[weewx-user] problem with ftp upload ("class 'ftplib.error_perm")

2024-08-16 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com

I ve updated to  last Wewx version 

 When I want to use ftp  skin : 

ERROR weeutil.ftpupload: Failed uploading 
/var/www/html/weewx/BRESSER/belchertown/index.html to server 
ftp.X.odns.fr. Reason: '553 Can't open that file: No such file or 
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: ftpgenerator: (0): caught exception '': 553 Can't open that file: No such file or directory
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   Traceback (most recent call last):
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 519, in run
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   n = ftp_data.run()
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 208, in run
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   ftp_server.storbinary(stor_cmd, fd)
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File "/usr/lib/python3.10/ftplib.py", 
line 498, in storbinary
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   with self.transfercmd(cmd, rest) as 
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File "/usr/lib/python3.10/ftplib.py", 
line 393, in transfercmd
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File "/usr/lib/python3.10/ftplib.py", 
line 793, in ntransfercmd
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   conn, size = 
super().ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File "/usr/lib/python3.10/ftplib.py", 
line 359, in ntransfercmd
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File "/usr/lib/python3.10/ftplib.py", 
line 281, in sendcmd
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   return self.getresp()
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine: File "/usr/lib/python3.10/ftplib.py", 
line 254, in getresp
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   raise error_perm(resp)
Aug 17 00:50:31 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[110516]: ERROR 
weewx.reportengine:   ftplib.error_perm: 553 Can't open that 
file: No such file or directory

I m tryingh  whith filezilla my ftp parameters ... 
It s ok  :)  

Can someone help me ?

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"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
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Re: [weewx-user] Interceptor + weewx + Bresser

2024-02-25 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Re Bonjour  
juste pour info   2 parametres que Interceptor  ne reconnait pas  : 

Feb 25 10:58:03 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[91157] INFO user.interceptor: 
unrecognized parameter rainin=0
Feb 25 10:58:03 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[91157] INFO user.interceptor: 
unrecognized parameter soilmoisture=58


Le samedi 24 février 2024 à 18:47:13 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> En effet je ne comprends pas pourquoi  je ne recupere pas "soil_moist1"  
> (surtout que c'est la sonde fournie avec la station  !)  la 2eme est celle 
> venant de mon ancienne station  FROGGIT WH-6000
> Feb 24 17:36:14 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[78539] DEBUG user.interceptor: 
> GET: ID=X&PASSWORD=&action=updateraww
> &realtime=1
> &rtfreq=5
> &dateutc=now
> &baromin=30.16
> &tempf=48.9
> &humidity=67
> &windspeedmph=3.5
> &windgustmph=4.0
> &winddir=348
> &dewptf=38.3
> &rainin=0
> &dailyrainin=0.110
> &indoortempf=68.0
> &indoorhumidity=56
> &UV=0
> &solarradiation=53.1100
> &soiltempf=67.1
> &soilmoisture=59
> &soiltemp2f=70.8
> &soilmoisture2=60
> Voici les data du broker MQTT Mosquitto  : je les récupère bien  :) 
> {
> "dateTime": "1708796739.0",
> "barometer_mbar": "1022.0119463308273",
> "outHumidity": "75.0",
> "inHumidity": "56.0",
> "outTemp_C": "7.665",
> "inTemp_C": "19.886",
> "windSpeed_kph": "0.0",
> "windGust_kph": "0.0",
> "radiation_Wpm2": "3.72",
> "dewpoint_C": "3.4982",
> "rain_cm": "0.0",
> "UV": "0.0",
> "extraTemp1_C": "19.557",
> "extraTemp2_C": "21.5",
> "extraHumid2": "60.0",
> "soilTemp1_C": "19.557",
> "soilTemp2_C": "21.5",
> "soilMoist2_centibar": "60.0",
> "pressure_mbar": "1016.6418288107507",
> "altimeter_mbar": "1021.9243498035909",
> "appTemp_C": "6.258531406558916",
> "cloudbase_meter": "560.1920276267181",
> "heatindex_C": "6.447222",
> "humidex_C": "7.665",
> "inDewpoint_C": "10.846055159346296",
> "maxSolarRad_Wpm2": "0.004647852952143922",
> "rainRate_cm_per_hour": "0.0",
> "windchill_C": "7.665",
> "hourRain_cm": "0.0",
> "rain24_cm": "0.2794",
> "dayRain_cm": "0.2794",
> "usUnits": "16.0"
> }
> Le samedi 24 février 2024 à 17:01:50 UTC+1, Remy LAVABRE a écrit :
>> Ok;.. Va pour la version FR.
>> 1/ Dans le paquet généré il y a bien un "soil_most2" mais je ne vois pas 
>> de "soil_moist1". Dans le RAW c'est la même chose : 'soil_moisture_2' mais 
>> pas vu de 'soil_moisture_1'
>> Avant d'aller plus loin, il y a peut-être déjà là quelque chose à 
>> regarder qui ne marche pas bien... ?
>> 2/ Dans la config de weewx, une fois résolu le point 1/, dans la section 
>> [interceptor], j'aurais tendance à essayer la chose suivante :
>> [Interceptor]
>> driver = user.interceptor
>> device_type = x
>> ...
>> [[sensor_map_extensions]]
>> extraTemp1 = soil_temperature_1
>> extraTemp2 = soil_temperature_2
>> extraHumid1 = soil_moisture_1
>> extraHumid2 = soil_moisture_2
>> 3/ Si vous avez des sondes de température et hygrométrie *de sol*, ok 
>> pas de problème. En revanche si vous avez des sondes de température 
>> extérieures indiquant la température et l'hygrométrie de l'air ambiant, 
>> c'est curieux que le nom récupéré soit "soil_xxx".
>> Mais comme je vous l'indiquais, sur Awekas, quand je récupère via 
>> l'API les données envoyées par la base Bresser, les températures des sondes 
>> extérieures sont dans les bons champs, en revanche les hygrométries sont 
>> rentrées dans des hygrométries de sonde de sol..
>> C'est très curieux, et dixit le SAV de Bresser France, je ne suis pas 
>> le seul à avoir signalé la chose !
>> Côté Bresser "teutons", la cho

Re: [weewx-user] Interceptor + weewx + Bresser

2024-02-24 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
En effet je ne comprends pas pourquoi  je ne recupere pas "soil_moist1"  
(surtout que c'est la sonde fournie avec la station  !)  la 2eme est celle 
venant de mon ancienne station  FROGGIT WH-6000

Feb 24 17:36:14 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[78539] DEBUG user.interceptor: 
GET: ID=X&PASSWORD=&action=updateraww

Voici les data du broker MQTT Mosquitto  : je les récupère bien  :) 

"dateTime": "1708796739.0",
"barometer_mbar": "1022.0119463308273",
"outHumidity": "75.0",
"inHumidity": "56.0",
"outTemp_C": "7.665",
"inTemp_C": "19.886",
"windSpeed_kph": "0.0",
"windGust_kph": "0.0",
"radiation_Wpm2": "3.72",
"dewpoint_C": "3.4982",
"rain_cm": "0.0",
"UV": "0.0",
"extraTemp1_C": "19.557",
"extraTemp2_C": "21.5",
"extraHumid2": "60.0",
"soilTemp1_C": "19.557",
"soilTemp2_C": "21.5",
"soilMoist2_centibar": "60.0",
"pressure_mbar": "1016.6418288107507",
"altimeter_mbar": "1021.9243498035909",
"appTemp_C": "6.258531406558916",
"cloudbase_meter": "560.1920276267181",
"heatindex_C": "6.447222",
"humidex_C": "7.665",
"inDewpoint_C": "10.846055159346296",
"maxSolarRad_Wpm2": "0.004647852952143922",
"rainRate_cm_per_hour": "0.0",
"windchill_C": "7.665",
"hourRain_cm": "0.0",
"rain24_cm": "0.2794",
"dayRain_cm": "0.2794",
"usUnits": "16.0"

Le samedi 24 février 2024 à 17:01:50 UTC+1, Remy LAVABRE a écrit :

> Ok;.. Va pour la version FR.
> 1/ Dans le paquet généré il y a bien un "soil_most2" mais je ne vois pas 
> de "soil_moist1". Dans le RAW c'est la même chose : 'soil_moisture_2' mais 
> pas vu de 'soil_moisture_1'
> Avant d'aller plus loin, il y a peut-être déjà là quelque chose à 
> regarder qui ne marche pas bien... ?
> 2/ Dans la config de weewx, une fois résolu le point 1/, dans la section 
> [interceptor], j'aurais tendance à essayer la chose suivante :
> [Interceptor]
> driver = user.interceptor
> device_type = x
> ...
> [[sensor_map_extensions]]
> extraTemp1 = soil_temperature_1
> extraTemp2 = soil_temperature_2
> extraHumid1 = soil_moisture_1
> extraHumid2 = soil_moisture_2
> 3/ Si vous avez des sondes de température et hygrométrie *de sol*, ok pas 
> de problème. En revanche si vous avez des sondes de température extérieures 
> indiquant la température et l'hygrométrie de l'air ambiant, c'est curieux 
> que le nom récupéré soit "soil_xxx".
> Mais comme je vous l'indiquais, sur Awekas, quand je récupère via 
> l'API les données envoyées par la base Bresser, les températures des sondes 
> extérieures sont dans les bons champs, en revanche les hygrométries sont 
> rentrées dans des hygrométries de sonde de sol..
> C'est très curieux, et dixit le SAV de Bresser France, je ne suis pas 
> le seul à avoir signalé la chose !
> Côté Bresser "teutons", la chose ne semble pas trop leur poser de 
> problème métaphysiques... A moins que la modification du firmware de la 
> base de la station ne soit pas une de leurs priorités !
> *Rémy LAVABRE*
> Le sam. 24 févr. 2024 à 10:54, sc.lep...@gmail.com  
> a écrit :
>> Hello Remy (... et bonjour en Français  :) 
>>  On va le faire en Français  c'est plus simple  : 
>>  je récupère les data  via  interceptor en Wifi sur Weewx ... Toutes mes 
>> datas je les récupère correctement.
>> la valeur inTemp est celle de la base ca  ok .
>> mais  j'ai 2 sondes  en plus  et je voudrais également récupérer ces 
>> données  (soilTemp1 et soilTemp2) et ma question était comment paramétrer 
>> le driver interceptor
>> Sur le repo  github  ce n'est pas très clair

