Re: [whatwg] SharedWorkers and the name parameter

2009-08-18 Thread Darin Fisher
I agree.  Moreover, since a shared worker identified by a given name cannot
be navigated elsewhere, the name isn't all that synonymous with other
usages of names (e.g.,  At the very least, it would seem
helpful to scope the name to the URL to avoid the name conflict issue.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Michael Nordman micha...@google.comwrote:

 What purpose the the 'name' serve? Just seems uncessary to have the notion
 of 'named' workers. They need to be identified. The url, including the
 fragment part, could serve that purpse just fine without a seperate 'name'.
 The 'name' is not enough to identify the worker, url,name is the
 identifier. Can the 'name' be used independently of the 'url' in any way?

 * From within a shared worker context, it is exposed in the global scope.
 This could inform the work about what 'mode' to run.  The location including
 the fragment is also exposed within a shared worker context, the fragment
 part could just as well serve this 'modalility' purpose.

 * From the outside, it has to be provided as part of the identifier to
 create or connect to an shared worker. And there are awkward error
 conditions arising when a worker with 'name' already exists for a different
 'url'. The awkward error conditions would be eliminated if id == url.

 * Is 'name' visible to the web developer any place besides those two?

 On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Mike Shaver mike.sha...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Jim wrote:
  Currently, SharedWorkers accept both a url parameter and a name
  parameter - the purpose is to let pages run multiple SharedWorkers
 using the
  same script resource without having to load separate resources from the
  [ request that name be scoped to the URL, rather than the entire
  because not all parts of can easily co-ordinate.]
  Would there be a problem with using URL fragments to distinguish the
  Instead of:
 new SharedWorker(url.js, name);
 new SharedWorker(url.js#name);
  and if you want a duplicate, call it
 new SharedWorker(url.js#name2);
  The normal semantics of fragments should prevent the repeated server

 I don't think that it's very natural for the name to be derived from
 the URL that way.  Ignoring that we're not really identifying a
 fragment, it seems much less self-documenting than a name parameter.
 I would certainly expect, from reading that syntax, for the #part to
 be calling out a sub-script (property or function or some such) rather
 than changing how the SharedWorker referencing it is named!


Re: [whatwg] Proposal to drag virtual file out of browser

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Wilson
Sounds interesting!
You only mention a singular file, what do you think about multiple files?
Also, would it be possible to hook browser-produced data into this model, so
client-generated data (f ex text, html, pdf) could be dragged out as a
virtual file to the desktop?
Best regards
Mike Wilson


[] On Behalf Of Jian Li
Sent: den 18 augusti 2009 03:03
Subject: [whatwg] Proposal to drag virtual file out of browser


The HTML 5 spec defines the event-based drag-and-drop mechanism that could
cross the browser boundary. If a draggable element contains a URL, dragging
it out of the browser will only copy the URL value. However, in some
scenarios, we really want to download the data file from the specified URL,
instead of copying the value. Here we propose a way to allow dragging a
virtual file denoted by an URL out of the browser boundary.


In order to download the attachment from an Internet mail application, the
user will have to click the attachment link and a save dialog will pop up
to let the user select the destination folder. This will normally involves
multiple clicks. Native application, like Outlook, can let the user drag
attachments directly into the destination place, i.e. desktop, which is
really convenient. 


Currently there is no direct support in HTML 5 to support such dragging of
the virtual file. To work around this, a plugin with such capability has to
be installed and used.


We propose adding a specific format string to the DataTransfer object:
DownloadURL. The data associated with the DownloadURL format should be
parsed similar to the URL format. When the drag ends in another
application, the remote file described in the associated data URL should be
downloaded and provided to the target application.

For example, here's how one can create a draggable image that results in a
file when dragged:

var dragTarget = document.createElement(img);
dragTarget.src =;;
document.body.insertBefore(dragTarget, document.body.firstChild);
dragTarget.addEventListener(dragstart, function(event) {
}, false);

Traditionally allowing the non-image file to be dragged out of the browser
is considered bad. The main danger here is that the user might unknowingly
drag a file that will auto-execute. To address this issue, the browser needs
to mark the dragged file to indicate that it is coming from the Internet.
With this zone marker, the user will be prompted with a security warning
dialog when the dropped file is launched. If a specific platform does not
support zone identifier marker, this feature should be turned off by

We should consider allowing only http and https typed URL in the associated
data for the DownloadURL format. Should we further restrict the download
URL to the same origin?

If the filename is provided in the Content-Disposition header, it should
always be used. Otherwise, it is up to the browser to decide how the
filename is generated from the URL. But once it is chosen, it cannot be

The drag-and-drop feedback might be decorated with the filename and the
domain from which the file is downloaded. However, the real filename might
be only available when we initiate the download and get back the response
header. To address this, we can download the response header after the drag
is initiated and then update the feedback image based on the filename
retrieved from the Content-Disposition header. This might not be possible
for certain platform because changing the drag meta-data might not be

Re: [whatwg] Proposal to drag virtual file out of browser

2009-08-18 Thread Sebastian Markbåge
 Also, would it be possible to hook browser-produced data into this model,
 so client-generated data (f ex text, html, pdf) could be dragged out as a
 virtual file to the desktop?

You could also extend the File API to allow for user created instances of
FileData objects. This would be comparable to Java's Blob and Clob API.
Each blob could represent either a local file, http file, ftp file, in
memory data or lazy client-generated data. This is all unknown to the target
and it's very extensible.

