Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-24 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  If the user needs a big ring, it seems bad for us not to render one. 
  Especially since we can know this.
 Yes, there are users who need extra high-contrast focus rings. But no, 
 they don't get that from an operating system setting that the app 
 queries, I think that's the source of the confusion.
 Try checking the Make the focus rectangle thicker checkbox in Windows. 
 Any time where a single-pixel dotted outline was shown before, you'll 
 now see a 2-pixel dotted outline. However, in every application I tried, 
 when previously you saw a custom focus highlight (which is the majority 
 of the time - the dotted outline looks very dated), there's no change - 
 including in Windows explorer, Office, IE, Firefox, etc. - I just don't 
 see any precedent for applications that already provide custom focus 
 highlighting to do something different when the Make the focus 
 rectangle thicker option is checked.

Why isn't this just a widespread accessibility bug?

  If you want to give the AT position information when there's no 
  visible focus ring, that's what addHitRegion() is for.
 For the record, I like addHitRegion and I'd like to go forward with 
 implementing it too. Do you consider it ready for implementation?

Yeah, I'm not aware of any outstanding work for it right now.

 Have any other browsers expressed interest?

I do not recall specific comments from browser vendors one way or the 

 The impression I got a while back was that there were still concerns 
 from some people.

I'm not aware of any outstanding concerns.

 We should probably start a new thread on addHitRegion if there's 
 anything to discuss, and keep this one focused on drawSystemFocusRing, 
 since that's the one that it appears three browsers have implemented 
 now. (I'm assuming IE is implementing it, given that Microsoft has 
 publicly commented on the spec.)

The reason I think it's relevant is that if what people want 
drawSystemFocusRing() to do is in fact what addHitRegion() does, then we 
should not do both.

 It wasn't my intent to implement something different than the spec. The 
 spec only talks about the accessibility part of the implementation in a 
 Note explaining the meaning of Inform the user, which I didn't think 
 was normative. I took the language in that note as a guide but 
 ultimately tried to implement something that actually works. I made a 
 simple demo app to demonstrate the use of this API, and tested it with 
 three screen magnifiers while developing it.

I apologise that the spec was misleading in its note.

I've tried to update the spec to remove this confusion (and made the new 
paragraph normative.)

I think in practice it may be that for accessibility the right thing is 
for authors to use addHitRegion(), and the focus ring drawing APIs should 
only draw the focus ring and do nothing else.

On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
   I believe this is where part of our confusion/disagreements come 
   from. The draw*FocusRing methods are NOT direct-mode APIs for 
  Right. They're not really APIs for accessibility at all. They're about 
  drawing focus rings.
 No. The only reason for this API is accessibility.

That was not the primary intent of the APIs. (Accessibility, like 
security, performance, or internationalisation, is almost never the 
primary intent of a well-designed API, since accessibility, like security, 
performance, and internationalisation, are concerns that permeate _every_ 
API and well-designed APIs make them non-issues.)

 An author could just check the focused state and draw the ring himself; 
 there's no need for an API to do this.

There's no way to draw a focus ring that has the appearance of the 
platform's focus rings without an API for it.

   By calling draw*FocusRing on a fallback element, the a11y software 
   will now associate that element (and its aria rules) with the path 
   that was in the canvas' state.
  This is non-conforming behaviour that is incompatible with the API 
  design. Doing this will cause harm, because the API is incapable, as 
  designed, of being used in this manner correctly without causing bugs. 
  For example, if, when an element is not focused, it's split into four 
  parts, there's no way to draw a single focus ring around it. Thus the 
  data about that control's position _will be incorrect_ if the UA 
  relies on this method for this data.
 I don't understand. The path for the focus ring can be anything, 
 including multiple closed paths. The data for the a11y software won't be 
 wrong, it will be the boundingbox of those paths.

Right. If the intent, however, is for one part of the element to be 
magnified, and the other parts to just be decorative, then this would 
result in the 

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-08 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 11:12 PM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  I don't see that as an argument against caching the last known location
  of an object too.

 If you want to store state, that's what addHitRegion() is for. It's the
 retained mode API for canvas. The draw*FocusRing() methods are
 APIs. There's no expiry logic, there's no API contract that implies that
 the calls will be made, or made correctly, if the element isn't focused.

 I believe this is where part of our confusion/disagreements come from.
 The draw*FocusRing methods are NOT direct-mode APIs for *a11y*.

 By calling draw*FocusRing on a fallback element, the a11y software will
 now associate that element (and its aria rules) with the path that was in
 the canvas' state.
 This HAS to be stateful because the a11y software queries the browser for
 the bounds of the fallback element to draw its own focus rectangle.


 A11y APIs on every platform I'm familiar with (Windows, Mac, Linux/ATK,
 Android, iOS) are essentially retained-mode. When focus changes, the
 application notifies the system and gives it an ID or reference that
 identifies the focused object. Assistive technology may query the bounds of
 this object immediately, or at any time in the future. If you restart or
 load a magnifier while the browser is already running, it will explore the
 tree, discover the object that has focus, and zoom the screen and/or draw
 its own ring around it at that time.

Note that the draw*FocusRing functions don't update the a11y of the canvas.
Instead, they update the fallback element's region. This element is part of
the HTML DOM and as such, is retained.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 16 Oct 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  WCAG 2.0 claims that many platforms allow the user to customize the 
  rendering of this focus indicator, though I admit that I don't see 
  any references for this claim:
  IBM similarly claims users may customize the default indicator in 
  Windows to a brighter color:
  I haven't been able to support those claims. However, Win32 in 
  particular has some APIs for changing focus rings (see below for 
 If the user changes the focus ring's color and/or width, then 
 drawSystemFocusRing should draw using that style.


As far as I can tell, it's not generally the precise colour that a user 
picks. It's the dimension, and the rendering mode (high contrast vs normal).

 The issue is when the application wants to draw its own focus ring - 
 should the system sometimes override that and draw its own focus ring 
 instead? That's the argument I don't buy.

If the user needs a big ring, it seems bad for us not to render one. 
Especially since we can know this.

 Respecting the system focus ring color but ignoring the rest of the 
 system palette makes no sense.

A single solid-colour focus ring does have that problem, yes. This is the 
case even without canvas; if you change your page colour scheme and 
don't override the focus outline colours, and the operating system's 
default focus rings are solid colour, then you can have this problem. The 
solution is for the focus rings not to be a solid colour. Mac OS, for 
example, makes them a gradient. Some vesions of Windows draw the focus 
ring using xor (I haven't checked modern Windows behaviour). Mouse 
cursors are commonly drawn using two levels of outlines to avoid the 
equivalent problem with mouse cursors.

A high contrast focus ring should be visible regardless of the background.

 I am totally in favor of trying to provide a better experience for users 
 who want a high-contrast theme and custom focus rings - I just don't 
 think this API is the way to achieve that goal, and I think it would 
 actually make things worse if user agents implemented it as specified.

I don't understand why it would make things worse, but I'm certainly open 
to better suggestions. What's a better way to get authors who don't care 
about accessibility to honour high-contrast focus ring preferences?

 Perhaps this shouldn't even be solved as part of canvas. Maybe we should 
 add web apis to indicate that the user prefers a custom color scheme 
 that could be used for rendering the whole page, not just canvas.

Most authors will just ignore this. That's why we have user style sheets 
that can override author sheets, for example.

  The name isn't ideal, it's true. I don't know what a better name 
  should be, though. It's really let me know if I should draw a focus 
  ring, and if I should, then take the opportunity to also notify the 
  accessibility tools, which doesn't make for a very pithy method name.
 What would you call it if it never draws, but just notifies the UI?

At that point, it would just be the addHitRegion() API, with a check for 
whether the control is focused. Not much point having that as a single 
rolled-up API, IMHO.

  It's canvas-specific because in the non-canvas state, the browser 
  already does this, in theory. The focus in the non-canvas case is 
  drawn by the browser using the :focus rules, which, in principle, are 
  set to the user's preferred state.
 In practice this doesn't necessarily work for the same reason I gave 
 above: the system focus ring might look terrible in particular UIs.

The point isn't for it to be aesthetically pleasing, the point is for it 
to be more obviously visible to the user.

   If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to 
   scrollPathIntoView, I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.
  I don't understand how this would work.
  Suppose you have a control that is floating around the screen. You 
  need the keyboard-focus-driven magnification to follow this control 
  while it's focused. You don't want to scroll to that control every 
  time it moves, you only want to scroll to it when it's focused.
  So what you do is when it's focused, you scrollPathIntoView(), and 
  then every 16 milliseconds you move the control and redraw its focus 
  ring, by calling drawCustomFocusRing() (or drawSystemFocusRing() if 
  you don't care exactly what it looks like), and that updates the AT.
 Wait, so what's wrong with calling scrollPathIntoView on it every 16 
 milliseconds, only when it's focused?

It would prevent the user from scrolling the page, which seems like a 
pretty serious problem.

  drawCustomFocusRing() and drawSystemFocusRing() shouldn't cause 
  anything to scroll. That would be very confusing, IMHO. (When would 

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-07 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  I don't see that as an argument against caching the last known location
  of an object too.

 If you want to store state, that's what addHitRegion() is for. It's the
 retained mode API for canvas. The draw*FocusRing() methods are direct-mode
 APIs. There's no expiry logic, there's no API contract that implies that
 the calls will be made, or made correctly, if the element isn't focused.

I believe this is where part of our confusion/disagreements come from.
The draw*FocusRing methods are NOT direct-mode APIs for *a11y*.

By calling draw*FocusRing on a fallback element, the a11y software will now
associate that element (and its aria rules) with the path that was in the
canvas' state.
This HAS to be stateful because the a11y software queries the browser for
the bounds of the fallback element to draw its own focus rectangle.