Re: [weewx-user] Interceptor + weewx + Bresser

2024-02-24 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hello Remy (... et bonjour en Français  :) 
 On va le faire en Français  c'est plus simple  : 
 je récupère les data  via  interceptor en Wifi sur Weewx ... Toutes mes 
datas je les récupère correctement.
la valeur inTemp est celle de la base ca  ok .
mais  j'ai 2 sondes  en plus  et je voudrais également récupérer ces 
données  (soilTemp1 et soilTemp2) et ma question était comment paramétrer 
le driver interceptor
Sur le repo  github  ce n'est pas très clair...

Mon site est ici  :  https://meteo-pontscorff.fr/ (il y a mes coordonnées 
Merci  !

Le samedi 24 février 2024 à 05:49:39 UTC+1, Remy LAVABRE a écrit :

> stephane hello,
> I said something stupid to you previously. interceptor intercepts at the 
> wifi level and not as I thought at the 400 or 800 Mhz radio level... sorry!
> so normal that you have inTemp and barometer! :-)
> I too have a Bresser station and retrieve data automatically from Awekas 
> in the absence of a USB output. I have several exterior sensors and there 
> is a somewhat similar problem. the hygrometer values ​​of the probes are 
> retrieved as hygrometer values ​​of the floor probes while the temperatures 
> are retrieved as temperatures of external probes.
> I reported this anomaly to Bresser in France who already reported it 
> almost a year ago, knowing that I was not the only one to have reported it 
> to them.
> I also reported the problem to Germany who basically told me it was 
> "normal" operation without explanation
> As I wrote a driver for weewx which retrieves data directly from Awekas at 
> regular intervals, I reverse the value fields myself...
> Le ven. 23 févr. 2024, 23:19, sc.lep...@gmail.com  a 
> écrit :
>> Hello 
>> I use  weewx  with interceptor : 
>> Feb 23 23:09:01 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[63190] DEBUG user.interceptor: 
>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 1708726142, 'usUnits': 1, 'rain_total': 0.09, 
>> 'barometer': 29.99, 'temperature_out': 34.7, 'humidity_out': 90.0, 
>> 'wind_speed': 0.0, 'wind_gust': 0.0, 'wind_dir': 138.0, 'dewpoint': 32.0, 
>> 'temperature_in': 66.2, 'humidity_in': 57.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'solar_radiation': 
>> 0.0, 'soil_temperature_1': 66.2, 'soil_temperature_2': 70.8, 
>> 'soil_moisture_2': 60.0, 'rain': None}
>> Feb 23 23:09:01 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[63190] DEBUG user.interceptor: 
>> mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1708726142, 'usUnits': 1, 'barometer': 29.99, 
>> 'outHumidity': 90.0, 'inHumidity': 57.0, 'outTemp': 34.7, 'inTemp': 66.2, 
>> 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windGust': 0.0, 'windDir': 138.0, 'radiation': 0.0, 
>> 'dewpoint': 32.0, 'rain': None, 'UV': 0.0, 'soilTemp1': 66.2, 'soilTemp2': 
>> 70.8, 'soilMoist2': 60.0}
>> I dont understand how to use :
>> soilTemp1': 66.2, '
>> soilTemp2': 70.8, '
>> soil_moist1': 60.0, 
>> soil_moist2': 60.0, 
>> I've 2 temperatures probes
>> Can someone explain me how to add this in weewx.conf ? 
>> in section  :
>>  [[sensor_map_extensions]]
>> ???inTemp = temperature_1
>>  ???   inHumidity = humidity_1
>>  ???   outTemp = temperature_4
>>   ???  outHumidity = humidity_4
>> Thanks a lot  ;) 
>> Stephane
>> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "weewx-user" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com.
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/c851119a-b274-4ecd-99a3-605d2e393946n%40googlegroups.com
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>> .

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[weewx-user] Interceptor + weewx + Bresser

2024-02-23 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I use  weewx  with interceptor : 

Feb 23 23:09:01 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[63190] DEBUG user.interceptor: 
raw packet: {'dateTime': 1708726142, 'usUnits': 1, 'rain_total': 0.09, 
'barometer': 29.99, 'temperature_out': 34.7, 'humidity_out': 90.0, 
'wind_speed': 0.0, 'wind_gust': 0.0, 'wind_dir': 138.0, 'dewpoint': 32.0, 
'temperature_in': 66.2, 'humidity_in': 57.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'solar_radiation': 
0.0, 'soil_temperature_1': 66.2, 'soil_temperature_2': 70.8, 
'soil_moisture_2': 60.0, 'rain': None}
Feb 23 23:09:01 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-BRESSER[63190] DEBUG user.interceptor: 
mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1708726142, 'usUnits': 1, 'barometer': 29.99, 
'outHumidity': 90.0, 'inHumidity': 57.0, 'outTemp': 34.7, 'inTemp': 66.2, 
'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windGust': 0.0, 'windDir': 138.0, 'radiation': 0.0, 
'dewpoint': 32.0, 'rain': None, 'UV': 0.0, 'soilTemp1': 66.2, 'soilTemp2': 
70.8, 'soilMoist2': 60.0}

I dont understand how to use :
soilTemp1': 66.2, '
soilTemp2': 70.8, '
soil_moist1': 60.0, 
soil_moist2': 60.0, 

I've 2 temperatures probes

Can someone explain me how to add this in weewx.conf ? 

in section  :
???inTemp = temperature_1
 ???   inHumidity = humidity_1
 ???   outTemp = temperature_4
  ???  outHumidity = humidity_4

Thanks a lot  ;) 


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[weewx-user] Re: New station ? : Bresser 7in1 6 days

2024-02-15 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hi , Perhaps my choice is this one : 
 I can use Interceptor  wi  wu-client on Weewx ... ( with weather 
Undeground protocol) 

But at this time  not available to buy  it  ;-(

... wait and see !

Le dimanche 4 février 2024 à 17:05:32 UTC+1, Remy Lavabre a écrit :

> Good morning,
> I have the same outdoor sensor but not the same base.
> The exterior sensor works perfectly but does not seem to me to be very 
> realistic in terms of wind speed. I think we can easily apply a factor x1.5 
> to get closer to reality...
> The minimum amount of rain needed to trigger is greater than the 6in1 
> station I had previously (0.5mm instead of 0.3mm it seems to me).
> The accumulators are recharged by the solar panel and have not (so far...) 
> caused me any problems.
> The big advantages of Bresser stations are:
> 1/ The price
> 2/ Average quality but acceptable given the price
> 3/ The guarantee (5 years after registration on their site). I took 
> advantage of it after 3 years of operation, they changed everything for me 
> with a game upgrade and taking the return transport costs at their expense. 
> Very correct at Bresser from this point of view
> The big drawback: the absence of a USB output unlike on my old 6in1 and 
> the need to tinker with a system for data recovery. And so if there is no 
> network, total and permanent loss of data!
> Le dimanche 4 février 2024 à 16:24:33 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :
>> Hello  
>> I want to change my  meteo (Froggit WH-6000) and I use it with 
>> interceptor plugin (Wifi). 
>> Several sensors are HS ( Temp Ext / rain  /)
>> I am interested in another station  : Bresser
>> https://www.bresser.de/fr/Temps/Centrale-meteo/Station-meteo-Wi-Fi-Previsions-6-jours-Capteur-7-en-1-solaire.html
>> I ve read several posts and  I  dont find 
>> Can someone help in my  choice ? 
>> Stephane

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[weewx-user] New station ? : Bresser 7in1 6 days

2024-02-04 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I want to change my  meteo (Froggit WH-6000) and I use it with interceptor 
plugin (Wifi). 
Several sensors are HS ( Temp Ext / rain  /)
I am interested in another station  : Bresser


I ve read several posts and  I  dont find 

Can someone help in my  choice ? 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
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to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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[weewx-user] Weewx Interceptor comand line

2023-02-09 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I want to use in command line  interceptor 
I use this  :  
# PYTHONPATH=bin python3 ./interceptor.py --device_type=wu_client 
--mode=listen --iface=eth0 --filter="src and dest 80"

root@meteo-Ubuntu:/usr/share/weewx/user# PYTHONPATH=bin python3 
./interceptor.py --device_type=wu_client --mode=listen --iface=eth0 
--filter="src and dest 80"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/weewx/user/./interceptor.py", line 301, in 
import weewx.drivers
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'weewx'

But I  have this  message 

Can someone help me and tell me how to do thgis correctly  ?

