[web2py] Zero-downtime deploy and route mapping script for Bluemix

2014-10-08 Thread duncan macneil
Hi all,  

A small script I'd like to share -- I use it for zero-downtime Web2Py 
deploys to Bluemix (using a so-called Blue-Green deploy method).

The script takes advantage of knowing that domain-mapping to apps is in 
'routes.py', using that to map routes in Bluemix to the new deploy.

I posted earlier about how to prepare a manifest.yml file which does the 
rest of the work mapping services and setting memory/instances, etc.

In short, I run this deploy.py from my app directory and it does the rest.


import subprocess, getpass

# Set your config items here:
username = 'per...@example.com'
org = 'per...@example.com'
space = 'dev'
app = 'thisismyappname-main'

# Get password and log in
pwd = getpass.getpass('Password:')
print('Please wait')

# Check if we are green- or blue-mode currently
apps = subprocess.check_output(['cf','apps'])
if app + 'green' in apps:
color = 'blue'
color = 'green'
print('Pushing: '+color+'. Please be patient This could take a while 
depending on your upload speed.')
for domain in routers['BASE']['domains']:
print('\nMapping route: '+domain)
print(Skipping +domain)

print(Skipping with host +domain)
if color == 'blue':
print(subprocess.check_output(['cf','delete','-f',app + 'green']))
print(subprocess.check_output(['cf','delete','-f',app + 'blue']))
print(Blue-green deploy complete.)

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[web2py] Re: Here's how to run Web2Py on IBM BlueMix

2014-05-09 Thread duncan macneil
Hi Massimo,

My pleasure. You may remember me from trying to get Web2Py running under 
Jython in a Websphere servlet container environment a while back. I didn't 
ever get there fully. So having this way to run in the IBM ecosystem is 

I have been emailing a bit with one of the contacts from IBM. I'll ask 
about a blog, and perhaps if warranted, a short video tutorial would also 
be good. 

One minor detail I'd add to a tutorial is remembering to add the 
fake-migration flag to the JazzHub Web2Py codebase after initial deploy, to 
prevent subsequent deploys without db changes from getting confused with a 
set up db, but no updates in database migration files. In fact, this would 
probably a good reason for showing off BlueMix spaces, where one space 
could be called 'for_single-instance_migration_only' or similar.

Also a minor error in my original post: where I mentioned moving sessions 
to the db. It seems that is already the default, you just need all 
instances pointing at the same db.

I'll let you know how I get on with an IBM update/blog post.


On Thursday, 8 May 2014 22:25:49 UTC+10, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Thank you Duncan,

 this is very valuable. There should be a setup script for this shipping 
 with web2py. Is there any IBM blog wjere we could advertise it?


 On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 19:29:48 UTC-5, duncan macneil wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've been trying out the www.bluemix.net IBM PaaS. 

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[web2py] Re: Here's how to run Web2Py on IBM BlueMix

2014-05-09 Thread duncan macneil
On Thursday, 8 May 2014 22:29:31 UTC+10, Willoughby wrote:

 Is Azure in your shoot-out?  I'd be interested in hearing those results...

Hey, woah, I'm the cloud shootout guy now? ;-) Cool!

I have had a small-to-serious look at Azure, Google Compute, Amazon, 
Rackspace, Heroku, etc. There are more serious cloud comparison efforts 
than mine, for sure! 

In the end, my prediction is that cloud computing, storage, CDN etc will 
become such a hyper-commodity that your future app-hosting dash will 
instead be via a cloud aggregator. 

That future cloud aggregator would report something like:

Good morning, Dave. Your application 'MyCoolApp' is healthy. It is 
currently running across 4 continents and 17 cloud providers. CDN has been 
weighted to 3 providers based on our 'Gamma' speed/price ratio, last 
updated on Tuesday. One provider was dropped due to a terms-of-service 
change. Your current redundancy profile allows you to drop 1 continent or 
up to 5 providers at any time without business interruption. Your 
application load balancers route to compute-intensive servers in the UK 
between 2:30 and 4:30pm weekdays GMT due to a weekday spike detected for 
which your compute pricing was previously not optimal. Your data is hosted 
on a shared-secrets algorithm model. At least 6 providers would need to 
collaborate in order to decrypt the data they host for you. Your monthly 
fees total is currently 16.2 Cayman Bitcoins, for which you have earned 
0.001 Frequent SpaceMiles points. Thank you.

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[web2py] Re: Here's how to run Web2Py on IBM BlueMix

2014-05-07 Thread duncan macneil

I don't wanna be one of those guys who just compares on price alone but 
I will obviously be comparing price to other options. (By which I mean 
'value for money' not 'lowest price' SmartCloud got criticism for being 
'more expensive' than the lowest common denominator, but I doubt those who 
complained actually took out those servers for a test-run to see how snappy 
they were for the price-points on offer.)

