Re: [whatwg] href attribute

2007-03-10 Thread carmen
On Sun Mar 11, 2007 at 06:03:02AM +0100, Daniel Glazman wrote:
> On 11/03/2007 05:59, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> >In any case not all 's are hyperlinks so for your meaning of semantic 
> >they should also not be automatically hyperlinks (or anchors if you wish). I 
> >am pretty sure that existence of 'href' 
> >attribute is what creates semantic meaning of  for you. So why  cannot 
> >be  or ?
> Let me also play the devil (I love it) : a feature is not trashable
> only because it comes from XHTML 2.0 :-)

wow, thanks for pointing that out... i had no idea. at least if i start doing 
it i can prove someone else thought it was a good enough idea to put in 


> Here, a global href is a really cool idea, we should have done it in
> HTML 4 but we were too blind to see.

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Brodrecht 
To: Andrew Fedoniouk 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 8:36 PM

Subject: Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

On Mar 10, 2007, at 5:24 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

And yet: web server configuration of headers is not always available.
Public virtual site hosts is a good example.

And more:
Server adminestering and content creation are different roles/activities.
As a rule different people handle these tasks. Requiring both of them
to be involved in proces of creation of valid content will decrease
probability that result will be valid.

People seem to have looked over the part where I suggested it could 
be either a header or *an http-equiv meta tag.*  The meta tag cuts 
out the backend developer / server admin.  Furthermore, if you have 
a need and your host or backend developer is not willing to honor that 
request, you are hiring the wrong people and you should find someone 
else who will do what you need.  

I love advices of hiring other people when they are accompanied by
money orders.  :) 

This isn't a major undertaking to add this header.  There shouldn't be 
an instance where a professional web designer can't come up with a 
way to add a header to a request (either via global config, an .htaccess, 
or via a server-side scripting command).  If I am wrong about that 
statement, REAL XHTML was doomed to fail from the day it

required a content-type other than text/html.

I think your point of view is valid somehow but a bit idealistic.
Is valid because it is better for UA to know up front what it 
needs to parse : HTML, XHTML, SVG, etc.  

It is idealistic because, say, if you will put following in 
your .htaccess: 

AddType foo/bar .html 

it will do nothing on your site (you can try).
This setting is managed by httpd.conf of the whole
Apache server (if I recall this correctly).
(and ForceType may not work at all on 
servers of your type)

Trust me there are many practical needs where
self descriptive document is highly desirable.

Think about this: 
All UAs will correctly present file
some.png even it contains jpeg bits. 
Even if server reports image/x-png content-type 
for it. 

It is very old tradition in software design - 
all file formats contain identification of the

content type in some form - usually first 256 bytes
is enough to determine type. So why html should be an 
exception of this rule?

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Robert Brodrecht

On Mar 10, 2007, at 9:40 PM, Matthew Ratzloff wrote:
I don't care about DTD, but DOCTYPE is established, so it seems  
strange to
trash it in favor of something new when the benefit is questionable  

far as I can tell).

I don't think anyone wants to trash the DOCTYPE in light of the  
current landscape.  The problem is that the IE team wants ANOTHER  
switch to turn on Super-Standards Mode.

If DTD is out, bring back the deprecated "version" attribute that it
replaced.  Assuming there is only one version of HTML 5.0, the  

would work:


All attributes optional, obviously.

That's a great idea.  That solves not only the versioning system, but  
could solve the IE Super-Standards Mode switch (though I don't think  
the "mode" attribute needs to be there... no one wants to  
specifically render in quirksmode, I'd think).  Again, my worry is  
that W3C doesn't implement it.  My header idea would go above W3C's  
and WHATWG's heads.  That means that it doesn't have to be in any  
published spec (and it shouldn't be, IMO).  It's just something to  
tell IE how to treat the content (the same way we tell browsers to  
render as XML, charsets, caching, etc).  There is really no reason it  
needs to be in any specification.  However, if we can solve the  
missing versioning problem, it could be dual purpose (assuming W3C  
implements it in their recommendation).


Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Matthew Ratzloff
I don't care about DTD, but DOCTYPE is established, so it seems strange to
trash it in favor of something new when the benefit is questionable (as
far as I can tell).  It is also evident to me that there needs to be some
kind of versioning--consistent rendering shouldn't be a moving target.

If DTD is out, bring back the deprecated "version" attribute that it
replaced.  Assuming there is only one version of HTML 5.0, the following
would work:


All attributes optional, obviously.


> Browsers render in quirksmode by default.  That's been established.
> At this point WHATWG has already rejected DTDs in DOCTYPE and seems
> pretty set on not including it.  I myself would rather have some type
> of versioning (DTD or otherwise) in the DOCTYPE.  All I've heard from
> WHATWG is that they don't really even like the DOCTYPE.  If browsers
> didn't use DOCTYPE as the standards mode switch, DOCTYPE probably
> wouldn't even be in WHATWG's HTML 5.
> If there is no versioning system, there is no way to specify an
> "alternate standard."
> I'm sure most people have heard the saying "Choose your battles."
> Fighting for DTDs or some other type of versioning in the DOCTYPE in
> WHATWG's spec is not a fight that can be won as far as I can tell.
> Having some method to tell people what spec an author is using can be
> won.

Re: [whatwg] href attribute

2007-03-10 Thread Daniel Glazman

On 11/03/2007 05:59, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

In any case not all 's are hyperlinks so for your meaning of semantic 
they should also not be automatically hyperlinks (or anchors if you wish). 
I am pretty sure that existence of 'href' attribute is what creates 
semantic meaning of  for you. So why  cannot be  or ?

