[whatwg] Drag and drop feedback

2012-06-28 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 * Firefox, Chrome and Opera only allow dragend to delete ranges during a 
 'move' if the range exists within an editable element. The spec needs to 
 change to reflect this - currently it expects this anywhere within a 
 non-editable document.


 * Firefox, Chrome and Opera allow dropping in all text based inputs 
 (text search tel url email password number) not just text.

The spec allowed this -- the spec just said text field, it didn't say 
what it meant (it just had an example that said this included textarea and 
type=text). I've made this more explicit. It may have to change if UAs use 
text fields for other controls.

 * Firefox, Chrome and Opera all make .effectAllowed writeable only when 
 the data store is in read/write mode, so that only the source node has 
 the ability to set the effectAllowed.

Done. (The way WebKit and Opera do it, not the way Firefox does it.)

 * Opera and Firefox have chosen to implement modifiers at the point of 
 dropEffect initialization during dragenter and dragover: initially set 
 dropEffect to the default value specified in the spec table, then if the 
 platform requests something else with a modifier, set the dropEffect to 
 that modified value. Therefore those events see the modified dropEffect 
 (which seems to be the intention of the spec), and can also override it 
 by writing to the dropEffect property.

Browsers ignored effectAllowed in doing this, which seems like it would be 
a source of bugs. I've adopted the idea here, but honoured effectAllowed 
in the UA requirements here.

 * When dragging selections, Firefox, Chrome and Opera populate text/html 
 with the minimal markup intersected by the selection (the smallest 
 possible markup that contains all of the selection, without any parent 
 elements that contain both ends of the selection).

I haven't attempted to define this, since even a detailed explanation 
would still be incomplete unless we also defined all the whitelisting done 
for security reasons, and I don't intend to try to play that game.

 * Opera populates text/html when dragging an element. This means that it 
 is possible to drag HTML into another application without needing 

I've allowed this, but in no detail.

 * Opera recognises dropzone on parent elements of the immediate user selection
 - the spec currently requires it to be the specific element, which means that
 child elements of the dropzone are not within the dropzone. This
 implementation is as simple as replacing this line in the specification:
 If the immediate user selection is an element with a dropzone attribute that
 matches the drag data store - Set the current target element to the immediate
 user selection anyway.
 With this line:
 If the immediate user selection is an element with a dropzone attribute that
 matches the drag data store, or if the immediate user selection has an
 ancestor element with a dropzone attribute that matches the drag data store -
 Set the current target element to the immediate user selection anyway.

The proposed change wouldn't work (you'd end up sending the drop events 
to the wrong element, which matters e.g. if conflicting drop zones are 
nested). But I've done something similar, so that dropzone does work even 
when the element has descendants.

 * When there is no body, Opera uses the root node as the fallback target 
 (when the immediate user selection does not cancel dragenter). If there 
 is no root node, Opera uses null. This allows documents with no body to 
 function correctly, where the spec reverts to using the document object. 
 This means that when subsequently moving the drag over another 
 non-cancelling element, it will once again fire dragenter at the 
 document. And again when the mouse drags over another non-cancelling 
 element, etc. etc.
 Our proposal is to replace this:
 If the current target element is the body element
 with this:
 If the current target element is the body element, or if there is no body
 element and the current target is the html element
 And then replace this:
 Otherwise; Fire a DND event named dragenter at the body element, if there is
 one, or at the Document object, if not. Then, and set the current target
 element to the body element, regardless of whether that event was canceled or
 with this:
 If the body element or html element exist; Fire a DND event named dragenter at
 the first of the following objects that exists, and set the current target
 element to that object regardless of whether that event was canceled or not:
 * The body element
 * The html element [interpreted as the root node in non-html documents]
 Otherwise; set the current target element to null
 (Note that it is possible for a document containing an immediate user 
 selection to have neither a body element nor a root element, if the 
 dragenter event handler for the immediate user selection deletes the 
 root element.)


Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2011-05-09 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, David Flanagan wrote:
 nit: One of your old examples near the beginning of the DnD section 
 involves class=dragzone, which seems confusing now that you've added 
 an attribute with the same zone.  Maybe change that class to droppable?

The word dragzone doesn't appear in the spec anymore so hopefully this 
was addressed already.

 Say I want to create a library to emulate dropzone today, because it is 
 just so much nicer than all the dragenter and dragleave stuff.  In order 
 to do this right, I need to be able to tell if the browser already 
 supports dropzone. Will it work to test (dropzone in 

In theory, yes.

 If I understand correctly, the dropzone attribute means that we no 
 longer *have* to write dragenter and dragleave handlers.  But every 
 useful dropzone I've seen in practice provides some kind of feedback 
 (changes background color, e.g.) when it is armed and ready to accept 
 a drop.  Is there any mechanism for doing this?

Not yet, but we should add CSS selectors for this kind of thing. I 
encourage you to approach the CSS working group with suggestions for 
enabling the styling of drag-and-drop interfaces.

Specific needs are:

 - some way to be able to match an element that is being dragged over.

 - some way to be able to animate an element as it goes into and out of 
   this state (CSS transitions?), e.g. to be able to animate something
   getting out of the way to let you drop an item between others.

 - as an extension to the previous feature, a way to distinguish being 
   dragged above or to the left of the drag target vs below or to the 
   right of the drag target.

One pseudo-class with an argument should be able to handle that, say 
:drop-target, :drop-target(before), :drop-target(after).

If CSS can be so updated, I'd be happy to integrate with this in HTML.

On Mon, 14 Mar 2011, Jeb Boniakowski wrote:

 I would like to be able to paste images from the system clipboard into 
 web apps. �E.g. an annotated screengrab right into the bug tracker, a 
 pic into emails, an image from twitpic into a blog CMS's post screen.

The Clipboard API and Events specification hopefully addresses this use 


 (note: there seems to a small typo in the current Editor's Draft: the
 getData() method only takes 'format', not a second parameter called
 'data', right? �That's what the summary tables above say. �In either
 case, these should probably agree).

Fixed. Thanks.

 There's a range in what the browsers return for types. �In Safari
 (r80833), having a png on the clipboard shows you:
 �- com.apple.pasteboard.promised-file-url
 �- public.tiff
 �- NSPromiseContentsPboardType
 �- com.apple.webarchive
 �- public.utf8-plain-text
 �- dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8yc6durvwwaznwmuuha2pxsvw0e55bsmwca7d3sbwu
 �- text/uri-list
 �- Apple files promise pasteboard type
 �- application/x-webarchive
 �- dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8y6y4usm1044pxqzb085xyqz1hk64uqm10c6xenv61a3k
 �- dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8zs3pcnzme2641rf4guzdmsv0gn64uqm10c6xenv61a3k
 �- WebURLsWithTitlesPboardType
 �- dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8yc6durvwwa3xmrvw1gkdusm1044pxqyuha2pxsvw0e55bsmwca7d3sbwu
 �- CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x75726C6E
 �- CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x75726C20
 �- text/plain
 �- public.url-name
 �- NeXT RTFD pasteboard type
 �- public.url
 �- com.apple.flat-rtfd
 �- com.apple.pasteboard.promised-file-content-type
 �- image/tiff
 Whereas the Chrome I have (10.0.648.133) shows me:
 �- text/html
 �- text/uri-list
 �- url
 Firefox (3.6.15):
 �- text/x-moz-url
 �- text/x-moz-url-data
 �- text/x-moz-url-desc
 �- text/uri-list
 �- text/_moz_htmlcontext
 �- text/_moz_htmlinfo
 �- text/html
 �- text/plain
 I don't think this contravenes the spec, except that for all of those 
 rich types in Safari, you don't actually get anything when you ask for 
 it. �The spec doesn't really mandate anything that you have to do with 
 any specific types of data on the clipboard, which especially makes 
 sense when considering data that originates outside the browser.
 This has one interesting implication though for data that originates
 inside the browser: drag/drop or paste with images loaded from data
 URIs. �Currently, the clipboard behavior of these is interesting but

 �- Chrome will return an img tag with the data uri intact, with the 
 Base64-encoded data for type text/html (preceded by a meta tag telling 
 you you're getting html)

 �- Firefox does pretty much the same thing, minus the meta tag

 �- Safari doesn't present a text/html type in this case. �However, it 
 does provide a text/plain, which contains *just* the data uri itself.
 Now, this situation isn't preventing anyone from doing anything, as far 
 as I can tell, but would it be crazy to try to normalize this in the 
 HTML5 spec?

I don't think it would be crazy. Ambitious, maybe. :-)

The one type it seems you would really want is image/png. I don't see that 
in any of the lists above. 

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2011-01-31 Thread David Flanagan


I love the new dropzone attribute.  Nice work.  Here is one nit, and a 
couple of questions

nit: One of your old examples near the beginning of the DnD section 
involves class=dragzone, which seems confusing now that you've added 
an attribute with the same zone.  Maybe change that class to droppable?

Q1) Say I want to create a library to emulate dropzone today, because it 
is just so much nicer than all the dragenter and dragleave stuff.  In 
order to do this right, I need to be able to tell if the browser already 
supports dropzone. Will it work to test (dropzone in 

I see the spec says:

The dropzone attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.

But I'm not certain that that means a property must exist if the 
attribute does not.

