[weewx-user] Re: weewx-sdr howto document available on git hub

2024-03-06 Thread bell...@gmail.com

Nice write up.
Begin shameless plug…
Since I am heavily invested in reading things from MQTT, I just run rtl_433 
as a separate service and subscribe to the topic. I did this primarily to 
get the data in a service and secondarily to get sensors that were not 
The service invocation, ‘ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F 
And one topic config looks like this
ignore = True
[[[message]]] type = individual # Upright freezer (basement) 
[[[rtl_433/weather-data/devices/Acurite-606TX/77/temperature_C]]] ignore = 
False unit_system = METRIC name = extraTemp8 

It may seem more complicated, but since I was invested in MQTT, it actually 
simplified it. This was primarily because I could treat rtl_433 as a 
separate service

End plug

On Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 16:14:25 UTC-5 vince wrote:

> In working with another weewx user to help him gets his SDR station 
> online, it was clear that lots of people (like me) have some problems 
> really understanding some of the rtl-433 and sdr documentation that is out 
> there.
> After working through it end-to-end a few times on both ubuntu and on a 
> raspberry pi, I wrote up the whole setup as a howto with examples mainly 
> for future-me but I thought it might be of general interest.  At worst a 
> google search should find it for future folks trying to battle SDR into 
> submission :-)
> The howto and a small github repo with a patched/enhanced fork of the SDR 
> driver is at https://github.com/vinceskahan/sdr-howto if you have 
> interest.  Start with the toplevel readme file then read the howto.txt file 
> for how I got it working here.

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[weewx-user] Re: weewx-sdr howto document available on git hub

2024-03-06 Thread vince
Nice.  Lets see your system service file(s) to match !

How would you use that way as a driver and not even need to user weewx-sdr 
?  Not remembering if MQTT subscribe can run as a driver.  I just run it as 
an extension.

On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 2:06:27 PM UTC-8 bell...@gmail.com wrote:

> Vince,
> Nice write up.
> Begin shameless plug…
> Since I am heavily invested in reading things from MQTT, I just run 
> rtl_433 as a separate service and subscribe to the topic. I did this 
> primarily to get the data in a service and secondarily to get sensors that 
> were not ’mapped’.
> The service invocation, ‘ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F 
> mqtt://localhost:1883,retain=0,devices=rtl_433[/host]/devices[/type][/model][/subtype][/channel][/id]’
> And one topic config looks like this
> [[topics]]
> ignore = True
> [[[message]]] type = individual # Upright freezer (basement) 
> [[[rtl_433/weather-data/devices/Acurite-606TX/77/temperature_C]]] ignore = 
> False unit_system = METRIC name = extraTemp8 
> It may seem more complicated, but since I was invested in MQTT, it 
> actually simplified it. This was primarily because I could treat rtl_433 as 
> a separate service
> End plug
> On Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 16:14:25 UTC-5 vince wrote:
>> In working with another weewx user to help him gets his SDR station 
>> online, it was clear that lots of people (like me) have some problems 
>> really understanding some of the rtl-433 and sdr documentation that is out 
>> there.
>> After working through it end-to-end a few times on both ubuntu and on a 
>> raspberry pi, I wrote up the whole setup as a howto with examples mainly 
>> for future-me but I thought it might be of general interest.  At worst a 
>> google search should find it for future folks trying to battle SDR into 
>> submission :-)
>> The howto and a small github repo with a patched/enhanced fork of the SDR 
>> driver is at https://github.com/vinceskahan/sdr-howto if you have 
>> interest.  Start with the toplevel readme file then read the howto.txt file 
>> for how I got it working here.

