What stage of Barney life does 2020 currently have you in?

2020-10-23 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Found this Barney Fife-related link the other day.  Also attached the file.   


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Which Barney Fife stage does 2020 currently have you in? I am between #4 and 
#5. With wearing a mask, #9! Sta...



WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry sighting on an early Columbo episode

2020-06-29 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Recently watched a Columbo episode from 1971 called "Ransom for a Dead Man", 
and thought a face looked familiar.  The character's name was Paul Williams, 
who was quickly disposed of by his wife, played by Lee Grant during the opening 
scene of the episode.
After checking IMDB, I realized the actor, Harlan Warde, appeared in 2 TAGS 
- Barney Fife, Realtor (1965) ... Mr. Williams- Opie and the Spoiled Kid (1963) 
... Simon Winkler
Ironically he played a Mr. Williams in the episode where Barney was a realtor.  
He played Howie's father (I thought Howie's last name was Pruitt) and lived in 
the house that Andy/Bee thought they wanted (the Williams place), but it turns 
out the house had furnace problems and a foot of water in the basement.
He portrayed Arnold Winkler's father in "Opie and the Spoiled Kid" episode.  
After realizing his boy Arnold was way out of line discipline-wise, and took 
him out to the "good old fashioned" woodshed behind the Mayberry courthouse for 
some well deserved corporal punishment.
If anyone is interested, there's an excellent website dedicated to Columbo, one 
of the best characters/detective shows in history.  They really get deep into 
all things Columbo, and there are others TAGS alumni that have appeared on 
Columbo episodes.  Columbo's first run of episodes (the classics), along with 
TAGS complete episodes are both now on Amazon Prime, although the Columbo's are 
"free with commercials", which you can't fast forward through.  TAGS show the 
original episodes along with the epilogues, commercial free.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Walter Baldwin/Hope Summers

2013-06-17 Thread David and Angela Forbus
I remember that Walter Baldwin (The Best Years of our Lives, The Lost Weekend) 
was the original Floyd the Barber in one episode.  I recently did a double-take 
when I recognized him in Rosemarys Baby.  Hope Summers (Clara) was also in the 
I'm sure its been discussed here previously, but whoever casted that movie 
obviously hadn't seen TAGS, as it seemed a little out of character for Floyd 
and Clara to be chanting Hail Satan in the final scene.  I guess it's the 
actor of the man, and actress, since Hope Summers played 
Clara-Bertha-Edwards-Johnson.  I think they were naked in an earlier scene, as 
well, which definitely wouldn't fly in Mayberry.  I really don't care to replay 
the movie to verify.
Another bit of trivia: Along with numerous haunted occurences, the building in 
NYC where much of Rosemary's Baby was filmed (The Dakota) was the last place 
where John Lennon of the Beatles lived and was gunned down in front of.  
Charlie Varney in TX
WBMUTBB mailing list

Most despicable characters in Mayberry

2013-04-19 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Mayor Stoner, hands down.  Though Parley Baer was a fine human being and 
excellent character actor and voice-over man (Winnie the Pooh), Mayor Stoner 
was a dreadful individual.  Full of graft/corruption, greed, jealousy and 
distrust of his employees and others around him, he epitomized what it truly is 
to be a (corrupt) politician, lacking in character, social skills, and overall 
decency.  Remember his snobbish treatment of Rafe Hollister, how he had to have 
the overpass built for his Brothers' (or was it Brother-in-laws') business in 
'The Loaded Goat', his illusion that the Governor was a good friend of his, 
upstaging Andy by bringing in a state detective in 'The Cow Thief', his taking 
advantage of Andys bedjacket situation with Aunt Bea to buy Eagle Eye Annie at 
a reduced price.  However, I did agree with his assessment of the Mayberry Band 
being the worst he'd ever heard, calling them diz-gusting.
Dishonorable mentions:  The fake FBI agents, the fake movie production company 
(with Gavin MacLeod), and Jackie Coogan and his daughter (the one that called 
Barney a Squirt).
Charlie Varney in TX
WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-07-03 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Romans 14:8 

Don't the trees seem nice  full?

Charlie Varney in Central TX
WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober Pyle

2012-05-07 Thread David and Angela Forbus

just saw him on an old Alfred Hitchcock Hour episode, as a cab driver.  
He was not a pleasant sort on the show.  I guess it was the actor of the man...)

Charlie Varney

When Goober arrives at the Pearly Gates, ol Pete says Welcome Goob, God 
says Hey... 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney the Lawman

2011-11-25 Thread David and Angela Forbus
During the Barney the Lawman episode when Allen Melvin and the other 
vegetable salesman are topping of their radiator water at Wally's, and overhear 
the guys laughing about Barney Fife, does Floyd say something about Barney 
using his pistol to 'start the potato sack race at the Mason's picnic'?  Beside 
the colorized episodes where a lodge is used (a pseudo Shriner-style 
fraternity), how many other references to fraternal organizations are discussed 
(aside from Opie's Wildcats, where he was Keeper of the Flame)?

Allen Melvin was also on All in the Family/Archie Bunker's place as a character 
known as Barney Hefner.

