Re: Diced cream

2009-08-24 Thread blueridgebiker
If diced cream is ice-cream in squares then wouln'd a "Clondike bar" be the 
same thing ?
I was just thinking,  if how easy it is to think with this hear thinking 
bucket on my head.

Tim in Salis-mayberry, NC 

WBMUTBB mailing list

cartoon Andy and Barney

2009-08-24 Thread Steven Mitchell
Hello all,

Long time no post.

Here I go again.  The question I bring up every few years...still no luck.

Long time, big fan of the show.  As a kid we were the Nate Bracey chapter,
now with a family of my own we are the Selfish Giraffes.

I have a very distinct memory, as a child, of seeing something that was like
a public service announcement on PBS that focused on hunting safety.  It was
animated, and depicted Andy and Barney duck hunting.  There was some joke (I
think) about Barney and duck safety.  Andy and Barney were seen sort of
waist up in a marsh, both wearing outfits similar to Barney's disguise in
The Shoplifters.

If I remember right, both Andy and Barney had voices done by the real guys.
I know I saw this but have never had any luck finding anything.  Anyone out
there remember this?

"I like that mid-morning cup of coffee don't you?"

Steve in Baton Rouge
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Days Update - Elizabeth MacRea

2009-08-24 Thread Jeff Koontz
The Surry Arts Council is pleased to announce that Elizabeth MacRae will be 
attending Mayberry Days this year as a special guest. She played Betty Parker 
in the TAGS episode Big Brothers but is more recognized as Lou-Ann Poovie, 
Gomer's girlfriend on Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. She is one of the most charming 
women and life is not complete until you've heard her sing "That Old Black 
Magic" in person!

Tickets for all shows are still available and you can purchase them online thru 
their secure server or call and order by phone. For the latest information, 
please visit the SAC website.

It's BIG!



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Vic's comments

2009-08-24 Thread david browning

Bravo Vic!


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 04:17:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Victor Friskey 
Subject: Living the Mayberry way
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Last Sunda my pastor was gone on vacation and being a retired pastor I was 
asked to fill in. I chose the absence of Thomas from the other diciples as a 
message and focused on what he had missed from that gathering. After church a 
couple of guys and I got into a conversation of what the young people are 
missing today compared to 'The Good Old days'
I lived on a 160 acre 'poor man's farm' but we didn't know we were poor because 
no one ever told us we were.
Our house was heated by coal stoves in each room. The upstairs had no heat and 
in winter I had to scrape frost off the window to look out.. We walked a mile 
to school every day there was no bus so no snow days. We drank water from a 
well and had to tie a rag around the spout to filter out the worms and bugs and 
In summer if the water was too low in the creek we swam in a large concrete 
horse trough the cows drank from. I seldom wore shoes in summer except to bale 
hay. I got sunburned but never worried about UV rays and there was no such 
thing as sunblocker. In winter we had no 200 channel TV's or nintendos or 
IPods. we were outside working or making snow forts or tunnels using or own 
imagination. The teachers cared about their students and visited every home at 
least once a year. There were no child proof lids and we rode byclcles without 
helmets, cars without seatbelts or booster seats and it was a thrill to ride in 
the back of a pick-up truck. We play hide and seek, Andy-I - Over. we jumped 
from haylofts, trees, and roofs. We got scratched, cut , broke bones but nobody 
ever got sued or was threatened to have their children taken away. In school we 
used a #2 pencil
ballpoint pens were taboo. If we got caught misbehaving we went to the 
principles office. I got caught throwing spitballs and had to chew a 5Lb coffee 
can full as punishment at recess. It took me two months to fill that can. There 
were no lawsuits if a teacher smacked us with a ruler or a book. To get to 
school functions we rode our bikes or walked, there were no 'Soccer moms'. When 
things were plentiful we didn't waste. when they were scarce we did without or 
If parents had to raise their kids today like my parents raised me they 
wouldn't. if kids today?had to live the lifestyle we lived then they couldn't.
But we had freedom, failures, successes, and responsibilities. We asked for 
nothing from the government but was always ready to help at a moment's notice.
We were proud and we made do and we SURVIVED.? Thomas may have?missed a lot not 
being with the other diciples but not as much as I miss those Mayberry days on 
the farm.

