Reversed Scenes

2007-05-22 Thread Travis K. Miller
A long-time reader, first-time poster here. This discussion of reversed scenes 
has finally cohersed me to post a message.

There's another reversed scene that I can think of in addition to the two 
mentioned so far. In the Merchant of Mayberry, Andy and Barney are talking with 
Bert Miller on the sidewalk in front of the grocery store and Ben Weaver sees 
them from a distance and walks up to them. This is the first time that we see 
Ben in this episode.

When Ben sees them from a distance and begins toward them, he is walking in 
front of the theater, but in the following shot he enters the scene from the 
opposite direction, coming from the direction of the courthouse. If I remember 
right, the shot where Ben is walking in front of the theatre is reversed, in 
order to make sense of the direction from which he enters the following shot. 
Only when you realize that he shouldn't have been walking in front of the 
theater do you start to question what's going on. The same shot in front of the 
theater appears again later in the episode when Ben discover's Bert's new 
stand, only this time the scene is not reversed.

While we're talking about trained noticin', has anyone ever noticed that the 
quonset huts from Gomer Pyle, USMC are visible in the episode Goober's Contest? 
When the cars are lining up at the filling station, in the background there are 
those buildings, clear as day. Some vehicles are parked in front of them, but 
you can still identify the buildings. I try to read the digest every day, but I 
might have missed this being mentioned. My apologies if I'm pointing out 
something already discussed.


"No thanks, Leon."

Travis K. Miller
MA 139 Coordinator and Instructor, Dept. of Mathematics
Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction
Purdue University
Office:  MATH 445 - Office hours: W 1:30-2:30; F 12:30-2:20
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Party Lines

2012-05-19 Thread Travis K. Miller
On the topic of party lines...I'm 35 years old, and I've never met another 
person my age who knows what a party line is.  My grandparents built their 
current home in 1964, and they continued to have a party line into the 
mid-1980s.  I remember being told to ignore the phone because it wasn't the 
"right ring."  

My grandmother finally had her fill of a couple of old gossipin' women always 
tying up the line, and they changed over to a private line (no, she wasn't 
dealing with the Mendlebright sisters!).  I remember that when they changed 
over, the phone company took the old rotary telephone because it was original 
phone company property.  

So maybe the issue withe the phones in Mayberry was that the local phone 
company didn't want to spring for new telephones.  Of course, if the utilities 
were all managed together, the money probably went to paving around the gas 
works instead.


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In Honor of Andy

2012-07-07 Thread Travis K. Miller
To honor Andy tonight, I made spaghetti for dinner.  I used a secret ingredient 
in the sauce.  And as we ate, we watched one of my wife's favorite episodes, 
Dinner at Eight.

Thank you Andy, and God Bless.

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Episodes without courthouse scenes

2012-07-23 Thread Travis K. Miller
Hi all-
I was recently watching the episode about Frank Meyers, and it occurred to me 
that there were no scenes in the courthouse in that episode.  I wonder how many 
other episodes that took place in Mayberry (I'm excluding things like the trip 
to Hollywood) have no courthouse scenes?


P.S.  Would you believe that I never saw this episode about Frank Meyers until 
I received the set of DVDs?  All these years, I'd seen all the other episodes 
countless times on the TV, and somehow I always missed this episode and didn't 
know it.  Seeing it for the first time was like seeing what the Mayberry 
citizens did the "rest" of the time!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd's Hair

2012-08-01 Thread Travis K. Miller
Last night I was thinking (without a bucket, maybe that's my problem) about who 
cuts Floyd's hair.  Do you think he cuts it himself?

Maybe our Allan has a thought on it - maybe the actor of the man has studied on 
it when preparing for his alter-ego.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: What did Opie say?

2012-08-06 Thread Travis K. Miller
  I haven't seen the episode lately, but if memory serves, Opie says something 
to the effect that he doesn't know what the make "maroon" looks like.  In other 
words, he thinks it's the name of a type of car instead of a color.

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Thelma Lou's Church

2012-08-14 Thread Travis K. Miller
We were watching "Man in a Hurry" last night, and it occurred to me that Thelma 
Lou wasn't at church when Barney was telling Andy his plans with her for the 
afternoon.  Now it could be that she had already attended and headed home, but 
then I got to thinking:  does Thelma Lou appear at the All Soul's Church in any 
episode?  It seems to me that all the other regular characters appear there at 
one point or another.  There must be another church across town.
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2013-05-01 Thread Travis K. Miller
Now I'm only 36 years young, but I've had phosphates.  They're still served 
around Indiana at old drive-ins and diners.  They're basically flavored sodas 
that result from mixing a flavor with soda water.  My favorite is cherry.  One 
diner that I've been to actually sells "cola phosphates" that are cola 
flavored.  I'm not sure that there is much medicinal value any more than Coke 
and Pepsi claimed when they first came on the scene.

