Ronnie Schell on the cruise

2015-10-16 Thread jlj9675
Ronnie Schell is a most interesting and likeable person; I enjoyed hearing his 
anecdotes; it's just a shame we did not get the QandA time we were promised (no 
fault of Ronnie's). And Wayne Euliss' tribute to Elvis show is one of the best 
I've seen all over the country; he is so talented it's awesome!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry cruise

2015-10-13 Thread jlj9675
Ronnie Schell is just as cute and nice as I remember him at NAS Memphis many 
years ago!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry cruise

2015-10-13 Thread jlj9675
Ronnie Schell is just as cute and nice as I remember him at NAS Memphis many 
years ago!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-06-15 Thread jlj9675
Amen, Ken! You are right on the money about the poor examples we have for 
many fathers these days. It seems as if our entire society is on the decline 
in the morality department. I firmly believe that we are all influenced by 
what goes into our minds thru our eyes and ears. So, if folks today ingest a 
great deal of the filth that is on TV today, they are bound to suffer ill 
consequences. I monitor my own intake and would certainly do so for my loved 
ones if they lived in my home.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moment

2014-05-27 Thread jlj9675
I had another Mayberry moment today at my first visit to the grocery store 
in my new home area. The lady taking my purchases to the car was named Judy 
so when I asked her if she ever watched Mayberry, she said "yeah, I know, 
Judy, Judy, Judy! copied by Goober from Cary Grant." As I am so fond of 
saying, Mayberry - it's everywhere!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-05-26 Thread jlj9675
According to my mother's recollection, census takers just came to your door 
and took your word for whatever you told them. So we can't put too very much 
stock in some of them before the 1950s I guess.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moment

2014-05-24 Thread jlj9675
I had a Mayberry moment recently in moving up the road about 15 miles. I had 
my handyman unload my pistol (kept on my nightstand) in order to transport 
it up here. When we got here and I went to re-load it, he handed me one 
bullet and said "Here Barney." I about fell off my chair!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-05-24 Thread jlj9675

Thanks Ken for sharing that video; just precious!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry is . . . . . . . .

2014-05-23 Thread jlj9675
Mayberry is kindness!

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry reference

2014-05-16 Thread jlj9675
Did anyone else catch Opie's poem "The boy stood on the burning deck" in a 
Jeopardy answer this week? No contestant got it right but it warmed my heart to 
hear it in this championship of the decades!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

dry counties

2014-05-02 Thread jlj9675
I always was under the impression that a dry county meant that no 
over-the-counter liquor sales were allowed but you could bring your own 
bottle to a club or bar and get them to fix you a drink. Or am I just 
misinformed all the way around?  That was the case in my last posting about 
the grammar school principal; a super trained noticer corrected me that the 
man of whom I was speaking was the newspaper owner who was in Miss Crump's 
class to explain the essay contest; he was not the principal. Sorry for my 

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

school principal

2014-04-30 Thread jlj9675
Who knew our grammar school principal had such an illustrious career before 
Mayberry? I saw him again today in an Esther Williams/Van Johnson film at a 
ski lodge. He was playing a butler again to some actor I'm not familiar with 
but did a wonderful job. I recognized his voice before I looked at the 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-03-26 Thread jlj9675
Gosh Harv, I didn't recall that either about the company dinner but perhaps 
it was near St. Paddy's Day; that's when I always have corned beef for sure! 
I roasted mine for the first time this year and it came out good so I was 
happy. Best of luck to you and yours,
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

further alumni sightings

2014-03-08 Thread jlj9675
In viewing an old movie titled Cass Timberlane, who should I see sitting 
next to Spencer Tracy? Our own Mr. Foley! Who knew he had such illustrious 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sightings

2014-03-06 Thread jlj9675
Lately Howard Sprague has been all over the tube. He was a clergyman with a 
young daughter on Maude the other night. Then on the newly-released DVDs of 
season 3 of Mama's Family, he was the train depot clerk/janitor. I didn't 
recall seeing him in any roles other than Potsy's father on Happy Days after 
Mayberry went off the air (originals) so it was nice to see him.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dipsy Doodle

