
2011-10-10 Thread colonialcott...@netzero.com
Reading about the Darling cure for headaches.  I get some bad headaches and 
have tried many remedies.  Tying a buzzard's head around my neck never occured 
to me.  I once had a buzzard fly up over my head, land on a branch and hiss at 
me, however.  And, if provoked, a buzzard will spit on you.  They're mean, 
those buzzards.  And pushy, very pushy.
Bee in New Concord

Brenda J. Higgins

57-Year-Old Mom Looks 25
Mom Reveals Free Wrinkle Trick That Has Angered Doctors!
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Floyds Glasses

2011-10-10 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
Hey Johnna,

That's interesting -great spotting!  
Well, I guess he was an "all around deceiver" or "miserable deceitful wretch" 
in that episode! :-) 
As Andy would say, "that's vanity."

Over and Under,
Clyde "Barn"

>Subject: Floyds Glasses

>I noticed the other day while watching "Floyd the Gay Deceiver" that there 
>didn't appear to be any actual lens in the glasses.  Only the wire frames.  
>Could be wrong but they sure looked lensless to me.
>Johnna Fayetteville, AR

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Floyd's Glasses

2011-10-10 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
I agree that they did fit his personality!  He sure completed the character of 
Floyd, down to the "little bits."  It's amazing to think that he passed away at 
such a relatively young age.

I wonder if there are any interviews?  Yes, I would love to hear Howard McNear 
talk about the show, or just anything, really.  

Over and Under,
Clyde "Barn"

Floyd: "I demand satisfaction!" (when accusing Goober of a fraudulent contest).


>From: Keith Miles 
>Subject: Floyd's Glasses

>I don't have any insight on the change in Floyd's glasses, but I always 
>thought that the glasses contributed to the fact that Floyd looked much older 
>when he returned from his stroke (obviously his health also >affected that 
>older appearance).? I think the glasses really fit Floyd's 
>personality/demeanor when he returned to the show.? I was shocked when I first 
>found out his actual age, in that he was only about 57 >when he had his stroke 
>and he would have only been in his early 60's when he left the series, dying 
>at the age of 63 in 1969.? He easily looked to be upper 60s or 70 after his 
>I have always enjoyed Floyd's speech and mannerisms after his stroke...I would 
>have loved to see or hear an interview (outside his Floyd character) around 
>that time as I have heard from those on the show >that he was very similar in 
>and out of character...don't know if that applied to both pre-stroke and 
>Keith in Nebraska
>Floyd:??"I had an ample supply of fuel."?(during his non-patronage of 
>Goober's?Service Station)?

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Howard McNear

2011-10-10 Thread (Ted) Easy-T "Straight Outta Delhi!"
I once read an interview with Andy Griifith and he said what made
Floyd so funny to them, is because Howard McNear wasn't acting when he
portrayed Floyd-he was ACTUALLY like that.

Walter "Ted" Kamprad

WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie the Birdman gun sighting

2011-10-10 Thread Harriet Browder

>When Opie the Birdman played, and Andy walked over to open the window so Opie 
>could hear the orphan  birds, >the camera went back to Opie and the nightstand 
>and it looked like a .45  pistol on the table???  This observation has to be 
>the epitome of trained noticing. It indeed looks like a gun on Opie's bedside 
>table. Actually it even looks like it's been moved from the first sighting, 
>when Andy walks into Opie's bedroom it appear to be showing the top of the 
>gun. Then when Andy opens the window and the camera flashes back to Opie, it 
>appears that you see the gun from the bottom angle. Very strange. And it even 
>appears to be two kinds of guns, from one scene to the other. This requires 
>some real sluthing. Get out your DVDs folks. 

, the chicken thief, hiding in Kelsey's Woods, USA 
.."Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's
an old wives tale""Johnny Paul ain't married"

WBMUTBB mailing list

re:floyds age

2011-10-10 Thread Cb9862
i think in general the black and white film adds age.even andy and barney  
looked older than they really were.to me the black and white film adds 10 or 
12  yrs of age
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Mayberry Moment

