[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-20 Thread mdipierro
The error refer to a field Supplier and I do not see it defined. Some
other part of the code is causing the problem and I cannot help tell
without look at it all.

On Apr 20, 6:51 am, annet  wrote:
> In db.py I defined the following tables:
> db.define_table('company',
>     Field('company',length=54,default='',notnull=True),
>     migrate=False)
> db.define_table('application',
> Field('application',length=24,default='',notnull=True,unique=True),
>     migrate=False)
> db.define_table('companyapplication',
> Field('company',db.company,default='',notnull=True,ondelete='CASCADE'),
> Field('application',db.application,default='',notnull=True,ondelete='RESTRICT'),
>     migrate=False)
> db.companyapplication.company.requires=[IS_IN_DB(db,db.company.id,'%
> (company)s'),IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.companyapplication.application==request.vars.application),db.companyapplication.company,error_message='combination
> of company en application already in database')]
> db.companyapplication.application.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.application.id,'%
> (application)s')
> In appadmin/insert/db/application I get the following error when I
> want to insert an application:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/restricted.py",
> line 173, in restricted
>     exec ccode in environment
>   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/applications/base/
> models/db.py", line 216, in 
> db.companyapplication.company.requires=[IS_IN_DB(db,db.company.id,'%
> (company)s'),IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.companyapplication.application==request.vars.application),db.companyapplication.company,error_message='combination
> of company and application already in database')]
>   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line
> 2424, in __eq__
>     return Query(self, '=', value)
>   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line
> 2839, in __init__
>     right = sql_represent(right, left.type, left._db._dbname,
> left._db._db_codec)
>   File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line
> 510, in sql_represent
>     return str(int(obj))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Supplier'
> I don't understand why I get an error on the validator of the
> companyapplication table whereas I want to insert a record into the
> application table.
> What's causing this error? How do I solve it?
> Kind regards,
> Annet.
> --
> Subscription settings:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-20 Thread annet

> The error refer to a field Supplier and I do not see it defined.

'Supplier is the value I enter for the Field application in the
application table.

> Some other part of the code is causing the problem and I cannot help tell
> without look at it all.

Yes, the validator defined after the companyapplication table:


of company en application already in database')]

That's all the information related to this problem. I hope it's enough
to solve the problem, because it's a recurrent one.

Kind regards,


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-20 Thread mdipierro
In this line:


db.companyapplication.application is a reference field (i.e. an
request.vars.application is a string 'Supplier'. That is the problem.

Please explain in words what these table represent and what you want
to achieve. I am sure we can find a solution.


On Apr 20, 10:19 am, annet  wrote:
> Massimo,
> > The error refer to a field Supplier and I do not see it defined.
> 'Supplier is the value I enter for the Field application in the
> application table.
> > Some other part of the code is causing the problem and I cannot help tell
> > without look at it all.
> Yes, the validator defined after the companyapplication table:
> db.define_table('companyapplication',
>     Field('company',db.company,),
>     Field('application',db.application),
>     migrate=False)
> db.companyapplication.company.requires=[IS_IN_DB(db,db.company.id,'%
> (company)s'),\
> IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.companyapplication.application==request.vars.application),
> \
> db.companyapplication.company,error_message='combination
> of company en application already in database')]
> That's all the information related to this problem. I hope it's enough
> to solve the problem, because it's a recurrent one.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.
> --
> Subscription settings:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-20 Thread annet
Companies in the company table can apply for one or more applications,
therefore I defined the combination table companyapplication. The
company table contains records like:

1   Butson Consultancy
2   Dreamwall
3   Preston Counselors

The application table contains records like:

1   Supplier
2   Consultants
3   Counselors

The companyapplication table contains records like:

1   2
2   1
2   2
3   3

I can insert companies without problems, however, when I want to
insert an application, e.g. Supplier I get the error mentioned above.

I hope I provided you with sufficient information.


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-22 Thread DenesL

The problem happens in this requires

of company en application already in database')]

because the field naming choice makes it impossible to tell apart in
request.vars which application is being referenced on each side of the
comparison, on the left side companyapplication.application refers to
an application.id while on the right side it refers to
application.application, a string.

to get around this redefine table companyapplication as follows


and update the requires to reflect the new naming

of company and application already in database')]


Following such a convention (adding '_id' to denote a reference) is
highly recommended.


