Who messed up the .......

2010-06-10 Thread Ed O'Dwyer (Shamrock Hill)

My wife decided to clean out the refrigerator this weekend and organize 

My son, who just graduated high school and knows where Old Man Kelsey's 
Ocean is, was raised on Andy Griffith since he was one.

He turned to me and said "Hey!! Who messed up the refrigerator?"  with that 
TAGS gleam in his eye.

His education was worth every penny!!

Ed O'Dwyer
"History!  That's My Subject" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou's dissapearing act

2009-04-03 Thread Ed O'Dwyer (Shamrock Hill)

Have any of you ever seen Thelma Lou's magic trick?

 >> I've noticed this before and I did again last night. It cracks me up

  every time I see it (I'm amused easily OK).

Noticed that for the first time the other night on TV Land.  Lot of trained 
noticers out there!

Ed O'Dwyer
"History! That's My Subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mr. McBeevee's accent

2009-03-22 Thread Ed O'Dwyer (Shamrock Hill)
Being a real "Irisher" from the Old Country I can tell you that there are 
various regional accents in Ireland.

Mr. Mc Beevee's is a generic stage Irish accent, but definately Irish and 
not Scots.  Haven't come across any Beevees in Ireland but it could be.

If his accent was from Northern Ireland there would be a Scottish tint  to 
it since so many Scots settled there long ago but definately recognizable.

as far as the MC:

In the hierachy of Irish names:

Beevee would be the original family name.

His son would be Mac Beevee (mac being "son").   The Scots keep the MAC, but 
the Irish shorten it to Mc

and his son would be O'Beevee (grandson or descendant of Beevee).

Don't tell Earnest T., but "Bass" is originally an "Englisher" name.

Happy belated St Patrick's Day

Ed O'Dwyer

WBMUTBB mailing list

Back to normal

2008-10-27 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill

Thanks, Allan for eliminating the "flames".  

"How I vote, brother, is my business!"


Ed O'Dwyer
"History!  That's My Subject!" Chapter
WBMUTBB mailing list

Salt Rising Bread

2008-07-30 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill
I know there was some interest back a piece (i before e except after c and e 
before n in "chicken").

Just today I saw an article on Salt Rising Bread in the Birmingham news so I 
thought I'd share it through the link below.


Can't say that I've ever made this but may just give it a try.

We Irishers usually just make Soda Bread.

Gomer says "Hey!"

Ed O'Dwyer
"History!  That's my subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry road side service

2008-01-17 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill
What if all Mayberry chapter members-fans,and just plain old Mayberry minded 
people had access to these decals.Would surely be a lot cheaper than AAA.
You're motoring down the highway and see a motorist with said decal needing 
assistance.Well right off the bat,you know that is bound to be a fairly decent 
individual.It could be your mother,wife,daughter.Get the overall picture?
How about placing a jar of pickles on your roof!

Ed O'Dwyer
"History!  That's My Subject!" Chapter
WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie Taylor Sr.

2007-11-27 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill
>>Barney pretended to be Opie Taylor Sr. to unload the Miracle Salve.<<

I stand corrected.   Gomer was Opie Taylor Sr. It was the voices that threw 
me!  How do they do that?

Ed O'Dwyer
Alpharetta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Masquerading Fathers

2007-11-26 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill

Floyd pretended to be Andy and Opie's father in "Floyd, the Gay Deceiver."  

Barney got trapped into a proposal by the Southern Belle whose "father" was 
really her husband.

Barney pretended to be Opie Taylor Sr. to unload the Miracle Salve.

That's my three and I'm sticking to it!

Ed O'Dwyer
"History! That's my Subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry remembers it's veterans

2007-11-10 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill
>>Since Veterans Day is Monday, I thought we would reflect on veterans in 
>>Mayberry. I can think of at least 10 men either seen or spoken of in 
>>Mayberry who were veterans. Can anyone name them??<<

Well, here's all I can think of including both veterans both with us and 
those who aren't:

Burt Jenkins,
The Milo Boys,  (Barny's Sidecar)
Andy (A Feud is a Feud)
Barney (Staten Island Library?),
Sam Becker (Silent Sam: Korea),
Ed Sawyer (Stranger in town)
Ed Sawyer's army buddy Larsen from Mayberry,
Frank Myers' grandfather (Civil War),
Goober (learned "YO! in the National Guard),
Dud Wash,
Malcolm Merriweather ("Cold Cream" Guards).
Unnamed Recruiting SGT (allan Melvin) when Ernest T tries to enlist
Sam Jones (spin off on Mayberry RFD. Italian Campaign)
Old Hugo Hopfleisch (on the wrong side but a heck of a soldier)
Otis Campbell's relative Nathan Tibbs
LT Edwards (Ms Edwards ancestor in the Battle of Mayberry and below)
COL Caleb "Stonewall" Lawson
COL Carleton Taylor (NC 7th CAV)
COL Goober Pyle (NC 7th CAV)

Today is the anniversary of the Marines!  Happy Birthday CPL Gomer Pyle

OC Ed O'Dwyer
"History! That's My Subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS in the military

2007-11-06 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill
I'm in the GA State Defense Force (State Guard) and we recently held a drill 
to check our ability to deploy troops into an emergency situation.  All 
simulated with no
actual physical movement of personnel.

We had a secure zone around the operations room and only authorized 
personnel were allowed inside.  Sentries made sure nobody else got in.
Note:  this relates because there were several Andy Griffith show watchers 
among those of us running the operation.