2011-10-10 Thread dewey lamb

Cotton is a huge crop in my neck of the woods.Each year we have a cotton 
festival,and this
past weekend was a very successful one.During church Sunday,the choir dressed 
in period
clothing.Our preacher donned a pair of bib overalls,shirt and tie,coat and work 
boots.I'm sure
by now you know where I'm going with this...yup,the spittin' image of Rafe 
Hollister all gussied
up.When I told the preacher,he said "Who"?I immediately told him he needed to 
I mentioned TAGS,it dawned on him.Alas,a wrong was righted.
Dewey in NC
No one has solved the true identity of Mr. Schwump.For ages,people have been 
trying to figure
out which came first,the chicken or the egg.According to Genesis 1:20-22,the 
chicken came
before the egg.Maybe we need divine intervention for solving the Schwump 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Welford's Opie Gun-Sighting

2011-10-10 Thread Albert A

>>Maybe my eyes deceived me, and I need to look again. When Opie the Birdman  
played, and Andy walked over to open the window so Opie could hear the 
orphan  birds, the camera went back to Opie and the nightstand and it looked 
like a .45  pistol on the table???  What was it?  I know my eyes aren't as 
sharp  as they once were but that brief moment appeared to hold a .45!!
Can someone enlighten me on what it was??
Welford TheCameraNut<< 
"That's gotta be that fancy blue steel Colt .45 that I once seen in the 
sporting goods section at Weaver's Department Store. Opie sure gets good stuff 
from Weaver's. The only thing I ever got from there was a wristwatch with a 
mouse on the dial with yellow gloves." - - - Jethro Bodine  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Solution to Ken's prowler

2011-10-10 Thread Mike Haviland
Hey Ken maybe you should recruit  Floyd's  help in catching that prowler. I can 
see the headlines now.  LOCAL BARBER CAPTURES CAT BURGLAR, Some things never 
change. Lets be thankful they don't. Mike "The Scamp"
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2011-10-10 Thread terry mayew
That tying a buzzard's head around your neck---does that have to be a live
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: A Most Unforgettable Experience

2011-10-10 Thread Sue Doughty
Ken, you are a bird in this world!!!  What a great story!!

Sue Doughty
High Point, NC

>>From: "Ken Anderson" 
>>To: "Maybery Digest" mailto:wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com>>
>>Subject: A Most Unforgettable Experience
>>I had a "Most Unforgettable Experience" today.  My wife came into the house 
>>this afternoon and >>said there was a prowler around the back of the house.  
>>So I called the police and they sent an >>officer.  He was unarmed as was I.  
>>So the two of us searched around the back of the neighbor's >>We were closing 
>>in on him when he was able to slip between two houses and he made his escape. 
The officer said I should call if he returns.  I asked if it would be OK 
>>for me to try to set some kind >>of trap for him if it wouldn't hurt him, and 
>>I was given the OK on that.  My wife just read this post >>and she said I 
>>left out a few important details.  Ok, so the perp was a stray cat, and so 
>>what if the >>officer was a humane officer, and so what if we were unarmed.  
>>It could have been dangerous. >> The cat did hiss at us a couple of times so 
>>the officer went back to his officer and said he was >>going to get Annette.  
>>I assumed Annette was another officer, but as it turned out, he came back 
with a net.  I do have a large live trap that I use for rabbits so I am 
>>going to set that and see if we >>can catch the stray.  But all in all, it 
>>was a most unforgettable experience for me.  After all I am 65 >>years old.

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS actors

2011-10-10 Thread teresa sigler

Dear TAGS,

Have so many to tell.  On Bonanza a while back, Mr. O'Malley
was on with 2 other rich men trying to get Ben's Ponderosa.
The rich lady with the fur stole on during Raffe Hollister singing
with Andy is the same lady (I think) that was at the hotel with the 
jewelry at the hotel with Barney. 
Fred Goss was on the Dick van Dyke show yesterday with his on screen
wife at a party at a house.  Someone asked him a question and 
he got all nervous and was complaining.  His wife had on a dress
with the very wide collar with sparkling rhinestones or gems.  He
was probably dreading dry cleaning it.  
Rob Petrie left something in Alan Brady's office and was going to
break in and get it.  Along came the nightwatchman.  It was the
man who owned Jimmy the Goat.  Also, I think the same guy was
the man who's brakes were squeaking and Andy got fed up and 
give him a ticket.  I think that show was the one that he told
Aunt Bee to pack him a skillet and some bacon that he was going
to the hills.  

I can't.  Barney has the ladder.  Poor Queenie!

Sand Mt. Mizzus Why-lee

Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. 
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