Re: [web2py] Re: reCaptcha in forms

2011-04-03 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
ok, thank you Massimo, your support is outstanding

[web2py] Re: Function is evaluated twice?

2011-04-03 Thread Serbitar
Thanks for the advice. The problem does indeed not occur with another
plugin layout (I used Whitelight before).

I am just testing some functionality and will add a form statement

On Apr 3, 3:56 am, Massimo Di Pierro
 Add a print statement. You find that the function is being called
 twice. A broken link in the page like img src=broken/ make cause

 Mind that a function that inserts without a form posting is vulnerable
 to URL redirection attacks.

 On Apr 2, 4:55 pm, Serbitar wrote:

  I have the controller:

  def roll():
      if request.args(0):
          step = int(request.args(0))
          return dict(message = Roll it!)
      if request.args(1):
          visible = False
          visible = True
      result = util.roll_step(step), value=result,
  step=step, visible=visible)
      return dict(message = result)

  the util.step function just generates some random numbers.

  when I call:


  the roll() function inserts ONE entry into the db with visible is True
  (just like intended)

  when I call:






  the function inserts TWO entries into the db (with visible = False,
  like intended). Why does it insert two?

  Thanks in advance.

[web2py] Issues with python in the

2011-04-03 Thread Jason Brower
So I have been playing with the idea of having some dynamic menus and I 
am a bit stuck...
If a user is logged in and has created a conference then they should see 
an extra menu item with all of the conferences they are currently 

I have this in the file...

if auth.is_logged_in():
users_conferences = db(db.conference.creator == =

if users_conferences:
users_conferences_list = []
for event in users_conferences:
users_conferences_list.append((, False, URL( 
'conference', 'enter', args =, []) ) += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 
URL('default','my_conferences'), [


But I get a menu like this instead.

It's almost as if the menu item code is not executed but taken as an 
almost literal string.

Must be something simple I am missing.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower

inline: Screenshot-2.png

Re: [web2py] Issues with python in the

2011-04-03 Thread Kenneth Lundström

On 3.4.2011 14:03, Jason Brower wrote:
So I have been playing with the idea of having some dynamic menus and 
I am a bit stuck...
If a user is logged in and has created a conference then they should 
see an extra menu item with all of the conferences they are currently 

I have this in the file...

if auth.is_logged_in():
users_conferences = db(db.conference.creator == =

if users_conferences:
users_conferences_list = []
for event in users_conferences:
users_conferences_list.append((, False, URL( 
'conference', 'enter', += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 
URL('default','my_conferences'), [

I think the if users_conferences is not needed as if the 
users_conferences is empty the for loop is not executed. But thats not 
the reason why this fails. I don´t get the logic of the for list, why 
are you creating a list first, shouldn´t you just call the response_menu 
+= for every event. I create the meny with pages like this:

pages = db((  3)(db.t_page.f_public == 

for page in pages: += [((page.f_menu), False, URL('default', 'index', 
args=[]), []),]


But I get a menu like this instead.

It's almost as if the menu item code is not executed but taken as an 
almost literal string.

Must be something simple I am missing.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower


Re: [web2py] Issues with python in the

2011-04-03 Thread Kenneth Lundström
Oh shit, no I undestand why you created the list, it was a submenu you 
tried to create and my was for creating the main menu.

Why yours is failing I have no idea. Sorry.


So I have been playing with the idea of having some dynamic menus and 
I am a bit stuck...
If a user is logged in and has created a conference then they should 
see an extra menu item with all of the conferences they are currently 

I have this in the file...

if auth.is_logged_in():
users_conferences = db(db.conference.creator == =

if users_conferences:
users_conferences_list = []
for event in users_conferences:
users_conferences_list.append((, False, URL( 
'conference', 'enter', args =, []) ) += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 
URL('default','my_conferences'), [


But I get a menu like this instead.

It's almost as if the menu item code is not executed but taken as an 
almost literal string.

Must be something simple I am missing.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower


[web2py] web2py Ajax and ajaxClick()

2011-04-03 Thread ChrisM
I have the following

I have the ajax function returning html depending on logic from a

one the html elements is a link to a google map, it is possible to
automate page transition
in jquery using ajaxClick() but i cant get it to work using the
response.js method.

if request.vars.t1 == map1 :
response.js = $('a href=#gmap-4 data-
elif request.vars.t1 == map :
response = DIV(DIV(request.vars.t1,_style=color: #AA;
font-size: 12px; font-family: Lucdia Grande,arial,sans-
serif;),DIV(...and here's your map:,_style=color: #33; font-
size: 16px;  font-family: Lucdia Grande,arial,sans-serif;),LI(A('Your

   return response

any ideas how to get this working?


[web2py] Re: jquery mobile, google maps and

2011-04-03 Thread ChrisM
update - seems to only work if you have multiple page definitions in
same html file.

On Apr 2, 1:02 pm, ChrisM wrote:
 i am using the examples from;

 I have a incoming request at


 in i have:

 routes_in = ((r'.*:/favicon.ico', r'/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
              (r'.*:/robots.txt', r'/examples/static/robots.txt'),
              (r'.*:/#/init/default/map_geoloc', r'/init/default/
              ((r'.**(?Pany.*)', r'/app/ctr

 doesn't seem to work as i have a google map which will load at


 but through a jquery link


 with the additional # google map will not load, anyone else solved
 this one?


Re: [web2py] Issues with python in the

2011-04-03 Thread Jason Brower

On 04/03/2011 02:36 PM, Kenneth Lundström wrote:

On 3.4.2011 14:03, Jason Brower wrote:
So I have been playing with the idea of having some dynamic menus and 
I am a bit stuck...
If a user is logged in and has created a conference then they should 
see an extra menu item with all of the conferences they are currently 

I have this in the file...

if auth.is_logged_in():
users_conferences = db(db.conference.creator == =

if users_conferences:
users_conferences_list = []
for event in users_conferences:
users_conferences_list.append((, False, URL( 
'conference', 'enter', += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 
URL('default','my_conferences'), [

I think the if users_conferences is not needed as if the 
users_conferences is empty the for loop is not executed. But thats not 
the reason why this fails. I don´t get the logic of the for list, why 
are you creating a list first, shouldn´t you just call the 
response_menu += for every event. I create the meny with pages like this:

pages = db((  3)(db.t_page.f_public == 

for page in pages: += [((page.f_menu), False, URL('default', 'index', 
args=[]), []),]

The pages are to be subpages in the my conferences drop down. So a 
simple += won't do as it doesn't get inside of the menu.

