[web2py] Re: cursor already closed

2011-06-23 Thread Manuele Pesenti

some more details:

the problem occurs from the second time I use the controller 

thanks a lot


# model #

Field('name', length=16, required=True, unique=True, 
label=T('Nome')), # - si potrebbe usare una formula che toglie gli spazi

Field('longitude', 'decimal(6,3)',
requires=IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(-180, 180, error_message=T('Not a 
valid integeritude value inserted!')),

label=T('Longitudine'), comment='°'),
Field('latitude', 'decimal(6,3)',
requires=IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(-90, 90, error_message=T('Not a 
valid Latitude value inserted!')),

label=T('Latitudine'), comment='°'),
Field('height', 'integer',
requires = IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, 8900, error_message=T('Height 
value out of reasonable range [0-8900]!')),

label=T('Quota'), comment='m s.l.m.'),
Field('code', length=15,required=True, unique=True, requires = 
label=T('Codice'), comment=T('Codice univoco di identificazione 

Field('full_name', length=64, label=T('Nome completo')),
#Field('start_validity', 'datetime', label=T('Aggiornamento'), 
comment=T('Data di aggiornamento delle informazioni')),

format = '%(full_name)s',

# module: meteo.py ##

class IntegrityError: pass

class superPower(object):
def __init__(self, table, *uniques):
self.table_name = table._tablename
self._table = table
self._db = table._db
self.uniques = uniques

class superPowerSite(superPower):
ok_tabs = ('site', )
def __init__(self, table, unique):
superPower.__init__(self, table, unique)
self.unique = unique
if self.table_name not in self.ok_tabs: raise IOError
if not unique in [field for field in self._table.fields if 
self._table[field].unique]: raise IOError

def import_anagrafica(self, path_to_file, owner_company):
f = open(path_to_file, 'r')
header = f.readline()
for line in f:
infos = dict(zip(self._table.fields[1:7], \
[x.strip() for x in line.split(';')[1:]]))
if len(infos) == 6:
infos[self._table.fields[7]] = owner_company
except: #IntegrityError:


# controller: setup.py ##

from pytz import timezone
def upload_anagrafica():
uploadPath = os.path.join(request.folder,'uploads/anagrafica')
if not os.path.exists(uploadPath):

form = SQLFORM.factory(
Field('anagrafica', 'upload', uploadfolder=uploadPath, 
label='File', comment=T('Carica file di anagrafica')),
#Field('start_validity', 'date', default=dt.date.today(), 
#label=T('Aggiornamento'), comment=T('specificare la 
data di inizio validità del file di anagrafica che si sta caricando.')),


if form.accepts(request.vars):
response.flash = T('Form compilato correttamente.')
#start_validity = 
dt.time(0, 0))).astimezone(timezone('UTC'))

#path_to_file = uploadPath + form.vars.anagrafica
path_to_file = os.path.join(uploadPath, form.vars.anagrafica)
#anagrafica().Import(path_to_file, form.vars.owner_company)
print path_to_file, form.vars.owner_company
site = superPowerSite(db.site, 'code')
site.import_anagrafica(path_to_file, form.vars.owner_company)
return dict(form=form)

Re: [web2py] Re: Working with CAS

2011-06-23 Thread sagar nigade
Massimo, Thanks for your reply now  I am working with new version 1.96.4 but
now as given in cas_auth.py

I have update my db.py with

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.cas_auth import CasAuth
urlbase =

still geting error:

Below is the tracebak

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 192, in
exec ccode in environment
  File D:/web2py_src_1.96.4/web2py/applications/casapp1/controllers/default.py,
line 91, in module
  File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\globals.py, line 137, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File D:/web2py_src_1.96.4/web2py/applications/casapp1/controllers/default.py,
line 53, in user
return dict(form=auth())
  File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1069, in __call__
return getattr(self,args[0])()
  File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1631, in login
  File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\contrib\login_methods\cas_auth.py,
line 62, in login_url
  File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\contrib\login_methods\cas_auth.py,
line 116, in _CAS_login
except ExpatError: pass
NameError: global name 'ExpatError' is not defined

-- Forwarded message --
 From: Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com
 Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 8:38 PM
 Subject: [web2py] Re: Working with CAS
 To: web2py-users web2py@googlegroups.com

 From this error:

 giving me err in auth.settings.cas_domains.append
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'

 I believe you are running an old version of web2py that does not
 support the new CAS mechanism. Please try the latest one.

 On Jun 22, 9:50 am, sagar browse2sa...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am trying to using use cas as given in online document
  when I  am using this :
  if not session.token and not request.function=='login':
  def login():
  return dict()
  def logout():
  when i doing this come to know that
  web2py app now has a built-in CAS consumer and provider
  while trying this(as per given there)
  Consumer how to:
  auth = Auth(db,cas_provider='http://provider.com/providerapp/default/
  giving me err in auth.settings.cas_domains.append
  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'
  And while trying this one earliar from your post
  In app1 db.py
  from gluon.contrib.login_methods.cas_auth import CasAuth
  auth.settings.login_form=CasAuth(globals(),urlbase = http://,
  I got authenticated at app2 but not got redirected to app1.
  Please help How to get CAS working?

Re: [web2py] Re: Working with CAS

2011-06-23 Thread sagar nigade
Its done there was some setting issues.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 1:16 PM, sagar nigade browse2sa...@gmail.comwrote:

 Massimo, Thanks for your reply now  I am working with new version 1.96.4
 but now as given in cas_auth.py

 I have update my db.py with

 from gluon.contrib.login_methods.cas_auth import CasAuth
 urlbase =

 still geting error:

 Below is the tracebak

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 192, in 

 exec ccode in environment

 line 91, in module

   File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\globals.py, line 137, in lambda

 self._caller = lambda f: f()

 line 53, in user

 return dict(form=auth())

   File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1069, in __call__

 return getattr(self,args[0])()

   File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1631, in login


   File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\contrib\login_methods\cas_auth.py, 
 line 62, in login_url


   File D:\web2py_src_1.96.4\web2py\gluon\contrib\login_methods\cas_auth.py, 
 line 116, in _CAS_login

 except ExpatError: pass
 NameError: global name 'ExpatError' is not defined

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com
 Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 8:38 PM
 Subject: [web2py] Re: Working with CAS
 To: web2py-users web2py@googlegroups.com

 From this error:

 giving me err in auth.settings.cas_domains.append
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'

 I believe you are running an old version of web2py that does not
 support the new CAS mechanism. Please try the latest one.

 On Jun 22, 9:50 am, sagar browse2sa...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am trying to using use cas as given in online document
  when I  am using this :

  if not session.token and not request.function=='login':
  def login():
  return dict()
  def logout():
  when i doing this come to know that
  web2py app now has a built-in CAS consumer and provider
  while trying this(as per given there)
  Consumer how to:
  auth = Auth(db,cas_provider='http://provider.com/providerapp/default/
  giving me err in auth.settings.cas_domains.append
  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'
  And while trying this one earliar from your post
  In app1 db.py
  from gluon.contrib.login_methods.cas_auth import CasAuth
  auth.settings.login_form=CasAuth(globals(),urlbase = http://,
  I got authenticated at app2 but not got redirected to app1.
  Please help How to get CAS working?