Let me also play the devil (I love it) : a feature is not trashable
only because it comes from XHTML 2.0 :-)
Here, a global href is a really cool idea, we should have done it in
HTML 4 but we were too blind to see.

Re: [whatwg] href attribute

2007-03-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk

- Original Message - 
From: "Matthew Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Andrew Fedoniouk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] href attribute

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

Back to basics:

"A hyperlink is a relationship between two anchors,
called the head and the tail of the hyperlink[DEXTER]. " [1]

  This is not a definition of the  element. In fact,  is defined
as a anchor, not a hyperlink.

I think "hyperlink" is better in any sense 
than "anchor" as a designation of this entity.

  By contrast, the |href| attribute "specifies the location of a Web
resource". Thus, using |href| for hyperlinks on other elements is an
alteration of the attribute's semantics, because the element you put
them on doesn't have the semantics of a source anchor.

Any element is allowed to be a tail of the hyperlink:

"The id attribute may be used to create an anchor at the start tag
of any element (including the A element)." [2]

  While one could argue that the |id| element give anchor semantics to
an element, it is clear that in this context the text implicitly refers
to the semantics of a DESTINATION anchor, not a source anchor. Even if
you were to ignore this context, it would mean that using |href| as a
global attribute would ALWAYS require you to include an |id| attribute
on the element.

But I do not understand why we have such a limitation for
the head of the hyperlink.

  The definition of  as inline is the only limitation in HTML I'm
aware of. Everything else is a CSS issue, and we should generally avoid
making fundamental alterations to HTML purely to achieve presentational

There are multiple semantically correct cases when
block elements like , ,  ,  etc.
*are* hyperlinks.

  Actually, by the definition you quoted, they're not hyperlinks and
can never be hyperlinks because a hyperlink is a relationship. In HTML
4.01, they can't even be source anchors. The HTML 4.01 version of |href|
doesn't have the semantics to make them source anchors even if you made
the attribute global.

  So let's be clear that what you're talking about is making every
element semantically an  element. In other words, every element would
automatically be a source anchor. Thus, you have taken semantics that
were explicitly represented by an element and made them implicit and
invisible in the markup. This is a poor way of dealing with semantics
that are at the very heart of the World Wide Web, and I would certainly
not call it "semantically correct".

But designers are forced to use
weird tricks to fight with inline nature of s.

  That issue can be addressed without getting rid of , by either
allowing  to contain block-levels, or by creating a new block-level
container with equivalent semantics.

I beleive that you and me have different interpretation of 
the term 'semantic'. 

For my semantic any HTML element that has 
"href" attribute is not anyhow different from the  element
with href. 
If I see  I recognize that this is a list item that
leads somewhere. Exactly (and even better) as 

For different tools it also does not matter what to use:

getElementsBySelector(":link") or 
getElementsBySelector("a:link") or 
getElementsBySelector("[href]") or 

In any case not all 's are hyperlinks so 
for your meaning of semantic they should also not be 
automatically hyperlinks (or anchors if you wish).  

I am pretty sure that existence of 'href' attribute is 
what creates semantic meaning of  for you. 
So why  cannot be  or ?

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Robert Brodrecht

On Mar 10, 2007, at 5:24 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

And yet: web server configuration of headers is not always available.
Public virtual site hosts is a good example.

And more:
Server adminestering and content creation are different roles/ 

As a rule different people handle these tasks. Requiring both of them
to be involved in proces of creation of valid content will decrease
probability that result will be valid.

People seem to have looked over the part where I suggested it could  
be either a header or *an http-equiv meta tag.*  The meta tag cuts  
out the backend developer / server admin.  Furthermore, if you have a  
need and your host or backend developer is not willing to honor that  
request, you are hiring the wrong people and you should find someone  
else who will do what you need.  This isn't a major undertaking to  
add this header.  There shouldn't be an instance where a professional  
web designer can't come up with a way to add a header to a request  
(either via global config, an .htaccess, or via a server-side  
scripting command).  If I am wrong about that statement, REAL XHTML  
was doomed to fail from the day it required a content-type other than  


Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Robert Brodrecht

On Mar 10, 2007, at 4:37 PM, Matthew Ratzloff wrote:

The seem to serve the purpose.  If there are two HTML 5  
browser makers can come together to decide which one to support by  

when no DOCTYPE is present.  Developers who would prefer the alternate
standard could use the appropriate DOCTYPE.

Browsers render in quirksmode by default.  That's been established.   
At this point WHATWG has already rejected DTDs in DOCTYPE and seems  
pretty set on not including it.  I myself would rather have some type  
of versioning (DTD or otherwise) in the DOCTYPE.  All I've heard from  
WHATWG is that they don't really even like the DOCTYPE.  If browsers  
didn't use DOCTYPE as the standards mode switch, DOCTYPE probably  
wouldn't even be in WHATWG's HTML 5.

If there is no versioning system, there is no way to specify an  
"alternate standard."

I'm sure most people have heard the saying "Choose your battles."   
Fighting for DTDs or some other type of versioning in the DOCTYPE in  
WHATWG's spec is not a fight that can be won as far as I can tell.   
Having some method to tell people what spec an author is using can be  


Re: [whatwg] href attribute

2007-03-10 Thread Daniel Glazman

On 10/03/2007 02:28, Billy Wong wrote:

On 3/6/07, Matthew Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   To me, the only advantage of a global |href| is that you can use it
on block-level elements, and I don't see why a block-level version of
 couldn't fill the same use case.