One popular flavor of phosphate (especially in the midwest) is the "Green 
River."  It's actually a trade-marked soda that's bright green with a strong 
lime flavor, but shops call their own mixes by the same name.  There ought to 
be an ordinance against that.


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Back to Nature

2013-05-24 Thread Travis K. Miller
I was watching the episode "Back to Nature" the other night, and I noticed 
something curious in the scene that starts just after we learn that Opie has 
gone off by himself into the wilderness.  When coming back from the commercial 
break, while Andy is talking to the boys Barney and Gomer are both getting 
ready to go hunt for Opie.  Both of them seem to tie their left shoes four 
times while Andy is talking, but then they both quickly tie their right shoes 
only once.  Must be some survival skill that Barney had already taught to Gomer.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moment

2013-06-07 Thread Travis K. Miller
We had a family get-together over a fish fry this week.  My great uncle was 
telling a story about a man in town that my great-grandfather didn't have much 
appreciation for.  A guy who fell into money and liked to flaunt it around 
town.  He said, "I mean this guy, he would go to the barber shop, and he would 
tell them that he wanted a haircut, but he didn't want it to look new! Can you 
imagine that?!"

Yes, yes I could!


WBMUTBB mailing list

John Masters & Clara Edwards: Related??

2013-06-10 Thread Travis K. Miller
I've had a bucket on my head a lot lately, and I've started wondering 
something: do you suppose that John Masters and Clara Edwards were related, 
maybe even siblings?  Let's look at the facts:

A- Both take an awful lot of pride in what they do, working to maintain their 
reputations (John Masters with the choirs and dramas, Clara Edwards with 
pickles and roses)  

2- Both tend to take issue with what others are doing, causing a big moulage 
and then leaving it for others to deal with the effects

C- They share an appreciation of music, with Clara playing the church organ

They even tend to resemble each other, I think.

While it's true that John refers to Clara by both her first and last name 
"Clara Edwards," don't you suppose this is a result of the strict and formal 
environment in which they were raised?

Maybe someone should do some research on that website.  I hear 
that they have god machines, almost as good as down at the bank.


WBMUTBB mailing list

What Calvin Coolidge Said

2013-07-08 Thread Travis K. Miller
Around here we have a home improvement store called Menards and they put quotes 
and the like at the bottom of each page of their weekly advertisement.  This 
week they had "Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking 
out for yourself by looking out for your country."  They attributed it to 
Calvin Coolidge.  There weren't any quotes from Mark Twain.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2013-07-18 Thread Travis K. Miller
I was watching an episode of WKRP in Cincinnati on Antenna TV this week, and in 
the opening scene Jennifer was on a date in a French restaurant.  I had the 
feeling that I'd been there before, and then I realized that the waiter was the 
same French waiter from the time Andy and Barney went to the big city.  Sure 
enough, the same guy Roger Til played both parts.  A visit to imdb shows that 
he played the part quite a bit in a lot of tv shows during his 92-year life. He 
was actually born in Paris in 1902.

WBMUTBB mailing list

ME TV Friday

2013-11-07 Thread Travis K. Miller
If you get ME-TV in your area, this Friday night they are showing "Return to 
Mayberry."  Just saw the commercial for it this morning.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Cafe on Patrol

2013-12-18 Thread Travis K. Miller
The Indianapolis TV news just ran a story of the Danville, Indiana police 
department using the Mayberry Cafe's squad car to pull people over this week.  
But in the holiday/Mayberry spirit, it's to reward folks for good driving.  
Here's a link to the story:

WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite Musical Score Moment

2014-02-04 Thread Travis K. Miller
Here's a question for everyone.

Sometimes the music that accompanies the story in episodes of TAGS almost
becomes an additional character in a scene.  What is your favorite scene
where the music adds to the moment?  Now, to be clear, I'm not talking
about someone playing music or singing in a scene (so that rules out good
'ol 14A, Ange's guitar, and Barn's harmonica), but the accompanying score
by Earle Hagan and others.

For me, it's in Aunt Bee the Warden.  That boogie playing when Otis
descends the ladder gets me every time.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Piano benches, stools and what not

2014-02-19 Thread Travis K. Miller
This mention of the Taylors having a piano bench one time and a piano stool
the next reminded me of something else I've previously noticed.  In one
episode, the Taylors' dining room table, which is usually rectangular, is
instead round.  Maybe they switched it with the kitchen table.  Anybody
know what episode that was, or if it happens more than once?

(Don't wait on me to give the correct answer.  I don't remember.  But I
think it was a color episode where I noticed it).

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