Andy and Don

2015-10-23 Thread Steve Kraske
I may have missed it, but this is BIG: A new book from Simon & Schuster 
is due out Nov. 3. Title: /Andy & Don: The Making of a Friendship and a 
Classic American TV Show. /The author: Don's brother-in-law, Daniel de 
Vise who's worked for The Washington Post, The Miami Herald and three 
other newspapers. Looks like this is a pretty direct story -- warts and all.

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Andy and Don

2015-12-04 Thread Harvey Price

I agree with Houston. I enjoyed the book and thought it was very interesting. A 
definite must read for Mayberry fans. 
  Harvey "Indian Elixir" Price
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Andy and Don

2016-01-19 Thread Brian Kaufman
I believe we have been making a big "moulage" :-) out of the Andy and Don book. 
 They were both human beings, 1st and outstanding actors, 2nd. It's actually 
refreshing to know that they were "human".  Irregardless, we all know where 
they are now...being rewarded for their contributions to humanity.
Brian KaufmanTAGS Fan Since 1974 & WBMUTBB Faithful Reader for 7 years???
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Andy and Don

2016-01-19 Thread Janet Anderson
Bisse, thank you for your post about the book "Andy and Don."  I am one of 
those people who have been ambivilent about the book, not sure if I want to 
read it, and have not yet bought it.  Rather, I have been doing lots of reading 
of reviews, of posts from people on the digest, and of comments from people in 
Mayberry Facebook groups.  Rather than just saying whether you liked it or not, 
you gave some detailed information on why you feel as you do, and I appreciate 
that.  Thanks for sharing with us.


Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Don

2016-01-19 Thread Michael Eury
I read the *Andy and Don* biography right when it came out and had a hard
time putting it down.

Yes, some of the revelations about their personal lives are surprising, and
a few are shocking. But the author, Daniel de Vise (Don Knotts'
brother-in-law, BTW), presents a fair and balanced, as well as utterly
fascinating, portrait of Andy Griffith and Don Knotts unlike anything I've
ever read about them before (and like many of you, I've read a lot).

Some *TAGS* fans' negative reactions to the book focus on these shocks --
on the revelations of both men's failings -- but de Vise doesn't
sensationalize these shortcomings. He also portrays the positive qualities
and immense talents of both Griffith and Knotts, with a continuing
spotlight on the deep bond and friendship that cemented their relationship
for so many decades.

The book *Andy and Don* didn't change my lifelong affection for Sheriff
Andy Taylor or Deputy Barney Fife one iota -- in fact, it deepened it,
because it made me realize that behind our beloved icons were two men who
could rise above their human flaws to create "real" characters and an
endearing show that outlived them and will outlive us all.

Michael Eury
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Andy and Don

2016-01-20 Thread Steve Kraske
Couldn't agree with Michael Eury's comment more about the "Andy and Don" 
book. I couldn't put it down either and found it to be just absorbing.

Steve in Kansas City.

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Andy and Don

2016-03-22 Thread Elizabeth Busby
I am just getting into the book,"Andy and Don" and am enjoying the stories
form their lives that recall an episode of TAGS. I know the book has been
discussed, but most actors can tell you the business is not easy and
sometimes not pretty. This book just shows how life is and how lemons can
be made into lemonade. Elizabeth in Ga
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"Andy and Don" book

2015-12-02 Thread Mitchell, Houston
Just finished reading the new book. It was very good. There is nothing in it 
about Andy being abusive to Don at all. It treats both of them with respect, 
pointing out that yes, they had flaws, but all in all had a deep and abiding 
friendship that helped produce one of the great TV shows of all time. I highly 
recommend it.


