[wtr-general] Upgrading anxiety

2011-12-29 Thread Lisa Crispin
We have Watir 1.6.2 and Ruby 1.8.6. We have MANY Watir/Test/Unit scripts
which we (well, I) mainly use to help with exploratory testing, and to
verify releases. I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to
break them. At the same time, I want to try the latest Watir and Webdriver
to see if it correctly interprets the JS that our new Dojo code has - the
version of Watir we have can't cope with it, and Canoo WebTest/HtmlUnit
also cannot correctly interpret it.

I perused the latest install instructions and info about the later Watir
releases, and it sounds like our older Watir scripts aren't going to work
with the later version? Is this true? How much effort is required to fix
them? Is there a central location with this information that I just haven't
found yet?

If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't
work, can I back up to the old versions again?

I only spend about 10% of my time doing any sort of coding, so though this
might all be really obvious to y'all, it is something quite challenging and
scary for me. I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we
have, but I don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to
try Selenium.


Lisa Crispin
Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)
Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ (O'Reilly 2009)
@lisacrispin on Twitter

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Entering text on a read only textfield.

2011-12-29 Thread Bhavesh

Earlier I use Watir unit test frawework and I can enter values in
readonly textfield using “.value” method :

$ie.text_field(:id, 'targetSSRepsSelected').value=”some value”

I upgraded to Watir Webdriver.

Now same code fails with error “ReadOnlyException”.

Source Code from browser[IE]  is :

INPUT id=targetSSRepsSelected style=WIDTH: 300px readOnly
onchange= name=targetSSRepsSelected

When im using watir earlier, I can enter value on this read only
textfield, but with webdriver it fails, so what shd I use to enter
values now?

Any help is appreciated.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


Re: [wtr-general] Upgrading anxiety

2011-12-29 Thread Charley Baker
Pure and simple, try it out. Get a box that can run the latest code, and
run it there. There's a problem, if you don't update production code and
also test code to the latest version when they come out. I've seen this
happen over and over again where no one is ready for the latest versions,
and they're two, three or 8 years behind. This is an issue that you need to
resolve and understand as part of the stories, there has to be a ci
environment and team trying the latest code. That should be the same for
production code and anything related to it, I'd posit that test code *is*
the same asset.



On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Lisa Crispin lisa.cris...@gmail.comwrote:

 We have Watir 1.6.2 and Ruby 1.8.6. We have MANY Watir/Test/Unit scripts
 which we (well, I) mainly use to help with exploratory testing, and to
 verify releases. I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to
 break them. At the same time, I want to try the latest Watir and Webdriver
 to see if it correctly interprets the JS that our new Dojo code has - the
 version of Watir we have can't cope with it, and Canoo WebTest/HtmlUnit
 also cannot correctly interpret it.

 I perused the latest install instructions and info about the later Watir
 releases, and it sounds like our older Watir scripts aren't going to work
 with the later version? Is this true? How much effort is required to fix
 them? Is there a central location with this information that I just haven't
 found yet?

 If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't
 work, can I back up to the old versions again?

 I only spend about 10% of my time doing any sort of coding, so though this
 might all be really obvious to y'all, it is something quite challenging and
 scary for me. I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we
 have, but I don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to
 try Selenium.


 Lisa Crispin
 Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for
 Testers and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)
 Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ (O'Reilly 2009)
 @lisacrispin on Twitter

 Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search
 before you ask, be nice.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


Re: [wtr-general] Upgrading anxiety

2011-12-29 Thread John Fitisoff
I've been playing with watir-webdriver. So far, I'm liking it but one thing 
that drove me a little batty was the behavior described here:


And it does use 0-based indexing, which is a change from 1.6.2. I think the 
newer, non-webdriver versions of Watir also do 0-based indexing. 

From what I've seen so far it's pretty stable and it doesn't appear to have 
any problems with any of the pages I've been experimenting with. 