We had been assigned a call sign related to owls to identify our control 
room and we completed our assignment in good order.   The tension level was
still high even though we were finished so when I returned to the room after 
going through security I opened the door just a bit and went "Hootie Hoo"
as a password to get in.  The whole room cracked up and from then on anyone 
coming into the room had to say "Hootie Hoo" as our unofficial password.

Humor is a great way to reduce tension!  Just ask Al,  Burt, the Milo Boys!

BTW, we are recruiting in Georgia but don't tell Ernest T. Bass!

Ed O'Dwyer
"History! That's My Subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Gomer's promotion

2007-09-14 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill
>>Wow! Duke Slater got promoted to Corporal back in 1968 after appearing on
>>one season of 'Good Morning, World.' Gomer had to wait 38 years! And  they
>>started boot camp together at the same time. I'm not sure about the  USMC 

It's who you know!  Now, if Gen. Lucius Pyle had been related to Gomer, he'd 
be at least a Major by now.

Ed (still a CPL in GA) O'Dwyer

WBMUTBB mailing list

Gomer promoted again

2007-09-13 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill
"MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii (Sept. 7, 2007) -- Mr.  Jim
Nabors will be "promoted" to the rank of honorary corporal by Lt. Gen.  John
F. Goodman

>>Wait a minute ... this already happened, a couple of years ago.  Perhaps 
got demoted again in the meantime?<<

Nope!  You're thinking of  his honorary promotion to "Lance Corporal" (E3) 
back in 2001.

This time it's CPL (E4).  Who knows, perhaps he'll make SGT (E5) in 2017.


CPL (E4) Ed O'Dwyer
GA State Defense Force

WBMUTBB mailing list

Marines to promote Jim Nabors

2007-09-11 Thread Ed O'Dwyer / Shamrock Hill

MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii (Sept. 7, 2007) -- Mr. Jim Nabors 
will be "promoted" to the rank of honorary corporal by Lt. Gen. John F. 
Goodman, commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific, in a special sunset 
ceremony at Kuroda Field, Fort DeRussy, Waikiki, Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 5:30 

This promotion is in honor of Mr. Nabors' years of contribution to the 
Marine Corps' image worldwide through the "Gomer Pyle, USMC" TV show, and 
will be held on the 43rd anniversary of the show's premiere. The public is 
invited and encouraged to attend.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moment at the movies

2007-06-13 Thread Shamrock Hill
My son and I were watching a John Wayne movie last night.   After a 
thunderous day of riding and shooting, the soldiers made camp and out in the 
darkness came the expected sound of birds calling each other other.   So, 
naturally I had to answer with a "Hootie Hoo!  Hootie Hoo!"

Our dog had been lying on the floor doing a perfect imitation of one of the 
dogs in "A Feud is a Feud" throughout all the shooting, bugle calls and even 
the nighttime tribal bird calls.  But, as soon as I let out a "Hootie Hoo!" 
she sprang into action like Old Blue reacting to a dog whistle.  She started 
barking her head off and ran to the door to look out and bark at the big 

My son and I were rolling with laughter!

Needless to say, we may get shot up by arrows one night by hostile tribes 
but Gomer will never be able to sneak up on our house!


Ed O'Dwyer
"History! That's My Subject! Chapter
Alpharetta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: TAGS and Star Trek: Enterprise

2007-01-30 Thread Shamrock Hill

I was watching a rerun of Star Trek: Enterprise where the ship is captured
by Ferengis.   One of them looked familiar and I kept thinking "Peanut
Butter and Jelly Sandwich."

He had that "Clint Howard" look about him and after checking the credits,
sure enough, it was him.

The episode is called "Acquisition" and was filmed in 2002.  You can catch
it on the SCIFI Channel on Monday 2/5 at 9:00 PM.


Ed O'Dwyer
"History? That's My Subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Race Relations in Mayberry

2006-09-12 Thread Shamrock Hill
In other words, Mayberry is as we all knew, a town where everyone is 
equal regardless of race, creed,  or color. Wouldn't that make a great 
storyline for some fan fiction?<<<


For more views of African-Americans in Mayberry click on the link above.


Ed O'Dwyer
"History!  That's My Subject!" Chapter

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: No Sweet Tea in Mayberry

2006-08-07 Thread Shamrock Hill
>>Being from South Carolina, I never could figure out why there was never
ice tea (no, that's the way we say it) around. >>

Curious! Curious! Curious!

If I was a betting man, I'd say that since the show was originally sponsored
by  Sanka coffee they would have frowned on promoting tea drinking.  A very
giraffe-like attitude.  Now if it had been Lipton sponsoring the show, that
would be another story!

Didn't Clara once say something about "A little Sweet Tea and spicy

Gomer Says "Hey!

Ed O'Dwyer
"History!  That's My Subject" Chapter

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Griffith & Ron Howard on Larry King Tonight

2006-03-01 Thread Shamrock Hill
For the one or two people who haven't heard:

Andy Griffith and Ron Howard will be Larry King's guests tonight on CNN to
remember Don Knotts and TVLAND is having a weekend tribute to Don.

Gomer says "Hey!"

Ed O'Dwyer
"History! That's My Subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA 

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Honoring Don Knotts in a Mayberry way.

2006-02-27 Thread Shamrock Hill
We just added a new porch to the front of our house and placed rocking
chairs out there yesterday.

This evening my 14 year-old son (a TAGS fan since age 2) and I are going to
honor Don Knotts/Barney by sitting out on the porch sipping cider while we
count cars.

Hope the cider hasn't gone hard!

Ed O'Dwyer
"History! That's My Subject!" Chapter
Alpharetta, GA 

WBMUTBB mailing list