Mayberry foods

2013-05-14 Thread Maurine Taylor
Mayberry themed foods: Pounded steak and the ever-popular spaghetti (don't 
forget the secret ingredient in the sauce. It's oregano.
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Friends named Beasley

2013-02-27 Thread Maurine Taylor
I worked with people who went to high school with Andy in Mount Airy.  One guy 
was named Johnny Paul Beasley. A coincidence? He went by his middle name. Paul 
Beasley said that Andy always said, Paul Beasley stole Angie Montgomery from 
me. Paul denied knowing Angie and didn't think he had the ability to steal any 
girl from anyone in  high school. I'm just telling what the man said.
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Mt. Airy phones

2012-05-17 Thread Maurine Taylor
I worked for the company that provided telephone service to Mt. Airy, NC.  At 
one time Sarah worked for us.
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2012-05-08 Thread Maurine Taylor
ANDY:  (Discretely speaking out of the side of his mouth) Goober, your hair is 
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Rooming houses

2011-09-27 Thread Maurine Taylor
My grandparents in Illinois had several roomers.  My mother was a young girl, 
and they were all very important grown up friends for her.  One was indeed a 
teacher, Miss Virgie.  It would not have been proper in the '20s for Miss 
Virgie to live anywhere else.  She left--the room and teaching--when she got 
married, but she was always in touch with the family.  And then Franz came to 
live with them.  He was a German master baker, like my grandfather, and he came 
to town with a flour salesman who thought my grandfather could help him find 
work.  He did, and they rented him that had vacated by Miss Virgie.  My mother 
told me that was a typical way bakers found work.  The roomers, in this case, 
had the use of a hot plate and a small sink and even room for a small kitchen 
table and a sitting room.  It could have been Mayberry.
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All time favorite quote

2011-02-20 Thread Maurine Taylor
Goober, your hair's drippin', Andy Taylor.
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Home towns

2010-12-04 Thread Maurine Taylor
I grew up in Urbana Illinois, home of the University of Illinois.  Urbana is 
absolutely a University town, much like Chapel Hill, NC.  I spent a great deal 
of time as a U of I student explaining that, Yes, people are really FROM 
Champaign-Urbana.  My grandmother was born there, as was my mother.  My father 
graduated from the U of I and worked as an engineer for a company that made 
construction equipment.  No, he did not work for the University.  I lived there 
until I had my master's degree and, OK, my husband recently pointed out that I 
have now lived in Knoxville, TN, longer than any other place I have lived.  The 
funny thing is that here I am not from around here and never will be.  In 
Urbana, it was unusual to be from around here.  I expect that even though 
I am not from around here, this is where I will stay.  It is a great place to 
be.  Unless I can find Mayberry. 
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2010-12-04 Thread Maurine Taylor
My daughter is an actress in New York.  Maybe that is why I especially enjoy 
this bit of phone chat from Aunt Bee:  Are you wearing earrings?  Well, no, 
Clara, I've never been to New York City, but I've always pictured them as 
wearing earrings.  Y'all know the episode, right?
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2010-10-25 Thread Maurine Taylor
May be pronounced that way but actually spelled R A L P H.
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NC Geography

2010-09-29 Thread Maurine Taylor
The short answer is Yes.  The writers dealt with an unrealistic geography of 
NC.   But I wonder if they did so to make sure to mention special places.  
Toast and Star, which each actually had town limit signs back to back were 
mentioned.  Manteo, Siler City, even the relative size of Mt. Pilot and its 
relationship to Mayberry didn't fit the map.  And wasn't Fancy Gap placed in 
NC rather than over the line in Virginia?  Imagine my surprise when I moved to 
NC and found out where stuff really was!  You don't suppose they were just 
messin' with my head.
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Don on Matlock

2010-08-29 Thread Maurine Taylor
One of my favorite Don/Andy moments on Matlock was a bit of dialog that went 
something like this (and I have to paraphrase:
Les (Don) to Matlock (Andy):  You know we are a lot alike, you and me.  You've 
got better hair, but we are a lot alike.
Love it.
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Perry Como