Is your team eager to try the older selenium or the new webdriver version? One 
possible argument for selenium-webdriver over the old selenium API is that the 
webdriver version of selenium supports multiple element selectors (e.g., 
:class='foo', :index=3). I don't think the old selenium API does that and am 
guessing that this is why xpath is so popular in the selenium world. If I had 
to use selenium I'd choose the webdriver API over the old API for that alone.

And I think that the watir API has advantages over the selenium-webdriver API. 
Two things that struck me (please, someone correct me if I'm getting any of 
this wrong as I'm still in the process of comparison shopping and haven't done 
a lot with selenium):

-The selenium-webdriver API doesn't seem to support getting collections and 
doing something with them (e.g., browser.tables.each...).

-The selenium-webdriver API doesn't seem to support daisy-chaining elements. I 
don't think you can do something like browser.div(:class='foo', 
:id='bar').text_field(:id, 'baz').text.

I've spent some time recently looking at the webdriver stuff and trying to 
figure out what the tradeoffs are. The new selenium API does seem a lot better 
than the older one. 

 From: Lisa Crispin lisa.cris...@gmail.com
To: watir-general@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 2:34 PM
Subject: [wtr-general] Upgrading anxiety

We have Watir 1.6.2 and Ruby 1.8.6. We have MANY Watir/Test/Unit scripts which 
we (well, I) mainly use to help with exploratory testing, and to verify 
releases. I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to break them. At 
the same time, I want to try the latest Watir and Webdriver to see if it 
correctly interprets the JS that our new Dojo code has - the version of Watir 
we have can't cope with it, and Canoo WebTest/HtmlUnit also cannot correctly 
interpret it. 

I perused the latest install instructions and info about the later Watir 
releases, and it sounds like our older Watir scripts aren't going to work with 
the later version? Is this true? How much effort is required to fix them? Is 
there a central location with this information that I just haven't found yet?

If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't work, 
can I back up to the old versions again?

I only spend about 10% of my time doing any sort of coding, so though this 
might all be really obvious to y'all, it is something quite challenging and 
scary for me. I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we have, 
but I don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to try Selenium.


Lisa Crispin
Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and 
Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)
Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ (O'Reilly 2009)
@lisacrispin on Twitter

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Entering text on a read only textfield.

2011-12-29 Thread Chuck van der Linden
Over time Watir and Watir-webdriver have become more stringent about
not letting you do something that a real human user could not do.
This is because in large part watir is designed to drive the browser
like a user would, in that respect it makes little sense to allow you
to do something a user could not.  In fact this can (and has) lead to
automation that missed bugs because it was manipulating fields not
accessible to the user.

You can read more about this setting (readonly) here
http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_readonly.asp   I'll quote a
bit for reference as what they have to say is fairly important:

Definition and Usage

The readonly attribute specifies that an input field should be read-

A read-only field cannot be modified. However, a user can tab to it,
highlight it, and copy the text from it.

The readonly attribute can be set to keep a user from changing the
value until some other condition has been met (like selecting a
checkbox, etc.). Then, a JavaScript is required to remove the readonly
value, and make the input field editable.

In your case, if a user can enter a value in that field, then there is
very likely some action such as focus, altering another field, ticking
a checkbox etc  which causes client side code to 'flip' the field from
read-only to allow the user to interact with it.  You would need to
figure out what that action is, and simulate it in the scripts
immediately before trying to interact with the field.  If you are
already doing that, you may need to insert a brief pause to allow the
client side code to do it's thing before attempting to interact with
the field.Seeing more of the HTML is likely critical if we're to
assist you with that.

If you need help with that, I'd suggest posting a question to stack
overflow and putting the Watir-webdriver tag on it.  SO allows better
embedding of HTML and Code in questions and answers (as well as
editing of questions and answers) and so is superior to an email
format for dealing with support questions where code is involved.

One other minor point,  Watir is not a unit test framework, it's
function is a 'browser driver' allowing you to automate the browser.
It's fine to use it for unit tests if you want, but in that case you
may want to use a headless mode (or something like capybara instead)
as it tends to run a lot faster, and speed is generally very important
for unit tests.  Most of us that do automation in Watir do it for more
functional and acceptance level tests were it is critical we can drive
real browsers to ensure that the sites work as intended (usually on a
variety of browsers).

