recent postings

2021-11-23 Thread Janine L Johnson
Jeff, you're a stitch! White squirrel named Mr. Schwump! That's how our 
hometown enters all facets of our lives when we're devoted fans, huh?! 
I'd love to see that photo, honest.

I get comments often about the bumper sticker I have that says Make 
America Mayberry Again and all are positive!

And I agree with the estimation of how inappropriate it was for Helen to 
be sitting beside Frank Smith in the diner booth. I was shocked but then 
the writers had her often treating Andy unfairly; I never quite 
understood that. Oh well.

Aunt Bee of Orlando,  wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-10-23 Thread H S
I have also sent 4 in that never made it to the bulletin. That is 4 in a row.

Message: 7
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 10:36:29 + (UTC)
Subject: Postings?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

What has happened to a lot of postings sent in? I have sent one three times and 
it still hasn't appeared as far as I can see. I have heard of others who have 
also sent things and they've not been getting posted. If there is a problem we 
need to Nip It In The Bud!
Welford theCameraNut!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-09-01 Thread ctmidway58
What has happened to a lot of postings sent in? I have sent one three times and 
it still hasn't appeared as far as I can see. I have heard of others who have 
also sent things and they've not been getting posted. If there is a problem we 
need to Nip It In The Bud!
Welford theCameraNut!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Delay in postings appearing in the digest

2017-04-21 Thread Janet Anderson
I don't know why this is, but I have noticed that sometimes when I write a long 
post to the digest, it can be several days after I've sent it before it 
actually appears in a future digest.  Earlier this week, Ken posted a question 
about how many times we see cameras or pictures being taken on TAGS.  I wrote a 
response that same day and sent it, but it still has not appeared in the 
digest.  My response was lengthy, so I'm wondering if this has anything to do 
with it.  But when it finally appears (as I hope it does), it will look like I 
wrote my response after seeing all the answers other people posted, when in 
fact I wrote mine before seeing anyone else's response in the digest.  I'm 
wondering if there is some technical reason for this?  I know this has happened 
before.  It's just a little annoying when you've tried to reply right away, 
only to look like you're "late to the party."

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Digest Postings

2016-04-26 Thread Janet Anderson

I joined WBMUTBB? about sixteen years ago, to the best of my recollection.  I 
read the digest every day and try to post from time to time.  It's easier to 
post when there is lots of activity because then there is usually something 
that I want to respond to.  When there is less activity, there's not much to 
respond to, so I confess that I don't post as much as I did in the past.  When 
there have been periods of low activity, I've tried to help spur interest in 
posting, but I don't spend time every day trying to come up with things to 
post.  I just have too many other things to do. I don't mind the alumni 
postings.  However, since we don't have TV, I don't often see actors from TAGS 
on other shows.  I usually read the posts, but if I'm not interested that day, 
I just skip over them.  I also did not mind the question about least favorite 
TAGS episode.  I don't think that invited a "hate fest."  Rather, it was a 
discussion opener.  I don't recall people making many negative comments.  Mo
 st stuck to the spirit of the question.  The one about other shows, true, was 
a little off base, but I thought it was a fun question and did participate in 
that one. I do appreciate that Allan strives to keep our digest a positive, 
friendly place, and I think that's important.  On the other hand, we don't want 
to take it to such an extreme that it stifles interesting discussion.  I think 
if people just try to avoid being unduly critical or going on rants, we are 
usually okay.  At the same time, if we try not to be overly sensitive, it 
helps, too.  In other words, if we all just try to be considerate of one 
another and if we just skip over posts that we don't like or aren't interested 
in, we can keep things in the spirit of Mayberry.  Does that sound reasonable? 
I would really like to see more activity on the digest, but I fear that social 
media is to blame for the decrease in posts.  On the one hand, it's nice that 
we have more opportunities to interact with other TAGS fans and shar
 e our "compelsion" with others.  I myself belong to at least four TAGS groups 
on Facebook, and I do participate a good bit there.  The immediacy of Facebook 
allows us to get involved in more give and take, and I like that.  However, the 
digest serves an important function, and I would hate to see it go the way of 
the horse and buggy.  Though the digest lacks the immediacy of social media, it 
allows us to make longer, more involved posts, at least sometimes.  In the 
past, I've gotten into discussions on the digest about, for example, how 
Barney's character changed after he left Mayberry to become a detective in the 
big city of Raleigh.  The digest allows for more in-depth discussions than a 
Facebook group, I think, because you have the time to reflect and compose your 
post.  You don't feel you have to make just a brief, snappy comeback.  The 
question is whether enough members want to take the time to send an e-mail, 
rather than just make a quick comment on social media. So I want to 
 make a challenge to our members.  I just took a look over at, and I see that we have 1,204 members.  That's a lot!  And  
yet only a handful of people actually post to the digest.  I know there are 
many members who read the digest daily but never post.  If you've never posted 
to the digest, why not give it a try?  You might tell us who your favorite 
character is or your favorite episode or the reason you love TAGS--or whatever 
comes to  your mind.  If more people posted instead of just reading, we'd have 
a lot more activity on the digest and we would have a lot more variety in the 
kinds of posts.  That would prompt more people to respond, and maybe we could 
keep it up. Allan does a lot of work to run the digest and the web site, and we 
really ought to make better use of the wonderful resources we have available to 
us as fans. Sorry for such a long post!! Thelma Lou(Janet) 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Postings Blocked

