Ken Beck story about Mr. Knotts.

2006-02-27 Thread Allan Newsome

Folks, the above will take you to a wonderful story written by the 
co-author (along with Jim Clark) of The Andy Griffith Show Book and 
many other Mayberry related books. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: My Dad and Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread ctygrl821
To my Mayberry pals

I know one thing...heaven shines much brighter today, for my Dad passed 
away Sunday, Feb. 19, and now Don Knotts last Fridaymy sweet and 
precious Dad even reminded me a bit of Don...both men small in stature, 
but, oh so big in heart and love for everyone...

Missing my Dad, and Don, toobut taking comfort in knowing they are 
happy and smiling once moreand we will see them again.

joan in NC

WBMUTBB mailing list Has a tribute to Don

2006-02-27 Thread Allan Newsome
I got the note below from the folks at  Drop by and 
check it out.

Also, be sure to drop by and leave a note on the Don Knotts 
( )

Hi Allan:
 We created a Best of Barney Fife video clip section in our blog.
or... watch 16 episodes online for free... featuring Barney at his best.
Don Knotts was the greatest 
Wily Krause

WBMUTBB mailing list

Deputy Barney Fife

2006-02-27 Thread CAPT .
some of us flight simmers are gonna do an honor flight for Deputy Barney. 
(Don Knotts)
I posted of his death up in the flight-sim group, and came up with the idea 
of doing one
either from Los Angeles (LAX) to Raleigh (RDU) and then to Mayberry AKA Mt. 
Airy (MWK)

or doing a shorter flight from RDU to MWK

and another simmer suggested we continue up to Morgantown, Barney's (Don's) 

This site here is Mt. Airy's airport with a picture of airport itself

Doggone if it don't look like the airport Aunt Bee took her flying lessoons 
out of.

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

WBMUTBB mailing list

So very sad

2006-02-27 Thread Darin Berkley
Someone once said, people come and go through our lives each and every day, but 
very few 
leave a mark on our hearts.  I think it's safe to say that Don Knotts left his 
mark on ours.

A town has lost its protector and companion
A sweet, sweet lady has lost her date for Saturday night
The choir has lost a tenor
A way of life that only a 33 year old man can dream about has lost a legend
A sheriff has lost a deputy and best friend
and myself, well, I have lost the closest friend to whom I never met  
A chair is vacant

We should carry our friend in our hearts, minds and through our television on 
to our children.
But we should also take from this the impact that one person can have on us and 
try our best to impact just a small portion of the lives he did.  It's what 
we're called to do.  Just think ahead to the point and time we're gone and the 
possibility of people remembering the impact we had on their lives.  We have to 
ask ourselves, what would people say about us?
Don left a stamp of love and laughter on our hearts, let's make a decision to 
do the same.

Darin Berkley
Knoxville, TN
Isaiah 6:8 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 64

2006-02-27 Thread CraftMom53
I am heart broken on hearing of Don Knots Barney passing.  It is as  if I 
have lost a member of my family.  He sure has touched my life through  his role 
as Barney.  I love watching him and Andy Griffith on all the  reruns.  I will 
miss him so very much.  Thank heavens for all the  reruns of the Andy 
Griffith shows.  I plan on owning all the DVD's of the  show.  Good Bye dear 
and May God Bless you always.
Marilyn W. 
Clarksville, Tennessee
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sad about Barney

2006-02-27 Thread Silvia Boosten
I agree, I am getting sad watching Barney's final episodes also.  I think I 
will be
  sad watching all of his episodes for some time.  I feel like we have lost an 
  friend.  He is with the angels now.  He is probably making everyone in Heaven