Of course you could also create a data URL but you'd have to base64 encode
it and keep the whole file in memory.

The key to having a blob API is the lazy nature of it. Of course a blob
would only be living as long as the source document is still able to
generate the content on-demand.

(Here's some semi-relevant info on this pattern in the context of

I'm not sure I like this though because the complexity involved compared to
a DownloadURL-format. But there is a need to be able to do this with
client-generated data as well.

Sebastian Markbåge

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

  Sounds interesting!
 You only mention a singular file, what do you think about multiple files?

 Also, would it be possible to hook browser-produced data into this model,
 so client-generated data (f ex text, html, pdf) could be dragged out as a
 virtual file to the desktop?

 Best regards
 Mike Wilson

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Jian Li
 *Sent:* den 18 augusti 2009 03:03
 *Subject:* [whatwg] Proposal to drag virtual file out of browser


 The HTML 5 spec defines the event-based drag-and-drop mechanism that could
 cross the browser boundary. If a draggable element contains a URL, dragging
 it out of the browser will only copy the URL value. However, in some
 scenarios, we really want to download the data file from the specified URL,
 instead of copying the value. Here we propose a way to allow dragging a
 virtual file denoted by an URL out of the browser boundary.


 In order to download the attachment from an Internet mail application, the
 user will have to click the attachment link and a save dialog will pop up
 to let the user select the destination folder. This will normally involves
 multiple clicks. Native application, like Outlook, can let the user drag
 attachments directly into the destination place, i.e. desktop, which is
 really convenient.


 Currently there is no direct support in HTML 5 to support such dragging of
 the virtual file. To work around this, a plugin with such capability has to
 be installed and used.


  We propose adding a specific format string to the DataTransfer object:
 DownloadURL. The data associated with the DownloadURL format should be
 parsed similar to the URL format. When the drag ends in another
 application, the remote file described in the associated data URL should be
 downloaded and provided to the target application.

 For example, here's how one can create a draggable image that results in a
 file when dragged:

 var dragTarget = document.createElement(img);
 dragTarget.src =;;
 document.body.insertBefore(dragTarget, document.body.firstChild);
 dragTarget.addEventListener(dragstart, function(event) {
 }, false);

  Traditionally allowing the non-image file to be dragged out of the
 browser is considered bad. The main danger here is that the user might
 unknowingly drag a file that will auto-execute. To address this issue, the
 browser needs to mark the dragged file to indicate that it is coming from
 the Internet. With this zone marker, the user will be prompted with a
 security warning dialog when the dropped file is launched. If a specific
 platform does not support zone identifier marker, this feature should be
 turned off by default.

 We should consider allowing only http and https typed URL in the associated
 data for the DownloadURL format. Should we further restrict the download
 URL to the same origin?

 If the filename is provided in the Content-Disposition header, it should
 always be used. Otherwise, it is up to the browser to decide how the
 filename is generated from the URL. But once it is chosen, it cannot be

 The drag-and-drop feedback might be decorated with the filename and the
 domain from which the file is downloaded. However, the real filename might
 be only available when we initiate the download and get back the response
 header. To address this, we can download the response header after the drag
 is initiated and then update the feedback image based on the filename
 retrieved from the 

Re: [whatwg] Spec comments, section 4.8

2009-08-18 Thread Kevin Benson
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Aryeh wrote:

 There are some Unicode characters (U+231B? an hourglass?) here that
 are showing up as white boxes for me at the beginning of some of the
 list elements.

Their purpose is described later in Loading the media
resource at step 20:

(Steps in synchronous sections are marked with ⌛.)

and noted again in Processing model at step 4:

Note: Steps in synchronous sections are marked with ⌛.

but the potential for confusion could be further mitigated with an
earlier reference to their purpose... perhaps in Loading the
media resource at step 9 with an addition to this phrase:

This algorithm is always invoked synchronously,

that instead reads something like:

This algorithm is always invoked synchronously (see steps marked with ⌛.),

 HTTP partial range requests sounds odd to me, and partial range is
 redundant.  Maybe just HTTP range requests?  The HTTP spec uses
 range retrieval requests.

I suspect this type of phrasing is born of human desire to shorten
technical jargon into more familiar terms for frequent usage. My
examination of the terminology most commonly used in RFC 2616 (related
to what Ian's s trying to convey) suggests (to me) this simple change:

HTTP partial content range requests


 If the attribute is absent, then the user agent should avoid making a
 user interface available that could conflict with an author-provided
 user interface. User agents may make the following features available,
 however, even when the attribute is absent:

 User agents may provide controls to affect playback of the media
 resource (e.g. play, pause, seeking, and volume controls), but such
 features should not interfere with the page's normal rendering. For
 example, such features could be exposed in the media element's context

 This doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  I would have expected a list
 of features after the first quoted paragraph, but instead there's
 another paragraph that partially repeats the content of the first
 paragraph.  It reads like it originally said something different, and
 then something was chopped out and not patched up properly.