I'd also need to spend time working out how things like backups, billing 
(and on-billing), alerts, CDN and other features work before diving in. 
Nothing too serious, but it does take an investment of time to learn these 

But to sum it all up it really has to do with fit for purpose. On smaller 
projects, there's not too much going on in one release cycle. So a simple 
'post-and-host' will do for me. On larger projects where there are big 
releases, bug fixes, custom field-office releases and the need for 
continuous testing between all these, I can see how the near-automated 
devops would save me having a full-time devops costs.

If you'll indulge me: There's a real opportunity here for IBM to sell not 
just to its own direct customers, but to its customers customers. To see 
what I mean, put yourself in the shoes of a small-to-medium software 
business. The whole time is spent selling and re-selling the business the 
proposition. What helps me is not so much the marketing collateral which 
convinces *me *to use BlueMix, but marketing collateral that I can use to 
convince my customers that I'm in the right zone using BlueMix. 

When my customers ask Where will my data live? I often answer With 
Amazon. You'd be surprised how many respond, What, the book sellers?. 
I'd rather say: Your data and business-continuity will live with IBM. Take 
a look at this (imaginary) url, which explains all the details: 

That's obviously a ridiculous example, but you get the idea.

On Thursday, 8 May 2014 03:22:14 UTC+10, Dave S wrote:

 On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 5:29:48 PM UTC-7, duncan macneil wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've been trying out the www.bluemix.net IBM PaaS. 

 It took me a bit of digging to realise there is in fact a Python runtime. 
 But you need a buildpack. The setup is different enough from Heroku to 
 warrant this mini-HowTo:

 Hey, thanks for posting this.  Sounds like you'd give BlueMix a thumbs up; 
 what would sway you to [or not to] go into production with it, compared 
 with other hosting?


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[web2py] Here's how to run Web2Py on IBM BlueMix

2014-05-06 Thread duncan macneil
Hi all,

I've been trying out the www.bluemix.net IBM PaaS. 

It took me a bit of digging to realise there is in fact a Python runtime. 
But you need a buildpack. The setup is different enough from Heroku to 
warrant this mini-HowTo:

Step 1:

Use the source version of Web2Py and copy the entire lot into a folder 
path: 'env/app' so that web2py.py is in the 'app' folder.

Step 2:

You need to have a requirements.txt file in the 'app' folder -- even if it 
is empty. (Although you might want to add a single line with just psycopg2, 
for example.)

Step 3: 

You need to have a manifest.yml in the 'en'v folder (top level of the 
project) with something like the following content:

- host: mycoolapp
  name: mycoolapp
  command: python web2py.py -a 'yourpassword' -i -p $PORT
  path: app
  domain: ng.bluemix.net
  mem: 128M
  buildpack: git://github.com/ephoning/heroku-buildpack-python.git
  instances: 1

You need to make sure that 'mycoolapp' is changed to be unique and 
'yourpassword' is changed, too, obviously.

Step 4:

Push this entire 'env' directory to BlueMix by navigating to the 'env' 
directory and running:

cf push

This assumes you have installed the CloudFoundry CLI command line tool, 
although it also works if you put all the same resources described above 
into an empty/new linked JazzHub git project from BlueMix and simply press 
'Deploy' from the web page provided. Handy.

Some points to consider:

1. The file structure will hold and run the default SQLite db internally, 
but that's probably not what you want because the files are not 
designed/guaranteed to be persistent (flushed with a new/fresh deploy, for 
instance). Instead you can add PostgreSQL and use that for data persistence 
-- BlueMix gives you a Postgres connection URL, ready to use! You just add 
it as a service to the app.

2. If you change instances = 1 to a larger number, then you'll probably 
also want to add a Redis service and use Redis for sessions (or a db for 
sessions). This will most likely allow people to remain logged in when they 
are load balanced via round robin to another instance, but I have not 
tested that. (What I *did* test is that you don't stay logged in with 
multiple instances running, which suggests for larger-scale apps with 
multiple instances running you'l want a central Redis for sessions.)

3. You get a SSL-ready address at something like 
https://mycoolapp.ng.bluemix.net (wildcard certificate exists for 
*.ng.bluemic.net), but since it seems to have some kind of reverse proxy, 
Web2Py doesn't detect that the admin is being used under HTTPS: so you 
might want to also store errors in the DB, too. The default with Web2Py is 
errors in stored the file path. Or modify the app admin to ignore HTTPS 
(just remember to use HTTPS when logging in!) 

I hope this helps someone. BlueMix is free during Beta. Pricing to be 
announced in June, I think. It will be interesting to see what the pricing 

Overall I think the service is pretty good -- especially if you need formal 
DevOps. IBM have made the DevOps thing quite neat in BlueMix. I 
particularly like being able to 'click the Postgres hexagon' and get a DB 
connection URL back without any install/setup issues.