Indeed.  IMO, global |href| gives nothing but more confusion.  If we
want to have hyperlinks on block-level elements, it is simpler just
let  and/or other inline elements be legal to wrap block-level

No, it gives more than that : if |href| becomes global, the usage of
|a| will decrease and that's a good thing. |a| is a bad element because
it serves as source AND target of links, because it's not multivalued,
and I have 5 or six other very good reasons in mind. Anything we can do
to prepare a future - in the long term - deprecation of |a| is a good
thing for the future of HTML.

Re: [whatwg] href attribute

2007-03-10 Thread Matthew Raymond
Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Back to basics:
> "A hyperlink is a relationship between two anchors,
> called the head and the tail of the hyperlink[DEXTER]. " [1]

   This is not a definition of the  element. In fact,  is defined
as a anchor, not a hyperlink.

   By contrast, the |href| attribute "specifies the location of a Web
resource". Thus, using |href| for hyperlinks on other elements is an
alteration of the attribute's semantics, because the element you put
them on doesn't have the semantics of a source anchor.

> Any element is allowed to be a tail of the hyperlink:
> "The id attribute may be used to create an anchor at the start tag
> of any element (including the A element)." [2]

   While one could argue that the |id| element give anchor semantics to
an element, it is clear that in this context the text implicitly refers
to the semantics of a DESTINATION anchor, not a source anchor. Even if
you were to ignore this context, it would mean that using |href| as a
global attribute would ALWAYS require you to include an |id| attribute
on the element.

> But I do not understand why we have such a limitation for
> the head of the hyperlink.

   The definition of  as inline is the only limitation in HTML I'm
aware of. Everything else is a CSS issue, and we should generally avoid
making fundamental alterations to HTML purely to achieve presentational

> There are multiple semantically correct cases when
> block elements like , ,  ,  etc.
> *are* hyperlinks.

   Actually, by the definition you quoted, they're not hyperlinks and
can never be hyperlinks because a hyperlink is a relationship. In HTML
4.01, they can't even be source anchors. The HTML 4.01 version of |href|
doesn't have the semantics to make them source anchors even if you made
the attribute global.

   So let's be clear that what you're talking about is making every
element semantically an  element. In other words, every element would
automatically be a source anchor. Thus, you have taken semantics that
were explicitly represented by an element and made them implicit and
invisible in the markup. This is a poor way of dealing with semantics
that are at the very heart of the World Wide Web, and I would certainly
not call it "semantically correct".

> But designers are forced to use
> weird tricks to fight with inline nature of s.

   That issue can be addressed without getting rid of , by either
allowing  to contain block-levels, or by creating a new block-level
container with equivalent semantics.

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk

- Original Message - 
From: "Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

Matthew Ratzloff wrote:

Relying on headers is a good way to get people to ignore that part of the
specification.  Web designers don't want to worry about headers and
.htaccess files.  It has to be syntactic.

I think expecting the mass of web designers to worry about doctypes
isn't much less optimistic than expecting them to worry about headers.
Web designs frequently break quite seriously because web authors think
that documents sent over the wire are defined entirely within the
document text itself. e.g. Web authors often seem to imagine a charset
defined in  is determinative, and end up serving gibberish. Like
it or not, effective web delivery depends on correct HTTP headers.

Opposite statement is correct too:

"Web authors often seem to imagine a charset
defined in HTTP headers is determinative, and end up serving gibberish"

There are many cases when sequence of bytes with some markup is
the only thing that is available.

Think about partial content updates, "ajax" (or "ahjacs"?) kind of 

And yet: web server configuration of headers is not always available.
Public virtual site hosts is a good example.

And more:
Server adminestering and content creation are different roles/activities.
As a rule different people handle these tasks. Requiring both of them
to be involved in proces of creation of valid content will decrease
probability that result will be valid.

It is better if markup itself will be descriptive enough.

BTW: why not to use ... envelope
instead of ?
 is an optional element in HTML so "old"
browsers will switch to quirks mode for the  content.
And html5 UAs will know what to do with it.
So this  element is pretty backward compatible solution.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
Matthew Ratzloff wrote:
> Relying on headers is a good way to get people to ignore that part of the
> specification.  Web designers don't want to worry about headers and
> .htaccess files.  It has to be syntactic.

I think expecting the mass of web designers to worry about doctypes
isn't much less optimistic than expecting them to worry about headers.
Web designs frequently break quite seriously because web authors think
that documents sent over the wire are defined entirely within the
document text itself. e.g. Web authors often seem to imagine a charset
defined in  is determinative, and end up serving gibberish. Like
it or not, effective web delivery depends on correct HTTP headers.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Alexey Feldgendler
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 14:41:15 +0100, Mihai Sucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

The tutorials will just say "Use ".

Those are the tutorials for beginners. I was talking about advanced  
tutorials, for developers who want to know "gory" details.

Even for advanced developers, the only sensible recommendation would be to  
use . Description of other possibilities would only be of  
historical value.

Actually, the best standards mode available is the only right mode to  
work in. The other modes are only supported for backward compatibility  
with existing documents.

So, this proposal sounds like "why not make this DOCTYPE switch to an  
even stricter standards rendering mode in then we can improve  
IE without breaking existing sites". What this means, is that people  
will create even more modern sites, which will use this new DOCTYPE and  
the improved rendering engine (which will never be perfect). It's going  
to be a loop: newer sites will rely on the newer rendering mode. So,  
with each new version of IE (released every 5-10 years), we will have a  
new DOCTYPE, and a new rendering mode?

Not necessarily. For a long time, Microsoft has been in a position where  
they benefit from the lack of interoperability with other browsers. They  
had no incentive to make their browser standards-compliant. Now times have  
changed, and even Microsoft, as far as I understand, is now willing to  
improve their standards compliance. So I don't think that the  
standards-mode story will repeat -- this happened before due to browser  
wars, where interoperability has been broken intentionally.

Instead of using this DOCTYPE switch, I was even thinking of conditional  
comments, DOM document property, etc. Yet, other methods only add  
complications. If Microsoft considers adding a new rendering mode as a  
must, such that it will not break many sites, then this DOCTYPE is an  
elegant solution. History will repeat itself, no matter how elegant the  
solution might be.

Conditonal comments and similar approaches solve another kind of problem:  
how to allow making pages which do the right thing in good browsers but  
still function in older browsers. OTOH, the DOCTYPE switch allows the  
browser to do the right thing for good pages without breaking the old  

Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ICQ: 115226275]

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Matthew Ratzloff
Relying on headers is a good way to get people to ignore that part of the
specification.  Web designers don't want to worry about headers and
.htaccess files.  It has to be syntactic.

I don't understand what's wrong with DOCTYPEs, myself.";>";>";>";>

The seem to serve the purpose.  If there are two HTML 5 specifications,
browser makers can come together to decide which one to support by default
when no DOCTYPE is present.  Developers who would prefer the alternate
standard could use the appropriate DOCTYPE.


> On Mar 10, 2007, at 8:38 AM, Mihai Sucan wrote:
> We're already using headers to swap between HTML and XHTML (since we
> still call both .html files).  Headers are for telling user agents
> how to deal with content.  It seems like sending a header "X-
> significantly different) or setting an http-equiv meta tag to tell IE
> to use their super-standards mode is cleaner and more desirable as it
> doesn't bloat the spec, and should be more than enough for them.  If
> their standards mode for HTML5 has flaws and they need a NEW switch,
> it can be changed to "X-STANDARDS-MODE: HTML6;" or whatever the
> latest version of HTML is.  This can be set across an entire server
> in a few seconds via config files if needed, or set on a single
> folder via .htaccess files.  If headers are used, that also doesn't
> bloat the file if is is saved on someone's HDD.

Re: [whatwg] Thesis draft about HTML5 conformance checking

2007-03-10 Thread mozer

Oh my bad !
Wasn't aware of that !

Thanks David

On 3/10/07, L. David Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 2007-03-10 23:41 +0100, mozer wrote:
> Liam Quin (with only one n)

No, Liam Quin [1] and Liam Quinn [2] are two different Canadian
members of the Web standards community, and should not be confused
with each other.  The latter was responsible for the WDG HTML
Validator, so Henri's spelling is correct.



L. David Baron >
  Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Robert Brodrecht
Forgot to change the name in my account settings from WHATWG to  
Robert Brodrecht.  Fixed for future reference.

Sorry for any confusion.

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread WHATWG

On Mar 10, 2007, at 8:38 AM, Mihai Sucan wrote:

There's no way to advertise the document as HTML 5, and it's  
certainly not the purpose of the specification to do so.

This is a problem.  It is especially a problem now that the W3C is  
working on their version of HTML 5.  When I asked Ian Hickson how  
WHATWG would handle divergence in the W3C spec [1], he said he  
"intended to make every effort to keep the two in sync." [2]  While I  
appreciate his effort and I fully believe that he will do his best,  
we are dealing with a body (i.e. the W3C) who have a history of  
stubbornness and unwillingness to work with important members of the  
community. [3]  The future is still undecided, but I don't think it  
is a good idea to operate under the assumption that the W3C will copy  
and paste the entire WHATWG HTML 5 spec.

Even if DTDs are non-normative and antiquated in the HTML 5 spec, it  
at least provides some method for authors to indicate their  
intentions.  If my intention was to write a document conforming to  
HTML 3.2, I can use the HTML 3.2 DTD to tell anyone in the future  
that I was using a certain set of elements.  If browsers pay no  
attention to DTDs, as WHATWG has said time and again, browsers must  
be rendering "the latest and greatest" markup.  If in 50 years, the  
"i" element has been out of use for 40 years, and browsers stop  
rendering that element and validators throw errors on that element,  
the document still conforms to the DTD.  It's not the author's fault  
that the document doesn't perform the way it intended.  Ideally, the  
browser should care about DTDs.

The WHATWG HTML 5 spec provides no way to specify what version / fork  
of HTML the author intended to use.  Even if browsers don't pay  
attention, I think it is a shame that there is no way to specify (if  
for nothing else, to future-proof documents).  I blogged about this  
in more detail. [4]

It seems the WHATWG is staunchly against DTDs, even if it has an  
appropriate use (e.g. emails in this thread talking about XML  
entities).  I've mulled over this awhile.  Since DTDs aren't  
normative in browsers, perhaps a "link" element with a  
"rel=specification" and an "href= 
current-work/" (for example) would be a new way to say, "this is the  
specification I used to create this document."  It is easier to  
remember than the DOCTYPE DTDs on pervious versions of HTML, and it  
is much more human-readable than DTDs.  It addresses my concerns, and  
doesn't use DTDs.

Now, I don't know if it can be used as a quirksmode switch.  The  
DOCTYPE seems like an ideal place to run the switch.  The problem  
will be if the W3C (or some other as yet unformed working group that  
decides to fork HTML) doesn't implement a DTD-less DOCTYPE.  If the  
switch is the WHATWG HTML5 DOCTYPE, documents authored under W3C HTML  
5 spec will not render in super-standard mode.  Browsers will have to  
have multiple super-standards modes switches depending on what  
version of HTML5 the author uses.

IE asking a working group to provide some new way to specify  
standards mode doesn't make sense.  That is an implementation problem  
that they need to figure out.  It isn't our job to write their  
software.  WHATWG doesn't need to bloat the spec for them.  The IE  
team needs to be creative and find a solution to their problem.

We're already using headers to swap between HTML and XHTML (since we  
still call both .html files).  Headers are for telling user agents  
how to deal with content.  It seems like sending a header "X- 
significantly different) or setting an http-equiv meta tag to tell IE  
to use their super-standards mode is cleaner and more desirable as it  
doesn't bloat the spec, and should be more than enough for them.  If  
their standards mode for HTML5 has flaws and they need a NEW switch,  
it can be changed to "X-STANDARDS-MODE: HTML6;" or whatever the  
latest version of HTML is.  This can be set across an entire server  
in a few seconds via config files if needed, or set on a single  
folder via .htaccess files.  If headers are used, that also doesn't  
bloat the file if is is saved on someone's HDD.


Re: [whatwg] Thesis draft about HTML5 conformance checking

2007-03-10 Thread L. David Baron
On Saturday 2007-03-10 23:41 +0100, mozer wrote:
> Liam Quin (with only one n)

No, Liam Quin [1] and Liam Quinn [2] are two different Canadian
members of the Web standards community, and should not be confused
with each other.  The latter was responsible for the WDG HTML
Validator, so Henri's spelling is correct.



L. David Baron >
   Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Description: PGP signature

Re: [whatwg] href attribute

2007-03-10 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk

- Original Message - 
From: "Anne van Kesteren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Billy Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:32 AM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] href attribute

On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 02:28:32 +0100, Billy Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Indeed.  IMO, global |href| gives nothing but more confusion.  If we
want to have hyperlinks on block-level elements, it is simpler just
let  and/or other inline elements be legal to wrap block-level

Yup. If I recall correctly parsing-wise it's possible to let  contain 
block level elements. That's being considered now to cater for those use 

Anne, but what about this:


it is not about  itself.
It should also be a mechanism for the container similar to
CSS's display-model attribute for the container of .
But this is out of influence of HTML per se.

Back to basics:

"A hyperlink is a relationship between two anchors,
called the head and the tail of the hyperlink[DEXTER]. " [1]

Any element is allowed to be a tail of the hyperlink:

"The id attribute may be used to create an anchor at the start tag
of any element (including the A element)." [2]

But I do not understand why we have such a limitation for
the head of the hyperlink.

There are multiple semantically correct cases when
block elements like , ,  ,  etc.
*are* hyperlinks. But designers are forced to use
weird tricks to fight with inline nature of s.

Andrew Fedontiouk.


Re: [whatwg] Thesis draft about HTML5 conformance checking

2007-03-10 Thread mozer


Here are few remarks

In RELAX NG Datatyping
Why is there no mention to DTLL of the DSDL ?

For sake of completeness
In Schematron
You should mention that XML Schema 1.1 which is still a WD try to add
assertion too

Liam Quin (with only one n)

common.inner.strict-inline =
 ( text )
appear twice in the html file



On 3/10/07, Henri Sivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The reason why I haven't updated the software at http:// lately is that I have been writing
about it.

The draft of my master's thesis is available for commenting at:

I'd appreciate comments on the draft. However, I won't be able to
respond to comments next week. I'll continue polishing the thesis the
week after next.

I have a couple of specific questions:

 * Besides perhaps IRC logs, is there any less ephemeral reference
about the WHATWG members being able to impeach and replace the editor?

 * What would be a good reference for the design policy of Web Forms
2.0 regarding implementability on top of IE6? Is http://
the best reference?

(These are stuff I think I know but I don't know where these things
are said. :-)

Henri Sivonen

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Shadow2531

On 3/10/07, Mihai Sucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Le Sat, 10 Mar 2007 22:21:11 +0200, Shadow2531 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It seems that even in standards mode, people expect some quirky
> behavior and MS wants to retain the quirkyness even in standards mode.
> If they continue to fix standards mode, they'll break way too many
> sites.

Precisely! That's what I said: the standards mode in IE is rather quirky.
However, I do *not* buy it: I don't believe they'll magically come up with having a "strict standards mode" which is up-to-par with the
standards mode in, say, Opera. Even if they do, don't think the standards
mode in Opera/Gecko/whatever is perfect either. They all have quirks. But
... because we are talking about IE, we will again end up having sites
relying on the "strict standards mode", and again Microsoft would break
way too many sites if they change the rendering in this new mode. It's an
endless loop. (see one of my previous replies to this thread)

> That's what I got out of the video.

That's correct. I did understand relatively the same.

You make a good point. It could very well be an endless loop and
there's no guarantee (or even past evidience to show) that IE's new
standards mode would be up to par.

I guess at the least, it shows the desperate need to do something about IE.


Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Mihai Sucan
Le Sat, 10 Mar 2007 22:21:11 +0200, Shadow2531 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a  

On 3/10/07, Mihai Sucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

actually I'm skeptical about this. First impression I had reading
the first post was "hey, do we need yet another switch?". What's
"super-duper" standards mode after all?


I got that  the standard doctypes we have now that trigger standards
mode in IE are a problem.

It seems that even in standards mode, people expect some quirky
behavior and MS wants to retain the quirkyness even in standards mode.
If they continue to fix standards mode, they'll break way too many

Precisely! That's what I said: the standards mode in IE is rather quirky.  
However, I do *not* buy it: I don't believe they'll magically come up with having a "strict standards mode" which is up-to-par with the  
standards mode in, say, Opera. Even if they do, don't think the standards  
mode in Opera/Gecko/whatever is perfect either. They all have quirks. But  
... because we are talking about IE, we will again end up having sites  
relying on the "strict standards mode", and again Microsoft would break  
way too many sites if they change the rendering in this new mode. It's an  
endless loop. (see one of my previous replies to this thread)

That's what I got out of the video.

That's correct. I did understand relatively the same.

ROBO Design - We bring you the future

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Shadow2531

On 3/10/07, Mihai Sucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

actually I'm skeptical about this. First impression I had reading
the first post was "hey, do we need yet another switch?". What's
"super-duper" standards mode after all?


I got that  the standard doctypes we have now that trigger standards
mode in IE are a problem.

It seems that even in standards mode, people expect some quirky
behavior and MS wants to retain the quirkyness even in standards mode.
If they continue to fix standards mode, they'll break way too many

It seems that they are searching for a way to trigger a real standards
mode without retaining any of those quirks and without messing with
normal standards mode.

, could be used by IE to trigger a standards mode minus
any quirks.

In short, IE's standards mode is not really a standards mode. It's
just a less quirky quirks mode. They want a way to move on with
following standards without affecting the current standards mode.

So, IE would have quirks mode, standards mode and a strict standards mode.

As for other browsers that still retain a few IE compatibilities in
standards mode, when they see , that might be their
chance to ditch any behavior that was just added in to be compatible
with IE. (but that depends)

But, mainly, it'd be a tool for MS to move on. For other browsers,
just keep the bug fixing coming.

That's what I got out of the video.


Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Henri Sivonen

On Mar 10, 2007, at 15:43, Elliotte Harold wrote:

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:

The tutorials will just say "Use ".

What are those of us who wish to use XML tools on our documents  
supposed to use?

 if you are using XML tools with an HTML5 parser.

No doctype if you are using XHTML5 and targeting an XML parser.

We will need a real DTD at some point, to declare the entities if  
nothing else.

Straight UTF-8 should be used for interchange on the XML side.

Browsers won't read arbitrary DTDs by system ID. OTOH, if you want to  
activate the hacks for enabling XHTML 1.0 entities, you need to use  
an XHTML 1.0 public ID. A new previously unknown public ID won't work.

I know some browser-centric folks here just hate DTDs and schemas  
of any kind; but we will need them, even if the browsers don't.

For Web content, browsers matter and the reality is that DTDs don't  

We will create and use them, even if there's no normative DTD in  
the spec.

The spec doesn't need to say anything normative about private (non- 
Web) use. If it is between you and your own entity resolver, using a  
DTD with an identifier of your choice is fine. However, before  
serving documents on the Web, you'd need to parse and reserialize so  
that the serialization that is sent to the public network does not  
have DTD dependencies.

Henri Sivonen

[whatwg] Thesis draft about HTML5 conformance checking

2007-03-10 Thread Henri Sivonen
The reason why I haven't updated the software at http:// lately is that I have been writing  
about it.

The draft of my master's thesis is available for commenting at:

I'd appreciate comments on the draft. However, I won't be able to  
respond to comments next week. I'll continue polishing the thesis the  
week after next.

I have a couple of specific questions:

 * Besides perhaps IRC logs, is there any less ephemeral reference  
about the WHATWG members being able to impeach and replace the editor?

 * What would be a good reference for the design policy of Web Forms  
2.0 regarding implementability on top of IE6? Is http://  
the best reference?

(These are stuff I think I know but I don't know where these things  
are said. :-)

Henri Sivonen

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Mihai Sucan
Le Sat, 10 Mar 2007 12:39:46 +0200, Jorgen Horstink  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

On Mar 10, 2007, at 11:16 AM, Mihai Sucan wrote:

Adding a new DOCTYPE switch is not a solution to Microsoft's problem.

As far as I understand it, the new DOCTYPE switch is meant to 'tell' to  
browser the document follows the HTML5 specification. HTML5 is set up to  
be backwards compatible with HTML4 documents. The opposite does not  
hold. There must be at least one new DOCTYPE to 'tell' the browser HTML5  
is being served.
 seems to be a suitable candidate. This doctype can be  
used by vendors to proxy the content to the right rendering engine.  
Vendors can either rebuild a new engine from scratch, or improve  
specific parts of their rendering engine.

I believe this is wrong.

This DOCTYPE is *not* meant to 'tell'/inform/advertise the document as  
HTML5. It's definitely not the case, see the FAQ [1].

For one, HTML5 is a specification defining new features, and redefining  
parsing, breaking the SGML and XML rules. All the error recovery, and all  
the parsing rules are picked so that an implementation of HTML 5 will  
properly support HTML 4 as used today on the majority of web sites.  
Backwards compatibility is the key. Of course, it's utopic to believe that  
a specification can be written to accomodate 100% of all the web pages  
found. Yet, HTML 5 does provide parsing algorithms that work on the  
majority of code found on the web.

There's no way to advertise the document as HTML 5, and it's certainly not  
the purpose of the specification to do so.

(If I am wrong, an expert should correct me.)


ROBO Design - We bring you the future

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Elliotte Harold

Simon Pieters wrote:

Why would you need to declare entities, though?

If you don't define entities, then the parser can't resolve them. This 
is for entities such as © and ™. There are only five entities 
that XML parsers recognize out of the box without a DTD: &, <, 
>, ', and ".

Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Elliotte Harold

Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

Then you're still relying on the UA reading the DTD, which it doesn't 
have to. What use is a DTD if it doesn't need to be read and has no 
nominative value?

It's my user agent and it will read the DTD. One more time:

It's not just browsers out there!