My reading of those paragraphs (two pairs of sentences) suggests (to
me) that some _do_ share purpose (unobtrusive implemetation) or target
(for _whose_ sake) but each seems to make sense (to me):

Sentence #1 Recommends unobtrusive implementation of UI features (for
author's sake).
Sentence #2 Permits override of boolean attribute for implementation
of UI features. (for UA's sake)

Sentence #3 Recommends unobtrusive implementation of UI features (for
client's sake).
Sentence #4 Illustrates how implementation of UI features can be both
unobtrusive and avoid interrupting page rendering. (for UA's sake)


Perhaps a simple clarification could be effected by changing:

may make the following features available

to something like:

may make the features in this subsection available


 play and playing have confusingly similar names.

I see (only) the unavoidable shared similarity of description (common
to this _Dispatched when..._ column) which Ian currently addresses
through word variations such as begun vs. started):

play   Event   Playback has begun.
playingEvent   Playback has started.

In combination with the additional information shown in their
respective  _Preconditions_ columns, there shouldn't be too much
confusion by the consumer. It doesn't seem any different than:

load vs. loadend  _or_ seeking vs. seeked

K e V i N

[whatwg] EDITORIAL - Suggested typographical corrections

2009-08-18 Thread Kevin Benson
Suggested typographical corrections for:
Draft Standard
(Aug. 18, 06:49:15 AM EDT)
[S]UBSTITUTE//correct//incorrect//  - - (reason for correction)

4.4.3 The nav element

that are targetted at users

S//targeted//targetted//  - - (typo)


4.8.1 The figure element

img src=promblem-packed-action.png alt=ROUGH COPY!
Promblem-Packed Action!

S//problem//promblem//  - - (typo)
S//Problem//Promblem//  - - (typo)

--- Offsets into the media resource

even if the underling media data has

S//underlying//underling//  - - (typo)

--- The ready states

as the current playback position can never advanced in this case.

S//advance//advanced//  - - (typo)


4.10.6 The select element

fire a simple event tgat bubbles

S//that//tgat//  - - (typo)


4.10.10 The textarea element

fire a simple event that bubbls called

S//bubbles//bubbls//  - - (typo)


5.4.1 General

identifying or refering to the data defined

S//referring//refering//  - - (typo)


5.4.2 vCard

should have dix digits each

S//six//dix//  - - (typo)


5.4.2 vCard

(i.e., LAT LON ordering), in decimal degress.

S//degrees//degress//  - - (typo)

5.4.3 vEvent

should have dix digits each

S//six//dix//  - - (typo)


5.4.3 vEvent

(i.e., LAT LON ordering), in decimal degress.

S//degrees//degress//  - - (typo)

- Examples

an embedded image entitiled My Pond,

S//entitled//entitiled//  - - (typo)


5.5 Converting HTML to other formats

upon which the vocaulary-specific conversions

S//vocabulary//vocaulary//  - - (typo)


5.5.4 iCalendar

consisting of a type type, a value value, and optinally an annotation,

S//optionally//optinally//  - - (typo)


5.5.5 Atom

Let id be a user-agent defined undereferencable yet globally unique
absolute URL.

S//undereferenceable//undereferencable//  - - (typo)


5.5.5 Atom

value of the href attribute of the first such a ot area element,

S//of//ot//  - - (typo)


6.4 Origin

for URLs that identify the same resouce,

S//resource//resouce//  - - (typo)


6.6 Timers

The WindowTimers interfaceadds to the Window interface

S//interface adds//interfaceadds//  - - (typo)

--- Link type license

titleExampl Pictures: Kissat/title

S//Example Pictures//Exampl Pictures//  - - (typo)


7.6 The accesskey attribute

assign a key combination of its chosing as the element's assigned access key

S//choosing//chosing//  - - (typo)


[whatwg] EDITORIAL - Suggested grammatical corrections

2009-08-18 Thread Kevin Benson
Suggested grammatical corrections for:
Draft Standard
(Aug. 18, 06:53:04 AM EDT)
[S]UBSTITUTE//correct//incorrect//  - - (reason for correction)

2.1.5 Plugins

it is expected to be user-agent- and platform-specific. 

S//platform- and user-agent specific//user-agent- and
platform-specific//  - - (match usage of user-agent specific


2.4.5 Dates and times

Implementators are therefore encouraged to carefully examine any date
parsing libraries

S//Implementors//Implementators//  - - (match usage throughout document)


2.6 Fetching resources

resource is to be obtained using a idempotent action

S//an idempotent//a idempotent//  - - (using an ... action)


3.2.4 DOM tree accessors

A call to document.getElementById('example').getElementsByClassName('bbb
 ccc ') would return the same thing.

S//('bbb  ccc')//('bbb  ccc ')//  - - (unintended whitespace assumed)


4.3.1 The script element

The exact processing details for these attributes is described below.

S//are described//is described//  - - (details ... are described)

--- Text

property-independent stylesheet syntax

S//style sheet//stylesheet//  - - (match usage throughout document
when not used as keyword/element name)

--- Processing model

some other non-visible text, in a user-agent-defined fashion...

S//user-agent defined//user-agent-defined//  - - (match usage
throughout document)


4.10.4 The input element

table is non-normative and summarises which content attributes

S//summarizes//summarises//  - - (match the only other instance of usage)

--- Radio Button state

Either neither a nor b have a form owner, or they both have one and
it is the same for both.

S//Either a and b both have no form owner//Either neither a nor b have
a form owner//  - - (rewrote either neither)


6.1.2 Auxiliary browsing contexts

contexts that are related to a top level browsing context

S//top-level browsing//top level browsing//  - - (match usage
throughout document)


9.2 Parsing HTML documents

report more than one parse error condition if more than one parse
error conditions exist in the document.