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"weewx-user" group.
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to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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[weewx-user] Re: separate log in interceptor Weewx extension

2023-01-01 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
It is not possible to  modify  interceptor.py  extension   ? to  log this  
That's a shame no  ? 

Le vendredi 30 décembre 2022 à 23:09:10 UTC+1, vince a écrit :

> Edit weewx.conf and set debug=1
> Then restart weewx
> No reason to alter interceptor.py
> On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 12:27:44 PM UTC-8 sc.lep...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Perhaps  yes but I  must put debug=1 to weewx config file to have theses 
>> lines 
>> And I dont know how to do this  in source of interceptor.py  file  !
>> Can you help me ? 
>> Le vendredi 30 décembre 2022 à 21:26:18 UTC+1, vince a écrit :
>>> Do it in rsyslog.d of course.
>>> On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 12:10:24 PM UTC-8 sc.lep...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I ve seen when debug=1 in weewx.conf in main log there are this :
>>>> Dec 30 20:52:37 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[1708329] DEBUG 
>>>> user.interceptor: raw packet: {'dateTime': 1672429957, 'usUnits': 1, 
>>>> 'rain_total': 0.32, 'barometer': 30.27, 'temperature_out': 56.6, 
>>>> 'humidity_out': 98.0, 'wind_speed': 3.1, 'wind_gust': 5.8, 'wind_dir': 
>>>> 146.0, 'dewpoint': 56.1, 'uv': 0.0, 'temperature_in': 67.2, 'humidity_in': 
>>>> 67.0, 'rain': 0.0} Dec 30 20:52:37 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[1708329] 
>>>> DEBUG user.interceptor: mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1672429957, 'usUnits': 
>>>> 1, 'barometer': 30.27, 'outHumidity': 98.0, 'inHumidity': 67.0, 'outTemp': 
>>>> 56.6, 'inTemp': 67.2, 'windSpeed': 3.1, 'windGust': 5.8, 'windDir': 146.0, 
>>>> 'dewpoint': 56.1, 'rain': 0.0, 'UV': 0.0}
>>>> I want to separate this log to interceptor-weewx.log for example
>>>> I can use rsyslog.d to separate my logs but I dont know how to do this 
>>>> in interceptor.py
>>>> Can someone help me ?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Stef

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[weewx-user] Re: separate log in interceptor Weewx extension

2022-12-30 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Perhaps  yes but I  must put debug=1 to weewx config file to have theses 
And I dont know how to do this  in source of interceptor.py  file  !

Can you help me ? 

Le vendredi 30 décembre 2022 à 21:26:18 UTC+1, vince a écrit :

> Do it in rsyslog.d of course.
> On Friday, December 30, 2022 at 12:10:24 PM UTC-8 sc.lep...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I ve seen when debug=1 in weewx.conf in main log there are this :
>> Dec 30 20:52:37 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[1708329] DEBUG 
>> user.interceptor: raw packet: {'dateTime': 1672429957, 'usUnits': 1, 
>> 'rain_total': 0.32, 'barometer': 30.27, 'temperature_out': 56.6, 
>> 'humidity_out': 98.0, 'wind_speed': 3.1, 'wind_gust': 5.8, 'wind_dir': 
>> 146.0, 'dewpoint': 56.1, 'uv': 0.0, 'temperature_in': 67.2, 'humidity_in': 
>> 67.0, 'rain': 0.0} Dec 30 20:52:37 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[1708329] 
>> DEBUG user.interceptor: mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1672429957, 'usUnits': 
>> 1, 'barometer': 30.27, 'outHumidity': 98.0, 'inHumidity': 67.0, 'outTemp': 
>> 56.6, 'inTemp': 67.2, 'windSpeed': 3.1, 'windGust': 5.8, 'windDir': 146.0, 
>> 'dewpoint': 56.1, 'rain': 0.0, 'UV': 0.0}
>> I want to separate this log to interceptor-weewx.log for example
>> I can use rsyslog.d to separate my logs but I dont know how to do this in 
>> interceptor.py
>> Can someone help me ?
>> Thanks
>> Stef

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"weewx-user" group.
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[weewx-user] separate log in interceptor Weewx extension

2022-12-30 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com

I ve seen when debug=1 in weewx.conf in main log there are this :

Dec 30 20:52:37 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[1708329] DEBUG user.interceptor: 
raw packet: {'dateTime': 1672429957, 'usUnits': 1, 'rain_total': 0.32, 
'barometer': 30.27, 'temperature_out': 56.6, 'humidity_out': 98.0, 
'wind_speed': 3.1, 'wind_gust': 5.8, 'wind_dir': 146.0, 'dewpoint': 56.1, 
'uv': 0.0, 'temperature_in': 67.2, 'humidity_in': 67.0, 'rain': 0.0} Dec 30 
20:52:37 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[1708329] DEBUG user.interceptor: mapped 
packet: {'dateTime': 1672429957, 'usUnits': 1, 'barometer': 30.27, 
'outHumidity': 98.0, 'inHumidity': 67.0, 'outTemp': 56.6, 'inTemp': 67.2, 
'windSpeed': 3.1, 'windGust': 5.8, 'windDir': 146.0, 'dewpoint': 56.1, 
'rain': 0.0, 'UV': 0.0}

I want to separate this log to interceptor-weewx.log for example

I can use rsyslog.d to separate my logs but I dont know how to do this in 

Can someone help me ?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
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to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: Weewx crash with interceptor extension

2022-12-26 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I  use this command  from 
#fusermount -u /root/.cache/doc

Le lundi 26 décembre 2022 à 13:24:48 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> My  Ubuntu  version : 
> *#lsb_release -a*
> Description:Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
> Release:22.04
> Codename:   jammy
> *#uname -a *
> Linux meteo-Ubuntu 5.15.0-56-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 22 19:54:14 
> UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>  yes When I  m trying to  use df command is the same problem ;-(
> root@meteo-Ubuntu:~# *df /root/.cache/doc/*
> df: /root/.cache/doc/: Opération non permise
> root@meteo-Ubuntu:~#
> I  m trying to find "the" solution 
> Le dimanche 25 décembre 2022 à 22:30:04 UTC+1, vince a écrit :
>> What version of ubuntu ?
>> Did you install the desktop or server version ?
>> Look up "Operation not permitted /root/.cache/doc" in Google.
>> This seems to be an os issue.
>> If you try "df" does it throw the same error ?
>> On Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 6:44:26 AM UTC-8 sc.lep...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I have a fresh installation of weewx (4.9.1) with interceptor extension  
>>> to sniff packet on my Froggit WH6000
>>> Dec 24 15:35:17 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] INFO 
>>> user.interceptor: shutting down server thread
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>> Caught OSError: [Errno 1] Opération non permise: '/root/.cache/doc'
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 214, in run
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.CHECK_LOOP, packet=packet))
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in 
>>> dispatchEvent
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     callback(event)
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 634, in check_loop
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     raise BreakLoop
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     weewx.engine.BreakLoop
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewxd", line 154, in main
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     engine.run()
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 221, in run
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.POST_LOOP))
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in 
>>> dispatchEvent
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     callback(event)
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 644, in post_loop
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>     self._software_catchup()
>>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__:   
>>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/e

[weewx-user] Re: Weewx crash with interceptor extension

2022-12-26 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
My  Ubuntu  version : 
*#lsb_release -a*
Description:Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Codename:   jammy

*#uname -a *
Linux meteo-Ubuntu 5.15.0-56-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 22 19:54:14 UTC 
2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 yes When I  m trying to  use df command is the same problem ;-(

root@meteo-Ubuntu:~# *df /root/.cache/doc/*
df: /root/.cache/doc/: Opération non permise

I  m trying to find "the" solution 

Le dimanche 25 décembre 2022 à 22:30:04 UTC+1, vince a écrit :

> What version of ubuntu ?
> Did you install the desktop or server version ?
> Look up "Operation not permitted /root/.cache/doc" in Google.
> This seems to be an os issue.
> If you try "df" does it throw the same error ?
> On Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 6:44:26 AM UTC-8 sc.lep...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I have a fresh installation of weewx (4.9.1) with interceptor extension  
>> to sniff packet on my Froggit WH6000
>> Dec 24 15:35:17 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] INFO user.interceptor: 
>> shutting down server thread
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> Caught OSError: [Errno 1] Opération non permise: '/root/.cache/doc'
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   Traceback (most recent call last):
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 214, in run
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.CHECK_LOOP, packet=packet))
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in dispatchEvent
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   callback(event)
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 634, in check_loop
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   raise BreakLoop
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   weewx.engine.BreakLoop
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   Traceback (most recent call last):
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewxd", line 154, in main
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   engine.run()
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 221, in run
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.POST_LOOP))
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in dispatchEvent
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   callback(event)
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 644, in post_loop
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   self._software_catchup()
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 715, in 
>> _software_catchup
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   self.engine.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD,
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in dispatchEvent
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>>   callback(event)
>> Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
>> Fi

[weewx-user] Weewx crash with interceptor extension

2022-12-24 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I have a fresh installation of weewx (4.9.1) with interceptor extension  to 
sniff packet on my Froggit WH6000

Dec 24 15:35:17 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] INFO user.interceptor: 
shutting down server thread
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Caught OSError: [Errno 1] Opération non permise: '/root/.cache/doc'
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 214, in run
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.CHECK_LOOP, packet=packet))
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in dispatchEvent
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 634, in check_loop
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  raise BreakLoop
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewxd", line 154, in main
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 221, in run
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in dispatchEvent
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 644, in post_loop
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 715, in 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 245, in dispatchEvent
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/user/cmon.py", line 723, in 
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  self.save_data(self.get_data(now, self.last_ts))
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/user/cmon.py", line 743, in get_data
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  record = self.collector.get_data(now_ts)
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
File "/usr/share/weewx/user/cmon.py", line 551, in get_data
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  st = os.statvfs(disk)
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  PermissionError: [Errno 1] Opération non permise: '/root/.cache/doc'
Dec 24 15:35:18 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] CRITICAL __main__: 
  Waiting 10 seconds then retrying...
Dec 24 15:35:28 meteo-Ubuntu weewx-FROGGIT[235056] INFO __main__: 

I use Weewx in no sudo ( in root user)  
 I  cannot change permission this  : 
Caught OSError: [Errno 1] Opération non permise: '/root/.cache/doc'

And I dont know why this directory  ! ?

Can someone help me  ? 
And Happy Christmas ...


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.

Re: [weewx-user] Re: Display earthquakes using RENASS network

2021-02-08 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com

Arf la faute   j'avais oublié les S majuscules  ^^
Concernant l'insertion des lignes  : 
sur le  fichier belchertown "non modifié d'origine"  : 

ligne 1065
 elif self.generator.skin_dict["Extras"]["earthquake_server"] == "ReNaSS": 
earthquake_url = ( 
% (latitude, longitude) )

ligne  1141
elif self.generator.skin_dict["Extras"]["earthquake_server"] == "ReNaSS": 
eqtime = eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["time"] # convert time to UNIX 
format eqtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(eqtime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") 
eqtime = int( (eqtime - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() ) 
equrl = eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["url"] eqplace = 
eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["description"] eqmag = locale.format( 
"%g", float(eqdata["features"][0]["properties"]["mag"]) )

Merci  bcp  


Vous pouvez regarder le resultat ici :  


A bientôt

Le lundi 8 février 2021 à 22:04:16 UTC+1, didier@gmail.com a écrit :

> Ho Stephane
> Attention aux majuscules
> Il faut écrire dans le sein.conf ou weewx.conf
> ReNaSS
> Avec 2 S en majuscules comme écrit dans le .py
> Dans le .py l’ajout se fait à 2 endroits
> Didier 
> Le lun. 8 févr. 2021 à 21:54, sc.lep...@gmail.com  a 
> écrit :
>> hello
>>  I dont  know how to merge you simple code in "belchertonw.py" file. ( 
>> line  1069)  
>> I modify "skin.conf"  like this  (line 84) :
>> earthquake_stale = 3600
>> earthsquale_server = ReNass
>> I try several thinks but always I ve mistakes when  I  use this comand 
>> wee_reports  
>> I find your belchertown.py file in your  git  here   
>> https://github.com/ddperso/weewx-belchertown
>> I try also but doesn t  work well...
>> If you can help  me  Best regards 
>> Thansk a lot  ;) 
>> Stephane
>>  In french 
>> Bonsoir
>> je viens d'essayer d'intégrer votre bout de code dans le fichier 
>> belchertown.py.
>> je pense qu'il faut intégrer votre code aux alentours des lignes 1069
>> J'ai modifié le fichier skin.conf (ligne 84)
>> Je génère les rapports via wee_report s et j'ai des stacks d'erreurs ( 
>> que je peux regénérer) 
>> J'ai des erreurs et je ne comprends vraiment pas
>> J'ai tenté également votre fichier pris sur  votre dépot et j'ai les meme 
>> soucis .
>> Si vous pouvez m'aider  ;) 
>> Merci  bcp 
>> Stephane
>> Le mercredi 3 février 2021 à 12:33:41 UTC+1, didier@gmail.com a 
>> écrit :
>>> I have made modifications in Belchertown skin
>>> see Issue https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/issues/561
>>> Le mardi 2 février 2021 à 10:38:25 UTC+1, didier@gmail.com a écrit :
>>>> Hi
>>>> Today in Belchertown skin, we can display USGS and GEONET earthquakes.
>>>> I would like to add RENASS network.
>>>> Renass can be reached by a url and gives a json answer, exemple:
>>>> https://renass.unistra.fr/fdsnws/event/1/query?latitude=46.6&longitude=1.9&maxradius=9&minmagnitude=1&orderby=time&starttime=2021-01-18&format=json
>>>> and result is :
>>>> { "bbox": [ -3.621, 41.399, 9.87, 49.682 ], "features": [ { "geometry": 
>>>> { "coordinates": [ 6.953, 44.888, -10 ], "type": "Point" }, "id": 
>>>> "6018e3eb6dc5b1490661b451", "properties": { "description": "S\u00e9isme de 
>>>> magnitude 1.3 \u00e0 31km de Pinerolo", "evaluationMode": "manual", "mag": 
>>>> 1.3, "magType": "MLv", "place": "FRANCE", "time": 
>>>> "2021-02-02T05:30:08.834000Z", "type": "earthquake", "url": "
>>>> https://renass.unistra.fr/evenements/6018e3eb6dc5b1490661b451"; }, 
>>>> "type": "Feature" }, { "geometry": { "coordinat

[weewx-user] Re: Display earthquakes using RENASS network

2021-02-08 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
 I dont  know how to merge you simple code in "belchertonw.py" file. ( 
line  1069)  
I modify "skin.conf"  like this  (line 84) :

earthquake_stale = 3600
earthsquale_server = ReNass

I try several thinks but always I ve mistakes when  I  use this comand 
I find your belchertown.py file in your  git  here  
I try also but doesn t  work well...

If you can help  me  Best regards 
Thansk a lot  ;) 


 In french 
je viens d'essayer d'intégrer votre bout de code dans le fichier 
je pense qu'il faut intégrer votre code aux alentours des lignes 1069
J'ai modifié le fichier skin.conf (ligne 84)
Je génère les rapports via wee_report s et j'ai des stacks d'erreurs ( que 
je peux regénérer) 
J'ai des erreurs et je ne comprends vraiment pas

J'ai tenté également votre fichier pris sur  votre dépot et j'ai les meme 
soucis .

Si vous pouvez m'aider  ;) 

Merci  bcp 


Le mercredi 3 février 2021 à 12:33:41 UTC+1, didier@gmail.com a écrit :

> I have made modifications in Belchertown skin
> see Issue https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/issues/561
> Le mardi 2 février 2021 à 10:38:25 UTC+1, didier@gmail.com a écrit :
>> Hi
>> Today in Belchertown skin, we can display USGS and GEONET earthquakes.
>> I would like to add RENASS network.
>> Renass can be reached by a url and gives a json answer, exemple:
>> https://renass.unistra.fr/fdsnws/event/1/query?latitude=46.6&longitude=1.9&maxradius=9&minmagnitude=1&orderby=time&starttime=2021-01-18&format=json
>> and result is :
>> { "bbox": [ -3.621, 41.399, 9.87, 49.682 ], "features": [ { "geometry": { 
>> "coordinates": [ 6.953, 44.888, -10 ], "type": "Point" }, "id": 
>> "6018e3eb6dc5b1490661b451", "properties": { "description": "S\u00e9isme de 
>> magnitude 1.3 \u00e0 31km de Pinerolo", "evaluationMode": "manual", "mag": 
>> 1.3, "magType": "MLv", "place": "FRANCE", "time": 
>> "2021-02-02T05:30:08.834000Z", "type": "earthquake", "url": "
>> https://renass.unistra.fr/evenements/6018e3eb6dc5b1490661b451"; }, 
>> "type": "Feature" }, { "geometry": { "coordinates": [ 4.436, 47.195, 0 ], 
>> "type": "Point" }, "id": "6018079d2d270784e6057f05",
>> ...
>>   As I am not a strong programmer, is somebody can add this option?
>> Many thanks for your help
>> Didier

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Re: [weewx-user] error in generated file in simple template

2021-01-25 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hello  Gary  

Its OK after changed   like you write  ;) 
Thanks a lot 
Perhaps différence in Python and Python3

Thanks @all and Have a nice day ;) 

Le dimanche 24 janvier 2021 à 23:08:51 UTC+1, gjr80 a écrit :