For the blink and firefox implementations (and the webkit patch) informing
the user [1] means telling the DOM about the region of the fallback
element so the a11y software can query it later.
Because of this, there also needs to be a way to disassociate the region
from the fallback element (ie by having no current path when you call

 As a meta-point: when you, as an implementor, disagree with the spec, the
 right way to approach this is to report the problem, describe the use
 cases, and so forth. If you want to implement something different, the way
 to do that is to design a coherent API, and make sure this new API doesn't
 conflict with the specced API, and then implement that new API.
 Implementing something that is inspired by, and conflicts with, what the
 spec proposal suggests, is not going to lead to a coherent platform,
 because it is is essentially just mixing in multiple people's designs and
 goals without coming up with a coherent single vision.

 To clarify, I'm not saying implement what the spec says. I'm just
 saying, if you don't want to implement what the spec says, please do
 actually design a coherent complete solution. Otherwise we'll end up with
 things like a direct-mode API that acts like a retained-mode API but lacks
 core retained-mode features like expunging expired data.

I completely agree.
I *think* I'm on the same page as Rich and Dominic but we're all a bit
fuzzy on the details/edge cases.


Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
   I don't see that as an argument against caching the last known 
   location of an object too.
  If you want to store state, that's what addHitRegion() is for. It's 
  the retained mode API for canvas. The draw*FocusRing() methods are 
  direct-mode APIs. There's no expiry logic, there's no API contract 
  that implies that the calls will be made, or made correctly, if the 
  element isn't focused.
 I believe this is where part of our confusion/disagreements come from.
 The draw*FocusRing methods are NOT direct-mode APIs for *a11y*.

Right. They're not really APIs for accessibility at all. They're about 
drawing focus rings.

 By calling draw*FocusRing on a fallback element, the a11y software will 
 now associate that element (and its aria rules) with the path that was 
 in the canvas' state.

This is non-conforming behaviour that is incompatible with the API design. 
Doing this will cause harm, because the API is incapable, as designed, of 
being used in this manner correctly without causing bugs. For example, if, 
when an element is not focused, it's split into four parts, there's no way 
to draw a single focus ring around it. Thus the data about that control's 
position _will be incorrect_ if the UA relies on this method for this data.

This is why addHitRegion() exists; it provides this data in a usable 

 This HAS to be stateful because the a11y software queries the browser 
 for the bounds of the fallback element to draw its own focus rectangle.

The paths provided by the draw*FocusRing() methods aren't useful for this 
purpose. Using them for this purpose is bogus. The paths provided to those 
methods are only useful for direct-mode painting and direct-mode 
notification to an AT API if such an API accepts direct-mode 
notifications. If it doesn't, then the addHitRegion() API is what should 
be used to send the notifications.

 For the blink and firefox implementations (and the webkit patch) 
 informing the user [1] means telling the DOM about the region of the 
 fallback element so the a11y software can query it later.

That's not conformant, and will lead to accessibility problems.

Informing the user is an imperative action, not an indirect action 
involving caching state over multiple frames.

 Because of this, there also needs to be a way to disassociate the region 
 from the fallback element (ie by having no current path when you call 

Yes, if draw*FocusRing() were the API you describe, we would need such a 
thing. The API you describe, however, is not draw*FocusRing(), it's 
addHitRegion(), and it already has such a thing.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-07 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 If the user needs a big ring, it seems bad for us not to render one.
  Especially since we can know this.

Yes, there are users who need extra high-contrast focus rings. But no, they
don't get that from an operating system setting that the app queries, I
think that's the source of the confusion.

Try checking the Make the focus rectangle thicker checkbox in Windows.
Any time where a single-pixel dotted outline was shown before, you'll now
see a 2-pixel dotted outline. However, in every application I tried, when
previously you saw a custom focus highlight (which is the majority of the
time - the dotted outline looks very dated), there's no change - including
in Windows explorer, Office, IE, Firefox, etc. - I just don't see any
precedent for applications that already provide custom focus highlighting
to do something different when the Make the focus rectangle thicker
option is checked.

A number of third-party accessibility tools for Windows draw their own
highlight around the current focused object for users who need it. They
usually draw it in a transparent floating window above the current app - so
it doesn't matter what the app does.

If you want to give the AT position information when there's no visible
 focus ring, that's what addHitRegion() is for.

For the record, I like addHitRegion and I'd like to go forward with
implementing it too. Do you consider it ready for implementation? Have any
other browsers expressed interest? The impression I got a while back was
that there were still concerns from some people.

We should probably start a new thread on addHitRegion if there's anything
to discuss, and keep this one focused on drawSystemFocusRing, since that's
the one that it appears three browsers have implemented now. (I'm assuming
IE is implementing it, given that Microsoft has publicly commented on the

As a meta-point: when you, as an implementor, disagree with the spec, the
 right way to approach this is to report the problem, describe the use
 cases, and so forth. If you want to implement something different, the way
 to do that is to design a coherent API, and make sure this new API doesn't
 conflict with the specced API, and then implement that new API.
 Implementing something that is inspired by, and conflicts with, what the
 spec proposal suggests, is not going to lead to a coherent platform,
 because it is is essentially just mixing in multiple people's designs and
 goals without coming up with a coherent single vision.

 To clarify, I'm not saying implement what the spec says. I'm just
 saying, if you don't want to implement what the spec says, please do
 actually design a coherent complete solution. Otherwise we'll end up with
 things like a direct-mode API that acts like a retained-mode API but lacks
 core retained-mode features like expunging expired data.

It wasn't my intent to implement something different than the spec. The
spec only talks about the accessibility part of the implementation in a
Note explaining the meaning of Inform the user, which I didn't think was
normative. I took the language in that note as a guide but ultimately tried
to implement something that actually works. I made a simple demo app to
demonstrate the use of this API, and tested it with three screen magnifiers
while developing it.

If we can come up with another implementation strategy that's more in line
with you intended that actually works, that's great, I'm happy to change
the implementation, it's not too late. Alternatively, I'd be happy to help
draft normative language that more precisely spells out how it needs to be
implemented in order to work in practice.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-07 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
I don't see that as an argument against caching the last known
location of an object too.
   If you want to store state, that's what addHitRegion() is for. It's
   the retained mode API for canvas. The draw*FocusRing() methods are
   direct-mode APIs. There's no expiry logic, there's no API contract
   that implies that the calls will be made, or made correctly, if the
   element isn't focused.
  I believe this is where part of our confusion/disagreements come from.
  The draw*FocusRing methods are NOT direct-mode APIs for *a11y*.

 Right. They're not really APIs for accessibility at all. They're about
 drawing focus rings.

No. The only reason for this API is accessibility. An author could just
check the focused state and draw the ring himself; there's no need for an
API to do this.

  By calling draw*FocusRing on a fallback element, the a11y software will
  now associate that element (and its aria rules) with the path that was
  in the canvas' state.

 This is non-conforming behaviour that is incompatible with the API design.
 Doing this will cause harm, because the API is incapable, as designed, of
 being used in this manner correctly without causing bugs. For example, if,
 when an element is not focused, it's split into four parts, there's no way
 to draw a single focus ring around it. Thus the data about that control's
 position _will be incorrect_ if the UA relies on this method for this data.

I don't understand. The path for the focus ring can be anything, including
multiple closed paths.
The data for the a11y software won't be wrong, it will be the boundingbox
of those paths.

 This is why addHitRegion() exists; it provides this data in a usable

  This HAS to be stateful because the a11y software queries the browser
  for the bounds of the fallback element to draw its own focus rectangle.

 The paths provided by the draw*FocusRing() methods aren't useful for this
 purpose. Using them for this purpose is bogus. The paths provided to those
 methods are only useful for direct-mode painting and direct-mode
 notification to an AT API if such an API accepts direct-mode
 notifications. If it doesn't, then the addHitRegion() API is what should
 be used to send the notifications.

No, the AT API is not direct mode.

  For the blink and firefox implementations (and the webkit patch)
  informing the user [1] means telling the DOM about the region of the
  fallback element so the a11y software can query it later.

 That's not conformant, and will lead to accessibility problems.

 Informing the user is an imperative action, not an indirect action
 involving caching state over multiple frames.

If that is the case, we should drop focus ring support. There's no point to
just draw rings.

  Because of this, there also needs to be a way to disassociate the region
  from the fallback element (ie by having no current path when you call

 Yes, if draw*FocusRing() were the API you describe, we would need such a
 thing. The API you describe, however, is not draw*FocusRing(), it's
 addHitRegion(), and it already has such a thing.

addHitRegion is a much bigger implementation burden for authors and browser
My fear is that given their complexity, authors will not provide a11y

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-07 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  I don't see that as an argument against caching the last known location
  of an object too.

 If you want to store state, that's what addHitRegion() is for. It's the
 retained mode API for canvas. The draw*FocusRing() methods are direct-mode
 APIs. There's no expiry logic, there's no API contract that implies that
 the calls will be made, or made correctly, if the element isn't focused.

 I believe this is where part of our confusion/disagreements come from.
 The draw*FocusRing methods are NOT direct-mode APIs for *a11y*.

 By calling draw*FocusRing on a fallback element, the a11y software will
 now associate that element (and its aria rules) with the path that was in
 the canvas' state.
 This HAS to be stateful because the a11y software queries the browser for
 the bounds of the fallback element to draw its own focus rectangle.


A11y APIs on every platform I'm familiar with (Windows, Mac, Linux/ATK,
Android, iOS) are essentially retained-mode. When focus changes, the
application notifies the system and gives it an ID or reference that
identifies the focused object. Assistive technology may query the bounds of
this object immediately, or at any time in the future. If you restart or
load a magnifier while the browser is already running, it will explore the
tree, discover the object that has focus, and zoom the screen and/or draw
its own ring around it at that time.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-06 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:


 On Wed, 2 Oct 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
  I don't understand. If the path that is active during
  drawCustom/SystemFocusRing is off screen and the element is focused, the
  browser will scroll to that area.

 drawCustomFocusRing() and drawSystemFocusRing() shouldn't cause anything
 to scroll. That would be very confusing, IMHO. (When would you scroll?
 Consider the case of the control originally being off-screen on purpose,
 and animating into position. You want the focus ring drawn the whole time,
 and the zoom to follow it maybe, but you only want to scroll once, at the
 start, to the location that it will have at the end.)