S//condition exists//conditions exist//  - - (report more than one
/ more than one ... exists)


11.4.1 Introduction

snippets below set the 'binding' property to a user-agent-defined value

S//user-agent defined//user-agent-defined//  - - (match usage
throughout document)


11.4.10 The input element as a button

element's type attribute in a user-agent-defined (and probably
locale-specific) fashion

S//user-agent defined//user-agent-defined//  - - (match usage
throughout document)


Re: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Wilson
This is an interesting suggestion as it isolates the 
stateful parts from the rest of the previous suggestions. 
I like state.

Here's how I see how it fits inside the big picture:
Scope  Serialized state Live state
-   --
user agent WS_localStorage, GlobalScript [2]
   SharedWorker [1]

browsing context   WS_sessionStorage- [3]

document   -plain JS objs [4]

history entry  History.pushStateplain JS objs [4]
[1] Global state can be coordinated by a SharedWorker but
it would need to be serialized in postMessage on transfer
so that's why I've put it in the serialized column.

[2] As I understand it, the new GlobalScript construct is
a context that can be shared by all browsing contexts in
the user agent.

[3] You also mention that the feature could be usable for
page-to-page navigation within the same browsing context.
It hasn't been suggested yet, but it would be possible to 
have a variation of GlobalScript that binds to a specific
browsing context, analogous to sessionStorage.

[4] These plain JavaScript objects indeed live throughout
their Document's life, but this lifetime is usually 
shorter than what the user's perception tells him. Ie, 
when the user returns to a previous page through the Back 
button he regards that as the same document, while 
technically it's usually a new Document, with a freshly 
created document tree and JavaScript context.

This is the unavoidable question ;-) How do you envision
multiple threads accessing this shared context to be 

Process boundaries:
In this past discussion there have been several mentions
about having to cluster pages inside the same process 
if they are to share data.
Why is this so, and why can't shared memory or proxied
objects be an option for browsers doing process 

Best regards
Mike Wilson

[] On Behalf Of Dmitry Titov
Sent: den 17 augusti 2009 23:38
Subject: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

Dear whatwg,

The previous discussion about shared page and persistence has sent
us back 'to the drawing board', to think again what is the essence of the
feature and what's not important. Talking with web apps developers indicates
the most of benefits can be achieved without dangerous background
persistence or the difficulty to specify visual aspects of the invisible
Here is the new proposal. Your feedback is very appreciated. We are
thinking about feasibility of doing experimental implementation in
WebKit/Chrome. Thanks!



Currently there is no mechanism to directly share DOM, code and data
on the same ui thread across several pages of the web application.
Multi-page applications and the sites that navigate from page to page would
benefit from having access to a shared global script context (naming?)
with direct synchronous script access and ability to manipulate DOM. This
would compliment Shared Workers
( by providing a
shared script-based context which does not run on a separate thread and can
be used directly from the application's pages.


Chat application opens separate window for each conversation. Any
opened window may be closed and user expectation is that remaining windows
continue to work fine. Loading essentially whole chat application and
maintaining data structures (roster) in each window takes a lot of resources
and cpu.

Finance site could open multiple windows to show information about
particular stocks. At the same time, each page often includes data-bound UI
components reflecting real-time market data, breaking news etc. It is very
natural to have a shared context which can be directly accessed by UI on
those pages, so only one set of info is maintained.

A game may open multiple windows sharing the same model to provide
different views at the game objects (as in flight simulator).

In an email application, a user may want to open a separate
compose window for a new email, often after she started to answer in
place but realized she'd like to look up something else in the mailbox for
the answer. This could be an instantaneous operation if the whole html tree
and the compose editor script were shared.

Such multiple-window use cases could be simpler and use much less
resources if they had access to a shared Global Script Context so there is
no need to re-initialize and maintain the same state in all the pages.
Having direct, same-thread DOM/JS access to this context makes it possible
to avoid loading and initialization of repetitive code and data, makes

Re: [whatwg] Spec comments, section 4.8

2009-08-18 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:45 AM, Kevin wrote:
 Their purpose is described later in Loading the media
 resource at step 20:

Yes, but maybe a different character could be chosen, if this one
doesn't consistently display in browsers.

 Sentence #1 Recommends unobtrusive implementation of UI features (for
 author's sake).
 Sentence #2 Permits override of boolean attribute for implementation
 of UI features. (for UA's sake)

But ends with a colon, which together with the following suggests a
list of some sort was meant to come after it.

 Sentence #3 Recommends unobtrusive implementation of UI features (for
 client's sake).

Which duplicates sentence #1, even though that was only two sentences
before.  So again it looks to me like there was originally something
in between that made this look less redundant.  As it stands it
definitely reads strangely to me, anyway.

(I looked in the version history, but it didn't explain much.  The
paragraph was added as-is in r678 commented out, then uncommented in

Re: [whatwg] Spec comments, section 4.8

2009-08-18 Thread Kevin Benson
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Aryeh Gregor

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:45 AM, Kevin
  Their purpose is described later in Loading the media
  resource at step 20:

 Yes, but maybe a different character could be chosen, if this one
 doesn't consistently display in browsers.

