What Keeps Mayberry Alive

2016-06-18 Thread linjanecam
Rebecca Spears/Lydia, you hit the nail squarely on the head with your  
assessement of why we all love Mayberry so very much. Here is a kind, gentle  
place where we can truly feel at home. Yes, we are, as you so aptly put it, 
all  Ed Sawyers. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

(no subject)

2015-04-20 Thread linjanecam
Hello Maberrians,
 Opie may have covertly traversed the streets of Mayfield. ;-)  Thanks for 
the correction. You're right, it was on Dennis the Menace in which  Opie did 
all that building, much to Mr. Wilson's chagrin. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie/Dennis the Menace

2015-04-17 Thread linjanecam
Hello Mayberrians,
I believe I saw Opie Taylor hobnobbing with the young urchins in Mayfield  
at least once.  If memory serves, in this particular episode it seems they  
were building a bench for the mailman so he could rest his weary feet. The  
boards used had been 'borrowed' from good old Mr. Wilson.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

For Kids of All Ages

2015-01-17 Thread linjanecam
Want to find a wonderful show for your kids (and you)? I'd like to  
recommend 'Gospel Bill' created by Pastor Willie George and staff of Church on  
Move from Broken Arrow, OK. Later episodes were entitled 'Adventures in  
Dry Gulch'. I stumbled upon this creative 'kids' show and enjoyed it so  much 
myself that I felt it deserved recommending. Christian values are  displayed 
in an entertaining friendly way ( much like the way they are on TAGS),  in 
fact as I watched this morning, I thought how much this show is like TAGS.  
Here is a blip on it from Daystar:  "Gospel  Bill is a great show for kids 
of all ages.  Gospel Bill gives your kids a great way to learn about social 
skills and self  awareness based on biblical principles."
Athough there are a number of episodes on YouTube, I'll  warn you ahead of 
time, some of the comments aren't in keeping with  good values or the 
'Mayberry way', however it will give you a taste of the  show. It also airs on 
Daystar Channel on Sunday morning. 'Gospel Bill'  offers a great jumping 
off place for discussions with your kids  and grandkids. 
WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-09-27 Thread linjanecam
Ken, I commend you for your wonderful presentations and I'm sure you've  
touched more than a few hearts along the way. I wonder if you've considered  
taking your presentations into nursing homes. I've often thought anyone with 
a  talent to share with others could help those who are often times 
forgotten  and very lonely to have a few moments of joy and some beautiful  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Prayers and a few thoughts

2014-08-19 Thread linjanecam
Charles Adkins, my prayers are with you and your family at this  very 
difficult time. Please know that your dear wife is in a better place  and that 
you will see her again. 
Dave Quinn ( aka Orville Hendriks), TVLand has a few good shows, but the  
interruptions by commercials for the less desirable ones are the downside.  
Generally, AntennaTV, MeTV, CoziTV and TVLand ( at times) seem the best  
suggestions for family viewing.
Dave McClanahan, typos happen to all of us. Remember we can disagree with  
our Mayberry friends and neighbors without being disagreeable.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Believers who make a difference

2014-08-15 Thread linjanecam
Orville Hendricks, I agree with your thoughtful comments.
You wrote, "You can count on the fingers of your hands every person in  
Hollywood now a days who is not ashamed of their religion.Patrica  Heaton, 
of "The Middle", and Kevin Sorbo of the movie "God Is Not Dead" leap  
immediately to mind.   There are probably a few more."  