Q2) If I understand correctly, the dropzone attribute means that we no 
longer *have* to write dragenter and dragleave handlers.  But every 
useful dropzone I've seen in practice provides some kind of feedback 
(changes background color, e.g.) when it is armed and ready to accept 
a drop.  Is there any mechanism for doing this?  If not, then that 
really diminishes the value of dropzone.  I can't see how I'd write 
dragenter and dragleave handlers to change the background color of the 
element and also rely on the dropzone attribute, since it seems to be 
processed after dragenter/leave are triggered...

One approach would be to define dropzone_activate and 
dropzone_deactivate events to handle this case.  A better solution might 
be to define a :dropzone-active CSS pseudo class, if you can coordinate 
that with the CSS folks...


Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2011-01-06 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 2 Nov 2010, Charles Pritchard wrote:
 On 11/1/2010 6:03 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Thu, 26 Aug 2010, Charles Pritchard wrote:
   On 8/25/2010 2:02 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Charles Pritchard wrote:
  [ UAs can use input type=file to let the user enter remote 
  URLs ]
 When a user through selection, click+drag or manual entry of a 
 URL should the browser still submit an Origin request header? It 
 seems that CORS doesn't come into effect here -- but at the same 
 time, it'd be handy for logging purposes and added security.
I don't think there'd be an origin, but that's rather up to the 
user agent. (In this case it's acting on behalf of the user, not 
the page, so I don't think it makes sense to give the page's 
   Sounds like an implementer would not include a Referer header, 
 Is this something we want to leave undefined? As the input type=file 
 widget typically routes directly to OS-level file management, I don't 
 think there's a simple solution to bringing more control to the browser.

I don't really see anything wrong with leaving this undefined; it's just a 
user feature, not something the Web page can have any control over.

   Continuing on with tweaking URLs to work with with the File API:
   Chrome has gone ahead with their setData proposal, enhancing the 
   event.dataTransfer object so that users may drag a file from within 
   the browser onto their desktop.
   The extension uses setData with a key of DownloadURL and a value 
   including a mime type, file descriptor and URI.
   I'd like this interface to work within ondrop; if 
   getData(DownloadURL) is set, then a FileList would be returned in 
   event.dataTransfer.files, much like it is when users drag files from 
   their desktop into the browser.
   This would of course require Origin checks; whereas dragging onto 
   the desktop does not require an Origin check.
  I'm not quite sure I follow what you are proposing. However, in a 
  future version of this API we should definitely add a promise-like 
  feature that lets you specify drag data without having it already 
  downloaded, so that when the user drops the data somewhere, the 
  browser can then ask the JS for the data. I'm not sure using 
  setData('DownloadURL') is a good way to do it; that just seems to add 
  more hacks to an already pretty hacky API.

 The DataTransferItem proposal is heading in this direction. Currently, a 
 file collection .files, works with the File API and XmlHttpRequest. 
 Drag+drop from the desktop returns file objects.
 I'm proposing we explore methods to enable drag+drop from within the 
 browser to return file objects.
 The FileSystem API is a resource: we can now build a file from within 
 standard APIs. Until that point, we could only use the BlobBuilder 
 The proposal DataTransferItem.add(fileData) pretty much takes care of 
 the request (when used with a working/complete FileSystem API).
 We still need a promise-like feature, as you've pointed out.

This all seems reasonable at a high level, but it's probably too early to 
start adding this kind of feature today. I've noted things along the lines 
of what you describe in the spec as possible v2 material.

 On a side note -- I've been having a lot of issue with building blobs:

For blob issues, public-webapps is probably more appropriate as that is 
where the File API specs are being discussed.

On Tue, 2 Nov 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
  On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
   I think files have always been a special case and should continue to 
   be handled that way. I don't think there's any platform pasteboard 
   that supports multiple items of one non-file type, so it'd make the 
   most sense to make it a 1:1 mapping from types to data.
  Currently the new DataTransferItems API doesn't enforce the limit of 
  one string item per type. Should it?
 What happens if a page were to add multiple string items of text/plain?
 How would that translate if dragging to a native app? There's also some
 implementation concerns here--it'd be harder/require more memory to preserve
 multiple strings of the same type when dragging things within a page.
 (If/when Blob support is added, the same comments generally apply)

Ok, I've limited the API to only one string item per type.

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, Charles Pritchard wrote:
 How close are we to adding promises?

I think it's probably a little early given that no implementation has yet 
implemented the DataTransforItems object (as far as I know).

   * I am worried about the effectAllowed attribute. Needless to say 
   that the number of value is exponencially proportional to the number 
   of possible values for the dropEffect attribute. Wouldn't it be 
   better to have a linear number of booleans ?
  Yes, but it's about 10 years too late to change that.
 This section 

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-12-01 Thread Daniel Cheng
Couple of things I noticed after the changes to the DnD spec:
- event.dataTransfer.types no longer mentions Text or URL. Is this
- Does the casing of Text and URL in the return value of
event.dataTransfer.types matter?


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 13:05, Charles Pritchard ch...@jumis.com wrote:

  On 11/16/2010 4:05 PM, Daniel Cheng wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 14:48, Charles Pritchard ch...@jumis.com wrote:

   When interacting with non-DOM apps or pages, some platforms can't
 convert arbitrary MIME types to native data transfer types for
 copy/paste or DnD. For this reason, I think the spec should explicitly
 list MIME types for which UAs should handle the conversion to native
 data transfer types. A couple that come to mind: text/plain,
 text/uri-list, text/rtf, application/rtf, text/html, text/xml,
 image/png, and image/svg+xml. UAs can make a best-effort attempt to
 convert the other types, but it won't be guaranteed that they will be
 there for interaction with non-DOM applications.

 I'm not sure what this means exactly. Could you elaborate?

  I don't think these need to be converted by a UA -- the application
 receives the data does that conversion on its own.

 This is a good use case for promise-based data callbacks.

  Automatic conversion is already implemented for some types (text, URL,
 and maybe HTML). It's just not explicitly mentioned in the spec. I'm not
 sure how a policy of no conversion would work; the clipboard
 mechanism/encoding varies greatly from platform to platform. With no
 automatic conversion, a page trying to read text from a drop would have to
 first sniff the operating system, choose the appropriate strategy for
 reading text, and then transcode the result to a DOMString.


 Sorry, I completely misunderstood this one. I thought you were referring to
 operations from the browser to the desktop.

 The UA could handle conversion to image/png. It's low-hanging fruit.

 Conversion from complex formats into markup is something that should be
 handled by the non-DOM app, not the UA.

 Lacking decent markup conversion, a FileList is fine. I don't have to
 sniff the operating system,
 I just have to be determined on what mime types I'm going to support.

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-12-01 Thread Charles Pritchard

On 12/1/2010 2:52 PM, Daniel Cheng wrote:

Couple of things I noticed after the changes to the DnD spec:
- event.dataTransfer.types no longer mentions Text or URL. Is this 

They're covered in implementation:
If format equals text, change it to text/plain.
If format equals url, change it to text/uri-list.
Let format be the first argument, converted to ASCII lowercase
- Does the casing of Text and URL in the return value of 
event.dataTransfer.types matter?

It shouldn't, they are converted to lowercase.


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 13:05, Charles Pritchard ch...@jumis.com 
mailto:ch...@jumis.com wrote:

On 11/16/2010 4:05 PM, Daniel Cheng wrote:

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 14:48, Charles Pritchard ch...@jumis.com
mailto:ch...@jumis.com wrote:

When interacting with non-DOM apps or pages, some
platforms can't easily
convert arbitrary MIME types to native data transfer
types for
copy/paste or DnD. For this reason, I think the spec
should explicitly
list MIME types for which UAs should handle the
conversion to native
data transfer types. A couple that come to mind:
text/uri-list, text/rtf, application/rtf, text/html,
image/png, and image/svg+xml. UAs can make a
best-effort attempt to
convert the other types, but it won't be guaranteed
that they will be
there for interaction with non-DOM applications.

I'm not sure what this means exactly. Could you elaborate?

I don't think these need to be converted by a UA -- the
application which
receives the data does that conversion on its own.

This is a good use case for promise-based data callbacks.

Automatic conversion is already implemented for some types (text,
URL, and maybe HTML). It's just not explicitly mentioned in the
spec. I'm not sure how a policy of no conversion would work; the
clipboard mechanism/encoding varies greatly from platform to
platform. With no automatic conversion, a page trying to read
text from a drop would have to first sniff the operating system,
choose the appropriate strategy for reading text, and then
transcode the result to a DOMString.


Sorry, I completely misunderstood this one. I thought you were
referring to operations from the browser to the desktop.

The UA could handle conversion to image/png. It's low-hanging fruit.

Conversion from complex formats into markup is something that
should be handled by the non-DOM app, not the UA.

Lacking decent markup conversion, a FileList is fine. I don't have
to sniff the operating system,
I just have to be determined on what mime types I'm going to support.

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-11-17 Thread Charles Pritchard

On 11/16/2010 4:05 PM, Daniel Cheng wrote:
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 14:48, Charles Pritchard ch...@jumis.com 
mailto:ch...@jumis.com wrote:

When interacting with non-DOM apps or pages, some
platforms can't easily
convert arbitrary MIME types to native data transfer types for
copy/paste or DnD. For this reason, I think the spec
should explicitly
list MIME types for which UAs should handle the conversion
to native
data transfer types. A couple that come to mind: text/plain,
text/uri-list, text/rtf, application/rtf, text/html, text/xml,
image/png, and image/svg+xml. UAs can make a best-effort
attempt to
convert the other types, but it won't be guaranteed that
they will be
there for interaction with non-DOM applications.

