I've been doing a bunch of this sort of work at my current job so I
have the following advice.  (something else I should do a blog posting

Step zero, decide if you are going to make the scripts try to run
under both the newer Watir and Watir-Webdriver, or just WW.  If the
former I suggest a global $webdriver variable be used to wrap some
code to be disabled, or create if/else wrappings around the few things
that are entirely different  I'm using a YAML config file to set which
driver and browser to use, etc

Step 1  if running on Windows install PIK  it allows you to have
multiple versions of Ruby installed and each can have it's own set of
gems etc.  For Mac get RVM it's similar only better.    This allows
you to use a single machine and flip it instantly between setups

Step 2  source control is your friend (you know that already I'll
bet)  so will be search and replace

Step 3 For updating the scripts I do the following (I've made notes as
I went along, this is what I found so far)

part 1 the basic updates that (should) work with both Watir 2.0 and
a) search for any instance of :index  if the value is 1, remove it
entirely (that's the default if nothing is specified), if the value is
>1 reduce it by one.
b) Replace: $ie or $ff  with $browser or just $b  (depending on your
c) Replace:  browser.text_contains  with  browser.text.include?
d) Replace:  text_field.verify_contains("dfadf")  with
e) Replace:  select_list.includes?  with  select_list.include?
f) Replace:  :url  with  :href   ( !! in most element 'how' but NOT
for window switching see below)
j) .isSet  with .set?

Part 2  stuff from Watir you no longer need.  Some stuff you had
before is not necessary in webdriver
remove/comment out  or disable  via wrapping with  "unless
$webdriver"  if trying to be compatible with both Watir and WW)

a) .document (anything)
b) .document.scrollintoview  (is automagical in WW)

Part 3   Entirely different logic.  again you can either use if/else
based on 'if $webdriver'  or just switch from the old to the new if
you don't want to be cross compatible

a) Window/Browser changing stuff

Watir: Watir::IE.Attach(how, what) => WW: browser.window(how,what),use

Watir: browser.close  => WW: browser.window.close

b) Javascript popup stuff (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/8172888/409820

Watir: some _no_wait  method followed by
WW: wrap one of the following around the action that causes popup

    browser.alert do
      #cause of alert popup
    end #=> "the alert message"

    browser.confirm(true) do
      #cause of confirm (set 'true' above to false to not confirm)
    end #=> "the confirm message"

    browser.prompt("hello") do
      #cause of prompt.
      #replace 'hello' above with user input in response to prompt
    end #=> { :message => "foo", :default_value => "bar" }

If you find more (or if anyone else wants to add to the list) please
feel free to update this and repost. (or add to the watir wiki)

On Dec 29, 2:34 pm, Lisa Crispin <lisa.cris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have Watir 1.6.2 and Ruby 1.8.6. We have MANY Watir/Test/Unit scripts
> which we (well, I) mainly use to help with exploratory testing, and to
> verify releases. I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to
> break them. At the same time, I want to try the latest Watir and Webdriver
> to see if it correctly interprets the JS that our new Dojo code has - the
> version of Watir we have can't cope with it, and Canoo WebTest/HtmlUnit
> also cannot correctly interpret it.
> I perused the latest install instructions and info about the later Watir
> releases, and it sounds like our older Watir scripts aren't going to work
> with the later version? Is this true? How much effort is required to fix
> them? Is there a central location with this information that I just haven't
> found yet?
> If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't
> work, can I back up to the old versions again?
> I only spend about 10% of my time doing any sort of coding, so though this
> might all be really obvious to y'all, it is something quite challenging and
> scary for me. I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we
> have, but I don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to
> try Selenium.
> Thanks,
> Lisa
> --
> Lisa Crispin
> Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
> and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)
> Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ (O'Reilly 2009)http://lisacrispin.com
> @lisacrispin on Twitterhttp://entaggle.com/lisacrispin

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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