[wdvltalk] strange lash trouble. Please help!

2008-06-13 Thread Randy (PeterPan)
This is the craziest thing. I recently added several 'supposedly 
foolproof' flash music players ( form http://www.premiumbeat.com ) to a 
page I've done to promote my music, at http://pixyland.org/mymusic.html. 
If you look there, I put a simple example involving minimal scripting 
near the top of the  put a very simple example right near the top of the 
page, and if you click the play button, a music sample will play. That 
is, except in Firefox, and only on XP! I have mozilla (2.0.) on both my 
older Win-98SE and newer XP-pro machine, and the same flash version (9). 
With the Win-98 OS, and either IE or Firefox, the music plays. In IE on 
XP-pro, the music plays. But Firefox on XP-pro? The player just displays 
an icon indicating it's trying to access the music file, and endlessly 

I've included my coding below, but I don't expect anyone to troubleshoot 
the script for me. Even someone at premiumbeat.com said I was doing that 
exactly right. So I'm really in the dark here. If nothing else, could 
someone please verify whether they see the same problem?

To make matters even stranger, this only happens on MY website! Meaning, 
the examples at premiumbeat work on their page! I don't know. Since the 
file access strings are being passed to a javascript, I suppose it's 
possible that there's something wrong with the way I'm passing path/file 
strings, that other versions don't have a problem with. Or, maybe 
there's some odd issue with the players own internal scripting (JS file) 
that doesn't properly detect Firefox on XP. Still another possibility is 
some weird interaction between internal browser variables and my hosting 
comany's .HTACCESS file (for hot link protection). There are just too 
many possibilities and few clues, so I'm totally perplexed. Has anyone 
else has run across this issue that can can explain what might be the 

Thanks for any help!Again, though it's probably irrelevant, here's my 
code to involk a player.

div id=autoSongnbsp;/div
script type=text/javascript

   var so = new SWFObject(mp3/bin/playerMini.swf, mymovie, 75, 
30, 7, #00);

 so.addVariable(autoPlay, no);
 so.addVariable(soundPath, mp3/cd/TinkTinkSample.mp3); // 

Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
  * *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
  *  *  *

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[wdvltalk] HELP! Alout to lose my hosting!

2007-08-29 Thread Randy (PeterPan)
I know this is probably way off topic, but I just need some advise. For 
over 6 years now, my Peter Pan's Home Page website has been hosted by 
digitalspace.net.  It's pixyland.org, and it's main subdomain is 
http://peterpan.pixyland.org. Anyway, the site has grown and grown, and 
is very high traffic for a personal website, about 80 gig 
bandwidth/month. Digitalspace.net never had a package that offered that 
much bandwidth, but they offered me unlimited bandwidth in exchange for 
a banner ad, which I KNOW generated a ton of business for them. Now, the 
ownership has changed hands, will not honor the agreement. Worse, they 
won't even talk to me about any special deals, beyond buying extra 
bandwidth on a gigabyte by gigabyte basis. Doing that would increase my 
monthy fee from about $10/month to over $100. As the site is a labor of 
love, and passes all income over costs to charities at years end, I have 
little choince but to scramble to find another hosting company. Even 
now, their system is simply deleting parts of my services to punish 
me, and they claim no one has control over it.

Anyway, this is about what I need:

1. Maybe 1/2 gig of disk space.
2. About 80 gig of bandwidth /month
3. At least a few subdomains I can point to special pages or directories 
(don't need additional IPs)
4. A settable visitor counter so I can carry on the legacy of the site 
(It's close to 10 million, so...)
5. A human contact I could talk to at the hosting company, to help me 
with setup issues.
6. Help with installation of .HTACCESS file, to prevent hot linking, 
which would make the bandwidth even worse.

Thanks in advance. I know there are a million hosting companies out 
there, but I don't do websites for a living and know little about who 
really is best and most affordable. Thanks for any insight.

Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
  * *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
  *  *  *

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Re: [wdvltalk] Screen viewing problems

2006-07-26 Thread Randy (PeterPan)

Portman wrote:

Hi all,

I have a client who keeps telling me that the human body (on his site) 
has its head cut off. He also tells me that some buttons overlap text. 
I tried IE and FF in 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 and the SBC Yahoo! 
Browser (which he says he uses) and I can't reproduce the problem. I 
have asked him to check the text size on the screen, but when I made 
mine larger it still didn't recreate the problem.  Any ideas?

The site is http://www.starqualitydesigns.com/BestHealth


Don't know what's causing it, but I can see the same problem using 
Mozilla 1.6. Looks like text is covering a small part of the head. Let 
me know if you change anything and want me to look again.

Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
  * *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
  *  *  *

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[wdvltalk] Slide shows/ photo viewers

2006-07-24 Thread Randy (PeterPan)
Just looking for some slide show/photo viewer recommendations, with 
links to examples so I can see how they look. It doesn't have to be 
freeware either, though a good price is always a plus. If one of you has 
written your own and you'd like to recommend it, that would be great 
too. Here's my wish list:

1. No coding that is too browser specific (no Active-X stuff).
2. I'd like the slide show generator to produce something that I can 
embed within my own template page.
3. I'd like it to show thumbnails you can click on, in configurable 
sizes and arrays.
4. I'd like to know I can add insert new photos to a given collection 
without too big a fuss.

Thanks for all advise!

FYI, for as long as I've run my site, I've tried to keep the improvised 
appearance of each page having different layouts, according to the 
occasion. But now I've just come from the mother of all fairy festivals 
(Labyrinth of Jarreth in Hollywood), and in addition to the 30 some odd 
photos I took, at least 1/2 dozen people have sent me nearly 500 photos 
already! (fairies are VERY vain creatures). So while I still intend to 
make an interesting 'blend' page about it, the bulk of it will have to 
go into a viewer/slide show.

Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
  * *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
  *  *  *

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Re: [wdvltalk] Better email link

2006-03-01 Thread Randy (PeterPan)
Well thanks everyone! Well of the various examples you all posted, this 
kind of link seems to work best...

a href= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]span
class = linkTextEmail 

So I think I'll do basically that, and maybe go a step further by 
detecting javascript availability, and if it is, writing the string on 
the fly. That way, I can do some easier experimenting to foil automated 
address collectors, etc. I'm already filtering pretty good, both at the 
server side and in my aging Mozilla mail client. SPAM is only half my 
problem, the other half is that my address ends up being in thousands of 
virus infected machines.


yeah... its still the real me. Only the web site has gotten so huge I 
can hardly keep up with it anymore. But it has worked out very well for 
me, and is now helping me sell my first music CD too. :-)

Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
  * *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
  *  *  *

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[wdvltalk] breaking out of frames

2004-06-03 Thread Randy (PeterPan)
Can anyone familiar with the Mozilla DOM tell me why the following code 
to break out of frames works in Internet Explorer, the older Netscapes, 
but not the newer Mozilla 1.x (I've got 1.6 now)...

function frameBreak()
   if (window.parent != window.self ) 
{window.open('http://myrealwebsite.com', '_top'); }

body onload=Javascript:frameBreak();
Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
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... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
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[wdvltalk] Breaking out of frames in Mozilla browser

2004-06-03 Thread Randy (PeterPan)
Can anyone with some familiarity with the Mozilla DOM tell me why 
the following code to break out of frames works in Internet 
Explorer, the older Netscapes, but not the newer Mozilla 1.x 
(I've got 1.6 now)...

function frameBreak()
   if (window.parent != window.self )
   {window.open('http://myrealwebsite.com', '_top'); }
body onload=Javascript:frameBreak();
Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
  * *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
  *  *  *
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[wdvltalk] Forcing a window to load small

2002-08-25 Thread Randy (PeterPan)

I've a page that opens in a small window whenever any one clicks on a certain link on 
my site. I control the size in the usual
way by providing an attribute string when I open it. But, I'd like for people to be 
able to bookmark that window, and have it
open that same size just by going to it's URL. In Netscape you can simply force the 
window to anothr size with a script, but
IE doesn't allow that. I've tried to write code to let the window detect that it was 
not opened by a parent window, and
having it re-open a clone of itself smaller and then closing itself. But every way I 
try to do this, I end up with an endless
loop of new windows opening that soon gets out of control and crashes the system. I 
don't want to take any chance of doing
that, so does anyone know a safe way to re-open to the right size without risking 
endless recusrion?

-- Randy (PeterPan)
* *  *
   * *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
   *  *  *

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