2015-04-17 Thread Dan Goodwin
I've tried to post something twice today and both times, it has been bounced
back as JunkMail rejected.  Is anybody else having a similar problem or is
Ken Anderson behind it?


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WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Postings.

2013-09-19 Thread Timothy Windon
This goes out to all of you. Thank you for your postings. I don't post because 
I enjoy reading everyday what you all have to say. Thank you for making 
Mayberry come alive for me.  Tim Windon, Lancaster Ohio.
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: WBMUTBB Digest postings

2012-09-07 Thread Harriet Browder

Ok, I've tried and tried and tried, and all I get is heartache, to get this 
right but apparently the system doesn't want to cooperate. Every time I copy a 
line from a posting and respond, my post has all the sentences slammed up 
together. It doesn't happen when I email someone but only when I respond to the 
Digest. For example I copy the line We all love Barney Fife. I insert it in 
the response email as  We all love Barney Fife, to indicate I'm reposting a 
line from a previous Digest. Then I hit space bar several times and return 
several times and insert my response Yes we do, don't we? But when the next 
Digest comes out it is published as  We all love Barney Fife. Yes we do, don't 
we? And there are no blank lines between the reposted line and my response. 
This doesn't make sense and I know some are wondering what the heck is she 
talking about? So, I will not be sending any more posts until someone can help 
me or Allen figure out what's going on.  See you all in the funny papers. 

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA
..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's
an old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: WBMUTBB Digest postings

2012-09-07 Thread Allan Newsome
You need to stop using HTML in your email and use plain text.   The
Digest only allows plain text so it converts any special formatting back
to plain text. When the software on the Digest side does that for you,
strangely formatted emails are the result.

I'm getting that is the problem.  You'll want to Google your email client
to see how to do only plain text.  I'm sure there is a way to do that with
hot mail, Harriet.

I think this link may help.
WBMUTBB mailing list

My Frequent Postings

2009-06-21 Thread Ken Anderson
I figured out why I post so many messages on the Digest.  I have a digest 
posting compellsion.  You know like people who wash their hands all the 
time.  That's a hand washing compellsion, or people who get haircuts all the 
time.  That's a haircut compellsion.  Well mine is a digest posting 
compellsion.  There was an article in the Sunday magazine section in our 
paper today and it was about compellsions.  Have you ever known a Sunday 
paper magazine section to be wrong?  I am going to try mosaics or else 
basket weaving as a cure. I hear they are great safety valves. So just 
thought I would let you know there won't be any post on the digest from me 

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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Ken's Postings

2006-06-22 Thread Ruth Stanley
I would like to ad a big Amen to those who wrote in saying how much they enjoy 
your postings Ken. Your account about your dad was beutifully written  like 
all of those who read it, was very touched by it.
Aunt Bee 2 (Ruth in Or)
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ken's postings and Mayberry Moment

2006-06-21 Thread rande roth
Ken, please don't assume we don't want to read your postings. As I've told you 
privately before, we both grew up in a very Mayberry-like small town - you in 
Wisc. and me in Mont. - which shared lots of similarities to Mayberry. But 
your writings are wonderful and heartwarming, so don't feel like you need to 
refrain from writing. We enjoy them.

I also had a Mayberry Moment last night. While watching Shreck 2 (animated 
movie) with my daughter, I noticed that a couple of the charachters asked a 
question and then continued to ask huh? several times - just like Warren 
used to. These cartoons are written by adults and have lots of funny adult 
humor in them, but I didn't expect a Tags reference. I wonder who the writer 
of that line was - he must be a fan!

Sweet Juanite chapter in MT.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Replying to postings

2006-05-20 Thread Harriet Browder
what I do is click reply and delete the part that aren't relevant and keep 
the rest. Or I simply click command A to highlight it all and delete the 
entire thing, as I did here.

You're going to WAY too much trouble. Highlight and copy the part of the 
posting you wish to respond, then double click on that's 
at the top of EACH posting and there you go. If the Eubocker boys can do it, 
anyone can.

Harriet, enjoying the 48 hours of TAGS this weekend

..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's
an old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

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