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Our Man Barney

2006-02-27 Thread bcq145
Many beautiful tributes have filled the Digest honoring our man Barney and this
is exactly as it should be--for our beloved Don Knotts played Barney perfectly 
to a tee.
In a lesser actor's hands, Barney could have come off as an annoying fool, 
someone that no one could understand why Andy kept on the force let alone be 
best friends with.  But under Don Knotts' guidance, we could well appreciate 
why Andy took up for Barney and tried to help him in every way he could. Yeah, 
Andy got frustrated with him sometimes, but it never clouded the loyalty those 
two men had for each other.  That showed through clearly in each episode.  Andy 
helped Barney and Barney loved Andy.  In his own bumbling way, Barney tried to 
help Andy.  Heaven knows, he usually loused it up. But he meant well and he 
Bless his heart.
And that's why we could put up with Barney. He always meant well.  People often
laughed at him and made fun of him, but he kept trying. Beneath that shirt with 
the bullet in the pocket beat the heart of gold.
And now it has stopped beating and we are all the sadder for it.
Rest well, beloved Barney.  You have earned your peace.
Lydia and Laura Lee Hobbs, the Dime Store won't be the same without you

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Fwd: Re: Barn

2006-02-27 Thread Brenda Gast

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Good Ol' Barnery Fife

2006-02-27 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends,

  Yes, i was sadden by the death of our Barney Fife. Don knotts was 
definatly the ony
one who could have ever played him. We know he is joined on his journey to 
heaven with
Darrin Magavin ( a Christmas Story) and Dennis Weaver ( Gunsmoke)  
Thankfully we have
dvd and tv to share our times together.

Barney will be properly burried next to Tom Silvey with a shiny new bullit 
in his pocket of course.

   We will miss you Don until we meet in the heavenly Mayberry for a 
soda at the filling station..
May God rest his soul..


WBMUTBB mailing list

Goodby, Old Friend

2006-02-27 Thread Wendy B Nowell
I couldn't help but cry Saturday when I heard about Don Knotts.  I feel like 
I've lost a dear, dear friend.  Well, I cried again today when I read the 
digest with the words to The Vacant Chair.  I had the privilege of meeting 
Don at a show in NC years ago.  There were so many stars there, but I waited in 
line for one person, Don.  It was a pleasure to talk to him and have my picture 
made.  I know we all have so many memories and I wanted to come to a place 
where I could share and know you all would truly understand.  Thank you, Don 
for years and years of laughter!  

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2006-02-27 Thread Garry Dashner
Back in the 1970's I used to be a Security Guard. I stood guard or patrolled 
at banks, warehouses, hospitals, etc. Because of BARNEY, I always carried a 
bullet in my shirt pocket. I made sure the bullet was always shiny. BARNEY 
always stressed Bullet Maintenance. It's funny how one person can have 
such an impact on so many people. Fortunately, DON KNOTTS had a good impact. 
It's a shame that life has too be short, but sooner or later, we all have to 
go back to the GOD who Created us. Thanks for the memories, DON!


WBMUTBB mailing list

So very sad

2006-02-27 Thread Darin Berkley

WBMUTBB mailing list

Corrected Barney Tribute

2006-02-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Hey I've gotten a couple nice notes about my last post, and I really
feed bad that I had a couple typo's in it, so I wanted to send again
with corrections.   Thanks again Bill of the Desert for the idea. 

Thanks for the Memories 
A Deputy named Fife, Thelma Lou his future wife, it doesn't matter that
he caught just a few crooks in his life...We'll miss him so much

Another hapless Jailbreak... A confident smirk and shake...  another
messed up fishing trip for Andy at the lake We'll miss our Bar-ney

It seems he's doomed to fail, nothin' but good guys locked in  jail, but
somehow his pal Andy will get him a commendation in the mail...That's
our De--puty  Fife

His deputy recruits are a joke, everyone knows he'll go for broke, he'll
make a federal case out of a harmless little poke, but that's just...

Thank God we've got TV, VHS and DVD, for years to come--generations
won't be glum...cause we'll laugh and love  our Bar--ney!!