May I add Chuck Norris to the list of believers who use their fame to  
better the lives of others.
Recently I've read three of Chuck's  books (highly recommended) and found 
his honesty about his faith and  his life truly inspiring. Some may know of 
his Kickstart Kids program  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL5A4E9F87BCA6A710&v=chI4CpaH2uwMany know 
Chuck from Walker, Texas Ranger and if you 
watch the show ( TVLand),  you'll notice how often the stories display faith 
in God and good basic  decency. Fame gives one a great opportunity to 
influence others;  it's good to know there those who give to others when they 
themselves been so richly blessed. 
WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-07-31 Thread linjanecam
Brian and Lucille,
Agreed!  I was a teacher for many years and can attest to the fact  that 
most of the students today come from less than ideal home situations.  Earlier 
in my career when writing to parents it was customary to  address letters 
to ' Mr. and Mrs. ...' but that soon changed. I  remember being surprised by 
the casual use of expletives during  a conversation with a fourth grader 
until that night I went home  and turned on a popular show and heard the very 
same words  spoken.  What we need on television and at the movies are good,  
solid role models and examples good parenting  Kids deserve it; kids  want 
it even if they don't realize it.. There are precious few  shows currently 
that display either. It seems most try to outdo each other  in their use of 
adolescent antics and verbiage. Thank goodness we  have a bastion of decency 
in TAGS, Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Dennis  the Menace, The 
Waltons, Walker, Texas Ranger to mention a few. Decency, as  we TAGS fans know, 
never goes out of style.
WBMUTBB mailing list

TVLand et al

2014-07-28 Thread linjanecam
I commiserate with Aunt Bee in Orlando and agree wholeheartedly with her  
comments regarding TVLand. Altho' I watch TVLand at times, I always MUTE  the 
commercials. In my area it is the only station that shows  TAGS. Although 
they have some unsavory new shows, they also bring us  'Walker, Texas Ranger' 
 three times per weekday, which displays good  Christian values and a 
satisfying storyline. 
For those of us who lack MeTV, many have CoziTV which also has some decent  
programming. Perhaps more stations will heed the call for good, value-based 
 television. Let's raise our collective voices to those who can make this  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Clyde on TV

2014-05-23 Thread linjanecam
The very likeable Andy Clyde, who appeared as Frank Myers in Mayberry  Goes 
Bankrupt, can be enjoyed nightly on The Real McCoys as neighbor George  
MacMichael and on Lassie as Timmy's friend ( in similar  fashion to Gus the 
Fireman on Leave it to Beaver ). Both  shows air around the dinner hour on COZI 
TV and are wonderful family fare.  ( Note: COZI still doesn't have Lassie 
listed on their menu, but rather it  says 'Cash Cab... however, when you see 
that, know it is Lassie that will be  airing). Enjoy!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bad Language and Then Some

2014-01-28 Thread linjanecam
Yes, those doggone commercials can make watching TVLand a trial sometimes.  
Last week I decided to view two of their much hyped shows, Kirstie and The 
Exes.  Can one wash one's eyes and ears with soap?  From there, I happened 
upon a  great old show, The Real McCoys, on Cozi TV, and my goodness how 
times have  changed in what we're offered from Hollywood.  Give me TAGS, The  
Real McCoys, Gilligan's Island, Leave it to Beaver, and all those grand old  
shows where cleverness and wit resided wonderfully well with  morality.
WBMUTBB mailing list

A true gem

2013-09-25 Thread linjanecam
Hi Neighbors,
After a brief hiatus from The Andy Griffith Show, I found upon  returning a 
renewed awe for the quality, genuine and eternal values displayed,  and 
honest-to-goodness homespun and kindly humor shown to one and all  who traverse 
the streets of Mayberry. Although there are many great shows from  this 
era, TAGS stands alone in it's incorporation of so many virtues in  just 30 
short minutes. To all associated with this gem of a show, thank  you.
WBMUTBB mailing list

'Mother Figures' abound

2012-10-17 Thread linjanecam
Hi Fellow Mayberrians,  

It sure is interesting how often an actress is typecast as 'everybody's  
mother'. Our Mrs. Sprague ( Mabel Albertson) was also Mrs. Frank Stevens on  
'Bewitched' and Mrs. Hollinger, Don's mother on 'That Girl' as well as a 
mother  on the New Dick VanDyke Show. Similarly, another 'mother figure', Doris 
Roberts,  although not crossing over the Mayberry town limits, was in 'Play 
the Game'  along with Andy Griffith.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Meeting Andy

2012-07-04 Thread linjanecam
I met Andy, Don and Jim years ago when visiting CA with family, and am  
most grateful to been afforded this rare opportunity. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Griffith

