Once a month for the past two years I have been leading the Back to Mayberry 
Bible Study at a large retirement apartment complex. I have gone through all 
of the lessons so we thought we would be through last month. But I asked if 
they would like me to keep coming once a month and just have a Mayberry 
afternoon fun time.  The residents overwhelmingly agreed to this.  So I will 
be continuing once a month.  They want to watch an episode each time and 
then have me read that particular reflection from my book.  I am going to 
take some of my collectibles each time to share with them and I have plans 
to make up trivia games, take my Mayberry jigsaw puzzles, and just come up 
with some good old fashioned "Old Time Mayberry Fun".  The average age of 
the residents there is 83 and we have one lady who comes every time who is 
92.  Just thought I would share with you that Mayberry is alive and well in 
Eau Claire.  I am even going to take some rocks one time and show an episode 
of Ernest T, and give them there own personal rock and I am going to paint 
the name Ernest T.  I have an old joke I tell people that I was a rock 
singer when I was young.  I tell them I would stand on a street corner and 
sing and people would throw rocks at me.

Lots of luck to you and yours from me and mine.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

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