Jason Brower

But I get a menu like this instead.

It's almost as if the menu item code is not executed but taken as an 
almost literal string.

Must be something simple I am missing.
Best Regards,
Jason Brower


[web2py] [SOLVED] cannot import name DateTime

2011-04-03 Thread villas
It was due to package dependency in kinterbasdb.

I always seem to have such a struggle setting up Firebird and
Kinterbasdb. I've tried to retrace my steps and look at how I solved
the problem in case anyone else gets it. Hopefully hereunder will be a
clue for you :)

### Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Add Firebird and kinterbasdb

#add Universe and Multiverse repositories
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup
echo 'deb lucid universe
deb-src lucid universe
deb lucid-updates universe
deb-src lucid-updates universe
deb lucid multiverse
deb-src lucid multiverse
deb lucid-updates multiverse
deb-src lucid-updates multiverse
'  /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get install firebird2.1-super
dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.1-super
apt-get install firebird2.1-dev
apt-get install firebird2.1-common
tar -zxvf python-kinterbasdb_3.3.0.orig.tar.gz
cd kinterbasdb-3.3.0
python install
python build
python -c import kinterbasdb
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

[web2py] Re: web2py Ajax and ajaxClick()

2011-04-03 Thread luismurciano

Hi CrisM.

The response.js works only in components loaded by =LOAD() function.
You can find some documetation in
Its very easy to use.

Re: [web2py] Re: jquery mobile, google maps and

2011-04-03 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Apr 3, 2011, at 4:58 AM, ChrisM wrote:
 update - seems to only work if you have multiple page definitions in
 same html file.

I'd avoid using # in a URL, because a browser is likely to parse it as a 
fragment (anchor) identifier.

 On Apr 2, 1:02 pm, ChrisM wrote:
 i am using the examples from;
 I have a incoming request at
 in i have:
 routes_in = ((r'.*:/favicon.ico', r'/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
  (r'.*:/robots.txt', r'/examples/static/robots.txt'),
  (r'.*:/#/init/default/map_geoloc', r'/init/default/
  ((r'.**(?Pany.*)', r'/app/ctr
 doesn't seem to work as i have a google map which will load at
 but through a jquery link
 with the additional # google map will not load, anyone else solved
 this one?

[web2py] Re: psycopg2 on macos

2011-04-03 Thread howesc
psycopg2 (and postgres in general) on mac can be tricky.  

it's been a while since i did this, but the obvious thing to double check is 
that the web2py is using the same version of python that psycopg2 got 
installed to.  chances are there are multiple python installs on your 
machine (this is not uncommon) and psycopg2 is not in the same one as web2py 
is using.


[web2py] Re: DAL: all database connections should be made by using the credentials of the authenticated user?!?!

2011-04-03 Thread howesc
in have an app that has 2 connections - one for core data, and one for 
statistical data.  no problem at all.  the conditional authorization 
requirement in your app might make it a little tricky but should be doable.


[web2py] Re: Uploaded file content issue.

2011-04-03 Thread Limesle
Nobody can help me on this issue ?


[web2py] Re: Issues with python in the

2011-04-03 Thread ron_m
Hi Jason

This line += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 
URL('default','my_conferences'), [
I think should be += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 

users_conferences is already a list, wrapping it in [] makes a one element 
list containing the users_conferences list which is not what menu expects.


[web2py] extra arguments for Table and Field

2011-04-03 Thread Marcel Luethi

I'm trying to implement common grid operations (with Ext JS,
GridPanel) for all tables in my app.
Now I would need some extra info on table and field levels as hints,
ex. default sort order of a table, column width of a field.

The easiest way would be to have a extra argument in gluon.dal.Table
and gluon.dal.Field in which I could store all the associated info.
Otherwise I have to store it in separate place, not directly related
to the tables  fields.

What do you think about this?
Good or not necessary?

Thanks for your feedback!


[web2py] Re: DAL: all database connections should be made by using the credentials of the authenticated user?!?!

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Mind that if you do this connection pooling will not work and you it
will result in shower response time.

[web2py] mod_wsgi + CentOS + web2py in subdirectory = possible?

2011-04-03 Thread Alex Quinn
I spent 6 fruitless hours yesterday trying to get Web2py working on my
hosting service:  a CentOS VPS running Apache 2.0.52, Python 2.7,
mod_wsgi 3.3 (latest), and web2py 1.94.6 (latest stable).  I need it
to run in a subdirectory since I use the server for other things.
After trying everything within reason and reading everything I can
find, I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that web2py just doesn't
work in this configuration.  If somebody can get me unstuck, I would
be *very* appreciative.  If there is a reason why this is impossible
or if there is some needed modification to the instructions, maybe it
would be good to document that in order to save others from the same
frustration.  I'd be happy to help with that.

- 503 : (13)Permission denied: mod_wsgi (pid=10472): Unable to
connect to WSGI daemon process 'web2py' on '/etc/httpd/logs/wsgi.
7370.102.1.sock' after multiple attempts. ... received when visiting
- 403 : client denied by server configuration: /home/siteadmin/web2py/
wsgihandler.pywelcome ... received when visiting

- mod_wsgi works with a simple WSGI script.
- Running web2py by running python works.
- Running web2py via wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer, started by my
own script, works.

- I started with the Apache configuration in the book ( ) modified so that
it runs in a subdirectory (i.e., /web2py-apps/ instead of /).
That gave me the above errors.
- Verified that mod_wsgi is getting Python 2.7.
- Tried temporarily setting it to live in the server's root.  Same
- Checked that Apache can read the directory where web2py lives.
- Verified that mod_wsgi works and web2py works.  I just can't make
them work together.
- Looked at Graham Dumpleton's blog posts and other pages about this.

WSGIPythonHome /usr/local/python/python2.7
# ...
VirtualHost ###.###.###.###:80
# ...
WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=siteadmin group=siteadmingroup display-
WSGIProcessGroup web2py
WSGIScriptAlias /web2py-apps/ /home/siteadmin/web2py/
Directory /home/siteadmin/web2py
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
Allow from all
# (and also the stuff about static directories and admin panels)
# ...

