Barney's gun

2017-08-24 Thread ctmidway58
Well, now, when it comes to Barney's handgun, commonly called a pistol, he 
never loaded it unless Andy told him to or it was an emergency, so how could it 
misfire pulling it out of his holster if the bullet was in his shirt pocket?
Just wondering!
Welford theCameraNu.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Nicknames for Barney's Gun

2014-11-18 Thread Brian Kaufman
Barney's Gun Nicknames

Some of the nicknames that I remember Barney using for his gun were, Ole 
Roscoe, The Blue Steel Baby, and The Little Persuader.  Of course, Andy 
thought the best name for Barney's gun was gun. :-)
Brian KaufmanTAGS Fan Since 1974 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's Gun

2014-01-23 Thread Ken Anderson
Good answers on Barney getting his gun taken away.  I have to beg to differ
with Paul on two of his answers.  Barney took his gun out of his holster
and handed it to Otis when Otis was in jail so he could teach Otis the fast
draw, so Otis didn't take the gun away at all.  Also I wasn't considering
the movie people taking the gun away as again they didn't take it away at
all.  Barney's vanity made him just set the gun down completely on his own
so he could rehearse a part in the movie.

The 8 I was thinking of were.

Gentleman Dan
Ralph Neil
The Shoplifter
Doc Malloy
Big Maude
Ernest T. ( When Ernest came out from behind the bush Barney dropped his
gun and he would not pick it up again when Ernest told him to leave it.)

I suppose technically Ernest T didn't take it away, but I was thinking of
that.  So thanks for all who answered the question.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's gun

2014-01-21 Thread Cathy
That's a good one Ken.  The first one that comes to mind is BIG and from
season one--he's armed now.  : )

You say there's 8??

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The 8 people to take barney's gun

2014-01-20 Thread David
That's a tough'n Ken. In fact I rate that a 3-bucket level. I'm stumped. 
Obviously Andy did and Gentleman Dan and the escaped convict from season 1 ( 
that got caught by the hole in Gertrude) but I can't think of who else off 
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Barney's gun

2012-07-05 Thread Paul Mulik
A couple of days ago the topic of Barney's gun came up.  I had incorrectly 
thought it was a Smith  Wesson, but thanks to research by Tom Zumafan, we 
have the correct answer.,_The

According to this website, the revolvers used by Andy, Barney and Warren were a 
model known as the Colt Official Police.  In a real law enforcement agency, it 
does make sense that all officers would be issued the same weapon, because then 
they would have only needed to purchase one type of ammunition.  I'm not saying 
this is true everywhere in the real world, mind you.

I spent two or three hours perusing the above website (mostly the James Bond 
section) and I noticed there were no entries for Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.  Maybe 
somebody who knows more about guns than I can contribute info to this wiki.

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's Gun...

2012-07-04 Thread Zumafan

my brother-in-law asked me this and i have no idea (never touch the things).

  Barney's pistol...Season 1,  Episode 2what was it?  Did he have the 
same pistol until the last episode?  
i reckon someone here knows.  


PEACE is Patriotic
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's gun

2012-07-04 Thread Paul Mulik
Someone with more knowledge of guns may educate me on this matter, but I'm 
pretty sure Barney's pistol was a Smith  Wesson .38. It's likely he carried 
the same prop gun in every episode, but I can't confirm this. In Cyrano Andy, 
he promises to tell Thelma Lou how to care for a .38 caliber revolver, which 
implies he carries such a gun himself.  

A few years ago someone listed a prop gun on eBay (real guns are banned on 
eBay), purported to be the actual gun Don Knotts used on the set. If memory 
serves someone shelled out several thousand bucks for it.  I have serious 
doubts that it was genuine, but the seller seemed mighty proud of that piece of 
paper which proved it was the real thing. Buyer beware: a COA (Certificate of 
Authenticity) is absolutely worthless. Anyone who would sell a fake autograph, 
prop, etc. would not hesitate to print up a fake certificate to go with it.

Paul Mulik 
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's Gun Belt Correction

2012-06-20 Thread Ken Anderson
A while back I posted about Barney's cartridge pouches on his gun belt
being upside down.  I have to correct myself and say I was mistaken.  While
watching The Cow Thief today there was an excellent shot of his belt.  I
froze the picture and took a good look.  He had them on so they would open
from the bottom so I must have not seen it correctly in whatever episode I
had watched before.  So I will be turning my pouches upside down today as I
am giving a Mayberry Presentation to a group of Eau Claire Retired Pastors
and their wives.  I certainly do not want to be falsifying when I am in the
presence of so many men of the cloth.  However, I am taking my two bottles
of Colonel Harvey's Elixir.  One is empty and one is full.  Might loosen up
the pastors' wives a bit.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's Gun Belt

2012-06-01 Thread Ken Anderson
Last night at the car show a gentleman came up to me and told me that I was
wearing my cartridge containers on my gun belt upside down. Now I am
wearing them just like good old Barney did.  He said very few people
realize it but they should be worn so when you open it the bullets will
fall right into your hand to save time and you wouldn't have to dig them
out.  He owns a gun shop so knowing this kind of stuff is his business.  So
I went back to a number of episodes and sure enough, Barney had them on the
wrong way, just as I do.  But you know what.  If it is good enough for
Barney, it is good enough for me.  But it is interesting all the little
things we learn because of TAGS.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's Gun, Rosco

2009-04-16 Thread blueridgebiker

Subject: Re: Barney's Gun, Rosco

During the time period that TAGS was filmed, almost all Law Enforcement 
Officers in NC carried Smith  Weason 38 cal. revolvers.

One would not be hard to find .
Any Law Enforcement equipment or gun store should have a belt and holster 
of the same type Deputy Fife used in the show.
Some Dept. still use that type while some officers prefer the more 
comfortable new type of belt made of nylon weave and velcro fastener 
instead of a buckle.

Former reserve Deputy.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's gun and holster

2009-04-14 Thread Ken Anderson
Do any of you experts out there have an idea what kind of gun Barney 
carried. i.e.; the brand or model number and maybe anything about his belt 
and holster or where one could purchase a replica of something similar.  I 
now virtually nothing about guns so I am kind of searching for someone 
helpful information.  I do not want a real live gun but some kind of replica 
that does no actually shoot.  I would certainly appreciate any help that you 
could give me as to where I would start in search of such a thing.

Ken Anderson
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 

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