I think you misunderstood. The drawCustomFocusRing() and
drawSystemFocusRing() don't cause scrolling, it's when you focus the
fallback element that the browser should scroll.

This does mean that the spec should be updated. Right now, step 1 [1]
states that if the element is not focused, drawSystemFocusRing will abort.
Instead, the browser should update the region of the fallback content and
then continue with step 1.
With some pseudo code:
a. call drawSystemFocusRing

ctx.moveto(...); ctx.lineTo(...); // draw the region of the path

ctx.drawSystemFocusRing(hiddenElement); // element is not focused but
update the region of hiddenElement

b. focus the element (either by tabbing or hiddenElement.focus()) -
browser should scroll so the focus ring is visible on screen.

I was told the current implementation in Blink already does this.
The Firefox implementation currently does not; however, once an element was
focused, the browser knows about the region of the fallback content and
will do the scrolling. (Webkit would do so as well, but that patch didn't
land over objections from Ryosuke)


Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-06 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 I think you misunderstood. The drawCustomFocusRing() and 
 drawSystemFocusRing() don't cause scrolling, it's when you focus the 
 fallback element that the browser should scroll.

Doing this would imply remembering where the control was the last time the 
focusing ring was rendered, which would cause all kinds of problems for 
authors. Since the last time the control was rendered, maybe the rendering 
stopped showing the control, or maybe when it was last rendered, the 
control was rendered just off-screen on purpose so that it could be 
animated onto the center of the screen when focused... we simply can't 
know what the author is doing.

This is why there's a separate dedicated API for scrolling. If the author 
thinks that the user will want to scroll to the control when the control 
is focused, then it's trivial to do. But we should not force this 
behaviour. That's terrible API design.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-06 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Mon, 6 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 8:41 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
   On Mon, 6 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
I think you misunderstood. The drawCustomFocusRing() and
drawSystemFocusRing() don't cause scrolling, it's when you focus the
fallback element that the browser should scroll.
   Doing this would imply remembering where the control was the last time
   the focusing ring was rendered,
  Yes, the browser backend remembers the update region of the fallback
  content. Otherwise, screen readers would not be able to access it.

 Why would screen readers need to access it?

I'm not an expert on the subject, but the way Dominic implemented this,
once you call drawSystemFocusRing, you can hover over a region and the a11y
software will know the fallback element (and its aria rules).

(For my own debugging purposes, once the regions are known, you can use
firefox's web inspector and see the focus areas when you hover over the
fallback content. This information is likely available to web authors as
well which could be nice to have.)

   which would cause all kinds of problems for authors. Since the last
   time the control was rendered, maybe the rendering stopped showing the
   control, or maybe when it was last rendered, the control was rendered
   just off-screen on purpose so that it could be animated onto the
   center of the screen when focused... we simply can't know what the
   author is doing.
  I'm not sure I understand the problem. If the author moves the control
  somewhere else on the canvas, he's supposed to call drawFocusRing again
  which will update the region.

 If the control is anywhere on the canvas. It might not be. If it isn't on
 the canvas anymore, what you propose would randomly scroll to where it was
 last seen.

That would only happen if the author didn't call drawFocusRing again (which
he is supposed to do to update the region of the fallback content)

 But even if the control _is_ on the canvas, that's no guarantee that the
 location it's at is where the author wants to scroll to, as described in
 the examples above. There are (as described above) simple legitimate cases
 where scrolling to the focus position when the control is first focused is
 unambiguously the _wrong_ thing to do. A more elaborate one which I've
 described before would be where all the controls are initially just
 off-screen, visible just on the edge, but when focused, the control moves
 to the center of the screen. No scrolling should ever happen, because the
 author's script is taking care of making the controls visible. But all the
 controls, when initially focused, would have their focus ring first drawn
 on the edge of the canvas, and if we scrolled there, it would be very
 jarring and would be terrible UI.

 Forcing such behaviour on the author is bad API design.

But once again, it would be consistent. If you were to do this in HTML, the
window would scroll to the initial location of the control.
I'm unsure what happens when you manually move a focused element offscreen.
Is the browser supposed to scroll so it stays visible? If so, maybe
drawSystemFocusRing should scroll as well.

If an author didn't want this behavior, he could locate the controls
off-canvas which would disable the focus ring (or not draw the control at
all and not call drawSystemFocusRing). Then when the fallback content gets
the focus, he can animate the control in place and call scrollPathIntoView
once the animation is done.

   This is why there's a separate dedicated API for scrolling. If the
   author thinks that the user will want to scroll to the control when
   the control is focused, then it's trivial to do. But we should not
   force this behaviour. That's terrible API design.
  Every other control in HTML that gets the focus will cause scrolling.

 Sure. Every other control in HTML also has built-in focus ring rendering,
 built-in control rendering, built-in hit testing, etc. But we're not
 talking about built-in controls, we're talking about canvas, where the
 whole point is that the author is building the control from scratch.

  It's terrible design that this would act differently.

 It would certainly be bad UI, sure. But we're not designing the UI here.
 We're designing the API with which the author is going to implement the UI
 that _they_ have designed.

 Drawing a ring but not scrolling feels very unnatural.

 I agree, but it's not our place to make this call for the author.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-06 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 9:43 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Mon, 6 Jan 2014, Rik Cabanier wrote:
Yes, the browser backend remembers the update region of the fallback
content. Otherwise, screen readers would not be able to access it.
   Why would screen readers need to access it?
  I'm not an expert on the subject, but the way Dominic implemented this,
  once you call drawSystemFocusRing, you can hover over a region and the
  a11y software will know the fallback element (and its aria rules).

 That's not what draw*FocusRing() are for. If you want that to be possible,
 you should use the addHitRegion API. Using draw*FocusRing() for this
 doesn't work, since there's no way to set the label or role for
 non-controls, and there's no way to remove regions.

I understand that the addHitRegion APIs are the intended way to specify the
permanent location of a fallback content element. But practically speaking,
it makes far more sense to cache the bounding box of each element when
you call draw*FocusRing, otherwise you end up with a timing problem,
because as soon as you focus the fallback element, the screen magnifier
immediately wants to know its bounding box - but drawSystemFocusRing may
not get called until sometime later, when the app decides to repaint - and
by then it's already drawn the bounding box in the wrong location. Some
magnifiers respond to a location change event, but others don't,
requiring an ugly hack like sending a second focus event, or delaying the
first one.

The simplest implementation of the current spec to cache the bounding box
when you call drawSystemFocusRing and return whenever the assistive
technology requests the bounding box of that fallback element, whether it's
focused or not. I know it isn't exactly what was intended, and addHitRegion
will be a more powerful solution, but I don't see the harm in implementing
it this way.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-06 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 I understand that the addHitRegion APIs are the intended way to specify 
 the permanent location of a fallback content element. But practically 
 speaking, it makes far more sense to cache the bounding box of each 
 element when you call draw*FocusRing, otherwise you end up with a timing 
 problem, because as soon as you focus the fallback element, the screen 
 magnifier immediately wants to know its bounding box - but 
 drawSystemFocusRing may not get called until sometime later, when the 
 app decides to repaint - and by then it's already drawn the bounding box 
 in the wrong location. Some magnifiers respond to a location change 
 event, but others don't, requiring an ugly hack like sending a second 
 focus event, or delaying the first one.

The paint is going to come within 16ms (unless the app has high latency, 
in which case it'll be unusable anyway). That's when the magnifier should 
be updated, not when the focus moves in the HTML document.

 The simplest implementation of the current spec to cache the bounding 
 box when you call drawSystemFocusRing and return whenever the assistive 
 technology requests the bounding box of that fallback element, whether 
 it's focused or not. I know it isn't exactly what was intended, and 
 addHitRegion will be a more powerful solution, but I don't see the harm 
 in implementing it this way.

The harm is what I described in the earlier e-mails. You are likely to end 
up zooming on the wrong thing. For example, if the app only renders the 
focused element, and puts it in a random place when it's focused, you'll 
draw the bounding box wherever the control was last time it was rendered, 
which may have nothing to do with where it'll be this time. Similarly, if 
the control is moving, but you only update the bounding box when the 
control is first focused, then you'll leave the magnifier behind.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2014-01-06 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Mon, 6 Jan 2014, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  I understand that the addHitRegion APIs are the intended way to specify
  the permanent location of a fallback content element. But practically
  speaking, it makes far more sense to cache the bounding box of each
  element when you call draw*FocusRing, otherwise you end up with a timing
  problem, because as soon as you focus the fallback element, the screen
  magnifier immediately wants to know its bounding box - but
  drawSystemFocusRing may not get called until sometime later, when the
  app decides to repaint - and by then it's already drawn the bounding box
  in the wrong location. Some magnifiers respond to a location change
  event, but others don't, requiring an ugly hack like sending a second
  focus event, or delaying the first one.

 The paint is going to come within 16ms (unless the app has high latency,
 in which case it'll be unusable anyway). That's when the magnifier should
 be updated, not when the focus moves in the HTML document.

We don't currently delay accessibility events until paint. It'd actually be
a lot of extra work to do this and I can't see any benefit outside of this
one corner case.

 The simplest implementation of the current spec to cache the bounding
  box when you call drawSystemFocusRing and return whenever the assistive
  technology requests the bounding box of that fallback element, whether
  it's focused or not. I know it isn't exactly what was intended, and
  addHitRegion will be a more powerful solution, but I don't see the harm
  in implementing it this way.