- Has anybody ever gotten web2py working in a subdirectory (i.e., with mod_wsgi?  Some things I
read while searching indicated this isn't possible without intensive
- Has anybody ever gotten web2py working with CentOS?  Some things I
read while searching indicated web2py doesn't work well with CentOS.
One person changed providers for that reason.
- Would mod_proxy be more fool-proof?  Given the time and frustration
spent trying to make it work with mod_wsgi, I am reluctant to try a
totally different strategy unless there's reason to believe it would
be easier.

I am totally new to Web2py and I was very impressed when running
locally.  Right now, I'm frustrated.  When I got started, it looked
like this was going to be much easier.  Maybe just bad luck that I
happen to be on a CentOS server.  I don't know.  Anyway, if anybody
could give me a pointer, I'd really appreciate it.  If I ever get it
working, I'll definitely write back with a HOWTO.


[web2py] PostgreSQL Error SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list

2011-04-03 Thread fuga
web2py generate SQL that PostgreSQL doesn't accept.

For instance,

SELECT DISTINCT, a.uid, FROM a, b WHERE a.deleted 
'T') AND (  0)) AND (((b.deleted  'T') AND (  0)) AND
( = 1))) AND (b.uid = a.uid)) ORDER BY, LIMIT 1 OFFSET

It fails because select list is not contain

I change gluon/ 1.94.5) as follows.
It is work well.
But I am not sure that it is a good practice.

=== modified file 'gluon/'   Version 1.94.5
@@ -1039,2 +1039,6 @@
if not orderby and tablenames:
-sql_o +=  ['%s.%s'%(t,x) for t in tablenames for x in
((hasattr(self.db[t],'_primarykey') and self.db[t]._primarykey) or
+orderby_fields = ['%s.%s'%(t,x) for t in tablenames for x in
((hasattr(self.db[t],'_primarykey') and self.db[t]._primarykey) or
+sql_o += ' ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(orderby_fields)
+for orderby_field in orderby_fields:
+if orderby_field not in self._colnames:
+sql_f += ', %s' % orderby_field

Your opinion will be much appreciated,

[web2py] Re: extra arguments for Table and Field

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
You can already do:

db.table.field.extra = {}

extra is not a keyword but you can attach attributes to a field
object. You can do it with tables too but they must be preceded by and
underscore to avoid naming conflicts with fields:

db.table._extra = {}


On Apr 3, 10:51 am, Marcel Luethi wrote:

 I'm trying to implement common grid operations (with Ext JS,
 GridPanel) for all tables in my app.
 Now I would need some extra info on table and field levels as hints,
 ex. default sort order of a table, column width of a field.

 The easiest way would be to have a extra argument in gluon.dal.Table
 and gluon.dal.Field in which I could store all the associated info.
 Otherwise I have to store it in separate place, not directly related
 to the tables  fields.

 What do you think about this?
 Good or not necessary?

 Thanks for your feedback!


[web2py] Re: extra arguments for Table and Field

2011-04-03 Thread Marcel Luethi
Wow! Great!

And many thanks for the superfast reply!

On 3 Apr., 17:57, Massimo Di Pierro
 You can already do:

 db.table.field.extra = {}

 extra is not a keyword but you can attach attributes to a field
 object. You can do it with tables too but they must be preceded by and
 underscore to avoid naming conflicts with fields:

 db.table._extra = {}


 On Apr 3, 10:51 am, Marcel Luethi wrote:


  I'm trying to implement common grid operations (with Ext JS,
  GridPanel) for all tables in my app.
  Now I would need some extra info on table and field levels as hints,
  ex. default sort order of a table, column width of a field.

  The easiest way would be to have a extra argument in gluon.dal.Table
  and gluon.dal.Field in which I could store all the associated info.
  Otherwise I have to store it in separate place, not directly related
  to the tables  fields.

  What do you think about this?
  Good or not necessary?

  Thanks for your feedback!


[web2py] Re: Uploaded file content issue.

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I do not fully understand the workflow.
I assume the problem is that exposecsv() cannot find the file.
Correct? What is in request.args(0)?
How were the files uploaded?


On Apr 1, 7:14 am, Limesle wrote:

 as you know, Web2py transform the content and the name of a file when

 I tried several time to expose the real content of the file
 But I always have Fieldstorage and other information at the
 begining. I can't get rid of this.

 The file content are like:

 FieldStorage('file_path', 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\w7774455\
 \Desktop\\test.csv', 'contentline1\r\ncontentline2\r\n')

 I just want to be able to expose :


 Used controllers :

 def listfile():
     files = db().select(db.Files.ALL)
     return dict (files=files)

 def exposecsv():
     import csv
     content = os.path.join(request.folder,'uploads/','%s' % filename)
     content1 = open(content, 'r')
     content2 = csv.reader(content1, delimiter=',')
     return dict(content2=content2)

 It would be very helpful if someone have an idea.

 Thank for reading me.

[web2py] url rewriting

2011-04-03 Thread Shark

I am asking about url rewriting in web2py withGAE

I want to make our site page


can you help me ?

someone tell me change app,yaml
say change

so I need your help


Re: [web2py] url rewriting

2011-04-03 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Apr 3, 2011, at 9:01 AM, Shark wrote:
 I am asking about url rewriting in web2py withGAE
 I want to make our site page
 can you help me ?
 someone tell me change app,yaml
 say change

Change (create) (note the name).

With your configuration, the default case should work fine:

routers = dict(

# base router
BASE = dict(
default_application = 'init',

 so I need your help

Re: [web2py] Re: Issues with python in the

2011-04-03 Thread Jason Brower

On 04/03/2011 06:26 PM, ron_m wrote:

Hi Jason

This line += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 
URL('default','my_conferences'), [

I think should be += [(T('My Conferences'), False, 


users_conferences is already a list, wrapping it in [] makes a one 
element list containing the users_conferences list which is not what 
menu expects.


Too many, brackets... feels like lisp!!!
Thanks, that didn't.
Once again, it was just a little python hickup from me. :D Your solution 
did the trick.

