[whatwg] Books on canvas

2014-09-23 Thread L2L 2L
I'm reading this one book, but it's heavy in math equation. And other book seem 
to have framework--which I'm reducing to avoid using-- and suggestion? I don't 
mind using a custom class object,  as long as I can learn it inside and out.


[whatwg] Bitmap + image = easy hit detect

2014-09-21 Thread L2L 2L
Does the image map have any effect on canvas? 


[whatwg] ctx.skew(x,y);

2014-09-21 Thread L2L 2L
ctx.skew(x,y); //allow for skew with out transform 


[whatwg] CSS on canvas?

2014-09-20 Thread L2L 2L

Is this true:

A future version of the 2D context API may provide a way to render fragments of 
documents, rendered using CSS, straight to the canvas. This would be provided 
in preference to a dedicated way of doing multiline layout.


Re: [whatwg] CSS on canvas?

2014-09-20 Thread L2L 2L
 On Sep 20, 2014, at 10:13 PM, Jasper St. Pierre jstpie...@mecheye.net 
 Rendering DOM elements to a 2d canvas would indeed be a nice feature, but I
 don't see how it would help with multiline layout. What are you trying to
Nothing. This is from a book, I'm asking you is it true?

There is so much math logic involve in the canvas. It's a challenge to learn. 
And you most think in a different perspective of what you won't to do.

I'm more of a... Teach me the peaces, and let me compose my own puzzle. Do 
you know of any books that do such a thing?

 On 20 Sep 2014 20:10, L2L 2L emanuelal...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Is this true:
 A future version of the 2D context API may provide a way to render
 fragments of documents, rendered using CSS, straight to the canvas. This
 would be provided in preference to a dedicated way of doing multiline

Re: [whatwg] Move RequestAnimationFrame steps into HTML?

2014-09-17 Thread L2L 2L
Web animation is --to my knowledge-- only for the manipulation of the dom's 
children element and to some extent the dom itself. What of the canvas? Is 
there any interest in simplifying or and adding on to the 
requestAnimationFrame? Like making it a constructor or making Daemon object to 
better PUI--programmer user interface--?


 On Sep 17, 2014, at 7:02 PM, James Robinson jam...@chromium.org wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Sep 2014, James Robinson wrote:
 I'd be happy to do this. I've filed a bug to track it:
   https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.I can't speak for the editors
 of that spec, but I'm pretty sure thcgi?id=26839
 This will actually help substantially with resolving this issue also:
 Do you have a log of the issues that are outstanding on this spec?
 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-perf/2014Jul/0019.html and
 describe two open issues with the spec.  The resolutions for both are (I
 believe) pretty simple and described in those threads.
 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26440 and
 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26636 (which you mentioned)
 are issues that would be a lot easier to resolve if we had the processing
 model for this system described in one place.
 The Web Animation spec defines a fuzzy hook into the requestAnimationFrame
 processing model here:
 but that should probably be tightened up as it doesn't specify many details
 exactly such as the order things happen in different frames or exactly what
 sorts of things can happen between sampling a WebAnimations animation and
 running a requestAnimationFrame callback.  I believe that the editors (+cc
 Shane) of that spec would really appreciate having a better model to hook
 in to in order to precisely define these things.
 - James
 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

[whatwg] Question on server side api

2014-08-04 Thread L2L 2L
... Here's a question that will get a huh?

Do the browser have an api that is use This is a stupid question  Do 
the browser have an api that I can use to preform --I'm still a novice--  
simple server side action?


[whatwg] Revive E4X

2014-07-25 Thread L2L 2L
I am a novice programmer who fell in love with ECMAScript, and XML. I feel in 
love with xml after I found xqib. I was and still am zeal about it that I push 
myself to learn xml, xslt, schema(and out of respect DTD).

I am currently trying to accomplish two things:

One: revive of e4x

Two: revive of xqib

My proposal for e4x:

An interface point of view(short and simple)

Change spec name to EDPQO(ECMAScript's DOM Parser  Query Object)

EDPO acting as a internal representation of the DOM in an ESON(JSON) format

All communication with this representation via ESON(JSON) syntax

Scrap everything but the methods and properties.

Change the XML(); object name to DOM(); to indicate that it's for XML, HTML, 
XHTML, XSLT, Schema, and the likes(anything that's is base XML.

 A reference interface object; allowing communication with the document object 
model through a shallow copy of it via ESON(JSON) syntax: 

var doc = DOM();


All access possible via ESON(JSON) syntax.