On Dec 29, 2:36 pm, Bhavesh bhavesh1_sha...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Earlier I use Watir unit test frawework and I can enter values in
 readonly textfield using “.value” method :

 $ie.text_field(:id, 'targetSSRepsSelected').value=”some value”

 I upgraded to Watir Webdriver.

 Now same code fails with error “ReadOnlyException”.

 Source Code from browser[IE]  is :

 INPUT id=targetSSRepsSelected style=WIDTH: 300px readOnly
 onchange= name=targetSSRepsSelected

 When im using watir earlier, I can enter value on this read only
 textfield, but with webdriver it fails, so what shd I use to enter
 values now?

 Any help is appreciated.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


Re: [wtr-general] Upgrading anxiety

2011-12-29 Thread bis
I think the only way you will now what the actual pain to upgrade to the
newest version is is to actually upgrade. in saying that

Why not make a clone of the current repository on a different machine or a
install ruby on that vm(other machine) and all the gems you need and let
her rip
then try and figure out one by one whats broken :)

on the watir-webdriver/selenium-webdriver differences I kind of look at it
as watir just being one level of abstraction higher

you can essentially do the exact same things in both just the watir layer
makes it a bit easier and cleaner

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 4:48 PM, John Fitisoff jfitis...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I've been playing with watir-webdriver. So far, I'm liking it but one
 thing that drove me a little batty was the behavior described here:


 And it does use 0-based indexing, which is a change from 1.6.2. I think
 the newer, non-webdriver versions of Watir also do 0-based indexing.

 From what I've seen so far it's pretty stable and it doesn't appear to
 have any problems with any of the pages I've been experimenting with.

 Is your team eager to try the older selenium or the new webdriver version?
 One possible argument for selenium-webdriver over the old selenium API is
 that the webdriver version of selenium supports multiple element selectors
 (e.g., :class='foo', :index=3). I don't think the old selenium API does
 that and am guessing that this is why xpath is so popular in the selenium
 world. If I had to use selenium I'd choose the webdriver API over the old
 API for that alone.

 And I think that the watir API has advantages over the selenium-webdriver
 API. Two things that struck me (please, someone correct me if I'm getting
 any of this wrong as I'm still in the process of comparison shopping and
 haven't done a lot with selenium):

 -The selenium-webdriver API doesn't seem to support getting collections
 and doing something with them (e.g., browser.tables.each...).

 -The selenium-webdriver API doesn't seem to support daisy-chaining
 elements. I don't think you can do something like
 browser.div(:class='foo', :id='bar').text_field(:id, 'baz').text.

 I've spent some time recently looking at the webdriver stuff and trying to
 figure out what the tradeoffs are. The new selenium API does seem a lot
 better than the older one.

 *From:* Lisa Crispin lisa.cris...@gmail.com
 *To:* watir-general@googlegroups.com
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 29, 2011 2:34 PM
 *Subject:* [wtr-general] Upgrading anxiety

 We have Watir 1.6.2 and Ruby 1.8.6. We have MANY Watir/Test/Unit scripts
 which we (well, I) mainly use to help with exploratory testing, and to
 verify releases. I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to
 break them. At the same time, I want to try the latest Watir and Webdriver
 to see if it correctly interprets the JS that our new Dojo code has - the
 version of Watir we have can't cope with it, and Canoo WebTest/HtmlUnit
 also cannot correctly interpret it.

 I perused the latest install instructions and info about the later Watir
 releases, and it sounds like our older Watir scripts aren't going to work
 with the later version? Is this true? How much effort is required to fix
 them? Is there a central location with this information that I just haven't
 found yet?

 If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't
 work, can I back up to the old versions again?

 I only spend about 10% of my time doing any sort of coding, so though this
 might all be really obvious to y'all, it is something quite challenging and
 scary for me. I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we
 have, but I don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to
 try Selenium.


 Lisa Crispin
 Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for
 Testers and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)
 Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ (O'Reilly 2009)
 @lisacrispin on Twitter

 Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search
 before you ask, be nice.


 Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search
 before you ask, be nice.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Upgrading anxiety

2011-12-29 Thread Chuck van der Linden
I've been doing a bunch of this sort of work at my current job so I
have the following advice.  (something else I should do a blog posting

Step zero, decide if you are going to make the scripts try to run
under both the newer Watir and Watir-Webdriver, or just WW.  If the
former I suggest a global $webdriver variable be used to wrap some
code to be disabled, or create if/else wrappings around the few things
that are entirely different  I'm using a YAML config file to set which
driver and browser to use, etc

Step 1  if running on Windows install PIK  it allows you to have
multiple versions of Ruby installed and each can have it's own set of
gems etc.  For Mac get RVM it's similar only better.This allows
you to use a single machine and flip it instantly between setups

Step 2  source control is your friend (you know that already I'll
bet)  so will be search and replace

Step 3 For updating the scripts I do the following (I've made notes as
I went along, this is what I found so far)

part 1 the basic updates that (should) work with both Watir 2.0 and
a) search for any instance of :index  if the value is 1, remove it
entirely (that's the default if nothing is specified), if the value is
1 reduce it by one.
b) Replace: $ie or $ff  with $browser or just $b  (depending on your
c) Replace:  browser.text_contains  with  browser.text.include?
d) Replace:  text_field.verify_contains(dfadf)  with
e) Replace:  select_list.includes?  with  select_list.include?
f) Replace:  :url  with  :href   ( !! in most element 'how' but NOT
for window switching see below)
j) .isSet  with .set?

Part 2  stuff from Watir you no longer need.  Some stuff you had
before is not necessary in webdriver
remove/comment out  or disable  via wrapping with  unless
$webdriver  if trying to be compatible with both Watir and WW)

a) .document (anything)
b) .document.scrollintoview  (is automagical in WW)

Part 3   Entirely different logic.  again you can either use if/else
based on 'if $webdriver'  or just switch from the old to the new if
you don't want to be cross compatible

a) Window/Browser changing stuff

Watir: Watir::IE.Attach(how, what) = WW: browser.window(how,what),use

Watir: browser.close  = WW: browser.window.close

b) Javascript popup stuff (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/8172888/409820

Watir: some _no_wait  method followed by
WW: wrap one of the following around the action that causes popup

browser.alert do
  #cause of alert popup
end #= the alert message

browser.confirm(true) do
  #cause of confirm (set 'true' above to false to not confirm)
end #= the confirm message

browser.prompt(hello) do
  #cause of prompt.
  #replace 'hello' above with user input in response to prompt
end #= { :message = foo, :default_value = bar }

If you find more (or if anyone else wants to add to the list) please
feel free to update this and repost. (or add to the watir wiki)

On Dec 29, 2:34 pm, Lisa Crispin lisa.cris...@gmail.com wrote:
 We have Watir 1.6.2 and Ruby 1.8.6. We have MANY Watir/Test/Unit scripts
 which we (well, I) mainly use to help with exploratory testing, and to
 verify releases. I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to
 break them. At the same time, I want to try the latest Watir and Webdriver
 to see if it correctly interprets the JS that our new Dojo code has - the
 version of Watir we have can't cope with it, and Canoo WebTest/HtmlUnit
 also cannot correctly interpret it.

 I perused the latest install instructions and info about the later Watir
 releases, and it sounds like our older Watir scripts aren't going to work
 with the later version? Is this true? How much effort is required to fix
 them? Is there a central location with this information that I just haven't
 found yet?

 If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't
 work, can I back up to the old versions again?

 I only spend about 10% of my time doing any sort of coding, so though this
 might all be really obvious to y'all, it is something quite challenging and
 scary for me. I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we
 have, but I don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to
 try Selenium.


 Lisa Crispin
 Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
 and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)
 Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ (O'Reilly 2009)http://lisacrispin.com
 @lisacrispin on Twitterhttp://entaggle.com/lisacrispin

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.