Maybe the symbol being used for the Resource Fetch Algorithm steps, (further
down) where it reads resource fetch algorithm for a media element and a
given absolute URL:


would work better (for marking the Steps in synchronous sections) as an
intermediary pointer symbol that follows the step number and precedes the
step description because there is precious little whitespace between,
whereas the resource fetch algorithm subsections have no numbering scheme
to deal with _and_ all whitespace to the left of the steps'
descriptions. (ie. Any bulleting symbol would suffice and serve the

Or it could be browser- and font-agnostic enough to even facilitate display
in IE :)
Something like, maybe common math symbols such as:

≈ 'ALMOST EQUAL TO' (U+2248)

or whatever. (Just thinking aloud.)

  Sentence #1 Recommends unobtrusive implementation of UI features (for
  author's sake).
  Sentence #2 Permits override of boolean attribute for implementation
  of UI features. (for UA's sake)

 But ends with a colon, which together with the following suggests a
 list of some sort was meant to come after it.

Yeah, I missed that colon, but the features _are_ listed after these
sentences. It just doesn't stand out as _a list_ .

  Sentence #3 Recommends unobtrusive implementation of UI features (for
  client's sake).

 Which duplicates sentence #1, even though that was only two sentences
 before.  So again it looks to me like there was originally something
 in between that made this look less redundant.  As it stands it
 definitely reads strangely to me, anyway.

 (I looked in the version history, but it didn't explain much.  The
 paragraph was added as-is in r678 commented out, then uncommented in

I agree that the intent was probably superseded by the result. I almost get
the sense that the pairs of sentences were originally reversed (or the
alternating sentences were). Anyways, words and sentences can _always_ be
condensed and combined. Clarity remains the objective and redundancy the

   K e V i N

Re: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

2009-08-18 Thread Michael Nordman
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

 This is an interesting suggestion as it isolates the
 stateful parts from the rest of the previous suggestions.
 I like state.

 Here's how I see how it fits inside the big picture:

 Scope  Serialized state Live state
 -   --
 user agent WS_localStorage, GlobalScript [2]
   SharedWorker [1]

 browsing context   WS_sessionStorage- [3]

 document   -plain JS objs [4]

 history entry  History.pushStateplain JS objs [4]

 [1] Global state can be coordinated by a SharedWorker but
 it would need to be serialized in postMessage on transfer
 so that's why I've put it in the serialized column.

 [2] As I understand it, the new GlobalScript construct is
 a context that can be shared by all browsing contexts in
 the user agent.

 [3] You also mention that the feature could be usable for
 page-to-page navigation within the same browsing context.
 It hasn't been suggested yet, but it would be possible to
 have a variation of GlobalScript that binds to a specific
 browsing context, analogous to sessionStorage.

 [4] These plain JavaScript objects indeed live throughout
 their Document's life, but this lifetime is usually
 shorter than what the user's perception tells him. Ie,
 when the user returns to a previous page through the Back
 button he regards that as the same document, while
 technically it's usually a new Document, with a freshly
 created document tree and JavaScript context.


 This is the unavoidable question ;-) How do you envision
 multiple threads accessing this shared context to be

Nominally, they don't. In our design for chrome's multi-process
architecture, the global-script would only be shared within a single
'renderer' process (in which all page's, and global-scripts, execute in a
single thread).

 Process boundaries:
 In this past discussion there have been several mentions
 about having to cluster pages inside the same process
 if they are to share data.
 Why is this so, and why can't shared memory or proxied
 objects be an option for browsers doing process

A multi-process browser vendor probably *could* proxy all script calls to a
truely global context across all 'renderers'... but that is not required in
the proposal... and is probably even discouraged.

One of the motivations for doing this is webapp performance. Proxying all
script interactions across the page/context boundary works against that.
Also synchronization issues get much more complicated.

Implicit in the proposal is that a global-script is very inexpensive to
interact with.

 Best regards
 Mike Wilson


 [] On Behalf Of Dmitry Titov
 Sent: den 17 augusti 2009 23:38
 Subject: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

Dear whatwg,

The previous discussion about shared page and persistence has sent
 us back 'to the drawing board', to think again what is the essence of the
 feature and what's not important. Talking with web apps developers
 the most of benefits can be achieved without dangerous background
 persistence or the difficulty to specify visual aspects of the invisible

Here is the new proposal. Your feedback is very appreciated. We are
 thinking about feasibility of doing experimental implementation in
 WebKit/Chrome. Thanks!



Currently there is no mechanism to directly share DOM, code and data
 on the same ui thread across several pages of the web application.
 Multi-page applications and the sites that navigate from page to page would
 benefit from having access to a shared global script context (naming?)
 with direct synchronous script access and ability to manipulate DOM. This
 would compliment Shared Workers
 ( by providing a
 shared script-based context which does not run on a separate thread and can
 be used directly from the application's pages.


Chat application opens separate window for each conversation. Any
 opened window may be closed and user expectation is that remaining windows
 continue to work fine. Loading essentially whole chat application and
 maintaining data structures (roster) in each window takes a lot of
 and cpu.

Finance site could open multiple windows to show information about
 particular stocks. At the same time, each page often includes data-bound UI
 components reflecting real-time market data, breaking news etc. It is very
 natural to have a shared context which can be directly accessed by UI on
 those pages, so only one set of info is maintained.

