Opie's toys

2011-12-06 Thread Marie
Opie did play football  baseball  he wanted an erector set when he found that 
man's purse. Still, did Opie ever play marbles or collect baseball cards? Did 
he own the Matchbox type cars Barney used for Otis's driving test. (Otis')? No 
Monopoly or Operation games with Howie Pruitt and Johnny Paul Jason? He did 
play cops  robbers but no cowboys  Indians? No tag, hide and go seek, 
mumblety peg?

Then again look at other favorites. Did the Beaver ever play with toys? Not 
often. The Brady Bunch kids had few toys  few friends preferring to stay home 
with their siblings.

Oh well, I guess it was easier to film  cheaper not to have to purchase  
store the toys for use when needed.

Mayberrily yours,

WBMUTBB mailing list

What I have learned by watching TAGS

2011-12-06 Thread teresa sigler

Dear TAGS,
I have learned to:
Wash my hands after eating kerosene pickles.Be patient waiting out the sisters 
on Sunday to be able to use the phone.Grab a coat to put on Opie to go over to 
Clara's house because Luke Comstock is coming by.Never order escargots.When it 
is late, I will let Wally check out my car the next morning, because it gets 
dark early and I can't trusther for the road after dark.Not to let Myrt 
Hubcaps Lesh, Bernard's widow, negotiate my next car purchase.Always buy my 
scarves from Bert Miller, because he puts them in a fancy box!Always take a 
suitcase full of toiletries to go and visit my cousin on a overnight trip.Never 
buy a postcard and mail it off to where you are going, because they will get it 
right after you get there.
P.S.  I went and found the movie The Ghost and Mr. Chicken and I have just 
only watched the first few minutes of the movie, where they are all eating 
breakfast.  Someone postedwho was in that movie, the TAGS actors and they are a 
lot of them.  I noticed Annabell Silby,?Tom's wife, who was serving coffee?, 
she was not mentioned in the post.  I believe it is her.
Have a great weekend!
Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt.

Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Childhood Toys

2011-12-06 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Ken,  We had the same toys here in Virginia.  I loved my tinker toys.  I used 
to spend hours making as many different airplanes as I could.  Then I would get 
my metal gas station and all of my cars out.  The lift on my gas station was a 
little different though, it was a lever and not a crank.  Our living room couch 
has a skirt that hung down and I would stick my cars under there, that was the 
garage.  I would put the airplanes under each of the end tables, they were my 
hangers.  You see at the age of 10, in my imagination I was a multi-millionaire 
with around 10 - 12 cars and 5 or 6 airplanes.  Life was sweet.
One of the best things in my childhood though was my dog.  She was a mutt we 
got as a puppy when I was in the 5th grade.  I named her Samantha because I had 
a crush on Elizabeth Montgomery from Bewitched.  We were the best of friends.  
She went everywhere with me, following me on my bike.  When we played baseball 
all day, she would follow me to the field and sit there while we played all day 
and then follow me home.  A problem arose when I got my drivers license at 16.  
Everytime I drove somewhere I would have to put her in the house so she 
wouldn't try to follow me in the car.  The first time this happened, I had 
driven about 3 blocks down the hill from our house and looked in the mirror and 
saw Samantha chasing after me as fast as she could.  I felt so bad, I stopped 
the car and drove her back home.  She just couldn't understand why she couldn't 
go with me.  She stayed with my mother when I went away to college and then 
when I got an
 apartment after getting out of school.  She got very sick around the age of 12 
and the vet said it would be best to put her to sleep.  Taking her to the vet 
was the hardest thing I've ever done.  Here I was a strong ex-football player 
of 23 years old and I cried like a baby and as I type this I still get a 
tear(s) in my eye.  I've had several dogs since, but I don't think there is 
ever one as good as the one you had as a child.
Harry in Salem, VA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie not playing games

2011-12-06 Thread Janet Anderson
Still, did Opie ever play marbles or collect baseball cards? Did he own the 
Matchbox type cars Barney used for Otis's driving test. (Otis')? No Monopoly 
or Operation games with Howie Pruitt and Johnny Paul Jason?

I wonder if one factor (in addition to story line considerations) was that if 
they showed a board game or any other toy that was obviously some brand, it 
would be like free advertising.  I know that was normally guarded against in 
TAGS as well as in other TV shows.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie's toys

2011-12-06 Thread hyperauntjan1

I know he did want the chemistry set that makes bombs that smell like rotten 
eggs. The one Johnny Paul Jason had didn't do that. I think it came in a blue 


But Johnny Paul Jason ain't married!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Women and Pants in Mayberry

2011-12-06 Thread Ken Anderson
Frankie Flynn wore pants when she came into town, before Barney kidnapped
her and Ellie did a complete makeover on her.  Helen wore them later on in
the color episodes but they were a real rarity in Mayberry.  It was realy
easy to see who wore the pants in the families in Mayberry.  Somehow I just
can't picture Aunt Bee wearing pants.

If you have pants to wash and iron, you should have pants to wear.

Regarding toys, the Beaver played with marbles, he had an electric train
set, they had a game that they hit to make a bell ring, he had a stuffed
bear, they played checkers in their room so they had a few more things than
poor Opie.

By the way last night my wife was talking about her half brother who is in
the hospital.  I told her  that I ain't ever seen one.  A half a brother.
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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