2010-08-27 Thread Maurine Taylor
When my parents were first married--before I came along to put a crimp in their 
social life--they often went dancing, and being in the big city of Chicago they 
had the opportunity to dance to a lot of the big bands.  One night the boy 
singer with the band was Perry Como.  He spotted my dad and spent his whole 
break between sets sitting and talking with them at their table. Why?  Because 
he could spot another Italian a mile away.  And Mother always said my dad had 
the map of Italy on his face.  But they never met Bobby Fleet.
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Carnival goings on

2010-08-22 Thread Maurine Taylor
The carnival that came to the fair in the county where I grew up had some of 
those dancing beauties.  Admittance to the tent was adults only.  And to 
ensure that only paying customers saw the show, they spread cow manure on the 
ground where the bottom of the tent fell.  I know this because a guy from my 
school got the bright idea that he could see the show by laying on the ground 
on his back and lift up the curtain.  He didn't stay long enough to see much, 
but he got up with manure all over his back.
The sheriff's office had plain clothes deputies patrolling the carnival.  
This was the sixties, but plain clothes meant suits in July with straw sailor 
hats and canes that could be used to catch fleeing bad guys.  They didn't fool 
anyone, but that was kind of the idea.
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Cast member in my guilty pleasure

2010-08-10 Thread Maurine Taylor
You can see Rance Howard acting his heart out in Ghost Town the Movie 2007, 
by Dean Teaster.  [Not to be confused with the theatrical movie with Ricky 
Gervais, this gem went straight to video.] It was filmed in Maggie Valley, NC, 
at Ghost Town in the Sky, the tourist attraction.  It features many Ghost Town 
regulars, including guys whose jobs are to get 'shot' and fall off roofs for 
the pleasure of visiting tourists.  But, there, acting his heart out as if he 
was in a real movie, is Rance Howard.  As the sheriff, he carries the burden of 
advancing the story line.  Too bad, they didn't let him start earlier.  If they 
had, I wouldn't have had to watch it twice to figure out what was going on!  
You have to admire a fella who can turn in a fine performance under such 
circumstances.  Used copies are available on Amazon beginning at 88 cents.
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2010-07-01 Thread Maurine Taylor
I grew up in Central Illinois.  De-tasseling was a rite of passage.  Hot 
scratchy work. Although it was hot as blazes, you had to cover your arms in 
long-sleeved flannel shirts and long pants and squeeze between rows of corn.  
Sack lunches under the noon day sun. It was one of the few jobs you could get 
before you were 16.
Now that I have worked in agriculture in the South, my response to those who 
ask, But did you ever pick cotton? is No, but I de-tasseled corn and I 
walked (soy) beans.  That's the Corn Belt equivalent.  
BTW, my husband, who grew up in small town NC, said Mayberry seemed more like a 
Midwestern town.
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Blue Ridge Country magazine

2010-06-07 Thread Maurine Taylor
July/August issue has a story about Mayberry's Museum.  'Bye.  Got to go read 
Maurine Taylor
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Fave episode oneliner

2010-05-11 Thread Maurine Taylor
My favorite episode contains my favorite line . . . Goober And the Art of Love 
is full of great lines, but I most enjoy Andy's aside:  Goober, your hair's 
I heard that'n and had to get up off the porch.
    --Andy Griffith
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Russell Hiatt sez . . .

2010-04-02 Thread Maurine Taylor
I hope everybody saw the Q  A with Russell Hiatt of Floyd's City Barber Shop . 
. . about cutting hair in the April 2010 issue of Men's Health magazine.  
Unfortunately, he didn't address the issue of clippers vs. scissors and comb.  
I'm sure he would have if he'd know in would be weighing on our minds.
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Towns mentioned

2009-08-27 Thread Maurine Taylor
Toast, NC.  They mentioned Toast (unincorporated).  
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That Place Out on the Highway