 The harm is what I described in the earlier e-mails. You are likely to end
 up zooming on the wrong thing. For example, if the app only renders the
 focused element, and puts it in a random place when it's focused, you'll
 draw the bounding box wherever the control was last time it was rendered,
 which may have nothing to do with where it'll be this time. Similarly, if
 the control is moving, but you only update the bounding box when the
 control is first focused, then you'll leave the magnifier behind.

I think that's a good argument that we need to handle the case where the
app updates the focus ring after it's been focused, which I agree with.
There's no reason to assume the app would update the location before the
first paint - it could just as easily begin a transition on the element
once it's focused, so it doesn't reach its 'final' location until 1 second
later. We should handle this case as well as possible.

I don't see that as an argument against caching the last known location of
an object too.

- Dominic

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-18 Thread Rik Cabanier
Thanks for taking this to the group!

Dominic's patch for Chrome is almost identical to the one I provided for
WebKit, including the synchronous drawing of the ring.
The accessibility backed of chrome doesn't scroll like the one in WebKit
and FireFox which is why we're seeing a difference in behavior.

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Oct 16, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:

  On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  WCAG 2.0 claims that many platforms allow the user to customize the
  rendering of this focus indicator, though I admit that I don't see any
  references for this claim:
  IBM similarly claims users may customize the default indicator in
  to a brighter color:
  I haven't been able to support those claims. However, Win32 in
  has some APIs for changing focus rings (see below for references).
  If the user changes the focus ring's color and/or width, then
  drawSystemFocusRing should draw using that style.
  The issue is when the application wants to draw its own focus ring -
  the system sometimes override that and draw its own focus ring instead?
  That's the argument I don't buy.
  Respecting the system focus ring color but ignoring the rest of the
  palette makes no sense. Suppose the user has chosen white-on-black text
  with a yellow focus ring. The canvas normally draws a black-on-white GUI
  with red focus rings that are really easy to see. If the canvas calls
  drawCustomFocusRing and the system draws its yellow focus ring instead,
  will actually be worse. So drawing the custom focus ring, in the absence
  the rest of the information about the system palette, is not necessarily
  improvement at all.
  I think this feature was proposed with the best of intentions by people
  misinterpreted how Windows system colors and styles work, and didn't
  through all of the implications.
  I am totally in favor of trying to provide a better experience for users
  who want a high-contrast theme and custom focus rings - I just don't
  this API is the way to achieve that goal, and I think it would actually
  make things worse if user agents implemented it as specified.
  Perhaps this shouldn't even be solved as part of canvas. Maybe we should
  add web apis to indicate that the user prefers a custom color scheme that
  could be used for rendering the whole page, not just canvas.
  The name isn't ideal, it's true. I don't know what a better name should
  be, though. It's really let me know if I should draw a focus ring, and
  I should, then take the opportunity to also notify the accessibility
  tools, which doesn't make for a very pithy method name.
  What would you call it if it never draws, but just notifies the UI? I
  we could call it notifyFocusRingPath or something like that. Or we go
  the scrollPathIntoView idea.

 or something like defineFocusableRegion/defineFocusableArea.

 I'd much refer names that signify the fact these functions define
 focusable area/region than the fact
 it may draw the focus ring if the element is already focused since authors
 need to call this function
 on all focusable elements that are currently visible on the canvas.

 If we were to implement this API in WebKit, I don't think we'll draw the
 focus ring synchronously either
 (i.e. our implementation will be similar to what Dominic said Chrome does).

 - R. Niwa

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-17 Thread Ryosuke Niwa

On Oct 16, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 WCAG 2.0 claims that many platforms allow the user to customize the
 rendering of this focus indicator, though I admit that I don't see any
 references for this claim:
 IBM similarly claims users may customize the default indicator in Windows
 to a brighter color:
 I haven't been able to support those claims. However, Win32 in particular
 has some APIs for changing focus rings (see below for references).
 If the user changes the focus ring's color and/or width, then
 drawSystemFocusRing should draw using that style.
 The issue is when the application wants to draw its own focus ring - should
 the system sometimes override that and draw its own focus ring instead?
 That's the argument I don't buy.
 Respecting the system focus ring color but ignoring the rest of the system
 palette makes no sense. Suppose the user has chosen white-on-black text
 with a yellow focus ring. The canvas normally draws a black-on-white GUI
 with red focus rings that are really easy to see. If the canvas calls
 drawCustomFocusRing and the system draws its yellow focus ring instead, it
 will actually be worse. So drawing the custom focus ring, in the absence of
 the rest of the information about the system palette, is not necessarily an
 improvement at all.
 I think this feature was proposed with the best of intentions by people who
 misinterpreted how Windows system colors and styles work, and didn't think
 through all of the implications.
 I am totally in favor of trying to provide a better experience for users
 who want a high-contrast theme and custom focus rings - I just don't think
 this API is the way to achieve that goal, and I think it would actually
 make things worse if user agents implemented it as specified.
 Perhaps this shouldn't even be solved as part of canvas. Maybe we should
 add web apis to indicate that the user prefers a custom color scheme that
 could be used for rendering the whole page, not just canvas.
 The name isn't ideal, it's true. I don't know what a better name should
 be, though. It's really let me know if I should draw a focus ring, and if
 I should, then take the opportunity to also notify the accessibility
 tools, which doesn't make for a very pithy method name.
 What would you call it if it never draws, but just notifies the UI? I think
 we could call it notifyFocusRingPath or something like that. Or we go with
 the scrollPathIntoView idea.

or something like defineFocusableRegion/defineFocusableArea.

I'd much refer names that signify the fact these functions define focusable 
area/region than the fact
it may draw the focus ring if the element is already focused since authors need 
to call this function
on all focusable elements that are currently visible on the canvas.

If we were to implement this API in WebKit, I don't think we'll draw the focus 
ring synchronously either
(i.e. our implementation will be similar to what Dominic said Chrome does).

- R. Niwa

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-17 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Oct 16, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:

  On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  WCAG 2.0 claims that many platforms allow the user to customize the
  rendering of this focus indicator, though I admit that I don't see any
  references for this claim:
  IBM similarly claims users may customize the default indicator in
  to a brighter color:
  I haven't been able to support those claims. However, Win32 in
  has some APIs for changing focus rings (see below for references).
  If the user changes the focus ring's color and/or width, then
  drawSystemFocusRing should draw using that style.
  The issue is when the application wants to draw its own focus ring -
  the system sometimes override that and draw its own focus ring instead?
  That's the argument I don't buy.
  Respecting the system focus ring color but ignoring the rest of the
  palette makes no sense. Suppose the user has chosen white-on-black text
  with a yellow focus ring. The canvas normally draws a black-on-white GUI
  with red focus rings that are really easy to see. If the canvas calls
  drawCustomFocusRing and the system draws its yellow focus ring instead,
  will actually be worse. So drawing the custom focus ring, in the absence
  the rest of the information about the system palette, is not necessarily
  improvement at all.
  I think this feature was proposed with the best of intentions by people
  misinterpreted how Windows system colors and styles work, and didn't
  through all of the implications.
  I am totally in favor of trying to provide a better experience for users
  who want a high-contrast theme and custom focus rings - I just don't
  this API is the way to achieve that goal, and I think it would actually
  make things worse if user agents implemented it as specified.
  Perhaps this shouldn't even be solved as part of canvas. Maybe we should
  add web apis to indicate that the user prefers a custom color scheme that
  could be used for rendering the whole page, not just canvas.
  The name isn't ideal, it's true. I don't know what a better name should
  be, though. It's really let me know if I should draw a focus ring, and
  I should, then take the opportunity to also notify the accessibility
  tools, which doesn't make for a very pithy method name.
  What would you call it if it never draws, but just notifies the UI? I
  we could call it notifyFocusRingPath or something like that. Or we go
  the scrollPathIntoView idea.

 or something like defineFocusableRegion/defineFocusableArea.

 I'd much refer names that signify the fact these functions define
 focusable area/region than the fact
 it may draw the focus ring if the element is already focused since authors
 need to call this function
 on all focusable elements that are currently visible on the canvas.

 If we were to implement this API in WebKit, I don't think we'll draw the
 focus ring synchronously either
 (i.e. our implementation will be similar to what Dominic said Chrome does).

Dominic's implementation draws the focus ring synchronously.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-16 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 12 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
   We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and 
   drawCustomFocusRing in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either 
   canary or dev channel should work today). You'll need to go to 
   chrome://flags and enable *experimental canvas features*, then 
   restart the browser.
   Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:
  Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you 
  deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change
 I think drawSystemFocusRing is good to go. If you want, you can update 
 the spec to reflect that an implementation is available (behind a flag).

Anyone can update the spec's annotations, actually -- just 
alt+double-click on the annotation box or the relevant part of the spec, 
and it'll bring up an editor. (You may have to log in first; see the UI at 
the very top right of the spec.)

 Only one minor issue for clarification: if the current path is a line or 
 unclosed polygon, should it be closed (or otherwise outlined) when 
 drawing the focus ring? Currently we're not doing so in Chrome, but it 
 might help to clarify. For example, if the path is a line, what's drawn 
 is just an additional stroke on that line, not a ring.


 I'm not as sure about drawCustomFocusRing. The spec says If the user 
 has requested the use of particular focus rings, but I'm not aware of 
 any platform API we could use to query that.

It may be that on some platforms there is no such API.

WCAG 2.0 claims that many platforms allow the user to customize the 
rendering of this focus indicator, though I admit that I don't see any 
references for this claim:

IBM similarly claims users may customize the default indicator in Windows 
to a brighter color:

I haven't been able to support those claims. However, Win32 in particular 
has some APIs for changing focus rings (see below for references).