A game 

Re: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

2009-08-18 Thread Dmitry Titov
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

 [2] As I understand it, the new GlobalScript construct is
 a context that can be shared by all browsing contexts in
 the user agent.

It can, but with a caveat: in case of user agents that are multi-process, in
some cases there will be more then one Global Script instance. For example,
lets say there is a process for the tab opened for site S1 and there is
another process with a tab for site S2. if S2 has iframe pointing to S1, the
page in that iframe will get a separate instance of the Global Script since
it can't access the one which is created for the tab showing S1. It is
equivalent to running the same app in different browsers...

So it's across browser contexts in the same process.


 This is the unavoidable question ;-) How do you envision
 multiple threads accessing this shared context to be

The Global Script would run on the main thread of the browser - same one
where all the JS on visible pages is executing. It can (and should) use
Workers to unload work from ui tread but its use cases are all around
running synchronously on the same thread as UI pages of the application, so
that it's possible to keep event handlers in it or update the shared UI
state synchronously (for example, user selects an image in a document - the
toolbar buttons with image operations become active).

 Process boundaries:
 In this past discussion there have been several mentions
 about having to cluster pages inside the same process
 if they are to share data.
 Why is this so, and why can't shared memory or proxied
 objects be an option for browsers doing process

Since there is a direct JS access to the Global Script on the main thread of
the browser, that would require something like synchronous JS IPC. While
theoretically possible, it is very complicated to retrofit the existing
browsers for that; it can have issues with performance of JS (especially JIT
types of JS engines) and it also has disadvantages of any sync API that may
block on a remote resource (since another process is independent and may
have its own reasons to block).

Re: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Wilson
Michael Nordman wrote: 

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

This is the unavoidable question ;-) How do you envision
multiple threads accessing this shared context to be

Nominally, they don't. In our design for chrome's multi-process
architecture, the global-script would only be shared within a single
'renderer' process (in which all page's, and global-scripts, execute in a
single thread). 

This might not be the same in other browsers. I think you need to define how
concurrent access should be handled so it can be applied to f ex a browser
using a single process but a thread per top-level window. If I understand
correctly it would be something like letting only one thread call inside the
GlobalScript context at a time?

Process boundaries:
In this past discussion there have been several mentions
about having to cluster pages inside the same process
if they are to share data.
Why is this so, and why can't shared memory or proxied
objects be an option for browsers doing process

A multi-process browser vendor probably *could* proxy all script calls to a
truely global context across all 'renderers'... but that is not required in
the proposal... and is probably even discouraged.

One of the motivations for doing this is webapp performance. Proxying all
script interactions across the page/context boundary works against that.
Also synchronization issues get much more complicated.

Implicit in the proposal is that a global-script is very inexpensive to
interact with.

Certainly, the ideal case is that they are in the same process. Using
proxies is coming back to serialization all over again, although
transparent. What I was commenting was the (seemingly widespread) notion
that it is impossible to share data between process, which is not true.
There is nothing stopping an implementation from using direct calls whenever
process sharing is possible, and falling back to proxies in cases when
processes need to be different. 
With this stated, I'd like to throw out a question on what do you want the
most - max performance in 100% of cases, but redundant GlobalScript
contexts, or max performance in most cases and singular GlobalScript
Also, what about shared memory (I'm assuming everybody knows what this is) -
apart from being non-trivial stuff, are there any specific drawbacks that
renders it not useful for this case?
Best regards

Re: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

2009-08-18 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Mike wrote:
 Michael Nordman wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

 This is the unavoidable question ;-) How do you envision
 multiple threads accessing this shared context to be

 Nominally, they don't. In our design for chrome's multi-process
 architecture, the global-script would only be shared within a single
 'renderer' process (in which all page's, and global-scripts, execute in a
 single thread).

 This might not be the same in other browsers. I think you need to define how
 concurrent access should be handled so it can be applied to f ex a browser
 using a single process but a thread per top-level window. If I understand
 correctly it would be something like letting only one thread call inside the
 GlobalScript context at a time?

I think it is likely impractical for windows that have javascript
access to each other to be on separate threads.

The relationship between the global script and pages accessing it is
similar to a parent windows and an iframe that are on the same origin,
or to a window and a popup window on the same origin.

Objects should be able to be freely passed across both sides. For
example, the global script should be able to have a JavaScript object
graph which represents some application state and share it (by
reference) with its clients.

I don't see how it is realistic to do this when the windows are
separated by a thread boundary.

Therefore, I would say it is totally valid for a UA to put a bunch of
windows that want to use the same global script URL in different
threads, but it should group them by thread. Each thread should get
its own global script that is shared among the windows that are on
that thread.

- a

Re: [whatwg] SharedWorkers and the name parameter

2009-08-18 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Darin wrote:
 I agree.  Moreover, since a shared worker identified by a given name cannot
 be navigated elsewhere, the name isn't all that synonymous with other
 usages of names (e.g.,  At the very least, it would seem
 helpful to scope the name to the URL to avoid the name conflict issue.

Technically, that can already be done by using the current the current
URL as the name.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

2009-08-18 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Mike wrote:
  Michael Nordman wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Mike Wilson
  This is the unavoidable question ;-) How do you envision
  multiple threads accessing this shared context to be
  Nominally, they don't. In our design for chrome's multi-process
  architecture, the global-script would only be shared within a single
  'renderer' process (in which all page's, and global-scripts, execute in a
  single thread).
  This might not be the same in other browsers. I think you need to define
  concurrent access should be handled so it can be applied to f ex a
  using a single process but a thread per top-level window. If I understand
  correctly it would be something like letting only one thread call inside
  GlobalScript context at a time?