Charlie Varney
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS/Oscar winner

2011-07-06 Thread David and Angela Forbus
I thought that maybe The Meathead (Rob Reiner) may have won an Oscar.  He's won 
an emmy, and has been nominated for an Academy and Golden Globe award, but 
won an Oscar for his acting, writing, producing, or directing.  I believe he 
have been part of a picture or 2 that won Oscars, like Stand by Me, When 
Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men, or my all time favorite This is Spinal 
Tap.  Does directing, producing, acting, or writing for a movie that wins best 
picture count?

Does anyone else know that Rob Reiner co-wrote the first episode of Happy 
The first year of that series was my favorite, before they over did it with the 
Fonz, and got a live studio audience.  Kind of like the way that an unnamed 
declined when it went to color..(I'm referring to Lost in Space, Gilligan's 
Island, Bewitched, or I Dream of Jeannie, of course).

What was the name of the character Rob Reiner played on that colorized episode 
of TAGS?
Charlie Varney in Central TX       
WBMUTBB mailing list

Nippin' a moulage in the bud

2011-06-15 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Not to deflect from this excellent board, but for those who occasionally like a 
little saucy talk with their tea, and prefer to not pull any punches when 
discussing both the positive AND negative sides of TAGS, the latest TV Land 
schedule, or what ever else ails you, I stumbled upon the www.sitcomsonline.com 
site (Message Boards section).  I'm sure it's been discussed here before. 

It's broken down by decade, and sitcoms within those decades.  Some of the talk 
is definitely not G rated, but it doesn't claim to be, just as the WBMUTBB site 
is much more family friendly, and honestly up front about it.  There's nothing 
wrong with either site.  It's good to approach discussion from multiple 
directions, and there's a time and place for each style.  I like WBMUTBB for a 
more restrained discussion, and the sitcomsonline.com site for my opinionated, 
sinnin' side.

I stumled upon the sitcomsonline site after witnessing Andy  Ron Howard's 
surreal political endorsement prior to the 2008 destructive fiasco...I mean 
elect..aw heck, I'll stop now, before foot gets planted too deeply in 

Charley Varney in Central TX
WBMUTBB mailing list

Question about Warren Parker (Harlan Fergus/Mr. Meldrum character)

2011-04-25 Thread David and Angela Forbus
I need some trivia assistance:  I've been collecting TAGS, Twlight Zone, The 
Fugitive, and Alfred Hitchcock Presents episodes on DVD, as well as my favorite 
one-eyed detective, Columbo.  While watching Columbo season 3's Publish or 
Perish episode, with Jack Cassidy playing the main guest character, Riley 
Greenleaf, I noticed Riley's butler at his mansion was played by  Warren 
who played Mayberry's Bank President  Town Treasurer, first as Harlan Fergus 
(the episode when Frank Myers bond nearly bankrupts Mayberry), then later cast 
as Mr. Meldrim (or Meldrum) in several episodes.  

But he's not listed anywhere online or anywhere else for that matter as even 
being in this episode.  He said a few lines, and seemed somewhat disgusted and 
annoyed with the role.  when they speak a few lines, they generally are posted 
on the credits.  I watched the episode several times, and swear it is him.  If 
anybody else gets a chance to watch this excellent Columbo episode, please 
verify this, if you get the chance.  All of the 1970's Columbo's were great, 
especially the 3 episodes with the brilliant Jack Cassidy, RIP.  

This is bugging me.  I may even contact the Screen Actors Guild to verify it 
him, and I'm as anti-union as they come.  

I guess you could say this is turning into a real compelsion.

Charlie Varney (hanging with Otis, in the TX Hill Country)
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-04-18 Thread David and Angela Forbus

I found a good deal on TAGS episodes on DVD ($16.99 per season), which include 
epilogues and commercials (lots of Sanka commercials).  I was wondering which 
was the last season of black  white episodes.  Was it 1964 or '65?  Was that 
season 5 or 6?  I found seasons 2  3 at a local store, but have to order the 
others, and don't want any seasons that came after the bw episodes.  Was the 
final episode the one with Jerry Van Dyke, or the one where Opie visits the 
carnival and the rifle sites are out of whack?  Any help will be appreciated.  

Also, are there any sitcoms or other half hour shows that still put out 32 
episodes per season?  That was quite a lot.  I can't remember more than 20 
something per season, cartoons included (Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family 
etc.).  Season 5 of The Office did have 26 episodes, but that's the most I 

Charlie Varney in TX
WBMUTBB mailing list

Strangest scenes with Mayberry characters in other shows/movies

2010-01-26 Thread David and Angela Forbus

1)  Goober Pyle as a surgeon on a M*A*S*H tv episode
2)  Howard Sprague hanging by his neck in a bathroom with Sally Struthers in 
the movie The Getaway
3)  Andy as the despicable Lonesome Rhodes in A Face in the Crowd
And the strangest of all:
4)  Clara/Bertha - Edwards/Johnson chanting 'Hail Satan' at the end of the 
movie Rosemary's Baby.  That one was a total mind blower.  I still have 
nightmares about it, and think about it everytime I see her on TAGS.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie left alone