2014-03-01 Thread jlj9675
This evening on the Lawrence Welk Show I heard what I had thought was just a 
bit of nonsense warbling by Otis. But it turns out that The Dipsy Doodle is 
an actual musical number written by a bandleader way back when. They also 
performed Toot Toot Tootsie Goodbye, made famous by our own Aunt Bee of the 
whirling piano stool! Mayberry, it's everywhere!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ron Howard's birthday

2014-03-01 Thread jlj9675
Happy Birthday to Ron Howard, who turned 60 today. Hard to believe our 
little Opie is a senior citizen already!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Lydia's health

2014-02-26 Thread jlj9675
I belive Lydia's poor health was due to being too thin. We fat people get 
all the ribbing not to mention dirty looks but real thin folks also have 
many health issues; I do feel she was plagued with several conditions that 
her thinness contributed to. IMHO only.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry reference

2014-02-16 Thread jlj9675
At the final stage show on the Rockin' cruise last night, a 
comedian/impressionist named Mike Wilson rendered a most wonderful Barney 
Fife and said "terrorism stops ritecheer!" Everybody howled with laughter 
and I felt so proud. Barn's photo is on the back of his DVD sleeve; another 
proud moment. This man is sooo talented and I think is destined for bigger 
things than that cruise ship!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-02-06 Thread jlj9675
Last weekend on the Lawrence Welk Show, Arthur Duncan was tap dancing to 
Good ole 14A; it took me a bit of time to recognize it once I realized its 
familiarity and then it dawned on me. Mayberry, it's everywhere!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-02-02 Thread jlj9675
Remember Barn's saying uh-pathy vs. ap-athee? I can't put a little sign 
above the right syllable to highlight so bear with me on this.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

nasty TV viewing

2014-01-30 Thread jlj9675
I am trying to get my point across to TVLand about their ads for their own 
filthy programs interrupting our viewing of TAGS. I taped those nasty shows, 
then fast-forwarded to just the ads and made a list. I am emailing those 
providers of goods and services that I am boycotting them until they cease 
advertising on TVLand's filthy programs. If enough of us do that, someone is 
bound to listen and perhaps change their attitude. I can't imagine why they 
want to promote the nasty shows to those of us who watch the good ones as 
you'd think they would realize the futility of it. But maybe they need a 
wake-up call via their sponsors from us. When I email a manufacturer I urge 
them to limit their sponsorship to the goodness of Mayberry and such vs. the 
immoral trash like Kirstie, the Exes and Happily Divorced. So if anyone 
wants to pursue this, I will be glad to email the lists I've compiled.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

piano and alumni sighting

2014-01-28 Thread jlj9675
Did Helen's niece, that cute little girl who kept outdoing Opie on 
everything, play their piano? I don't remember.Meanwhile, when flipping 
thru the channels recently I came upon an episode of Star Trek in which the 
city scene reminded me somewhat of Mayberry so I lingered and who should 
appear but our own Arnold, pal to Opie, who was assisting Capt Kirk in some 
scheme.  Then in an episode of the Partridge Family, there was our Henry 
Bennett; his hair was white by then but I recognized his sweet face almost 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-01-24 Thread jlj9675
I believe Mr. Smith of the state school board had designs on Helen even tho 
she didn't return them. Perhaps once she sat down in the booth, he just slid 
on in with her and she didn't want to be rude by demanding he sit on the 
opposite side. I would have but I'm mouthy and do not brook any nonsense but 
Helen had her moments of gentility and I believe this was one of those. I 
think Andy was quite justified in his objections and Mr. Smith needed to be 
put in his place!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

favorite color ep and alumni sighting

2014-01-16 Thread jlj9675
I'm with Marie; my favorite all-time episode, both B/W and colour, is Only a 
Rose, where Clara sacrifices her blue ribbon in all fairness and is so 
loving with Aunt Bee; a finer example of integrity and friendship I've never 
seen before or since.Today on  a  DVD of old Johnny Carson appearances, 
who should be trying to sing a scat song? Our Rafe Hollister; I almost 
didn't recognize him till he began singing - he was a hoot!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