Allow xPath 1.0 support through the method:
To use xPath expression to nevigate through the DOM object.

Example: doc.xPath(/html/body/p);

Remove support for native element via /

For example:

XML file to be use:
 bodyDon't forget me this weekend!/body 

E4X spec.
var Doc=new DOM();

ESON syntax:


Along with ESON(JSON) syntax, allow for added method of Number, String, Array, 
Object, RegRxp. Since  data type are automatically wrapped, they should be NO 
complication of allowing this.

A display of a few methods:

This /**/note/body**/ is within body element as the last child, after the 

Doc[4].body.ps = also, don't forget to bring a jacket;

note that body is an object, as note is am array of elements that cannot hold 
node text. The body.ps adds a new element to body: psAlso, don't forget to 
bring a jacket!/ps:
Don't forget me this weekend!
Also, don't forget to bring a jacket!

This /**/note/**/ is after body element:
Doc[Doc.length ].concat(psalso, don't forget to bring a jacket/ps);

Don't forget me this weekend!
Also, don't forget to bring a jacket!

This /**/note/**/ is before body element (note: index 4 is note's child 
heading element)

The following example is the same as:
var note = [date,to,from,heading,body];
note;//output: [date,to,from,heading,ps,body];

xmlDoc.splice(4, 0 , psalso, don't forget to bring a jacket/ps);

xPath 1.0 for the xPath(); method

With attribute, I say to use the xPath(/*expression*/); method to retrieve that 
via string:

date attr=value

//xPath 1.0 spec

Via ESON syntax:

/*as the attribute node(object) is a child of the date node(object); it stand 
to reason that it is also a object within the date object that can only hold 

Doc[0].date[0].attr; //value

For xqib, please look at this site: 


The old e4x program is already written, just need to be extracted to adopt. 
Mirth connect is an open source that have the e4x still apart of their software.

My apologies for and mistake.

Thank you for reading.

[whatwg] Update and info!

2014-06-26 Thread L2L 2L
Could/is there [be] a mailing list that send out information on new updates on 
HTML tags, etc. and more?

Please tell!

[whatwg] Bridging between W3C EMCAScript

2014-06-26 Thread L2L 2L
JavaScripture.com a bridge between W3C  EMCAScript.

Please take a look, this site make it easy to navigate in W3C and EMCAScript.

The only thing it's missing is WHATWG!

[whatwg] This is a proposal for the CanvasRenderingContext2D

2014-06-12 Thread L2L 2L
This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D:

An outline will be what's goes around the shape, and or line. And will be 
define as this:
ctx.outline(w, h);

Detail for syntax above: w = width of the outline, and h = height of the 

 = [none||dotted||dashed||solid||groove||ridge||inset||outset||inherit];

ctx.outlineSize = #;

ctx.outlineStyle = [rgb||#hex||name];

The following section is the section that inspire me to write this:

This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.

ctx.bevel= [none||circle||relaxed inset||cross||cool slant||angle||soft 
round||convex||slope||divot||riblet||hard edge||art deco]

This is part of the section above; adding more control:



For thee above section; if you need a visual of this and what inspire me, Feel 
free to ask.

Help to define 3d within a 2d context.

This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.
This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.

Better help with rotation:
ctx.rotate3d(1, 2, 3);

1 = none||parallel||perspective||oblique||isometric

2 = y(axis)||x(axis)

3 = ?

Above section is not finish. To many choices.

This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.

[whatwg] Redraft: This is a proposal for the CanvasRenderingContext2D

2014-06-12 Thread L2L 2L

This proposal is more so of defining the edge of a shape, line, etc. define 
within another set of properties and methods, to not change the current ones.

This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D:

An outline will be what's goes around the shape, and or line. And will be 
define as this:

ctx.fillOutline(w, h);
ctx.strokeOutline(w, h);

Detail for syntax above: w = width of the outline, and h = height of the 

ctx.outline = 

ctx.outlineSize = #;

ctx.outlineStyle = [rgb||#hex||name];

The following section is the section that inspire me to write this:

This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.

To define the look of the outline.

ctx.outlineBevel||ctx.bevelOutline||ctx.bevel= [none||circle||relaxed 
inset||cross||cool slant||angle||soft round||convex||slope||divot||riblet||hard 
edge||art deco];

This is part of the section above; adding more control:




For thee above section; if you need a visual of this and what inspire me, Feel 
free to ask.