He's really a live wire,  Many-a-shot he will misfire,  but in the end,
our singing friend is finally in the Heavenly Choir...We will miss
him so much.

WBMUTBB mailing list

hello up there

2006-02-27 Thread laverne defazio
To the powers that be..
 Please let Barney in the choir.
  Don't be concerned if he tries 
  to dance on the Big Dipper..
  and  please tell Ernest T not to 
  throw stars except on clear nights.
   Our world is an emptier place 
   But aren't the heavens nice and  full  
   Sigh  from the bog house   Big Maude
  laverne defazio

-- - The professional email service

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Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread Richard_Veit
I would like to pass along my own personal remembrance of Don Knotts. I
talked with him only once, at a large gathering in Nashville several years
ago, but I could sense that he was a kind and surprisingly shy man. I told
him that my great uncle was the late Joseph Hamilton, who portrayed a very
visible Mayberry loafer in many early TAGS episodes (³Get a horse,
Barney!²). As I tried to explain this to him, an insistent event handler was
hurrying us fans through the receiving line, but Don simply ignored him,
taking the time to assure me that he well remembered Uncle Joe and even
asking me how we were related ‹ Joe was married to my grandmother¹s sister.
Don Knotts sure didn¹t have to go to all this trouble, and yet he was more
than willing to make a fan happy.

Richard Veit
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 64

2006-02-27 Thread UQualityRoofing
we are very sadd,what more can i say ? the upchurch family of muncie 
indiana.bill lesa billy brian chris dean tony breanne donald and donna.

WBMUTBB mailing list


Don Knotts...What a funny guy!

2006-02-27 Thread Deborah J Pombo

Andy was on the Today talking about his best friend Don Knotts. 
  He was telling about how Don was at the end.  Matt Lauer acted like he was 
wanting Andy to tell something funny about Don.  
  Andy always called him Jesse his real name.  
  He was telling Matt how he felt.  
  I thought it was a little rude of Matt of asking him a question that was 
suppose to make us remember Barney being funny.  
  I don't think Andy felt like smiling and laughing. Man he should have given 
him a break as his best friend just died. 
 Don Knotts as Barney Fife will be missed. I like the movie when he turned into 
a fish The Incredible Mr. Limpet

  We will miss your laugh Mr. Don Knotts. You were the best !

   Deborah J Pombo

WBMUTBB mailing list

our departed friends

2006-02-27 Thread Paul Mulik
My grandma always said famous people die in threes, and I believe she was
right.  We were still grieving Don's death when we were hit with the news
that Darren McGavin had died, and just hours later, it was announced that
Dennis Weaver had gone to his reward as well.

Dennis Weaver never worked with Don Knotts (as far as I know), but he did
star in Centennial (1978) along with Andy Griffith; with Ron Howard in
Where Have All the Children Gone? (1980); and with Clint Howard in the TV
show Gentle Ben.  Dennis Weaver had an indirect connection to TAGS; in the
episode The Fun Girls, Goober does an imitation of Chester, the character
Dennis Weaver played on Gunsmoke (or Marshall Dillon as Gomer called the

Dennis Weaver was from my hometown, Joplin, Missouri.  We attended the same
college (now known as Missouri Southern State University), though not at the
same time, of course.  He never forgot his roots; every few years, he would
come back home for special events.  Joplin has a street named after him,
Dennis Weaver Drive.


WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-02-27 Thread Kim
Thank you Don Knotts for bring us Barney Fife and other memorable characters.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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[no subject]

2006-02-27 Thread jfifemd
The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: 
Don Knotts sure gave a lot of folks some good medicine. I think Barney Fife , M.
D. was very appropriate after all. Thanks Don.

Right, Ange?'
Jacksonville, Fl.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Death of Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread ROBERT MORTIMER JR.
Sad is today, hearing the news of the death of Don Knotts. But happy will be 
the people of heaven as he will be there eternally.Robert Mortimer. U.T.PENDYKE 
D.V.M. Chapter of TAGSRWC.