[web2py] Re: The multi-tenant feature and validators ...

2011-06-23 Thread rif
I used this feature like this:


so every user would have it's own data.

It seeams that IS_IN_DB is not aware of the request_tenant and also if you 
mark a filed as unique it will be unique across accounts. So it will say 
some data is not unique even if I have not entered it before but someone 
else did. 

[web2py] Re: web2py and async monkey patching

2011-06-23 Thread graeme
Thanks for the reply.

So what anyserver.py does with gevent is not recommended? It calls
monkey.patch_all() which patches threading to use green threads.

Is this something that ought to work but is just untested? web2py is
pure python so the monkey patching should make thread locals into
greenlet locals, right? If that is so, then is the testing something I
could do myself, or does it need to be done by someone who knows the
internals of web2py?


On Jun 23, 8:10 am, Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com
 I am not sure this does not break the new internal web2py design that
 uses thread locals.
 I would not use async unless we have tested this more.


 On Jun 22, 6:44 pm, graeme graeme.piete...@gmail.com wrote:

  I can see that anyserver.py uses monkey patching to make the standard
  library cooperative with gevent.

  Could the same be done with eventlet and with Gunicorn (with eventlet,
  gevent or both)?

  Eventlet has the advantages of being (AFAIK) pure python, and can
  monkey patch psycopg as well as the standard library.

  Has anyone measured whether it is significantly more memory efficient
  to run web2py on green threads?

  My use case is that I will have long running controllers (while
  fetching data from web services). I would like it to be memory
  efficient, but I am nt* looking for massive scalability or extreme
  speed. I do not want it to be trivial to DOS (so I need either threads
  or green threads to handle the long running controllers).

[web2py] Legacy database adaptation in web2py, best way?

2011-06-23 Thread DanielB
So we have a legacy database that has a suboptimal structure, but we
cannot change it right now.
What we want is to create a business layer in-between web2py and this
database so that web2py thinks it is using a much better database
structure in order for the development in web2py to be what we want
the end result to be when the database is finally restructured.

By defining a sort of virtual model in web2py (that is more how we
want the final database to look like) we can use the benefit of
creating forms very easily in web2py, and then just forward the
results to the business layer and let it take care of the real

But problems arise when the web2py forms etc. assumes that the model
really has a physical database behind it, for instance the CRUD forms
where the crud.update gathers info on the record from database and
puts it in the form automatically. We want this of course but the
web2py model has no real database.

One way of doing this would be to use SQLFORM.factory and manually
inserting all the values into the inputs like so:
inputs = form.elements('input')
inputs[0]['_value'] = user.name
inputs[1]['_value'] = user.email
but this sort of manual work seems unnecessary for big forms

Another problem I had with CRUD forms in my case is that I really want
to make the if .accepts() call myself so that I can then call the
business layer with the database related stuff, but it seems the CRUD
forms do this call automatically?
In the case of SQLFORM.factory forms I can make the .accepts myself

Do any of you have experience in these kinds of problems? Is there a
painless way to do it?
I would be most thankful for any tips regarding this

[web2py] Running web2py on Jython

2011-06-23 Thread Richard

has anyone running a reasonably current version of web2py running on
Jython 2.5.x? I need help with this.

From reading the available information on the web I gained the
impression that Jython 2.5 is a fully supported platform. Wikipedia
says web2py since v1.64.0 runs unmodified on Java with Jython 2.5,
without any known limitation. The Official (3rd Ed.) web2py Book
seems to support this claim, although the installation instructions
seem to be a bit outdated (zxJDBC is included in the 2.5.x Jython
install Jar, no need to install it separately).

The problem is, my experiences so far are very different. Here is the
reason why I am asking for help. I am facing a situation where I want
to have web2py running on a Linux host on which  I have no admin
rights. The problem is that this machine has only Python 2.4
installed. Although web2py claims to be running on Python 2.4, it
really doesn't out of the box. A backported hashlib module would have
to be additionally installed. This doesn't seem to be a viable option
for me, given my limited admin rights on this machine. A Jython
install on the other hand should pose no problem. The additional gain
of this approach is, Jython 2.5 is an officially supported Python
version (2.5.2), Python 2.4 is not.

I can only try this next week for real, but I did some preliminary
tests on my local machine during the last few days. I tried on Windows
XP with Jython 2.5.0/ 2.5.1/ 2.5.2. I tested on an old (but updated)
Ubuntu installation with Jython 2.5.2. I tested on a Linux VM running
on Virtualbox 4.0.8. The consistent result for me was that the current
web2py releases don't work on Jython. For example with R-1.90.2 and
later the welcome app shows immediately (on first access) a ticket.
Root cause has something to do with the sqlite driver
('com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection' object has no attribute
'create_function'). Even older versions seem to raise exceptions with
tracebacks shown in the Jython console, hinting to 'rocket' and
'multithreading'. Details available upon request.

The most 'recent' version of web2py that seems to be running with
Jython 2.5.x seems to be 1.85.2 (hg commit #907). Even #918 seems to
be working fine. Later versions don't. I diffed the sources, but
somehow couldn't make sense of it.

So that is where I am standing now. What I am doing wrong? I seem to
be quite alone with my experiences since Google didn't provide
pointers to fellow sufferers. To reiterate my question: Has anyone
running a reasonably current version of web2py running on Jython


[web2py] ekjaa

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
How is behind it?


Really good job!


[web2py] Re: The multi-tenant feature and validators ...

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Please open a ticket and I will fix it.

On Jun 23, 5:19 am, rif feric...@gmail.com wrote:
 I used this feature like this:


 so every user would have it's own data.

 It seeams that IS_IN_DB is not aware of the request_tenant and also if you
 mark a filed as unique it will be unique across accounts. So it will say
 some data is not unique even if I have not entered it before but someone
 else did.

[web2py] Re: web2py and async monkey patching

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
The test is easy:

def index():
import time
from gluon import current
print current.request.uuid
print current.request.uuid
return 'done!'

call this action twice from console within less then 10 seconds from
each other what is the output?
if it looks
than the monkey patching is correct if it looks like
then it is not. If it looks like
then we are not testing right. A,B are uuids.


On Jun 23, 5:22 am, graeme graeme.piete...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the reply.

 So what anyserver.py does with gevent is not recommended? It calls
 monkey.patch_all() which patches threading to use green threads.

 Is this something that ought to work but is just untested? web2py is
 pure python so the monkey patching should make thread locals into
 greenlet locals, right? If that is so, then is the testing something I
 could do myself, or does it need to be done by someone who knows the
 internals of web2py?


 On Jun 23, 8:10 am, Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com

  I am not sure this does not break the new internal web2py design that
  uses thread locals.
  I would not use async unless we have tested this more.


  On Jun 22, 6:44 pm, graeme graeme.piete...@gmail.com wrote:

   I can see that anyserver.py uses monkey patching to make the standard
   library cooperative with gevent.

