Re: [Wengophone-devel] Why is it so calm

2008-01-14 Thread Sean Bride
On Dec 21, 2007 1:56 PM, Jerome WAGNER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great work has been done by all the parties involved and I am proud of
> this result.

Proud of what? Letting a very important FOSS project down for a
fortune teller website that is as likely to be profitable as Bush
starting to write Greek poetry? Way to go Jerome WAGNER! You should be
ashamed of that. I hope your business will fail as you deserve it and
as it sucks hard anyway, unless you find some MBA guy stupid enough to
buy into this. There might be some, it depends on timing, what will
come first? Stupid MBA to buy your project or your project going out
of money cause that's how it's gonna end anyway even after MBAtard
comes around lol.
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: Ang: Re: [Wengophone-devel] New committer

2007-10-09 Thread Sean Bride
On 10/9/07, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By his own admission, Jeff doesn't code, never has on GNOME, and is a
> marketing dude more than anything else. So... hyperbola comes easy to
> him, and he's not God on this subject in GNOME.

My bad then :) , Jeff is not a dev but you can see from the thread
that they all agree that decentralized is better and Jeff saying that
"How and What" rather "Why" summarizes pretty well the whole thread
that gnome devs want to switch to decentralized which was my point :p

> Thanks for your insights. I'm sure your contribution will help us when
> the time comes to decide to move to another SCM.

I'm sure the OW devs are smart enough to switch to Git without any of
my insights, after all, they already changed two times their build
systems, their repository address, and refactored the OW code like 10
thousands times so it's not like they're not used to changes :)
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: Ang: Re: [Wengophone-devel] New committer

2007-10-09 Thread Sean Bride
On 10/9/07, Aurélien Gâteau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, BTW, I am pretty sure Dave would be aware of any switch of gnome to some
> centralized SCM. You might want to educate yourself about him.

I do educate myself, here is the thread:

with Jeff Waugh, one of the biggest gnome dev
( saying:

"Today, the question is truly about What, When and How -- not Why."

It's kind of complicated to switch for gnome and kde because they are
huge but even though that they want and will switch. OpenWengo could
do it quickly but it seems like its masters don't feel like doing so
because they live in a wonderland where centralized is more powerful
than decentralized SCM, some people call this wonderland the past,
let's hope they wake up or get a time machine real soon :-)
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: Ang: Re: [Wengophone-devel] New committer

2007-10-08 Thread Sean Bride
On 10/8/07, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please enlighten me as to how a distributed version control system
> automatically solves the problem of community governance and software
> maintenance processes, I'm eager to find out what it is I've been missing.

well, you're the dev manager so I guess you should know better.
Anyway, ever wndered why Mozilla, xine, opensolaris, gnome and kde
have already switched or are in the process of switching to
decentralized SCM? Maybe they do it just for fun or maybe they do it
because it's actually superior. But if you think for whatever reason
(I suppose it's ignorance because you're not stupid ;-) ) svn is
better  well please stay with svn even though it's a pain for the rest
of us and that eventually we'll all be using decentralized SCM.

To answer your question about governance, as I said before everybody
has commit access so you don't need to worry about who has commit
access and you don't have to waste time on politics. If someone has a
patch, you just pull from the patcher branch and vice versa. It saves
a lot headaches and time. There are other advantages that are listed
and detailed in the previous links and video but if you're not
interested then who cares.
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: Ang: Re: [Wengophone-devel] New committer

2007-10-08 Thread Sean Bride
On 10/8/07, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's just that every time people talk about a core development team,
> someone comes out of the woodwork to say that we wouldn't have this
> "problem" if we used a decentralised system

That's probably because you actually wouldn't have that problem if you
used a decentralized system. Ever thought of it this way? :-)
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] New committer

2007-10-07 Thread Sean Bride
On 10/7/07, Andreas Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is git submodule already done? We need this feature. We make heavy use of svn
> externals.


git-submodule - Initialize, update or inspect submodules
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] New committer

2007-10-06 Thread Sean Bride
> Our requirements are pretty specific:
>  * Source control system must be cross-platform, and fast

Git is cross-platform and fast. It runs perfect on windows now:

>  * A central canonical source for the software is essential

Git does canonical too.

> * An easy migration path from our existing system (svn)

Git does this also ("git-svn clone"; for
trunk), I've just cloned the whole OW trunk repository in a git one in
a couple of minutes with all the commits history.

> The cross-platform requirement rules out git for the moment, the best
> distributed candidate is Mercurial, then perhaps Bazaar-NG.

False, it runs fine on windows see previous link. (and Bazaar is really slow).

> Subversion fulfils its requirements very well - it is
> cross-platform, allows us to manage access rights for developers,

Well with Git, you don't need to worry about access rights for
developers, you don't need to waste a lot of time on politics and
trying to figure out who's smart enough to commit and who's not. It
will save OW devs lot of time actually.

> provides a canonical source for the source code,

again, you can have a central repository with Git, it's even very easy
to use. Actually Git is a lot simpler than SVN to use.

> and was very easy for
> developers to use from the start because of both windows GUI front ends

Git comes with gitgui and gitk to view and commit on all platforms.

> The arguments for investing time & effort into moving away from our
> existing system would need to be very compelling, and so far I haven't
> heard a really compelling one.

ok how about it saves time and resources for OW developers because it
is so much easier to manage, people will be able to commit and send
patches more easily and decentralized is just the natural way to do
things in the Open Source community.
I've never met anybody switching to Git coming back to SVN, it's just
superior and so much nicer to use, there's just no turning back.

You really should try it, it would be too bad to miss on such a goody
for the community. (

As Linus says: "I'm not gonna force you to switch to decentralized,
I'm just gonna call you ugly and stupid"
Wengophone-devel mailing list

Re: [Wengophone-devel] New committer

2007-10-06 Thread Sean Bride
I don't understand why wengo devs don't want to switch to something
more powerful like git or mercurial where everybody can commit easily
and send nice patches and actually *help* the openwengo more
efficiently. Don't you want the community to help the project? why are
you being so stubborn about it? I don't get it please educate yourself
about Git and Mercurial and stop using SVN which is a pain for people
that want to actually help you (for free):

Decentralized SCM are more democratic, faster and more efficient and
doesn't make people (that want to give *you* some of their free time)
feel like they're inferior to the other members of the community that
have the divine commit access.

Thanks for reading,

Wengophone-devel mailing list