Help to define 3d within a 2d context.

This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.
This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.

Better help with rotation:
ctx.rotate3d(1, 2, 3);

1 = none||parallel||perspective||oblique||isometric

2 = y(axis)||x(axis)

3 = ?

Above section is not finish. To many choices.

This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.

 On Jun 12, 2014, at 8:13 PM, L2L 2L emanuelal...@hotmail.com wrote:
 This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D:
 An outline will be what's goes around the shape, and or line. And will be 
 define as this:
 ctx.outline(w, h);
 Detail for syntax above: w = width of the outline, and h = height of the 
 = [none||dotted||dashed||solid||groove||ridge||inset||outset||inherit];
 ctx.outlineSize = #;
 ctx.outlineStyle = [rgb||#hex||name];
 The following section is the section that inspire me to write this:
 This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.
 ctx.bevel= [none||circle||relaxed inset||cross||cool slant||angle||soft 
 round||convex||slope||divot||riblet||hard edge||art deco]
 This is part of the section above; adding more control:
 For thee above section; if you need a visual of this and what inspire me, 
 Feel free to ask.
 Help to define 3d within a 2d context.
 This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.
 This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.
 Better help with rotation:
 ctx.rotate3d(1, 2, 3);
 1 = none||parallel||perspective||oblique||isometric
 2 = y(axis)||x(axis)
 3 = ?
 Above section is not finish. To many choices.
 This proposal is for the CanvasRenderingContext2D.

[whatwg] Canvas' 2D context + WebGL = 3D context(make for a simple more high level API

2014-06-09 Thread L2L 2L
Is it not possible to transfer all canvas' 2D feature into WebGL appearance to 
make a 3D context? Everything the same except that when setting the getCentext, 
you pass 3D instead of 2D. This will make for a more friendly yet familiar tool 
to use. Utilizing WebGL with set features as 2D getContext. I believe this 
proposal is worth looking at and giving thought to; all one would have to do is 
define the API of 2D context in WebGL to have a easy 3D context, ensnare if I 
it's limited, or won't showcase the full capability that is WebGL, it'll allow 
those to take a step toward WebGL by introducing it in a familiar API. 

var ctx = canvas.getContext(2D);
Var ctx = canvas.getContext(3D);

By predefining all the feature of 2D context into WebGL to render them in 3D 
context. By doing so, giving a friendly to use, familiar API to work with, 
instead of learning a library.(some of us believe in non library programming). 
Please take interest, or at least thought of mind of this ideal... Seeing that 
the canvas feature are few, I can't see how hard this would be for an 
evangelist to complete in an hour or so.


Re: [whatwg] Canvas' 2D context + WebGL = 3D context(make for a simple more high level API

2014-06-09 Thread L2L 2L
When I think over it... Their will be need or demand of more feature, like 
light(toLight()), camera(toView() for this one, my than one canvas 
property and method would need to be combine... Same for the source, matrix; 
rotate, scale, skew, rgba, or globalaphle, etc.) there is no need to creature 
new feature from scratch; mixing the feature of the canvas 2D context in 3D 
centext, will both show case the 2D ability, and simplified understanding as 
when convert from 2D/3D context to WebGL.  
Sorry for the grammer mistake, I would be happy to write a draft of this, if 
anyone interested in it.

programming. Sorry for the grammar mistakes. 

 On Jun 9, 2014, at 12:07 PM, L2L 2L emanuelal...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Is it not possible to transfer all canvas' 2D feature into WebGL appearance 
 to make a 3D context? Everything the same except that when setting the 
 getCentext, you pass 3D instead of 2D. This will make for a more friendly yet 
 familiar tool to use. Utilizing WebGL with set features as 2D getContext. I 
 believe this proposal is worth looking at and giving thought to; all one 
 would have to do is define the API of 2D context in WebGL to have a easy 3D 
 context, ensnare if I it's limited, or won't showcase the full capability 
 that is WebGL, it'll allow those to take a step toward WebGL by introducing 
 it in a familiar API. 
 var ctx = canvas.getContext(2D);
 Var ctx = canvas.getContext(3D);
 By predefining all the feature of 2D context into WebGL to render them in 3D 
 context. By doing so, giving a friendly to use, familiar API to work with, 
 instead of learning a library.(some of us believe in non library 
 programming). Please take interest, or at least thought of mind of this 
 ideal... Seeing that the canvas feature are few, I can't see how hard this 
 would be for an evangelist to complete in an hour or so.