   Could the same be done with eventlet and with Gunicorn (with eventlet,
   gevent or both)?

   Eventlet has the advantages of being (AFAIK) pure python, and can
   monkey patch psycopg as well as the standard library.

   Has anyone measured whether it is significantly more memory efficient
   to run web2py on green threads?

   My use case is that I will have long running controllers (while
   fetching data from web services). I would like it to be memory
   efficient, but I am nt* looking for massive scalability or extreme
   speed. I do not want it to be trivial to DOS (so I need either threads
   or green threads to handle the long running controllers).

[web2py] Re: Running web2py on Jython

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I have not tried in some time.What errors do you get?

On Jun 23, 3:50 am, Richard richb...@gmail.com wrote:

 has anyone running a reasonably current version of web2py running on
 Jython 2.5.x? I need help with this.

 From reading the available information on the web I gained the
 impression that Jython 2.5 is a fully supported platform. Wikipedia
 says web2py since v1.64.0 runs unmodified on Java with Jython 2.5,
 without any known limitation. The Official (3rd Ed.) web2py Book
 seems to support this claim, although the installation instructions
 seem to be a bit outdated (zxJDBC is included in the 2.5.x Jython
 install Jar, no need to install it separately).

 The problem is, my experiences so far are very different. Here is the
 reason why I am asking for help. I am facing a situation where I want
 to have web2py running on a Linux host on which  I have no admin
 rights. The problem is that this machine has only Python 2.4
 installed. Although web2py claims to be running on Python 2.4, it
 really doesn't out of the box. A backported hashlib module would have
 to be additionally installed. This doesn't seem to be a viable option
 for me, given my limited admin rights on this machine. A Jython
 install on the other hand should pose no problem. The additional gain
 of this approach is, Jython 2.5 is an officially supported Python
 version (2.5.2), Python 2.4 is not.

 I can only try this next week for real, but I did some preliminary
 tests on my local machine during the last few days. I tried on Windows
 XP with Jython 2.5.0/ 2.5.1/ 2.5.2. I tested on an old (but updated)
 Ubuntu installation with Jython 2.5.2. I tested on a Linux VM running
 on Virtualbox 4.0.8. The consistent result for me was that the current
 web2py releases don't work on Jython. For example with R-1.90.2 and
 later the welcome app shows immediately (on first access) a ticket.
 Root cause has something to do with the sqlite driver
 ('com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection' object has no attribute
 'create_function'). Even older versions seem to raise exceptions with
 tracebacks shown in the Jython console, hinting to 'rocket' and
 'multithreading'. Details available upon request.

 The most 'recent' version of web2py that seems to be running with
 Jython 2.5.x seems to be 1.85.2 (hg commit #907). Even #918 seems to
 be working fine. Later versions don't. I diffed the sources, but
 somehow couldn't make sense of it.

 So that is where I am standing now. What I am doing wrong? I seem to
 be quite alone with my experiences since Google didn't provide
 pointers to fellow sufferers. To reiterate my question: Has anyone
 running a reasonably current version of web2py running on Jython


[web2py] Re: I created a little app to be able to share some files over the net without authentication

2011-06-23 Thread szimszon
Update of the app:



   - generating MD5Sum with hashlib for uploaded files 
   - little design change 

Re: [web2py] Running web2py on Jython

2011-06-23 Thread Pierre Thibault
2011/6/23 Richard richb...@gmail.com


 has anyone running a reasonably current version of web2py running on
 Jython 2.5.x? I need help with this.

Hello Richard,

Yes, I did a try but I didn't wanted to go very far with that. I was just
curious about giving it a try.

I had a problem with the database stuff I remember. I think this is the same
issue that you have.

web2py is no longer working with Python 2.4. Python 2.4 is old stuff now.

Here I wrote about using SQLite with Jython. I think this can help:


My blog and profile
YouTube page 
Twitter (http://twitter.com/pierreth2) http://twitter.com/pierreth2

[web2py] Re: Legacy database adaptation in web2py, best way?

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 7:15:34 AM UTC-4, DanielB wrote: 

 Another problem I had with CRUD forms in my case is that I really want 
 to make the if .accepts() call myself so that I can then call the 
 business layer with the database related stuff, but it seems the CRUD 
 forms do this call automatically? 
 In the case of SQLFORM.factory forms I can make the .accepts myself

If you want to do your own if form.accepts() calls but also want it to 
handle the database stuff, you can use SQLFORM instead of Crud (see 
http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#SQLFORM). You can also use the 
various Crud _onvalidation settings to specify actions to take between 
validation and acceptance (see 

[web2py] How do I apply placeholder text to web2py forms?

2011-06-23 Thread Carl
I'm using custom forms in my views using this format:

I'd like to use HTML's placeholder attribute to input tags: e.g.,
input type=text placeholder=first name /

Today: what are the ways to enable this? Obviously happy to drop the
{{=form.custom.widget.first_name}} format and use something else.

Tomorrow: might it be a good idea to add placeholder attribute to
db.Field() in a similar fashion to how 'label' has already been added?

[web2py] response.write to transport index of the proper tabs from controller to the jQuery UI tabs plugin

2011-06-23 Thread Richard Vézina

In order to get the proper tabs to render the validators message in case
they have been triggered I would like to know if I use response.write(TABS
INDEX) could be a option??

Here my set up :

style type=text/css title=currentStyle

script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
$(function() {
var $tabs = $( #tabs ).tabs();
$tabs.tabs('select', {{response.write()}});
return false;

div class=demo
div id=tabs
lia href=#tabs-1{{=T('folder').capitalize()}}/a/li
lia href=#tabs-2{{=T('volume').capitalize()}}/a/li
lia href=#tabs-3{{=T('tome').capitalize()}}/a/li
lia href=#tabs-4{{=T('report').capitalize()}}/a/li
div id=tabs-1

/div!-- tabs-1 --
div id=tabs-2

/div!-- tabs-2 --
div id=tabs-3

/div!-- tabs-3 --
div id=tabs-4

/div!-- tabs-4 --
/div!-- tabs --

/div!-- End demo --

def creation():

Empty function for make it works the jQuery tabs plugin for ref_*

a = None
return dict(a=a)

def create_fvte():
table = request.args(0)#.replace('.load','')
if auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('admin')):
form = crud.create(db[table])
for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
elif auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('technician')):
form = crud.create(db[table])
for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
elif auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('technician_c')):
form = crud.create(db[table])
for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
return dict(form=None)
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
session.flash = T('form accepted')
if table == 'ref_fnaregistry':
redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-2'))
elif table == 'ref_vregistry':
redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-3'))
elif table == 'ref_tregistry':
redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-4'))
#elif table == 'ref_eregistry':
#redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-2'))
elif form.errors:
response.flash = T('form has errors')
#if table == 'ref_fnaregistry':
#redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-1'))
#elif table == 'ref_vregistry':
#redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-2'))
if table == 'ref_tregistry':
#redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-3'))
#elif table == 'ref_eregistry':
#redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-4'))
response.flash = T('please fill out the form')
return dict(form=form)

I try to avoid ajax=True,ajax_trap=False option of LOAD() cause they seem to
conflict with the official jQuery UI Tabs plugin (loading pretty slow,
reload after submit with triggered validator even worse and try to load the
entire site before loading only my proper form).