Browsers that don't want to read the DTD don't have to, but DTDs will be 
essential for parsing XHTML5 with generic XML tools such as libxml and 

Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Simon Pieters
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 14:43:44 +0100, Elliotte Harold  

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:

The tutorials will just say "Use ".

What are those of us who wish to use XML tools on our documents supposed  
to use? We will need a real DTD at some point, to declare the entities  
if nothing else. We will not be able to use .

"" is for text/html, not for XML. For XML you could either  
drop the doctype altogether, or, if you really want to point to a DTD, you  
could just use the system identifier (the public identifier won't do  
anyone any good), or you could use the internal subset.

Why would you need to declare entities, though?

Simon Pieters

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 10 Mar 2007, at 13:43, Elliotte Harold wrote:

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:

The tutorials will just say "Use ".

What are those of us who wish to use XML tools on our documents  
supposed to use? We will need a real DTD at some point, to declare  
the entities if nothing else. We will not be able to use html>.

Then you're still relying on the UA reading the DTD, which it doesn't  
have to. What use is a DTD if it doesn't need to be read and has no  
nominative value?

- Geoffrey Sneddon

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Elliotte Harold

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:

The tutorials will just say "Use ".

What are those of us who wish to use XML tools on our documents supposed 
to use? We will need a real DTD at some point, to declare the entities 
if nothing else. We will not be able to use .

Possibly this could be two-fold. E.g there could be both

and something like

I know some browser-centric folks here just hate DTDs and schemas of any 
kind; but we will need them, even if the browsers don't. We will create 
and use them, even if there's no normative DTD in the spec.

One thing that's struck me in working with the spec over the last few 
days is just how hard it is to follow the various content models, and 
how much simpler most of them would be to read if they were described in 
a RELAX NG schema or a DTD.

Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Mihai Sucan
Le Sat, 10 Mar 2007 14:27:32 +0200, Alexey Feldgendler  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:16:09 +0100, Mihai Sucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Alexey, actually I'm skeptical about this. First impression I had  
reading the first post was "hey, do we need yet another switch?".  
What's "super-duper" standards mode after all?

How will tutorials look:

1. For quirks mode use no DOCTYPE.
2. For standards mode use one of the following DOCTYPEs:

3. For "super-duper" standards mode use the following DOCTYPE:

The tutorials will just say "Use ".

Those are the tutorials for beginners. I was talking about advanced  
tutorials, for developers who want to know "gory" details.

My point is: we either want it, or not, what we have today called as  
"standards mode" is also buggy (each browser has its own set of  
rendering bugs). If IE adds the third level of rendering, then we have  
yet another DOCTYPE switch.

Microsoft needs to make the improvements in the current standards mode  
- as they did now with IE 7. They need to continue this.

The reason why modes other than the best standards mode exist is that a  
significant number of existing documents are written while keeping the  
non-standard browser behavior in mind, and it's unacceptable to change  
the rendering of those documents dramatically.

Actually, the best standards mode available is the only right mode to  
work in. The other modes are only supported for backward compatibility  
with existing documents.

Right, and we already have one. It's the one we trigger right now with  
both of the following DOCTYPEs:


It's called "standards mode" for a reason. All the browsers fix and  
improve their standards mode rendering.

Here's how I see things (there are many details, which I probably forgot  
about right now):

(leaving aside the Netscape legacy)

1. There's IE with quirks render mode: ugly, damaged, really bad rendering.
2. There are other browsers (Opera, Geckos, WebKits) which also have  
quirks rendering mode, mimmicking and reverse-engineering quirks mode from  
3. There's standards mode in IE which is a tad better currently, compared  
to its quirks mode.
4. There's standards mode in the other browsers as well, which is far  
ahead compared to IE "standards" mode.
5. The other browsers, having little market share, have the liberty of  
improving their standards mode rendering, without annoying many users.  
Their users are more aware of the problems, why sites break, etc.
6. There are millions of pages relying on broken quirks mode rendering  
from IE (and legacy Netscape 4).
7. There's a new wave of "modern/cool/awesome" sites (including mine)  
relying on broken standards mode rendering in IE 6 and IE 7 (I still  
dislike it's rendering).
8. If Microsoft improves standards support in, in standards mode,  
it breaks existing modern sites.

So, this proposal sounds like "why not make this DOCTYPE switch to an even  
stricter standards rendering mode in then we can improve IE  
without breaking existing sites". What this means, is that people will  
create even more modern sites, which will use this new DOCTYPE and the  
improved rendering engine (which will never be perfect). It's going to be  
a loop: newer sites will rely on the newer rendering mode. So, with each  
new version of IE (released every 5-10 years), we will have a new DOCTYPE,  
and a new rendering mode?

Instead of using this DOCTYPE switch, I was even thinking of conditional  
comments, DOM document property, etc. Yet, other methods only add  
complications. If Microsoft considers adding a new rendering mode as a  
must, such that it will not break many sites, then this DOCTYPE is an  
elegant solution. History will repeat itself, no matter how elegant the  
solution might be.

Probably I don't really like this proposal very much only because it's a  
solution for *this* very moment, forgetting the fact that rendering bugs,  
and sites that rely on the bugs, will exist forever (a constant problem).

ROBO Design - We bring you the future

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Alexey Feldgendler
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:16:09 +0100, Mihai Sucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Alexey, actually I'm skeptical about this. First impression I had  
reading the first post was "hey, do we need yet another switch?". What's  
"super-duper" standards mode after all?