different roles on TAGS

2014-01-11 Thread jlj9675
Don't forget the man who was the postal clerk and Martha's brother was also 
the presiding clergyman who married Dud and Charlene the second time (well, 
you know what I mean!).
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-01-08 Thread jlj9675
Early this morning on Father Knows Best, Jim was serenading his wife by 
singing "Juanita" at their class reunion. What a treat; he accompanied 
himself with a banjo or maybe it was a ukelele? I was half asleep at that 
hour! Anyway, brought back sweet memories of Barn crooing over the phone.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-01-06 Thread jlj9675
I would only need one wish to be granted and that would be to be transported 
to Mayberry and get to live there. I'd join the women's club and the All 
Soul's church and just love all those activities. Oh wait, I guess I'd need 
one more wish once I got there and that would be to have A/C everywhere; I'm 
a wuss!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-12-31 Thread jlj9675
I too sometimes watch Andy on TVLand but it distresses me when they insert 
ads for their own shows and nasty language. I have written to them to ask 
that they stop this but no answer yet. It just almost ruins the whole 
experience and I will sometimes change the channel when the ads come on but 
sometimes my hands are full of needlework or my new puppy, etc. so I must 
endure that assault; it sometimes makes me plumb nauseous! Andy would be 
advising citizens arrest!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Greetings and Salutations

2013-12-21 Thread jlj9675
I'm not clever like Allan, Jim, Dewey or Tom so have never been able to 
design a wonderful Mayberry Christmas card but my wishes for all Mayberrians 
is just as hearty and well-meaning: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dixie Belle Edwards and Mary Pleasant

2013-12-16 Thread jlj9675
Now I remember. That was always such a hoot thinking of two distinguished 
ladies out hunting bears! Now my little Dixie Belle would probably growl at 
a bear and try to run him off even though she is tiny; minpins try to make 
up for lack of size with their voices and that is a hoot too!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry tune

2013-12-13 Thread jlj9675
I am currently reading One Stayed at Welcome, the last book that Maud Hart 
Lovelace and her husband wrote together decades ago. In it, the main 
characters are on a riverboat bound for Minnesota and an itinerant 
musician/traveler regales them with "Ole Dan Tucker;" except he ends it with 
"you're too late to come to supper." I love it when I come upon these 
Mayberry references!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dixie Belle

2013-12-09 Thread jlj9675
I want to announce that I now have a new little canine buddy after my 
darling Thelma Lou passed away last July. I named this red minpin Dixie 
Belle as I love double southern names and vaguely recalled that name 
mentioned in Mayberry. I think she was brought up as a possible attorney for 
the lady speeder but had gone hunting with Mary somebody. Anyway, she  is a 
little rascal but I'm so glad to have her.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-12-06 Thread jlj9675
Yesterday to my surprise I saw Barney's sidecar! It was that Army green 
color complete with a flag flying. The male driver had a green helmet and 
goggles and the young lady in the sidecar had a camouflage lap robe. I wish 
I'd had my camera with me so I could share it with you. It sure made my 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-12-03 Thread jlj9675
Decades ago, many housewives were wont to put on a big pot of beans on 
washday since the latter took up so much time. That evening the family had 
beans, hopefully with a chunk of ham in them, and cornbread hastily put 
together after all the wash was done. I read that in an old book of American 
history once.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-11-28 Thread jlj9675
What about halfway-up-the-arm gloves and all-the-way-to-the-elbow gloves with 
evening gowns for gala events and the opera? Haven't seen those in years either 
and I think those look swell, especially shirred on the outside edge.
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

life tales

2013-11-17 Thread jlj9675
Ken, I can't compare to your bio so I won't even try but thanks for sharing 
and keeping us entertained all the time. I still say you should write 
another book!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

music from Mayberry

2013-11-10 Thread jlj9675
Last night on the Lawrence Welk show, which was a tribute to Irving Berlin 
from 1973, the cast rendered his "You're Just in Love," the harmony tune 
that Ange, Helen, Howard and old girlfriend Alice Harper sing up at her 
family's cabin. Ah, the memories!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-11-08 Thread jlj9675
Just finished watching Return to Mayberry; what a nostalgic trip down memory 
lane; hard to believe it was 27 years ago. My only lament is the voice of 
Aunt Bee from the grave; not believable at all. Oh well.Just now 
watching Dick Van Dyke and at the dance hall, the music is the same as at 
Mrs. Wiley's dance party when Ernest T. tried to woo her niece Romeena! What 
a night!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