I'm not sure what this means exactly. Could you elaborate?

I don't think these need to be converted by a UA -- the
application which
receives the data does that conversion on its own.

This is a good use case for promise-based data callbacks.

Automatic conversion is already implemented for some types (text, URL, 
and maybe HTML). It's just not explicitly mentioned in the spec. I'm 
not sure how a policy of no conversion would work; the clipboard 
mechanism/encoding varies greatly from platform to platform. With no 
automatic conversion, a page trying to read text from a drop would 
have to first sniff the operating system, choose the appropriate 
strategy for reading text, and then transcode the result to a DOMString.


Sorry, I completely misunderstood this one. I thought you were referring 
to operations from the browser to the desktop.

The UA could handle conversion to image/png. It's low-hanging fruit.

Conversion from complex formats into markup is something that should be 
handled by the non-DOM app, not the UA.

Lacking decent markup conversion, a FileList is fine. I don't have to 
sniff the operating system,

I just have to be determined on what mime types I'm going to support.

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-11-16 Thread Charles Pritchard

On 11/1/2010 6:03 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 22 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:

Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them
somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by
the DataTransfer object?

That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we
add more types to the DataTransfer object.

Some engineers at Google discussed this a bit and came up with the
following proposal:

dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems

  .getItem(n) = DataTransferItem
  .add(stringData, type)

 DataTransferItem.kind = 'string', 'file', 'blob', ...
 .type = MIME type
 .binary = boolean
 .getTextData(function callback (data)) - throws if binary 
is true
 .getBlob() - returns File or Blob

When we add promises later, this can easily be extended to support that
as well (basically, just by adding a new add() method for the promise

I've added a simple version of this (no Blob support, and no way to add a
dataTransferItem, but otherwise more or less the same).

How close are we to adding promises?


This would allow the script to write to the contents of a file entry
upon request, instead of doing it ahead of time.

callOnTransfer = function( dataTransferPromiseEvent ) {
var dest = dataTransferPromiseEvent.fileEntry;
/// file writer API

The fileEntry would be written ahead of time, either as a blank file,
or it'd be an already existing file.


It's now DataTransfer.items.add(fileData);

When interacting with non-DOM apps or pages, some platforms can't easily
convert arbitrary MIME types to native data transfer types for
copy/paste or DnD. For this reason, I think the spec should explicitly
list MIME types for which UAs should handle the conversion to native
data transfer types. A couple that come to mind: text/plain,
text/uri-list, text/rtf, application/rtf, text/html, text/xml,
image/png, and image/svg+xml. UAs can make a best-effort attempt to
convert the other types, but it won't be guaranteed that they will be
there for interaction with non-DOM applications.

I'm not sure what this means exactly. Could you elaborate?

I don't think these need to be converted by a UA -- the application which
receives the data does that conversion on its own.

This list of transfer types reminds me of all the redundancy that can 
take place in a data transfer.

A sufficiently large XML content file may be transferred in ~4 different 
file formats

for compatibility with the destination.

This is a good use case for promise-based data callbacks.

On Mon, 28 Jun 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:

It's pretty common for there to be non-text data in a drag-and-drop
operation or copy-and-paste operation. DataTransfer doesn't allow for that
currently, since it only sets and returns DOMStrings.

It'd be nice if we could extend setData/getData to allow for Blobs. Some
random thoughts:
1. Add a bool parameter to setData/getData. If false, treat the data as a
DOMString; if true, treat the data as a Blob.
2. Add an encoding parameter to setData/getData. Encoding can be a string
value naming a text encoding like UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, or it can be the
string value binary. If encoding names a text encoding, the UA will
transcode the requested data into/from a DOMString. Otherwise, if the
encoding value is binary, the UA will treat data as a Blob.
3. Create new DataTransfer functions instead of overloading them, e.g.
setDataBlob, getDataBlob.

I'm not sure which one is the preferred approach. It seems like it'd be nice
to have native support for whatever text encodings the browser understands,
but it seems complicated and I'm not sure it's necessary. Thoughts?

The new DataTransferItems feature could let you do this using
dataTransfer.items.add(blob), if we added that. Right now you can add just
text strings and File objects. We could also one day support arbitrary JS
objects (with the structured clone stuff) the same way, too.

Also, if I wanted to go ahead and implement a prototype in WebKit, should I
prefix it with a UA-specific string, e.g. webkitSetDataBlob?

This relates to my comments later in this e-mail -- About allowing 

as a means for a promise-based download.

* I am worried about the effectAllowed attribute. Needless to say that
the number of value is exponencially proportional to the number of
possible values for the dropEffect attribute. Wouldn't it be better to
have a linear number of booleans ?

Yes, but it's about 10 years too 

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-11-16 Thread Daniel Cheng
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 14:48, Charles Pritchard ch...@jumis.com wrote:

  When interacting with non-DOM apps or pages, some platforms can't easily
 convert arbitrary MIME types to native data transfer types for
 copy/paste or DnD. For this reason, I think the spec should explicitly
 list MIME types for which UAs should handle the conversion to native
 data transfer types. A couple that come to mind: text/plain,
 text/uri-list, text/rtf, application/rtf, text/html, text/xml,
 image/png, and image/svg+xml. UAs can make a best-effort attempt to
 convert the other types, but it won't be guaranteed that they will be
 there for interaction with non-DOM applications.

 I'm not sure what this means exactly. Could you elaborate?

 I don't think these need to be converted by a UA -- the application which
 receives the data does that conversion on its own.

 This list of transfer types reminds me of all the redundancy that can take
 place in a data transfer.

 A sufficiently large XML content file may be transferred in ~4 different
 file formats
 for compatibility with the destination.

 This is a good use case for promise-based data callbacks.

Automatic conversion is already implemented for some types (text, URL, and
maybe HTML). It's just not explicitly mentioned in the spec. I'm not sure
how a policy of no conversion would work; the clipboard mechanism/encoding
varies greatly from platform to platform. With no automatic conversion, a
page trying to read text from a drop would have to first sniff the operating
system, choose the appropriate strategy for reading text, and then transcode
the result to a DOMString.


Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-11-02 Thread Charles Pritchard

On 11/1/2010 6:03 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010, Charles Pritchard wrote:

On 8/25/2010 2:02 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Charles Pritchard wrote:

[ UAs can useinput type=file   to let the user enter remote URLs ]

When a user through selection, click+drag or manual entry of a URL
should the browser still submit an Origin request header? It seems
that CORS doesn't come into effect here -- but at the same time,
it'd be handy for logging purposes and added security.

I don't think there'd be an origin, but that's rather up to the user
agent. (In this case it's acting on behalf of the user, not the page,
so I don't think it makes sense to give the page's origin.)

Sounds like an implementer would not include a Referer header, either.


Currently, this seems to be implemented by the OS:
Vista downloads a URL to the temporary files directory, then passes it 
to the browser.
No cookies, or other credentials are sent with the fetch, as it is an 
OS-level fetch.

Entering a remote URL does not seem to function in OS X as there is no 
place on the file upload screen to enter a URL.

Is this something we want to leave undefined? As the input type=file 
widget typically
routes directly to OS-level file management, I don't think there's a 
simple solution to bringing

more control to the browser.

Continuing on with tweaking URLs to work with with the File API:

Chrome has gone ahead with their setData proposal, enhancing the
event.dataTransfer object so that users may drag a file from within the
browser onto their desktop.

The extension uses setData with a key of DownloadURL and a value
including a mime type, file descriptor and URI.

I'd like this interface to work within ondrop; if getData(DownloadURL)
is set, then a FileList would be returned in event.dataTransfer.files,
much like it is when users drag files from their desktop into the

This would of course require Origin checks; whereas dragging onto the
desktop does not require an Origin check.

I'm not quite sure I follow what you are proposing. However, in a future
version of this API we should definitely add a promise-like feature that
lets you specify drag data without having it already downloaded, so that
when the user drops the data somewhere, the browser can then ask the JS
for the data. I'm not sure using setData('DownloadURL') is a good way to
do it; that just seems to add more hacks to an already pretty hacky API.

The DataTransferItem proposal is heading in this direction.
Currently, a file collection .files, works with the File API and 

Drag+drop from the desktop returns file objects.

I'm proposing we explore methods to enable drag+drop from within the 
browser to return file objects.

The FileSystem API is a resource: we can now build a file from within 
standard APIs.

Until that point, we could only use the BlobBuilder semantics.

The proposal DataTransferItem.add(fileData)
pretty much takes care of the request (when used with a working/complete 
FileSystem API).

We still need a promise-like feature, as you've pointed out.

On a side note -- I've been having a lot of issue with building blobs:

Are there currently semantics in place to distinguish a DOMString from 
binary data?

At present, I can only think of Typed Arrays from the WebGL-related specs.

Currently, when I try to build a Blob using binary data, I end up with a 
UTF-8 escaped DOM String.

I'm still forced to run an XHR request, to grab binary data for an image 
(one already loaded by the browser),
so that I can store that image data in local storage. I then use a 
js-based base64 encoder, as browser encoders are expecting

a DOMString and throw errors on binary (per specs).

This would be solved in part, via FileSystem/File APIs, but they're also 
expecting DOMString.

I expect it's meant to be solved by adding Blob support directly to XHR.

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-11-02 Thread Daniel Cheng

 On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
  I think files have always been a special case and should continue to be
  handled that way. I don't think there's any platform pasteboard that
  supports multiple items of one non-file type, so it'd make the most
  sense to make it a 1:1 mapping from types to data.