2009-07-14 Thread Maurine Taylor
I knew there was a reference to the Blue Vue, which was in reality a nice 
motel with a view of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  It was owned by a good friend 
of Andy Griffith's.  That good friend happened to be the local manager of the 
telephone company in Mt. Airy.  (I worked in the regional office of that 
company.)  Whenever we had business meetings in Mt. Airy, we ate at the Blue 
Vue.  They served mighty fine barbecue!  
In TAGS episode I saw yesterday afternoon, it seemed to be quite a different 
kind of place, where Barney took someone OTHER THAN THELMA LOU.  Furthermore, 
he did not TELL Thelma Lou, and Andy was really raggin' him about it.  Asked if 
they went out to Lover's Leap.  
I love those local references.  I knew a real Johnny Paul Beasley from Mt. 
Airy when he was a grown up working for the telephone company, and he swore 
that he DID NOT steal Angie Montgomery from Andy Griffith in high school!  
But, if he didn't, how come his name was given to a TAGS character?!  He must 
have done somethig Andy remembered!  I'm just sayin'.
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Old editors never die . . .

2008-11-15 Thread Maurine Taylor

their blue pencils continue to itch at the sight of a typo.  
I just voted for the Old Mount Airy City Jail even though the last time I 
checked there was an a at the end of Carolina.  I guess editoris another name 
for a trained noticer.  
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Don has more company in heaven

2007-05-02 Thread Maurine Taylor
Tom Poston, another of Steve Allen's crew, passed away yesterday at the age of 
85.  More laughter in heaven.
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Terrible injustice in Knoxville

2006-08-28 Thread Maurine Taylor
TV station WVLT in Knoxville, Tenn., has been showing two episodes of the 
Worlds Greatest TV Show (TAGS, of course), one at 4:30 and one at 5 p.m. for 
quite some time.   Imagine my surprise when I came back from the mailbox 
recently and plunked myself down to commence the highlight of my day--the full 
hour of TAGS.  And there was The Honeymooners at 4:30.  I was mighty relieved 
to find Andy et al. still holding forth at 5 p.m. as usual.  Not casting 
aspersions on The Honeymooners, but making the transition from Ralph Kramden 
to Andy Griffith can cause severe whiplash of the brain.  All yer top 
scientists will tell you that!
  Then to make matters worse, WVLT continued to run promos for a full hour of 
TAGS.  And I kept checking at 4:30, but the promos must have been just cruel 
jokes because The Honeymooners at 4:30 seems to be a semi-permanent 
scheduling change.   
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Broadway remembers Don

2006-06-12 Thread Maurine Taylor
At last night's Tony award show, Don Knotts was honored among the many great 
performers that we lost last year.  There he was with Anne Bancroft, Shelley 
Winters, Darin McGavin and all.  What a charming picture they showed.
  But we have the advantage.  He left us Barney to visit our homes whenever we 
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Hair, oh, wonderful hair

2006-06-06 Thread Maurine Taylor
One of my favorite Matlock moments is when Les and Ben are sitting around after 
Ben won a case with Les's help.  Les says, You know you and I are a lot alike 
. . .[dramatic pause] . . . . You've got better hair, though.  Everybody say, 
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Cast mention on Broadway

2006-05-30 Thread Maurine Taylor
I just got back from New York, where I visited my daughter, a UNC grad who is 
studying musical theatre, and verified that they do wear earrings just as Aunt 
Bee pictured them.
  We saw several shows, and in one we heard a TAGS cast member's name 
mentioned.  The show is The Drowsy Chaperone, and it's a good 'un.  
  The character known as The Man in the Chair narrates the show as a glitzy, 
meaningless--but fun--musical takes place in his apartment while he plays the 
cast album.  Before he puts the needle on the phonograph record, he muses (I 
paraphrase):  'I thought about playing the sound track album of Meredith 
Willson's The Music Man because I had a hankering for a young Ronnie Howard.'
  I wanted to shout, Thata boy, Opie, but I didn't because I am 'way yonder 
too sophisticated.  
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Small town phone operators--Aunt Bee beat me to it

2006-05-15 Thread Maurine Taylor
Aunt Bee of Orlando was right.  In many small towns the switchboard was located 
in the operator's home.  Not much traffic at night, and she could handle it in 
her night things.  
  In fact, at one time I worked for the company that provided phone service in 
Mt. Airy.  
  I got to talking with one of our senior business managers one day.  It seems 
he had been with the company since he was in the eighth grade.  His mother had 
been the operator in one of our smallest exchanges.  The switchboard was in her 
home, and when she was sleeping, he was the substitute operator.  (Truth be 
told, he probably spelled her before that, but couldn't get paid for it until 
he was 14.)
  So, if any of you happen to be reading or posting to this list in your 
jammies or with curlers in your hair,  just think that Sarah might have been 
doing a similar thing back in Mayberry.  
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If it hadn't been for the color episodes