no secretaries

2013-11-07 Thread jlj9675
I always figured Mayberry was such a small town that not much went on and 
the voters had decided to keep expenses down, therefore property taxes low. 
Perhaps they asked for volunteers when the need arose for clerical help in 
the various departments. Sounds like a swell system to me!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

two Mayberry references

2013-11-04 Thread jlj9675
I watched an old movie recently titled A Date with Judy, starring Elizabeth 
Taylor; her butler was portrayed by Opie's school principal, the one who 
announced the essay contest.   Also reading a new bio of Walt Disney in 
which it says that Goober voiced a hound dog in the movie The Aristocats. 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

cousin Virgil

2013-10-19 Thread jlj9675
I got to thinking about it and I believe Ange and Barn drove to Currituck on 
the big hwy and then proceeded from there back to Mayberry on a country lane 
cuz they figured Virgil would do that.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-10-16 Thread jlj9675
Not to besmirch Dan's opinion but I love Ken's jokes. I usually email when 
one particularly cracks me up; I tell him he's killin' me! I wish he'd write 
another book with his humorous take on all things Mayberry. I think it'd be 
a good seller and I know I'd buy a copy!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

starting out right

2013-10-12 Thread jlj9675
Well it's obvious David and his beloved are starting those twins out right! 
No better beginning than watching TAGS besides prayer! Congrats!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-10-10 Thread jlj9675
I want to let everyone know that there is a jigsaw puzzle available from 
Spilsbury titled History of Television and in the upper right hand corner is 
our beloved deputy and sheriff. I was proud to see this!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-09-28 Thread jlj9675
You talented rascals playing off Ken's original comical posting are bringing 
many chuckles to my life so I thank you! I just wish I had the ability to think 
up fun things too. My only experience with chicken is at KFC. Oh well.
Aunt Bee of Orlando but in Louisiana right now

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's medal

2013-09-27 Thread jlj9675
Yesterday my sister and I visited the George W. Bush presidential library 
center in Dallas and I must tell you that I was certainly pleased to see our 
beloved sheriff listed on the Medal of Honor display; there was even a photo of 
him receiving that gorgeous award from Pres Bush himself. I felt proud!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

good news and some not so good

2013-09-12 Thread jlj9675
I just saw the Donny and Marie show in Vegas and was very pleasantly surprised 
to spot our favorite little red-headed boy on the big screen when they 
highlighted clips of the many entertainers that have impacted their lives; Ron 
was shown with Marie and I'm assuming it was a guest appearance on their old 
variety show but not sure as there were no captions or audio other than music.  
Now I feel I must warn you of an evil publication I spotted on a magazine 
rack the other day in AZ I believe it was. It said Globe at the top so I assume 
that is the publishing company. It was a magazine promising to dish the dirt 
about the good old TV shows. They even had Andy on the cover along with other 
stars! I can't imagine what nasty thing they could say about TAGS but I sure 
don't want to know. I am sending a note of protest on the very premise of them 
spreading meanness in the first place and hope everyone boycotts this evil!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alan Jackson's rendition

2013-09-08 Thread jlj9675
I rather enjoyed Alan Jackson's rendition of There is a Time as he stuck so 
close to the original (minus a female voice); I especially enjoyed his 
side-kick's banjo solo! I was surprised at his weight gain tho; as a chubster I 
can sympathize. I haven't followed C/W music since my beloved passed away as 
all the songs made me think too much of him and end up crying so I returned to 
pop music. But this is one CD I will buy for sure! Thanks Harriet for the link 
as I wouldn't have thought of it!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-09-06 Thread jlj9675
Hearty congratulations to the Dillard boys for their song going BIG! This news 
makes my day!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy in later episodes

2013-09-01 Thread jlj9675
I believe I once read an interview in which Andy said he really missed Don 
and just didn't have the enthusiasm for the show as he did earlier on. It's 
a shame about their miscommunication and Don's commitments preventing his 
continuation; I think things would have been very different since Andy 
himself contributed a great deal to the writing of the shows. I think he 
just sorta' lost his oomph, so to speak. But I agree with Dixon, we should 
focus on the ones with warmth in them despite the losses. When you think 
about it, even those we are not fond of are a lot better than almost 
anything on TV today and still transport us to our hometown for a pleasant 
visit and escape from these days!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Jerry VanDyke