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Andy and Don book

2015-12-04 Thread Janet Anderson
I appreciate all those who have written in with their thoughts about the "Andy 
and Don" book.  On the one hand, I'd really like to read it, especially for the 
parts concerning the show and the friendship between Don and Andy, but I really 
don't want to read about the marital infidelities and such.  So I think I will 
pass on the book.  From comments he made later in life, I believe Andy had a 
change of heart regarding his earlier behavior and choices.  At least, I hope 
that is the case.  It's just a shame how their problems remaining faithful to 
their wives not only led to divorce but to the break-ups of families with 
children.  Anyway, I'd prefer not to dwell on that.  But thanks for sharing the 
reviews because it helps the rest of us to decide whether or not to read it.
Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Don book

2016-09-18 Thread Janet Anderson
Well, I finally decided to get the "Andy and Don" book.  I debated for a long 
time due to things I'd heard about it, but after reading many fans' positive 
comments, I bought it and finished reading it tonight.  One thing I have to say 
is that it is an engrossing read.  Once I started, it was hard to put it down, 
and I spent most of today reading it.  The author obviously did a thorough job 
in researching the book, as there were things in it that I had never known 
before, some that were fascinating to learn, others that were disturbing to 
discover.  As an old movie and classic TV buff, I have a number of biographies 
and autobiographies of big stars, so I'm accustomed to finding out that actors 
and actresses can be very different from their on-screen personas.  Still, 
there was some information in the "Andy and Don" book that I could have done 
without.  I guess we fans, though we ought to know better, link the men so 
closely with the roles they played on TAGS that finding out they were
  very different people in real life can be a bit disillusioning.  Still, I'm a 
big girl.  I can handle it.  It was interesting to find out that the inception 
of Mayberry Days was somewhat of a fluke, and it's amazing to think how that 
fluke has impacted Surry County, and Mt. Airy specifically, over the years.  
The author described attending the Mayberry Days after Andy's death and 
commented on some of the participants.  I was quite disappointed by his brief 
description of David Browning (though unnamed) as "a Don Knotts surrogate, with 
a few extra pounds on his frame and no magic in his eyes."  I found that unfair 
and rather insulting.  First of all, David doesn't impersonate Don Knotts; he 
does his own version of Barney.  Secondly, he's been doing the Mayberry Deputy 
for many years now and was slimmer when he first started (and he's no more than 
average weight now).  Thirdly, if the author thought David had "no magic in his 
eyes," he must not have looked in them.  Sorry to go on ab
 out that, but in Barney's lingo, that just frosted me!  David is so talented 
with a great personality.  He has added immeasurably to various Mayberry 
functions and celebrations through the years.  (Okay, enough of the rabbit 
trail.)  With nearly all autobiographies I read, my favorite part is the 
beginning and my least favorite is the end, with the decline of a career and 
eventually the death of the subject.  That was still somewhat true with this 
book, but the one thing that was very uplifting about the end of the "Andy and 
Don" book is Andy's return to his boyhood Christian faith.  After years of 
living a Hollywood lifestyle, his illnesses later in life seemed to bring him 
back to the realization that the most important thing is life is the state of 
the soul and preparation for eternity.  He wanted desperately to believe that 
Don would be waiting for him in heaven and regretted that he wasn't able to 
explicitly discuss his salvation or lack thereof before Don's death.  The 
 s account verified that Andy's faith in the Lord was real, and I found this 
touching and comforting.  I realize my report on the book is very late, as most 
of you have either read it or decided not to.  I just wanted to share my 
Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Book titled "Andy and Don"

2015-10-24 Thread Brian Kaufman
Thanks for submitting that information about a new book written about TAGS, 
Steve.  I now know what I want for Christmas!
Brian KaufmanProud TAGS Fan Since 1974 
WBMUTBB mailing list

New book - Andy and Don

2015-10-29 Thread Jacob Shepherd
There is a new book coming out next week.  Andy and Don: The Making of
a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show Hardcover – November 3,
by Daniel de Visé

Jake Shepherd

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New Andy and Don book

2015-11-04 Thread Steve Kraske
Had a great conversation today with Daniel de Vise about his new book, 
/Andy & Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show. 
/Don Knotts was Dan's brother-in-law, and Dan offered some great 
insights into their very close relationship over the years. Just 
essential Mayberry reading. Here's our chat:

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2016-01-13 Thread Rodney Blackwell
I loved the book. I liked it because everything was not whitewashed. Andy and 
Don were real people..the characters they played on TAGS were just 
characters. This is the most informative book I have read yet on them. It’s 
long been known of Andy’s drinking and temper, so it wasn’t that suprising.