2006-05-09 Thread Maurine Taylor
we might never have seen Aunt Bee all vamped up to scare away a the suiter that 
just wanted a replacement for his late wife.  We might never have heard one of 
my favorite lines.  Aunt Bee is all flustered.  After spending the check from 
the insurance company to compensate her for the missing brooch, she finds the 
brooch in the pocket of her painting smock.  
  In a tizzy, she can't seem to manage dinner as usual, and Opie, seated at the 
dining room table, says, TA DAH:  Aunt Bee, don't we get any meat or plates or 
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Another TAGS-MASH connection

2006-04-07 Thread Maurine Taylor
A big TAGS fan who lives in Tenn. went to high school and even dated BRIEFLY 
dated David Ogden Stiers, who played Maj. Winchester.  He may deny it, but it 
happened.  And it was a REAL experience, I'll tell you what is the truth.
  Knoxville, Tenn.
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Started at Central, finished at Mayberry Union High

2006-03-17 Thread Maurine Taylor
Maybe old Central was caught up in the great consolidation movement.  That 
would explain why the fellas graduated from Mayberry UNION High.  I mean Union 
High is a better name than the Mayberry-Crooked Oak-Toast-Turkey 
Ford-Dobson-White Plains-Walnut Cove-Rural Hall Consolidated High School.  I 
mean they'd have to have some mighty big cheerleaders to wear that 'un on their 
chests.  Letter sweaters would be mighty expensive.
  I'm just thinkin' out loud, which is not technically talkin' to myself.  That 
would be a soliloquy, a sort of self talk, as Andy would explain it.  And 
sometimes people think self-talkers . . . are NUTS.
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Find-a-grave, not just for the famous

2006-03-07 Thread Maurine Taylor
Find a grave is a terrific site.  I found my grandfather's monument.  He died 
in 1919 as a young man; my father bearly remembered him.  The only picture that 
was ever made of him is on the stone, which is in a Chicago cemetery.  I live 
in Tennessee a century later, and I can visit my grandfather's grave 
electronically anytime I want to.  But a total stranger put the monument up.  
And I am grateful.
  So go check out Don's site, and leave him a note.
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I just hope . . .

2006-03-01 Thread Maurine Taylor
Don/Barney was wearin' the old salt and pepper when he got to heaven.  It's so 
good for the dip.
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Many roads

2006-02-27 Thread Maurine Taylor
As we remember Don Knotts, will someone please write Barney's many roads 
speech?  We used it so often in my family, no one ever got past many roads. 
  When you work with words, words are your work.
  --The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, 1966
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Funny--and useful--lines

2006-02-15 Thread Maurine Taylor
I like--and use--all of Barney's that'd be funny, too lines.  For example, 
  --Why don't you get yourself a wig and a dress?!  You could be another Emmy 
  --Why don't you get yourself a partner?!  You could call yourselves Frick and 
  --Why don't you go over to the old folks' home and take the bolts off the 
wheelchairs?!  That'd be real funny, too.
  --Why don't you go over to the old folks' home and wax the steps?  That'd be 
real funny, too.
  (When I was in college--long, long ago--we were looking for a service 
project, and someone actually suggested we make popcorn balls and take them to 
patients in a nursing home.  You can guess what/who I thought of.  Or we could 
was the steps and take the bolts off the wheelchairs?!  That'd be funny, too.) 
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Funniest . . . .

2006-01-20 Thread Maurine Taylor
Episode:  Goober and the Art of Love
  Line:  (which happens to be from Goober and the Art of Love)
  Andy:  Goober, your hair's drippin'.
  Most enduring image:  The look on Barney's face when he turns around to see 
Andy wearing his helmet.  The boy's gonna explode.
  Color episode:  Aunt Bee, the Swinger.  You had to have color to appreciate 
how Aunt Bee looked all tarted up.
  But these could be different tomorrow.
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