[web2py] strange problem connecting to the database - help!

2011-05-09 Thread canna
hi everybody I need your help!

I have a problem that is tormenting me and driving me to madness, my
application suddenly stopped working, and gives me this error (changed
names and passwords for security reasons):


web2py™ Version 1.89.5 (2010-11-21 22:12:54)
Python  Python 2.6.6: C:\Python26\python.exe

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\web2py_1_89_5\gluon\restricted.py, line 188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File C:/web2py_1_89_5/applications/snow/models/db.py, line 39, in
db = DAL('postgres://username:pass@'+host_name+':5432/snow')
# if not, use SQLite or other DB
  File C:\web2py_1_89_5\gluon\sql.py, line 4073, in DAL
raise RuntimeError, %s (tried 5 times) % exception
RuntimeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'connect' (tried 5


import os

host_name=('localhost' if local_computer_name==db_computer_name else

if request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:# if running on Google
App Engine
db = DAL('gae')   # connect to Google
session.connect(request, response, db = db) # and store sessions
and tickets there
### or use the following lines to store sessions in Memcache
# from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
# from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
# session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))
else: # else use a normal
relational database
db = DAL('postgres://username:pass@'+host_name+':5432/snow')
# if not, use SQLite or other DB

the crazy thing is the same application code, when run on my local
computer with my web2py local server - it's working!

only on the server itself there is a problem, it's like there is a
problem with the postgresql database  web2py server running on the
same machine

I tried to go back to a version of the application that I know for
sure that was working before, and it doesn't work either! it seems
that the fault is not in the application code but outside

does anybody has an idea what the problem could be? maybe it has
something to do with the psycopg2 module?

please help!! any suggestion will be very appreciated!

[web2py] Re: strange problem connecting to the database - help!

2011-05-09 Thread canna
Thank you all for your help!!

turn out the problem was in the psycopg2 module!

when I tried:

import psycopg2

I got only 4-5 functions, and no 'connect' function!

re-installed pstcopg2 and re-launched web2py and it worked like magic!
now when I do dir(psycopg2) I get all the functions

have no idea why the psycopg module suddenly shrunk :-S

[web2py] Re: unique constraint of multiple columns (at database level)

2010-12-29 Thread canna
Thank you guys for your answers,
ron - it was just an example
Luther - this table was migrated from our old data and we do intent to
use auth instead

still, it's good practice to always have unique field or combination
of fields in a table besides the id, id is for machines, not suitable
for the real world

my understanding is that IS_NOT_IN_DB is not forced at the database
level like the unique keyword, I'm looking for something like the
unique keyword only for multiple fields, not just one
is there something like this?

[web2py] Re: unique constraint of multiple columns (at database level)

2010-12-29 Thread canna
Thank you guys for your answers,
ron - it was just an example
Luther - this table was migrated from our old data and we do intent to
use auth instead

still, it's good practice to always have unique field or combination
of fields in a table besides the id, id is for machines, not suitable
for the real world

my understanding is that IS_NOT_IN_DB is not forced at the database
level like the unique keyword, I'm looking for something like the
unique keyword only for multiple fields, not just one
is there something like this?

[web2py] unique constraint of multiple columns (at database level)

2010-12-28 Thread canna
hello everybody!

I created a table of contacts that requires the first name+last name
to be unique
the table:

  Field(FirstName, string, length=45, notnull=True),
  Field(LastName, string, length=45, notnull=True),
  Field(Title, string, length=45, default=None),
  Field(Department, string, length=45, default=None),
  Field(Address, string, length=255, default=None),
  Field(Phone, string, length=45, default=None),
  Field(Fax, string, length=45, default=None),
  Field(Email, string, length=45, default=None),
  Field(Comments, text, default=None), migrate=True)

how do I instruct the DAL to create unique constraint on FirstName
+LastName when in creates the table in the database?
I have lots of tables that have unique constrain on 2-3 fields, so I
prefer not to do this manually.
any help will be appreciated!

[web2py] global name 'db' is not recognize in a module

2010-05-04 Thread canna
hi all,
I want to share a bunch of functions between controllers, so I moved
them to a module called 'utilities' in the modules folder, and in the
controller I import the module as suggested here in the forum:

import applications.myapp.modules.utilities as util

the problem is, it's not working, I get an error:

NameError: global name 'db' is not defined

how can I get my 'utilities' file to recognize the global variable

[web2py] Re: global name 'db' is not recognize in a module

2010-05-04 Thread canna
Thank you for the answer
so how would you share functions between controllers easily? without
passing global objects to the functions all the time?
is the only way is to bundle it all in one class that will be
initialized with the 'db' variable?
or there is other way?

On May 4, 1:49 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 A module is a module. You can import stuff form the module but the
 module will not see variables defined in the calling environment.
 In the module you can defined a function that takes db as parameter,
 import the funciton and call it with the db instance. You will have
 the problem not just for db, but also for the other web2py global


 On May 4, 4:16 am, canna c.ne...@gmail.com wrote:

  hi all,
  I want to share a bunch of functions between controllers, so I moved
  them to a module called 'utilities' in the modules folder, and in the
  controller I import the module as suggested here in the forum:

  import applications.myapp.modules.utilities as util

  the problem is, it's not working, I get an error:

  NameError: global name 'db' is not defined

  how can I get my 'utilities' file to recognize the global variable

[web2py] using inline tables in the query (subquery in the FROM field)

2010-04-13 Thread canna
Hello everybody!

I really need help with a query I'm trying to execute in Web2Py DAL
is there a way to use an inline table in the FROM field of a query?

this is my query:

SELECT SUM( HoursWorked / DayHoursSum ) AS DaysWorked
FROM `Tasks_TimeLog` H, (

  SELECT TheDate, User_id, SUM( HoursWorked ) AS DayHoursSum
  FROM `Tasks_TimeLog`
  GROUP BY TheDate, User_id
WHERE H.User_id = S.User_id
AND H.TheDate = S.TheDate
AND Task='2'

this is the inline table in Web2py:


how do I use the inline table in my full query??


Thanks to all the helpers!!

[web2py] Re: using inline tables in the query (subquery in the FROM field)

2010-04-13 Thread canna
Thank you! I thought I was missing something
you right, I used executesql anyway in case my question wont be
answered :-)
Thank you again for clearing this up!

On Apr 13, 4:08 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 DAL cannot do this. You need to use db.executesql(). sorry.

 On Apr 13, 5:06 am, canna c.ne...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello everybody!

  I really need help with a query I'm trying to execute in Web2Py DAL
  is there a way to use an inline table in the FROM field of a query?

  this is my query:

  SELECT SUM( HoursWorked / DayHoursSum ) AS DaysWorked
  FROM `Tasks_TimeLog` H, (

    SELECT TheDate, User_id, SUM( HoursWorked ) AS DayHoursSum
    FROM `Tasks_TimeLog`
    GROUP BY TheDate, User_id
  WHERE H.User_id = S.User_id
  AND H.TheDate = S.TheDate
  AND Task='2'

  this is the inline table in Web2py:


  how do I use the inline table in my full query??


  Thanks to all the helpers!!

[web2py] Re: is there a way to communicate with Web2Py from an external program?

2010-03-23 Thread canna
thank you. I understand that I have to publish a service that can send
and receive calls from clients
what do I need to look for on the client side? meaning, what ability
3dsMax should have in order to use this service?

On 22 מרץ, 21:28, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 Perhaps you can use XMLRPC described 

 Perhaps other users have other/better solutions.

 On Mar 22, 2:02 pm, canna c.ne...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello everybody!

  I making my first steps inWeb2Py, and although I'm not at this stage
  yet, I will eventually have to deal with this issue, and wanted to be

  as a vfx studio we keep information on every 3D model that is created
  in 3D program (time spent working on it, it's status etc.) up until
  now we wrote this information (using scripts) to INI files, now we'll
  have to write to MySQL server.
  there is a way to send SQL queries from 3dsMax with .NET but then it's
  bypassweb2pyserver and doesn't benefit from it's useful model

  is there a way for 3dsMax to send and receive information fromweb2py
  server without bumping into security issues?

  thanks to all the helpers!-הסתר טקסט מצוטט-

 -הראה טקסט מצוטט-

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[web2py] is there a way to communicate with Web2Py from an external program?

2010-03-22 Thread canna
Hello everybody!

I making my first steps in Web2Py, and although I'm not at this stage
yet, I will eventually have to deal with this issue, and wanted to be

as a vfx studio we keep information on every 3D model that is created
in 3D program (time spent working on it, it's status etc.) up until
now we wrote this information (using scripts) to INI files, now we'll
have to write to MySQL server.
there is a way to send SQL queries from 3dsMax with .NET but then it's
bypass web2py server and doesn't benefit from it's useful model

is there a way for 3dsMax to send and receive information from web2py
server without bumping into security issues?

thanks to all the helpers!

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