How will tutorials look:

1. For quirks mode use no DOCTYPE.
2. For standards mode use one of the following DOCTYPEs:

3. For "super-duper" standards mode use the following DOCTYPE:

The tutorials will just say "Use ".

My point is: we either want it, or not, what we have today called as  
"standards mode" is also buggy (each browser has its own set of  
rendering bugs). If IE adds the third level of rendering, then we have  
yet another DOCTYPE switch.

Microsoft needs to make the improvements in the current standards mode -  
as they did now with IE 7. They need to continue this.

The reason why modes other than the best standards mode exist is that a  
significant number of existing documents are written while keeping the  
non-standard browser behavior in mind, and it's unacceptable to change the  
rendering of those documents dramatically.

Actually, the best standards mode available is the only right mode to work  
in. The other modes are only supported for backward compatibility with  
existing documents.

Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ICQ: 115226275]

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Keryx Web

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:

There would be replies if your idea was incomplete or controversial, but 
actually it seems like everyone
agrees. What worries me is whether there is a chance that Microsoft 

actually does what's
suggested (and whether someone in Microsoft who is in position to influence this 


actually finds out about this idea and gets convinced).

So, has anyone mailed Molly H? Isn't she supposed to work with standards 
compliance issues within MS?

Personally I think the best route to go for MS is to fix all bugs and 
make "Standards Compliance Mode" truly compliant. And perhaps mimic FFox 
and have an "almost compliance mode" for transitional doctypes, behaving 
the same way as FFox of course when they see one.

Let's not give MS an excuse to keep behaving badly with HTML 4.01 and 

Lars Gunther

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Jorgen Horstink

On Mar 10, 2007, at 11:16 AM, Mihai Sucan wrote:

Le Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:46:15 +0200, Alexey Feldgendler  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 21:53:09 +0100, Asbjørn Ulsberg  

This is a plain simple yet brilliant idea.

Thanks. :)
I'm sad there aren't more replies to this wonderful idea,  
though! :-P

There would be replies if your idea was incomplete or  
controversial, but actually it seems like everyone agrees. What  
worries me is whether there is a chance that Microsoft actually  
does what's suggested (and whether someone in Microsoft who is in  
position to influence this decision actually finds out about this  
idea and gets convinced).

I did follow this discussion since the first email. I saw that the  
idea is very well welcomed.

Alexey, actually I'm skeptical about this. First impression I had  
reading the first post was "hey, do we need yet another switch?".  
What's "super-duper" standards mode after all?

How will tutorials look:

1. For quirks mode use no DOCTYPE.

2. For standards mode use one of the following DOCTYPEs: 


3. For "super-duper" standards mode use the following DOCTYPE:

My point is: we either want it, or not, what we have today called  
as "standards mode" is also buggy (each browser has its own set of  
rendering bugs). If IE adds the third level of rendering, then we  
have yet another DOCTYPE switch.

Microsoft needs to make the improvements in the current standards  
mode - as they did now with IE 7. They need to continue this.


Adding a new DOCTYPE switch is not a solution to Microsoft's problem.

As far as I understand it, the new DOCTYPE switch is meant to 'tell'  
to browser the document follows the HTML5 specification. HTML5 is set  
up to be backwards compatible with HTML4 documents. The opposite does  
not hold. There must be at least one new DOCTYPE to 'tell' the  
browser HTML5 is being served.
 seems to be a suitable candidate. This doctype can be  
used by vendors to proxy the content to the right rendering engine.  
Vendors can either rebuild a new engine from scratch, or improve  
specific parts of their rendering engine.

However, if this proposal makes it into, it wouldn't be a  
problem (since it triggers standards mode in the other browsers,  
and it's fairly safe to use).

ROBO Design - We bring you the future

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-10 Thread Mihai Sucan
Le Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:46:15 +0200, Alexey Feldgendler  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 21:53:09 +0100, Asbjørn Ulsberg  

This is a plain simple yet brilliant idea.

Thanks. :)
I'm sad there aren't more replies to this wonderful idea, though! :-P

There would be replies if your idea was incomplete or controversial, but  
actually it seems like everyone agrees. What worries me is whether there  
is a chance that Microsoft actually does what's suggested (and whether  
someone in Microsoft who is in position to influence this decision  
actually finds out about this idea and gets convinced).

I did follow this discussion since the first email. I saw that the idea is  
very well welcomed.

Alexey, actually I'm skeptical about this. First impression I had reading  
the first post was "hey, do we need yet another switch?". What's  
"super-duper" standards mode after all?

How will tutorials look:

1. For quirks mode use no DOCTYPE.

2. For standards mode use one of the following DOCTYPEs:



3. For "super-duper" standards mode use the following DOCTYPE:

My point is: we either want it, or not, what we have today called as  
"standards mode" is also buggy (each browser has its own set of rendering  
bugs). If IE adds the third level of rendering, then we have yet another  
DOCTYPE switch.

Microsoft needs to make the improvements in the current standards mode -  
as they did now with IE 7. They need to continue this.

Adding a new DOCTYPE switch is not a solution to Microsoft's problem.

However, if this proposal makes it into, it wouldn't be a problem  
(since it triggers standards mode in the other browsers, and it's fairly  
safe to use).

ROBO Design - We bring you the future

Re: [whatwg] href attribute

2007-03-10 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 02:28:32 +0100, Billy Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Indeed.  IMO, global |href| gives nothing but more confusion.  If we
want to have hyperlinks on block-level elements, it is simpler just
let  and/or other inline elements be legal to wrap block-level

Yup. If I recall correctly parsing-wise it's possible to let  contain  
block level elements. That's being considered now to cater for those use  

Anne van Kesteren