The Mayberry Chef

2016-09-18 Thread luke bandit

Dear TAGS,
TVland showed the episode, The Mayberry Chef.
I love this episode, but...
It would of been much better for the tv station to have Aunt Bee come to the tv 
station early on a Saturday morning and tape 5 shows.  She would of been home 
watching them withAndy and Opie during the week.
When Aunt Bee was pouring Andy's coffee and shetold him that she wanted the 
lady let go becauseshe knew of a new cook, she had figured out thatAndy and 
Opie didn't have anybody cooking for them.
Had a young intern girl as a on camera young newlywed who was learning to cook. 
 The girl wouldof been her behind the scenes helper. When AuntBee couldn't find 
the big wooden spoon, she couldof said, Oh, I will find it Aunt Bee.  Then when 
she went over to her basket, the stage manager wouldof handed it to her and 
smiled!  lol
Aunt Bee was a natural on The Mayberry Chef. Shecould of had a book of recipes 
that she could of sold.They could of done this with a real recipe book. 
The way  Andy cooked the food was ridiculous. I was almost expecting Peggy to 
walk in and start getting the cloth napkins and candlesticks out because shewas 
there to help 2 poor helpless bachelors! 
Then oops! Helen calls and is coming over!  He hasto get Peggy out of there 
now. lol
That would of made a great episode.
He could of gotten food from the diner!  All he had todo was go by the diner, 
talk to the man that runs theplace and tell him in confidence what was going on 
andhe could of had 2 plates delivered to the courthouse ormet the delivery boy 
nearby. The reason why is becauseClara would see them and tell Aunt Bee. I 
wonder if Clara told Bee that she never saw Misses Parkins? 
I'm just daydreaming!  lol
But, I did love the way Andy and Opie went to the kitchendoor and Aunt Bee was 
in the refrigerator and she had thecarrots and was walking toward them and 
said, Hello, Sheriff Taylor, Opie, I'm the new cook!  Awe!  
Mizzes Why-Lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mrs. Briggs/Woman

2016-08-08 Thread luke bandit

Dear TAGS,
I watched Helen, the Authoress the other night when Goober
brought the couple from out of town over to Helens to meet
her. I thought I recognized the lady's voice and I was right!
The actress that played the woman in this episode was 
Diane Deininger. 
She also played Mrs. Briggs in the episode, Opie's Drugstore
Job. She was the customer that ate Opie's sandwich that
was so nicely prepared. There you are, and 10 cents for 
Miss Diane only had 4 credits on imdb. 
I love to discover things on this show! 

Mizzus Why-ley of Sand Mt. 
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Eau Claire

2016-05-14 Thread luke bandit
I enjoyed the post Mr. Anderson posted about his 
lecture in Eau Claire.
I looked up Patty Regan on IMDB and found her. 

Here is a commercial with Patty Regan and Jeno's Pizza Rolls!  So funny!   To 
all of you trained noticers out there,the living room set on the commerical 
looks a awful like the living room set on Bewitched. Also, Patty played a role 
on Bewitched namedDolly.  A human horse!   Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee

2016-02-18 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
Someone wanted to know how much the 80 dollars that
Aunt Bee's Canton restaurant would be worth today.
I went to inflation and put in the year
that the episode was made, 1967 and 80 dollars.
That would have the buying power in 2015, 
a whopping $567.71 !!  
Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Judy! Judy! Judy! 
Well, just like you said, Divine! 
The Blue View?
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Books on Mayberry

2015-08-21 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
>From the episode, Three Wishes for Opie, Barney walks into the courthouse
with a book.  Andy looks at it. 
Andy: "Psychic Phenomena" by Dr. Merle Osmond. Huh.
(Opens book and reads title page). Dr. Merle Osmond, Head of the College
 of Psychic Phenomena in Boise, Idaho.
Andy: Dr. Merle Osmond, is he a doctor?
Barney: Um hum. He is a licensed PPD.
Andy:  What's a licensed PPD?  
Barney: A Dr. of Psychic Phenomenon.
Barney: You know he has a very interesting background.
Andy: Huh.
Barney:  He used to teach the guitar before he went into this.
Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry people that had 2 jobs

2015-06-23 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
Helen Crump was a teacher and authoress of:
Amusing Tales of Tiny Tots.  
Andy was Sheriff and was paid for his life story for a movie to 
be made in Hollywood.   Extra income. 
Aunt Bee was an unpaid housekeeper but took the Mayberry Chef
job at the tv station in Mt. Pilot.  She also took the job to the the
Foster Lady.  She also would of made an income from the royalties
from the Bradford International Ice Cream Company if Cousin Bradford
could of gotten it started.  She also worked for the counterfeiters.
Emmitt was the fix-it man and he took a job to sell insurance for his
John Masters was the choir director and the desk clerk at the 
Mayberry Hotel.  
Ellie was the Lady Druggist and would of had a second job if she had
of gotten elected to the city counsel.  
Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Catch phrase

