
person on his/her identification card. The civil registry will not
accept marriages that are not performed in accordance with the rituals
of one of these "state-recognized" religions, much less marriages
between people of different faiths.

This practice of "selective pluralism" in dealing with religion
contravenes the very nature of the freedom of religion guaranteed in
the Constitution and invoked by the President in his speech. This
policy has many unintended consequences.

Under current practices, for example, Ahmadiyah has to be considered
an Islamic sect. But the denunciation by the Indonesian Ulema Council
has left Ahmadiyah in a quandary, while its followers continue to be
subject to violent attacks.

If the President were to wipe the 1965 ruling off the books, then
Ahmadiyah followers could safely put "Ahmadiyah" as their religion on
their ID cards. This would help end the heated debate over whether the
sect is Islamic, and the persecution of Ahmadiyah would, hopefully,
cease once and for all.

Why is there still such a huge divide between what the Constitution
says on the question of religious freedom, as eloquently evoked by the
President on Saturday, and the reality on the ground? Perhaps the
President, or someone in the government, would care to explain? 

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: untuk Mas Ilham

2006-02-05 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Terima kasih atas tanggapan, Mas Ilham.
Soal nama, silakan panggil saya Mas Ayeye :-)

Saya sudah mengikuti diskusi ini dari awal dan sudah membaca tulisan
dari Mbak Ferona maupun tanggapan dari Mas Ilham.

Kalau Mbak Mia tidak suka menghindari untuk menjawab pertanyaan.
Mungkin saja Mbak Mia sedang mengurus kesibukan lain, karena lagi
jarang muncul di milis. Sedangkan diskusi yang serius memerlukan cukup
waktu dan suasana yang tenang. Setidaknya untuk saya. Mungkin juga Mas
Ilham telah bertanya dengan nada yang terlalu agresip kepada Mbak Mia.
Meskipun saya tahu bahwa Mbak Mia selalu berbesar hati dan sabar sifatnya.

Sukyur apabila masukan saya diterima dengan baik oleh Mas Ilham.
Terima kasih juga.


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Ilham Firdaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Assalamualaikum.
> Pada dasarnya saya terima masukan dari Mas Ayeye (Maaf saya gak tauk
> lengkapnya).
> Soal asal 'the lazy boy' bisa didapat dengan mengikuti e-mail saya
sejak saya 
> menanggapi tulisan Mbak Ferona.
> Soal Mbak Mia, silahkan meminta Mbak Mia untuk menjawab 3 point
> yang saya berikan. Penjelasannya ada disitu.
> Saya mohon maaf atas perbuatan saya yang dirasa kurang sopan
di-forum ini.
> Terima-kasih.
> Wassalamualaikum.
> On Monday 06 February 2006 00:18, ayeye1 wrote:
> > Mas Ilham, saya kurang memahami mengapa sampai Mas Ilham bisa bersikap
> > seperti itu terhadap Mas Ary, apalagi dengan melontarkan komentar tadi
> > yang lebih melecehkan daripada mengandung isi yang argumentatif.
> > Demikian Mas Ilham telah menunjukkan sikap berprasangka negatip juga
> > terhadap Mbak Mia.
> >
> > Sebagai nasehat pribadi, saya menyarankan kepada Mas Ilham agar lebih
> > berusaha untuk mengetahui tentang para anggota WM. Salah satu cara
> > bisa dengan membaca tulisan maupun tanggapan yang tersedia dalam arsip
> > milis WM, sehingga dapat lebih mengetahui soal kualitas yang
> > sebenarnya para anggota WM. Apalagi kalau bisa ketemu secara langsung
> > in persona. :-)
> >
> > Sebagian anggota WM bahkan termasuk figur publik yang cukup diakui
> > oleh masrakyat luas, baik dari segi karakteristik pribadi maupun
> > intelektualitasnya. :-)
> >
> > Akhirnya saya ingin menyampaikan pendapat pribadi saya, yaitu predikat
> > seperti "lazy boy" tidak pantas dilontarkan kepada Mas Ary. Demikian
> > juga tidak benar bahwa tingkahnya Mas Ary jadi dimakan oleh rasa
> > dengki dan kebencian. Sebab sudah bertahun-tahun saya memperhatikan
> > tulisan Mas Ary di milis ini dan kesan saya justru Mas Ary selalu
> > bersikap berbesar hati dan terbuka maupun bisa berargumentasi dengan
> > cerdas.
> >
> > Itu penilaian saya pribadi dan Mas Ilham tentunya berhak untuk tidak
> > sependapat. Selanjutnya adalah pilihan Mas Ilham sendiri bagaimana
> > ingin meneruskan diskusi sesama anggota WM.
> >
> > Salam,
> > ayeye