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Barney Fife more tribute

2006-02-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
During our lifetime we travel many roads. Some big roads, some little
roads, rocky roads and smooth roads, dirt highways and improved
highways. - Barney Fife

Barney, this is a rocky road for your admirers.

I want to give a word of encouragement also to Betty Lynn.  She is kind
of the social secretary that keeps all the remaining cast members
connected.  She too has lost a great friend.

Thanks to Sam from Knoxville and others who supplied to word to  the
Vacant Chair.  It seems so appropriate right now.

Here ya go Bill (Bob Hope Song)

Thanks for the Memories 
A Deputy named Fife, Thelma Lou his future wife, it doesn't matter that
he caught just a few crooks in his life...We'll miss him so much

Another hapless Jailbreak... A confident smirk and shake...  another
messed up fishing trip for Andy at the lake We'll miss our Bar-ney

It seems he's doomed to fail, nothin' but good guys locked in  jail, but
somehow his pal Andy will get him a commendation in the mail...That's
our De--puty  Fife

His deputy recruits are a joke, everyone knows he'll go for broke, he'll
make a federal case out of a harmless little poke, but that's just...

That God we've got TV, VHS and DVD for years to come, generations won't
be glum...cause we'll laugh and love  our Bar--ney!!

He's really is a live wire,  Many-a-shot he will misfire,  but in the
end, our singing friend is finally in the Heavenly Choir...We will
miss him so much.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Many roads

2006-02-27 Thread Maurine Taylor
As we remember Don Knotts, will someone please write Barney's many roads 
speech?  We used it so often in my family, no one ever got past many roads. 
  When you work with words, words are your work.
  --The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, 1966
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-02-27 Thread John Frungillo
I, along with my TAGS friends, am very saddened by the loss of of our
lovable Barney Fife. My wife and I will be attending the TAGS festival
in Mt. Airy, NC for the first time this coming September and I'm sure
there will be many fans there who will feel the same. Like many of you,
I grew up watching Barney Fife. Someone said Barn became like a friend
to all of us. And what a wonderful friend he was.

Thank you Don Knotts for being Barney Fife.

John Frungillo
Hornell, NY

WBMUTBB mailing list

The late, great Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread marten
Don Knotts is missed by everyone who held out for a little more kindness, 
heart, and
  respect in the human condition.
  The timing of Don's death seems a bit odd. I (and may TAGS fans) probably 
   poetically that Andy would be the first to leave us and Barney would not be 
far behind.

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Re: mis typed

2006-02-27 Thread Don Good

I am sorry my reply should of said 38 instead  of 3. sad day didn't proof 
read my email

Yeah, I noticed the 3 and  figured maybe you were a child prodigy. *g*

You're at attention, three!

Don Good
(the tears on my pillow bespeaking the pain that is in my heart)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread Bill King
A tribute from a fan online.

The Incredible Mr. Knotts

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 64

2006-02-27 Thread Bill King
A tribute from a fan online.

The Incredible Mr. Knotts

WBMUTBB mailing list

what is this? What do you do on this site?

2006-02-27 Thread Crystal Swisher
what is this?  What do you do on this site?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanks for the Memories

2006-02-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I was thinking yesterday that we have so many memories of our travels with 
Barney or any other character he played that it would be a nice tribute to him 
if we all join in putting together a few lines to the old Bob Hope theme of 
Thanks for the Memories  I will start with a few lines and the rest of you 
please join init will bring more thank a tear to the eye...

Thanks for the Memories
We grew up loving you...your one bullet not two...your sweetie Thelma 
Lou...Andys always teasing you...we'll miss you so much

Oh thanks for the memories..

Bill of the Desert

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Honoring Don Knotts in a Mayberry way.

2006-02-27 Thread Shamrock Hill
We just added a new porch to the front of our house and placed rocking
chairs out there yesterday.

