Mayberry Trivia Time!

2023-08-10 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey folks!

This week's Two Chairs No Waiting - Andy Griffith Show Podcast is all about
Mayberry Trivia and what better way to recharge from the summer heat than
to test our skill at Mayberry trivia.  Not just any trivia either because
these questions will give everyone a shot at getting the answer right
because they are multiple choice.

So sit back, recharge your batteries, and see how many questions you can
get right as we go.  I hope the questions bring to mind the fun had when
watching episodes of The Andy Griffith Show and they let you experience the
joy all over again.

TCNW 747: Multiple Choice Mayberry Trivia

That's the link to the YouTube version of the podcast but if you'd rather
just list to the audio, you can go here:

Have fun!!

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RE Mayberry in time

2017-02-26 Thread J. D. Stripling,III
In the 90's Andy and Don were on the Today show being interviewed by Matt
Layer.  It was stated by Andy that though they never said it, it was really
more in line with the 1930's. It seems the activities are in line with that
period, and we get lost .30 minutes in a simpler time.
They didn't sit on Andy's front porch starring at thier iPhones! In later
color episodes there was more writing in line with the current decade of
the 60's.

The thing that amazes a young friend of mine is how the "dress up" to go
out in Mayberry!

Call me old fashioned, but dressing up coat, tie, and a hat, shows respect
not only to oneself, but to the party accompanying you.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry in time

2017-02-26 Thread panderson431
There has been some discussion as to the time frame of TAGS, they may have had 
60's automobiles but the movies and actors they mentioned are not from that 
timeframe. Barney borrowed $5.00 to take four people out to dinner could you 
get dinner for a dollar in the 60's?  And I don't believe the ad's in the 
grocery store window was of that period either.
Speaking of that episode Barney knew he wasn't really taking them out to dinner 
so why did he borrow $5.00?

John 3:16 Thelma Anderson

WBMUTBB mailing list

Growing Up in a Mayberry-like Time and Place

2016-04-13 Thread Ken Anderson
One thing I really enjoy talking to people about, especially the young
folks, is that while I never grew up in Mayberry, I did have a very real
Mayberry-like childhood.  I grew up in a very small town during a time when
I basically lived without fear.  My friends and I knew nothing about drugs,
gangs, or bullies.  The only violence in our lives is what we saw on TV or
the rare movie that we saw, and that violence was extremely tame when
compared to the massive and graphic violence in today's movies and TV
programs.  We did take guns to school though, but they were our toy cap
guns that we played with at recess time.

Many times in my childhood I got in a car with a stranger when offered a
ride home when I was walking in the rain.  I may not have known the driver,
but I knew just about every car in our small town.  My friend and I would
walk to the next town using the railroad tracks as our pathway.  The keys
to our cars were left in the car ignitions so we would not lose them, and
as for our house keys, we never had any need for them as we never locked
the doors.

Like little Leon, my friends and I would wander all over town completely on
our own.  We didn't need to carry watches because a loud siren blew at
noon, six o'clock, and at nine o'clock.  So we always new when it was time
to head home for lunch, supper, and bedtime.

Most of us had very little compared to the more wealthy kids in town.  But
that was the way it was and we didn't feel that it was unfair or that we
were owed what others had.  There were no Toys for Tots at Christmas.  We
accepted what we got and were happy for it.  We received no free lunches at
school.  If we could not afford hot lunches, we either carried a bag lunch
or we went home at noon for lunch.  We ate a lot of plain macaroni as some
days we didn't have much food in the house.  We didn't received food stamps
and there weren't any food pantries.

We also learned our lessons the hard way.  When I broke my nose and ended
up in the hospital for surgery because I wasn't suppose to play football at
recess, my parents didn't blame the school - they blamed me.  When I was
severely burned when my neighbor friend started the barn on fire, my
parents didn't sue our neighbors - my parents paid the bill themselves even
though we had no insurance.

No, I did not live in Mayberry, but the many Mayberry-like experiences I
had as a child helped teach me many important life lessons.  I learned that
I was not owed anything.  If I wanted something I had to work for it.  I
learned that most of the mistakes I made were my own fault and I had no one
to blame buy myself.  I learned that growing up in a small rural village
during the late fifties was a great place to be a child.  Everyone in town
was my neighbor.  I knew everyone and everyone knew me.

A friend from my hometown recently sent me over 300 photos taken back home
from the years 1885 up to 1975.  I am having so much enjoyment seeing so
many old familiar places and faces that helped me become who I am.  And
because us Andersons are rather sensitive, I have admit that I have shed
more than a few tears while looking at all those photos.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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Mayberry Old Time Radio

2012-06-05 Thread Allan Newsome

Two Chairs No Waiting 191: Mayberry After Mid-day Part 1

What if The Andy Griffith Show had been on the radio? I mean old time 
radio? Wouldn’t it be great to discover that there were unknown scenes 
with the folks from Mayberry starring in them?

For the next two episode of Two Chairs, we’ll explore that thought. 
Writer Joe Gritton has provided a wonderful script featuring Mayberry 
barber, Floyd Lawson, and door-to-door salesman, Bert Miller. The 
episode is done in the spirit of Old Time Radio so sit back and use your 
mind’s eye to picture the goings on in our hometown of Mayberry, NC.

Part 1 of “Mayberry After Mid-day” we find Bert Miller walking down the 
sidewalk of Main Street heading from the Mayberry Grande toward the 
courthouse. As Bert nears Floyd’s barber shop, he slows down and 
considers sitting down for a rest on the bench outside the barber shop 
window. Let’s join them now in Mayberry and hear what happens. Listen…..


I hope you folks will enjoy this weeks podcast. WBMUTBB member Joe 
Gritton did a great job with the script! Thank you, Joe!

If you folks haven't been listening to the Two Chairs podcast, please 
give it a try. I've been doing the shows weekly for more than three and 
a half years now I believe Mayberry fans would really enjoy them. There 
are more than 54 hours of Mayberry fun in the 191 episodes of the podcast.

You do NOT need an iPod to listen. Just click the play button on the 
web site and you can start listening. OR you can click play on the video 
version of the podcast and watch  listen too. Both options are right 
there on the site.

I hope you enjoy the show!

--Allan Newsome

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Fun Time in Eau Claire

2007-01-19 Thread Ken Anderson
Once a month for the past two years I have been leading the Back to Mayberry 
Bible Study at a large retirement apartment complex. I have gone through all 
of the lessons so we thought we would be through last month. But I asked if 
they would like me to keep coming once a month and just have a Mayberry 
afternoon fun time.  The residents overwhelmingly agreed to this.  So I will 
be continuing once a month.  They want to watch an episode each time and 
then have me read that particular reflection from my book.  I am going to 
take some of my collectibles each time to share with them and I have plans 
to make up trivia games, take my Mayberry jigsaw puzzles, and just come up 
with some good old fashioned Old Time Mayberry Fun.  The average age of 
the residents there is 83 and we have one lady who comes every time who is 
92.  Just thought I would share with you that Mayberry is alive and well in 
Eau Claire.  I am even going to take some rocks one time and show an episode 
of Ernest T, and give them there own personal rock and I am going to paint 
the name Ernest T.  I have an old joke I tell people that I was a rock 
singer when I was young.  I tell them I would stand on a street corner and 
sing and people would throw rocks at me.

Lots of luck to you and yours from me and mine.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

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