 So, what we implemented in Chrome for drawCustomFocusRing is basically 
 just a function that notifies assistive technology of the bounding rect 
 of the focused region within the canvas. It's still useful, but if 
 that's all it does, then drawCustomFocusRing is a poor name. Perhaps it 
 should be called something like notifyFocusLocation or something like 

The name isn't ideal, it's true. I don't know what a better name should 
be, though. It's really let me know if I should draw a focus ring, and if 
I should, then take the opportunity to also notify the accessibility 
tools, which doesn't make for a very pithy method name.

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 The correct thing to do for those users is to use accessibility APIs to 
 make the operating system aware of the focused object and its bounds. If 
 users have ZoomText or MAGic installed, or if they're using VoiceOver or 
 Orca, their assistive technology will draw its own focus ring *in 
 addition* to the application's focus ring.
 No other application hides its focus ring just because, e.g., ZoomText 
 is drawing a focus ring. The rest of the web doesn't do it. Why do we 
 need it for canvas?

If it's the case that the OS ring can't be customised, and that what 
people refer to when they talk about customised rings is having the ring 
drawn again by ATs, then you're right -- drawCustomFocusRing() would never 
draw anything. However, it's not clear to me that that is the case.

 The problem is that there aren't existing operating system or browser 
 settings that specifies that the user wants better focus rings.

Are we sure? That isn't clear to me. If it was true, why would WCAG 2.0 
say that authors shouldn't fiddle with the focus ring style, for example?

 Finally, as a meta-argument, if we really want a preference for custom 
 focus rings, then wouldn't we want that for the rest of the web? If I'm 
 building a custom form control and I need to choose a drawing style when 
 focused, wouldn't I want to know if the user wanted custom focus rings, 
 too? In other words, what makes this need canvas-specific?

It's canvas-specific because in the non-canvas state, the browser already 
does this, in theory. The focus in the non-canvas case is drawn by the 
browser using the :focus rules, which, in principle, are set to the user's 
preferred state.

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 scrollPathIntoView can't be used to notify accessibility software of the 
 focused object location as-is because it doesn't have an element to fire 
 on, and it doesn't know if the scrolling is because of focus or not.
 If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to 
 scrollPathIntoView, I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-16 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 WCAG 2.0 claims that many platforms allow the user to customize the
 rendering of this focus indicator, though I admit that I don't see any
 references for this claim:

 IBM similarly claims users may customize the default indicator in Windows
 to a brighter color:

 I haven't been able to support those claims. However, Win32 in particular
 has some APIs for changing focus rings (see below for references).

If the user changes the focus ring's color and/or width, then
drawSystemFocusRing should draw using that style.

The issue is when the application wants to draw its own focus ring - should
the system sometimes override that and draw its own focus ring instead?
That's the argument I don't buy.

Respecting the system focus ring color but ignoring the rest of the system
palette makes no sense. Suppose the user has chosen white-on-black text
with a yellow focus ring. The canvas normally draws a black-on-white GUI
with red focus rings that are really easy to see. If the canvas calls
drawCustomFocusRing and the system draws its yellow focus ring instead, it
will actually be worse. So drawing the custom focus ring, in the absence of
the rest of the information about the system palette, is not necessarily an
improvement at all.

I think this feature was proposed with the best of intentions by people who
misinterpreted how Windows system colors and styles work, and didn't think
through all of the implications.

I am totally in favor of trying to provide a better experience for users
who want a high-contrast theme and custom focus rings - I just don't think
this API is the way to achieve that goal, and I think it would actually
make things worse if user agents implemented it as specified.

Perhaps this shouldn't even be solved as part of canvas. Maybe we should
add web apis to indicate that the user prefers a custom color scheme that
could be used for rendering the whole page, not just canvas.

The name isn't ideal, it's true. I don't know what a better name should
 be, though. It's really let me know if I should draw a focus ring, and if
 I should, then take the opportunity to also notify the accessibility
 tools, which doesn't make for a very pithy method name.

What would you call it if it never draws, but just notifies the UI? I think
we could call it notifyFocusRingPath or something like that. Or we go with
the scrollPathIntoView idea.

It's canvas-specific because in the non-canvas state, the browser already
 does this, in theory. The focus in the non-canvas case is drawn by the
 browser using the :focus rules, which, in principle, are set to the user's
 preferred state.

In practice this doesn't necessarily work for the same reason I gave above:
the system focus ring might look terrible in particular UIs.

 If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to
  scrollPathIntoView, I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.

 I don't understand how this would work.

 Suppose you have a control that is floating around the screen. You need
 the keyboard-focus-driven magnification to follow this control while it's
 focused. You don't want to scroll to that control every time it moves, you
 only want to scroll to it when it's focused.

 So what you do is when it's focused, you scrollPathIntoView(), and then
 every 16 milliseconds you move the control and redraw its focus ring, by
 calling drawCustomFocusRing() (or drawSystemFocusRing() if you don't care
 exactly what it looks like), and that updates the AT.

Wait, so what's wrong with calling scrollPathIntoView on it every 16
milliseconds, only when it's focused?

drawCustomFocusRing() and drawSystemFocusRing() shouldn't cause anything
 to scroll. That would be very confusing, IMHO. (When would you scroll?
 Consider the case of the control originally being off-screen on purpose,
 and animating into position. You want the focus ring drawn the whole time,
 and the zoom to follow it maybe, but you only want to scroll once, at the
 start, to the location that it will have at the end.)

OK, that seems like a reasonable argument. Let's keep scrolling separate.

It would appear that on Win32, the SystemParametersInfo function has
 options that may be relevant here.

Agreed that those should change the appearance of the focus ring drawn by

I don't think it should override an app that wants to draw its own focus
ring for the reasons given above - if the canvas author doesn't have any
way to query the system foreground and background color, or if the user has
explicitly chosen a color palette specific to this web app, then using the
system focus ring could look much worse.

  Windows has a system setting for high-contrast mode. When you turn on
  high contrast mode, it 

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-16 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Thu, 12 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
   On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and
drawCustomFocusRing in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either
canary or dev channel should work today). You'll need to go to
chrome://flags and enable *experimental canvas features*, then
restart the browser.
Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:
   Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you
   deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change
  I think drawSystemFocusRing is good to go. If you want, you can update
  the spec to reflect that an implementation is available (behind a flag).

 Anyone can update the spec's annotations, actually -- just
 alt+double-click on the annotation box or the relevant part of the spec,
 and it'll bring up an editor. (You may have to log in first; see the UI at
 the very top right of the spec.)

  Only one minor issue for clarification: if the current path is a line or
  unclosed polygon, should it be closed (or otherwise outlined) when
  drawing the focus ring? Currently we're not doing so in Chrome, but it
  might help to clarify. For example, if the path is a line, what's drawn
  is just an additional stroke on that line, not a ring.


  I'm not as sure about drawCustomFocusRing. The spec says If the user
  has requested the use of particular focus rings, but I'm not aware of
  any platform API we could use to query that.

 It may be that on some platforms there is no such API.

 WCAG 2.0 claims that many platforms allow the user to customize the
 rendering of this focus indicator, though I admit that I don't see any
 references for this claim:

 IBM similarly claims users may customize the default indicator in Windows
 to a brighter color:

 I haven't been able to support those claims. However, Win32 in particular
 has some APIs for changing focus rings (see below for references).

  So, what we implemented in Chrome for drawCustomFocusRing is basically
  just a function that notifies assistive technology of the bounding rect
  of the focused region within the canvas. It's still useful, but if
  that's all it does, then drawCustomFocusRing is a poor name. Perhaps it
  should be called something like notifyFocusLocation or something like

 The name isn't ideal, it's true. I don't know what a better name should
 be, though. It's really let me know if I should draw a focus ring, and if
 I should, then take the opportunity to also notify the accessibility
 tools, which doesn't make for a very pithy method name.

 On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  The correct thing to do for those users is to use accessibility APIs to
  make the operating system aware of the focused object and its bounds. If
  users have ZoomText or MAGic installed, or if they're using VoiceOver or
  Orca, their assistive technology will draw its own focus ring *in
  addition* to the application's focus ring.
  No other application hides its focus ring just because, e.g., ZoomText
  is drawing a focus ring. The rest of the web doesn't do it. Why do we
  need it for canvas?

 If it's the case that the OS ring can't be customised, and that what
 people refer to when they talk about customised rings is having the ring
 drawn again by ATs, then you're right -- drawCustomFocusRing() would never
 draw anything. However, it's not clear to me that that is the case.

  The problem is that there aren't existing operating system or browser
  settings that specifies that the user wants better focus rings.

 Are we sure? That isn't clear to me. If it was true, why would WCAG 2.0
 say that authors shouldn't fiddle with the focus ring style, for example?

  Finally, as a meta-argument, if we really want a preference for custom
  focus rings, then wouldn't we want that for the rest of the web? If I'm
  building a custom form control and I need to choose a drawing style when
  focused, wouldn't I want to know if the user wanted custom focus rings,
  too? In other words, what makes this need canvas-specific?

 It's canvas-specific because in the non-canvas state, the browser already
 does this, in theory. The focus in the non-canvas case is drawn by the
 browser using the :focus rules, which, in principle, are set to the user's
 preferred state.

 On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  scrollPathIntoView can't be used to notify accessibility software of the
  focused object location as-is because it doesn't have an element to fire
  on, and it doesn't know if the scrolling is because of focus or not.
  If we added a canvas 

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-05 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:56 AM, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:

 if as a web author I call drawCustomFocusRing and it returns false, I'm
 not supposed to draw anything according to the spec. That's what doesn't
 make sense to me.

 Why not?
 It means that either the element was not focused or the user selected
 high contrast focus rings.
 The return value of true means that you as an author can draw the focus
 ring in any style.

 Yes, I agree that's exactly what the spec says.

 What I don't understand is how a browser is supposed to implement the high
 contrast focus ring support on a real operating system that exists today.
 Are there other apps that do this? Are there published guidelines anywhere?

Well, I assume that there was a good reason that this was added to the spec.
It's too bad that Rich is on vacation since he is most familiar with this.

 Windows has a system setting for high-contrast mode. When you turn on high
 contrast mode, it changes the default color palette. There's no other
 effect on the focus ring that I know of.

 Windows also has settings for the focus ring width. I agree those should
 affect the system focus ring, but I don't think users would expect that to
 override a canvas author's focus ring.

 High contrast mode may affect the system focus ring color, it's true - but
 there's no reason to believe that this system focus ring would look better
 on a canvas when high contrast mode is on, and in fact it might look much

 Third-party accessibility tools that draw focus rings aren't relevant
 here. They draw independently of applications; applications like browsers
 are not supposed to draw anything different.

It is possible that this is designed for an in-house application that uses
the canvas APIs. It doesn't have to be a browser.

 Or, here's another argument: a canvas can contain absolutely anything. It
 might contain a wild and crazy color palette. Only the canvas author knows
 what focus ring is going to be visible on top of that canvas. If the canvas
 is white text on a black background, then a dark-colored focus ring is
 going to be practically invisible, and vice versa.

A focus ring could use blending modes or other graphical features that
would ensure that it's always visible.

 It just doesn't make any sense to me that we're providing an API that
 says, if you want to draw your own focus ring, use this - BUT, under some
 circumstances we're going to tell you not to draw it and the browser or
 operating system is going to draw it for you, even though the browser has
 no idea what colors are on your canvas and what type of focus ring would be
 visible against it.

 If the author wants to draw their own focus ring, it's probably for a good
 reason. We should let them.

No, since the author doesn't know that special focus rings are required,
it's reasonable to let the UA handle that case.

 We may also want to give web authors visibility into the system color
 palette so they can adjust the entire canvas - and not just focus rings -
 for high contrast mode. But that's out of the scope of this discussion.


 On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 I just tried this with canary and your demo file, and it is not scrolling
 to the focus ring. Is this what you are asking for?


 If so, I agree that we should update the spec. There is not much point
 that you can tab into fallback content but the browser doesn't scroll to
 the path.


This means that the steps from 'scrollPathIntoView' [1] should go into the
focus ring steps too.


Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-04 Thread Dominic Mazzoni

 if as a web author I call drawCustomFocusRing and it returns false, I'm
 not supposed to draw anything according to the spec. That's what doesn't
 make sense to me.

Why not?
 It means that either the element was not focused or the user selected high
 contrast focus rings.
 The return value of true means that you as an author can draw the focus
 ring in any style.

Yes, I agree that's exactly what the spec says.

What I don't understand is how a browser is supposed to implement the high
contrast focus ring support on a real operating system that exists today.
Are there other apps that do this? Are there published guidelines anywhere?

Windows has a system setting for high-contrast mode. When you turn on high
contrast mode, it changes the default color palette. There's no other
effect on the focus ring that I know of.

Windows also has settings for the focus ring width. I agree those should
affect the system focus ring, but I don't think users would expect that to
override a canvas author's focus ring.

High contrast mode may affect the system focus ring color, it's true - but
there's no reason to believe that this system focus ring would look better
on a canvas when high contrast mode is on, and in fact it might look much

Third-party accessibility tools that draw focus rings aren't relevant here.
They draw independently of applications; applications like browsers are not
supposed to draw anything different.

Or, here's another argument: a canvas can contain absolutely anything. It
might contain a wild and crazy color palette. Only the canvas author knows
what focus ring is going to be visible on top of that canvas. If the canvas
is white text on a black background, then a dark-colored focus ring is
going to be practically invisible, and vice versa.

It just doesn't make any sense to me that we're providing an API that says,
if you want to draw your own focus ring, use this - BUT, under some
circumstances we're going to tell you not to draw it and the browser or
operating system is going to draw it for you, even though the browser has
no idea what colors are on your canvas and what type of focus ring would be
visible against it.

If the author wants to draw their own focus ring, it's probably for a good
reason. We should let them.

We may also want to give web authors visibility into the system color
palette so they can adjust the entire canvas - and not just focus rings -
for high contrast mode. But that's out of the scope of this discussion.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 I just tried this with canary and your demo file, and it is not scrolling
 to the focus ring. Is this what you are asking for?


 If so, I agree that we should update the spec. There is not much point
 that you can tab into fallback content but the browser doesn't scroll to
 the path.


Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-02 Thread Rik Cabanier

it would be great if we could resolve this soon since I'm trying to land
this in mozilla and webkit.
I think the spec is good as-is, and Rich and Hixie (right?) believe so as

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:48 PM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Where does it say in the spec that if you have assistive technology
 enabled, focus rings should not be drawn?

 if as a web author I call drawCustomFocusRing and it returns false, I'm
 not supposed to draw anything according to the spec. That's what doesn't
 make sense to me.

 It would take an element in fallback content as an argument. That would
 allow assistive technology to be notified.

 As Ian pointed out, the accessibility software could do that.

 scrollPathIntoView can't be used to notify accessibility software of the
 focused object location as-is because it doesn't have an element to fire
 on, and it doesn't know if the scrolling is because of focus or not.

 If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to
 scrollPathIntoView, I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-02 Thread Rik Cabanier
for some reason this message didn't make it to my inbox

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:48 PM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Where does it say in the spec that if you have assistive technology
 enabled, focus rings should not be drawn?

 if as a web author I call drawCustomFocusRing and it returns false, I'm
 not supposed to draw anything according to the spec. That's what doesn't
 make sense to me.

Why not?
It means that either the element was not focused or the user selected high
contrast focus rings.

The return value of true means that you as an author can draw the focus
ring in any style.

 It would take an element in fallback content as an argument. That would
 allow assistive technology to be notified.

 As Ian pointed out, the accessibility software could do that.

 scrollPathIntoView can't be used to notify accessibility software of the
 focused object location as-is because it doesn't have an element to fire
 on, and it doesn't know if the scrolling is because of focus or not.

 If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to
 scrollPathIntoView, I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.

I don't understand. If the path that is active during
 drawCustom/SystemFocusRing is off screen and the element is focused, the
browser will scroll to that area.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-02 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 for some reason this message didn't make it to my inbox

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:48 PM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Where does it say in the spec that if you have assistive technology
 enabled, focus rings should not be drawn?

 if as a web author I call drawCustomFocusRing and it returns false, I'm
 not supposed to draw anything according to the spec. That's what doesn't
 make sense to me.

 Why not?
 It means that either the element was not focused or the user selected high
 contrast focus rings.

 The return value of true means that you as an author can draw the focus
 ring in any style.

 It would take an element in fallback content as an argument. That would
 allow assistive technology to be notified.

 As Ian pointed out, the accessibility software could do that.

 scrollPathIntoView can't be used to notify accessibility software of the
 focused object location as-is because it doesn't have an element to fire
 on, and it doesn't know if the scrolling is because of focus or not.

 If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to
 scrollPathIntoView, I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.

 I don't understand. If the path that is active during
  drawCustom/SystemFocusRing is off screen and the element is focused, the
 browser will scroll to that area.

I just tried this with canary and your demo file, and it is not scrolling
to the focus ring. Is this what you are asking for?
If so, I agree that we should update the spec. There is not much point that
you can tab into fallback content but the browser doesn't scroll to the

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-10-01 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Where does it say in the spec that if you have assistive technology
 enabled, focus rings should not be drawn?

if as a web author I call drawCustomFocusRing and it returns false, I'm not
supposed to draw anything according to the spec. That's what doesn't make
sense to me.

It would take an element in fallback content as an argument. That would
 allow assistive technology to be notified.

 As Ian pointed out, the accessibility software could do that.

scrollPathIntoView can't be used to notify accessibility software of the
focused object location as-is because it doesn't have an element to fire
on, and it doesn't know if the scrolling is because of focus or not.

If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to scrollPathIntoView,
I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
   We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing
   in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either canary or dev channel
   should work today). You'll need to go to chrome://flags and enable
   *experimental canvas features*, then restart the browser.
   Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:
  Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you
  deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change

 I think drawSystemFocusRing is good to go. If you want, you can update the
 spec to reflect that an implementation is available (behind a flag).

 Only one minor issue for clarification: if the current path is a line or
 unclosed polygon, should it be closed (or otherwise outlined) when drawing
 the focus ring? Currently we're not doing so in Chrome, but it might help
 to clarify. For example, if the path is a line, what's drawn is just an
 additional stroke on that line, not a ring.

 I'm not as sure about drawCustomFocusRing. The spec says If the user has
 requested the use of particular focus rings, but I'm not aware of any
 platform API we could use to query that. To the best of my knowledge,
 assistive technology that draws its own focus rings, like ZoomText,
 normally draws an additional focus ring with extra padding, rather than
 replacing the system one. (Example:

 So, I'm not sure how I'd implement that part of the spec. Chrome definitely
 has no plans to give users an additional preference for focus rings as a
 browser setting.

 So, what we implemented in Chrome for drawCustomFocusRing is basically just
 a function that notifies assistive technology of the bounding rect of the
 focused region within the canvas. It's still useful, but if that's all it
 does, then drawCustomFocusRing is a poor name. Perhaps it should be called
 something like notifyFocusLocation or something like that.

 'drawCustomFocusRing' returns a boolean that signals the author that he is
supposed to draw the focus ring.
If you want to rename it, then maybe 'needsFocusRing' is better.

'drawSystemFocusRing' could then be simplified to 'drawFocusRing'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Rik Cabanier
Ian pointed out on IRC that 'drawCustomFocusRing' *could* draw if the user
requested high contrast rings. (Since I prototyped it in Firefox which does
not have this feature, I forgot about that case)

In light of that, maybe it's OK to leave the spec as-is. '
notifyFocusLocation' is just as confusing...

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
   We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and
   in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either canary or dev channel
   should work today). You'll need to go to chrome://flags and enable
   *experimental canvas features*, then restart the browser.
   Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:
  Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you
  deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change

 I think drawSystemFocusRing is good to go. If you want, you can update the
 spec to reflect that an implementation is available (behind a flag).

 Only one minor issue for clarification: if the current path is a line or
 unclosed polygon, should it be closed (or otherwise outlined) when drawing
 the focus ring? Currently we're not doing so in Chrome, but it might help
 to clarify. For example, if the path is a line, what's drawn is just an
 additional stroke on that line, not a ring.

 I'm not as sure about drawCustomFocusRing. The spec says If the user has
 requested the use of particular focus rings, but I'm not aware of any
 platform API we could use to query that. To the best of my knowledge,
 assistive technology that draws its own focus rings, like ZoomText,
 normally draws an additional focus ring with extra padding, rather than
 replacing the system one. (Example:

 So, I'm not sure how I'd implement that part of the spec. Chrome
 has no plans to give users an additional preference for focus rings as a
 browser setting.

 So, what we implemented in Chrome for drawCustomFocusRing is basically
 a function that notifies assistive technology of the bounding rect of the
 focused region within the canvas. It's still useful, but if that's all it
 does, then drawCustomFocusRing is a poor name. Perhaps it should be called
 something like notifyFocusLocation or something like that.

  'drawCustomFocusRing' returns a boolean that signals the author that he
 is supposed to draw the focus ring.
 If you want to rename it, then maybe 'needsFocusRing' is better.

 'drawSystemFocusRing' could then be simplified to 'drawFocusRing'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Ian pointed out on IRC that 'drawCustomFocusRing' *could* draw if the
 user requested high contrast rings. (Since I prototyped it in Firefox which
 does not have this feature, I forgot about that case)

Yes, but I'm arguing that the high contrast rings is not a good idea and we
should drop that part of the spec. Once that part is gone (or once no
browser has plans to implement that part), drawCustomFocusRing no longer
makes sense.

 In light of that, maybe it's OK to leave the spec as-is. '
 notifyFocusLocation' is just as confusing...

I don't think notifyFocusLocation is just as confusing as having a
API that never actually draws. I do agree that most web developers might
not realize who is being notified and why, but they can at least surmise
that *someone* cares about the focus location and wants to be told where it

Here's my alternative idea, though: how about calling it something like
scrollFocusedObjectIntoView, and have the *primary* purpose of the API be
to make the browser scroll the viewport, if needed to make sure that the
bounding box of the path is visible, if that object is focused. The
drawFocusRing spec would be modified to specify that scrolling the viewport
is part of the spec, too.

Both APIs would also have accessibility implications, of course - but the
average web developer who doesn't know much about accessibility would have
two useful APIs for handling focused controls in a canvas, that are easy to
test if they're working in any browser.

- Dominic

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
   We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and
   in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either canary or dev
   should work today). You'll need to go to chrome://flags and enable
   *experimental canvas features*, then restart the browser.
   Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:
  Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you
  deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change

 I think drawSystemFocusRing is good to go. If you want, you can update
 spec to reflect that an implementation is available (behind a flag).

 Only one minor issue for clarification: if the current path is a line or
 unclosed polygon, should it be closed (or otherwise outlined) when
 the focus ring? Currently we're not doing so in Chrome, but it might help
 to clarify. For example, if the path is a line, what's drawn is just an
 additional stroke on that line, not a ring.

 I'm not as sure about drawCustomFocusRing. The spec says If the user has
 requested the use of particular focus rings, but I'm not aware of any
 platform API we could use to query that. To the best of my knowledge,
 assistive technology that draws its own focus rings, like ZoomText,
 normally draws an additional focus ring with extra padding, rather than
 replacing the system one. (Example:

 So, I'm not sure how I'd implement that part of the spec. Chrome
 has no plans to give users an additional preference for focus rings as a
 browser setting.

 So, what we implemented in Chrome for drawCustomFocusRing is basically
 a function that notifies assistive technology of the bounding rect of the
 focused region within the canvas. It's still useful, but if that's all it
 does, then drawCustomFocusRing is a poor name. Perhaps it should be
 something like notifyFocusLocation or something like that.

  'drawCustomFocusRing' returns a boolean that signals the author that he
 is supposed to draw the focus ring.
  If you want to rename it, then maybe 'needsFocusRing' is better.

 'drawSystemFocusRing' could then be simplified to 'drawFocusRing'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Ian pointed out on IRC that 'drawCustomFocusRing' *could* draw if the
 user requested high contrast rings. (Since I prototyped it in Firefox which
 does not have this feature, I forgot about that case)

 Yes, but I'm arguing that the high contrast rings is not a good idea and
 we should drop that part of the spec. Once that part is gone (or once no
 browser has plans to implement that part), drawCustomFocusRing no longer
 makes sense.

I just checked Windows and they offer the option Make the focus rectangle
thicker. I checked IE and it honors that setting.
It's too bad that we didn't get feedback from them but it does look like
this is something IE would implement.

 In light of that, maybe it's OK to leave the spec as-is. '
 notifyFocusLocation' is just as confusing...

 I don't think notifyFocusLocation is just as confusing as having a 
 API that never actually draws. I do agree that most web developers might
 not realize who is being notified and why, but they can at least surmise
 that *someone* cares about the focus location and wants to be told where it

But it's not a 'notify' action though. You're basically asking the browser
if the author should draw the focus area (while also telling the browser
about the region)

 Here's my alternative idea, though: how about calling it something like
 scrollFocusedObjectIntoView, and have the *primary* purpose of the API be
 to make the browser scroll the viewport, if needed to make sure that the
 bounding box of the path is visible, if that object is focused. The
 drawFocusRing spec would be modified to specify that scrolling the viewport
 is part of the spec, too.

That sounds very much like 'scrollPathIntoView'.
I think that this is changing the API too much.

 Both APIs would also have accessibility implications, of course - but the
 average web developer who doesn't know much about accessibility would have
 two useful APIs for handling focused controls in a canvas, that are easy to
 test if they're working in any browser.

 - Dominic

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Rik Cabanier caban...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
   We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and
   in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either canary or dev
   should work today). You'll need to go to chrome://flags and enable
   *experimental canvas features*, then restart the browser.
   Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:
  Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you
  deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change

 I think drawSystemFocusRing is good to go. If you want, you can update
 spec to reflect that an implementation is available (behind a flag).

 Only one minor issue for clarification: if the current path is a line or
 unclosed polygon, should it be closed (or otherwise outlined) when
 the focus ring? Currently we're not doing so in Chrome, but it might
 to clarify. For example, if the path is a line, what's drawn is just an
 additional stroke on that line, not a ring.

 I'm not as sure about drawCustomFocusRing. The spec says If the user
 requested the use of particular focus rings, but I'm not aware of any
 platform API we could use to query that. To the best of my knowledge,
 assistive technology that draws its own focus rings, like ZoomText,
 normally draws an additional focus ring with extra padding, rather than
 replacing the system one. (Example:

 So, I'm not sure how I'd implement that part of the spec. Chrome
 has no plans to give users an additional preference for focus rings as a
 browser setting.

 So, what we implemented in Chrome for drawCustomFocusRing is basically
 a function that notifies assistive technology of the bounding rect of
 focused region within the canvas. It's still useful, but if that's all
 does, then drawCustomFocusRing is a poor name. Perhaps it should be
 something like notifyFocusLocation or something like that.

  'drawCustomFocusRing' returns a boolean that signals the author that he
 is supposed to draw the focus ring.
  If you want to rename it, then maybe 'needsFocusRing' is better.

 'drawSystemFocusRing' could then be simplified to 'drawFocusRing'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 I just checked Windows and they offer the option Make the focus rectangle
 thicker. I checked IE and it honors that setting.
 It's too bad that we didn't get feedback from them but it does look like
 this is something IE would implement.

Yes, and drawSystemFocusRing should respect the thicker focus rectangle.

I don't think that drawCustomFocusRing should switch to the system focus
rectangle style just because that preference was set - it might look
horrible on a particular canvas. Plus, Rich's original argument wasn't
about the make the focus rectangle thicker, it was about handling Windows
high contrast mode correctly - but again, I still don't think that the
system is going to do a better job at drawing a focus ring on a canvas just
because high contrast mode is on. What we really need is an API for web
developers to know if high contrast mode is on, and that's orthogonal to

Here's my alternative idea, though: how about calling it something like
 scrollFocusedObjectIntoView, and have the *primary* purpose of the API be
 to make the browser scroll the viewport, if needed to make sure that the
 bounding box of the path is visible, if that object is focused. The
 drawFocusRing spec would be modified to specify that scrolling the viewport
 is part of the spec, too.

 That sounds very much like 'scrollPathIntoView'.
 I think that this is changing the API too much.

I still don't understand why we're in a situation where we can't change it
too much. If the choice is ship drawCustomFocusRing with flaws or delay it
until the next revision so we can get it right, my vote is firmly for the
latter. I do not support shipping it as-is.

- Dominic

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 'drawCustomFocusRing' returns a boolean that signals the author that he 
 is supposed to draw the focus ring. If you want to rename it, then maybe 
 'needsFocusRing' is better.
 'drawSystemFocusRing' could then be simplified to 'drawFocusRing'

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Ian pointed out on IRC that 'drawCustomFocusRing' *could* draw if the 
 user requested high contrast rings. (Since I prototyped it in Firefox 
 which does not have this feature, I forgot about that case)
 In light of that, maybe it's OK to leave the spec as-is. ' 
 notifyFocusLocation' is just as confusing...

Yeah... The current name isn't great, but I don't know what would be 
better (without making its name an essay or something).

