Balasan: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Tirani Dibalik Seni

2006-03-25 Terurut Topik Bejo Paijo
Pak Ari,
  Terus dengan begitu apa kita mau mencontoh Jepang, Inggris atau barat yang 
memang telah gagal dalam masalah moral?

Ari Condro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
  Tanggapan ada di bawah.

Ari Condro

- Original Message -


1. Mereka yang panen uang dari sektor ini jelas tidak peduli sama sekali
terhadap dampak buruk yang terjadi: runtuhnya moralitas, meningkatnya
kriminalitas, dan maraknya hedonisme.

Ari :

Opini kang Syamsudin bertentangan dengan hasil studi di Jepang berikut ini.

Milton Diamond and Ayako Uchiyama write in "Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes
in Japan" (International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 22(1): 1-22. 1999)

Our findings regarding sex crimes, murder and assault are in keeping with
what is also known about general crime rates in Japan regarding burglary,
theft and such.

1. Japan has the lowest number of reported rape cases and the highest
percentage of arrests and convictions in reported cases of any developed

2. Indeed, Japan is known as one of the safest developed countries for women
in the world (Clifford, 1980). (...)


Demikian pula Inggris mempunyai undang-undang anti cabul (Obscene
Publications Act) sejak 1857 dan anti pelanggaran seksual (Sexual
Offences Act 2003). Perancis mengaturnya dalam undang-undang hukum
pidana (pasal 222-32 du code pénal 1994) yang merupakan revisi dari
pasal 330 undang-undang sama yang diterbitkan pada 13 Mei 1863.


Ari :

Ternyata kebanyakan UU dari negara lain sifatnya membatasiperedaran. jadi
yg diatur adalah masalah distribusi, bukan pemaksaan standar moral tertentu.
Kebanyakan memberikan batasan 18 tahun.

Contoh sebagai berikut.

a.. Australia : Regulation has increased somewhat under the Howard
government, but remains reasonably widely available. See censorship in
Australia. X-Rated pornographic videos may be bought and hired in Northern
Territory and ACT, and may not contain violence, child sexual abuse or
demeaning portrayals (such as bestiality, scat etc). The various states have
different laws on pornography, but the edited highlights are that there are
numerous adult shops in each state and territory, all of which can sell or
rent R-rated material (books, magazines, videos) and many also illegally
sell X-rated and RC (refused classification) material openly. Technically it
is illegal to sell X-rated material in all states, but it is not illegal to
possess X-rated material.
b.. Austria: "Youth-imperiling" materials or those which violate human
dignity may not be displayed or sold to persons under 18 years of age.
Nudity is not assumed as such material.
c.. Brazil: Child pornography is a crime. Regular pornography (not
involving bestiality/snuff) is legal. Male actors in local movies must wear
condoms in penetration scenes. All actors must be 18 or older. When sold at
public places, magazine and DVD covers that depict genitalia must be hidden
from public view. Any pornography can only be sold to people 18 or older.
d.. Bulgaria: Hardcore pornographic material is "not recommended" for
distribution to persons under the age of 18. Softcore material is rarely
censored, even by the state TV stations. Magazines and pornographic papers
have become increasingly available since the fall of communism in the early
1990s. Due to the unstable economy, by the late 1990s only a few publishers
e.. Canada: Laws vary from province to province, however sale to persons
under 18 (varies by province) is generally prohibited. Most materials are
sold in adult stores, despite no specific law controlling the distribution.
Canada Customs is empowered to stop the importation of materials prohibited
under obscenity laws; many gay and lesbian bookstores have charged that this
is applied in a discriminatory way to same-sex pornographic materials.
Conversely, some over-the-air television stations (particularly Citytv and
TQS) have broadcast softcore pornographic films after midnight. Child
pornography is illegal, although a controversial recent Supreme Court of
Canada decision on privacy rights significantly impacted government efforts
to track and confiscate it. See also Censorship in Canada.
f.. People's Republic of China: Recently legalized, adult magazines are
sold publicly, although specifics of the regulation is not known.
g.. Colombia: Child pornography prohibited under new constitution.
Marketing is very strictly regulated. Most materials are sold on the black
market. Bogota has at least 300 places where pornography (hardcore) may be
legally obtained.
h.. Denmark: Ban on pornographic literature was lifted in 1966. In 1969
Denmark was the first country in the world to legalise (hardcore)
i.. France: Extremely violent or graphic pornography is considered
X-rated, may be shown only in specific the

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Tirani Dibalik Seni

2006-03-24 Terurut Topik Keris Wawan
Prostitusi dibalik "seni"

Ari Condro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Tanggapan ada di bawah.