2012-07-03 Thread linjanecam
There are few words to express the deep sadness we all feel at the passing  
of Andy Griffith. Somehow, it seemed he would live forever, and of course 
will  in our hearts as the all knowing, kind, gentle Sheriff of Mayberry and 
as the  cantankerous yet loveable Ben Matlock. He gave us the gift of 
laughter, and  through his characters, taught us lessons about friendship and 
caring  for one another. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Jim Nabors

2012-06-13 Thread linjanecam
Hi Ken and All,
Jim Nabor's official website says he's home from his heart surgery and  
doing well. Happy birthday, Jim and many, many more!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Jim Nabors

2012-05-26 Thread linjanecam
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for posting the information  and wonderful Jim Nabors' 
interview. I was unaware of Jim's impending  heart surgery and I'm sure we 
will all be praying for a good  outcome.
As always, Jim is humble and right the money with his comment  about how he 
would like to be remembered. True, it is not about the fame or  the money, 
but about who you've been in your life. Spoken by a  truly nice guy! 
In case any missed it, here is the link sent in by jgrit1  (arrived 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2012-05-12 Thread linjanecam
Dave, I recently discovered I also have Antenna TV here  in CT and have 
been enjoying immensely the great shows of the 50s and  60s. It's a shame Burns 
and Allen and The Jack Benny Show are slotted  for 1 and 2 am tho'. I 
haven't seen Good Old Mr. Wilson in many months of  Sundays, and what a truly 
delightful find that one was. In fact, I  believe Howard McNear made an 
Now if only TV Land would harken back to its  original intent: bringing the 
old shows back to life. I'm wondering if the  programming director(s) are 
too young to understand what many of us consider to  be older shows ( 
perhaps he/she is along the same thinking lines as the  commentator on Fox News 
who felt Don Knotts will be remembered for his TC role).  Older is not 
Everybody Loves Raymond!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts

2012-05-10 Thread linjanecam
Hi Everyone,
Jess, I wholeheartedly agree with your views. Part of the  problem could be 
that many today have a short term memory in that they recall  only the most 
recent accomplishment(s) rather than the most important one(s). As  time 
invariably marches on, some are too young to remember TAGS and our beloved  
Barney Fife. 
I wasn't aware of this Fox News segment. On the  bright side, at least Don 
Knotts was mentioned. He must be listed among the  comedic greats... Jack 
Benny, Groucho Marx (and his brothers), Burns and  Allen, Red Skelton, Lucille 
Ball, Carol Burnett, Danny Kaye, Laurel and Hardy,  Abbott and Costello and 
the list goes on. Personally, I think we need to  see more of THESE folks 
on TV. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

George Lindsey

2012-05-06 Thread linjanecam
We love you and will miss you! In our hearts you will forever  remain.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Joys of TAGS and Wodehouse

2012-04-06 Thread linjanecam
Hi Fellow Mayberrians,
If you're down at the Mayberry Public Library anytime soon,  please ask the 
librarian to direct you to the Ws. The W in  particular is not Weaver, 
although Mr. Weaver may have written  some humdingers; rather, it's P.G. 
Wodehouse, and he has definitely  written some humdingers. For those of us who 
the value based  lessons, homespun goodness and joyful humor of Mayberry, I 
can't  recommend highly enough the warm, humorous and language rich works 
of Mr.  Wodehouse. There is a charm...a similar charm and a chuckle 
(sometimes under the  breath; sometimes right out loud..although in the 
library, we 
must be  somewhat quiet) that one gains by watching TAGS and by reading 
Wodehouse.  Presently, this Mayberrian is immersed in the hijinks of Jeeves and 
Wooster down at the Mayberry Public Library. Hope to see you in the  Ws.

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS to Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.

2012-03-30 Thread linjanecam
Hi Greg,
Thanks for noting these two wonderful crossover  characters. I'd recently 
been watching several episodes featuring Lou-Ann  Poovie, but hadn't realized 
that she was also a member of the TAGS team, but now  I do recall how Mr. 
Sprague was much taken with her. Thanks  for jiggling my memory.
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS to Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.