Best Regards,
Jason Brower

[web2py] Re: web2py joins Pylons project

2011-04-03 Thread Anthony
Thanks, Pyramid.!/amarandon/status/54413227936854016

[web2py] Making my own decorator...

2011-04-03 Thread Jason Brower

I am making my first decorator and I want to make sure I do it right...
def is_in_conference():
if not session.current_conference:
redirect(URL('default', 'index'))

def index():

INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference on 
to one page.

return dict()

Is this correct?
Also can I use two docorators?
For example:

def index():

INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference on 
to one page.

return dict()
Best Regards,

[web2py] Re: IS_IN_DB no dropdown list

2011-04-03 Thread Kevin Cole

Is there a nice place to figure out what's out of date in the book?  (I 
recently bought a copy and was assuming it was a bit more up-to-date.) I'm 
just beginnings of web2py, having fought with and been defeated by other 
frameworks. ;-)

Having beat my head against this very problem I had assumed it was my 
problem dealing with frameworks that was the trouble.  Following your 
example solved the trouble, thanks muchly. I'm hoping to avoid the bruises 
on the forehead in the future.  Is there a good single source of road 
closed / under construction / detour ahead signs?


[web2py] Re: IS_IN_DB no dropdown list

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
There is nothing really outdated in the 3rd edition of the book. There
are a few typos (fixed online) and it missed a description of some of
the new features (mostly new router, restful services).

On Apr 3, 2:19 pm, Kevin Cole wrote:

 Is there a nice place to figure out what's out of date in the book?  (I
 recently bought a copy and was assuming it was a bit more up-to-date.) I'm
 just beginnings of web2py, having fought with and been defeated by other
 frameworks. ;-)

 Having beat my head against this very problem I had assumed it was my
 problem dealing with frameworks that was the trouble.  Following your
 example solved the trouble, thanks muchly. I'm hoping to avoid the bruises
 on the forehead in the future.  Is there a good single source of road
 closed / under construction / detour ahead signs?


[web2py] Re: IS_IN_DB no dropdown list

2011-04-03 Thread Anthony
The online version of the book is continually edited, so it will be more 
up-to-date than the printed copy. I doubt there's much (or anything) in the 
printed book that is out-of-date (i.e., no longer correct), particularly 
given that web2py maintains backward compatibility of the API. However, 
there may be a few new features that are not in the printed book (and may 
not even be in the online book yet). To help identify newer features that 
may not be in the book, you can look at the change log at (link accessible from the 
download page). I think the printed copy of the book was up-to-date as of 
somewhere around version 1.81 (maybe a little later).

On Sunday, April 3, 2011 3:19:57 PM UTC-4, Kevin Cole wrote:


 Is there a nice place to figure out what's out of date in the book?  (I 
 recently bought a copy and was assuming it was a bit more up-to-date.) I'm 
 just beginnings of web2py, having fought with and been defeated by other 
 frameworks. ;-) 

 Having beat my head against this very problem I had assumed it was my 
 problem dealing with frameworks that was the trouble.  Following your 
 example solved the trouble, thanks muchly. I'm hoping to avoid the bruises 
 on the forehead in the future.  Is there a good single source of road 
 closed / under construction / detour ahead signs?


[web2py] Re: web2py joins Pylons project

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I have run some tests and pays no role in web2py
popularity (positive or negative). Here are some statistics:

Number of http requests:
29/Mar/2011 82379
30/Mar/2011 81757
31/Mar/2011 88105
01/Apr/2011 72613   nothing happened
02/Apr/2011 51305

Number of requests from distinct users:
29/Mar/2011 2245
30/Mar/2011 2192
31/Mar/2011 2136
01/Apr/2011 2044
02/Apr/2011 1526

Number of downloads from distinct users:
29/Mar/2011 188
30/Mar/2011 170
31/Mar/2011 162
01/Apr/2011 150
02/Apr/2011 97

These numbers are typical. Weekends are 30% down.

While news posted on do not cause us any spike (up
or down), news on the front page of did cause
our numbers to spike, recently. That is because the number of people
who read /r/Python is very small and many accounts are probably
created by the same few people. And they all seem to have made their
mind (one way or another). /r/Programming has a much larger community.


[web2py] Re: IS_IN_DB no dropdown list

2011-04-03 Thread Kevin Cole
Ah. My misreading. You said cookbook and I read it as book.  I thought 
you were saying your examples in your book were out of date, which seemed 
odd. In the immortal words of Emily Litella, Oh... Never mind... [1]


Re: [web2py] Re: Making my own decorator...

2011-04-03 Thread Jason Brower

Thanks... that cleared some things up. :)

On 04/03/2011 10:48 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

I think you want:

def is_in_conference(f):
  if not session.current_conference:
  redirect(URL('default', 'index'))
  return f

def index():
  INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference
to one page.
  return dict()

On Apr 3, 1:20 pm, Jason  wrote:

I am making my first decorator and I want to make sure I do it right...
def is_in_conference():
  if not session.current_conference:
  redirect(URL('default', 'index'))

def index():
  INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference on
to one page.
  return dict()

Is this correct?
Also can I use two docorators?

yes but mind that the order does matter.

For example:

def index():
  INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference on
to one page.
  return dict()
Best Regards,

[web2py] Re: PostgreSQL Error SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Can you show us the web2py dal expression that caused the invalid
query? Thanks!

On Apr 3, 8:19 am, fuga wrote:
 web2py generate SQL that PostgreSQL doesn't accept.

 For instance,

 SELECT DISTINCT, a.uid, FROM a, b WHERE a.deleted 
 'T') AND (  0)) AND (((b.deleted  'T') AND (  0)) AND
 ( = 1))) AND (b.uid = a.uid)) ORDER BY, LIMIT 1 OFFSET

 It fails because select list is not contain

 I change gluon/ 1.94.5) as follows.
 It is work well.
 But I am not sure that it is a good practice.

 === modified file 'gluon/'   Version 1.94.5
 @@ -1039,2 +1039,6 @@
 if not orderby and tablenames:
 -    sql_o +=  ['%s.%s'%(t,x) for t in tablenames for x in
 ((hasattr(self.db[t],'_primarykey') and self.db[t]._primarykey) or
 +    orderby_fields = ['%s.%s'%(t,x) for t in tablenames for x in
 ((hasattr(self.db[t],'_primarykey') and self.db[t]._primarykey) or
 +    sql_o += ' ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(orderby_fields)
 +    for orderby_field in orderby_fields:
 +        if orderby_field not in self._colnames:
 +            sql_f += ', %s' % orderby_field

 Your opinion will be much appreciated,

[web2py] Re: mod_wsgi + CentOS + web2py in subdirectory = possible?

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
There nothing wrong in principle with your configuration and we know
of users who use it in a similar configurations. two things can be
wrong: permissions, url rewriting.

When you say it does not work, what do you see? What kind of problems
do you experience?


On Apr 3, 10:14 am, Alex Quinn wrote:
 I spent 6 fruitless hours yesterday trying to get Web2py working on my
 hosting service:  a CentOS VPS running Apache 2.0.52, Python 2.7,
 mod_wsgi 3.3 (latest), and web2py 1.94.6 (latest stable).  I need it
 to run in a subdirectory since I use the server for other things.
 After trying everything within reason and reading everything I can
 find, I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that web2py just doesn't
 work in this configuration.  If somebody can get me unstuck, I would
 be *very* appreciative.  If there is a reason why this is impossible
 or if there is some needed modification to the instructions, maybe it
 would be good to document that in order to save others from the same
 frustration.  I'd be happy to help with that.

 - 503 : (13)Permission denied: mod_wsgi (pid=10472): Unable to
 connect to WSGI daemon process 'web2py' on '/etc/httpd/logs/wsgi.
 7370.102.1.sock' after multiple attempts. ... received when 
 - 403 : client denied by server configuration: /home/siteadmin/web2py/
 wsgihandler.pywelcome ... received when 

 - mod_wsgi works with a simple WSGI script.
 - Running web2py by running python works.
 - Running web2py via wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer, started by my
 own script, works.

 - I started with the Apache configuration in the book 
 ( modified so that
 it runs in a subdirectory (i.e., /web2py-apps/ instead of /).
 That gave me the above errors.
 - Verified that mod_wsgi is getting Python 2.7.
 - Tried temporarily setting it to live in the server's root.  Same
 - Checked that Apache can read the directory where web2py lives.
 - Verified that mod_wsgi works and web2py works.  I just can't make
 them work together.
 - Looked at Graham Dumpleton's blog posts and other pages about this.

 WSGIPythonHome /usr/local/python/python2.7
 # ...
 VirtualHost ###.###.###.###:80
 # ...
 WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=siteadmin group=siteadmingroup display-
 WSGIProcessGroup web2py
 WSGIScriptAlias /web2py-apps/ /home/siteadmin/web2py/
 Directory /home/siteadmin/web2py
     AllowOverride None
     Order Allow,Deny
     Deny from all
         Allow from all
 # (and also the stuff about static directories and admin panels)
 # ...

 - Has anybody ever gotten web2py working in a subdirectory 
 (i.e., with mod_wsgi?  Some things I
 read while searching indicated this isn't possible without intensive
 - Has anybody ever gotten web2py working with CentOS?  Some things I
 read while searching indicated web2py doesn't work well with CentOS.
 One person changed providers for that reason.
 - Would mod_proxy be more fool-proof?  Given the time and frustration
 spent trying to make it work with mod_wsgi, I am reluctant to try a
 totally different strategy unless there's reason to believe it would
 be easier.

 I am totally new to Web2py and I was very impressed when running
 locally.  Right now, I'm frustrated.  When I got started, it looked
 like this was going to be much easier.  Maybe just bad luck that I
 happen to be on a CentOS server.  I don't know.  Anyway, if anybody
 could give me a pointer, I'd really appreciate it.  If I ever get it
 working, I'll definitely write back with a HOWTO.


[web2py] Re: Making my own decorator...

2011-04-03 Thread Anthony
Yes, I think a decorator is supposed to take a function (or callable) as an 
argument and return a callable. In general, you should be able to chain 
Also, I assume you don't actually want to decorate your 'index' function 
with your 'is_in_conference' decorator -- otherwise, it looks like it could 
generate an infinite loop of redirects when 'current_conference' is not in 
the session (because it will keep redirecting back to 'index', which will 
prompt another redirect via the decorator).

On Sunday, April 3, 2011 3:48:05 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I think you want: 

 def is_in_conference(f): 
  if not session.current_conference: 
  redirect(URL('default', 'index')) 
  return f 

 def index(): 
  INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference 
 to one page. 
  return dict() 

 On Apr 3, 1:20 pm, Jason Brower wrote: 
  I am making my first decorator and I want to make sure I do it right... 
  def is_in_conference(): 
   if not session.current_conference: 
   redirect(URL('default', 'index')) 
  def index(): 

   INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference on 
  to one page. 

   return dict() 
  Is this correct? 
  Also can I use two docorators? 

 yes but mind that the order does matter. 

  For example: 
  def index(): 

   INFO: This page takes all the various things of the conference on 
  to one page. 

   return dict() 
  Best Regards, 

[web2py] Re: Help need on links

2011-04-03 Thread Pystar
Thanks for your responses to my question. Like I suspected, it was the
Blueprint CSS framework in my app that was the cause of the error,
i.e. the print.css file. I swiped it out and my links look and act
according to expectations.

On Apr 2, 10:25 pm, Pystar wrote:
 Links work ok in a fresh app like welcome since the CSS framework is
 only in the static/css folder of the app in question

 On Apr 2, 10:06 pm, pbreit wrote:

  Seems unlikely that CSS could cause that problem.

  Shouldn't make a difference but you could try:
  {{=A('hello', _href=URL(c='default', f='index'))}}

  To figure out if the CSS is to blame, if you are on Chrome or Safari,
  right-click on the text and select Inspect Element (or use Firebug on

  Finally, does that link work OK in a fresh app like welcome?

[web2py] Another beginner looking for AJAX-y help

2011-04-03 Thread Kevin Cole

I'm trying to design an application to manage a wine-tasting party.  Each 
invitee can bring guests. They're in a tasters table.  Each invitee and 
guest(s) brings a bottle of wine. The details of each wine are in a wines 
table.  Many tasters to one wine. And finally a scores table with rows 
consisting of a taster ID, a wine ID and a score.  (I may implement a 
regions table as well.)