David L. Browning
The Mayberry Deputy
200 McArthur Circle
Bristol, VA  24201
 "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and 
those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss (his first book was rejected 27 times)

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Play the Game

2009-08-24 Thread Rusk, Thomas E SFC RET
Aunt Bee, your point was well taken.
>From just seeing the trailers to the new Andy film, my wife and I made the 
>decision we probably wouldn't go see it. It's kind of like the movie "A Face 
>in the Crowd". I didn't care for Andy's portrayal in that movie either. I 
>prefer to see him as good old "Andy Taylor".
We all have to realize that Andy Griffith is not Andy Taylor. Andy Taylor is a 
character in a show, much like Opie who was played by Rod Howard.
I may not agree with all the Mayberry cast on their political and moral 
positions but I can still love and appreciate them for the wonderful characters 
they played on the greatest TV show of all time.
My suggestion is to not let a few off color movies cloud our love for Mayberry 
and wonderful folks who made the show great. Look for the good.and praise 

Carolina Tom

<>< <>< <><

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TO instead of AT

2009-08-24 Thread hyperauntjan1

There was a time when Jas ( for Jason? ) was teasing Barney about a hit and run 
- and when Barney got all excited and asked where - he said, "Out to the 
baseball field!" I always thought that was odd since I was raised in the South 
and never heard that before.


" Nobody pays attention to those no-good loafers and you know it!"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Lake Charles

2009-08-24 Thread bcunnin107

Wouldn't the Lake Charles mentioend in Family Visit MOST LIKLEY have been in 
Louisiana? Unle Ollie mentions cutting over to or going through Shreveport, 
which of course is in Louisiana. Not a definite, but a most likely in my 
opinion. As for the "up" or "Down" references, that happens a lot. Remember?how 
Mayberry "moves around" the state in relation to its proximity to Raleigh? Once 
it was thirty miles southwest, once it was referred t oby the governor as up in 
the northern part of the state..

Brad "Neil Bentley" Cunningham

"My card, in case you ever need my services"

WBMUTBB mailing list

to vs at

2009-08-24 Thread kim
"The eastern shore has a construction that substitutes "at" for "to."

I heard it on TAGS on at least one occasion.  When everyone in the Barber
Shop was razzin Barney about locking up the whole town, an older gent (I
think it was Chester Jones - the two bit cheatin liar) popped in his head
and said, "Hurry Barney, a hit and run."  Barney asked where and he said,
"Out to the baseball field."

Ever notice how many fun lovin, ornery, older gents lived in Mayberry.  I
think they played more pranks than any of the teenagers in town.

Kim - Wylie
WBMUTBB mailing list

Long Distance

2009-08-24 Thread Dan Goodwin
The reason Aunt Bee didn't call Nora long distance was she couldn't holler 
that loud.  Remember how loud Andy had to talk when Aunt Bee called from Mt. 
Pilot and that's only 12 miles away.  Heaven knows how loud you'd have to 
holler to get through to Lake Charles.


WBMUTBB mailing list

A man tied to a tree

2009-08-24 Thread Steve Simers
I have been watching the comments on how Andy was able to capture this convict 
and tie him to a tree single handed.  I think we're forgetting who we're 
talking about. My opinion is that he was able to do it because he was "Andy".  
Obviously, Andy was aware that he was an escapee when he first saw him.  After 
he fed him, I'm sure Andy explained things to him and he told him that he was 
under arrest. Obviously, the convict was not resisting being tied up.  Andy 
accomplished some amazing things just by words and I'm sure this is no 
different.  I can see the scene now. --- That convict sitting by the fire 
finishing off some of Andy's bacon and coffee, thinking how clever he was, and 
how he had "out-smarted" everyone. All the time making up stories of how he 
came to be in those mountains. And Andy standing over him with that piece of 
string in his hand just letting him talk.  Then, Andy looking down on him 
saying, "Where did you find those prison shoes? And the convict, knowing he was 
caught, drops his head. Then Andy would say "Oh what a tangled web we weave 
when first we practice to deceive. Now I'd appreciate it if you would get up 
and put your hands around that tree so I can detain you for a little while." 
And, of course, the convict just did what he was told.  
What else would he do???

Steve in Arkansas
"It's definitely no fun when that iron door clangs shut on you"

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Ollie and Floyd

2009-08-24 Thread Bentle, Margaret
I watched 'The Sons of Katie Elder' Friday night and James Westerfield
was the banker, starring John Wayne and Dean Martin.
I remember him from several Disney movies.  On the the
picture of Mr. Westerfield is from TAGS as Uncle Ollie.
Mr. Westerfield was born in Nashville, Tennessee (my hometown and proud
of it.).
Everyone has an Uncle Ollie in the family or someone you work with.
Fish and visitors smell in three days. 
Benjamin Franklin
 , Poor
Richard's Almanack, 1736
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 -
When I visit a friend in Montana I try and help out around the house and
try and not make a pest of myself.  
I try and stay only 5 days at the most, the fifth day is the day I
usually leave and come home.
I like Paul Mulik's idea of how Andy tied the prisoner to the tree. 
Floyd says "I'm going to Nashville", quote from 'Floyd the Gay
Reading Tom Kessel's blogs, great insight into actors we know by sight,
but just don't know the name of the actor.
Trying to catch up on Two Chairs No Waiting.
Floyd: 'I'm going to Nashville.'   
(Margaret: I already live in Nashville.)


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