> No need to make such drastic changes. True it is a python 2/python3 issue 
> but the fix is far simpler. The clue is in the error message:
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator:  Reason: '>' not supported between instances of 
> 'str' and 'int'
> An expression involving > in the template is using a string and an integer 
> as operands and python3 doesn’t like the string (whereas python2 will 
> accept a numeric string). Looking through the template there are five 
> instances where > is used in an expression. Three of these use .raw on 
> the left hand side of the > so they are not using a string. The remaining 
> two are using .formatted on the left hand side of the > and 
> .formatted does return a string. So that suggests the following lines 
> are the source of the error:
> #if $trend.windSpeed.formatted > 0
> ⇧
> #elif $trend.windSpeed.formatted < 0
> ⇩
> I can see no reason to use .formatted over .raw in this case so try 
> changing the above lines in /etc/weewx/skins/simple/index.html.tmpl to:
> #if $trend.windSpeed.raw > 0
> ⇧
> #elif $trend.windSpeed.raw < 0
> ⇩
> Save the template and see how that goes on the next report cycle, no need 
> to restart WeeWX.
> Gary
> On Monday, 25 January 2021 at 07:46:05 UTC+10 lang@googlemail.com 
> wrote:
>> I think, if you also install python2 (they can be both on the same 
>> machine) 
>> and change in /etc/default/weewx
>> the WEEWX_PYTHON entry into 
>> WEEWX_PYTHON=python2
>> and then restart weewx, it should work.
>> Once the skin has been updated and tested for Python3, you can change it 
>> back to python3 again.
>> On 24.01.2021 22:29, Rainer Lang wrote:
>> So it appears - just tested and saw that under Python 2.7.16 the skin 
>> runs without problems. Weewx is 4.3.0
>> On 24.01.2021 22:08, John Kline wrote:
>> It seems weewx-simple does not (yet) support Python 3.
>> On Jan 24, 2021, at 12:46 PM, sc.lep...@gmail.com  
>> wrote:
>> Hello 
>> I used the simple template  from 
>> https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-simple
>> My platform 
>> Debian10 / Python 3 /last Weewx (4.3.0) 
>> When I activate simple template  I ve this error  :
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generate failed with exception ''
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator:  Ignoring template 
>> /etc/weewx/skins/simple/index.html.tmpl
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator:  Reason: '>' not supported between instances of 
>> 'str' and 'int'
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator:   Traceback (most recent call last):
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator: File 
>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 323, in generate
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator:   unicode_string = 
>> compiled_template.respond()
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator: File 
>> "cheetah__etc_weewx_skins_simple_index_html_tmpl_1611519616_295277_76818.py",
>> line 1554, in respond
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator:   TypeError: '>' not supported between 
>> instances of 'str' and 'int'
>> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] INFO 
>> weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 0 files for report simple in 0.08 seconds
>> Can someone help me  ?
>> Thanks 
>> Stéphane
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "weewx-user" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/c48a3315-cee6-41ae-9218-c7c6a6926b67n%40googlegroups.com

Re: [weewx-user] Re: error in generated file in simple template

2021-01-24 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I dont modify the file   (from archive)  
 i rename the file in txt file 

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## simple for weewx - Copyright 2013-2014 Matthew Wall
## $Id: index.html.tmpl 1321 2015-06-08 15:25:25Z mwall $
#errorCatcher Echo
#encoding UTF-8

$station.location Weather

body {
  font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 10pt;
  background-color: $Extras.BG_COLOR;
  color: $Extras.FG_COLOR;
h1 {
  font-size: 110%;
h2 {
  font-size: 100%;
a:link {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: $Extras.LINK_COLOR;
a:hover {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: $Extras.HOVER_COLOR;
  background-color: $Extras.HOVER_BG_COLOR;
a:visited {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: $Extras.VISITED_COLOR;

#header {
  clear: both;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

#content {
  clear: both;

#station_info {
  float: left;
  line-height: 95%;
.station_title {
  font-size: 120%;
  font-weight: bold;
.station_location {
  font-size: 75%;
.station_time {
  font-size: 75%;

.data_graphs {
.data_table {
  float: right;

#footer {
  padding-top: 50px;
#footer table {
  font-size: 8pt;
  font-style: italic;
  color: #aa;
#footer td.label {
  text-align: right;

.metrics_table {
  font-size: 80%;
.metric_name {
  text-align: right;
.metric_large {
  text-align: left;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 230%;
  color: $Extras.LARGE_COLOR;
.metric_value {
  text-align: left;
  font-weight: bold;
.metric_units {
  text-align: left;
.hilo_time {
  text-align: left;
  color: #aa;
  font-size: 85%;
.heatindex {
  color: $Extras.HEATINDEX_COLOR;
.windchill {
  color: $Extras.WINDCHILL_COLOR;
.table_heading {
  font-size: 80%;
  color: #88;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #cc;

.navigation {
  float: right;
.period {
  padding-left: 25px;
  padding-right: 25px;
  padding-top: 2px;
  padding-bottom: 2px;
  background-color: $Extras.BG_COLOR;
  border: 1px solid $Extras.VISITED_COLOR;
  cursor: pointer;
.period_selected {
  padding-left: 25px;
  padding-right: 25px;
  padding-top: 2px;
  padding-bottom: 2px;
  background-color: $Extras.HOVER_BG_COLOR;
  border: 1px solid $Extras.VISITED_COLOR;
  cursor: pointer;

var periods = ['day','week','month','year'];
function choose(id) {
  for(var i=0; i 6
#elif $trend.barometer.raw > 3
#elif $trend.barometer.raw > 0.5
#elif $trend.barometer.raw < -6
#elif $trend.barometer.raw < -3
#elif $trend.barometer.raw < 0.5
#end if
#end if
#end if



#if $current.windDir.raw is None:
#if $current.windDir.raw < 22.5
#elif $current.windDir.raw < 67.5
#elif $current.windDir.raw < 112.5
#elif $current.windDir.raw < 157.5
#elif $current.windDir.raw < 202.5
#elif $current.windDir.raw < 247.5
#elif $current.windDir.raw < 292.5
#elif $current.windDir.raw < 337.5
#end if
#end if

  $day.wind.avg.formatted avg

#if $varExists('trend')

[weewx-user] Re: error in generated file in simple template

2021-01-24 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
not exactly when I activated this extension , but when cheetahgenerator ;) 

Le dimanche 24 janvier 2021 à 21:46:47 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> Hello
> I used the simple template  from 
> https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-simple
> My platform 
> Debian10 / Python 3 /last Weewx (4.3.0) 
> When I activate simple template  I ve this error  :
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generate failed with exception ''
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator:  Ignoring template 
> /etc/weewx/skins/simple/index.html.tmpl
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator:  Reason: '>' not supported between instances of 
> 'str' and 'int'
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator:   Traceback (most recent call last):
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator: File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 323, in generate
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator:   unicode_string = 
> compiled_template.respond()
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator: File 
> "cheetah__etc_weewx_skins_simple_index_html_tmpl_1611519616_295277_76818.py", 
> line 1554, in respond
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator:   TypeError: '>' not supported between 
> instances of 'str' and 'int'
> Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] INFO 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 0 files for report simple in 0.08 seconds
> Can someone help me  ?
> Thanks 
> Stéphane

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[weewx-user] error in generated file in simple template

2021-01-24 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com

I used the simple template  from https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-simple

My platform 
Debian10 / Python 3 /last Weewx (4.3.0) 

When I activate simple template  I ve this error  :

Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generate failed with exception ''
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator:  Ignoring template 
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator:  Reason: '>' not supported between instances of 
'str' and 'int'
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator:   Traceback (most recent call last):
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 323, in generate
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator:   unicode_string = 
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator: File 
line 1554, in respond
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] ERROR 
weewx.cheetahgenerator:   TypeError: '>' not supported between 
instances of 'str' and 'int'
Jan 24 21:20:16 debian-weewx weewx-WMR200[13641] INFO 
weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 0 files for report simple in 0.08 seconds

Can someone help me  ?


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Re: [weewx-user] Weewx 4.3.0 and weewx multi on a fresh install

2021-01-23 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hello  back 

systemctl is the default system to start /stop / manage service on a Debian 
10 / Ubuntu  Centos 7 /8 and in future  Centos  Stream ( ?) 
the two systems coexist (init.d and systemctl) : We can use start / stop 
system via init.d  ,  the weex-multi script is for this system and dont 
work fine  with systemctl service.

I find a wiki page   here https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/systemd  by 
CameronD73 ( but  I dont find  how to contact his author) 

So  i use this system  for  my WMR200 station (weewx-WMR200.service) and 
another file service  wwewx-FROGGIT.service : 
(this file is in tar.gz source weewx).

I put them in /etc/system.d/system/

stef@debian-weewx:/etc/systemd/system$ ls  -l weewx*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 460 janv. 22 23:41 weewx-FROGGIT.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 455 janv. 22 23:41 weewx-WMR200.service

I unsunscribe the init.d service ("weewx service") from init.d  (rc)

And now  , I ve to service which control my 2 stations ! 

stef@debian-weewx:/etc/systemd/system$ ps  -ef | grep weewx
avahi  474 1  0 13:32 ?00:00:00 avahi-daemon: running 
root   559 1  0 13:32 ?00:00:04 python3 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label weewx-FROGGIT 
--pidfile=/run/weewx-FROGGIT.pid /etc/weewx/FROGGIT.conf
root   632 1  0 13:32 ?00:00:04 python3 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label weewx-WMR200 
--pidfile=/run/weewx-WMR200.pid /etc/weewx/WMR200.conf
stef  1684  1643  0 13:56 pts/000:00:00 grep weewx

I will write a post blog on my website in few days.

Perhaps weex-multi must be write for systemctl control service 

Thansk a lot every one  ! 

I ve got a solution  ;) 

Thanks  Gary, Vince, Eddy 


Le samedi 23 janvier 2021 à 03:21:45 UTC+1, graha...@gmail.com a écrit :

> hmm just recalled that was only for weewx process owned by non-root user - 
> presumably not relevant
> On 23 Jan 2021, at 1:18 pm, Graham Eddy  wrote:
> this sounds like the posting i made about 12 months ago where ‘stop’ does 
> not work because the options on start-stop-daemon changed and you had to 
> add an extra argument - without the new arg the ‘stop’ silently fails
> On 23 Jan 2021, at 9:02 am, vince  wrote:
> Gary - I would agree that 'stop' does not work on a debian10 system but 
> 'start' works fine.   Same problem exists regardless of whether you use the 
> init.d file directly or if you use systemctl to let systemd control the 
> processes.  Start works.  Stop silently does nothing.  Nothing I could see 
> in the logs to indicate that it even tried to shut the processes down. 