This evening my 14 year-old son (a TAGS fan since age 2) and I are going to
honor Don Knotts/Barney by sitting out on the porch sipping cider while we
count cars.

Hope the cider hasn't gone hard!

Ed O'Dwyer
History! That's My Subject! Chapter
Alpharetta, GA 

WBMUTBB mailing list

HeartsFlowers To Don!

2006-02-27 Thread Fgfrankling
We morn the loss but cherish the memory of our dear Barney Fife
How thankful we are to have so many episodes of The Andy Griffith 
Show to help keep him alive in our hearts and minds.
You all have a Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

God's Little Forty Acres

2006-02-27 Thread brodahaver
Don Knotts might have passed on, but he is in that spiritual  Forty Acres Lot 
in the heavens. It's ironic that the most recent TAGS DVD  release was Season 
5, Don's last with the company. The next release, Season 6  due in May, will 
be all the more bittersweet as they are the episodes without  him as a cast 
regular. He made five guest shots in the Knotts-less  seasons and they were ALL 
in the month of January, at mid-season. Don may have  passed to another realm 
at this current T.V. mid-season, but there  will eventually be 'The Return of 
Barney Fife.'
Brian Rodahaver
One Of Maryland's Biggest TAGS  Fans!!! 
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-02-27 Thread Bob Castrucci
I say with a heavy heart..we'll always love you..our Barney Parney Poo. 

thank you,
bob castrucci
WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts

2006-02-27 Thread jgerman

Hi all:
 I was deeply saddened by the recent passing of actor Don Knotts.Inreality, 
Barnard O.M. Fife passed away April 19, 1965 episode #157 when Barn made his 
last regular appearance. He of course did make some guest appearances and even 
a movie. We had Barney for  five great years. I think I saw in my self in 
Barney. Sometimes too scared , sometimes too nave, a loud mouth, and a way too 
sensitive. But deep down he always loved his friends deeply.  When Barn loved 
he went by his heart and not by the book. We always felt a special closeness to 
him. He was one of us. Arrivederci, Barney!  He truly was,One of ours 

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Don Knotts LA Times Obit

2006-02-27 Thread Bart Boatwright
Don Knotts, star of 'The Andy Griffith Show,' dead at 81

Knotts died Friday night of pulmonary and respiratory complications  
at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills.

By Scott Collins, Times Staff Writer

Don Knotts, the saucer-eyed, scarecrow-thin comic actor best known  
for his roles as the high-strung small-town deputy Barney Fife on the  
1960s CBS series The Andy Griffith Show and the leisure-suit-clad  
landlord Ralph Furley on ABC's '70s sitcom Three's Company, has  
died. He was 81.

Knotts, who lived in West Los Angeles, died Friday night of lung  
cancer at UCLA Medical Center, according to Sherwin Bash, his  
longtime manager.

Family members said that his longtime friend Griffth was one of his  
last visitors at Cedars on Friday night.

Despite health problems, Knotts had kept working in recent months. He  
lent his distinctive, high-pitched voice as Turkey Mayor in Walt  
Disney's animated family film Chicken Little, which was released in  
November 2005. He also did guest spots in 2005 on NBC's Las Vegas  
and Fox's That '70s Show. He occasionally co-headlined in live  
comedy shows with Tim Conway, his sometime co-star in Disney films  
such as The Apple Dumpling Gang. Knotts also appeared as the TV  
repairman in director Gary Ross's whimsical 1998 comedy  
Pleasantville, and voiced the part of T.W. Turtle in the 1997  
animated feature Cats Don't Dance.

As he grew older, Knotts became a lodestar for younger comic actors.  
The new generation came to appreciate his highly physical brand of  
acting that, at its best, was in the tradition of silent-film greats  
such as Buster Keaton, Stan Laurel and Harold Lloyd.