2013-08-23 Thread jlj9675
I wasn't thrilled with the character of Jerry Miller, Robie Miller's little 
boy, but I always was fond of the VanDyke brothers. I enjoyed Jerry on the 
TV show Coach later on. Warren got on my nerves when he repeated himself so 
much, as I am lacking in patience, one of those virtues I'm still working on 
even at my advanced age!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-08-17 Thread jlj9675
Tonight on Lawrence Welk, they played the gypsy song we heard when they 
encamped outside Mayberry. Painted a picture in my mind right away but then 
Bobby and Cissy did a dance similar to what we saw all those years ago too. 
Mayberry - it's everywhere!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's attire

2013-08-01 Thread jlj9675
Don't remember what kind of sleeves it had but remember when Ange had the 
nightshirt and cap on to marry those darlin' younsters?
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-07-23 Thread jlj9675
David, you and I must have the same puzzle provider to the newspaper cuz I 
noticed that too and immediately thought of our beloved deputy! I was at a 
bingo session and laughed out loud and then had to explain to others around 
me, who nodded in appreciation too. Mayberry, it's everywhere!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

trained noticers and sly listeners

2013-07-14 Thread jlj9675
You trained noticers of excaliber qualifications are putting the rest of us 
to shame even noticing the jewelry the ladies wore! I'm plumb embarassed and 
pledge to watch more closely from now on!

And Randy, I am absolutely thrilled that your 19-year-old has been listening 
more than you thought. Her answer and obvious observation are indeed a 
delight and I'm happy for you all! Thanks muchly for sharing.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry blood

2013-07-10 Thread jlj9675
Thanks, Alice, for a most charming vignette! That is exactly how I feel and 
often encounter the same warmth when others discover my Mayberry feelings. I 
appreciate your sharing this with us.

Your Mayberry friend,
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sightings

2013-07-08 Thread jlj9675
This morning on That Girl, both Eleanor Poultice and Bert Miller appeared in 
Ann's life.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Miss Ellie

2013-07-05 Thread jlj9675
Last night I saw our Miss Ellie as a young child in a film from long ago. 
She played the daughter to Jeanette MacDonald and baby sister to Jane 
Powell. She even sang some and was adorable. I recognized her face right 
away and checked the credits online. She was billed then as Mary Eleanor 
Donahue - who knew?
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-07-04 Thread jlj9675
Yes, I can well remember some prices of things that greatly impacted my 
young life. My first job after high school was cooking in a restaurant for 
$1.00 an hour and the waitresses only got 52 cents but then they got tips. 
When I first moved out onto my own, bathroom tissue was 39 cents for a 
four-roll pack and look at it now! I can't remember a lot of things but 
small memories come back to me now and then, as it does for Ken, when I see 
those signs around our beloved hometown. Still, I'm grateful for AC, DVRs, 
cell phones and all the other modern electronal marvels we so enjoy today! 
BTW, Happy Independence Day and I hope that doesn't offend anyone!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberryism, sort of

2013-06-28 Thread jlj9675
Last night on Frasier, Daphne looked at him all dressed up and said "well 
aren't you all fancy, looking like the dog's dinner" or something akin to 
that. I remember Malcolm once saying that and I believe it was about Opie in 
his suit on the way to a birthday party, but then again, maybe not; my 
memory is not what it used to be. Anyway, it gave me a warm fuzzy!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mt. Airy and Mayberry

2013-06-24 Thread jlj9675
Well, that NY times article was indeed sad and I surely hope they are wrong! 
As to young ones not being exposed to the goodness of Mayberry, I blame 
TVLand. They no longer show it as often as in past years yet they will not 
sell the rights to another more receptive network. So our little ones do not 
see it except when we play tapes and DVDs. Can we do anything about this 
sorry situation? I do  not know but I think TVLand is now run by a 
naughty-minded 12-year-old and it sickens me.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy reference