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Weewx 4.3.0 and weewx multi on a fresh install

2021-01-22 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hello Gary

I ve tried to reinstall on a fresh install
I install a fresh DEBIAN 10 and by default debian 10 use  systemctl to 
control service.

It s possible to start / stop weewx with single script (by default)  
systemctl start weewx   or systemctl stop weewx : it work well 

I ve found this wiki page   here  
:  https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/systemd
this page explain to register weewx but with systemctl service

I want to  install  2 stations 

I dont find anywhere  for weewx-mutli , I found only  here :  
this work only for start ( the 2 process start with good log and good conf 

like this  :
root  4835 1  0 21:13 ?00:00:02 python3 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label weewx-WMR200 
--pidfile=/var/run/weewx-WMR200.pid /etc/weewx/WMR200.conf
root  4847 1  0 21:13 ?00:00:02 python3 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label weewx-FROGGIT 
--pidfile=/var/run/weewx-FROGGIT.pid /etc/weewx/FROGGIT.conf

but it s impossible to stop these process.

I  m looking for weewx-multi scripts but for systemctl system
Can you help me or someone ?

Best regards 


Le lundi 18 janvier 2021 à 08:18:40 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> Hello
> the file weewx.txt :is the file in /etc/init.d/
> the file etc-default-weewx.txt  is the file in /etc/default/weewx
> I ve used it on a old install well but since I install on a fresh install  
> , I ve problem with the path   (weewx-multi doesnt find the "good path" of 
> weewxd
> Thanks a lot 
> Stéphane
> Le dim. 17 janv. 2021 à 23:31, gjr80  a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> It would be helpful to see the WeeWX service file you are using and the 
>> corresponding defaults. Assuming you followed the weewx-multi 
>> <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/weewx-multi> instructions in the 
>> wiki the service file should be /etc/init.d/weewx and the defaults 
>> /etc/default/weewx-multi. Please post the contents of both here.
>>> FYI : ( I ve posted the same post in weewx developpement group) 
>> Also, perhaps you did not read the weewx-user banner:
>> There is a separate group, weewx-development, for developers who are 
>> actively working on extensions and the weewx codebase. 
>> *Please do not cross-post to both weewx-user and weewx-development!*
>> Cross posting doesn't get you any more help any faster, in fact it just 
>> slows things down as we have twice as much to read.
>> Gary
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
>> Google Groups "weewx-user" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/weewx-user/nlg3qFnlWB8/unsubscribe.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to 
>> weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/f06ec671-467f-48ad-9ee8-f945d23a07acn%40googlegroups.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/f06ec671-467f-48ad-9ee8-f945d23a07acn%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .

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[weewx-user] Weewx 4.3.0 and weewx multi on a fresh install

2021-01-17 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
FYI : ( I ve posted the same post in weewx developpement group) 

I reinstall from scratch my raspberry Pi 
I decided to install python3 by default  ( *now I use  python2*)  
I decided to install weewx 4.3.0 latest release

But  I decided to install weewx-multi ( i have 2 stations  an old WMR200 
with the good driver) 
and a new Froggit)
I install weewx-multi 
But  It seems there is a little bug when I want to stop service ...
When I start  : 

root@rpi-weewx:/etc/init.d# systemctl status weewx.service
● weewx.service - LSB: weewx-multi
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/weewx; generated)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2021-01-13 22:12:26 CET; 7s 
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 6148 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/weewx start (code=exited, 
Tasks: 6 (limit: 2063)
   CGroup: /system.slice/weewx.service
   └─6163 python /usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label 
weewx-WMR200 --pidfile=/var/run/weewx-WMR200.pid /etc/weewx/WMR200.conf

janv. 13 22:12:27 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
weewx.restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
janv. 13 22:12:27 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
weewx.restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
janv. 13 22:12:27 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO __main__: 
Starting up weewx version 4.3.0
janv. 13 22:12:27 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
weewx.engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to database 'weewx-WMR200.sdb'
janv. 13 22:12:27 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
weewx.manager: Starting backfill of daily summaries
janv. 13 22:12:28 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
user.wmr200: Time drift between host and console in seconds:29
janv. 13 22:12:32 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
user.wmr200: genStartup() Still receiving archive packets cnt:0 len:1
janv. 13 22:12:32 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
user.wmr200: Using pc time adjusting archive record time by 29 sec 
2021-01-13 06:21:00 CET (1610515260) => 2021-01-13 06:21:29 CET (1610515289)
janv. 13 22:12:32 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
weewx.manager: Added record 2021-01-13 06:21:29 CET (1610515289) to 
database 'weewx-WMR200.sdb'
janv. 13 22:12:32 rpi-weewx python[6163]: weewx-WMR200[6163] INFO 
weewx.manager: Added record 2021-01-13 06:21:29 CET (1610515289) to daily 
summary in 'weewx-WMR200.sdb'

 this is important i thing  :  
6163 python /usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --log-label weewx-WMR200 
--pidfile=/var/run/weewx-WMR200.pid /etc/weewx/WMR200.conf  

But When I want to stop the weewx service 
never this PID is killed ;-( ...

Perhaps I ve make some mistakes

Someone help me ? 
Best regards

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: Installation libpcap for Interceptor and Froggit WH6000 on rpi2

2021-01-10 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
 My own answer
  i try several solutions and the last is good  ;) 

Architecture armhf
dpkg  -i  python-pypcap_1.1.2+debian-2.2_armhf.deb

It's ok now   ;) 

Jan 10 21:06:22 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
is sniff
Jan 10 21:06:22 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
Jan 10 21:06:22 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
filter 'src and dst port 80'
Jan 10 21:06:22 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: *pypcap 
Jan 10 21:06:22 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
start sniff server
Jan 10 21:09:13 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
is listen
Jan 10 21:09:13 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: listen 
on :80
Jan 10 21:09:13 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
start tcp server
Jan 10 21:09:21 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: GET: 
Jan 10 21:09:21 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: using 
rain_total 0.0 from dailyrainin

Le dimanche 10 janvier 2021 à 18:31:54 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> and another log (from syslog)  
> Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
> is sniff
> Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
> iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
> Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
> filter 'src and dst port 80'
> Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: 
> *pylibpcap 
> (unknown)*
> Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
> start sniff server
> Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
> is sniff
> Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
> iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
> Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
> filter 'src and dst port 80'
> Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread:* 
> pylibpcap (unknown)*
> Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
> start sniff server
> Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
> is sniff
> Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
> iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
> Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
> filter 'src and dst port 80'
> Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: 
> pylibpcap (unknown)
> Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
> start sniff server
> Le dimanche 10 janvier 2021 à 14:50:29 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a 
> écrit :
>> Here is some  logs  :
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: 
>> Initializing weewx version 4.2.0
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Using 
>> Python 2.7.3 (default, Nov 24 2017, 21:13:24) #012[GCC 4.6.3]
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Platform 
>> Linux-5.10.5-v7+-armv7l-with-debian-7.11
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Locale is 
>> 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: PID file 
>> is /var/run/weewx-FROGGIT.pid
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO __main__: Using 
>> configuration file /home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO __main__: Debug is 0
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO weewx.engine: 
>> Loading station type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
>> driver version is 0.53
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
>> device type: wu-client
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
>> mode is sniff
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
>> sniff iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
>> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
>> sniff filter 'ds

[weewx-user] Re: Installation libpcap for Interceptor and Froggit WH6000 on rpi2

2021-01-10 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
and another log (from syslog)  

Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
is sniff
Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
filter 'src and dst port 80'
Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: *pylibpcap 
Jan 10 15:17:05 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
start sniff server
Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
is sniff
Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
filter 'src and dst port 80'
Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread:* 
pylibpcap (unknown)*
Jan 10 15:17:34 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
start sniff server
Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: mode 
is sniff
Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: sniff 
filter 'src and dst port 80'
Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: MainThread: 
pylibpcap (unknown)
Jan 10 15:24:14 raspberrypi interceptor.py: interceptor: ServerThread: 
start sniff server

Le dimanche 10 janvier 2021 à 14:50:29 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> Here is some  logs  :
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: 
> Initializing weewx version 4.2.0
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Using 
> Python 2.7.3 (default, Nov 24 2017, 21:13:24) #012[GCC 4.6.3]
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Platform 
> Linux-5.10.5-v7+-armv7l-with-debian-7.11
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Locale is 
> 'fr_FR.UTF-8'
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: PID file 
> is /var/run/weewx-FROGGIT.pid
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO __main__: Using 
> configuration file /home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO __main__: Debug is 0
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO weewx.engine: 
> Loading station type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
> driver version is 0.53
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
> device type: wu-client
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
> mode is sniff
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
> sniff iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
> sniff filter 'dst port 80'
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] ERROR weewx.engine: 
> Import of driver failed: in method 'pcapObject_open_live', argument 2 of 
> type 'char *' ()
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>    Traceback (most recent call last):
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>  File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 109, in setupStation
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>    self.console = loader_function(config_dict, self)
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>  File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 315, in loader
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>    return InterceptorDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME])
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>  File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 2522, in __init__
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>    self._device = 
> self.DEVICE_TYPES.get(self._device_type)(**stn_dict)
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>  File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 728, in __init__
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>    WUClient.Parser(), handler=WUClient.Handler, **stn_dict)
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
>  File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 427, in __init__
> Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine

[weewx-user] Re: Installation libpcap for Interceptor and Froggit WH6000 on rpi2

2021-01-10 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com

Here is some  logs  :

Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: 
Initializing weewx version 4.2.0
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Using 
Python 2.7.3 (default, Nov 24 2017, 21:13:24) #012[GCC 4.6.3]
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Platform 
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: Locale is 
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11691] INFO __main__: PID file is 
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO __main__: Using 
configuration file /home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO __main__: Debug is 0
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO weewx.engine: Loading 
station type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
driver version is 0.53
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
device type: wu-client
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
mode is sniff
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
sniff iface=wlan0 promiscuous=0
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] INFO user.interceptor: 
sniff filter 'dst port 80'
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] ERROR weewx.engine: Import 
of driver failed: in method 'pcapObject_open_live', argument 2 of type 
'char *' ()
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   Traceback (most recent call last):
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
 File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 109, in setupStation
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   self.console = loader_function(config_dict, self)
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
 File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 315, in loader
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   return InterceptorDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME])
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
 File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 2522, in __init__
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   self._device = 
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
 File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 728, in __init__
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   WUClient.Parser(), handler=WUClient.Handler, **stn_dict)
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
 File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 427, in __init__
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   iface, pcap_filter, promiscuous)
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
 File "/home/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 469, in __init__
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   self.sniffer.open_live(iface, snaplen, pval, timeout_ms)
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pcap.py", line 108, in 
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   def open_live(self, *args): return 
_pcap.pcapObject_open_live(self, *args)
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL weewx.engine:
   TypeError: in method 'pcapObject_open_live', argument 2 of type 
'char *'
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL __main__: Unable 
to load driver: in method 'pcapObject_open_live', argument 2 of type 'char 
Jan 10 14:47:28 raspberrypi weewx-FROGGIT[11696] CRITICAL __main__:

Can someone  help me . 

Le samedi 9 janvier 2021 à 22:39:27 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> Hello 
> I want to use Interceptor Wifi for  my Froggit Station .
> I try to install librairy libpcap on my rpi2
> I use all these but nok  ;-( 
>1. sudo pip install pypcap 
>2. sudo apt-get install python-libpcap 
>3. sudo apt-get install libcap-dev 
> So i try to find another way  : 
> wget 
> http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/python-libpcap/python-libpcap_0.6.4-1_armhf.deb
> And installation by dkpg  :
>  dpkg -i python-libpcap_0.6.4-1_armhf.deb
> Can someone tell me if my libpcap will work fine ? 
> Than

[weewx-user] Installation libpcap for Interceptor and Froggit WH6000 on rpi2

2021-01-09 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I want to use Interceptor Wifi for  my Froggit Station .

I try to install librairy libpcap on my rpi2

I use all these but nok  ;-( 

   1. sudo pip install pypcap 
   2. sudo apt-get install python-libpcap 
   3. sudo apt-get install libcap-dev 

So i try to find another way  : 


And installation by dkpg  :
 dpkg -i python-libpcap_0.6.4-1_armhf.deb

Can someone tell me if my libpcap will work fine ? 

Thansk a lot 
Best regards 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: wee_import from Weather underground twice a day

2020-12-19 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hello back Gary  ! 

I try it and its good  ! 

My script is working  with no prompt  !

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/Froggit# ./recup_wu.sh
Using WeeWX configuration file /home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf
Starting wee_import...
Observation history for Weather Underground station 'IPONTS4' will be 
Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
Missing derived observations will be calculated.
Observations timestamped after 2020-12-18 00:00:00 CET (1608246000) and up 
to and
including 2020-12-19 00:00:00 CET (1608332400) will be imported.
Starting import ...
Records covering multiple periods have been identified for import.
Period 1 ...
Unique records processed: 271; Last timestamp: 2020-12-18 22:34:52 CET 
Period 2 ...
Period 2 - no records identified for import.
Calculating missing derived observations ...
Processing record: 271; Last record: 2020-12-19 00:00:00 CET (1608332400)
Recalculating daily summaries...

Finished recalculating daily summaries
Finished calculating missing derived observations
Finished import
271 records were processed and 271 unique records imported in 9.11 seconds.
Those records with a timestamp already in the archive will not have been
imported. Confirm successful import in the WeeWX log file.

Just a little detail   your versionning  : 

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --version
Using WeeWX configuration file /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/weewx.conf
wee_import version: 0.5

(you can see it here  
: https://meteo-pontscorff.fr/station-froggit-template-belchertown/ )

Thanks a lot !
Best regards 

Le samedi 19 décembre 2020 à 12:04:35 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> Hello  Gary,
>  Sorry  for my non answer ! I dont see  it  , 
> I m trying this as soon as possible and   will give a feed back
> Thanks a lot for this  !
> Best regards
> stéphane
> Le dimanche 22 novembre 2020 à 02:36:44 UTC+1, gjr80 a écrit :
>> Stephane,
>> I have implemented a --no-prompt command line option for wee_import. 
>> --no-prompt will cause 'y' to be automatically accepted for all y/n 
>> prompts. To use it you just add it to your existing command line, eg:
>> $ /home/weewx/bin/wee_import --import-config=/var/tmp/wu.conf 
>> --date=2020-11-15 --no-prompt
>> Since you are using WeeWX v4.2.0 you can try out the --no-prompt capable 
>> wee_import as follows (the following assumes you have WeeWX installed in 
>> the directory /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0):
>> 1. move aside your existing wee_import and weeimport.py:
>> $ cp /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import 
>> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import_orig
>> $ cp /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/weeimport/weeimport.py 
>> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/weeimport/weeimport_orig.py
>> 2. download the updated wee_import and weeimport.py from github:
>> $ wget -P /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin 
>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weewx/weewx/wee_import_no_prompt/bin/wee_import
>> $ wget -P /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/weeimport 
>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weewx/weewx/wee_import_no_prompt/bin/weeimport/weeimport.py
>> 3. run wee_import with the --help action to see the revised usage:
>> $ /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --help
>> 4. run wee_import with --no-prompt, I suggest you try running wee_import 
>> with --no-prompt interactively from the command line before setting your 
>> cron script to use it.
>> Please let me know how you go, if successful I will arrange for 
>> --no-prompt to be included in the 4.3.0 release.
>> Gary
>> On Friday, 20 November 2020 at 02:54:44 UTC+10 sc.lep...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi Gary, Thanks a lot for your answer  ...
>>> there is option - - dry-run  so if you can implemente  - - no-prompt it 
>>> will be very good 
>>> Stephane
>>> Le mardi 17 novembre 2020 à 08:37:56 UTC+1, gjr80 a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> There is presently no support in wee_import for 
>>>> suppressing/bypassing/automatically answering the y/n prompt in 
>>>> wee_import, we never envisioned wee_import being used in that manner. 
>>>> Implementing something like the --no-prompt command line option in 
>>>> wee_config should be possible and fairly straightforward to add. Let 
>>>> me do some homework.
>>>> Gary
>>>> On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 01:11:16 UTC+10 sc.lep...@gmail.com 
>>>> wrote:

[weewx-user] Re: wee_import from Weather underground twice a day

2020-12-19 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hello  Gary,
 Sorry  for my non answer ! I dont see  it  , 
I m trying this as soon as possible and   will give a feed back
Thanks a lot for this  !
Best regards

Le dimanche 22 novembre 2020 à 02:36:44 UTC+1, gjr80 a écrit :

> Stephane,
> I have implemented a --no-prompt command line option for wee_import. 
> --no-prompt will cause 'y' to be automatically accepted for all y/n 
> prompts. To use it you just add it to your existing command line, eg:
> $ /home/weewx/bin/wee_import --import-config=/var/tmp/wu.conf 
> --date=2020-11-15 --no-prompt
> Since you are using WeeWX v4.2.0 you can try out the --no-prompt capable 
> wee_import as follows (the following assumes you have WeeWX installed in 
> the directory /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0):
> 1. move aside your existing wee_import and weeimport.py:
> $ cp /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import 
> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import_orig
> $ cp /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/weeimport/weeimport.py 
> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/weeimport/weeimport_orig.py
> 2. download the updated wee_import and weeimport.py from github:
> $ wget -P /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weewx/weewx/wee_import_no_prompt/bin/wee_import
> $ wget -P /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/weeimport 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weewx/weewx/wee_import_no_prompt/bin/weeimport/weeimport.py
> 3. run wee_import with the --help action to see the revised usage:
> $ /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --help
> 4. run wee_import with --no-prompt, I suggest you try running wee_import 
> with --no-prompt interactively from the command line before setting your 
> cron script to use it.
> Please let me know how you go, if successful I will arrange for 
> --no-prompt to be included in the 4.3.0 release.
> Gary
> On Friday, 20 November 2020 at 02:54:44 UTC+10 sc.lep...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi Gary, Thanks a lot for your answer  ...
>> there is option - - dry-run  so if you can implemente  - - no-prompt it 
>> will be very good 
>> Stephane
>> Le mardi 17 novembre 2020 à 08:37:56 UTC+1, gjr80 a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> There is presently no support in wee_import for 
>>> suppressing/bypassing/automatically answering the y/n prompt in 
>>> wee_import, we never envisioned wee_import being used in that manner. 
>>> Implementing something like the --no-prompt command line option in 
>>> wee_config should be possible and fairly straightforward to add. Let me 
>>> do some homework.
>>> Gary
>>> On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 01:11:16 UTC+10 sc.lep...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> For the first question  I ve my own answer  : 
>>>> 2 scripts bash 
>>>> *For night and morning  : *
>>>> #!/bin/bash  
>>>> date_debut_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT00:00"` ;
>>>> date_fin_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT12:00"` ;
>>>> echo $date_debut_jour_heure;
>>>> echo $date_fin_jour_heure;
>>>> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
>>>> --import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --from=$date_debut_jour_heure 
>>>> --to=$date_fin_jour_heure --dry-run
>>>> *For afternoon and evening  : *
>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>> date_debut_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT12:00"` ;
>>>> date_fin_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT23:59"` ;
>>>> echo $date_debut_jour_heure;
>>>> echo $date_fin_jour_heure;
>>>> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
>>>> --import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --from=$date_debut_jour_heure 
>>>> --to=$date_fin_jour_heure --dry-run
>>>> But how to suppress Y/N answer ? 
>>>> thanks
>>>> Le dimanche 15 novembre 2020 à 15:08:24 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a 
>>>> écrit :
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> I want to import twice a day ( for example 12h00 and  00h00) my data 
>>>>> from Weather Underground.
>>>>> I want to write a script shell  to put it in a crontab.
>>>>> first question :
>>>>>  I use this  : 
>>>>> wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
>>>>> --import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --date=2020-11-14
>>>>> For midday  : .- -date is it possible to put - - date 
>>>>> =2020-11-14T12:00 ?
>>>>> For midnight : .- - from=2020-11-14T12:00   - 
>>>>> -to=2020-11-14:23:59
>>>>> Snd question  : I must answer by "y" to proceed  import , is is 
>>>>> possible to overwrite this ?
>>>>> And if you want to see results , it 's here  :
>>>>> https://meteo-pontscorff.fr/station-froggit-template-belchertown/
>>>>> Thanks a lot , best regards  
>>>>> Stephane 

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[weewx-user] Re: wee_import from Weather underground twice a day

2020-11-19 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hi Gary, Thanks a lot for your answer  ...
there is option - - dry-run  so if you can implemente  - - no-prompt it 
will be very good 

Le mardi 17 novembre 2020 à 08:37:56 UTC+1, gjr80 a écrit :

> Hi,
> There is presently no support in wee_import for 
> suppressing/bypassing/automatically answering the y/n prompt in wee_import, 
> we never envisioned wee_import being used in that manner. Implementing 
> something like the --no-prompt command line option in wee_config should 
> be possible and fairly straightforward to add. Let me do some homework.
> Gary
> On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 01:11:16 UTC+10 sc.lep...@gmail.com wrote:
>> For the first question  I ve my own answer  : 
>> 2 scripts bash 
>> *For night and morning  : *
>> #!/bin/bash  
>> date_debut_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT00:00"` ;
>> date_fin_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT12:00"` ;
>> echo $date_debut_jour_heure;
>> echo $date_fin_jour_heure;
>> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
>> --import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --from=$date_debut_jour_heure 
>> --to=$date_fin_jour_heure --dry-run
>> *For afternoon and evening  : *
>> #!/bin/bash
>> date_debut_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT12:00"` ;
>> date_fin_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT23:59"` ;
>> echo $date_debut_jour_heure;
>> echo $date_fin_jour_heure;
>> /home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
>> --import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --from=$date_debut_jour_heure 
>> --to=$date_fin_jour_heure --dry-run
>> But how to suppress Y/N answer ? 
>> thanks
>> Le dimanche 15 novembre 2020 à 15:08:24 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a 
>> écrit :
>>> Hello
>>> I want to import twice a day ( for example 12h00 and  00h00) my data 
>>> from Weather Underground.
>>> I want to write a script shell  to put it in a crontab.
>>> first question :
>>>  I use this  : 
>>> wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
>>> --import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --date=2020-11-14
>>> For midday  : .- -date is it possible to put - - date 
>>> =2020-11-14T12:00 ?
>>> For midnight : .- - from=2020-11-14T12:00   - 
>>> -to=2020-11-14:23:59
>>> Snd question  : I must answer by "y" to proceed  import , is is possible 
>>> to overwrite this ?
>>> And if you want to see results , it 's here  :
>>> https://meteo-pontscorff.fr/station-froggit-template-belchertown/
>>> Thanks a lot , best regards  
>>> Stephane 

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[weewx-user] Re: wee_import from Weather underground twice a day

2020-11-15 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
For the first question  I ve my own answer  : 
2 scripts bash 

*For night and morning  : *
date_debut_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT00:00"` ;
date_fin_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT12:00"` ;

echo $date_debut_jour_heure;
echo $date_fin_jour_heure;

/home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
--import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --from=$date_debut_jour_heure 
--to=$date_fin_jour_heure --dry-run

*For afternoon and evening  : *

date_debut_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT12:00"` ;
date_fin_jour_heure=`date +"%Y-%m-%dT23:59"` ;

echo $date_debut_jour_heure;
echo $date_fin_jour_heure;

/home/pi/weewx-4.2.0/bin/wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
--import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --from=$date_debut_jour_heure 
--to=$date_fin_jour_heure --dry-run

But how to suppress Y/N answer ? 


Le dimanche 15 novembre 2020 à 15:08:24 UTC+1, sc.lep...@gmail.com a écrit :

> Hello
> I want to import twice a day ( for example 12h00 and  00h00) my data from 
> Weather Underground.
> I want to write a script shell  to put it in a crontab.
> first question :
>  I use this  : 
> wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
> --import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --date=2020-11-14
> For midday  : .- -date is it possible to put - - date 
> =2020-11-14T12:00 ?
> For midnight : .- - from=2020-11-14T12:00   - -to=2020-11-14:23:59
> Snd question  : I must answer by "y" to proceed  import , is is possible 
> to overwrite this ?
> And if you want to see results , it 's here  :
> https://meteo-pontscorff.fr/station-froggit-template-belchertown/
> Thanks a lot , best regards  
> Stephane 

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"weewx-user" group.
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to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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[weewx-user] wee_import from Weather underground twice a day

2020-11-15 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
I want to import twice a day ( for example 12h00 and  00h00) my data from 
Weather Underground.

I want to write a script shell  to put it in a crontab.

first question :
 I use this  : 
wee_import --config=/home/weewx/FROGGIT.conf 
--import-config=/home/weewx/wu-FROGGIT.conf --date=2020-11-14

For midday  : .- -date is it possible to put - - date 
=2020-11-14T12:00 ?
For midnight : .- - from=2020-11-14T12:00   - -to=2020-11-14:23:59

Snd question  : I must answer by "y" to proceed  import , is is possible to 
overwrite this ?

And if you want to see results , it 's here  :

Thanks a lot , best regards  

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[weewx-user] Weewx + Bresser Wifi Station + sdr

2020-09-24 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com

I am interested in bresser Station  with Wifi support but station base as 
no usb port to connect to an rpi.

Bresser station like this  

If I buy usb sdr key like here 
: https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/sdr-rpi-recipe
It will be possible to get packet from sensors ?  

Frequency  :  868 MHz for sensors 

Thanks a lot 

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[weewx-user] Re: Bresser 6in1

2020-09-23 Thread sc.lep...@gmail.com
Hello all, 
I want to buy a bresser station but I dont know which model to choose. ( I 
want to user it with weewx software on rpi2) 

It seems with some bresser station I will connect to weewx on rpi2 .
( the first url from this post doesnt work well ;-( ) 
Can someone help ? 

Actually I user WMR200 from oregon  but rain is out of service and I want 
to change all my station but continue to use weewx .

Thanks a lot / best regards


Le samedi 16 mai 2020 à 15:00:55 UTC+2, Remy Lavabre a écrit :

> Hello Bob,
> Indeed you have done a very good job !!!
> I have a Bresser 6-1 station and everything works perfectly with my 
> Raspberry Pi Zero W !!!
> That's great ! I can only thank you!
> Without wanting to abuse, I would however have three small things to ask 
> you:
> A/ My weather station is equipped with 3 additional sensors (thermometers 
> and hygrometers).
> The three temperature information (with history) appears on the html page 
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/weewx/
> in the form of three curves in a single table 
> (Temperature1Temperature2Tempreature3)
> The humidity 1,2 and 3 of the three additional probes does not appear 
> anywhere, however...
> Is this information retrieved by your pilot and if so, how to display it 
> as for the temperature?
> B/ I use the SteelSeries-Weather-Gauges which correspond exactly to what I 
> want (https://github.com/mcrossley/SteelSeries-Weather-Gauges).
> Everything is displayed correctly and perfectly except ... the 
> temperatures 1,2,3 and the humidity 1,2 and 3 of my three additional probes!
> Could you tell me what to add (and where) to bring up an additional 
> temperature gauge (with 3 pushbuttons 1,2 and 3) as well as an additional
> humidity gauge (with if possible again 3 push buttons) to display this 
> additional data on the html page?
> C/ My Bresser weather station records the data every 30 minutes. Is it 
> possible with Weewx and
> your driver to recover this data in a file in "CSV" format as does Windows 
> software which
> connects via the USB port? And if yes, how ?
> Here bob, know that you have done a lot for me with your pilot and that 
> the solution to the
> three questions that remain would fulfill all my hopes !
> And thank you again for this great pilot 
> Signed a great admirer of your work!  ;-)

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