Knotts first rose to prominence in the late 1950s, joining Louis Nye  
and other comedy players on The Steve Allen Show. In 1961, United  
Artists Records released a comedy album entitled Don Knotts: An  
Evening with Me, which featured various takeoffs on the nervous  
man routine the comic had made famous on Allen's show. One of the  
bits, The Weatherman, concerned a TV forecaster forced to wing it  
after the meteorology report fails to make it to the studio by air time.

During the mid to late 1960s, in a largely unsuccessful bid for major  
film stardom, Knotts made a series of family films that many  
connoisseurs now say were critically underappreciated at the time.  
These include The Incredible Mr. Limpet (1964), The Ghost and Mr.  
Chicken (1966) and The Reluctant Astronaut (1967). The latter two  
were made as part of a five-picture deal with Universal Pictures.

Limpet, the tale of a meek man who is transformed into a fish, has  
particularly won recent acclaim. Its early mix of live action and  
animation was a forerunner of such later films as Who Framed Roger  
Rabbit? and Space Jam.

At one point, Jim Carrey was said to be considering starring in a  
Limpet remake, although the project has yet to materialize. Once,  
when Knotts visited the set of How the Grinch Stole Christmas,  
Carrey paid tribute. I went to him, and I was just like, 'Thank you  
so much for The Ghost and Mr. Chicken,' Carrey later told an  
interviewer.  'I watched it a hundred times when I was a kid.' 

Martin Short has likewise hailed Knotts as a major influence, and at  
least one of Short's recurring characters, shifty-eyed lawyer Nathan  
Thurm, owes a debt to Knotts' nervous man character, created for  
The Steve Allen Show in the 1950s.

Many TV viewers remember Knotts as Ralph Furley, the ascot-wearing  
middle-aged landlord who mistakenly viewed himself as a swinger on  
ABC's hit sex farce Three's Company. The series starred the late  
John Ritter as Jack Tripper, a chef who pretended to be gay in order  
to share an apartment with two attractive young women. The plot of  
many episodes hinged on Tripper struggling to keep his secret from an  
ever-suspicious (and homophobic) Furley. Knotts introduced the  
character in 1979, during the show's fourth season, when the original  
landlords (Norman Fell and Audra Lindley) had departed for their own  
spin-off, The Ropers.

For Knotts, who typically worked in Disney comedies and other family- 
friendly fare, appearing in a sex comedy — then decried by critics as  
jiggle TV -- constituted a major departure. But he stayed with  
Three's Company until it went off the air in 1984 after eight seasons.

However, it was his portrayal of Barney Fife — a role for which he  
won five Emmy Awards -- that immortalized Knotts to TV viewers.  
Deputy Fife, an inveterate bumbler, was not in the series pilot, and  
was at first intended simply to be part of a large ensemble that  
would surround Griffith, who played Sheriff Andy Taylor in Mayberry,  
a fictional North Carolina town near Raleigh.

But not long after the series debuted in October 1960, Knotts stole  
the show. Griffith, who was meant to be the series' comic focus,  
shifted to playing straight man. The writers began beefing up Fife's  
role and creating episodes that 

Fw: Goodbye, Don.

2006-02-27 Thread Tracey Zopp

- Original Message - 
From: Tracey Zoppmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Tod A. Lawlismailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: Goodbye, Don.

Hearing that tune now brings a lump to my throat.  It's a sad, sad day.  He was 
the greatest and he will be missed so much.  I'm so thankful I had the 
opportunity to see him in person.  He was one of a kind.

Tracey (Maudy) Zopp
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tod A. Lawlismailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:54 PM
  Subject: Goodbye, Don.

  We shall meet, but we shall miss him
  There will be one vacant chair
  We shall linger to caress him
  While we breathe our evening prayer.

  Goodbye, Don, and thank you.

  In sadness for your loss, but with joy for your life and what you¹ve meant
  to us,

  Tod ³Baron von Rick-toven² in Korea

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