Re: [WestNileNet] {UAH} Press Communiqué: Amnesty International...

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
I am still waiting for Amnesty International to respond to the above queries!

On 8/31/14, Hussein Amin wrote:
 Dear Colleagues.

 I sent the email below to Amnesty International asking critical questions
 about information that they have turned into possibly the most distorted
 history of any country.

 We as a nation haven't been afforded any answers to these questions yet.

 So the Amnesty International silence in regards to my questions isn't only
 deafening, it is hypocrite.

 It would be appropriate that the Ugandan media in particular, take on this
 challenge. And if successful, publish impartially the simple answers to the
 Ugandan people for the sake of setting the record straight.

 My letter was as follows:


 I am interested in the alledged atrocities committed in Uganda.

 - The Idi Amin regime (1971-79)
 - The post-Amin era from 1979-1986.

 From the preliminary information I have, Amnesty International is the
 organization that conducted research on Uganda to document atrocities.

 I would therefore be grateful if you could make available a response to the

 - Number of deaths during the Amin regime.
 - Who counted?
 - When?
 - How? (Methodoly)
 - Accuracy?
 - What is the evidence of the deaths?
 - Did you make requests for information or were you instead contacted with
 data? (this is important to weigh the impartiality of the information)
 - Who inside Uganda did Amnesty International contact to obtain the
 - Finally, what methods were used to determine the accuracy of the
 information that was published?

 I would be glad to talk to a knowledgable person within the organization to
 discuss the above.

 Kind regards,

 Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin.
 Kampala, Uganda

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Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Erinayo Oryema: A Death Still Disputed!?!

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
The reburial ceremony surely must bring back tears that had long
dried. But we now all find ourselves recalling the late Former
Minister/IGP Erinayo Oryema, his life and his death on 17th February
There have been many versions about what happened on that fateful day.
Books have been written and royalties pocketed by many individuals who
sadly placed themselves as authorities on events that happened in
Uganda back in 1977.
I am sure that many Ugandans today would also have wanted to hear what
Field Marshal Idi Amin had to say.
Unfortunately that opportunity has passed.
But until that fateful last meeting at Nile Mansions, Ministers Oboth
Ofumbi and Erinayo Oryema were free persons.
The late Archbishop Janan Luwum had been the main suspect until then.
Had Luwum not mentioned the two ministers as his co-conspirators
during that meeting, they would have gone back free men as they had
But Janan Luwum pointed at them and he did so as all invited foreign
diplomats watched.
What I can confirm is two things.
First, because the persons involved were senior figures in Uganda, my
fathers last orders before leaving Nile Mansions was that they be
taken to their individual homes and that they be brought back the next
day for another meeting with him. Under no circumstances were they to
be thrown in jail like common criminals because of their status.
The other issue is that Amin dashed to the State Research Bureau and
quarreled with the officers that had been responsible for taking the
three individuals home. He did that the moment he heard that the three
personalities were dead. Their argument took place in the open parking
lot of the building. I watched from the fence as the officers tried to
explain themselves to Idi Amin.
He was clearly angry at them and kept on asking if they knew what
trouble this meant for him and his government. He then abruptly left
the SRB premises.
I have asked myself many questions about that day. This reburial
ceremony puts the topic back on the table.
Questions about how the three individuals died will never cease as
they continue to generate debate today.
The subsequent governments after Amin have also never conducted an
autopsy to clear fact from fiction.
If Janan Luwum, Oboth Ofumbi and Erinayo Oryema had died by bullet
shots to the head as is being rumoured, that would have easily been
verifiable by forensic experts and would have brought some closure
earlier to relatives.
As for the weapons found at Namirembe Cathedral (the underlying matter
that brought about the whole incident), I personally viewed them as
they were on display on the front lawn. They lay next to a blue truck
with a Pepsi sign from which they had been offloaded.
In the book Sowing The Mustard Seed, President Museveni discusses
the operation from the instigators perspective. If I recall correctly,
the persons who actually drove the trucks are mentioned in the book.
But the ceremony that the country is now holding for the late Erinayo
Oryema is more about professional recognition. Whatever happened the
day he perished is another matter yet to be fully established.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Daily Monitor Rubbish: That How Amin Killed Ben Kiwanuka.

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
I read with shock the Daily Monitor article titled How Amin killed
Benedict Kiwanuka written by Mugabe Faustin.
It made me realize that the history of Uganda in regards to the late
Chief Justice is solely based on one Daniel Mulemezi's version. I
asked myself what happened to impartiality in establishing justice and
truth since it is clearly obvious that his story is completely
First, it is quite unusual for such an important police investigation
to be conducted by one individual. The standing procedure usually
involves the matter being discussed with senior officers before the
investigation is sanctioned. They would then assign the task to a
designated detective officer with a team. But according to the
inquiries findings, it seems we have one allegded officer going around
on his own.
Secondly, their appears to be no effort to cross examine witness
Mulemezi or to require that he substantiates his claims. Shouldn't at
least another third party corroborate Mulemezi's story?
I would have expected Mr. Mulemezi's official police investigation
reports to be tabled at the commission of inquiry as a minimum
evidence proving if he indeed conducted any investigation at all or if
he was a policeman as he claims. How does anyone know if he is telling
the truth.
Establishing the truth requires a robust process. But the story makes
the inquiry look like we may have been dealing with a Kangaroo court.
It is on record that Amin had ordered Ben Kiwanuka's release from jail
after the 1971 takeover and appointed him Chief Justice. It is also
known that when the Chief Justice disappeared, Amin clearly stated
that the Ugandans in exile had most likely orchestrated an abduction.
How is Mulemezi's story more credible than Amin?
The Obote group in Tanzania was able to discredit Amin through
killings and disappearances that were meticulously planned in Tanzania
then. Some of whom are in the NRA government that established the
inquiry on Benedict Kiwanuka's death.
The book The Guardian Angel by Arnold Bisase discusses the rebels
subversive activities that involved targeting senior government
personalities for assassination. It also portrays the infighting and
greed for power amongst the exiles.
So excuse me if I find Mr. Mulemezi's story insufficient in
substance/clout to be presented to Ugandans as the official historical
account about the disappearance of the late Chief Justice Benedict
Kiwanuka. May His Soul Rest In Peace!
The article, especially Daniel Mulemezi's story, could easily be
comparable to hot wolokoso served to the nation. Especially if the
matter is scrutinized under strict, fair conventional judicial