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[web2py] This DAL feature was not obvious to me at first, may help others (avoid overly-complex sql joins)

2014-02-15 Thread duncan macneil
Hi all,

So I always knew there was *this *shorthand for getting the field 
attributes of a 'reference' type field:


What I did not discover until recently is that ALL references can be 
followed as far as they have been defined. For example:


Works even if the query is just:


I was jumping through hoops because before even attempting the above, I was 

db(db.competition_entry.registered_by == db.registrant.id).select()

Which is not needed if registered_by is a reference to registrant. I had 
assumed that you needed the joins to have second and third degree 
information. In fact, for a complex data structure, this works just fine 
with that simple single-table select:


That is, we a sponsor for each whole competition category (containing 
multiple sections), into which competitors place their entries. 

Getting the name of the sponsor really does work like that, even if the 
query was just db(db.competition_entry).select() -- You would 
probably appreciate how complex my queries had been to get the sponsor 
name, just by misunderstanding the DAL!

I really hope this helps someone -- now I am going off to remove a LOT of 
table joins in my queries!

As an aside, does this mean my Web2Py sessions will be reasonably large, 
because competition entry rows on their own have a lot of baggage about 
competition-section-category-sponsors and registered_by info?, ...or is 
Web2Py smart enough to only call in that extra information if required? (I 
find it hard to believe it is on-demand, since Web2Py would surely need to 
launch another query just for these references, yes?)


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[web2py] Re: This DAL feature was not obvious to me at first, may help others (avoid overly-complex sql joins)

2014-02-15 Thread duncan macneil
Sorry, even more complex:

On Saturday, 15 February 2014 21:19:06 UTC+11, duncan macneil wrote:

 I was jumping through hoops because before even attempting the above, I 
 was doing:

 db(db.competition_entry.registered_by == db.registrant.id).select()

 Astute readers would understand it was even worse, like:

db((db.competition_entry.entrant == db.entrant.id)  
(db.entrant.registered_by = db.registrant.id)).select()

Just for the simpler example. Yes, I was tying myself into knots!

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[web2py] Re: This DAL feature was not obvious to me at first, may help others (avoid overly-complex sql joins)

2014-02-15 Thread duncan macneil

Hi again, 

Sorry to keep posting here, but I really think this information must be 
useful as it is to me. 

Now, you can't just use deep references in the format attribute for a 
table, so you use a lamda. Something like:

 format=lambda r: r.schedule.company.name + ': ' + r.schedule.name + ': ' +r
.descrip + ' - ' + r.done_by.name

Also, when it comes to sorting, you can't just say: 


nor can you use:


(It works, but you get a loose join and too many rows returned. Probably 
distinct would fix, but, meh.)

So instead you can wait until the results are returned as use:

rows.sort(lamba row: row.schedule.company.name)

and to sort multiple columns: 

rows.sort(lambda row: row.schedule.company.name + row.schedule.name)

Again, hope this helps. It is speeding up my designs very much.

Finally, don't use this pattern if you allow nulls in the table, such as 
having a topic which is not forced to be assigned to schedule/company to 
begin with, for instance. Or if you do, make sure you check for None type 
objects in these deep references.


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Re: [web2py] Re: This DAL feature was not obvious to me at first, may help others (avoid overly-complex sql joins)

2014-02-15 Thread Duncan Macneil | Cartesian Creative
Okay, good to know.

I do have one quite data-intensive, high-demand query, and that is luckily
one for which I had put all the joins in the original query.

So good to know that was not wasted effort.

Would be good to have a convenience option like:


Which would be used to have Web2Py do all the known joins and return the
wider column set.

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[web2py] Re: IMPORTANT - NEED HELP: more speed improvements to be tested

2012-08-27 Thread duncan macneil

OK, I have downloaded the latest trunk from Git and have imported a simple 
application: A copy of my site at http://www.ec2scripts.com, which is based 
on Plugin_Wiki and seems to (mostly) work.

On the page which is the equivalent of 
http://www.ec2scripts.com/welcome/plugin_wiki/page/submit-your-recipe instead 
of Sorry, you need to be 
 and logged in http://www.ec2scripts.com/welcome/default/user/login to 
submit I just get:

system error 

But there are no errors in the admin app, and the console running web2py.py 
does not spit out any system.out type stuff. Sorry I cannot be more 
specific. I can provide the wiki template that generates that page, if 

Not sure of the exact version I just pulled. The download is labelled 
web2py-web2py-6d78589, and the top of my CHANGELOG file says:

## 2.00.1

### DAL Improvements

- Support for DAL(lazy_tables=True) and db.define_table(on_define=lambda 
table:), thanks Jonathan
- MongoDB support in DAL (experimental), thanks Mark Breedveld
- geodal and spatialite, thanks Denes and Fran (experimental)

Is this the kind of testing you were after, or were you wanting people to 
change over to lazy tables to see if that works, the way Ron did?


[web2py] Re: need a simple wiki...

2012-08-27 Thread duncan macneil
Works well!

Just wondering are we keeping the ability to embed template code with 
the new auth.wiki?

It would be handy to be able to {{=include.things}} using nothing more than 
the wiki form (for advanced users). Or do we always need to use LOAD now or 

The menu makes sense to me. Glad we kept the plugin_wiki style of having it 
in one place.