 I think it is likely impractical for windows that have javascript
 access to each other to be on separate threads.

 The relationship between the global script and pages accessing it is
 similar to a parent windows and an iframe that are on the same origin,
 or to a window and a popup window on the same origin.

 Objects should be able to be freely passed across both sides. For
 example, the global script should be able to have a JavaScript object
 graph which represents some application state and share it (by
 reference) with its clients.

 I don't see how it is realistic to do this when the windows are
 separated by a thread boundary.

 Therefore, I would say it is totally valid for a UA to put a bunch of
 windows that want to use the same global script URL in different
 threads, but it should group them by thread. Each thread should get
 its own global script that is shared among the windows that are on
 that thread.

Btw, I thought I'd just point out that the proposal mentions this case:
 From the proposal text: All pages connected to the same Global Script
should run on the same thread, in the same process.  Since this is not
always technically possible, it should be legal (and not break the
applications) for there to be duplicate global script contexts within a UA.
 I'm glad this came up, however, since now it's more clear why such language
is necessary.

Re: [whatwg] Global Script proposal.

2009-08-18 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Mike Wilson wrote:

  Michael Nordman wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

 This is the unavoidable question ;-) How do you envision
 multiple threads accessing this shared context to be

 Nominally, they don't. In our design for chrome's multi-process
 architecture, the global-script would only be shared within a single
 'renderer' process (in which all page's, and global-scripts, execute in a
 single thread).

 This might not be the same in other browsers. I think you need to define
 how concurrent access should be handled so it can be applied to f ex a
 browser using a single process but a thread per top-level window. If I
 understand correctly it would be something like letting only one thread call
 inside the GlobalScript context at a time?

 Process boundaries:
 In this past discussion there have been several mentions
 about having to cluster pages inside the same process
 if they are to share data.
 Why is this so, and why can't shared memory or proxied
 objects be an option for browsers doing process

 A multi-process browser vendor probably *could* proxy all script calls to a
 truely global context across all 'renderers'... but that is not required in
 the proposal... and is probably even discouraged.

 One of the motivations for doing this is webapp performance. Proxying all
 script interactions across the page/context boundary works against that.
 Also synchronization issues get much more complicated.

 Implicit in the proposal is that a global-script is very inexpensive to
 interact with.

 Certainly, the ideal case is that they are in the same process. Using
 proxies is coming back to serialization all over again, although
 transparent. What I was commenting was the (seemingly widespread) notion
 that it is impossible to share data between process, which is not true.
 There is nothing stopping an implementation from using direct calls whenever
 process sharing is possible, and falling back to proxies in cases when
 processes need to be different.
 With this stated, I'd like to throw out a question on what do you want the
 most - max performance in 100% of cases, but redundant GlobalScript
 contexts, or max performance in most cases and singular GlobalScript

I don't think any UA is realistically going to do this for v1.  But sure,
the door should be left open for in the future.  (The
initial proposal allows for both, btw.)

 Also, what about shared memory (I'm assuming everybody knows what this is)
 - apart from being non-trivial stuff, are there any specific drawbacks that
 renders it not useful for this case?

I think it being non-trivial is the only issue.  When it becomes necessary
for performance reasons, I'm sure people will start looking at this.


Re: [whatwg] SharedWorkers and the name parameter

2009-08-18 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Darin wrote:
  I agree.  Moreover, since a shared worker identified by a given name
  be navigated elsewhere, the name isn't all that synonymous with other
  usages of names (e.g.,  At the very least, it would seem
  helpful to scope the name to the URL to avoid the name conflict issue.

 Technically, that can already be done by using the current the current
 URL as the name.

I don't quite understand.  Are you suggesting that you can work around this
by passing the same parameter twice when creating a shared worker?  If so,
that seems ugly...and a sign that it should be changed.

[whatwg] Storage mutex

2009-08-18 Thread Jeremy Orlow
I was looking through the WebStorage and HTML 5 specs regarding the storage
mutex.  I have a few comments/questions.
First of all, I was wondering why all user prompts are specified as must
release the storage mutex (  Should this
really say must instead of may?  IIRC (I couldn't find the original
thread, unfortunately) this was added because of deadlock concerns.  It
seems like there might be some UA implementation specific ways this could
deadlock and there is the question of whether we'd want an alert() while
holding the lock to block other execution requiring the lock, but I don't
see why the language should be must.  For Chromium, I don't think we'll
need to release the lock for any of these, unless there's some
deadlock scenario I'm missing here.

It's also worth noting that Chromium is probably going to need to drop the
storage mutex for most if not all plugin related calls due to deadlock
conditions.  If there were some place to mention this as a may type thing,
it'd be good, but I realize it's probably out of scope for HTML 5.

Given that different UAs are probably going to have other scenarios where
they have to drop the lock (some of them may even be purely implementational
issues), should we add some way for us to notify scripts the lock was
dropped?  A normal event isn't going to be of much use, since it'll fire
after the scripts execution ends (so the lock would have been dropped by
then anyway).  A boolean doesn't seem super useful, but it's better than
nothing and could help debugging.  Maybe fire an exception?  Are there other

Lastly, is navigator.getStorageUpdates() the right name for the function
that drops the lock?  Why was it changed from navigator.releaseLock()?  I
assume we're trying to avoid the word lock, but the reason why you'd need
to call a function to get updates is not clear without understanding the
concept of a what's the point of making this so cryptic?