2012-03-28 Thread linjanecam
Hi Vic and Everyone,
First off, let me say you have an amazing memory! I've now  purchased all 
seasons of Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C., watched the first three so  far, and feel as 
tho' Mayberry has come to visit Camp Henderson. It's  nice to see those 
wonderful familiar faces, albeit in different roles, but nice  nonetheless. 
A couple of additions...can't recall her name on  either show, but she was 
the female prisoner who got both Andy and  Barn all hot and bothered and 
later had Sergeant Carter, Sergeant Hacker,  and Gomer under her spell as the 
model. There are also Jay Novello (in  the recurring shyster roll, a 
pickpocket in Mayerry, an  ambulance-chasing doc in CA, Jamie Farr (as a 
gypsy in  Mayberry and as a captured Marine in Camp Henderson), and Joyce  
Jamison ( Skippy, the fun girl in Mayberry and Irene, the  trying-to-have-fun 
girl in Las Vegas). 
Thanks for your list of characters, VicI'm keeping my eyes  open!
Anyone think of others we can add?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Deputy Candidates

2012-03-17 Thread linjanecam
Right you are, Ken.
It is interesting how no one individual would suffice,  and it appears the 
ancillary characters were given a bigger piece of the  action just to make 
up for the hole left with the departure of the one and  only Barney Fife.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Tim Conway

2012-03-15 Thread linjanecam
Elizabeth, you are so right. Possibly Tim is the only man who  could fill 
Barn's very large shoes. I wonder if he was asked. Would anyone  know?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Familiar faces crop up

2012-03-13 Thread linjanecam
Hi Fellow Mayberrians,
 Recently, I purchased the first season of Gomer Pyle  U.S.M.C. and was 
happily amazed to see how many Maryberrians had  traveled all the way to Camp 
Henderson, CA. I noticed Asa played a 'listening  ear' to Gomer's love letter 
writing escapades and E.T.B's Romina had now  become Sergeant Carter's best 
gal. As the plots thicken, I expect more  characters will be making that 
cross-country trek. 
WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-03-09 Thread linjanecam
Ken, how about the interior of the garden shed out back  where Opie and his 
pal kept the baby that one time? Has anyone mentioned that  yet?
WBMUTBB mailing list

What's in a name?

2012-02-19 Thread linjanecam
Hello, Fellow Mayberrians,
What's in a name? Would anyone know the origin of some of the  more 
interesting surnames on TAGS? I harken back to Crumpacker, for  instance, as a 
decidedly peculiar one. I've read that Andy Griffith often times  used names of 
personal friends as character names on the show. Would anyone  know more 
about this?
WBMUTBB mailing list

(no subject)

2012-02-09 Thread linjanecam
Rest in Peace, Jack Elinson. You have made our world a little  warmer, a 
tad kinder, and brought a cheery smile into our  hearts through your gift of 
writing. The joy and through-provoking moments  you have given to us shall 
remain with us forever. 
Congratulations to Grandpa 'Opie'. Hard to believe! Where  does the time 
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS Chapters

2011-08-05 Thread linjanecam
Welcome Brian!
I think the acronym POC, to which Clyde "Barn" referred,  stands for 
'Point/Person of Contact', and Floyd seems to be THE contact source  for every 
single solitary chapter. Reminds me of Sarah. Goodness, Floyd  must be busy! 
Well, Howard Spague said it best with his 'tag'  line, uttered during his 
comedy show routine,... "...or ask  Floyd." How does he keep up?   POC: 
_floyd@iMayberry.com_ (mailto:fl...@imayberry.com)  ( from the site).

WBMUTBB mailing list

Warm and Fuzzy Moments

2011-06-25 Thread linjanecam

I'm of the opinion that 98% of the moments Barney and Andy  spent together 
could be construed as warm and fuzzy. Those  moments demonstrated what the 
word 'friendship' is all about: being there  for the other no matter what, 
regardless of how foolish or how inept the friend.  One in particular comes to 
mind regarding Andy's support for his dear friend:  the little talk Andy 
gave Floyd in the courtroom concerning Barney's  sensitive nature, in the wake 
of his off the wall behavior, during  Barn's try for the elected office of 
sheriff of Mayberry. 
The show was about family, but just as much, it was about friendship  and 
all that it implies.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Joplin Tornado

2011-05-24 Thread linjanecam

My prayers and thoughts are with Paul and all those whose lives have been 
touched by the devastating tornado in Joplin. 


WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-04-21 Thread linjanecam

I couldn't agree more with Aunt Bee in Orlando's comments regarding TVLand's 
current fare. When this network started showing less than appetizing 
programming, 'Hot in Cleveland' being a prime example, although not limited to 
the newer sitcoms created specifically for and most likely to lure the 
20somethings to their network, I found myself tuning in less and less often. 
The slippery slope began, in my opinion, with the inclusion of some of the 70's 
shows, where pushing the censorship envelope began and issues-oriented TV was 
favored ( possibly due to Norman Lear's influence) over values-oriented 
programs of the '50's and '60's. Issue-oriented shows, while nostagic, don't 
always stand the test of time, whereas values-oriented shows do and should. In 
its quest to swell the viewership with teens and 20somethings, TVLand's 
executives seem to have lost their way and lost many of us as viewers in the 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Twilight Zone

2009-01-02 Thread linjanecam
I noticed two fellow Twilight Zone marathon watchers here. Although I was 
entertained by a good many of Rod Serling's excellent offerings, I missed the 
one featuring the much talented and quite prolific?Burt Mustin, however I 
did?notice every episode featured at least?one?well-known actor/actress. Ah, 
the good old days!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2006-08-11 Thread linjanecam
 I agree with everyone who is concerned that TVLand will become a much to 
modern channel and will begin showing programs of the 70s and 80s at the 
expense of those from the 60s. As far as I'm concerned, a better scheduling 
decision would be to retain the 60s gems and add those of the 50s to the line 
up such as "The Jack Benny Show", "Burns and Allen", "I Married Joan" and some 
of those great western classics. Leave the 70s and 80s, and the 90s to Nick at 
Night. There are so many treasure from the 50s that are simply lost it seems as 
they don't appear to be shown on any channel at any time.  Should a write in 
campaign be undertaken?

Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. 
All on demand. Always Free.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Where's Maverick on the dial?

2006-04-02 Thread linjanecam
Where are you watching reruns of Maverick? I'd love to find a  channel other 
than TVLand, which is becoming increasingly too modern for me,  that runs the 
old 50s and 60s shows. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou and Barney were in love

2006-04-02 Thread linjanecam
I have no doubt whatsoever that Thelma Lou and Barney were  deeply in love 
but he had the proverbial cold feet to which many bachelors  can attest. I 
wholeheartedly with Thelma Lou ( Janet) and her assessment  in msg #9 dated 
3/31. Smokey's song, "Tears of a Clown" is just the right way to  put it and as 
always, Barney was trying to save face. I don't however understand  why he 
hadn't written to her after leaving town and perhaps the writers could  have 
added a bit more to explain that one. Possibly they didn't realize we would  
the opportunity to view each episode a myriad of times and dissect  each as 
we are now doing. Back then it was one show and maybe a summer rerun and  that 
was about it. Using the same actors as different characters attests to that  
assumption. Anyhow, their love was deep in my opinion and the writers just 
plain  goofed in not having Thel and Barn tie the knot. I can only assume they 
left the  door open just incase or a return to Mayberry for Don. I wonder. 
Lydia, my apologies...now I know.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou was the right gal for Barn.

2006-03-29 Thread linjanecam
I am thoroughly enjoying reading comments posted but as a  newcomer, this is 
my first post. bcq145 had it right on the money regarding  Thelma Lou's deep 
love and acceptance of Barney. Another time I saw the same  feeling of care and 
protection for him was the one where Barney has taken up  residence in the 
back room of the courthouse, having been kicked out of Mrs.  Mendlebright's 
rooming house, and Opie is standing beside Barn trying to tell  him of the 
just seen with his dad. Barney has his head hidden in the files  trying not to 
let anyone see his multiple lipstick marks planted there by an  amorous Thelma 
Lou. Take a look at her face. It speaks volumes of her deep love  for his 
good man. Good point too about Helen and Andy. I too don't see the same  depth 
the close ups. Helen comes off as more self centered than Thelma Lou.  Yes, 
Thel and Barn are the perfect pair.
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