I may not completly understand usage of component...

Thanks to help.


[web2py] Re: How do I apply placeholder text to web2py forms?

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

On Jun 23, 9:24 am, Carl m...@carlroach.com wrote:
 I'm using custom forms in my views using this format:

 I'd like to use HTML's placeholder attribute to input tags: e.g.,
 input type=text placeholder=first name /

 Today: what are the ways to enable this? Obviously happy to drop the
 {{=form.custom.widget.first_name}} format and use something else.

 Tomorrow: might it be a good idea to add placeholder attribute to
 db.Field() in a similar fashion to how 'label' has already been added?

[web2py] Re: Befuddled by SQLTABLE linkto

2011-06-23 Thread DenesL
Hi Cliff,

the id field is handled as a special case inside SQLTABLE and the
linkto can only affect the _href portion of the anchor (A helper), not
the visible part.

But you can still do it:

for n,row in enumerate(rows):
  t[1][n][0][0] = A('Edit',_href=URL(r=request,args=[n]))

you can play with the values in row to customize it.

t[1] if the table's body
t[1][n] is the n-th row
t[1][n][0] is the first TD on that row
t[1][n][0][0] is the content (in this case the id value).

On Jun 22, 2:49 pm, Cliff cjk...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm not new to programming, but I am relatively new to Python and just
 starting my web2py journey.

 I have SQLTABLE working with one small exception.  For the edit link,
 I would like to replace the record id with the word Edit.

 I have read the discussions in this group about using represent and
 other methods.  Represent seems to be the simplest way to go, but I
 cannot get it to work.

 Could someone point me to a working example?  From there I can
 probably figure it out.


[web2py] spawning response.flash in plugin_wiki page

2011-06-23 Thread blackthorne
is this possible?
how would you implement a change to make it work?


Re: [web2py] response.write to transport index of the proper tabs from controller to the jQuery UI tabs plugin

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
I don't think you want to call response.write in your controller -- it 
appends text to the response body, so you would be adding the text before 
the rest of the response body is rendered by the view. You also shouldn't 
need to call response.write from within the view, because you can just do 
Instead, you should be able to just pass a variable to the view. In your 
controller, return dict(form=form, tab=tab), and in your view, {{=tab}}.

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:36:39 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:


 In order to get the proper tabs to render the validators message in case 
 they have been triggered I would like to know if I use response.write(TABS 
 INDEX) could be a option??

 Here my set up :

  style type=text/css title=currentStyle

 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8 
 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8 
 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8 
 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8 
 $(function() {
 var $tabs = $( #tabs ).tabs();
 $tabs.tabs('select', {{response.write()}});
 return false;

 div class=demo
 div id=tabs
 lia href=#tabs-1{{=T('folder').capitalize()}}/a/li
 lia href=#tabs-2{{=T('volume').capitalize()}}/a/li
 lia href=#tabs-3{{=T('tome').capitalize()}}/a/li
 lia href=#tabs-4{{=T('report').capitalize()}}/a/li
 div id=tabs-1
 /div!-- tabs-1 --
 div id=tabs-2
 /div!-- tabs-2 --
 div id=tabs-3
 /div!-- tabs-3 --
 div id=tabs-4
 /div!-- tabs-4 --
 /div!-- tabs --

 /div!-- End demo --

  def creation():
 Empty function for make it works the jQuery tabs plugin for ref_* 
 a = None
 return dict(a=a)
 def create_fvte():
 table = request.args(0)#.replace('.load','')
 if auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('admin')):
 form = crud.create(db[table])
 for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
 if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
 elif auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('technician')):
 form = crud.create(db[table])
 for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
 if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
 elif auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('technician_c')):
 form = crud.create(db[table])
 for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
 if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
 return dict(form=None)
 if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
 session.flash = T('form accepted')
 if table == 'ref_fnaregistry':
 redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-2'))
 elif table == 'ref_vregistry':
 redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-3'))
 elif table == 'ref_tregistry':
 redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-4'))
 #elif table == 'ref_eregistry':
 #redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-2'))
 elif form.errors:
 response.flash = T('form has errors')
 #if table == 'ref_fnaregistry':
 #redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-1'))
 #elif table == 'ref_vregistry':
 #redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-2'))
 if table == 'ref_tregistry':
 #redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-3'))
 #elif table == 

Re: [web2py] response.write to transport index of the proper tabs from controller to the jQuery UI tabs plugin

2011-06-23 Thread Richard Vézina
Hello Anthony,

I can't use a var like you suggest since it popup in the component for

I am using session.MYVAR that seems to work... But I don't find the way to
get session vars in jQuery I try like this :

$(function() {
var $tabs = $( #tabs ).tabs();
var test1 = {{=session.test1}}; # OR like this :
%{{=session.test1}}% and with and without quote or double quote...
$tabs.tabs('select',  test1);
return false;

If I can get my variable value in jQuery do you think it a go work around?


On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Anthony abasta...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't think you want to call response.write in your controller -- it
 appends text to the response body, so you would be adding the text before
 the rest of the response body is rendered by the view. You also shouldn't
 need to call response.write from within the view, because you can just do

 Instead, you should be able to just pass a variable to the view. In your
 controller, return dict(form=form, tab=tab), and in your view, {{=tab}}.


 On Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:36:39 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:


 In order to get the proper tabs to render the validators message in case
 they have been triggered I would like to know if I use response.write(TABS
 INDEX) could be a option??

 Here my set up :

  style type=text/css title=currentStyle
 @import {{=URL('static','plugin_**added/jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom/**

 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
 script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
 $(function() {
 var $tabs = $( #tabs ).tabs();
 $tabs.tabs('select', {{response.write()}});
 return false;

 div class=demo
 div id=tabs
 lia href=#tabs-1{{=T('folder').**capitalize()}}/a/li
 lia href=#tabs-2{{=T('volume').**capitalize()}}/a/li
 lia href=#tabs-3{{=T('tome').**capitalize()}}/a/li
 lia href=#tabs-4{{=T('report').**capitalize()}}/a/li
 div id=tabs-1
 /div!-- tabs-1 --
 div id=tabs-2
 /div!-- tabs-2 --
 div id=tabs-3
 /div!-- tabs-3 --
 div id=tabs-4
 /div!-- tabs-4 --
 /div!-- tabs --

 /div!-- End demo --

  def creation():
 Empty function for make it works the jQuery tabs plugin for ref_*
 a = None
 return dict(a=a)

 def create_fvte():
 table = request.args(0)#.replace('.**load','')
 if auth.has_membership(auth.id_**group('admin')):
 form = crud.create(db[table])
 for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
 if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
 elif auth.has_membership(auth.id_**group('technician')):
 form = crud.create(db[table])
 for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
 if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
 elif auth.has_membership(auth.id_**group('technician_c')):
 form = crud.create(db[table])
 for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
 if len(form[0][i][2][0])  0:
 return dict(form=None)
 if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
 session.flash = T('form accepted')
 if table == 'ref_fnaregistry':
 redirect(URL(c='ref', f='creation#tabs-2'))

[web2py] Re: ekjaa

2011-06-23 Thread Luther Goh Lu Feng

On Jun 23, 9:03 pm, Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com
 How is behind it?