2013-06-12 Thread jlj9675
In the latest issue of Reader's Digest, under an article about 50 things to 
like about our country, it says that Cleveland aired a couple hours of 
Matlock in honor of Andy when he was left out of the Oscar memoriam segment. 
I also got around to watching a historical presentation of GSN about funny 
moments on game shows and altho a lot of it was filthy, there was a vignette 
of Andy appearing on I've Got a Secret and he helped a man who blew up an 
inner tube and it exploded in his face and knocked him down.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

greetings and salutations

2013-05-27 Thread jlj9675
Happy Memorial Day to everyone and especially to all our veterans and active 
duty military members. Thanks for your service to our country!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

song memory

2013-05-04 Thread jlj9675
This evening on Lawrence Welk a duet was singing a song called Just in Love 
and I kept wondering why it sounded so familiar; then it came to me; it's 
the song Andy, Helen, Howard and I think her name was Gloria sang up at her 
folks' cabin that time. Remember?
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-04-23 Thread jlj9675
I swear this site harbors some backdoor humor writers that could've been 
working on TAGS! Don and Paul made me laugh out loud today and I appreciate 
that so thanks!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sightings

2013-04-21 Thread jlj9675
Must've been William Holden night on TCM recently as several of his films 
were shown. In one, Opie's school principal and Erma Bishop were entertining 
Mr. Holden at tea and in another one, Mayberry's grocer who married Miss 
Rose, was having a conversation with him at a picnic, I believe it was. Who 
knew our Mayberrians had once spent time with such illustrious celebs?!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sightings

2013-03-27 Thread jlj9675
On a Jack Benny late last night there were several older ladies from 
Mayberry who were being treated to a mini-concert as members of his fan 
club. Chief among them was Emma Watson, donned in a very familiar ensemble. 
I also spotted Clarabelle Morrison but no witch hazel!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

funny story with TAGS

2013-03-24 Thread jlj9675
In the current issue of First for Women, a reader relates that her 
5-year-old grandson questioned why TAGS was in black and white. She told him 
it was a very old show and that's how it was when she was growing up. When 
his mother came to pick him up he exclaimed that Grandma was born before God 
invented colors! Isn't that precious?
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's home

2013-03-22 Thread jlj9675
I agree with Dewey. Over the years we got more and more indications that 
Andy was a very private person who did not appreciate folks 
overly-recognizing him or his accomplishments. He was very humble and did 
not choose to laud his God-given talents. I feel Cindy is honoring his 
requests in this regard and we must abide by it.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS instigated pet names

2013-03-16 Thread jlj9675
My darling minpin is named Thelma Lou but will answer to Thel at times, if 
said sweetly. She seems to cotton to men in uniform!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-03-16 Thread jlj9675
Remember what Calvin Coolidge said? Oh wait, he said "I choose not to run." 
Maybe Mark Twain had some climate advice. Oh fiddle-faddle, I can't 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-03-12 Thread jlj9675
I think whoever criticized Ken's uniform, which certainly looked official to 
me, should run up an alley and holler fish!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