 Currently the new DataTransferItems API doesn't enforce the limit of one
 string item per type. Should it?

What happens if a page were to add multiple string items of text/plain?
How would that translate if dragging to a native app? There's also some
implementation concerns here--it'd be harder/require more memory to preserve
multiple strings of the same type when dragging things within a page.
(If/when Blob support is added, the same comments generally apply)


[whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-11-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 22 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:
   Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them 
   somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by 
   the DataTransfer object?
  That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we 
  add more types to the DataTransfer object.
 Some engineers at Google discussed this a bit and came up with the 
 following proposal:
dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems
  .getItem(n) = DataTransferItem
  .add(stringData, type)
 DataTransferItem.kind = 'string', 'file', 'blob', ...
 .type = MIME type
 .binary = boolean 
 .getTextData(function callback (data)) - throws if binary 
 is true
 .getBlob() - returns File or Blob
 When we add promises later, this can easily be extended to support that 
 as well (basically, just by adding a new add() method for the promise 

I've added a simple version of this (no Blob support, and no way to add a 
dataTransferItem, but otherwise more or less the same).

On Mon, 22 Feb 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:

 How does DataTransferItems interact with the original DataTransfer object?
 I'm assuming changes in one should be reflected in the other.


 If that's the case, what should happen if I do this:

getData() doesn't expose the items with files, only those that are text. 
(It can't expose the files since those are asynchronous binary Blobs, not 
synchronous Unicode strings).

 How come there's no DataTransferItems.get(type) method?

It would probably have to be get(type, kind) and would have to be able to 
return a list, at which point you might as well just iterate over the 
actual .items list and check the type and kind for each one directly. It 
seems that a get() here wouldn't really save much. If you have any use 
cases you could show, I'd be happy to see what the code would look like 
though to see if it would save much. If it does, certainly it would make 
sense to add something like that.

 DataTransferItem provides richer metadata than is available through the 
 native drag-and-drop interface on most platforms. When dragging data 
 from a non-DOM application, how do you extrapolate the metadata to fill 
 in the type/binary fields?

I don't follow. Could you give an example of what you mean?

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010, Dmitry Titov wrote:
 I understand 'binary' as indicator of whether or not the item can be 
 read as a text string. I'm not sure why item.kind == string is not the 
 same. If the intent is to also cover some files that can be read as 
 string and as Blob, then it might be buggy because the only way to 
 establish if the file can be converted into JS string is to actually 
 read the bytes and try to convert to Unicode. There can be invalid 
 character sequences or the encoding info may be missing.

 Perhaps we should remove 'binary' and assume that items that item.kind 
 == string can use getTextData(callback) to pull the string.

Yeah, I ended up going that way.

 On a separate note, I think items.add(dataTransferItem) is not useful 
 w/o a way to create a new DataTransferItem separately from the 
 DataTransferItems list.

Agreed. I ended up not adding it.

On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
 I think files have always been a special case and should continue to be 
 handled that way. I don't think there's any platform pasteboard that 
 supports multiple items of one non-file type, so it'd make the most 
 sense to make it a 1:1 mapping from types to data.

Currently the new DataTransferItems API doesn't enforce the limit of one 
string item per type. Should it?

 [in the context of supporting native data dragged to the web]
 Should there be some sort of standard list of mappings that all UAs 
 should support wherever possible? What happens if the UA doesn't have a 
 mapping for a type?

I'm happy to add a mapping list if someone can provide one for common 
platforms. I don't currently have one. The spec just says that the UA 
should do a best effort attempt.

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010, Daniel Cheng proposed:
 DataTransfer mirrors DataTransferItems, but DataTransfer.getData() will 
 throw an error if the data is a blob.

Currently the types of files and of string data are different namespaces, 
you can have a text/plain file and a text/plain string. Should I disallow 
this? Is it not possible to end up in such a situation in native DND UIs?

 Maybe a second getData method that can provide conversion given a text 
 encoding would be useful?

the File/Blob API should support 

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-04-08 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 5 Feb 2010, Roland Steiner wrote:

 Since I am currently in the process of fixing bugs in this area for 
 Chrome, there are 2 things I'm wondering about:
 .) whether Text and URL should be part of the return value of 
 types (probably not, according to Ian's comment). However, since 
 text/uri-list may in fact not contain a valid URL, the 
 presence/absence of URL in types could be useful. I.e., it could 
 indicate whether getData(URL) will return something useful.

For now .types shouldn't ever have Text and URL, since they get converted 
to MIME types. In practice, it's unlikely that a text/uri-list option will 
have no URLs. I agree that this was a bad design choice, though.

 .) Judging from the example in
 https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DragDrop/Drag_Operations#drop , Firefox
 seems to use only LF for line feeds within text/uri-list, while RFC 2483
 calls for CR-LF for all text/* formats, including text/uri-list, as does
 the HTML5 spec in the section on the drag-and-drop processing model.
 Since the UA has to parse text/uri-list for the return value of URL, I
 wonder whether both should be accepted (break on LF, filter out any CR).

I recommend just following whatever the text/uri-list spec says.

 .) should dragged files be converted to file URLs and returned in a call to
 getData(text/uri-list) or getData(URL)?

Exposing file: URLs seems like a bad idea, since that exposes privacy- 
sensitive information like the file path... I would recommend not doing 

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-03-29 Thread Daniel Cheng
I like the DataTransferItems proposal. I had a few questions, but no one
answered, so I'm going to propose some modifications:

DataTransferItems is a mapping of types to data like DataTransfer.
DataTransfer mirrors DataTransferItems, but DataTransfer.getData() will
throw an error if the data is a blob. Maybe a second getData method that can
provide conversion given a text encoding would be useful?

DataTransfer changes:

dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems

  .getItem(type) = DataTransferItem
  .add(stringData, type)

DataTransferItem.kind = 'string', 'blob'
  .type = MIME type
  .getTextData(function callback (data)) - throws if binary is true
  .getBlob() - returns Blob

The binary property has been folded into the kind property.

When interacting with non-DOM apps or pages, some platforms can't easily
convert arbitrary MIME types to native data transfer types for copy/paste or
DnD. For this reason, I think the spec should explicitly list MIME types for
which UAs should handle the conversion to native data transfer types. A
couple that come to mind: text/plain, text/uri-list, text/rtf,
application/rtf, text/html, text/xml, image/png, and image/svg+xml.
UAs can make a best-effort attempt to convert the other types, but it won't
be guaranteed that they will be there for interaction with non-DOM


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Daniel Cheng dch...@google.com wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Dmitry Titov dim...@google.com wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Daniel Cheng dch...@google.com wrote:

 Several questions about the proposal:
 How does DataTransferItems interact with the original DataTransfer
 object? I'm assuming changes in one should be reflected in the other. If
 that's the case, what should happen if I do this:

 Unless there is a specific reason to think different, there is only one
 set of items backing DataTransfer object - today the files and 'other items'
 are represented separtely, the proposed items list is simply a merged
 version of the same. In your example you should be able to getData.

 Does that mean getData() can return types besides DOMString?

 How come there's no DataTransferItems.get(type) method?

 There can be multiple items of that type (dragging several image files).
 Would it return another items list? What is the use case for this? Also,
 some items may have empty type (a file with unknown extension).

 I think files have always been a special case and should continue to be
 handled that way. I don't think there's any platform pasteboard that
 supports multiple items of one non-file type, so it'd make the most sense to
 make it a 1:1 mapping from types to data.

 DataTransferItem provides richer metadata than is available through the
 native drag-and-drop interface on most platforms. When dragging data from a
 non-DOM application, how do you extrapolate the metadata to fill in the
 type/binary fields?

 'type' can be inferred in many cases from file extension, native clipboard
 format or other means. It can be done w/o content sniffing and disk IO.

 Should there be some sort of standard list of mappings that all UAs should
 support wherever possible? What happens if the UA doesn't have a mapping for
 a type?

 I understand 'binary' as indicator of whether or not the item can be read
 as a text string. I'm not sure why item.kind == string is not the same. If
 the intent is to also cover some files that can be read as string and as
 Blob, then it might be buggy because the only way to establish if the file
 can be converted into JS string is to actually read the bytes and try to
 convert to Unicode. There can be invalid character sequences or the encoding
 info may be missing.

 Perhaps we should remove 'binary' and assume that items that item.kind ==
 string can use getTextData(callback) to pull the string.

 On a separate note, I think items.add(dataTransferItem) is not useful w/o
 a way to create a new DataTransferItem separately from the DataTransferItems


 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:
   Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them
   somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by
   the DataTransfer object?
  That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we
  add more types to the DataTransfer object.

 Some engineers at Google discussed this a bit and came up with the
 following proposal:

   dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems

 .getItem(n) = DataTransferItem
 .add(stringData, type)

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-03-09 Thread Daniel Cheng
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Dmitry Titov dim...@google.com wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Daniel Cheng dch...@google.com wrote:

 Several questions about the proposal:
 How does DataTransferItems interact with the original DataTransfer object?
 I'm assuming changes in one should be reflected in the other. If that's the
 case, what should happen if I do this:

 Unless there is a specific reason to think different, there is only one set
 of items backing DataTransfer object - today the files and 'other items' are
 represented separtely, the proposed items list is simply a merged version of
 the same. In your example you should be able to getData.

Does that mean getData() can return types besides DOMString?

