***NEWS From WBMUTBB HQ: James Best Action ending 19 Sep 09***

2009-09-18 Thread Allan Newsome


A final reminderMr. Best asked me to past this reminder along to you 
all just to make sure you don't miss out on the auction.


Hey there!  We just wanted to give all the James Best and Mayberry fans 
a final heads up about the online opportunity to snag the first and only 
Mayberry themed painting ever completed by James Best.  The painting, 
appropriately titled "Mayberry Fishing Hole" is on eBay right now.  This 
is the original painting, used to create the popular Mayberry Art Giclee 

The bidding ends Saturday September 19th, 2009.  The original Dukes of 
Hazzard paintings turned into art prints have never been sold - this is 
a unique opportunity to own not only the first Mayberry Painting - but 
one that has been printed as well.

Bid Now on eBay!


James Best - Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane www.jamesbest.com


You can own the Mayberry Art Giclee Prints of the painting above and pay 
only $7 plus the price ($50) so maybe that's something for everybody.  
Here's the PRINTs link on eBay.


Remember, too, that Mr. Best will be at Mayberry Days this coming week.

Allan Newsome
  "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: *** News from WBMUTBB HQ: Emergency Moderation over ***

2008-10-30 Thread Allan Newsome

Hey folks,

I'm leaving Friday to go on the Mayberry Cruise so I'm turning off the 
Emergency Moderation.  In other words, messages will be posted without

review (there is a small set that are moderated because of past
behavior) so I ask that you continue to behave well and keep ALL
POLITICAL discussion OFF the WBMUTBB Digest.

I will likely be able to check my mail until Saturday morning but then
I'll be off the air until the cruise is over on Thursday of next week.

PLEASE follow the rules and, as Andy would say, "Act like somebody."
The Digest has been fun to read for the last several days so lets try to
keep it that way.

As a note, those on the "moderate" list will not be able to post a
message until I return.  Sorry about that to those few it hits.


Thanks to those of you who have enjoyed and written to me about the Two
Chairs No Waiting Podcast.  Even while I'm gone...the podcast will
continue and to help you keep from missing one I have set it up so you
can subscribe by e-mail to be told when they come out.
(http://mayberry.com/podcasts)  Just visit the site and sign up.

One last thing, if you have suggestions about the podcast (things you'd
like to hear comments on, ideas for making it better, etc) I would love
to hear them. E-mail me directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I'll see what
can be done. I want the podcast to be fun for you and I have a hard time
knowing when it is fun and when I'm just talking abouterr..me or
something. :)

Take care folks!!  See you soon.

--Allan Newsome
  "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

WBMUTBB mailing list

*** News from WBMUTBB HQ: Emergency Moderation in Effect ***

2008-10-26 Thread Allan Newsome

Hey folks,

I will be *manually* moderating all messages to the Digest for a while 
in order to stop the talk about politics.

As I said, this is our little corner of Mayberry and I do not want to 
see it be brought into the "real" world with discussion of all that's 
going on in the election.

I can not edit the politics out of the messages so I will be discarding 
(deleting) them or rejecting (sending them back to the sender) if there 
is political commentary contained in them.  This also goes for 
expressing disappointment in Andy and/or Ron because of their political 
beliefs.  I understand that many do not agree with them and I am 
saddened to see "Opie" and "Andy Taylor" being used for politics.  BUT I 
was glad to see them together and I'm big enough to ignore things I 
don't like while enjoying what I do. 

Please, lets all agree that our little corner of Mayberry is NOT the 
place for this discussion and if you don't agreeI'll be acting as 
"Andy" and preventing your submission to the WBMUTBB Digest from making 
it to everyone else.

Mayberry, and the spirit found there, is alive and with your help we can 
keep it growing stronger and stronger right here in our little corner.

--Allan Newsome
  "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

WBMUTBB mailing list

*** NEWS FROM WBMUTBB HQ: New Mayberry Podcast ***

2008-10-13 Thread Allan Newsome

Hello Mayberry,

I've started a Mayberry podcast and I wanted to let WBMUTBB members be 
the first to know. Head over to the web site below and you can listen, 
download, subscribe etc.