Ari Condro

- Original Message -


1. Mereka yang panen uang dari sektor ini jelas tidak peduli sama sekali
terhadap dampak buruk yang terjadi: runtuhnya moralitas, meningkatnya
kriminalitas, dan maraknya hedonisme.

Ari :

Opini kang Syamsudin bertentangan dengan hasil studi di Jepang berikut ini.

Milton Diamond and Ayako Uchiyama write in "Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes
in Japan" (International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 22(1): 1-22. 1999)

Our findings regarding sex crimes, murder and assault are in keeping with
what is also known about general crime rates in Japan regarding burglary,
theft and such.

1. Japan has the lowest number of reported rape cases and the highest
percentage of arrests and convictions in reported cases of any developed

2. Indeed, Japan is known as one of the safest developed countries for women
in the world (Clifford, 1980). (...)


Demikian pula Inggris mempunyai undang-undang anti cabul (Obscene
Publications Act) sejak 1857 dan anti pelanggaran seksual (Sexual
Offences Act 2003). Perancis mengaturnya dalam undang-undang hukum
pidana (pasal 222-32 du code pénal 1994) yang merupakan revisi dari
pasal 330 undang-undang sama yang diterbitkan pada 13 Mei 1863.


Ari :

Ternyata kebanyakan UU dari negara lain sifatnya membatasiperedaran.  jadi
yg diatur adalah masalah distribusi, bukan pemaksaan standar moral tertentu.
Kebanyakan memberikan batasan 18 tahun.

Contoh sebagai berikut.

  a.. Australia : Regulation has increased somewhat under the Howard
government, but remains reasonably widely available. See censorship in
Australia. X-Rated pornographic videos may be bought and hired in Northern
Territory and ACT, and may not contain violence, child sexual abuse or
demeaning portrayals (such as bestiality, scat etc). The various states have
different laws on pornography, but the edited highlights are that there are
numerous adult shops in each state and territory, all of which can sell or
rent R-rated material (books, magazines, videos) and many also illegally
sell X-rated and RC (refused classification) material openly. Technically it
is illegal to sell X-rated material in all states, but it is not illegal to
possess X-rated material.
  b.. Austria: "Youth-imperiling" materials or those which violate human
dignity may not be displayed or sold to persons under 18 years of age.
Nudity is not assumed as such material.
  c.. Brazil: Child pornography is a crime. Regular pornography (not
involving bestiality/snuff) is legal. Male actors in local movies must wear
condoms in penetration scenes. All actors must be 18 or older. When sold at
public places, magazine and DVD covers that depict genitalia must be hidden
from public view. Any pornography can only be sold to people 18 or older.
  d.. Bulgaria: Hardcore pornographic material is "not recommended" for
distribution to persons under the age of 18. Softcore material is rarely
censored, even by the state TV stations. Magazines and pornographic papers
have become increasingly available since the fall of communism in the early
1990s. Due to the unstable economy, by the late 1990s only a few publishers
  e.. Canada: Laws vary from province to province, however sale to persons
under 18 (varies by province) is generally prohibited. Most materials are
sold in adult stores, despite no specific law controlling the distribution.
Canada Customs is empowered to stop the importation of materials prohibited
under obscenity laws; many gay and lesbian bookstores have charged that this
is applied in a discriminatory way to same-sex pornographic materials.
Conversely, some over-the-air television stations (particularly Citytv and
TQS) have broadcast softcore pornographic films after midnight. Child
pornography is illegal, although a controversial recent Supreme Court of
Canada decision on privacy rights significantly impacted government efforts
to track and confiscate it. See also Censorship in Canada.
  f.. People's Republic of China: Recently legalized, adult magazines are
sold publicly, although specifics of the regulation is not known.
  g.. Colombia: Child pornography prohibited under new constitution.
Marketing is very strictly regulated. Most materials are sold on the black
market. Bogota has at least 300 places where pornography (hardcore) may be
legally obtained.
  h.. Denmark: Ban on pornographic literature was lifted in 1966. In 1969
Denmark was the first country in the world to legalise (hardcore)
  i.. France: Extremely violent or graphic pornography is considered
X-rated, may be shown only in specific theaters, and may not be displayed to
minors. Incurs special taxes on revenue (33% for X

RE: [wanita-muslimah] Tirani Dibalik Seni

2006-03-24 Terurut Topik ni londo
> "Tirani Dibalik Seni"
> Kamis, 23 Maret 2006
> //Kaum feminis Barat sangat mengecam pornografi
> bahkan tergabung dalam
> Women Against Pornography (WAP). Kaum feminis
> Indonesia sebaliknya.
> Malah menganggap mengekang perempuan dan seni//
> Oleh: Syamsuddin Arif *)

--- cut ---
> Tak kalah anehnya reaksi kaum feminis Indonesia
> dalam kontroversi ini.
> Aneh, karena mereka ikut-ikutan menolak draf
> undang-undang tersebut
> dengan dalih membela kaum perempuan. Sementara kita
> ketahui aktivis
> perempuan di banyak negara justru sangat anti dan
> mengecam
> habis-habisan segala bentuk pornografi karena
> dianggap menghina
> perempuan. Sebutlah misalnya Andrea Dworkin, Susan
> Brownmiller, Diana
> Russell, Catherine MacKinnon, Dorchen Leidholdt dan
> lain-lain yang
> tergabung dalam Women Against Pornography (WAP) dan
> National
> Organization for Women (NOW) di Amerika, atau Alice
> Schwarzer, Lore
> Maria Peschel, dan Sabine Leutheusser dari Bonner
> Frauenbündnis, Jerman.

wuih Alice Schwarzer, Lore Maria Peschel dan
Sabine Leutheusser pasti akan protes lho kalau nama
mereka dikutip untuk memperkuat argumentasi pro-RUU
APP. Ya, mereka sangat anti-pornografi, tetapi mereka
pasti juga sangat anti RUU APP itu. Justru karena RUU
APP itu tidak membedakan antara "pornografi" dan
"tubuh perempuan". Herannya, di sini seorang tokoh
aliran fundamentalisme (? cmiiw) Islam kok mengutip
nama Alice Schwarzer untuk memperkuat
argumentasinya... fyi Alice Schwarzer akhir2 ini di
Jerman terkenal semakin anti-Islam, memukul rata
jilbab = opresi totaliter terhadap perempuan, sama
seperti Syamsuddin Arif memukul rata dalam memandang
tubuh perempuan dan masalah pornografi, tak bisa
membedakan antara porno, cabul dan erotik...  

Sedih juga melihat cara argumentasi ini, apalagi oleh
seorang kandidat Dr. kedua... selektif dan manipulatif
sekali dalam mengutip nama orang lain... para pembaca
kan pasti tidak tahu posisi Alice Schwarzer yang
sebenarnya... malah mereka dibuat berpikir ini feminis
Barat semua pro RUU APP, sedangkan feminis Indonesia
kok anti... padahal feminis Barat sama dengan feminis
Indonesia pada umumnya anti-pornografi, tetapi jelas
tidak anti-seni, seni dalam definisi Barat, dan
anti-tubuh perempuan.  

Btw, menggunakan istilah "aurat" dalam membicarakan
pornografi mungkin juga terlalu multitafsir sehingga
membingungkan... soalnya kalau "aurat" yang tidak
boleh diperlihatkan, berarti foto portrait perempuan
tanpa jilbab bisa dianggap termasuk pornografi juga?
kan auratnya (rambutnya) jelas sekali kelihatan? Bisa
membuat laki2 birahi melihat keindahan rambut itu? 

> Akhirnya mari kita kembalikan masalah
> pornografi-pornoaksi ini kepada
> hati nurani dan rasa tanggung-jawab kita terhadap
> masa depan bangsa.
> Tanpa disadari bangsa yang tunduk kepada tirani hawa
> nafsu sebenarnya
> tengah melakukan proses bunuh diri.

setuju... :) 
jangan mengalah terhadap tirani hawa nafsu paranoid
yang mau eliminir daya tarik dan sensualitas tubuh
kita yang diciptakan oleh Yang Maha Esa... mbok
belajar menghadapinya secara dewasa dan civilized...
jangan tunduk pada hawa nafsu main asal melarang dan
suruh serba menutupi/menghilang... semakin dilarang,
semakin dasyhat godaannya... semakin panik juga...
semakin terjebat dalam dinamika bunuh diri dalam
melawan "godaan" - bunuh diri secara psikologis,
sosial dan kultural. The unconscious dream of the
fundamentalists: there is nothing left but the desert,
the sky and GOD's WORD. Peace on Earth, no more messy
and ambiguous human conditions like different opinions
or sexual attraction left to deal with...

Sedihnya kalau orang yang sudah lama (?) tinggal dan
belajar di Barat, malah sudah program doktor kedua,
tapi etika argumentasinya dengan menyebut pendapat
orang lain kok manipulatif ya... menyesatkan
pembacanya... :( 
Yang jelas pemahaman Alice Schwarzer cs tentang
"pornografi" sangat berbeda dengan "pornografi" dan
"pornoaksi" yang dimaksud oleh Syamsuddin Arif. 

Ni Londo 

> Penulis adalah peneliti pada Institute for the Studi
> of Islamic
> Thought and Civilization (INSISTS). Kini menempuh
> program doktor
> keduanya di Universitas Frankfurt, Jerman. Tulisan
> ini dimuat di

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