2015-06-14 Thread luke bandit

Dear TAGS,
About the catch phrase that Andy would tell a prisoner when 
releasing him/her.
Write, when you get work.  lol
Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Yes, that episode was on last night! lol  WTTO 21 Birmingham
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's birthday question

2015-06-08 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
The answer to who was born on the same day and year as
Andy is: Marilyn Monroe!
Have a Mayberry Day!
What about the Pilgrims!!
You must of used a very special jam.
Ah, any reports that need filing.
Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Cloves of garlic

2015-02-22 Thread luke bandit
Sorry, CLOVES OF GARLIC, not Gloves of Garlic! And Miss Peggy, working at the 
hospital, must have been toobusy like Mrs. Scoby, ironing to drop by and fix a 
gracious living dinner!
Dear Tags, 

Andy:  Well, now Flint, I can't go along with that!

About the discrepancies!  They are funny!

The Cooking Show with Aunt Bee is a great example. Instead of 
taping one show per day, she should of went on Friday and Saturday
and taped 7 shows, one for every day of the week.  She should of had
a young college girl helping her prepare the food.  She could chop all the
vegetables and Aunt Bee could put the gloves of garlic in the rib roast.

Then Andy would not have had to hire Mrs. Parkins and Opie wouldn't 
of had to take all of those vitamins!  Aunt Bee would
of been there Sunday for church and 4 days to cook for Andy and
Opie and they could of ate at the diner for those 2 days, because Andy
cannot cook!  

Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.

Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 16, Issue 52

2015-02-21 Thread luke bandit
Dear Tags, 
Andy:  Well, now Flint, I can't go along with that!
About the discrepancies!  They are funny!
The Cooking Show with Aunt Bee is a great example. Instead of 
taping one show per day, she should of went on Friday and Saturday
and taped 7 shows, one for every day of the week.  She should of had
a young college girl helping her prepare the food.  She could chop all the
vegetables and Aunt Bee could put the gloves of garlic in the rib roast.
Then Andy would not have had to hire Mrs. Parkins and Opie wouldn't 
of had to take all of those vitamins!  Aunt Bee would
of been there Sunday for church and 4 days to cook for Andy and
Opie and they could of ate at the diner for those 2 days, because Andy
cannot cook!  
Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Church songs

2015-02-14 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
Didn't Aunt Bee and the women that were protesting out at 
Mr. Frisbee's house when the county was taking away his property
to expand the highway, sing, We Shall Not Be Moved?
Also, when Barney was suspecting Ben Weaver of stealing from his
own store, he told Andy, Did you ever see him sing, Leaning on the
Everlasting Arms? He just moves his lips!  haha
Mizzes Why-lee of Sand Mt.   Teresa
Helen Crump: It must of been a very special jam.
Frankie: But, Pa.
Mr. Farmer: Sheriff?
Clara: Groovy!

Andy: It doesn't work every time, Howard.
Goober: Hey, Opie, how about a chocolate shake?
Opie: No, I will have a glass of milk.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bathfitters Ad

2014-10-20 Thread luke bandit

This is a funny commercial! 
Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Griffith on Globe Magazine

2014-10-20 Thread luke bandit
Dear Mr. Newsome,
I just saw this on the cover of Globe Magazine, and if you do not put
it in the newsletter, that is fine.  I am just really surprised about this.  
Beloved star Andy Griffith was shockingly whisked to his final resting place in 
a hush-hush ceremony just FOUR HOURS after his death in 2012 by his wife Cindi 
– and now GLOBE has learned why. See a photo of Sheriff Andy’s secret grave and 
find out why his burial was shrouded in mystery. It’s all in this week’s GLOBE!
Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

3 Mayberry Men on Gunsmoke

2014-08-23 Thread luke bandit
Gunsmoke episode:  Mad Dog.
Man who married Howards mother,
Mr. Darling
Sand Mt. Mizzus Why-lee
Call The Man!
You got a what?  I have a date.
So are you, Floyd. So are you. 
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Big House

2014-08-08 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
Someone posted that they couldn't recall George Kennedy's character
name on the show.  I went to and found this:
The Andy Griffith Show (TV Series) 
 State Police Detective 
- The Big House (1963) ... State Police Detective  So, he was the State Police 
Detective!   Also, Mr. Kennedy is 89 years young! He is still working!  He has 
a show that is in post-production for 2015!  He will be 90 nextFeb. 18th. 
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt.  Teresa
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Who lives here?

