RE: Hurricane Floyd

2012-08-09 Thread Harriet Browder

Somehow fantasy got mixed up with reality.Recently several posters 
submitted lists of names they considered Mayberry could use if a hurricane hit 
town. These names were based on people living in Mayberry.  I only remember two 
lists. Neither of these lists had Floyd's name for a hurricane name starting 
with F. I questioned why Floyd's name wasn't an obvious choice. I did not imply 
that there never was a REAL hurricane named Floyd. As it turns out I remember 
the real Hurricane Floyd very well. It hit in early September 1999, just a 
couple of weeks before my very first Mayberry Days. So there you have 
it.reality morphing into fantasy.or the other way around, whichever you 

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA
.."Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's
an old wives tale""Johnny Paul ain't married"

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Hurricane Floyd

2012-08-09 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Hurricane Floyd came along in the late 1990s, and eastern NC was flooded  
big time. Many homes lost, water over the rooftops and the whole town of  
Princeville had to be rebuilt or repaired. 
During that time we ran a charity fundraiser here on the digest and after  
it was over I carried somewhere around $2500 to the American Red Cross 
office  for use in Princeville. 
So yes, there was a Hurricane Floyd!! And he wasn't very nice!
Welford TheCamera Nut
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