2009-06-02 Thread David and Angela Forbus

When Andy, Barney, and Aunt Bea went to the landfill to find the remaining 
editions of Opie/Johnny Paul's gossip paper, she may have had 
Clara/Bertha-Edwards/Johnson sit for him, like she did on other episodes.  I 
vaguely remember Bea mentioning for Opie to go stay with other ladies in other 
episodes (when she had to run off all of a sudden), as well.  
In a perfect world, Andy would have already married Ellie Walker, or one of the 
Mary's, or Lucy Matthews, and they all could have gone to the landfill, even 
Opie, because I'll bet it wasn't past 8 or 9PM, and he was probably 11 or 12 
years old by then, anyway.  But I guess the point was that even though they 
scolded him for writing and distributing papparazzi-style gossip, they were 
still very interested in that gossip, though they didn't want him to know how 
interested they were (blonde, right out of a bottle).
Charlie Varney in SA (dry as dust)

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS actor on Kelly's Heroes

2009-05-28 Thread David and Angela Forbus

On memorial Day, we watched The Dirty Dozen and Kelly's Heroes (both classics) 
for the hundredth time, at least.  This time I noticed that one of Carroll 
O'Connor's staff (O'Connor played a General in Kelly's Heroes) was the same 
character who was in the TAGS episode #42 (The Club Men), where Andy  Barn try 
to join a private club up in Raleigh.  This actor is the guy who later comes to 
Mayberry to tell Andy that he's been accepted into the club, but not Barney.  
What's the history on this guy?  I've seen him in numerous other films/tv 
shows.  Don Rickles, another TAGS guest star, played a classic role in Kelly's 
Heroes.  But I could never figure out the Donald Sutherland character in the 
movie.  He played a hippie-like guy (like his real life), but the story took 
place during WWII.  Were there hippies around then?  Is that when the whole 
Socialist movement that permeates Hollywood began, or was it during the '50s?  
Charlie Varney 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Subject: Drama

2008-12-03 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Subject: DramaWe are all familiar with the funny moments on this show. What is 
your favorite dramatic moment from the show? The word drama has negtive 
connotations for me (like the term Drama Queen), so I prefer the term Tear 
Jerker, because if I (almost) shed a tear, it must be somewhat touching, 
because I am a Misanthrope, and don't feel those feelings too often (except for 
certain spoecial critters, and a select few friends and family members).There 
are so many of these moments to choose from, but 3 come to mind (all are from 
the bw era. Sorry, but I can't think of one single solitary touching moment 
in any non-bw episode.  I'm not being negativejust making an 
observation: 1) When malcolm Tucker decides to spend the night at the Taylors, 
after his big city anxieties fall by the wayside when Opie, Andy, Bee, and 
Gomer talk him in to staying the night. (I get a chuckle thinking about the 
writers considering where he lives
 (Charlotte, NC) as being a big city.  Classic.3) .it sure does 
sonbut don't the trees seem nice and full?...  'nuff said.  2) But my 
favorite by far is when Otis redeems himself in front of his proud wife, the 
Historical Society, and Mayor Pike, Andy,  Barney, genuinely describing that 
just because he was Nathan Tibbs' kin didn't give him any reason to deserve any 
special recognition, and how he couldn't expect to be considered great himself 
just because a long lost relative was.  To add to that, the way that his true 
friend, Andy, never lost faith in him to show up sober.  To me, nothing comes 
close to that speech/episode and its' emphasis on redemption.  For me, its' one 
of the most brilliantly acted  produced scenes and episodes overall in the 
history of any type of film medium.  True, genuine brilliance. Charlie Varney 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy/Barney and the preamble to the Constitution

2006-09-05 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Was wondering what episode(s) Andy quizzed Barney on his memory.  I thought of 
this episode recently while working with a coach on a type of memorized 
catechism I'm working on for a fraternal organization.  None of it is written, 
and is taught from mouth to ear.  I thought I had a certain rather long 
paragraph memorized well, but needed assistance with the first word.  
  After needing basically the whole long paragraph verbatim from the trainer, I 
had to chuckle at the end when he asked if I was ready to recite it again, and 
in my best Barney, said Nope, I got it.  We..The..Pe..ople.
  I think they did a skit more than once testing Barney's memory.
  Charlie Varney in SA
  Just for plain guzzlin'

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Re: Golden Door

2006-05-24 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Was wondering what fraternal organization that TAGS based the Golden  Door 
group after.  Possibly a combination of Masonic-Shriner/K of  
C/Elks/Oddfellows?  Were any of the TAGS cast members of fraternal  
organizations in real life?  I only remember the one show  reference 
(colorized, when Howard was blackballed by Goober).
  Charlie Varney in SA
  Dejected after Game 7

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Re: Barney

2006-02-26 Thread David and Angela Forbus
Can you imagine how much fun they're having now?  Aunt Bee, Floyd, Clara, Otis, 
and all the rest who have left Mayberry for Heaven?  These are days not to 
mourn, but to celebrate an incredible life and talent.  One of the 
greatestno, the greatest character actor and character ever.  Am going to 
watch several TAGS and some of his movies today with a smile.
  Charlie Varney in SA

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