2014-07-22 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
Challenge!  😊
This person has made 2 appearances, different characters, but on
one character, they said they lived at:
403 Elm St. in Raleigh.
Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt. 
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Jogging the memory

2014-07-20 Thread luke bandit

Dear TAGS,
The cookie of Barney's that Andy was feeding the dog was a 
"Mr. Cookie Bar".  haha  Andy said we'll get you another one! 
Oh, and Otis's brother, Ralph, dropped a glass bottle of liquor when
he was drunk in jail in Otis the Deputy.  
Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt. 
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Money, Money, Money

2014-07-17 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
I thought of a Mayberry Challenge.  There seems to always be a
mention of money in Mayberry.  People buying things, rewards,
ect.  Endless possibilities!  I will start if off with:
$400.00 for Aunt Bee's co-ownership with Charlie in the Chinese Restaurant
$2000.00 for the organ that Clara played on and sang "Let Him Go" to Harlan 
0.25 cents was Opie's allowance per week, but got a 0.2 cent raise and is now 
.027 cents a week.

Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt.  Teresa 
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Breaking Glass

2014-07-13 Thread luke bandit
Dear Tags,
Barney swung his gun back and it the big glass pane window that the 
installers were going to put in.
Barney used Opie's slingshot while he held a mirror and he hit the 
bookcase glass doors.
Virgil was sweeping with the broom and went back with the broom 
and hit the bookcase glass doors.
When Opie hollered MEAT! Aunt Bee dropped a glass jug, or a glass
platter or Pyrex dish.
Opie threw a baseball and hit and broke a lady's shed window in the
episode Bailey's Bad Boy.  Opie had to pay for the window out of his
allowance until it was paid off.
We never did know for sure but the pickle jars in Barneys suitcase
sure did sound like several broke.
Mizzus Why-lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Middle names

2014-07-05 Thread luke bandit
Dear TAGS,
Maude Clarice Tyler
Jaleen Naomi Conners
Convicts at Large!  The announcer didn't tell 
Sally's middle and last name because Andy was
saying that Barney was on a fishing trip and then
they went to Barney and Floyd in the car
trying to crank it.  
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Can you find the bullet marks?

2014-05-28 Thread luke bandit
Dear Tags,
I just discovered that the show The Inspector was aired a week
before Elle Saves a Female.  This means when Ben Sewell was
shooting at Andy and hitting the white gate, it was hitting it 
and reflecting the shot in a different direction.  It may be possible
to see them in the episode of Elle Saves a Female.
Mizzus Why-Lee of 
Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Denver Pyle

2014-05-26 Thread luke bandit

About Mr. Darling being in the movie, Please Murder Me, the poster
said it was strange to see him cleaned up and talking different.  Denver
Pyle was in a Gunsmoke episode and played Judge Blent trying to 
decide the fate of a woman who had triplet boys and died right after
the birth. She had no family to take them in.  Doc Adams was fighting
tooth and nail to keep them together and for the judge not to send
them to the Kansas state orphanage.  Don't want to spoil the rest, in
case you haven't seen it.  It is a good computation, I mean good 
episode and one of my favorites!  The name of the episode is called
"Baker's Dozen".   Sam Greene played a robber in this episode.  He
played Wes in Howard's New Life.  Ted Jordan played Gerald Whitfield
in The Return of Barney Fife.  
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt. 

Link:  Full Episode 
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Laugh-In trivia question

2014-03-14 Thread luke bandit

Dear Tags,
It was the hotel clerk in Raleigh on the episode,
Andy and Barney in the Big City.  That man was
Arte Johnson.
Also, The lady with the jewelry is the same lady
that was the hostess at the singing where 
Rafe Hollister sang.  Look Down, Look Down,
That Lonesome Road, Before You Carry On.
Riding that New River Train, Riding that New River Train,
That same old train that brought me here
 Is gonna carry me back again!
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt.
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd's relatives

2014-01-27 Thread luke bandit

Isn't Otis kin to Floyd in the Case of the Punch in the Nose?
Also, Didn't Floyd want Andy to pick his daughter or niece for 
Miss Mayberry, or he wouldn't let them use his Miss Mayberry
song that he wrote for the pageant?
When in Floyd the Gay Deceiver, when Miss Grayson asked Floyd
who Andy was, why didn't Floyd just say, Oh, he's my neighbor
and when Opie came in, he could be his son.  
Pa turned into Paul!  lol 
I don't know how my sentences in my last email ran together.
They must be running with Helen and Frank!!! lol
Also, I am so sick and tired of watching TVland and hearing 
EVERYDAY Kristie Alley, Kristen Johnson and others talking 
very loud and horrible cursing on the show previews.  It is awful
to watch a very good TAGS or other shows and BOOM, the 
bad words.  Especially today, had company and Kristen Johnson
screamed a bad word and it was embarrassing to say the least.
I wish TVland would get another channel and have one channel 
called TVland Classics and the other one have all their new programming
on it.  That would be a great compromise.  Or pray that the new
shows are cancelled. 
Sand Mt. Mizzus Why-lee
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Playing piano at Andy's house