current TV fare

2013-03-04 Thread jlj9675

Amen, David!
Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-03-01 Thread jlj9675
First of all, I must say that Ken's pastor must be one swell guy to 
incorporate TAGS into his sermons, etc. Wish I could find a church like 
that!I too watched the Christmas episode this morning, being housebound 
for a couple days following surgery, and cried all over again when old Ben 
gave those gifts to everyone - I'm a wuss.I rarely watch the View but am 
thrilled to hear that Whoopie gave creds to Andy; I'm beginning to admire 
that woman more and more; she was the narrator for the Nativity presentation 
at EPCOT in December and I was afraid maybe she would be irreverent. Au 
contraire! She was so nice and respectful that her own Christianity shone 
through. Her closing remarks were personal and advised us to love one 
another in these troubling times; made many of us cry. Ever since then when 
I get impatient and ornery, I remember my cousin's admonition to "channel my 
inner Whoopie!" I'm just gonna' hafta' send that girl a nice letter.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-02-28 Thread jlj9675
Like many others, I too have given up on watching the Oscars. Too many 
downright filthy films are honored and it breaks my heart. As for our 
beloved sheriff not getting a memoriam mention, it does not surprise me, 
judging by who is in charge these days. I cancelled my subscription to 
People magazine for the same reason; they deemed the greatest loss to be 
Whitney Houston, a known drug addict. I was appalled as well as heartbroken. 
Maybe I'm getting to be an old fuddy-duddy at the age of 63 but I feel I 
have to stick to my principles.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-02-25 Thread jlj9675
My beloved and I were married for 30 years when God called him to Heaven. In 
our marriage we had complete trust too. Unlike Ken's wife (and I don't 
believe it!),  I knew several women who would have liked to get their hands 
on my darling but I knew he was devoted to me so there was no jealousy. I 
can't say I would have liked him giving valentines to anyone other than 
kinfolk though but everyone is different in their feelings.As for Andy 
and Peggy lasting forever, I just can't see it. I think wealthy folks don't 
just scrub their lifestyles even for a short time. I agree with Barney that 
Peggy was just trying out a different venue and Andy, being the attractive 
and nice gentleman that he was, drew her to him. Although Helen had her 
faults, as we all do, I feel she was the best candidate for a long-lasting 
marriage and mother to Opie. Remember, he didn't care if she was his wife or 
mother, the little sweetheart!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-02-23 Thread jlj9675
I want to thank Ken and Dan for their humorous posts lately, although I must 
admit that I am envious of their talent. They say laughter is the best 
medicine and I believe it. I always feel better after reading our Mayberry 
newsletter, particularly when these two rascals have regaled us with their 
creative humor!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-02-13 Thread jlj9675
I want to thank Albert A and David Quinn for their very humorous posts 
today; some people are so clever I am envious. These definitely brought a 
smile to me!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2013-02-07 Thread jlj9675
Early this morning I saw our general store manager, who sold Andy the 
canning jars for Aunt Bee's birthday, who later was mayor of Greendale; he 
tried to get Barney to be their sheriff, on Dobie Gillis as Zelda's father. 
As most of you might remember, he later went on to be the lovely pastor out 
on the prairie with the Ingalls family. I believe the last big project he 
was in was The Green Mile with Tom Hanks. He is no longer with us so I was 
happy to see him once again.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

finger snapping

2013-02-06 Thread jlj9675
I am here to tell you that all of you who can snap your fingers, along with 
Earle Hagen's little boy, to enjoy it while you can. After carpal tunnel 
surgery on both hands, I can no longer do this, much to my consternation! I 
can, however, still whistle the theme song so must console myself with that.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2013-02-03 Thread jlj9675
Caught a few minutes of Music Man this evening and I think I spotted Arnold 
Winkler at a fairly young age. Perhaps this is the first time he and Opie 
met, which might've led to his appearances in Mayberry!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Bernard Fox and another alumni sighting

2013-01-31 Thread jlj9675
Our Malcolm has been appearing often on the Dick VanDyke Show lately; also 
Don Rickles.
Early this morning our own school principal, the gentlemen who announced the 
essay contest on the history of Mayberry, was in a film with Clark Gable and 
Loretta Young! Wow!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2013-01-25 Thread jlj9675
Well our Mr. Foster sure gets around! I saw him again early this morning in 
a film entitled "3:10 to Yuma." It starred Glen Ford so I wonder if, like 
Barney, he began "Glen Fordin' it all over town" after that?!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou

2013-01-23 Thread jlj9675
Thelma Lou once remarked that she had to get back to the office so I assume 
she was employed in a clerical position with some business downtown, as she 
was on foot and in the courthouse at that moment. I believe it was when the 
two couples got into a squabble and Barney had gotten her to come over to 
reconcile with Helen but in a sneaky way (she didn't appreciate it).
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-01-20 Thread jlj9675
I don't know about film sets but I remember when working for both the US 
Navy and Marine Corps, most of the walls were a shade of green most of the 
time.  When we bought this house, the former owners were Irish and had lots 
of green, including green shag carpeting - ugh! We changed all of it before 
moving in. Not that we don't like green, we just prefer it outside in the 
grass and trees.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

yet another alumni sighting

2013-01-14 Thread jlj9675
This evening, there was Mr. Foster, you know THE Mr. Foster of Foster 
furniture polish, conferring with Mr. Grant on the Mary Tyler Moore show!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting again

2013-01-13 Thread jlj9675
This afternoon, Cy Hudgens, you know, Jimmy the Goat's daddy, was serving as 
the ringmaster at a circus on The Monkees! He looked mighty cute in that red 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ed Sawyer