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin

(You can read the Monitor story in this link below and judge for
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[WestNileNet] Archbishop Janan Luwum: Where Is Moses Okello???

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
After that last public meeting that saw Archbishop Janan Luwum
indicate that Oboth Ofumbi and Erinayo Oryem were his co-conspirators
in the coup plot, one Moses Okello is the person who then led them to
his vehicle and took them from the venue.
What did Moses Okello do with them? Where is he? Anyone knows?
Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Billie O'kadameri: A Clip For Your Amin Movie.

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
First, I wonder why the O disappeared from your name of late. Isn't
it supposed to be Okadameri?!?

A clip for your Amin movie:

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] AGAIN: African Students Mobbed In India

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
African students attacked by Indians in a Delhi railway station. In
this day and age, such nonsense is still happening!?!

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM

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[WestNileNet] Israels Licence To Kill: The Nazi Holocaust!?!

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
OpEd: Israels Licence To Kill: The Nazi Holocaust!?!

As I perused through Uganda's history, I found some interesting
documentation about the Israeli hostage rescue in Entebbe, Uganda on
4th of July, 1974.
A daring operation that ended with 5 Israelis dead.
Most notable casualty? Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, the senior officer on
the ground during the rescue operation.
The hostages had been brought to Uganda by Palestinian hijackers who
had commandeered an Air France plane.
But I did get a surprising glimpse at the elation and welcome that
Israelis gave their troops as they brought home the now freed
The late Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, who is also the elder brother to
current Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, is regarded as a
hero in Israel. To them, he embodies a courage and determination that
many Israelis complain has since disappeared in their army.
They say he gave them victory over evil!?! Having grown watching the
Middle East conflict continuously unfold like most people, I ask
myself, how will the conflict ever be resolved if the lines have been
drawn in such terms and on both sides?
Palestinians will disagree with being called evil and increasing
numbers of nations around the world today look differently at Israel.
They seem determined to possess Palestinian land through their
settlement policy regardless of the suffering generated, and therefore
the desperate acts of retaliation like the Entebbe hijacking, isn't
The growing intensity of the conflict as thousands upon thousands of
Palestinian children die miserably from Israeli guns, missiles and
Many suggest that Israel has been able to continue acts of barbarism
with impunity because the west is reluctant to act. European
countries are paralyzed by a political sympathy that finds it roots in
Nazism during World War II when Jews where exterminated under Hitlers
Final Solution.
Western sympathy for those events is now Israels unwritten license to kill.
Another possible factor is that many Christians consider themselves
inferior to Jews.
Do Christians regard Jews as closer to deity than themselves? Many do
and will cite the scriptures to confirm their inferiority to the
chosen ones.
The Christian subconscious therefore finds it difficult to reprimand a
Jew even when he is clearly in the wrong. Israelis though, might be
inclined to take advantage of the situation by pushing the limits that
might have already been surpassed in earnest today.
Because they now need to engage international public opinion more
robustly through a heavy media presence.
They also lobby US Congressmen and scholars in world capitals in order
to deflect blame and explain the overwhelming force they use when
Israel wages war.
If that's what is required for Israel to continue destruction, hasn't
Israel therefore abused the sympathy capital afforded to them by the
west for suffering under the Nazis?
Honestly, their explanations for the death and destruction they cause
sound increasingly disingenuous. Particularly with the large numbers
of civilian casualties and the grim pictures of unarmed women and kids
blown to pieces by American bestowed high-tech weapons.
The growing xenophobia against non-Jews inside Israel has also reached
alarming levels with persecuted African asylum seekers bearing the
brunt of unjust deportations, Arab-Israelis seeing their freedoms
curtailed and Ethiopian Jews treated as third class citizens after
Eastern European Jews, and Western European Jews who reign supreme in
These last Jewish immigrants (the Ethiopians) are reportedly highly
discriminated against by white European Jews who even segregate their
habitat inside Israel by sending them to populate all new settlements.
It used to be Russian Jews and those from Eastern Europe during the
cold war days.
But today Ethiopians are the human shields for the Western Jews
enjoying the capital Tel- Aviv and the other big cities?
Yet we keep getting news about Ethiopians being subjected to
sterilization without their knowledge so that their ethnicity is in
check compared to the desired predominantly white Israel that European
Jews want to maintain.
White Jewish supremacists who literally hold all political, social,
economic and military cards, have literally enshrined their racial
dominance in the Israeli Constitution by making it a government duty
to maintain the countries Jewishness.
This means officials decide who can or cannot be in Israel based on an
unclear criteria.
Any individual not Jewish enough can summarily be refused entry.
But surprisingly Europeans will always have the doors open in Israel.
Not because of their religion or country, but possibly because they
just look like white Jews.
So for the supreme Jew, everyone is either a human stepping stone for
white Jewishness or expelled like the African refugees/migrants, or
dead like the Arabs Israel kills.

The writer is an Independent Politician from Uganda.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda