[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21966] OOS - unfound location for source of movement

2014-06-02 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

well the reason seems to be that somewhere an impossible move was issured.
Which usualy causes an OOS.

Maybe you didn't read my original submission in a detail. The first problem
happened prior to the OOS:
- it looks until turn 3 of the green side everything is OK
- *turn 3 of the green side appears OK if you watch the replay visually, but
[move] in the savefile doesn't correspond to the visual replay*
- only in turn 4 of the green side the OOS is fired.

(More info can give you the original player who controlled the green side: his
name is Blop, he is registered in the Wesnoth forums, and I just sent him a
link to this gna page.

But I suspect he won't give you more info than me:
I think his turn 3 appeared to be OK, exactly as my replay of turn 3 appeared


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21882] Scenario with only leaderless AI side ends with defeat as soon as it starts

2014-06-02 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #13, bug #21882 (project wesnoth):


 I have corrected the part about modify_side
http://wiki.wesnoth.org/DirectActionsWML#.5Bmodify_side.5D not affecting the
defeat condition, that was intended to be added. 
But why? Some people don't know lua, and would like to be able to control
defeat_condition via modify_side

After this is backported, I believe that there will be no way to end the game
for just one defeated side. Of course you can mimic it in WML if desired.
You mean if my user-defined victory conditions are met then I can
immediatelly end all turns of that side, but the side will still be considered
as alive?

Hm ... now I see my question was pointless:
my original concern was whether BfW allowed to determine any user-defined
victory conditions. Now I see I missed next procedure was possible:
- The addon author sets [side] defeat_condition=never
- he checks his user-defined victory conditions in events
- Once his user-defined victory conditions are met, he removes all units of
that side, he sets defeat_condition=no_leader_left and he uses [end_turn].

So it looks BfW allows any user-defined victory conditions.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21966] OOS - unfound location for source of movement

2014-06-02 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

well its known that OOS error messages appear as soon as you use the currupted
data not in the moment when that data is created and thats where the actual
error happened.

If the is a too long [move] in the replay then stopping erarly is exactly the
intended behaviour.

It is for example possile that a unit can move 7 moves and the player invoked
a move and was halted by a enemy unit sighted in this case (at least in
1.11.13+) the replay also contains a move that was not completed (7 moves) and
stopping eralier on all clients thus not causing oos in the intended
behaviour. In your case it this might not be the case but also giving an OOS
message if a unit stops due to lack of moves left cannot be done like that,
because it is for exampe possile that an wml enter_hex event lowered the
number of moves of the unit.

If we want to know why this happens/how we can fix that  
then we need to know why the other client caclulated such a move as possible
(or why the unit had a different muber of max_moves on the other client). It
is also possile that this has been fixed in 1.11+ or that this is related to
your addon. 

Do you get the same error when you watch a replay that he saved and in a
replay that you saved?


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21966] OOS - unfound location for source of movement

2014-06-02 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #8, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

My save is from replays.wesnoth.org, and I think players didn't have when they
informed me about the problem.

It is also possile that ... this is related to your addon. 
I checked all use of u.max_moves and manipulation with u.moves:
In one moment of turn 1 I reset moves to max_moves in a moveto event. But then
the event is removed.
It could cause a problem only if BfW was buggy and would resuscitate the
mentioned moveto event.

@Blop (the green player):
You wasn't the host, right?
Did you mention any problem prior the OOS in turn 4?
You have no your own save of the game?


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21983] clearing hotkeys not working properly

2014-06-02 Thread Daniel
Update of bug #21983 (project wesnoth):

 Assigned to:None = fendrin


Follow-up Comment #2:

i was told that fabi is the one to edit teh default hotkeys preferences file.
So i assigned this to him.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21966] OOS - unfound location for source of movement

2014-06-02 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

I will try to reconstruct what was happening, in my best knowledge:

I was not the host in the initial game.
The error occurred right when I moved the spearman that just got teleported.
I did not encounter any errors prior to that and the error did not reappear
The error was resolved by reloading.
Apparently I do have a save, but only after the reload has happened and during
purple's turn 4 start.
And I do not cheat or use any other modifications.

Regards, Blop


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21966] OOS - unfound location for source of movement

2014-06-02 Thread Felix
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

I will try to reconstruct what was happening, in my best knowledge:

I was not the host of the initial game.
The error occurred right when I moved the spearman that just got teleported.
I did not encounter any errors prior to that and the error did not reappear
The error was resolved by reloading.
Apparently I do have a save, but only after the reload has happened and during
purple's turn 4 start.
And I do not cheat or use any other modifications.

Regards, Blop


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21966] OOS - unfound location for source of movement

2014-06-02 Thread SlowThinker
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

Blop, the game you reloaded (and that was not corrupted) was from which turn?


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21966] OOS - unfound location for source of movement

2014-06-02 Thread Felix
Follow-up Comment #12, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

It was right after the error occurred (turn 4).
As the unit moved correctly for my side, the reload resolved the OOS.
I had only moved another one unit and had not yet recruited.


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[Wesnoth-bugs] [bug #21746] Unit tests for the unit_map class are no longer working

2014-06-02 Thread Chris Beck
Update of bug #21746 (project wesnoth):

  Status:None = Fixed  


Follow-up Comment #2:

I think AI fixed the rest of them, I'm not sure. But they seem to work fine
now, so I'm marking this fixed.


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