2013-01-12 Thread jlj9675
I recently saw Ed Sawyer on a rerun of "On Golden Pond." If I remember 
right, he became a mailman?
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-01-09 Thread jlj9675
Recently on Family Feud the question was: name a bird you'd see near water. 
Naturally I thought of a lake loon, you know, a web-footed, red-crested lake 
loon! The most popular answer was a duck; those respondents must've been 
remembering Opie's query to Barney about going to the duck pond after dark 
(when you can't see the ducks).
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-01-07 Thread jlj9675
I just wanted to let you all know that since James Best's one man show in 
Mt. Dora was listed in the EBullet, I made a reservation to spend the 
weekend there to go see it. I got his book and am just about to the end; it 
is very interesting. He has led a colorful life and the book is most 
informative about a variety of topics with a nice mention of our TAGS too. I 
highly recommend it!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-12-31 Thread jlj9675
Not to belabor sort of a triviality but it is always Aunt BEE not Bea, as is 
witnessed in credits, photos and reference books on TAGS. I am Aunt Bee of 
Orlando, not Aunt Bea; a small point but it preys on my mind!

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy tribute

2012-12-30 Thread jlj9675
I'm happy to report that unlike People magazine, TCM put Andy first in their 
tribute to the losses of 2012 in the entertainment industry. Their 
presentation this year begins with the scene of an abandoned drive-in movie 
theater and thereafter shows Andy before all the others who left us. It is 
certainly befitting to us Mayberrians as that surely was our greatest loss. 
The only aspect I don't like is the very sad music that accompanies this 
airing; it seems to get sadder every year.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2012-12-27 Thread jlj9675
Two for one! Last night on the Dick Van Dyke show, Laura was taking writing 
lessons, along with Emma Brand, from Malcolm Merriweather! What a treat!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-12-22 Thread jlj9675
I'm happy to report that Mt. Airy is listed once again in Southern Living in 
the recap of their recent best of the south feature. It is the favorite town 
for NC and has a small photo of Barn, Ange and Gomer in their director 
chairs at the bottom. It highlights Andy's birthplace as well as Mayberry 
Days; I'm always glad to see our "hometown" promoted in any way.  Meanwhile, 
Merry Christmas to all our Mayberrians!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-12-12 Thread jlj9675
I am happy to report that Life Farewell magazine included Andy on the cover 
next to Andy Williams, whom we also lost this year. Inside he is on the 
foreward page and has a 4-page tribute beginning on page 106 with lovely 
words from Ron Howard. I feel proud!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

getting around

2012-11-24 Thread jlj9675
I did not realize how much our Mayberrians got around back then!  A couple 
days ago there was our Cyrus Tankersley delivering mail in Mayfield; he 
brought a pkg to Beaver Cleaver.  Then a couple nights ago, nice dress 
nellie was Bob Hartley's nurse in the hospital as he was preparing for a 
tonsillectomy; she had another nice dress on - it was all white with a cute 
cap too!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

telephone operators

2012-11-23 Thread jlj9675
You can get a glimpse of the life of a 24/7 phone operator in her home by 
watching the film "Raggedy Man" starring Sissy Spacek from several years 
ago. Her character served in a small town during WWII when they were 
desperately needed everywhere.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-11-18 Thread jlj9675
I always remember Andy laughing out of character (you can tell as his 
expression as Sheriff Taylor changes) as he and Barn were trying to pull 
Ernest T. thru the door out of Mrs. Wiley's home; Ernest T. was clinging to 
the doorframe and making it very difficult and I think the humor of it just 
overcame him. Another time was in Howard's new decor when he punches Ange in 
the shoulder while watching Helen and Goober dancing; Andy's laugh and smile 
are his own that time too.I hesitate to mention this one of Aunt Bee 
laughing as it was at someone else's expense, which was uncharacteristic of 
her; seems Barn made a rude remark about someone passing by the courthouse 
and she laughed along with him.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

alumni sighting

2012-11-14 Thread jlj9675
Last night on Dick Van Dyke, our Ernest T. was moonlighting as a German art 
critic/appraiser. He was a hoot as usual!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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