 How come there's no DataTransferItems.get(type) method?

 There can be multiple items of that type (dragging several image files).
 Would it return another items list? What is the use case for this? Also,
 some items may have empty type (a file with unknown extension).

I think files have always been a special case and should continue to be
handled that way. I don't think there's any platform pasteboard that
supports multiple items of one non-file type, so it'd make the most sense to
make it a 1:1 mapping from types to data.

 DataTransferItem provides richer metadata than is available through the
 native drag-and-drop interface on most platforms. When dragging data from a
 non-DOM application, how do you extrapolate the metadata to fill in the
 type/binary fields?

 'type' can be inferred in many cases from file extension, native clipboard
 format or other means. It can be done w/o content sniffing and disk IO.

Should there be some sort of standard list of mappings that all UAs should
support wherever possible? What happens if the UA doesn't have a mapping for
a type?

 I understand 'binary' as indicator of whether or not the item can be read
 as a text string. I'm not sure why item.kind == string is not the same. If
 the intent is to also cover some files that can be read as string and as
 Blob, then it might be buggy because the only way to establish if the file
 can be converted into JS string is to actually read the bytes and try to
 convert to Unicode. There can be invalid character sequences or the encoding
 info may be missing.

 Perhaps we should remove 'binary' and assume that items that item.kind ==
 string can use getTextData(callback) to pull the string.

 On a separate note, I think items.add(dataTransferItem) is not useful w/o a
 way to create a new DataTransferItem separately from the DataTransferItems


 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:
   Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them
   somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by
   the DataTransfer object?
  That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we
  add more types to the DataTransfer object.

 Some engineers at Google discussed this a bit and came up with the
 following proposal:

   dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems

 .getItem(n) = DataTransferItem
 .add(stringData, type)

DataTransferItem.kind = 'string', 'file', 'blob', ...
.type = MIME type
.binary = boolean
.getTextData(function callback (data)) - throws if
 binary is true
.getBlob() - returns File or Blob

 When we add promises later, this can easily be extended to support that
 well (basically, just by adding a new add() method for the promise case).

 I've put this into the comment in the spec, but haven't specced it. If
 browser vendors want to try implementing this or something like it, any
 reports of implementation experience would be very useful. Please prefix
 the items attribute with some unique string like webkitItems or
 geckoItems so that it doesn't clash with the spec when we do add
 something like this!

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-26 Thread Dmitry Titov
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Daniel Cheng dch...@google.com wrote:

 Several questions about the proposal:
 How does DataTransferItems interact with the original DataTransfer object?
 I'm assuming changes in one should be reflected in the other. If that's the
 case, what should happen if I do this:

Unless there is a specific reason to think different, there is only one set
of items backing DataTransfer object - today the files and 'other items' are
represented separtely, the proposed items list is simply a merged version of
the same. In your example you should be able to getData.

 How come there's no DataTransferItems.get(type) method?

There can be multiple items of that type (dragging several image files).
Would it return another items list? What is the use case for this? Also,
some items may have empty type (a file with unknown extension).

DataTransferItem provides richer metadata than is available through the
 native drag-and-drop interface on most platforms. When dragging data from a
 non-DOM application, how do you extrapolate the metadata to fill in the
 type/binary fields?

'type' can be inferred in many cases from file extension, native clipboard
format or other means. It can be done w/o content sniffing and disk IO.

I understand 'binary' as indicator of whether or not the item can be read as
a text string. I'm not sure why item.kind == string is not the same. If
the intent is to also cover some files that can be read as string and as
Blob, then it might be buggy because the only way to establish if the file
can be converted into JS string is to actually read the bytes and try to
convert to Unicode. There can be invalid character sequences or the encoding
info may be missing.

Perhaps we should remove 'binary' and assume that items that item.kind ==
string can use getTextData(callback) to pull the string.

On a separate note, I think items.add(dataTransferItem) is not useful w/o a
way to create a new DataTransferItem separately from the DataTransferItems


 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:
   Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them
   somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by
   the DataTransfer object?
  That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we
  add more types to the DataTransfer object.

 Some engineers at Google discussed this a bit and came up with the
 following proposal:

   dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems

 .getItem(n) = DataTransferItem
 .add(stringData, type)

DataTransferItem.kind = 'string', 'file', 'blob', ...
.type = MIME type
.binary = boolean
.getTextData(function callback (data)) - throws if
 binary is true
.getBlob() - returns File or Blob

 When we add promises later, this can easily be extended to support that as
 well (basically, just by adding a new add() method for the promise case).

 I've put this into the comment in the spec, but haven't specced it. If any
 browser vendors want to try implementing this or something like it, any
 reports of implementation experience would be very useful. Please prefix
 the items attribute with some unique string like webkitItems or
 geckoItems so that it doesn't clash with the spec when we do add
 something like this!

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-22 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:
  Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them 
  somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by 
  the DataTransfer object?
 That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we 
 add more types to the DataTransfer object.

Some engineers at Google discussed this a bit and came up with the 
following proposal:

   dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems

 .getItem(n) = DataTransferItem
 .add(stringData, type)

DataTransferItem.kind = 'string', 'file', 'blob', ...
.type = MIME type
.binary = boolean 
.getTextData(function callback (data)) - throws if binary 
is true
.getBlob() - returns File or Blob

When we add promises later, this can easily be extended to support that as 
well (basically, just by adding a new add() method for the promise case).

I've put this into the comment in the spec, but haven't specced it. If any 
browser vendors want to try implementing this or something like it, any 
reports of implementation experience would be very useful. Please prefix 
the items attribute with some unique string like webkitItems or 
geckoItems so that it doesn't clash with the spec when we do add 
something like this!

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-22 Thread Daniel Cheng
Several questions about the proposal:
How does DataTransferItems interact with the original DataTransfer object?
I'm assuming changes in one should be reflected in the other. If that's the
case, what should happen if I do this:

How come there's no DataTransferItems.get(type) method?

DataTransferItem provides richer metadata than is available through the
native drag-and-drop interface on most platforms. When dragging data from a
non-DOM application, how do you extrapolate the metadata to fill in the
type/binary fields?


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:
   Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them
   somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by
   the DataTransfer object?
  That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we
  add more types to the DataTransfer object.

 Some engineers at Google discussed this a bit and came up with the
 following proposal:

   dataTransfer.items = DataTransferItems

 .getItem(n) = DataTransferItem
 .add(stringData, type)

DataTransferItem.kind = 'string', 'file', 'blob', ...
.type = MIME type
.binary = boolean
.getTextData(function callback (data)) - throws if
 binary is true
.getBlob() - returns File or Blob

 When we add promises later, this can easily be extended to support that as
 well (basically, just by adding a new add() method for the promise case).

 I've put this into the comment in the spec, but haven't specced it. If any
 browser vendors want to try implementing this or something like it, any
 reports of implementation experience would be very useful. Please prefix
 the items attribute with some unique string like webkitItems or
 geckoItems so that it doesn't clash with the spec when we do add
 something like this!

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-05 Thread Roland Steiner
Quick correction/addendum: FireFox seems to be actually fine with CRLF as
line separator in setData(text/uri-list, data) and will return only the
first URL within data on getData(URL). However, it doesn't seem to return
files as URLs with getData(text/uri-list), which I guess would be my third

.) should dragged files be converted to file URLs and returned in a call to
getData(text/uri-list) or getData(URL)?

- Roland

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Roland Steiner rolandstei...@google.comwrote:

 Since I am currently in the process of fixing bugs in this area for Chrome,
 there are 2 things I'm wondering about:

 .) whether Text and URL should be part of the return value of types
 (probably not, according to Ian's comment). However, since text/uri-list
 may in fact not contain a valid URL, the presence/absence of URL in types
 could be useful. I.e., it could indicate whether getData(URL) will return
 something useful.

 .) Judging from the example in
 https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DragDrop/Drag_Operations#drop , Firefox
 seems to use only LF for line feeds within text/uri-list, while RFC 2483
 calls for CR-LF for all text/* formats, including text/uri-list, as does
 the HTML5 spec in the section on the drag-and-drop processing model.
 Since the UA has to parse text/uri-list for the return value of URL, I
 wonder whether both should be accepted (break on LF, filter out any CR). The
 other problem here is that WebKit/Safari and Chromium convert files to file
 URLs to return for text/uri-list/URL. Is there a consensus how this
 difference should be best handled (or is this just a bug in FF)?



 On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 Webkit and Firefox are case-sensitive. IE only does TEXT and URL, but
 case-insensitively (at least for Text, I didn't test URL). Chrome is
 case-insensitive for everything.

 Tough call. I guess we'll go with just converting everything to lowercase,
 so that it's case-insensitive.

 BTW I noticed Chrome includes Text and URL in the .types list. That's
 incorrect according to the spec.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-04 Thread Daniel Cheng

 Webkit and Firefox are case-sensitive. IE only does TEXT and URL, but
 case-insensitively (at least for Text, I didn't test URL). Chrome is
 case-insensitive for everything.

 Tough call. I guess we'll go with just converting everything to lowercase,
 so that it's case-insensitive.

 BTW I noticed Chrome includes Text and URL in the .types list. That's
 incorrect according to the spec.

If event.dataTransfer converts everything to lowercase, that means there are
native formats that will always be impossible to access. Since text and
url are already special, maybe case should only be ignored for those two.
All other formats, even if they are actually MIME type strings, should be
handled in a case-sensitive manner.


Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-04 Thread Daniel Cheng
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
   Webkit and Firefox are case-sensitive. IE only does TEXT and URL,
   but case-insensitively (at least for Text, I didn't test URL). Chrome
   is case-insensitive for everything.
   Tough call. I guess we'll go with just converting everything to
   lowercase, so that it's case-insensitive.
   BTW I noticed Chrome includes Text and URL in the .types list.
   That's incorrect according to the spec.
  If event.dataTransfer converts everything to lowercase, that means there
  are native formats that will always be impossible to access.

 The spec requires that the UA lowercase all the native types as well (and
 that they be converted to MIME types).

 Could you elaborate on which types would be a problem, and on what

Forcing UA to lowercase all formats has a high implementation cost. Most
DataTransfer implementations now can directly interact with the native
system data object, whatever form that takes. With this change, the UA has
to enumerate (with possible string conversions involved, depending on the
platform) and lower case all formats currently in the drag and
drop/clipboard operation with every call to getData()/setData()/clearData().
Furthermore, what happens if there are collisions after lowercasing?

Also, suppose some Windows app XYZ uses the data format My Awesome
Clipboard Format. If a page wants to set drag and drop (or clipboard data;
presumably, the interfaces to transfer data are going to remain somewhat
similar), it will be unable to set data in the correct format unless the UA
happens to internally map a MIME type to that data format. Some common MIME
types should definitely be mapped to native data formats, but the interface
shouldn't prevent someone from interfacing with any arbitrary app they want.

  Since text and url are already special, maybe case should only be
  ignored for those two. All other formats, even if they are actually MIME
  type strings, should be handled in a case-sensitive manner.

 In your previous e-mail, you were arguing they should be
 case-insensitive... I think your earlier arguments are more persuasive.
 The MIME type specs do say they're case-insensitive.

True, but I think the problems with making all strings lowercase outweigh
the benefits.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-04 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
  On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
Webkit and Firefox are case-sensitive. IE only does TEXT and 
URL, but case-insensitively (at least for Text, I didn't test 
URL). Chrome is case-insensitive for everything.
Tough call. I guess we'll go with just converting everything to 
lowercase, so that it's case-insensitive.
BTW I noticed Chrome includes Text and URL in the .types list. 
That's incorrect according to the spec.
   If event.dataTransfer converts everything to lowercase, that means 
   there are native formats that will always be impossible to access.
  The spec requires that the UA lowercase all the native types as well 
  (and that they be converted to MIME types).
  Could you elaborate on which types would be a problem, and on what 
 Forcing UA to lowercase all formats has a high implementation cost.

It's not _that_ high. It's just a few strings, and it's easily cachable.

 Most DataTransfer implementations now can directly interact with the 
 native system data object, whatever form that takes. With this change, 
 the UA has to enumerate (with possible string conversions involved, 
 depending on the platform) and lower case all formats currently in the 
 drag and drop/clipboard operation with every call to 
 getData()/setData()/clearData(). Furthermore, what happens if there are 
 collisions after lowercasing?

The spec requires that the UA convert the formats to MIME types, so the UA 
is responsible for preventing collisions.

 Also, suppose some Windows app XYZ uses the data format My Awesome 
 Clipboard Format. If a page wants to set drag and drop (or clipboard 
 data; presumably, the interfaces to transfer data are going to remain 
 somewhat similar), it will be unable to set data in the correct format 
 unless the UA happens to internally map a MIME type to that data format.


 Some common MIME types should definitely be mapped to native data 
 formats, but the interface shouldn't prevent someone from interfacing 
 with any arbitrary app they want.

I'm open to changing this again, but if it is to change again I want to 
make sure we never change it after that, so we need to be very sure about 
what the spec should say here.

Exactly what conversions should happen? When?

If you could work with other browser vendors to come up with the exact 
rules for dataTransfer that everyone agrees makes sense on every platform, 
that would be ideal.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-04 Thread Roland Steiner
Since I am currently in the process of fixing bugs in this area for Chrome,
there are 2 things I'm wondering about:

.) whether Text and URL should be part of the return value of types
(probably not, according to Ian's comment). However, since text/uri-list
may in fact not contain a valid URL, the presence/absence of URL in types
could be useful. I.e., it could indicate whether getData(URL) will return
something useful.

.) Judging from the example in
https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DragDrop/Drag_Operations#drop , Firefox
seems to use only LF for line feeds within text/uri-list, while RFC 2483
calls for CR-LF for all text/* formats, including text/uri-list, as does
the HTML5 spec in the section on the drag-and-drop processing model.
Since the UA has to parse text/uri-list for the return value of URL, I
wonder whether both should be accepted (break on LF, filter out any CR). The
other problem here is that WebKit/Safari and Chromium convert files to file
URLs to return for text/uri-list/URL. Is there a consensus how this
difference should be best handled (or is this just a bug in FF)?



On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 Webkit and Firefox are case-sensitive. IE only does TEXT and URL, but
 case-insensitively (at least for Text, I didn't test URL). Chrome is
 case-insensitive for everything.

 Tough call. I guess we'll go with just converting everything to lowercase,
 so that it's case-insensitive.

 BTW I noticed Chrome includes Text and URL in the .types list. That's
 incorrect according to the spec.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-02-03 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Eduard Pascual wrote:

 Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them 
 somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by the 
 DataTransfer object?

That's a pretty good idea. I think we should probably do this when we add 
more types to the DataTransfer object.

On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
  The HTML5 drag-and-drop model (or rather, the IE drag-and-drop model 
  that it is based on) doesn't really work for this case anyway, 
  regardless of the copy/paste issue, since there doesn't seem to be any 
  sane way to distinguish between an in-page drag and a drag to an 
  external application such as a clipboard. If you can drag to a 
  clipboard, I don't see why we would _disallow_ the copy/paste 
 That sounds like a design flaw with the drag and drop model.

One of many.

 Sounds like something to fix not something to compound with another 
 design flaw.

Fair enough. I've removed the copy/paste mode of drag-and-drop.

I'll deal with the copy/cut/paste events separately.

On Mon, 25 Jan 2010, Jian Li wrote:
   DownloadURL. The data associated with the DownloadURL format 
   should be parsed similar to the URL format. When the drag ends in 
   another application, the remote file described in the associated 
   data URL should be downloaded and provided to the target 
  How would this be exposed to other apps? Is it possible in Windows to 
  drop something and then have the application that received the drop 
  wait for a download (which could take hours) to complete? How does 
  that work?
 On Windows, [...] we use the file stream to transfer the data between 
 the source application and the target application and thus the target 
 application will not be blocked if it uses a background thread (this is 
 what Windows Shell does). On MacOSX, a file stream is also used for such 
 However, we need to provide more metadata about the download when we 
 call DataTransfer.setData(DownloadURL, ...). This is because on 
 Windows we need to know about the file name and size when the drag is 
 initiated. We can wait till we get the headers to extract the file name 
 and size but this is blocking. Even more, if the http chunk mode is 
 used, we cannot get the size from the headers.

So how would you provide the file size?

 On MacOSX, we need to provide the mime type and file name. Could we 
 consider adding mime type, file name and size information into the data 
 value parameter of setData method? For example,


I think we should just have a promise mechanism rather than one 
hard-coded for URLs. But I think it's probably best for us to wait until 
we have the current spec implemented reliably and sanely before adding 
something like that. We don't even have a good test suite for the 
drag-and-drop API yet.

On Mon, 25 Jan 2010, Michael Davidson wrote:
   The issue that I'm having is that if the DataTransfer object says 
   that it has Files, I have no way to determine what type those files 
   are. (In this case, I only want to accept image files.) I understand 
   that the DataTransfer shouldn't have the content of the files for 
   security reasons, but it would be helpful if it did contain the file 
   names and/or MIME types.
  I could provide a second attribute with the types of the files, would 
  that work? I suppose if we did this, we should remove the Files fake 
  type. That might not be a bad idea in general, it's kind of a hack. 
  I'm not sure how I feel about having multiple different ways of 
  representing the data in a DataTransfer object... It would give a 
  clean precedent for adding other features, though, like promises, 
  which some people have requested.

 Multiple different ways to get the same info doesn't seem great, but it 
 doesn't matter to me as long as the information is available.
 Another option is to throw an error if developers try to access 
 forbidden attributes during dragenter/dragover.

I haven't added this for now, because Firefox 3.6 already shipped with 
Files and I think it'd be better to get the API stablised on what's 
already specified before adding more (and since it's shipped, I'd rather 
not remove the existing features).

However, what I think we should do in the next version (in a few months, 
maybe) is have a new way of exposing the data, as Eduard suggested, which 
has one item per thing in the data, and which in all but the dragstart 
and drop events only exposes the type information.

I've noted this in a comment in the spec.

On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
  Formats are generally given by MIME types, with some values 
  special-cased for legacy reasons. For the purposes of this API, 
  however, the format strings are opaque, case-sensitive, strings, and 
  the empty string is a valid format string.
 RFC 2616 

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-01-25 Thread Jian Li
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, Jian Li wrote:
  In order to download the attachment from an Internet mail application,
  the user will have to click the attachment link and a save dialog will
  pop up to let the user select the destination folder. This will normally
  involves multiple clicks. Native application, like Outlook, can let the
  user drag attachments directly into the destination place, i.e. desktop,
  which is really convenient.
  We propose adding a specific format string to the DataTransfer object:
  DownloadURL. The data associated with the DownloadURL format should
  be parsed similar to the URL format. When the drag ends in another
  application, the remote file described in the associated data URL should
  be downloaded and provided to the target application.