 Really good job!


[web2py] Re: How do I apply placeholder text to web2py forms?

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
A couple other methods:
1. In the controller or view:
form.custom.widget.first_name.update(_placeholder=first name)
2. Customize the db.yourtable.first_name widget:
db.define_table('yourtable', Field('first_name',
widget=lambda field,value: SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(field, value, 
_placeholder='first name')),
[rest of table definition])
or specify it after table definition via 
Method #2 will apply the change to all forms that include that field.
There should probably be an easier/more straightforward way to do this, 
though. All the widgets take keyword arguments, but it doesn't look like 
there's an easy way to pass them in when the widgets are associated with db 
table fields.

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:55:19 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:


 On Jun 23, 9:24 am, Carl m@carlroach.com wrote: 
  I'm using custom forms in my views using this format: 
  I'd like to use HTML's placeholder attribute to input tags: e.g., 
  input type=text placeholder=first name / 
  Today: what are the ways to enable this? Obviously happy to drop the 
  {{=form.custom.widget.first_name}} format and use something else. 
  Tomorrow: might it be a good idea to add placeholder attribute to 
  db.Field() in a similar fashion to how 'label' has already been added?

Re: [web2py] Re: How do I apply placeholder text to web2py forms?

2011-06-23 Thread Carl Roach

feels right to have this data in the view but I can see the advantage
of 'declare once' in the model.
I agree Anthony, a solution could be baked into web2py as 'label'
already has been. html5 is here and adoption is pretty good thanks in
large part to webkit.

On 23 June 2011 17:04, Anthony abasta...@gmail.com wrote:
 A couple other methods:

 1. In the controller or view:

 form.custom.widget.first_name.update(_placeholder=first name)


 2. Customize the db.yourtable.first_name widget:

 db.define_table('yourtable', Field('first_name',
     widget=lambda field,value: SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(field, value,
 _placeholder='first name')),
     [rest of table definition])

 or specify it after table definition via

 Method #2 will apply the change to all forms that include that field.

 There should probably be an easier/more straightforward way to do this,
 though. All the widgets take keyword arguments, but it doesn't look like
 there's an easy way to pass them in when the widgets are associated with db
 table fields.


 On Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:55:19 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:


 On Jun 23, 9:24 am, Carl m@carlroach.com wrote:
  I'm using custom forms in my views using this format:
  I'd like to use HTML's placeholder attribute to input tags: e.g.,
  input type=text placeholder=first name /
  Today: what are the ways to enable this? Obviously happy to drop the
  {{=form.custom.widget.first_name}} format and use something else.
  Tomorrow: might it be a good idea to add placeholder attribute to
  db.Field() in a similar fashion to how 'label' has already been added?

Re: [web2py] response.write to transport index of the proper tabs from controller to the jQuery UI tabs plugin

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 11:19:16 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote: 

 Hello Anthony, 

 I can't use a var like you suggest since it popup in the component for 

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Presumably you could add some logic to the 
controller or view.

 I am using session.MYVAR that seems to work... But I don't find the way to 
 get session vars in jQuery I try like this :

 $(function() {
 var $tabs = $( #tabs ).tabs();
 var test1 = {{=session.test1}}; # OR like this : 
 %{{=session.test1}}% and with and without quote or double quote...
 $tabs.tabs('select',  test1);
 return false;

Is the value of session.test1 getting inserted in your jQuery code properly? 
In that case, I suppose the issue is figuring out the jQuery code, not the 
web2py code. If session.test1 isn't getting inserted properly, what are you 
seeing there?

Re: [web2py] Re: How do I apply placeholder text to web2py forms?

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:19:06 PM UTC-4, Carl wrote: 

 I agree Anthony, a solution could be baked into web2py as 'label'
 already has been. html5 is here and adoption is pretty good thanks in
 large part to webkit.

Rather than a specific argument just for 'placeholder', it should be 
possible to specify any arbitrary input tag attribute (e.g., there are 
lots of them) -- the widgets accept such attributes via a **attributesargument, 
but doesn't look like there's an easy way to pass them in for 
widgets associated with db table fields.

Re: [web2py] Re: How do I apply placeholder text to web2py forms?

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:19:06 PM UTC-4, Carl wrote: 

 I agree Anthony, a solution could be baked into web2py as 'label'
 already has been. html5 is here and adoption is pretty good thanks in
 large part to webkit.

Rather than a specific argument just for 'placeholder', it should be 
possible to specify any arbitrary input tag attribute (there are lots of 
them) -- the widgets accept such attributes via a **attributes argument, but 
doesn't look like there's an easy way to pass them in for widgets associated 
with db table fields.

[web2py] Re: ekjaa

2011-06-23 Thread mikech
Is this a web2py site?  Very nice.   One comment: How Ekjaa works sliding 
tool moves a bit fast for me to read, and doesn't pause
when my mouse is over it.


[web2py] Re: ekjaa

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
They say here it is made with web2py:
I checked it includes web2py_ajax code. It is really well done.

On Jun 23, 11:38 am, mikech mp.ch...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is this a web2py site?  Very nice.   One comment: How Ekjaa works sliding
 tool moves a bit fast for me to read, and doesn't pause
 when my mouse is over it.


[web2py] Re: ekjaa

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:38:29 PM UTC-4, mikech wrote: 

 Is this a web2py site?

Yes, you can tell if you look at the meta tags in the html head. The http 
response also includes x-powered-by=web2py.

Re: [web2py] response.write to transport index of the proper tabs from controller to the jQuery UI tabs plugin

2011-06-23 Thread Richard Vézina
Ok I see, I am getting '0' for example... I need to get rid of ''...



On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Anthony abasta...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thursday, June 23, 2011 11:19:16 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:

 Hello Anthony,

 I can't use a var like you suggest since it popup in the component for

 I'm not quite sure what you mean. Presumably you could add some logic to
 the controller or view.

 I am using session.MYVAR that seems to work... But I don't find the way to
 get session vars in jQuery I try like this :

 $(function() {
 var $tabs = $( #tabs ).tabs();
 var test1 = {{=session.test1}}; # OR like this :
 %{{=session.test1}}% and with and without quote or double quote...
 $tabs.tabs('select',  test1);
 return false;

 Is the value of session.test1 getting inserted in your jQuery code
 properly? In that case, I suppose the issue is figuring out the jQuery code,
 not the web2py code. If session.test1 isn't getting inserted properly, what
 are you seeing there?


Re: [web2py] Re: How do I apply placeholder text to web2py forms?