For the registration, I'd like to have a form that asks for a taster (name 
only) and the wine they're bringing (wine name, vintage, etc, etc). But I 
want a [+] icon next to the taster that adds another taster to be linked to 
the same wine being entered into the form...  So far, I don't have much 
beyond a working model, listed below.

Any suggestions of how to speed up my learning, assuming that I've not 
worked with frameworks at all and am not much of an OOP guy?  (I'm working 
on it...)


Tables definitions below:

Field(wine_entered, datetime,
Field(tag, string, length=4, unique=True,
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Wine Tag ID),
Field(color, string, length=5,
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Color (White or Red)),
Field(wine, string,
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Wine name),
Field(varietal, string,
  required=True, notnull=True,
Field(vintage, integer,
  required=True, notnull=True,
Field(region, string,
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Region (Country or State)),
Field(cost, decimal(2,2),
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Wine cost),
Field(vintner, string,

db.wines.color.requires= [IS_IN_SET([Red, White],
error_message=T(Must be Red or 
db.wines.vintage.requires  = [IS_INT_IN_RANGE(1910, 2012)]
db.wines.cost.requires = [IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(0, 30)]

Field(taster_entered, datetime, 
Field(taster, string, unique=True,
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Taster (last name, first name)),
Field(wine_id, db.wines,
# required=True, notnull=True,
# writable=False,readable=False, 
  comment=Wine ID),

Field(score_entered, datetime,
Field(scorer_id, db.tasters,
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Taster ID),
Field(wine_id, db.wines,
  required=True, notnull=True,
  comment=Wine ID),
Field(score, integer,
  required=True, notnull=True,
format=%(scorer_id wine_id)s)

#Field(region_entered, datetime,
#  writable=False,readable=False, 
#  required=True, notnull=True,
#  comment=Country or State),
#  required=True, notnull=True,
#  comment=ISO-2 abbriviation),
#  required=True, notnull=True,
#  comment=ISO-3 abbriviation),
#Field(region, text,
#  required=True, notnull=True,
#  comment=Region name),
#db.regions.scope.requires  = [IS_NOT_EMPTY()]
#db.regions.scope.writable  = db.regions.scope.readable  = 
#db.regions.wine_id.writable= db.regions.wine_id.readable= 
#db.regions.region_entered.writable = db.regions.region_entered.readable = 

Re: [web2py] url rewriting

2011-04-03 Thread Ahmed Sharkawy
*I want url rewriting not changing the default route
On 3 April 2011 18:40, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

 On Apr 3, 2011, at 9:01 AM, Shark wrote:
  I am asking about url rewriting in web2py withGAE
  I want to make our site page
  can you help me ?
  someone tell me change app,yaml
  say change

 Change (create) (note the name).

 With your configuration, the default case should work fine:

 routers = dict(

# base router
BASE = dict(
default_application = 'init',

  so I need your help

Ahmed Sharkawy

Re: [web2py] url rewriting

2011-04-03 Thread pbreit
Setting the default_application works really well. Would actual re-writing 
need to be performed by the server?

Re: [web2py] url rewriting

2011-04-03 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Apr 3, 2011, at 2:11 PM, pbreit wrote:
 Setting the default_application works really well. Would actual re-writing 
 need to be performed by the server?

That will interpret / as /init/default/index, but it won't help for /login

[web2py] Another beginner looking for AJAX-y help

2011-04-03 Thread pbreit
The tricky part is going to be the controller logic and how to process a second 
taster if one exists. I would suggest getting that working first with a static 
form. You're going to need to insert a custom ield and then do a db insert if 
it is populated.

Then, it's just a matter of showing and hiding the field. Something like this:

Re: [web2py] url rewriting

2011-04-03 Thread pbreit
Oh right, cuz login is going to be /user/login ?

[web2py] attention moderator

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Somebody has figured out how to post spam by responding to legit
posts. That means spam now comes in with legit subjects. Please check
content before approving new users.


Re: [web2py] url rewriting

2011-04-03 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Apr 3, 2011, at 2:22 PM, pbreit wrote:
 Oh right, cuz login is going to be /user/login ?

Well, that too, but simply setting default_application (without any routing) 
will never suppress the application unless it's also suppressing the controller 
and function.

[web2py] Re: web shell says admin disabled because unable to access password file

2011-04-03 Thread howesc

Is PIL pure python?  i'm not sure you can use it with GAE as it is C based 
(i think), though GAE does provide it's own image manipulation library.

for pure python packages you don't need the web shell to install them, just 
copy their python files to web2py/site-packages and restart GAE.  you are 
good to go.

I have not tried to use the web2py shell with GAE so i don't know how to 
answer that part of your question.  sorry.


[web2py] JSON and HTTP status codes. Specifically 400s

2011-04-03 Thread Matt
Hi there,

When I try and send JSON responses with HTTP status codes in the 400
range I get the following IE 512 byte bugfix inserted into my


def test():
response.status = 400
d = dict()
d['hello'] = 'world'
return dict(object=d)

{object: {hello: world}}


Which screws up parsing the response and also makes the payload size
far larger than it needs to be.

Is there any way to have this removed for non html responses?

Thanks in advance,

[web2py] Re: JSON and HTTP status codes. Specifically 400s

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
fixed now in trunk, please check it. Thanks for reporting the problem

On Apr 3, 5:03 pm, Matt wrote:
 Hi there,

 When I try and send JSON responses with HTTP status codes in the 400
 range I get the following IE 512 byte bugfix inserted into my


 def test():
     response.status = 400
     d = dict()
     d['hello'] = 'world'
     return dict(object=d)

 {object: {hello: world}}
 xx //--

 Which screws up parsing the response and also makes the payload size
 far larger than it needs to be.

 Is there any way to have this removed for non html responses?

 Thanks in advance,

[web2py] Re: JSON and HTTP status codes. Specifically 400s

2011-04-03 Thread Matt
Thanks Massimo :) Works fine now.


On Apr 4, 10:30 am, Massimo Di Pierro
 fixed now in trunk, please check it. Thanks for reporting the problem

 On Apr 3, 5:03 pm, Matt wrote:

  Hi there,

  When I try and send JSON responses with HTTP status codes in the 400
  range I get the following IE 512 byte bugfix inserted into my


  def test():
      response.status = 400
      d = dict()
      d['hello'] = 'world'
      return dict(object=d)

  {object: {hello: world}}
  xx //--

  Which screws up parsing the response and also makes the payload size
  far larger than it needs to be.