2014-01-27 Thread luke bandit

One more to add playing the piano at Andy's house.
Charlene Darling, but I can't remember her name as 
Sam Jones's girlfriend. I think it was the last episode before
Mayberry R.F.D.?  Edith, Goober, Andy, Helen, Sam
and Charlene? lol  singing You and I. 

 I don't like crowded ballrooms.  Your a treasure!Tuskaroara!It doesn't work 
every time, Howard.And that blame manual!Oregano!He was safe!Just don't tell my 
daughter-in-law.Kid, take your time. Take your time!Barney's in jail! Barney's 
in jail!Well, forget about them, am I going to pull through? I watch TAGS on CW 
21 WTTO in Birmingham, AL and theyhave a great commercial on made with TAGS 
clips. It is on Obama care, but they are calling it Obarney Care. They show a 
computer and a prescription pad and the computer arrowclicks on it and Emma 
comes on and says Andy, you have always knownI have never had to have a 
prescription before!  I think they show a Dr. and they go to Barney in the new 
Drs. office that doesn't have a phone in yet, and he has just taken Barney's 
blood pressureand they then go to the Dr. and Ellie when he tells her that he 
was ahypochondriac and that he gave him 2 cc's in the gludis maximus.  Then the 
went to Barney looking in the mirror with Rock Hudson's picture ri
 ghtthere.  It would of been much funnier after the Dr. said giving him the 
shot that they went back to Barney and he says Am I going to pull through?? 
Does it take a TAGS fan to tell them this??  lol Would be funny to show Barney 
wearing that chin strap, The Colonel's elixir, when Emma puts her dime on the 
counter for the pills! Sand Mt. Mizzus Why-lee
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bonnie and Clyde

2014-01-26 Thread luke bandit
Watching Bonnie and Clyde with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty.
Tags alumi represented are Cousin Virgil, Emmett's brother the Insurance 
Salesman playing Cousin Virgil's daddy.  The man who fixed Andy's suitcase
for the trip to Hollywood.  He played a policeman chasing Bonnie and Clyde
and gang to the Oklahoma border.  
Mr. Darling playing Marshall who was made to take his picture with Bonnie
and Clyde.  
10 Academy Award nominations for Bonnie and Clyde and Estelle Parsons won 
played the lady who was blinded.

You could be her manager, it'd be worth your while.
Mr. McBeevee
I wonder what causes that?
We've called off the wedding.
Poor Horatio!
Will you help us?
Spread a little sunshine every day!  Ain't that purty?
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry actress in movie

2013-08-13 Thread luke bandit
I was watching the movie "Spencer's Mountain with Henry Fonda 
and Maureen O'Hara today on TMC.  I noticed a Mayberry alumni, Lillian 
Bronson, aka, Miss Erma Bishop.  
At her husbands funeral, Miss Bronson was stunning reading the letter that her 
husband had 
written just before he died.
Other Mayberry alumni in the movie, Dub Taylor and Hope Summers.
Really enjoyed seeing Wally Cox and James McArthur.  
Veronica Cartwright, who played Becky Spencer, grew up in real life and played 
a role on the TV movie, Call of the Wild as "Sheriff Taylor".
Sand Mt. Mizzes Why-lee   over 160K views in just 4 days!  Living Waters 
Ministries/Ray Comfort
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Foods

2013-05-16 Thread luke bandit
Fish Muddle
White Bean Soup
The Special Ice Cream Soda that Ellie made for Andy
The Soup that Miss Ellie brought Miss Emma
Andy: If you send me a ham, I'll send you some Sour Wood Honey
Mr. Cookie Bar
Sandwiches on Salt Rising Bread
The lunch that Thelma Lou bought Gomer and set her back some of 70 cents.
Barney told Andy that He and Thelma Lou always go "Dutch Treat".
The box of candy that Andy and Barney bought Goober for him and Lydia.
The sandwiches that Andy and Helen offered Goober at their picnic.
The butter and egg man delivering eggs and butter to the Taylor home.
The chicken that Andy and Helen offered Goober at their picnic.
The apple that Goober got at the market and hollered, Hey, put this on my bill.
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt.
I don't have the ladder, Barney has the ladder.
You didn't let him go!!!
Bout to pop!
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list