 How would this be exposed to other apps? Is it possible in Windows to drop
 something and then have the application that received the drop wait for a
 download (which could take hours) to complete? How does that work?

 If we can rely on the download happening before the drag, then we could
 add something to the DataTransfer object to add File objects.

We cannot do the download before the drag because the drop target might not
accept the drag or the user might press ESC to cancel the drag-and-drop. We
do not want to do any unnecessary download before we know for sure that the
user really wants it.

It could be possible that the target application could be blocked for long
time if we do not provide the drag-and-drop information in a nice way. On
Windows, we could provide a download file in two ways: file path or file
stream. For the former way, a file has to be downloaded first before the
target application can consume it and thus the target application will be
blocked until the download completes. For the latter way, we use the file
stream to transfer the data between the source application and the target
application and thus the target application will not be blocked if it uses a
background thread (this is what Windows Shell does). On MacOSX, a file
stream is also used for such purpose.

However, we need to provide more metadata about the download when we call
DataTransfer.setData(DownloadURL, ...). This is because on Windows we need
to know about the file name and size when the drag is initiated. We can wait
till we get the headers to extract the file name and size but this is
blocking. Even more, if the http chunk mode is used, we cannot get the size
from the headers. On MacOSX, we need to provide the mime type and file name.
Could we consider adding mime type, file name and size information into the
data value parameter of setData method? For example,
dataTransfer.setData(DownloadURL, text/plain:1000:

 On Fri, 4 Sep 2009, Jens Alfke wrote:
  On Sep 3, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Francisco Tolmasky wrote:
   However, I think the addition of the deferred setData methods could be
   added today in a way that is completely backwards compatible with
   current implementations and would still be of great benefit.
   Specifically, my request for deferring the calling of toString on
   non-string objects as such:
   event.dataTransfer.setData(something, { toString: function() {
   return expensiveFunctionCall(); } });
   This would allow me to submit patches to Firefox and WebKit that would
   solve the current performance issues which are literally blocking my
   ability to switch from fake drag and drop to native drag and drop.
   At the same time, this should still work today in all browsers that
   implement setData because the object is coerced into a string
   immediately for you, thus not requiring immediate action on their part
   to change anything.
  +1. A real drag-n-drop API has to support promised data.

 I agree with this in principle, but I think we should wait for DND to be
 properly implemented in current browsers before adding this.

 On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Michael Davidson wrote:
  The table in section 7.9.3 says that the DataTransfer object should be
  empty for dragenter and dragover events.
  Clearly this is not the case - the example in 7.9.1 shows that, at the
  very least, the DataTransfer object needs to have a 'types' attribute so
  that the drag handler can determine if it can accept the drag.

 I've tried to clarify what empty is supposed to mean here.

  The issue that I'm having is that if the DataTransfer object says that
  it has Files, I have no way to determine what type those files are. (In
  this case, I only want to accept image files.) I understand that the
  DataTransfer shouldn't have the content of the files for security
  reasons, but it would be helpful if it did contain the file names and/or
  MIME types.

 I could provide a second attribute with the types of the files, would that
 work? I suppose if we did this, we should remove the Files fake type.
 That might not be a bad idea 

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-01-25 Thread Michael Davidson
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Michael Davidson wrote:
  The table in section 7.9.3 says that the DataTransfer object should be
  empty for dragenter and dragover events.
  Clearly this is not the case - the example in 7.9.1 shows that, at the
  very least, the DataTransfer object needs to have a 'types' attribute so
  that the drag handler can determine if it can accept the drag.

 I've tried to clarify what empty is supposed to mean here.

Thanks, that makes sense for the status quo.

  The issue that I'm having is that if the DataTransfer object says that
  it has Files, I have no way to determine what type those files are. (In
  this case, I only want to accept image files.) I understand that the
  DataTransfer shouldn't have the content of the files for security
  reasons, but it would be helpful if it did contain the file names and/or
  MIME types.

 I could provide a second attribute with the types of the files, would that
 work? I suppose if we did this, we should remove the Files fake type.
 That might not be a bad idea in general, it's kind of a hack. I'm not sure
 how I feel about having multiple different ways of representing the data
 in a DataTransfer object... It would give a clean precedent for adding
 other features, though, like promises, which some people have requested.

Multiple different ways to get the same info doesn't seem great, but it
doesn't matter to me as long as the information is available.

Another option is to throw an error if developers try to access forbidden
attributes during dragenter/dragover.


 On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:
  Two more questions about implementation details:
  Does it make sense to fire a drag event at all? The spec says that drag
  events should be fired at the source node every 350ms (presumably to
  the source node to cancel a drag after it started), but a cut/copy takes
  place instantaneously.

 I've clarified the spec to say that the loop has to happen immediately and
 then only repeat every 350ms if it's still active.

  If drag events should be fired during cut/copy, should the clipboard be
  restored to its original state if the drag event is cancelled? It would
  make sense, but might make implementations more complicated.

 The idea is for the cut/copy to be done exactly as if it was a drag to a
 hypothetical clipboard window, meaning everything happens in the drop
 part, so yes.

  It seems like there is no time a dragleave event would ever fire. A paste
  essentially goes through the drag and drop loop once; the only possible
  transition is for the current target element to go from null to non-null.

 The 'dragleave' event can fire during a paste if the drag is canceled.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
 http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

[whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-01-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, Jian Li wrote:

 In order to download the attachment from an Internet mail application, 
 the user will have to click the attachment link and a save dialog will 
 pop up to let the user select the destination folder. This will normally 
 involves multiple clicks. Native application, like Outlook, can let the 
 user drag attachments directly into the destination place, i.e. desktop, 
 which is really convenient.

 We propose adding a specific format string to the DataTransfer object: 
 DownloadURL. The data associated with the DownloadURL format should 
 be parsed similar to the URL format. When the drag ends in another 
 application, the remote file described in the associated data URL should 
 be downloaded and provided to the target application.

How would this be exposed to other apps? Is it possible in Windows to drop 
something and then have the application that received the drop wait for a 
download (which could take hours) to complete? How does that work?

If we can rely on the download happening before the drag, then we could 
add something to the DataTransfer object to add File objects.

On Fri, 4 Sep 2009, Jens Alfke wrote:
 On Sep 3, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Francisco Tolmasky wrote:
  However, I think the addition of the deferred setData methods could be 
  added today in a way that is completely backwards compatible with 
  current implementations and would still be of great benefit. 
  Specifically, my request for deferring the calling of toString on 
  non-string objects as such:
  event.dataTransfer.setData(something, { toString: function() { 
  return expensiveFunctionCall(); } });
  This would allow me to submit patches to Firefox and WebKit that would 
  solve the current performance issues which are literally blocking my 
  ability to switch from fake drag and drop to native drag and drop. 
  At the same time, this should still work today in all browsers that 
  implement setData because the object is coerced into a string 
  immediately for you, thus not requiring immediate action on their part 
  to change anything.
 +1. A real drag-n-drop API has to support promised data.

I agree with this in principle, but I think we should wait for DND to be 
properly implemented in current browsers before adding this.

On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Michael Davidson wrote:
 The table in section 7.9.3 says that the DataTransfer object should be 
 empty for dragenter and dragover events.
 Clearly this is not the case - the example in 7.9.1 shows that, at the 
 very least, the DataTransfer object needs to have a 'types' attribute so 
 that the drag handler can determine if it can accept the drag.

I've tried to clarify what empty is supposed to mean here.

 The issue that I'm having is that if the DataTransfer object says that 
 it has Files, I have no way to determine what type those files are. (In 
 this case, I only want to accept image files.) I understand that the 
 DataTransfer shouldn't have the content of the files for security 
 reasons, but it would be helpful if it did contain the file names and/or 
 MIME types.

I could provide a second attribute with the types of the files, would that 
work? I suppose if we did this, we should remove the Files fake type. 
That might not be a bad idea in general, it's kind of a hack. I'm not sure 
how I feel about having multiple different ways of representing the data 
in a DataTransfer object... It would give a clean precedent for adding 
other features, though, like promises, which some people have requested.

On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, Daniel Cheng wrote:

 Two more questions about implementation details:
 Does it make sense to fire a drag event at all? The spec says that drag
 events should be fired at the source node every 350ms (presumably to allow
 the source node to cancel a drag after it started), but a cut/copy takes
 place instantaneously.

I've clarified the spec to say that the loop has to happen immediately and 
then only repeat every 350ms if it's still active.

 If drag events should be fired during cut/copy, should the clipboard be 
 restored to its original state if the drag event is cancelled? It would 
 make sense, but might make implementations more complicated.

The idea is for the cut/copy to be done exactly as if it was a drag to a 
hypothetical clipboard window, meaning everything happens in the drop 
part, so yes.

 It seems like there is no time a dragleave event would ever fire. A paste
 essentially goes through the drag and drop loop once; the only possible
 transition is for the current target element to go from null to non-null.

The 'dragleave' event can fire during a paste if the drag is canceled.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2010-01-23 Thread Eduard Pascual
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
 On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, Jian Li wrote:
 The issue that I'm having is that if the DataTransfer object says that
 it has Files, I have no way to determine what type those files are. (In
 this case, I only want to accept image files.) I understand that the
 DataTransfer shouldn't have the content of the files for security
 reasons, but it would be helpful if it did contain the file names and/or
 MIME types.