  Is there any way to have this removed for non html responses?

  Thanks in advance,

[web2py] Re: jquery mobile, google maps and

2011-04-03 Thread ChrisM
I was trying to get around the fact that jquery inserts the # into the
url, so the
correct html template is not loaded, this does not happen if you use
multi page
html file - oh yes, this is for a jquery mobile page.

On Apr 3, 3:54 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
 On Apr 3, 2011, at 4:58 AM, ChrisM wrote:

  update - seems to only work if you have multiple page definitions in
  same html file.

 I'd avoid using # in a URL, because a browser is likely to parse it as a 
 fragment (anchor) identifier.

  On Apr 2, 1:02 pm, ChrisM wrote:
  i am using the examples from;

  I have a incoming request at


  in i have:

  routes_in = ((r'.*:/favicon.ico', r'/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
               (r'.*:/robots.txt', r'/examples/static/robots.txt'),
               (r'.*:/#/init/default/map_geoloc', r'/init/default/
               ((r'.**(?Pany.*)', r'/app/ctr

  doesn't seem to work as i have a google map which will load at


  but through a jquery link


  with the additional # google map will not load, anyone else solved
  this one?


[web2py] Field 'time' and standard time

2011-04-03 Thread Bruno Barbosa

how do I set the default time in 'time' field?


 Field('hour', 'time', default=*???*))

obs: I do not want to use the field type 'datetime'.


# ---
# Bruno Barbosa
# Seja livre - Use Linux!!!
# ---

Re: [web2py] Re: jquery mobile, google maps and

2011-04-03 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Apr 3, 2011, at 4:01 PM, ChrisM wrote:
 I was trying to get around the fact that jquery inserts the # into the
 url, so the
 correct html template is not loaded, this does not happen if you use
 multi page
 html file - oh yes, this is for a jquery mobile page.

The hash URL never gets to the server. It's a peculiarity of the way jQuery 
Mobile does its page navigation. This stuff is all handled on the client side. 
If you're actually seeing the URL with the hash at the server, something is 
wrong. I think.

 On Apr 3, 3:54 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
 On Apr 3, 2011, at 4:58 AM, ChrisM wrote:
 update - seems to only work if you have multiple page definitions in
 same html file.
 I'd avoid using # in a URL, because a browser is likely to parse it as a 
 fragment (anchor) identifier.
 On Apr 2, 1:02 pm, ChrisM wrote:
 i am using the examples from;
 I have a incoming request at
 in i have:
 routes_in = ((r'.*:/favicon.ico', r'/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
  (r'.*:/robots.txt', r'/examples/static/robots.txt'),
  (r'.*:/#/init/default/map_geoloc', r'/init/default/
  ((r'.**(?Pany.*)', r'/app/ctr
 doesn't seem to work as i have a google map which will load at
 but through a jquery link
 with the additional # google map will not load, anyone else solved
 this one?

[web2py] Congratulations to this mailing list

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I mined some data from:

This web2py users group had 56,283 messages posted since 1/1/2009. The
Django-users list had 51,119 over the same time period.

Here is a plot showing the messages/month in the two users groups
As you can see the surpass is significative and consistent since Oct

Now we know why some people are upset about web2py ;-)

Congratulations to all of you!


[web2py] Re: Congratulations to this mailing list

2011-04-03 Thread Pystar

On Apr 4, 12:53 am, Massimo Di Pierro
 I mined some data from:

 This web2py users group had 56,283 messages posted since 1/1/2009. The
 Django-users list had 51,119 over the same time period.

 Here is a plot showing the messages/month in the two users 
 As you can see the surpass is significative and consistent since Oct

 Now we know why some people are upset about web2py ;-)

 Congratulations to all of you!


[web2py] Re: Congratulations to this mailing list

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Here is another plot adding Ruby on Rails data (rubyonrails-talk)

we passed them too as messages/month since Dec 2010.
According to this ( rubyonrails-talk
is the main Rails list for users.


On Apr 3, 7:08 pm, Anthony wrote:
 I don't have exact numbers, but over the past 11 months, I think the web2py
 Google Group membership has grown by over 50%. By contrast, it appears the
 Django Google Group membership has grown by only about 10%-15%. I guess
 there's a reason there were three April Fools jokes on Reddit targeting
 web2py. :)

 On Sunday, April 3, 2011 7:53:35 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
  I mined some data from:

  This web2py users group had 56,283 messages posted since 1/1/2009. The
  Django-users list had 51,119 over the same time period.

  Here is a plot showing the messages/month in the two users groups
  As you can see the surpass is significative and consistent since Oct

  Now we know why some people are upset about web2py ;-)

  Congratulations to all of you!


[web2py] Re: mod_wsgi + CentOS + web2py in subdirectory = possible?

2011-04-03 Thread Alex Quinn
 There nothing wrong in principle with your configuration and we know
 of users who use it in a similar configurations.

Thank you for the quick reply.  It is good to know that this *can*
work.  I saw one post elsewhere where someone said web2py *can't* be
used in a subdirectory with mod_wsgi due to some issue with WSGI
compliance.  It was hard to believe.

 When you say it does not work, what do you see? What kind of problems
 do you experience?

When I visit I get response 503 in the
browser and the error_log says (13)Permission denied: mod_wsgi
(pid=10472): Unable to connect to WSGI daemon process 'web2py' on '/
etc/httpd/logs/wsgi.7370.102.1.sock' after multiple attempts.

When I visit I
get response 403 in the browser and the error_log says client denied
by server configuration: /home/siteadmin/web2py/wsgihandler.pywelcome

Web2py works if I use Python's built-in WSGI server, running as the
same user that apache normally runs as.  Mod_wsgi works normally if I
use a different script, other than web2py.  The only problem is
getting them to work together.


Re: [web2py] Re: Congratulations to this mailing list

2011-04-03 Thread Esteban Ordano

I'm really fond of the web2py framework. In fact, after having used both
web2py and django, I am very biased towards web2py. I think that you simply
*get* it, and you did a excellent job, and you keep on doing great work.

But I think that this has to be taken with extreme caution: What does this
*really* say about web2py?