Roy Stoner
WBMUTBB mailing list

Back to Back Andy and Don

2008-09-04 Thread Danny Taylor
I also have this CD, I got it a while back. It was the first time I got to
hear any of Don's comedy skits before as well. 

Dapper Dan 
Over and Under, I already 10-4'd ya!

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Andy and Don on Today Show

2010-04-20 Thread John Foster
I came across this video and thought our group would enjoy it.  Matt Lauer did 
an interview with Andy and Don back in 1996, on the Today Show:

John F

WBMUTBB mailing list

New book on Andy and Don

2015-11-07 Thread Janet Anderson
There's been much talk about the newly released book called "Andy and Don: The 
Making of a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show," and I know some of you 
have bought it already.  I have yet to hear from anyone who has read the book, 
and I would encourage any of you who have to please post your review of the 
book here on the digest.  On the surface, it sounds like it would be a great 
book, but I have talked to one "Mayberry insider" who had very disparaging 
things to say about it.  So that has made me leery.  I remember an excerpt from 
the book that was released in the summer, as a "teaser," I guess, and it was 
about Andy supposedly losing his temper and beating Don up.  Not exactly the 
kind of thing I want to read about!  But I want to hear from folks who have 
read the entire book so as to get a fair take on it.  I hope several of you 
will write in with your comments on the book.
I 'preciate it!
Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

new book on Andy and Don

2015-11-11 Thread Janine
I got the new book on Andy and Don from Amazon onto my Kindle and began 
reading it immediately. Altho heartwarming as to their supreme 
friendship, the author has chosen to include some unsavory (to say the 
least) moments in this book so be warned.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

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Book Similar to "Andy and Don"

2016-05-01 Thread Jerome Graber
I just finished reading a book that reminded me of "Andy and Don" (which I 
thoroughly enjoyed).Although it was not TAGS related it may be of interest to 
some of you as it was about  the stars of another 60's TV show-Star Trek.It is 
"Leonard" by William Shatner.  In the book Mr. Shatner talks about his 
experiences with Leonard Nimoy on Star Trek and the life-long close friendship 
that they enjoyed.  It was encouraging to read about another couple of TV 
costars that genuinely loved each other.

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Andy and Don Movies on DVD from Fox

2012-10-21 Thread Brent Seguine

A couple "under the radar" movies with Andy Griffith and Don Knotts are now 

From 20th Century Fox's "Cinema Archives" line of MOD (manufactured-on-demand) 

 Don Knott's WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER (1960) with Ernie Kovacs, Dick Shawn and 
Jack Warden
 Andy Griffith's THE SECOND TIME AROUND (1961) with Debbie Reynolds, Steve 
Forrest and Juliet Prowse

Fox sells "Cinema Archives" thru various web-retailers, Amazon included.  
Artwork links below...

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Apologies for New magazine article about Andy and Don

2019-03-15 Thread Maryann abc
My apologies. I did not know Closer magazine was a tabloid. I was just too 
excited to see the article.

Sent from my Verizon LG Smartphone

-- Original message--
From: Maryann abc
Date: Sat, Mar 9, 2019 2:59 PM
Subject:New magazine article about Andy and Don

Hello TAGS friends-

In the grocery store, waiting to check out, I see this magazine. Of course, I 
had to have it. It is the March 18th edition of Closer magazine. I have not yet 
read the 4 page article so I cannot vouch for how good it is. I was excited to 
get it though.

Sent from my Verizon LG Smartphone
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