2011-06-23 Thread Carl Roach
gotcha. something more open-ended.

On 23 June 2011 17:29, Anthony abasta...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:19:06 PM UTC-4, Carl wrote:

 I agree Anthony, a solution could be baked into web2py as 'label'
 already has been. html5 is here and adoption is pretty good thanks in
 large part to webkit.

 Rather than a specific argument just for 'placeholder', it should be
 possible to specify any arbitrary input tag attribute (there are lots of
 them) -- the widgets accept such attributes via a **attributes argument, but
 doesn't look like there's an easy way to pass them in for widgets associated
 with db table fields.


[web2py] Re: spawning response.flash in plugin_wiki page

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
can you explain more?

On Jun 23, 10:03 am, blackthorne francisco@gmail.com wrote:
 is this possible?
 how would you implement a change to make it work?


[web2py] startSSL: it was nice while it lasted

2011-06-23 Thread Stefaan Himpe


[web2py] Apache Subdomain Configuration

2011-06-23 Thread Ross Peoples
This is the first time I have really tried to deploy web2py to a production 
server, so I'm going to need some help. What I want to do is run my web2py 
app through Apache using a subdomain. Right now, I've got the server 
configured as a LAMP server using the default Ubuntu configuration because 
there are a couple of PHP applications running on the server as well.

So if I want my web2py app to run from myapp.domain.com, what would my 
Apache site config file look like, and would I have do anything with 

Thanks in advance for helping with this. I'm a developer, not a server admin 

Re: [web2py] Apache Subdomain Configuration

2011-06-23 Thread José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez
Download and uncomprss (or just install ) the python-web2py package
available in Debian and Ubuntu repositories, and take a look to the
README.Debian file available at /usr/share/doc/python-web2py. There is
a howto explaining exactly how to do it in Debian distribution and its

José L.

2011/6/23 Ross Peoples ross.peop...@gmail.com:
 This is the first time I have really tried to deploy web2py to a production
 server, so I'm going to need some help. What I want to do is run my web2py
 app through Apache using a subdomain. Right now, I've got the server
 configured as a LAMP server using the default Ubuntu configuration because
 there are a couple of PHP applications running on the server as well.
 So if I want my web2py app to run from myapp.domain.com, what would my
 Apache site config file look like, and would I have do anything with
 Thanks in advance for helping with this. I'm a developer, not a server admin

Re: [web2py] Apache Subdomain Configuration

2011-06-23 Thread Ross Peoples
I copied the web2py folder over from the trunk, since that's the version I 
developed the app from. I cannot find the file you describe in the trunk 
version of web2py. A lot of the config files I see around the web involve 
putting web2py at the root of the server. What I wanted to do (and I don't 
know if it's possible), is to have an apache config file for each app that I 
want to expose through Apache. That way I can ensure that each app gets its 
own subdomain, and that I don't get redundant URL's like 

[web2py] Re: Running web2py on Jython

2011-06-23 Thread Richard
Hi Pierre,

thanks for replying. I remember that I already stumbled upon the blog
page you mention before I posted my question on this list. I admit
that I didn't read it in depth back then. But I took as a good sign
that you wrote in your final line: Everything works fine and web2py
runs with Jython. :-)

I did not read it in detail because your description was not quite
matching with my prospective setup. My Linux distribution won't be
quite the same, and as a restricted user I will certainly be in no
position to install packages. In addition to that I didn't understand
some details of your instructions. Why would it be necessary to build
the SQLite native library? It is true that Jython comes *without* a
sqlite3 module (import sqlite3 fails on Jython). But that's why the
zxJDBC driver has to be put into the classpath. When it is loaded it
will be announced in the web2py startup with the line Database
drivers available: pymysql, zxJDBC. IMHO that should suffice.

I am certainly missing parts of the whole picture here, but if
building a SQLite native library is a required step for setting up
web2py on Jython, it certainly should be put into the Official web2py
Book. So far there is no mention of such a requirement now.

On the contrary, I believe the native sqlite library is not needed.
Most convincing for me: When I start a clean source code install of
web2py R-1.85.2 unter Jython/Linux and access the welcome app via
browser, then a sqlite database automagically appears in the
filesystemin a newly created folder 'databases'. Via admin app the
database can be edited. For example I added a new user and then
verified that the new entry was written to the database file.

As an addititional note, when I verified this behaviour with R-1.85.2,
I noticed a bug (attention Massimo). Unter Jython the name of the
database, as declared in models/db.py, gets 'shortened'. With the
standard declaration db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite') the name of
the file in folder 'databases' is  'ge.sqlite'. If I change the name
in the declaration to 'richardstorage.sqlite' the real database file
is named 'rdstorage.sqlite'. Somehow the first five chars get dropped
unter Jython 2.5.2, verified unter Windows XP and Linux (Ubuntu
derivative). No such error running this version of web2py under Python
2.6. I can't tell if this error still exist in hg tip since other
errors stop me before that point :-(


[web2py] Shell: Foreground Color

2011-06-23 Thread Martin Weissenboeck
Is it possible to change the foreground color in the web2py Shell?  It is
something like orange. Orange on a white background is very hard to read .


[web2py] Custom Widget Help.

2011-06-23 Thread David J.

I need help trying to create a custom widget;

I want to create a phone-number widget

I want it to only accept text in (800) 555-1212

I am not sure how to do this.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

[web2py] Concurrent connections and scalability on the cloud...

2011-06-23 Thread Jason Brower

I am thinking of developing this for scalability on the cloud.
What features do we currently have for this issue?
What would be the best approach to handling concurrent requests? In 
other words, I want to scale on the cloud base on instances of web2py 
running off of the same data.
I think this is something important when wanting to make a powerful 
deployment method for web2py.

Best regards,
Jason Brower

[web2py] Re: Befuddled by SQLTABLE linkto

2011-06-23 Thread Cliff
That is sweet!

Please point me to the documentation.  Is it the docstring in the

On Jun 23, 10:58 am, DenesL denes1...@yahoo.ca wrote:
 Hi Cliff,

 the id field is handled as a special case inside SQLTABLE and the
 linkto can only affect the _href portion of the anchor (A helper), not
 the visible part.

 But you can still do it:

 for n,row in enumerate(rows):
   t[1][n][0][0] = A('Edit',_href=URL(r=request,args=[n]))

 you can play with the values in row to customize it.

 t[1] if the table's body
 t[1][n] is the n-th row
 t[1][n][0] is the first TD on that row
 t[1][n][0][0] is the content (in this case the id value).

 On Jun 22, 2:49 pm, Cliff cjk...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm not new to programming, but I am relatively new to Python and just
  starting my web2py journey.

  I have SQLTABLE working with one small exception.  For the edit link,
  I would like to replace the record id with the word Edit.

  I have read the discussions in this group about using represent and
  other methods.  Represent seems to be the simplest way to go, but I
  cannot get it to work.

  Could someone point me to a working example?  From there I can
  probably figure it out.