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Milis Wanita Muslimah
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[wanita-muslimah] Re: untuk Mas Ilham

2006-02-05 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Mas Ilham, saya kurang memahami mengapa sampai Mas Ilham bisa bersikap
seperti itu terhadap Mas Ary, apalagi dengan melontarkan komentar tadi
yang lebih melecehkan daripada mengandung isi yang argumentatif.
Demikian Mas Ilham telah menunjukkan sikap berprasangka negatip juga
terhadap Mbak Mia.

Sebagai nasehat pribadi, saya menyarankan kepada Mas Ilham agar lebih
berusaha untuk mengetahui tentang para anggota WM. Salah satu cara
bisa dengan membaca tulisan maupun tanggapan yang tersedia dalam arsip
milis WM, sehingga dapat lebih mengetahui soal kualitas yang
sebenarnya para anggota WM. Apalagi kalau bisa ketemu secara langsung
in persona. :-)

Sebagian anggota WM bahkan termasuk figur publik yang cukup diakui
oleh masrakyat luas, baik dari segi karakteristik pribadi maupun
intelektualitasnya. :-)

Akhirnya saya ingin menyampaikan pendapat pribadi saya, yaitu predikat
seperti "lazy boy" tidak pantas dilontarkan kepada Mas Ary. Demikian
juga tidak benar bahwa tingkahnya Mas Ary jadi dimakan oleh rasa
dengki dan kebencian. Sebab sudah bertahun-tahun saya memperhatikan
tulisan Mas Ary di milis ini dan kesan saya justru Mas Ary selalu
bersikap berbesar hati dan terbuka maupun bisa berargumentasi dengan

Itu penilaian saya pribadi dan Mas Ilham tentunya berhak untuk tidak
sependapat. Selanjutnya adalah pilihan Mas Ilham sendiri bagaimana
ingin meneruskan diskusi sesama anggota WM.


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Ilham Firdaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Och...boy.. Your brain is really screw up now...
> Kasihan orang ini, tingkahnya jadi "rusak" dimakan oleh rasa dengki dan 
> kebenciannya..
> ===
> On Saturday 04 February 2006 22:42, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto wrote:
> > He he he makanya saya bilang kalau Anda belum paham dengan
maksudnya mas
> > Aman
> > (Wah orangnya saja sudah ketuker-tuker, mbok jangan kalap begitu
dong mas
> > Ilham)
> >
> > Lha wong jelas Anda ditanya kok,
> > sekarang mana jawaban Anda?
> >
> > Salam (sesama lazy boy)
> > Ary
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Ilham Firdaus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 12:54 PM
> > Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Kekerasan pada anak: kisah Nabi
> > mengorbankan anak.
> >
> > > Yang berhak bertanya dalam hal ini adalah Mas Anwar sendiri.
> > >
> > > Saya sudah memberikan kepada beliau referensi yang cukup,
kecuali kalo
> >
> > beliau
> >
> > > kembali bertanya. Saya sudah mengukur kerajinan dan keseriusan
Mas Anwar.
> > >
> > > Lazy boy is always being a lazy boy. Dia berfikir bahwa semua
orang baru
> > > pinter kalo 'ilmu' itu cuman disuapin doank selayaknya anak
bayi. Makanya
> >
> > the
> >
> > > lazy boy itu maunya dicekokin alias disuapin kayak anak bayi.
> >
> > syarat
> >
> > > orang supaya ber-ilmu adalah: "cukup diberi hint, maka mereka akan
> > > mencari sendiri referensi sekaligus jawabannya. karena pada dasarnya
> > > orang
> >
> > ber-ilmu
> >
> > > adalah orang yang suka mandiri dan suka berfikir.".
> > > 
> > >