[whatwg] Proposed changes to the History API

2009-08-18 Thread Justin Lebar
I'm in the process of implementing the HTML5 History API
(History.pushState(), History.clearState(), and the PopState event) in
Firefox.  I'd like to discuss whether the API might benefit from some
changes.  To my knowledge, no other browser implements this API, so
I'm assuming we have freedom to make large alterations to it.

My basic proposal is that History.pushState() be split into a function
for creating new history entries and functions or a property for
getting/setting an object associated with that entry.

In its current form, the History API allows us to identify session
history entries by way of an arbitrary object, which we pass as the
first argument to pushState() and which we receive as part of the
PopState event when that history entry is activated.  If the page gets
a null popstate, it's supposed to use the URL to decide what state to

Notably unsupported by this API is support for pages altering their
saved state.  For instance, a page might want to save a text box's
edit history to implement a fancy undo.  It could store the edit
history in a cookie or in the session storage, but then if we loaded
the page twice in the same tab, those two instances would step on each
other when we went back and forth between them.

The page could just store its state in variables in the document, but
then it would loose that state when the browser crashed or was closed,
or when the browser decided to kick the document out of the history.

I think this page would be better served by a History.setStateObject()
function, which does exactly what the page wants in a simple fashion.

We'd still keep the history-entry-creating functionality of
History.pushState() in a new History function (I'll call it
createNewEntry(), but it probably needs a better name), which takes a
title and URL, as pushState() does now.

The API might be more intuitive if we had a History.stateObject
propery, but I'm concerned that then we'd be promising the page that
we'll keep around literally any objects it wants, including DOM
objects.  In fact, I'd be happy restricting the state object to being
a string.  If a page wants to store an object, it can convert it to
JSON, or it can store a GUID as its state string and index into the
session storage.

Pages could retrieve the state object just as they do now, in a
PopState event, although we'd probably want to change the name of the
event.  We'd probably want to fire PopState on all loads and history
navigations, since any document might have a state to pop, and even
those documents which didn't call setStateObject() might store state
in their URI which they need to restore when their history entry is

Last, I'm not sure that we need the History.clearState() function.
It's confusing (why do we end up at the last entry for the current
document instead of staying at the current entry?) and I haven't been
able to come up with a compelling use case.

I think the main benefit of these changes is added simplicity.
There's a right and wrong way to use pushState, and
setState/createNewEntry doesn't require such rules.  But additionally,
these changes allow pages flexibility to do things we haven't yet
thought of.  I don't know what those things might be, but I suspect
they may be pretty cool.  :)


Re: [whatwg] SharedWorkers and the name parameter

2009-08-18 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Jeremy wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Darin wrote:
  I agree.  Moreover, since a shared worker identified by a given name
  be navigated elsewhere, the name isn't all that synonymous with other
  usages of names (e.g.,  At the very least, it would seem
  helpful to scope the name to the URL to avoid the name conflict issue.

 Technically, that can already be done by using the current the current
 URL as the name.

 I don't quite understand.  Are you suggesting that you can work around this
 by passing the same parameter twice when creating a shared worker?  If so,
 that seems ugly...and a sign that it should be changed.

No, what I mean is that if you want to create a worker shared with
other instances of the same page, without having to worry about
collisions from other pages on your site, you can do:

worker = new SharedWorker(/scripts/workerJSFile.js, document.location);

This way you can be sure that no other page on your site happen to use
the same name.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] SharedWorkers and the name parameter

2009-08-18 Thread Drew Wilson
An alternative would be to make the name parameter optional, where
omitting the name would create an unnamed worker that is identified/shared
only by its url.
So pages would only specify the name in cases where they actually want to
have multiple instances of a shared worker.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Jeremy wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Darin
   I agree.  Moreover, since a shared worker identified by a given name
   be navigated elsewhere, the name isn't all that synonymous with
   usages of names (e.g.,  At the very least, it would seem
   helpful to scope the name to the URL to avoid the name conflict issue.
  Technically, that can already be done by using the current the current
  URL as the name.
  I don't quite understand.  Are you suggesting that you can work around
  by passing the same parameter twice when creating a shared worker?  If
  that seems ugly...and a sign that it should be changed.

 No, what I mean is that if you want to create a worker shared with
 other instances of the same page, without having to worry about
 collisions from other pages on your site, you can do:

 worker = new SharedWorker(/scripts/workerJSFile.js, document.location);

 This way you can be sure that no other page on your site happen to use
 the same name.

 / Jonas

Re: [whatwg] SharedWorkers and the name parameter

2009-08-18 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Drew wrote:
 An alternative would be to make the name parameter optional, where
 omitting the name would create an unnamed worker that is identified/shared
 only by its url.
 So pages would only specify the name in cases where they actually want to
 have multiple instances of a shared worker.

This seems like a very good idea. Makes a lot of sense that if two
shared workers have the same uri, you are probably going to interact
with it the same way everywhere. Only in less common cases do you need
to instantiate different workers for the same url, in which case you
can use the name parameter.

/ Jonas