"Two Chairs No Waiting" is a podcast about The Andy Griffith Show and 
all things Mayberry. There will be interviews, Q&A sessions (hopefully) 
and a lot of Mayberry fun. The first episode is part 1 of a four part 
interview with George Lindsey.


This is new to me but it's something I hope you will enjoy. I look 
forward to hearing from you. You can leave comments on the web site 
above about the episodes or you can e-mail me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


WBMUTBB mailing list

***News from WBMUTBB HQ: Hey Folks.......***

2008-05-23 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey everybody,

Well, it looks like things are doing okay here in Mayberry but lets wait 
a few days or a week before we say everything is okay.

I don't have any idea what happened to Digest issues #132 and 133 so the 
last issue before #134 was 131 back on May 12th.  Some how we skipped 
two issues but lets hope we don't miss anymore for a LONG time.

Keep your fingers crossed and do the incant for the jinx.


WBMUTBB mailing list

*** News from WBMUTBB HQ: Mayberry in Men's Health Mag ***

2007-04-25 Thread Allan Newsome
I want to thank Darrel & Debbie Miles from http://MayberryOnMain.com for 
passing along the following:

I wanted everyone to know that Russell is in the May 2007 issue of Men's Health 
that has just hit the news stands.  It is a great picture of him and his great 
grandson and good article.  We remember the magazine people coming, this winter 
(IT WAS BIG) and they were over at the barber shop all day taking pictures.  I 
think all the fans would enjoy seeing him and could bring the article to 
Mayberry Days for him to autograph. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

**** News from WBMUTBB HQ ****

2007-01-11 Thread Allan Newsome
 News from WBMUTBB HQ 

George Lindsey is scheduled to be the cover story for this 
Sunday's "American Profile" magazine, an insert carried by Sunday 
newspapers in many smaller towns across the country.  If a newspaper 
near you doesn't carry it, the story might eventually be on the 
magazine's Web site:  www.americanprofile.com 
<http://www.americanprofile.com> .

WBMUTBB mailing list

*** News from WBMUTBB HQ ***

2006-10-22 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey folks,

As you likely noticed, there was a problem with the Digest on Saturday 
21 Oct.  The computer we're hosted on went down and the hard drive 
failed. That meant they had to replace the hard drive and then restore 
the data.  When that happened, it reset everything to the last saved set 
of data which means we lost all of Saturday and some of Friday.  That's 
why the Digests are numbered in "repeat numbers" starting at 304 again 
for Sunday and Monday's will be #305 again.

Sorry for the problems but since I'm gone on the Mayberry Cruise...you 
can bet if it can go wrong..it will. haha.

Mayberry.com was down all day on Saturday as well.  Hopefully things are 
fixed and will be okay while I'm "out to sea" with Howard Sprague. :)

--Allan Newsome
   "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-10-19 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey Folks,

I'm about to be gone on the "Mayberry Cruise" so I likely won't be able 
to hear our Mayberry author, Ken Beck (as in Beck & Clark) on the 
Internet Radio but you guys have a heads up.  Below is the information 
and I hope some of you will take time to listen and even call in to chat 
with Ken about Mayberry on Tuesday of next week  Below is the info I 
have on the broadcast.

The Andy Griffith Show will be the featured program on Tuesday, October 
24, on Talking Television With Dave White.

Ken Beck, author of several books concerning TAGS, will be the special 
guest and the audience is invited to be part of the program as well.  
Broadcast on internet radio station http://www.ksav.org/ from 7:30-9PM 
Pacific time, listeners may participate by phone (800)407-KSAV(5728) 
during the program or by e-mail, [EMAIL PROTECTED] before or during the 
show.  First time listeners should visit the KSAV site prior to the 
program date and insure the audio streams properly.  Streams are 
available for both high speed or dial up connections.  Should you have 
problems please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance.  Tuesday's best 
television takes place on the radio.  Be a part of it.

Dave White, Host;
Talking Television With Dave White

I hope you all enjoy the show. 

Remember...next month is the WBMUTBB Chapter 15th Anniversary Month so 
lets all plan to make it special!!!

--Allan Newsome
   "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

WBMUTBB mailing list