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[wanita-muslimah] Pesantren and rising intolerance

2006-02-03 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Pesantren and rising intolerance

Suratno, Jakarta

An article that appeared in The Jakarta Post (Jan. 18), titled
Pesantren no hive of tolerance, discussed the results of a survey
conducted by the Jakarta-based International Center for Islam and
Pluralism (ICIP). The survey of 20 pesantren, or Islamic boarding
schools, in West Java showed a generally held belief among students
and clerics of the schools that there was no compromising on the
matter of religion. Tolerance, according to them, should only be
limited to sociopolitical and economic issues.

In practical terms, their unbending view of religious right and wrong
means no uttering of a Merry Christmas greeting to Christians, or any
other expression of acceptance of a faith other than Islam.

The results of this survey, of course, were questioned by many people,
including myself. The results raise a question: Do pesantren really
teach intolerance to students?

I would say that based on my own experiences, the answer is absolutely
not. I lived and studied at three different pesantren for about 10
years (1985-1995), while in elementary school, junior high school and
high school. Those three pesantren were Al-himmah in Cilacap and
Al-huda and Salafiyah, both in Kebumen. They are all traditional
pesantren affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

During my studies at the pesantren, I do not recall any teachings that
taught santri (students) to be intolerant. The educational orientation
of the pesantren was directed at helping students keep a balance
between theoretical (ilmiyah) and practical (amaliyah) aspects of
Islamic teachings. In practice, students were encouraged to have the
spirit of humanity and friendship toward others.

Once a month, for example, many students volunteered along with people
from outside the pesantren to pick up trash in the area around the
school. These volunteers included many non-Muslims.

In addition, during every religious holiday, such as Christmas, the
pesantren always received bread and cakes from local churches and the
students wished the people delivering the treats a Merry Christmas.
Similarly, during the Islamic Day of Sacrifice, students helped
distribute meat to the needy, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Based on my own experiences, it is difficult for me to picture
pesantren teaching the theology of intolerance. Still, my experience
happened about 10 yeas ago. The dynamics of society and government
have possibly changed the characteristics of Islamic boarding schools
in Indonesia. So maybe the results of the ICIP survey are valid. There
are a number of reasons the pesantren may have changed:

First, since the fall of Soeharto in 1998, the activities of
conservative and radical Islamic groups in Indonesia have increased.
This may have had an impact to the opinions of students and clerics at

Second, the fatwa (edict) issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council that
secularism, liberalism and pluralism are forbidden, either directly or
indirectly, may have influenced clerics at pesantren to become more
conservative, even radical.

Third, the patron-client culture of pesantren has possibly supported
the transformation to a more intolerant theology. In this
transformation, the clerics would play an important role in
influencing their students.

Fourth, the curricula at pesantren, including the study of the Kitab
Kuning (the classical Yellow Book), which was produced by Middle
Eastern ulema, does not always suit the Indonesian context. The Kitab
Kuning should be critically reinterpreted and revised, as was done by
some young NU clerics. The literal interpretation of the Kitab Kuning
has resulted in some santri following a literal interpretation of Islam.

These explanations are in contrast to the true essence of pesantren.
To overcome this, we should rethink the idea of Abdurrahman "Gus Dur"
Wahid about the subcultures of pesantren. This means the schools
should reorient themselves and their subcultures.

The first step would be adopting a model of pesantren leadership that
is independent and not co-opted by political and economic interests.
Such a model of leadership is important because in pesantren, the only
boss the clerics have is God. No one can intervene in the leadership
of a cleric at a pesantren. In fact, many clerics are not strong
enough to resist the temptations of power, money and political
positions, offered by political groups seeking to further their own ends.

The second step would be to introduce more textbooks to the schools
beside the Kitab Kuning, including modern and contemporary books that
cover many different schools of thought. Through more modern and
contemporary books, students at the schools would be exposed to many
different subjects. This would expand their knowledge and open them to
different perspectives.