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread annet
Hi Denes,

Thanks for providing me with an explanation of why this problem occurs
and with a solution.

> Following such a convention (adding '_id' to denote a reference) is
> highly recommended.

>From now on I will follow this convention! I don't know if I am the
only one making this mistake, if not it may be worth posting a slice
on it. It's rather time consuming having alter the database tables in
you model and adjusting your application(s) accordingly.

Kind regards,


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread DenesL
Appending '_id' to references helps to keep names different so clashes
like the one above don't happen, while at the same time they make the
program more readable for the developer, specially at a later time.

But conventions are a matter of personal preference so you can follow
whichever one you prefer.
Personally I like shorter names so I would have used something like
co_id and app_id, or even coid and appid, which are easier to type.

>From my experience:
- try to keep all names unique
- in particular never have fields names equal to table names
- don't be too cryptic with the name, you will regret it later

web2py eases the creation of web apps but there still a lot of things
to remember and learn.
A checklist or tip list would be helpful.
What do others use? please share your tips and tricks.


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread mdipierro
I think there is said to say pro and con this convention.


db.god.owner_id makes sense because it stores an integer but
db.dog.owner_id.name is odd because 'name' is not n attribute of an


db.god.owner technically stores only an id
db.dog.owne.name to me is better than db.dog.owner_id.name


On Apr 24, 8:13 am, DenesL  wrote:
> Appending '_id' to references helps to keep names different so clashes
> like the one above don't happen, while at the same time they make the
> program more readable for the developer, specially at a later time.
> But conventions are a matter of personal preference so you can follow
> whichever one you prefer.
> Personally I like shorter names so I would have used something like
> co_id and app_id, or even coid and appid, which are easier to type.
> From my experience:
> - try to keep all names unique
> - in particular never have fields names equal to table names
> - don't be too cryptic with the name, you will regret it later
> web2py eases the creation of web apps but there still a lot of things
> to remember and learn.
> A checklist or tip list would be helpful.
> What do others use? please share your tips and tricks.
> Denes.
> --
> Subscription settings:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread DenesL

On Apr 24, 9:11 am, mdipierro  wrote:
> I think there is said to say pro and con this convention.
> case1)
> db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
> db.define_table('dog',Field('name'),Field('owner_id',db.person)
> db.god.owner_id makes sense because it stores an integer but
> db.dog.owner_id.name is odd because 'name' is not n attribute of an
> id.

The convention makes more sense when you use the same name:

Since you are using 'owner' (an unique field name) then there is no
need to append id, but owner_id immediately suggests what type of
field it is and it can avoid a possible clash in request.vars with
another field when things get more complicated (more tables and

> case2)
> db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
> db.define_table('dog',Field('name'),Field('owner',db.person)
> db.god.owner technically stores only an id
> db.dog.owne.name to me is better than db.dog.owner_id.name

Maybe you meant db.person[owner].name
but either db.person[person_id].name or
db.person[owner_id].name are perfectly readable,

db.dog.owner.name is just the name of the field ('owner').

Even though it might not be perfect it seems like a good idea.
Anyway, I would like to hear what others do.


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread DenesL

On Apr 24, 11:06 am, Thadeus Burgess  wrote:
> Since the Reference object now will query for a reference record when
> you call it, you can do things like::

What do you mean by 'now'? This has always worked for Rows.

>   dogs = db().select(db.dog.ALL)
>   for dog in dogs:
>       dog.name
>       dog.owner.name
> So the refernece column is actually called owner, insetad of owner_id.
> It doesn't make sense to do
>   ``dog.owner_id.name``
> Since the record gets pulled behind the scenes by web2py.

The convention is used to avoid conflicts in request.vars and to make
it clear that it is a reference field.
If 'owner' is a unique name then using it is fine.

However if you have 'owner' somewhere else along with a requires like
the one Annet had then there will be a conflict, since in request.vars
you can not tell them apart, i.e. when you say request.vars.owner you
don't know which one you are referring to because request.vars only
knows about field names and has no knowledge of the tables they belong

> However, even though this convention allows for a nice shortcut during
> development, it can easily get out of hand on production systems. For
> example, I have a patch on gluon.sql that keeps track of what kind of
> queries are being made and how many of them throughout the life of the
> request. Linking this with my blog, I end up with one page equals a
> total of 234 SELECT statements from the database. Its not cool,
> however with a little re-designing and I can bring it down to just a
> handful of selects by not taking advantage of this "convenience".