[web2py] Re: Shell: Foreground Color

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 3:47:14 PM UTC-4, mweissen wrote: 

 Is it possible to change the foreground color in the web2py Shell?  It is 
 something like orange. Orange on a white background is very hard to read .

In the /* Shell */ section near the bottom of 
/applications/admin/static/css/styles.css, there are several occurrences of 
#e8953c -- I think that's the color you want to change.

Re: [web2py] Apache Subdomain Configuration

2011-06-23 Thread José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez
The file is not in web2py sources but in the Debian package . There is not
problem in doing what you want
El 23/06/2011 21:23, Ross Peoples ross.peop...@gmail.com escribió:

[web2py] Re: Befuddled by SQLTABLE linkto

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:15:59 PM UTC-4, Cliff wrote: 

 That is sweet! 

 Please point me to the documentation.  Is it the docstring in the 

SQLTABLE inherits from TABLE, which is a web2py html helper object, so the 
usual server-side DOM stuff applies -- see 
http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/05#Server-side-DOM-and-Parsing. I'm 
not sure if there is specific documentation about the DOM structure of the 
SQLTABLE object, so you may need to play around with it to figure it out 
(once you see the table serialized into HTML, you should have an idea of 
what the server-side object structure is).

[web2py] Re: Running web2py on Jython

2011-06-23 Thread Richard
Hi Massimo,

this is my setup:

- latest stable web2py version R-1.96.4 (hg commit #2032), clean
checkout from repo
- Jython 2.5.2
- set CLASSPATH=\path\to\jar\sqlitejdbc-v056.jar;%CLASSPATH%
- jython web2py.py -a pwd --nogui -p80 -f \path\to\web2py-src-dir

This is the console output:

No handlers could be found for logger web2py.dal
New installation: unable to create welcome.w2p fileweb2py Web
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2011
Version 1.96.4 (2011-06-07 15:03:19)
Database drivers available: pymysql, zxJDBC
Starting hardcron...
WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
please visit:
use kill -SIGTERM 2808 to shutdown the web2py server
WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking

When accessing the welcome app via browser, I get this:

Internal error
Ticket issued: unrecoverable

... and this shows up in the console:

ERROR:web2py:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File c:\_work\_in\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 192, in
exec ccode in environment
  File c:\_work\_in\web2py\applications\welcome\models/db.py, line
17, in module
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')   # if not, use SQLite or
other DB
  File c:\_work\_in\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 3901, in __init__
raise RuntimeError, Failure to connect, tried %d times:\n%s %
(attempts, error)
RuntimeError: Failure to connect, tried 5 times:
'com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection' object has no attribute

I doesn't matter whether the OS is Linux or Windows XP. It does matter
whether it is Jython or Python, though.

IMO the following three lines from the startup console output require
- No handlers could be found for logger web2py.dal
- New installation: unable to create welcome.w2p fileweb2py Web
- WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking

I've debugged a little bit into the origins of the second line. The
root cause is still clear as mud to me, but I could give some hints.


[web2py] response.files - not properly formatted html.

2011-06-23 Thread David J.

I think that when you add css files via response.files

the output should include a '/' rather that ''

xhtml requires all tags to be closed; while other doctypes are less strict

I think its good practice to close all tags.

Anyone disagree?

[web2py] Re: response.files - not properly formatted html.

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
Are you using the current version of web2py? The code that generates the 
link tag for css files appears to close the tag with a '/', as you suggest.

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:49:47 PM UTC-4, David J wrote:

 I think that when you add css files via response.files 

 the output should include a '/' rather that '' 

 xhtml requires all tags to be closed; while other doctypes are less strict 

 I think its good practice to close all tags. 

 Anyone disagree? 


Re: [web2py] Re: response.files - not properly formatted html.

2011-06-23 Thread David J.


I am running trunk, but I think the version I checked was 1.93 perhaps.
Let me see when that was added.

Thanks for the update I didnt notice that.

On 6/23/11 5:14 PM, Anthony wrote:
Are you using the current version of web2py? The code that generates 
the link tag for css files appears to close the tag with a '/', as 
you suggest.


On Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:49:47 PM UTC-4, David J wrote:

I think that when you add css files via response.files

the output should include a '/' rather that ''

xhtml requires all tags to be closed; while other doctypes are
less strict

I think its good practice to close all tags.

Anyone disagree?

[web2py] Re: Suggested functionality extention for SQLTABLE

2011-06-23 Thread Martin.Mulone
This patch was applied?. I'm interested in this function.

[web2py] get attr value from TAG.element

2011-06-23 Thread danto
Hi web2pyers:

the TAG helper is very useful, but, it's any way to get the 'value' of the
attribute from an element?
Something like:

element attr='value' /

in that scenario, it is possible to get 'value' using just the TAG helper?
I would appreciate your suggestions.
Thank you in advance

Re: [web2py] Re: response.files - not properly formatted html.

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
Hmm, on Google Code, looks like the '/' has been there at least since Dec 
2009 (v. 1.77) -- it doesn't go back any further.

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:25:22 PM UTC-4, David J wrote:


 I am running trunk, but I think the version I checked was 1.93 perhaps. 
 Let me see when that was added.

 Thanks for the update I didnt notice that.

 On 6/23/11 5:14 PM, Anthony wrote: 

 Are you using the current version of web2py? The code that generates the 
 link tag for css files appears to close the tag with a '/', as you suggest.

 On Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:49:47 PM UTC-4, David J wrote:

 I think that when you add css files via response.files 

 the output should include a '/' rather that '' 

 xhtml requires all tags to be closed; while other doctypes are less strict 

 I think its good practice to close all tags. 

 Anyone disagree? 

[web2py] Re: get attr value from TAG.element

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
 mytag=TAG.element('xyz', _attr='value')
 print mytag.attributes['_attr']
 print mytag.components[0]

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:50:06 PM UTC-4, w2padawan wrote:

 Hi web2pyers:

 the TAG helper is very useful, but, it's any way to get the 'value' of the 
 attribute from an element?
 Something like:

 element attr='value' /

 in that scenario, it is possible to get 'value' using just the TAG helper? 
 I would appreciate your suggestions.
 Thank you in advance

[web2py] Re: get attr value from TAG.element

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
Note, the same thing works for any HTML helper, not just the TAG helper.

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:21:37 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

  mytag=TAG.element('xyz', _attr='value')
  print mytag.attributes['_attr']
  print mytag.components[0]

 On Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:50:06 PM UTC-4, w2padawan wrote:

 Hi web2pyers:

 the TAG helper is very useful, but, it's any way to get the 'value' of the 
 attribute from an element?
 Something like:

 element attr='value' /

 in that scenario, it is possible to get 'value' using just the TAG helper? 

 I would appreciate your suggestions.
 Thank you in advance

[web2py] Off topic : Extintion Level Event on September ?

2011-06-23 Thread António Ramos
what do you think of this?


[web2py] Re: spawning response.flash in plugin_wiki page

2011-06-23 Thread blackthorne
the possibility of loading a custom response.flash in a plugin_wiki
page so that plugin_wiki users can also define this flash message for
a page if they want to.