Contemporary pesantren tend to pay more attention to the teaching of
fiqh, which tends to be rigid, n

[wanita-muslimah] Re: soal bahasa jerman

2006-01-29 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Halo Mbak Mia, saya bukan pakar bahasa dan biasanya saya yang sering
suka dikoreksi soal bahasa :-) Tetapi berhubung ini menyangkut yang
masih dasar, saya memberanikan diri untuk menjelaskan. Bravo Mbak Mia,
"ich liebe dich" ditulis dengan benar :-)

Arti dari du hast: kamu telah, karena kalimat tadi memakai bentuk
waktu perfek. Selainnya: kamu mempunyai

Du hast einen Fehler gemacht.
Kamu telah berbuat suatu kesalahan.

Perbandingan dalam bahasa inggris dan perancis:

You have made a mistake.

Tu as fait une faute.


Ich habe (I have, j'ai, saya telah atau mempunyai)
Du hast (you have, tu as, kamu telah atau mempunyai)
Er/Sie hat (he/she has, il/elle a, dia/ia telah atau mempunyai)

Wir haben (we have, nous avons, kami/kita telah atau mempunyai)
Ihr habt (you have, vous avez, kalian telah atau mempunyai)
Sie haben (they have, ils/elles ont, mereka telah atau mempunyai) 

Kata kamu (du) juga bisa dimulai dengan huruf besar (Du) sebagai
bentuk kesopanan. Sebagai tambahan, "Du" hanya dipergunakan terhadap
orang yang sudah akrab atau anak-anak, sebagaimana halnya dengan
"kamu". Selainnya pakai "Sie" dan bentuk gramatik seperti person
ketiga, plural. Agak berbeda dengan bahasa perancis dimana bentuk
kesopanan memakai person kedua, plural terhadap orang yang belum
menjadi akrab. Memang dikenal juga pengecualian dalam bahasa jerman
yang memakai person kedua, plural, misalnya kalau kita lagi
berkomunikasi dengan para ratu dan raja, dst.

Sie haben einen Fehler gemacht.
Vous avez fait une faute.

Satu ciri khas lagi dari bahasa jerman adalah kata benda yang selalu
dimulai dengan huruf besar. Belum lagi harus tahu apakah maskulin,
feminim atau netral. Selamat berpusing :-)


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Mia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eittt...nimbrung sih nimbrung...:-) jangan malah bikin repot dong.
> Tuluuung...du hast du hast itu artinya apaan..gue taunya cuman ich 
> liebe dich doang...nulisnya juga belum tentu bener..o,ya...heil 
> Hitler...!
> Apa ini yang namanya mantiq-nahwu-shorof? 
> salam
> Mia
> --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, ni londo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > mohon maaf sebesar2nya saya nimbrung sebentar saja
> > ya... 
> > 
> > --- Ilham Firdaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > 
> > > On Sunday 29 January 2006 21:28, Ary Setijadi
> > > Prihatmanto wrote:
> > > > - Original Message -
> > 
> > (cut)
> > > > Leider, du hast eine Fehler gemacht aber du nicht
> > > wissen.
> > > 
> > > IF>Mohon jangan tersinggung kalo yang ini juga saya
> > > luruskan:"Leider, du hast 
> > > eine Fehle gemacht aber du weiss nicht".
> > 
> > ehemm... maaf, maaf... tapi rasanya saya harus
> > meluruskan yang katanya sudah diluruskan tapi ternyata
> > belum lurus juga... ;)
> > yang richtig adalah:
> > 
> > "Leider hast du einen Fehler gemacht, aber du weisst
> > es nicht"
> > 
> > tapi itu masih agak kaku... lebih lancar kalau:
> > 
> > "Leider hast du einen Fehler gemacht, ohne es zu
> > wissen"
> > atau: "Du hast leider einen Fehler gemacht, ohne es zu
> > wissen"
> > der/ein Fehler... maskulin... :)
> > 
> > mohon jangan tersinggung ya... 
> > salam,
> > ni londo

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[wanita-muslimah] State and personal morality

2006-01-28 Terurut Topik ayeye1

State and personal morality

Benny Susetyo, Jakarta

The introduction of an anti-pornography bill is seen by some circles
as an excessive move if indeed its sole purpose is to save the younger
generation from immoral conduct. Critics of the bill mainly question
whether the presence of a law regulating pornography will effectively
eliminate immorality and vice in society.

In view of the increasingly widespread absorption of information
through globalization, the bill in fact seems badly needed to protect
the younger generation from the threat of immorality.

But what has not been reflected on is the fact that the bill
constitutes very strong intervention on the part of the state in the
private lives of its citizens.

The basic concept of the bill should be examined. There is an
excessive tendency to view sexuality as the nation's biggest issue.
Therefore, the bill over-regulates extremely personal matters. It
stipulates that all illustrations and descriptions of nudity or sexual
intercourse constitute pornography.

Actually, human nudity has been an object of art for thousands of
years and should be recognized as such accordingly. The body is a
human expression and this body with all its parts is God's valuable
creation. The esthetic value of the human body is positive.

This aspect has not been dealt with in the bill which tends to over
generalize. There is no distinction made between pornography and
eroticism. In pornography, sexuality is isolated and taken as
absolute. Not surprisingly, pornography is often exclusively a male
problem. Here the issue of gender arises, in which women are degraded
as an object of men's sexual desire.

In this case the main duty of the state is to protect social values,
in particular to protect women and children from trafficking and
exploitation. Its main duty is thus to promote public welfare instead
of determining and regulating how people should maintain their morality.

In a more precise sense, there is no direct relationship between the
anxiety of some sectors of society over the increasing immorality and
the dissemination of easily accessible pornographic materials. What
has been overlooked in this context is the weakening role of the state
in protecting its citizens.

The government has responded by providing an inappropriate solution by
initiating the anti-pornography bill. Meanwhile, the fundamental
weakness in the bill that eludes consideration is the subjugation of
the individual's right to privacy by the government. The right to
develop art and culture to enhance the quality of life as specified in
Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution is restricted by the bill. The
Constitution guarantees freedom of thought as a basic human right that
cannot be reduced under any conditions whatsoever.

The bill, if it is endorsed, will give ample room for the state to
assert dominance over its people. Instead of killing an ant, an
elephant is slaughtered. Instead of upholding public morality, the
state is just expanding its power to control every detail of the body
and ideas of its citizens.

Here the state restricts "the right to seek, obtain, own, keep,
process and convey information by means of all available channels" as
already stipulated in Article 28, paragraph F of the Constitution. The
bill is also opposed to Article 28, paragraph D of the Constitution,
which serves as a legal basis for the formulation of this draft.

Vague definitions will obscure the difference between pornography,
eroticism and obscenity. This is the most excessive expression of
force against or exploitation of sexuality as a commodity by the
state. The definition of pornography in publications implies that
unpublished pornographic material is not considered pornography
pursuant to the bill.

When it is enforced, the criminalization of victims will be intense,
regardless of the socio-economic context in which women and children
fall prey to pornography, as described in various stories of human

Sadly, this bill fails to deal with pornography as an issue of
violence against women. The items mentioned as pornographic have very
limited significance, coupled with unclear meanings of pornography.
Works of art are to be limited, too, and be allowed only very limited
room for display.

Actually it would be preferable to enforce the prevailing laws
regulating to pornography. Then the anti-pornography bill would not be
required. When pornography appears in the media, the government can
apply Law No. 40/1999 on the print media and Law No. 32/2002 on
broadcasting. They are more than sufficient to govern the publication
of offensive materials.

In this way a special law with a fatal impact on citizens' freedom of
expression would be unnecessary. A provision in Law No. 32/2002
stipulates that broadcasting institutions shall uphold the values of
religion, morality and decency.

The Criminal Code can even be used for the same 

[wanita-muslimah] 'Pesantren' communities unable to accept pluralism, tolerance

2006-01-25 Terurut Topik ayeye1

'Pesantren' communities unable to accept pluralism, tolerance

Alpha Amirrachman, Jakarta

The recent research conducted by the International Center for Islam
and Pluralism (ICIP), the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School
Association (BKSPPI) and AusAID, in which I was involved, shows that
many pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), both traditional (salaf)
and modern, in West Java reject pluralism as they perceive this as an
acceptance of the relativity of religion -- or rejecting the notion
that Islam is the absolute truth.

For the folks at the boarding schools, pluralism is ideologically
unacceptable, and they wholly support the controversial fatwa issued
by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which bans secularism, pluralism
and liberalism.

According to Diana L. Eck (2001) in her influential book A new
religious America: How a 'Christian country' has become the world's
most religiously diverse nation, "Pluralism is not an ideology, not a
leftist scheme, and not a free-form relativism. Rather, pluralism is
the dynamic process which we engage with one another in and through
our very deepest differences." She also explains how Islam is growing
rapidly and freely in the United States, side by side with Judaism and

It follows that pluralism does not mean an abandonment of principles;
we merely accept others' differences. Is that not beautiful? But why
do the pesantren communities reject pluralism? Why has the spirit of
intolerance strengthened among them? We could not really find a
complete answer during the research.

A noted Indonesianist, Prof. M.C. Ricklefs of the National University
of Singapore recently held the Indonesians in attendance, during a
seminar to discuss the ICIP survey, spellbound, not only because of
his deep knowledge of the history of pesantren in Indonesia back to
the 1800s, but also because of his eloquent Bahasa Indonesia. However,
I could not help but notice that some of the Indonesian faces in the
audience began to show anxiety when Prof. Ricklefs proposed that all
education here become fully secular.

He argued that multiculturalism had been a success in Australia
because many religious schools in the country, including the
Protestant schools where he sent his children, adopted a policy of 90
percent secular education and only 10 percent religious education (he
later admitted that the percentage is actually speculative as he did
not do research on it).

Some of those in the audience politely rejected his proposal, and also
refused his notion of liberalism as they misunderstood it as an
"uncontrolled freedom". Even though Prof. Ricklefs stated during his
presentation that liberalism means giving freedom "as much as
possible" to people to develop their potential with appreciation of
the rights of others.

Clearly there was problem of understanding terminology -- something
that is fittingly addressed by Prof. Machasin of Islamic State
University Sunan Kalijaga of Yogyakarta who reawakened us as to why
many Muslims rejected the ideas of pluralism, liberalism and secularism.

He argued that there is a strong tradition in Islam of always
referring to the texts, rather than to concepts first. He shared his
experience during the congress of Nahdlatul Ulama when he proposed
that the study of hermeneutics should be include in the
recommendation. But others rejected this, arguing that such a term
comes from "the West" and it was used by the West to deconstruct their
Bible. He lamented the fact that if he had used the word tafsir ,
which translates as hermeneutics, he would have had not problems
convincing the audience.

Islam, actually has a rich history of pluralism as it spans a long
period of time and an abundance of diverse thoughts, and many of them
were sometimes at odds with each other. Therefore, trying to find a
reference of something that seems to be new is actually not a
difficult endeavor.

While the development of the many pesantren in Java was shaped by
local culture, it was also molded by values and tradition that were
rigorously and consistently nurtured by pesantren leaders, meaning
that every pesantren has its own uniqueness, again showing pluralism
among pesantren. However, due to the great influence these schools
usually have toward their surrounding communities, this contains
positive and negative sides. It is positive if the pesantren can
provide an alternative education that is beneficial for the
surrounding community such as life skills in addition to religious
studies. But it is negative if the pesantren decided to reject new
ideas that are actually beneficial not only for the students but also
for the surrounding community. So, it is imperative to have wisdom by
conducting due diligence before persuading pesantren to accept and
digest new ideas.

But how is respecting differences specifically addressed in Islam?

We can therefore infer that pluralism, as a mode to per

[wanita-muslimah] Why Islamic conservatism is up in Aceh?

2006-01-25 Terurut Topik ayeye1

Why Islamic conservatism is up in Aceh?

Aguswandi, Banda Aceh

The fundamental problem facing Muslims and others seeking to
understand Islam is not that there are too many versions of Islam.
There is only one Islam, but there are a thousand possible
interpretations of its texts and precepts. All lay people claim to
possess the indisputable truth, all claim that no version but their
own can be true. An unfortunate omission in current critiques of Islam
is that they usually ignore the fact that competing interpretations of
the faith have caused more conflicts within Islam than outside of Islam.

Setting aside the finer nuances, the most important division for
anybody interested in challenging intolerance and antidemocratic
beliefs is the divide between the moderate and conservative adherents
of the faith. In contrast to the latter, moderates advocate a civil
Islam based on tolerance, an Islam compatible with democratic ideas
and modern life.

This division has given rise to an often hidden war between moderates
and conservatives throughout the Muslim world. Sadly, this is
increasingly the case in the devout province of Aceh. Healthy
competition between conservatism and moderate interpretations is on
the wane as Islamic conservatism gains ground. Moderates, conversely,
are on the defensive, scared to speak out, and increasingly unable to
get their voices heard.

If we take as an example a new qanun (local regulation issued by the
Sharia authorities) implemented as of this month, the new prohibition
legislates that Muslim Acehnese women must wear head scarves and may
not wear tight clothes. The foundations of this ruling lie in
extremely conservative interpretations of Islam. This is not the
moderate Islam that has existed in Aceh for centuries. The majority of
Acehnese have long believed -- and practiced -- a faith that is based
on persuasion rather than top-down enforcement of a restrictive
interpretation of the faith.

Historically, Acehnese Islam was a tool for combating injustice and
oppression. If you look at pictures of Aceh's heroine Cut Nyak Dhien,
you see a women that took up arms against colonial oppression in
defense of Acehnese cultural and religious identity, yet she did not
wear a jilbab (head scarf). Historically, Islam in Aceh was about
living by core values, not the superficial appearance of principle.

In contrast to their self-proclaimed agenda of defending Islam, in
reality today's conservatives are actually diminishing Islam, reducing
it to small things that are inadequate or irrelevant in the face of
the challenges of modern life or development. Ask the conservatives
questions that reach beyond their favorite topics of gambling, alcohol
and head scarves, for example about how their interpretation of
religion can promote or support the reconstruction of Aceh, or Aceh's
political and economic development and they are unable to answer.

So how, given this lack of substance, have conservative
interpretations of Islam come to dominate public discourse in Aceh, to
the extent that conservative interpretations are being adopted in law
and imposed on the majority -- the moderate Acehnese? Why are the
conservatives taking center stage and representing themselves as
mainstream Acehnese?

The rise of the conservatives can be attributed to multiple factors.
One important element is that rising conservatism reflects national
trends in religious and political discourse in Indonesia. This
nation-wide trend is largely attributable to the dominant position
given to Middle Eastern interpretations of Islam. What can be seen to
be happening in Aceh, as well as other places in Indonesia, is not
actually "Islamization" as it is often called, but actually
"Arabization". If we give them the space, Aceh's unique experience of
Islam is being subsumed by conservative elements of the Arab world.
This conservative view is now even being challenged by moderate
Muslims in the Middle East.

The dominance of this approach has, in the large part, been driven by
the influx of outsiders entering Aceh with an agenda to promote Arabic
interpretations of Islam. This agenda has been strengthened by local
religious conservatives with an eye on the opportunity to gain
political power for themselves and their allies. The central
government's tacit encouragement of these groups has also allowed them
to flourish, thereby distracting attention from more important social,
development and justice issues.

In Aceh the Islamic conservatives are setting restrictive limitations
in all areas of discussion. They are ultimately closing the space for
public debate about more important issues and damaging our ability and
prospects for ijtihad (critical thinking mandated for Muslims in the
Koran) about our own development and future.

It is important to help moderate Muslim voices in Aceh. Support must
come from Indonesia's other Muslim communities and other non Acehn

[wanita-muslimah] Re: ATM Kondom, Perlukah?

2006-01-23 Terurut Topik ayeye1
Saya sependapat dengan apa yang dikemukakan oleh Mbak / Mas.

Sebenarnya saya sendiri suka agak risi kalau seks di luar nikah selalu
dipandang sebagai satu, apalagi sebagai "seks bebas" dimana manusia
ditampilkan seperti hanya mengerjakan kepuasan seksual, tanpa
berpikir, tanpa memilih, dst. Kesimpulan yang memukul rata semua
hubungan intim di luar nikah sebagai "seks bebas" dan sebaliknya,
adalah misleading. Pengunaan kata "seks bebas" tanpa adanya perincian,
seperti sudah menjadi kebiasaan di media massa maupun komunikasi
masrakyat, lebih sering membingungkan. Mungkin karena seksualitas lama
telah dijadikan sebagai tabu untuk dibicarakan secara terbuka dan
ilmiah di ruangan publik, timbulnya pendapat masrakyat yang lebih
mengandung dugaan dan mitos.

Hal itu terlihat ketika muncul opini yang menganggap bahwa pendidikan
seks, atau dalam kasus ini: ATM Kondom, akan langsung dan secara
berlebihan mengakibatkan "seks bebas", terutama di kalangan remaja.
Tetapi apakah di antara mereka yang mewakili opini tersebut sudah
pernah berdialog dengan generasi remaja, termasuk mendengar tentang
masalah-masalah seksual dan tantangan lingkungan yang dialami oleh
para remaja sekarang? Atau bagaimana dengan generasi yang sudah
berumur 20-30 tahun, tetapi belum menikah dan cenderung belum
mendapatkan kesempatan untuk nikah dalam waktu dekat? Saya setuju
bahwa konsep pahala dan dosa semakin kehilangan makna dalam berbagai
lingkungan sekarang. Salah satu karena mungkin kompleksitas lingkungan
semakin meningkat dan konsep pahala dan dosa mundur ke belakang atau
menjadi remote, sehingga cenderung lebih dikompromi.

Kalau tidak salah sudah ada berbagai produk hukum yang bertujuan untuk
melindungi anak-anak di bawah umur. Pertanyaan adalah sudah seberapa
efektif sistim pelaksanaan hukum itu. Setidaknya hukum itu sudah
merupakan langkah awal yang tepat. Beberapa negara bahkan sudah
menerapkan hukuman terhadap warga mereka jika melibatkan kasus seksual
dengan anak-anak di bawah umur, meskipun juga terjadi di negara lain.

Demikian saya kira sudah ada hukum yang bertujuan melindungi para
pekerja seks komersial yang dipaksa langsung oleh pihak lain untuk
melacurkan diri. Tetapi ini masih mesti dibahas lebih lanjut dan saya
harus berhenti dulu dengan menulis.



--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "kila4tb1roe"

Benar sekali Kang,

Yang pertama ada benturan yang terjadi antara realitas/kenyataan yang
terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terhadap seks pada masyrakat
Indonesia dengan nilai-nilai terhadap seks yang ada dalam falsafah
kehidupan baik dari agama dan budaya bangsa.

Seharusnya ini menjadi acuan untuk kita bersama dalam mencari solusi
dan alternatif. Kalau kita melihat sisi dari realitas kehidupan yang
ada di masyrakat terutama kota-kota besar dan daerah2 miskin sekarang
ini sudah seharusnya seks bukan sekedar persoalan dosa dan pahala
semata. Dan seks jangan dipandang hanya dalam 2 jenis saja yaitu seks
dalam ikatan pernikahan dan seks diluar ikatan pernikahan.

Seks diluar ikatan pernikahan seharusnya di bagi-bagi lagi sesuai
dengan kategorinya masing2. Misalnya seks yang dilakukan 2 orang
secara sukarela tanpa adanya paksaan dan dilandasi dengan tanggung
jawab dan konsekuensi maka dasar hukumnya "boleh", toh dalam Islam
sendiri ada ketentuan yang demikian.

Kedua seks yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak dalam kondisi terpaksa
atau dibawah paksaan. Ini hukumnya bisa saja pidana termasuk dalam
protitusi tapi dasar hukumnya adalah memberikan perlindungan terhadap
pihak yang"terpaksa" atau dalam tekanan sehingga melakukan hal
tersebut dan hukuman hanya berlaku pada pihak yang memaksa/menekan.
dalam hal protitusi maka para konsumen lah yang harus dikenakan hukuman.

Ketiga seks yang dilakukan oleh seseorang pada anak-anak dibawah umur,
hukuman pidana bisa diberlakukan hal ini mengantisipasi juga
prostitusi dikalangan para ABG.

Menyamaratakan setiap kegiatan seks diluar ikatan pernikahan, sama
saja dengan mencap setiap gatal karena ketombe:)


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