You lost me here, I can't picture what you are doing.


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread Yarko Tymciurak
in quickly scanning this thread, I am struck by a few observations:

- it is useful for the human reading to have a hint that a variable is
an 'indirect" reference;
- the specific details - that the inderection is by a table index
called "id", and that it is an integer seems irrelevant (even, if at
first convenient);
- the "naming sense" and discussions seem to have tripped over the two
preceding observations.

To wit:   consider (using Massimo's example):


It reads as _well_ as   db.dog.owner.name, while addressing what Denes
points out: readability, and "hint" to the code reader that it's an
"indirect reference".

I think it helps to forget about the literal reference to an "id"
field, and instead consider what kind of thing it represents (i.e.
focus on the abstract concept, not the specific implementation

The last observation I have:   naming conflicts / ambiguity:   this
(correct me if I missed something) is not about naming comflicts, as
these are not variable names / scopes, but rather strings being
interpreted "in the absense" of a traditional symbol table, etc. ---
this is a good reason to heed Denes's warning to keep names separate:
that is, note that much of what is manipulated in Fields, queries is
(in fact) strings which are later converted to specific SQL.

- Yarko

On Apr 24, 11:45 am, DenesL  wrote:
> On Apr 24, 11:06 am, Thadeus Burgess  wrote:
> > Since the Reference object now will query for a reference record when
> > you call it, you can do things like::
> What do you mean by 'now'? This has always worked for Rows.
> >   dogs = db().select(db.dog.ALL)
> >   for dog in dogs:
> >       dog.name
> >       dog.owner.name
> > So the refernece column is actually called owner, insetad of owner_id.
> > It doesn't make sense to do
> >   ``dog.owner_id.name``
> > Since the record gets pulled behind the scenes by web2py.
> The convention is used to avoid conflicts in request.vars and to make
> it clear that it is a reference field.
> If 'owner' is a unique name then using it is fine.
> However if you have 'owner' somewhere else along with a requires like
> the one Annet had then there will be a conflict, since in request.vars
> you can not tell them apart, i.e. when you say request.vars.owner you
> don't know which one you are referring to because request.vars only
> knows about field names and has no knowledge of the tables they belong
> to.
> > However, even though this convention allows for a nice shortcut during
> > development, it can easily get out of hand on production systems. For
> > example, I have a patch on gluon.sql that keeps track of what kind of
> > queries are being made and how many of them throughout the life of the
> > request. Linking this with my blog, I end up with one page equals a
> > total of 234 SELECT statements from the database. Its not cool,
> > however with a little re-designing and I can bring it down to just a
> > handful of selects by not taking advantage of this "convenience".
> You lost me here, I can't picture what you are doing.
> Denes.
> --
> Subscription settings:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread DenesL

On Apr 24, 12:06 pm, Yarko Tymciurak 
> in quickly scanning this thread, I am struck by a few observations:
> - it is useful for the human reading to have a hint that a variable is
> an 'indirect" reference;
> - the specific details - that the inderection is by a table index
> called "id", and that it is an integer seems irrelevant (even, if at
> first convenient);
> - the "naming sense" and discussions seem to have tripped over the two
> preceding observations.
> To wit:   consider (using Massimo's example):
> db.dog.i_owner.name

db.dog.i_owner.name == 'i_owner'
db.dog.owner_id.name == 'owner_id'
db.dog.owner.name == 'owner'

and it has nothing to do with the issue.

> It reads as _well_ as   db.dog.owner.name, while addressing what Denes
> points out: readability, and "hint" to the code reader that it's an
> "indirect reference".
> I think it helps to forget about the literal reference to an "id"
> field, and instead consider what kind of thing it represents (i.e.
> focus on the abstract concept, not the specific implementation
> detail).

On the contrary, using '_id' helps me to relate it to the web2py field
type being used and therefore the concept behind it.
But again, you can use whatever convention you like as long as it
keeps the names unique.

> The last observation I have:   naming conflicts / ambiguity:   this
> (correct me if I missed something) is not about naming comflicts, as
> these are not variable names / scopes, but rather strings being
> interpreted "in the absense" of a traditional symbol table, etc. ---
> this is a good reason to heed Denes's warning to keep names separate:
> that is, note that much of what is manipulated in Fields, queries is
> (in fact) strings which are later converted to specific SQL.