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"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: weewx-sdr howto document available on git hub

2024-03-06 Thread bell...@gmail.com
I only hesitate to share because I know just enough about systemd to be 
dangerous. One should NOT use these as a template but as additional 
information to learn from.
The rtl_433 file. There is additional lines because  I use 
https://pushover.net to monitor things related to WeeWX
# systemd unit configuration file for rtl_433

Description=rtl_433 service
# StartLimitIntervalSec=5
After=syslog.target network.target



# Type=exec
#ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F json -F 
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F 

## ExecStartPre runs before, the "-" in the beginning is to let systemd 
continue even on non-zero exit
ExecStartPre=-/bin/bash -c "curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null 

## ExecStopPost runs after, no matter if ExecStart was success or not. The 
"-" in the beginning is like ExecStartPre
ExecStopPost=-/bin/bash -c "curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null 

# Restart script if stopped
# Wait 30s before restart

# Tag things in the log
# View with: sudo journalctl -f -u rtl_433 -o cat

# NOTE: only works in systemd v236+
#   Debain "stretch" includes v232, "buster" includes v239
# Note also the user must be able to create the file and logrotate must be 
amended to rote the log.


# To run as a non-root user, uncomment and set username and group here:


My WeeWX file. I hacked this up in 4.x. I would think 5.x would work just 

# source bellrichm-configs weewx/multi/systemd
Description=WeeWX gather %i data 


ExecStart=/home/weewx/bin/weewxd --log-label=weewx-%i  /home/weewx/%i.conf
# To run as a non-root user, uncomment and set username and group here:


Yup MQTTSubscribe runs as either driver or service. Nothing special to 
running as a driver.

On Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 17:20:42 UTC-5 vince wrote:

> Nice.  Lets see your system service file(s) to match !
> How would you use that way as a driver and not even need to user weewx-sdr 
> ?  Not remembering if MQTT subscribe can run as a driver.  I just run it as 
> an extension.
> On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 2:06:27 PM UTC-8 bell...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Vince,
>> Nice write up.
>> Begin shameless plug…
>> Since I am heavily invested in reading things from MQTT, I just run 
>> rtl_433 as a separate service and subscribe to the topic. I did this 
>> primarily to get the data in a service and secondarily to get sensors that 
>> were not ’mapped’.
>> The service invocation, ‘ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F 
>> mqtt://localhost:1883,retain=0,devices=rtl_433[/host]/devices[/type][/model][/subtype][/channel][/id]’
>> And one topic config looks like this
>> [[topics]]
>> ignore = True
>> [[[message]]] type = individual # Upright freezer (basement) 
>> [[[rtl_433/weather-data/devices/Acurite-606TX/77/temperature_C]]] ignore = 
>> False unit_system = METRIC name = extraTemp8 
>> It may seem more complicated, but since I was invested in MQTT, it 
>> actually simplified it. This was primarily because I could treat rtl_433 as 
>> a separate service
>> End plug
>> On Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 16:14:25 UTC-5 vince wrote:
>>> In working with another weewx user to help him gets his SDR station 
>>> online, it was clear that lots of people (like me) have some problems 
>>> really understanding some of the rtl-433 and sdr documentation that is out 
>>> there.
>>> After working through it end-to-end a few times on both ubuntu and on a 
>>> raspberry pi, I wrote up the whole setup as a howto with examples mainly 
>>> for future-me but I thought it might be of general interest.  At worst a 
>>> google search should find it for future folks trying to battle SDR into 
>>> submission :-)
>>> The howto and a small github repo with a patched/enhanced fork of the 
>>> SDR driver is at https://github.com/vinceskahan/sdr-howto if you have 
>>> interest.  Start with the toplevel readme file then read the howto.txt file 
>>> for how I got it working here.

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving ema

[weewx-user] Re: weewx-sdr howto document available on git hub

2024-03-07 Thread tarob...@gmail.com
Thank you Vince! So when I've setup SDR driver previously, the rtl_sdr 
package was required but looking at your how-to, only the rtl_433 is 
needed. I will say getting rtl_sdr on debian bookworm was a challenge as it 
had to be built from source.