 I could provide a second attribute with the types of the files, would that
 work? I suppose if we did this, we should remove the Files fake type.
 That might not be a bad idea in general, it's kind of a hack. I'm not sure
 how I feel about having multiple different ways of representing the data
 in a DataTransfer object... It would give a clean precedent for adding
 other features, though, like promises, which some people have requested.
Would it be possible to provide a list of drag items (to call them
somehow) instead of, or in addition to, the current info provided by
the DataTransfer object?
More formally, add a property of type DragItemList that might be
called DragItems. The DragItem type (building brick for
DragItemList) could provide the data and meta-data for each object
being dragged (that'd be the getData, clearData, and setData methods,
a readonly string type and a readonly boolean isFile).
In principle, that list could actually replace the DataTransfer
object. In order to keep compatibility with existing content, either
of these approaches could work:
1) Actually replace the DataTransfer object with the DragItemList, but
make the DragItemList type implement DataTransfer's interface.
2) Instead of replacing, add the list as a new
field/property/attribute/whatever-you-call-it to the DataTransfer
This approach would solve the issues of dragging multiple files and
the potential drop targets needing to check the metadata (such as the
type); but in addition would seamlessly adapt if in the future a
mechanism of performing a multi-object drag appear. Keeping in mind
how many modern software can already handle multiple selections,
that seems a quite near feature.
For example, in some word processors it's possible to hold the Ctrl
key while dragging the mouse over the text to select additional text
fragments: when such a split selection is dragged or sent to the
clipboard, the text fragments are typically concatenated; but if the
drop or paste target is any kind of list, it would be reasonable (and
in some cases a significant upgrade in usefulness) to import the
fragments as separate entries for the list. As long as the drag (or
cut/copy) source provides some metadata to identify the boundaries of
each fragment, this functionality enhancement would be quite easy to
implement (currently, it is impossible on most contexts).

Anyway, that's just an idea.
BTW, all the type and member names used in the proposal are arbitrary
and can be changing for anything more convenient. The only purpose of
those names was to describe what they represent.

Eduard Pascual

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2009-10-12 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sun, 11 Oct 2009, Garrett Smith wrote:
 My question is:
 Which browser does document.initDragEvent work in?

Do you mean DragEvent.initDragEvent?

 Document.initDragEvent is inordinately long and cumbersome, taking 16 
 arguments, and requiring the creation of a DataTransfer object. That 
 seems extremely cumbersome just to get a drag event to fire. This method 
 doesn't seem to be implemented anywhere FWICT. Was it copied from an 
 existing implementation? It seems to have been an invention. But whose?

It's just the usual way things are done for events. I'll follow whatever 
DOM3 Events says to do.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2009-10-12 Thread Garrett Smith
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
 On Sun, 11 Oct 2009, Garrett Smith wrote:

 My question is:
 Which browser does document.initDragEvent work in?

 Do you mean DragEvent.initDragEvent?

AH, yeah. The event is under MouseEvent, then? So:-


 Document.initDragEvent is inordinately long and cumbersome, taking 16
 arguments, and requiring the creation of a DataTransfer object. That
 seems extremely cumbersome just to get a drag event to fire. This method
 doesn't seem to be implemented anywhere FWICT. Was it copied from an
 existing implementation? It seems to have been an invention. But whose?

 It's just the usual way things are done for events. I'll follow whatever
 DOM3 Events says to do.

Sorry, but I don't see how that answers my questions. It seems it was
not copied from existing implementations, but was instead an

Who wrote that API?


Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2009-10-12 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Garrett Smith wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
  On Sun, 11 Oct 2009, Garrett Smith wrote:
  My question is:
  Which browser does document.initDragEvent work in?
  Do you mean DragEvent.initDragEvent?
 AH, yeah. The event is under MouseEvent, then? So:-

It's a DragEvent, so you have to do:


  Document.initDragEvent is inordinately long and cumbersome, taking 16 
  arguments, and requiring the creation of a DataTransfer object. That 
  seems extremely cumbersome just to get a drag event to fire. This 
  method doesn't seem to be implemented anywhere FWICT. Was it copied 
  from an existing implementation? It seems to have been an invention. 
  But whose?
  It's just the usual way things are done for events. I'll follow 
  whatever DOM3 Events says to do.
 Sorry, but I don't see how that answers my questions. It seems it was 
 not copied from existing implementations, but was instead an invention.
 Who wrote that API?

The DragEvent interface is new in HTML5, but it uses the same conventions 
as all interfaces that inherit from Event.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2009-10-11 Thread Garrett Smith
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 6:52 PM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:

 (Note: feedback relating to drag-and-drop of files from the filesystem,
 with possible uploading of content, isn't included in this e-mail. I am
 waiting to see what happens with the Web Apps File Upload spec.)

 On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Jon Barnett wrote:
 On 4/30/07, Ian McKellar i...@mckellar.org wrote:
  On 4/25/07, David Hyatt hy...@apple.com wrote:
   The use case of being able to drop images into a contenteditable
   region and have them show up as img elements at the appropriate
   place and then get automatically uploaded somewhere is a really
   compelling one.

 Is there already an API for knowing exactly where something is dropped?
 Possibly - an empty Range object as either the relatedTarget or part of
 the detail of a drop event.

 There isn't, but isn't the cursor moved to the drop target position
 automatically in most systems? And in systems where that doesn't happen,
 shouldn't the drop happen where the cursor is anyway?

 On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Neil Deakin wrote:

 The initDragEvent/initDragEvent methods take a DataTransfer as an
 argument. Is it expected that the DataTransfer to use here can be
 created with 'new DataTransfer'?

 No. If you really wanted to create your own DragEvent object, you'd have
 to fake a DataTransfer object using a JS object that happened to
 implement all the right attributes and methods.

If I understand correctly, the rationale for the design decisions for
HTML5 drag and drop was largely founded upon existing functionality in
IE and Safari.

My question is:
Which browser does document.initDragEvent work in?

Document.initDragEvent is inordinately long and cumbersome, taking 16
arguments, and requiring the creation of a DataTransfer object. That
seems extremely cumbersome just to get a drag event to fire. This
method doesn't seem to be implemented anywhere FWICT. Was it copied
from an existing implementation? It seems to have been an invention.
But whose?

There doesn't seem to be any implementation for creating and
dispatching drop events. The  problem of creating and dispatching drag
events still exists and needs a good solution. The solution provided
by HTML 5 is cumbersome. As proposed:

  createInitedEvent(type, options);
 The event has default values, based on the type.

|options| type: object
|options| provides property/value pairs that replace
default values for the event. If a default value is not
replaced by an option property value, then the default value
is used instead.



[whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

2008-11-25 Thread Ian Hickson

(Note: feedback relating to drag-and-drop of files from the filesystem, 
with possible uploading of content, isn't included in this e-mail. I am 
waiting to see what happens with the Web Apps File Upload spec.)

On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Jon Barnett wrote:
 On 4/30/07, Ian McKellar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 4/25/07, David Hyatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The use case of being able to drop images into a contenteditable 
   region and have them show up as img elements at the appropriate 
   place and then get automatically uploaded somewhere is a really 
   compelling one.
 Is there already an API for knowing exactly where something is dropped? 
 Possibly - an empty Range object as either the relatedTarget or part of 
 the detail of a drop event.

There isn't, but isn't the cursor moved to the drop target position 
automatically in most systems? And in systems where that doesn't happen, 
shouldn't the drop happen where the cursor is anyway?

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Neil Deakin wrote:

 The initDragEvent/initDragEvent methods take a DataTransfer as an 
 argument. Is it expected that the DataTransfer to use here can be 
 created with 'new DataTransfer'?

No. If you really wanted to create your own DragEvent object, you'd have 
to fake a DataTransfer object using a JS object that happened to 
implement all the right attributes and methods.

 IE and Safari allow a no-argument form of clearData as well which clears 
 all formats.


 The description for the 'types' property implies that this should be a 
 live list. Why?

Why not?

 The clearData, setData and getData methods should clarify what happens 
 if an empty format is supplied.


 I still don't understand the purpose of the addElement method. Either 
 this should be removed or there should be clarification of the 
 difference between addElement and setDragImage

Added a note.

 Previously, I said that DragEvents should be UIEvents. I think they 
 should instead inherit from MouseEvent.


 We have a need to be able to support both dragging multiple items, as 
 well as dragging non-string data, for instance dragging a set of files 
 as a set of File objects (see http://www.w3.org/TR/file-upload/) from 
 the file system onto a page.

Agreed, but I haven't added anything for files yet because I'm waiting for 
that spec to stabilise.

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That's how Adobe AIR solved the problem. They added a Bitmap and File 
  list data formats, for which getData returns AIR-specific objets (a 
  BitmapData and an array of File objects respectively)
 Creating a new data format for each kind of collection seems suboptimal. 
 And it breaks completely if you want heterogeneous collections.

It would be useful to have a clearer description of use cases for this 
kind of thing. When would an app be dragging a mixed bag of stuff like 
this? (That aren't all files, and that can't all be described together as 
a single piece of data with a single type.)

On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Greg Houston wrote:

 [...] something lacking in the HTML5 drag and drop specification is the 
 ability to define a handle for the element that is being dragged. With 
 the drag and drop in javascript libraries you can define a handle (a 
 different element) that drags the draggable element. If the handle 
 property/attribute is null then the element itself is it's own handle.

Isn't that just dragging the handle?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'