[WestNileNet] "Go Hang"? What Service To The Public Is That?

2015-04-09 Thread Hussein Amin
"Go Hang"? What Service To The Public Is That?

What is this increasingly abusive verbosity by so called Public Relations
professionals? When the Media Center tells the clergy to "Go hang!" as
mentioned in the Daily Monitor last week, or some worse utterance from
other state Press Officers, doesn't this warrant disciplinary action?  I
thought we had an appraisal system that checks civil servants performance
and conduct in service delivery.
Aren't grave pronouncements such as this one, to Ugandan citizens whom the
official is serving, supposed to be reprimanded?
An organization like PRAU (Public Relations Association of Uganda) also
needs to defend the profession when standards of public decency by it's
members have literally gone to the dogs.
Actually apologies and punitive administrative measures prescribed by the
code of conduct for public servants are called for here.
Sincerely, what added value are insults to service delivery?
No where else have I heard professionals utter that much trash per PR mouth
per annum than in Uganda's civil service.
In stark contrast to these officials, the police and the military
spokespersons are the most diplomatic yet they handle the same, and even
more sensitive national security topics. Most government officials are
diplomatic and have thereby been more effective in serious public
communications in the media, parliament or with citizens generally.
So isn't it that substandard persons are constantly abusing citizens they
are supposed to serve? Thereby increasing unnecessary social antagonisms?
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2015-04-09 Thread Hussein Amin

Restoring or lifting Uganda's Presidential term limits ISN'T about Museveni
or any other individual. It's SQUARELY about Uganda and its hardworking

What does the country actually need?

Surely MORE guarantees of peace and security for OUR own prosperity that we
actually work hard for ourselves. Can there ever be enough assurances of

But that's EXACTLY what term limits are: A long term extra peace insurance
for Ugandans.

A tested principle that guarantees a swiftly and unquestionable handover
from one elected civilian to another, and therefore creating the culture of
handing over governance peacefully after a specified time.

Those are the arguments for term limits when they were first written in the
1995 constitution by the Constituent Assembly.

Do we need to table them again?

It also puts a seal on the incumbency advantage which is an undisputed

People can change but a wise law protects the peace.

More importantly, term limits are a tool allowing our country to achieve an
important milestone: Peaceful handover/transfer of power is the last big
hurdle in Uganda's democratization process.

This so that the people never have to suffer with any future thugs fighting
for state power.

Time limits exist in any activity: football, office hours, planting season,
playing time for children and retirement for the old. Our very lives are
limited in time.

It is legacies that continue far in the future. And ensuring presidential
term limits are written in the constitution is such a legacy.

Chaos is surely coming within the next ten years if we aren't careful about
this matter.

Has Uganda EVER crossed the "peaceful democratic handover"
hurdle/bottleneck yet?

So what are our so-called educated politicians waiting for to complete the
democracy they claim they ushered in Uganda?

Written by Hussein J. L. Amin
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[WestNileNet] What's Your Say?

2015-04-09 Thread Hussein Amin

Someone sent me this attachment. Made my weekend. Lol

What's your say?
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2015-04-09 Thread Hussein Amin

"Uganda is a poor country held back by civil war, corruption and tribal
tensions...". - Matt Slate BBC "journalist" yesterday (2/4/2015) while
discussing Ugandan athlete Moses Kipsiro's woes with sports authorities.
Civil war? This Western "journalist" is wierd. Smiles as a gentil for us
then once back home, he trashes the country with outright falsehoods that
he circulates globally.
Honestly, what civil war is there today?
Like they did about Amin, soon he might start saying "ahundred thousand
victims have so far died" from his non-existent conflict.

But this Kipsiro issue also is now getting way out of control.

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