On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 8:13:19 PM UTC-5 bell...@gmail.com wrote:

> I only hesitate to share because I know just enough about systemd to be 
> dangerous. One should NOT use these as a template but as additional 
> information to learn from.
> The rtl_433 file. There is additional lines because  I use 
> https://pushover.net to monitor things related to WeeWX
> # systemd unit configuration file for rtl_433
> #
> [Unit]
> Description=rtl_433 service
> Documentation=https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/README.md
> # StartLimitIntervalSec=5
> After=syslog.target network.target
> StartLimitIntervalSec=500
> StartLimitBurst=5
> [Service]
> Environment=UUID=replace_me
> Restart=on-failure
> RestartSec=5s
> # Type=exec
> #ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F json -F 
> mqtt://localhost:1883,retain=0,devices=rtl_433[/host]/devices[/type][/model][/subtype][/channel][/id]
> ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F 
> mqtt://localhost:1883,retain=0,devices=rtl_433[/host]/devices[/type][/model][/subtype][/channel][/id]
> ## ExecStartPre runs before, the "-" in the beginning is to let systemd 
> continue even on non-zero exit
> ExecStartPre=-/bin/bash -c "curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null 
> https://hc-ping.com/$UUID";
> ## ExecStopPost runs after, no matter if ExecStart was success or not. The 
> "-" in the beginning is like ExecStartPre
> ExecStopPost=-/bin/bash -c "curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null 
> https://hc-ping.com/$UUID/fail";
> # Restart script if stopped
> #Restart=always
> # Wait 30s before restart
> #RestartSec=30s
> # Tag things in the log
> # View with: sudo journalctl -f -u rtl_433 -o cat
> #SyslogIdentifier=rtl_433
> # NOTE: only works in systemd v236+
> #   Debain "stretch" includes v232, "buster" includes v239
> # Note also the user must be able to create the file and logrotate must be 
> amended to rote the log.
> StandardOutput=file:/var/log/rtl_433.log
> StandardError=file:/var/log/rtl_433.log
> #StandardOutput=syslog
> #StandardOutput=null
> #StandardError=syslog
> # To run as a non-root user, uncomment and set username and group here:
> #User=pi
> #Group=pi
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target  
> My WeeWX file. I hacked this up in 4.x. I would think 5.x would work just 
> fine.
> # source bellrichm-configs weewx/multi/systemd
> [Unit]
> Description=WeeWX gather %i data 
> Documentation=https://weewx.com/docs
> Requires=time-sync.target
> After=time-sync.target
> RequiresMountsFor=/home
> [Service]
> ExecStart=/home/weewx/bin/weewxd --log-label=weewx-%i  /home/weewx/%i.conf
> StandardOutput=null
> # To run as a non-root user, uncomment and set username and group here:
> User=pi
> Group=pi
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> Yup MQTTSubscribe runs as either driver or service. Nothing special to 
> running as a driver.
> rich
> On Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 17:20:42 UTC-5 vince wrote:
>> Nice.  Lets see your system service file(s) to match !
>> How would you use that way as a driver and not even need to user 
>> weewx-sdr ?  Not remembering if MQTT subscribe can run as a driver.  I just 
>> run it as an extension.
>> On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 2:06:27 PM UTC-8 bell...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Vince,
>>> Nice write up.
>>> Begin shameless plug…
>>> Since I am heavily invested in reading things from MQTT, I just run 
>>> rtl_433 as a separate service and subscribe to the topic. I did this 
>>> primarily to get the data in a service and secondarily to get sensors that 
>>> were not ’mapped’.
>>> The service invocation, ‘ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -M utc -F 
>>> mqtt://localhost:1883,retain=0,devices=rtl_433[/host]/devices[/type][/model][/subtype][/channel][/id]’
>>> And one topic config looks like this
>>> [[topics]]
>>> ignore = True
>>> [[[message]]] type = individual # Upright freezer (basement) 
>>> [[[rtl_433/weather-data/devices/Acurite-606TX/77/temperature_C]]] ignore = 
>>> False unit_system = METRIC name = extraTemp8 
>>> It may seem more complicated, but since I was invested in MQTT, it 
>>> actually simplified it. This was primarily because I could treat rtl_433 as 
>>> a separate service
>>> End plug
>>> On Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 16:14:25 UTC-5 vince wrote:
 In working with another weewx user to help him gets his SDR station 
 online, it was clear that lots of people (like me) have some problems 
 really understanding some of the rtl-433 and sdr documentation that is out 

 After working through it end-to-end a few times on both ubuntu and on a 
 raspberry pi, I wrote up the whole setup as a howto with examples mainly 
 for future-me but I thought it might be of general interest.  At wors