Lets use the 1st post by Annet as case study.
She had an 'application' table with an 'application' field.
She also had a 'companyapplication' table with an 'application' field.

Since she wanted the entries in 'companyapplication' table to be
unique she used this requires:

A request to add a new entry in table 'application' will have a
request.vars.application, which a request to add a new entry in table
'companyapplication' will also have.
That is the problem!
It is a field naming problem.
When the requires is checked there is no way to know which
'application' is request.vars.application referring to.
It should be the one in table 'companyapplication' obviously, but
request.vars does not know which fields belong to which table.
I hope this clarifies the issue.


Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread Yarko Tymciurak
On Apr 24, 1:34 pm, DenesL  wrote:
> On Apr 24, 12:06 pm, Yarko Tymciurak 
> wrote:
> > in quickly scanning this thread, I am struck by a few observations:
> > - it is useful for the human reading to have a hint that a variable is
> > an 'indirect" reference;
> > - the specific details - that the inderection is by a table index
> > called "id", and that it is an integer seems irrelevant (even, if at
> > first convenient);
> > - the "naming sense" and discussions seem to have tripped over the two
> > preceding observations.
> > To wit:   consider (using Massimo's example):
> > db.dog.i_owner.name
> db.dog.i_owner.name == 'i_owner'
> db.dog.owner_id.name == 'owner_id'
> db.dog.owner.name == 'owner'
> and it has nothing to do with the issue.

Yes - and you've clarified well - it is the "symbol table"  vs. simple
string representation of a field, and the ambiguity that involved...

(I was referring to Massimo's objection - and am with you; the naming
is whatever works for you; for Massimo, I wanted to suggest de-
coupling his view from "id" as an automatic field, and look at the
naming solution as one that suggests an indirection - whatever way you
find clear).
> > It reads as _well_ as   db.dog.owner.name, while addressing what Denes
> > points out: readability, and "hint" to the code reader that it's an
> > "indirect reference".
> > I think it helps to forget about the literal reference to an "id"
> > field, and instead consider what kind of thing it represents (i.e.
> > focus on the abstract concept, not the specific implementation
> > detail).
> On the contrary, using '_id' helps me to relate it to the web2py field
> type being used and therefore the concept behind it.
> But again, you can use whatever convention you like as long as it
> keeps the names unique.

Exactly - an indicator to "the humans" that this is not a normal
field, but a reference field (too bad we can't use the C notatoin of
"*owner" !  ... just kidding... partially...)

> > The last observation I have:   naming conflicts / ambiguity:   this
> > (correct me if I missed something) is not about naming comflicts, as
> > these are not variable names / scopes, but rather strings being
> > interpreted "in the absense" of a traditional symbol table, etc. ---
> > this is a good reason to heed Denes's warning to keep names separate:
> > that is, note that much of what is manipulated in Fields, queries is
> > (in fact) strings which are later converted to specific SQL.
> Lets use the 1st post by Annet as case study.
> She had an 'application' table with an 'application' field.
> She also had a 'companyapplication' table with an 'application' field.
> Since she wanted the entries in 'companyapplication' table to be
> unique she used this requires:
> IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.companyapplication.application==request.vars.application),db.companyapplication.company)
> A request to add a new entry in table 'application' will have a
> request.vars.application, which a request to add a new entry in table
> 'companyapplication' will also have.
> That is the problem!


> It is a field naming problem.
> When the requires is checked there is no way to know which
> 'application' is request.vars.application referring to.


> It should be the one in table 'companyapplication' obviously, but
> request.vars does not know which fields belong to which table.
> I hope this clarifies the issue.

Yes - and that is the motivation for making field names more
indicative, partly to help human-hinting at what you are looking at,
and partly to avoid clashes like this (which will not occur
everywhere, which is why - generally - unique filed naming is not
generally important / an issue).

> Denes.

- Yarko

> --
> Subscription settings:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread DenesL
Since that seems to be settled, I want to take Annet's suggestion
beyond a slice and hear ideas about how to avoid pitfalls, and tips to
follow to steer clear of trouble while developing an app.
We can learn from each other.

Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10

2012-01-15 Thread Andrew Evans
This is my code for that page

def index():

schedule =
episodes = db(db.episodes.id>0).select(orderby=~db.episodes.created_on)
categories = db(db.episode_categories.id>0).select()
trailers = db(db.trailer.id>0).select(orderby=~db.trailer.air_date)


*cheers ty :D

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Andrew Evans

> Hello I just updated web2py and after restarting uwsgi I get an error on
> my site
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '05 04:36:30'
> Traceback
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
> 7.
> 8.
> 9.
> 10.
> 11.
> 12.
> 13.
> 14.
> 15.
> 16.
> 17.
> 18.
> 19.
> 20.
> 21.
> 22.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 204, in restricted
> exec ccode in environment
>   File "/opt/web2py/applications/pstv/controllers/default.py" 
> , line 105, in 
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 172, in 
> self._caller = lambda f: f()
>   File "/opt/web2py/applications/pstv/controllers/default.py" 
> , line 23, in 
> index
> trailers = db(db.trailer.id>0).select(orderby=~db.trailer.air_date)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 6333, in select
> return self.db._adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1282, in select
> rows = response(sql)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1272, in response
> self.execute(sql)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1359, in execute
> return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1353, in log_execute
> ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/sqlite3/dbapi2.py", line 63, in convert_date
> return datetime.date(*map(int, val.split("-")))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '05 04:36:30'
> Any ideas?

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10

2012-01-16 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I think your problem is that you somehow have corrupted data in
database, i.e. you stored a date in a field which you later changed to
int and web2py cannot take it out any more.

On Jan 15, 8:02 pm, Andrew Evans  wrote:
> Hello I just updated web2py and after restarting uwsgi I get an error on my
> site
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '05 04:36:30'
> Traceback
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
> 7.
> 8.
> 9.
> 10.
> 11.
> 12.
> 13.
> 14.
> 15.
> 16.
> 17.
> 18.
> 19.
> 20.
> 21.
> 22.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 204, in restricted
>     exec ccode in environment
>   File "/opt/web2py/applications/pstv/controllers/default.py"
> , line
> 105, in 
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 172, in 
>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>   File "/opt/web2py/applications/pstv/controllers/default.py"
> , line
> 23, in index
>     trailers = db(db.trailer.id>0).select(orderby=~db.trailer.air_date)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 6333, in select
>     return self.db._adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1282, in select
>     rows = response(sql)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1272, in response
>     self.execute(sql)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1359, in execute
>     return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1353, in log_execute
>     ret = self.cursor.execute(*a, **b)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/sqlite3/dbapi2.py", line 63, in convert_date
>     return datetime.date(*map(int, val.split("-")))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '05 04:36:30'
> Any ideas?

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10

2012-01-16 Thread howesc
or perhaps changed a datetime to a date?

[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2014-05-29 Thread Niphlod
drop the table and recreate it. It's a known issue with sqlite.

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 9:34:28 PM UTC+2, Tom Russell wrote:
> I am getting the following error when inserting a new record for a table I 
> have. I cannot seem to pinpoint what the cause is at this time.
> The error is:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/applications/ttheorydataextractor/controllers/appadmin.py",
>  line 270, in select
> *fields, limitby=(start, stop))
>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 10525, in select
> return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 2458, in select
> return super(SQLiteAdapter, self).select(query, fields, attributes)
>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1882, in select
> return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1847, in _select_aux
> self.execute(sql)
>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1969, in execute
> return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1963, in log_execute
> ret = self.cursor.execute(command, *a[1:], **b)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/sqlite3/dbapi2.py", line 63, in convert_date
> return datetime.date(*map(int, val.split("-")))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '12/02/2013'
> And my table looks like:
> db.define_table("daily_data",
>  Field("startdate","date",requires=IS_DATE(), label="Date", 
> readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("vol_total","double", label="Vol Total", readable=True, 
> writable=False),
>  Field("wsj_date","string", label="WSJ Date", readable=True, 
> writable=False),
>  Field("trin","double", label="TRIN", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("gold","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("vix","double", label="VIX", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("advances","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("declines","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("adv_vol","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("dec_vol","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("sp_hi","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("sp_low","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("sp_close","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>  Field("spy","double", label="SPY", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("csj","double", label="CSJ", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("bnd","double", label="BND", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("cwb","double", label="CWB", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("bond","double", label="BOND", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("hys","double", label="HYS", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("flot","double", label="FLOT", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("hyg","double", label="HYG", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("bkln","double", label="BKLN", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("emb","double", label="EMB", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("efa","double", label="EFA", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("fex","double", label="FEX", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("mdy","double", label="MDY", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("fnx","double", label="FNX", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("vti","double", label="VTI", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("iwd","double", label="IWD", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("fta","double", label="FTA", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("iwm","double", label="IWM", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("dvy","double", label="DVY", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("iyr","double", label="IYR", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("ijr","double", label="IJR", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("tlt","double", label="TLT", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("ief","double", label="IEF", readable=False, writable=False),
>  Field("vustx","double", label="VUSTX", readable=False, 
> writable=False),
>  Field("fagix","double", label="FAGIX", readable=False, 
> writable=False),
>  Field("qqq","double", label="QQQ", readable=False, writable=False),
> )
> I know the error refers to a date and actually I had wsj_date as a date 
> field but changed it to a string since I really did not need the date 
> requirement for it.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks.

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[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2014-05-29 Thread Tom Russell
awesome, worked.

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 3:41:12 PM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:
> drop the table and recreate it. It's a known issue with sqlite.
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06/the-database-abstraction-layer#SQLite
> On Thursday, May 29, 2014 9:34:28 PM UTC+2, Tom Russell wrote:
>> I am getting the following error when inserting a new record for a table 
>> I have. I cannot seem to pinpoint what the cause is at this time.
>> The error is:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File 
>> "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/applications/ttheorydataextractor/controllers/appadmin.py",
>>  line 270, in select
>> *fields, limitby=(start, stop))
>>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 10525, in select
>> return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 2458, in select
>> return super(SQLiteAdapter, self).select(query, fields, attributes)
>>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1882, in select
>> return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes)
>>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1847, in _select_aux
>> self.execute(sql)
>>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1969, in execute
>> return self.log_execute(*a, **b)
>>   File "/home/tsrdatatech/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1963, in log_execute
>> ret = self.cursor.execute(command, *a[1:], **b)
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/sqlite3/dbapi2.py", line 63, in convert_date
>> return datetime.date(*map(int, val.split("-")))
>> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '12/02/2013'
>> And my table looks like:
>> db.define_table("daily_data",
>>  Field("startdate","date",requires=IS_DATE(), label="Date", 
>> readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("vol_total","double", label="Vol Total", readable=True, 
>> writable=False),
>>  Field("wsj_date","string", label="WSJ Date", readable=True, 
>> writable=False),
>>  Field("trin","double", label="TRIN", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("gold","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("vix","double", label="VIX", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("advances","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("declines","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("adv_vol","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("dec_vol","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("sp_hi","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("sp_low","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("sp_close","double", readable=True, writable=False),
>>  Field("spy","double", label="SPY", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("csj","double", label="CSJ", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("bnd","double", label="BND", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("cwb","double", label="CWB", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("bond","double", label="BOND", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("hys","double", label="HYS", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("flot","double", label="FLOT", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("hyg","double", label="HYG", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("bkln","double", label="BKLN", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("emb","double", label="EMB", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("efa","double", label="EFA", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("fex","double", label="FEX", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("mdy","double", label="MDY", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("fnx","double", label="FNX", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("vti","double", label="VTI", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("iwd","double", label="IWD", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("fta","double", label="FTA", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("iwm","double", label="IWM", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("dvy","double", label="DVY", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("iyr","double", label="IYR", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("ijr","double", label="IJR", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("tlt","double", label="TLT", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("ief","double", label="IEF", readable=False, writable=False),
>>  Field("vustx","double", label="VUSTX", readable=False, 
>> writable=False),
>>  Field("fagix","double", label="FAGIX", readable=False, 
>> writable=False),
>>  Field("qqq","double", label="QQQ", readable=False, writable=False),
>> )
>> I know the error refers to a date and actually I had wsj_date as a date 
>> field but changed it to a string since I really did not need the date 
>> requirement for it.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks.

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[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

2013-12-30 Thread Keith Planer
I'm having the same problem, but I'm struggling with saving the database. 
The corrupted field is a 'date' type.

On Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1:15:36 AM UTC-5, ニコノコ wrote:
> I found the source of my problem. I have records with null values. And 
> since sqlite don't enforce data typing, I assume that it simply 
> "guess" the data type, based on whatever is found in the first(???) 
> record. 
> On this assumption, I assigned datetime values in the empty datetime 
> fields and tested again. It's now working. 
> On May 26, 10:19 pm, Nik  wrote: 
> > Traceback (most recent call last): 
> >   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 107, in restricted 
> > exec ccode in environment 
> >   File "/home/ern/web2py/applications/smb/views/appadmin.html", line 
> > 122, in  
> >   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/sqlhtml.py", line 623, in __init__ 
> > for (rc, record) in enumerate(sqlrows): 
> >   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 2196, in __iter__ 
> > yield self[i] 
> >   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 2151, in __getitem__ 
> > str(value)[:10].strip().split('-')] 
> > ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' 
> > 
> > I was trying to go to database administration of db2 when I got this 
> > error. The table is defined as follows: 
> > 
> > db2.define_table('msg_log', 
> > SQLField('type', 'string'), 
> > SQLField('smsc', 'string'), 
> > SQLField('sent', 'datetime'), 
> > SQLField('received', 'datetime'), 
> > SQLField('sender', 'string'), 
> > SQLField('receiver', 'string'), 
> > SQLField('msgid', 'string'), migrate=False)

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[web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

2018-05-03 Thread Oasis Agano
You can try and use this:

def is_date(string):
return True
except ValueError:
return False

if is_date(str(row['Created'])):
request_created_date = datetime.datetime.strftime(row['Created'], "%Y-%m-%d 
request_created_date = datetime.datetime.now()

It worked for me.

Good luck
On Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 4:19:10 PM UTC+2, ニコノコ wrote:
> Traceback (most recent call last): 
>   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 107, in restricted 
> exec ccode in environment 
>   File "/home/ern/web2py/applications/smb/views/appadmin.html", line 
> 122, in  
>   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/sqlhtml.py", line 623, in __init__ 
> for (rc, record) in enumerate(sqlrows): 
>   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 2196, in __iter__ 
> yield self[i] 
>   File "/home/ern/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 2151, in __getitem__ 
> str(value)[:10].strip().split('-')] 
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' 
> I was trying to go to database administration of db2 when I got this 
> error. The table is defined as follows: 
> db2.define_table('msg_log', 
> SQLField('type', 'string'), 
> SQLField('smsc', 'string'), 
> SQLField('sent', 'datetime'), 
> SQLField('received', 'datetime'), 
> SQLField('sender', 'string'), 
> SQLField('receiver', 'string'), 
> SQLField('msgid', 'string'), migrate=False) 

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Re: [web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread Thadeus Burgess
Since the Reference object now will query for a reference record when
you call it, you can do things like::

  dogs = db().select(db.dog.ALL)
  for dog in dogs:

So the refernece column is actually called owner, insetad of owner_id.
It doesn't make sense to do


Since the record gets pulled behind the scenes by web2py.

However, even though this convention allows for a nice shortcut during
development, it can easily get out of hand on production systems. For
example, I have a patch on gluon.sql that keeps track of what kind of
queries are being made and how many of them throughout the life of the
request. Linking this with my blog, I end up with one page equals a
total of 234 SELECT statements from the database. Its not cool,
however with a little re-designing and I can bring it down to just a
handful of selects by not taking advantage of this "convenience".


On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 10:24 AM, DenesL  wrote:
> On Apr 24, 9:11 am, mdipierro  wrote:
>> I think there is said to say pro and con this convention.
>> case1)
>> db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
>> db.define_table('dog',Field('name'),Field('owner_id',db.person)
>> db.god.owner_id makes sense because it stores an integer but
>> db.dog.owner_id.name is odd because 'name' is not n attribute of an
>> id.
> The convention makes more sense when you use the same name:
>  db.define_table('dog',Field('name'),Field('person_id',db.person)
> Since you are using 'owner' (an unique field name) then there is no
> need to append id, but owner_id immediately suggests what type of
> field it is and it can avoid a possible clash in request.vars with
> another field when things get more complicated (more tables and
> fields).
>> case2)
>> db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
>> db.define_table('dog',Field('name'),Field('owner',db.person)
>> db.god.owner technically stores only an id
>> db.dog.owne.name to me is better than db.dog.owner_id.name
> Maybe you meant db.person[owner].name
> but either db.person[person_id].name or
> db.person[owner_id].name are perfectly readable,
> db.dog.owner.name is just the name of the field ('owner').
> Even though it might not be perfect it seems like a good idea.
> Anyway, I would like to hear what others do.
> Denes.
> --
> Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

Re: [web2py] Re: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:

2010-04-24 Thread Thadeus Burgess
I see.


On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 1:34 PM, DenesL  wrote:
> he also had a 'companyapplication' table with an 'app

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