On Jun 23, 5:43 pm, Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com
 can you explain more?

 On Jun 23, 10:03 am, blackthorne francisco@gmail.com wrote:

  is this possible?
  how would you implement a change to make it work?


[web2py] changes in 1.96.1 1.96.4

2011-06-23 Thread Jonas Rundberg

Thanks all for the nice features in 1.96.
Where can I find more information about these changes?

1.96.1  - from gluon import * imports in every python module a
web2py environment...
Is this expected to have any significant performance degredation?

1.96.1  - No more need for local_import
local_import has the reload=True feature. How does this work now?

1.96.4 - better support for id fields not called id
Are we now able to define any existing integer fields as id? How would
I use this?

/ jonas

[web2py] Re: get attr value from TAG.element

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
Actually, even easier, you can just do mytag['_attr'] and mytag[0].

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:21:37 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

  mytag=TAG.element('xyz', _attr='value')
  print mytag.attributes['_attr']
  print mytag.components[0]

 On Thursday, June 23, 2011 5:50:06 PM UTC-4, w2padawan wrote:

 Hi web2pyers:

 the TAG helper is very useful, but, it's any way to get the 'value' of the 
 attribute from an element?
 Something like:

 element attr='value' /

 in that scenario, it is possible to get 'value' using just the TAG helper? 

 I would appreciate your suggestions.
 Thank you in advance

[web2py] Re: Running web2py on Jython

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
At startup do you get:
zxJDBC support is experimental
no zxJDBC driver
or None.

Did you install the zxJDBC sqlite driver? It does not come with

On Jun 23, 3:41 pm, Richard richb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Massimo,

 this is my setup:

 - latest stable web2py version R-1.96.4 (hg commit #2032), clean
 checkout from repo
 - Jython 2.5.2
 - set CLASSPATH=\path\to\jar\sqlitejdbc-v056.jar;%CLASSPATH%
 - jython web2py.py -a pwd --nogui -p80 -f \path\to\web2py-src-dir

 This is the console output:

 No handlers could be found for logger web2py.dal
 New installation: unable to create welcome.w2p fileweb2py Web
 Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2011
 Version 1.96.4 (2011-06-07 15:03:19)
 Database drivers available: pymysql, zxJDBC
 Starting hardcron...
 WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
 please visit:
 use kill -SIGTERM 2808 to shutdown the web2py server
 WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
 WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
 WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking

 When accessing the welcome app via browser, I get this:

 Internal error
 Ticket issued: unrecoverable

 ... and this shows up in the console:

 ERROR:web2py:Traceback (most recent call last):
   File c:\_work\_in\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 192, in
     exec ccode in environment
   File c:\_work\_in\web2py\applications\welcome\models/db.py, line
 17, in module
     db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')       # if not, use SQLite or
 other DB
   File c:\_work\_in\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 3901, in __init__
     raise RuntimeError, Failure to connect, tried %d times:\n%s %
 (attempts, error)
 RuntimeError: Failure to connect, tried 5 times:
 'com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection' object has no attribute

 I doesn't matter whether the OS is Linux or Windows XP. It does matter
 whether it is Jython or Python, though.

 IMO the following three lines from the startup console output require
 - No handlers could be found for logger web2py.dal
 - New installation: unable to create welcome.w2p fileweb2py Web
 - WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking

 I've debugged a little bit into the origins of the second line. The
 root cause is still clear as mud to me, but I could give some hints.


[web2py] Re: Concurrent connections and scalability on the cloud...

2011-06-23 Thread pbreit
I just saw a prezo on Now today: http://nowjs.com/

Re: [web2py] Off topic : Extintion Level Event on September ?

2011-06-23 Thread Martín Mulone
interesting, but Idon't see that hit the earth in the animation.

2011/6/23 António Ramos ramstei...@gmail.com

 what do you think of this?



Re: [web2py] changes in 1.96.1 1.96.4

2011-06-23 Thread Martín Mulone

 1.96.1  - from gluon import * imports in every python module a
 web2py environment...
 Is this expected to have any significant performance degredation?

I dont think so,

 1.96.1  - No more need for local_import
 local_import has the reload=True feature. How does this work now?

from gluon.custom_import import track_changes

2011/6/23 Jonas Rundberg jo...@rundberg.com


 Thanks all for the nice features in 1.96.
 Where can I find more information about these changes?

 1.96.1  - from gluon import * imports in every python module a
 web2py environment...
 Is this expected to have any significant performance degredation?

 1.96.1  - No more need for local_import
 local_import has the reload=True feature. How does this work now?

1.96.4 - better support for id fields not called id
 Are we now able to define any existing integer fields as id? How would
 I use this?

 / jonas


[web2py] generic.html not beautifying dict

2011-06-23 Thread pbreit
Why doesn't generic.html beautify when len(vars)==1? When I send in one 
record, I'd like it to display beautified.

{{if len(response._vars)==1:}}
{{elif len(response._vars)1:}}

[web2py] Re: generic.html not beautifying dict

2011-06-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I do not oppose to the change. Anybody else pros or cons?


On Jun 23, 7:10 pm, pbreit pbreitenb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why doesn't generic.html beautify when len(vars)==1? When I send in one
 record, I'd like it to display beautified.

 {{if len(response._vars)==1:}}
 {{elif len(response._vars)1:}}

[web2py] Re: generic.html not beautifying dict

2011-06-23 Thread Anthony
I assume it was designed not to call BEAUTIFY with a single item so you 
could use generic.html to display a real page (i.e., not just for 
development). BEAUTIFY isn't ideal for that because it displays the key for 
each item in _vars to the left of the rendered objects. Maybe it could test 
to see if the object is a string or has an xml() method, and not call 
BEAUTIFY in that case. And/or call BEAUTIFY with response._vars.values(), so 
the _vars key won't get displayed (maybe even do this when multiple items 
are in response._vars). Maybe there are other options...

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:05:00 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I do not oppose to the change. Anybody else pros or cons? 


 On Jun 23, 7:10 pm, pbreit pbreit...@gmail.com wrote: 
  Why doesn't generic.html beautify when len(vars)==1? When I send in one 
  record, I'd like it to display beautified. 
  {{if len(response._vars)==1:}} 
  {{elif len(response._vars)1:}} 

[web2py] 2 Client/Player Game

2011-06-23 Thread Charles Law
I wrote a game using Pyjamas that I have on a web2py server.  I'm
currently trying to set it up so 2 players can play against each other
from different computers/clients.

Each player has an account they use to access the game, so there is
user info the server can use if that's needed.  Is it possible to do
this with web2py and Pyjamas/javascript?  Do I need any special

Re: [web2py] Re: Suggested functionality extention for SQLTABLE

2011-06-23 Thread Bruno Rocha
I am also interested, would help me on the new version of PowerTable plugin.

Bruno Rocha
[ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Martin.Mulone mulone.mar...@gmail.comwrote:

 This patch was applied?. I'm interested in this function.

[web2py] Re: Suggested functionality extention for SQLTABLE

2011-06-23 Thread JorgeH
Me too.
I want it.