Most of all, beware: I think that a very big pro for django is that in there are 16k questions on Django, so this may mean that a
lot of questions get answered there instead of being asked in the django
mailing list.


On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Here is another plot adding Ruby on Rails data (rubyonrails-talk)

 we passed them too as messages/month since Dec 2010.
 According to this ( rubyonrails-talk
 is the main Rails list for users.


 On Apr 3, 7:08 pm, Anthony wrote:
  I don't have exact numbers, but over the past 11 months, I think the
  Google Group membership has grown by over 50%. By contrast, it appears
  Django Google Group membership has grown by only about 10%-15%. I guess
  there's a reason there were three April Fools jokes on Reddit targeting
  web2py. :)
  On Sunday, April 3, 2011 7:53:35 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
   I mined some data from:
   This web2py users group had 56,283 messages posted since 1/1/2009. The
   Django-users list had 51,119 over the same time period.
   Here is a plot showing the messages/month in the two users groups
   As you can see the surpass is significative and consistent since Oct
   Now we know why some people are upset about web2py ;-)
   Congratulations to all of you!

[web2py] Re: mod_wsgi + CentOS + web2py in subdirectory = possible?

2011-04-03 Thread Alex Quinn
 Have you checked out the fedora script?  Not to use but to
 observe some of the steps and configs?

This looks promising.  Thanks!  Until now, I didn't realize CentOS and
Fedora were closely related.  I'll see if there are any configurations
in there that can solve this.  Thank you for the tip!  If I figure it
out, I'll write back with a HOWTO.

 Are you able to get it working *not* in a sub-directory?

No, it doesn't work even as the root.  I only mentioned it because
it's a requirement and I saw people in other forums who had problems
making web2py work in a subdirectory.

 I looked at centos initially but went elsewhere pretty quick. Ubuntu FTW!

Totally agree!  I put up with CentOS because I like the provider.
It's a small company with solid service (human and network) and a good
deal on VPS hosting.  I've used them for 11 years.


[web2py] Re: Field 'time' and standard time

2011-04-03 Thread pbreit
How about:

import datetime
 Field('hour', 'time','%H')))

[web2py] fetch( not working

2011-04-03 Thread ionel

I need to fetch an IP but

from import fetch
html = fetch(;)

doesn't work.



[web2py] Re: fetch( not working

2011-04-03 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It works for me. Are you running on GAE?

On Apr 3, 8:35 pm, ionel wrote:

 I need to fetch an IP but

 from import fetch
 html = fetch(;)

 doesn't work.



[web2py] Re: fetch( not working

2011-04-03 Thread ionel
You are right. It works. It was my server. It is mis configured:


On Apr 3, 10:05 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
 It works for me. Are you running on GAE?

 On Apr 3, 8:35 pm, ionel wrote:


  I need to fetch an IP but

  from import fetch
  html = fetch(;)

  doesn't work.



[web2py] Re: fetch( not working

2011-04-03 Thread ionel

The result of

is not the same with the result of fetch(

I don't know why.

On Apr 3, 10:17 pm, ionel wrote:
 You are right. It works. It was my server. It is mis 


 On Apr 3, 10:05 pm, Massimo Di Pierro

  It works for me. Are you running on GAE?

  On Apr 3, 8:35 pm, ionel wrote:


   I need to fetch an IP but

   from import fetch
   html = fetch(;)

   doesn't work.



[web2py] a few comments on session handling

2011-04-03 Thread VP
i'm making a few observations as i'm debugging my app.  They might
reflect my lack of understanding of how web2py works. Anyway, a few

+ It appears session.forget() (as mentioned numerous times in the
book) should be session.forget(response).  I have used
session.forget() for a long time, thinking it does what I wanted it to
do; it turns out that what I need is session.forget(response).   If my
understanding is correct on this issue, I think the book ought to be
corrected !!!

+ I feel uneasy with the current way of session handling.  This mostly
has to do with functions that take longer periods of time to run.
They lock up sessions.  To get around this, it seems you have to
forget sessions at the right place.  For example:

def foo():

However, what this function foo does is simply sleeping.  In other
words, it locks up session for nothing.

Clearly, session is a critical piece of data and it ought to be
synchronized carefully.  But I think the current policy of locking
session can be improved.

Instead of locking by default unless explicitly forgetting, we
require locking *only if* sessions is saved/written/modified.
Processes that do not modify sessions should not lock it; as did foo
above, case in point.  It seems currently the semaphore is placed
right at the beginning of the function, even though the better thing
is placing it just right before session is modified and saved.
Typically, a long-running function spends its time mostly doing some
computation and not touching sessions at all.  There is no need for it
to acquire the lock during its entire time of execution.

Further, processes/functions that do not modify sessions should be
allow to read sessions.

I could be wrong, but I think much of these synchronization can be
taken care of by storing sessions in a separate database.  We can use
SQLite (for example), which locks only when being written to, but
allows large numbers of concurrent reads.

[web2py] Re: fetch( not working

2011-04-03 Thread pbreit
What is the difference? Could be that the web server sends a different 
response based on something like the USER-AGENT.

[web2py] add / remove form field

2011-04-03 Thread 黄祥

i want to input many data simutanously in web2py to database.
did anyone knows how to add / remove form field in web2py and then
input it on database?

thank you so much and best regards,


[web2py] router change: map_hyphen default

2011-04-03 Thread Jonathan Lundell
The default setting for map_hyphen in the parametric router has been changed 
from True to False in the trunk, and will show up in the next stable release. 
This is to make the default setting the same as having no router at all.

If you're using URL hyphen mapping now, just add map_hyphen=True to the BASE 
router dict, and you won't see any change when you update. If you don't know 
what I'm talking about, you can probably ignore this message safely.

[web2py] New b2b site using web2py

2011-04-03 Thread JimK
Hello Everyone!

I've been working on a business for some time and have finally
launched it!  The web server for the main app and CAS are running on
appengine using the web2py framework.  Please check it out and let me
know what you think.  The url is and you can register
for a free 2-person account to try it out.

QAKit is the Jira Studio ( for
early-stage startups; a fully configured and integrated suite of tools
for agile development.  The suite includes Bugzilla, Testopia,
Dokuwiki and Generate Data.


Jim Kellas