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 Yes, but I'm arguing that the high contrast rings is not a good idea and 
 we should drop that part of the spec.

Some users have great trouble seeing the default focus rings.

 Once that part is gone (or once no browser has plans to implement that 
 part), drawCustomFocusRing no longer makes sense.

It's certainly true that if we don't want to support users with poor 
vision, the API would be simpler. But I don't think that's an option. We 
don't get to arbitrarily ignore some users.

But drawCustomFocusRing() does more than just draw high-contrast focus 
rings. It also moves the magnification, moves the screen-reader focus, 
etc. It does everything drawSystemFocusRing() does other than draw the 
actual focus ring.

 Here's my alternative idea, though: how about calling it something like 
 scrollFocusedObjectIntoView, and have the *primary* purpose of the API 
 be to make the browser scroll the viewport, if needed to make sure that 
 the bounding box of the path is visible, if that object is focused. The 
 drawFocusRing spec would be modified to specify that scrolling the 
 viewport is part of the spec, too.

How would this differ from scrollPathIntoView() ?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 I don't think that drawCustomFocusRing should switch to the system focus 
 rectangle style just because that preference was set - it might look 
 horrible on a particular canvas.

It's the whole point of the feature. Draw the focus ring the way the user 
needs it to be drawn, if there's a special need, otherwise, let me draw it 
my fancy hard-to-see way.

 If the choice is ship drawCustomFocusRing with flaws or delay it until 
 the next revision so we can get it right, my vote is firmly for the 
 latter. I do not support shipping it as-is.

I don't understand what the problem is with the current API, but I agree 
that if it's broken it should be fixed.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Charles McCathie Nevile

On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 01:10:25 +0200, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:

'drawCustomFocusRing' returns a boolean that signals the author that he
is supposed to draw the focus ring. If you want to rename it, then maybe
'needsFocusRing' is better.

'drawSystemFocusRing' could then be simplified to 'drawFocusRing'

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:

Ian pointed out on IRC that 'drawCustomFocusRing' *could* draw if the
user requested high contrast rings. (Since I prototyped it in Firefox
which does not have this feature, I forgot about that case)

In light of that, maybe it's OK to leave the spec as-is. '
notifyFocusLocation' is just as confusing...

Yeah... The current name isn't great, but I don't know what would be
better (without making its name an essay or something).


On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:

Yes, but I'm arguing that the high contrast rings is not a good idea and
we should drop that part of the spec.

Some users have great trouble seeing the default focus rings.


Once that part is gone (or once no browser has plans to implement that
part), drawCustomFocusRing no longer makes sense.

It's certainly true that if we don't want to support users with poor
vision, the API would be simpler. But I don't think that's an option. We
don't get to arbitrarily ignore some users.

Yes, I hope not :)

But drawCustomFocusRing() does more than just draw high-contrast focus
rings. It also moves the magnification, moves the screen-reader focus,
etc. It does everything drawSystemFocusRing() does other than draw the
actual focus ring.

So it seems that a real question is whether browsers prefer to deal with  
two APIs, or allow customisation of the focus ring. which comes down to  
a question of implementation strategy - do browsers rely on a system focus  
style, or draw it themselves, feeding from a system default style?

Here's my alternative idea, though: how about calling it something like
scrollFocusedObjectIntoView, and have the *primary* purpose of the API
be to make the browser scroll the viewport, if needed to make sure that
the bounding box of the path is visible, if that object is focused. The
drawFocusRing spec would be modified to specify that scrolling the
viewport is part of the spec, too.

How would this differ from scrollPathIntoView() ?



Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex Find more at

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 Some users have great trouble seeing the default focus rings.
 It's certainly true that if we don't want to support users with poor
 vision, the API would be simpler. But I don't think that's an option. We
 don't get to arbitrarily ignore some users.

Of course not! I'm not arguing against supporting those users. The correct
thing to do for those users is to use accessibility APIs to make the
operating system aware of the focused object and its bounds. If users have
ZoomText or MAGic installed, or if they're using VoiceOver or Orca, their
assistive technology will draw its own focus ring *in addition* to the
application's focus ring.

No other application hides its focus ring just because, e.g., ZoomText is
drawing a focus ring. The rest of the web doesn't do it. Why do we need it
for canvas?

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  I don't think that drawCustomFocusRing should switch to the system focus
  rectangle style just because that preference was set - it might look
  horrible on a particular canvas.

 It's the whole point of the feature. Draw the focus ring the way the user
 needs it to be drawn, if there's a special need, otherwise, let me draw it
 my fancy hard-to-see way.

The problem is that there aren't existing operating system or browser
settings that specifies that the user wants better focus rings. There are
tools that draw additional focus rings, and preferences that control the
appearance of the default focus ring, but no toggle that says
*applications* should or shouldn't draw focus rings.

Finally, as a meta-argument, if we really want a preference for custom
focus rings, then wouldn't we want that for the rest of the web? If I'm
building a custom form control and I need to choose a drawing style when
focused, wouldn't I want to know if the user wanted custom focus rings,
too? In other words, what makes this need canvas-specific?

 How would this differ from scrollPathIntoView() ?

It would take an element in fallback content as an argument. That would
allow assistive technology to be notified.

- Dominic

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-30 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 Some users have great trouble seeing the default focus rings.

 It's certainly true that if we don't want to support users with poor
 vision, the API would be simpler. But I don't think that's an option. We
 don't get to arbitrarily ignore some users.

 Of course not! I'm not arguing against supporting those users. The correct
 thing to do for those users is to use accessibility APIs to make the
 operating system aware of the focused object and its bounds. If users have
 ZoomText or MAGic installed, or if they're using VoiceOver or Orca, their
 assistive technology will draw its own focus ring *in addition* to the
 application's focus ring.

 No other application hides its focus ring just because, e.g., ZoomText is
 drawing a focus ring. The rest of the web doesn't do it. Why do we need it
 for canvas?

Where does it say in the spec that if you have assistive technology
enabled, focus rings should not be drawn?

 On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  I don't think that drawCustomFocusRing should switch to the system focus
  rectangle style just because that preference was set - it might look
  horrible on a particular canvas.

 It's the whole point of the feature. Draw the focus ring the way the user
 needs it to be drawn, if there's a special need, otherwise, let me draw it
 my fancy hard-to-see way.

 The problem is that there aren't existing operating system or browser
 settings that specifies that the user wants better focus rings. There are
 tools that draw additional focus rings, and preferences that control the
 appearance of the default focus ring, but no toggle that says
 *applications* should or shouldn't draw focus rings.

 Finally, as a meta-argument, if we really want a preference for custom
 focus rings, then wouldn't we want that for the rest of the web? If I'm
 building a custom form control and I need to choose a drawing style when
 focused, wouldn't I want to know if the user wanted custom focus rings,
 too? In other words, what makes this need canvas-specific?

 How would this differ from scrollPathIntoView() ?

 It would take an element in fallback content as an argument. That would
 allow assistive technology to be notified.

As Ian pointed out, the accessibility software could do that.

Actually, I just tried this with my patched version of Firefox and your
If I tab into the hidden canvas elements, the browser automatically scrolls
to the region. So, it seems that this is not needed.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-12 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing
  in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either canary or dev channel
  should work today). You'll need to go to chrome://flags and enable
  *experimental canvas features*, then restart the browser.
  Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:

 Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you
 deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change

I think drawSystemFocusRing is good to go. If you want, you can update the
spec to reflect that an implementation is available (behind a flag).

Only one minor issue for clarification: if the current path is a line or
unclosed polygon, should it be closed (or otherwise outlined) when drawing
the focus ring? Currently we're not doing so in Chrome, but it might help
to clarify. For example, if the path is a line, what's drawn is just an
additional stroke on that line, not a ring.

I'm not as sure about drawCustomFocusRing. The spec says If the user has
requested the use of particular focus rings, but I'm not aware of any
platform API we could use to query that. To the best of my knowledge,
assistive technology that draws its own focus rings, like ZoomText,
normally draws an additional focus ring with extra padding, rather than
replacing the system one. (Example:

So, I'm not sure how I'd implement that part of the spec. Chrome definitely
has no plans to give users an additional preference for focus rings as a
browser setting.

So, what we implemented in Chrome for drawCustomFocusRing is basically just
a function that notifies assistive technology of the bounding rect of the
focused region within the canvas. It's still useful, but if that's all it
does, then drawCustomFocusRing is a poor name. Perhaps it should be called
something like notifyFocusLocation or something like that.

- Dominic

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-11 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:

 We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing 
 in Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either canary or dev channel 
 should work today). You'll need to go to chrome://flags and enable 
 *experimental canvas features*, then restart the browser.
 Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:

Looks good. Was your conclusion that the spec was ok as is, or did you 
deviate from the spec in some way that needs a spec change?

(Apologies if you've already reported some feedback that I've lost track 
of; I didn't see any when I looked just now.)

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-09-10 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
We've finished implementing drawSystemFocusRing and drawCustomFocusRing in
Chrome. Try it in Chrome 31 or higher (either canary or dev channel should
work today). You'll need to go to chrome://flags and enable *experimental
canvas features*, then restart the browser.

Here's a demo I built that uses drawSystemFocusRing:

- Dominic

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-30 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
   Does that mean it should be stroked along the path?
  That depends on the platform. Some platforms render the focus as a 
  highlight, some as a dotted line around the exact path of the control, 
  some as a box around the bounding box of the focused control, etc.
  The idea of this API is to let the user agent render the focus ring 
  however it is appropriate for the platform.
 I see. So the user agent can decided if it closes the path, use end 
 caps, round joins, etc. Maybe the spec should be more specific and say 
 that nothing in the graphics state (except clipping) should affect the 
 focus ring.

Ok, done.

   As for the color of the focus ring, shouldn't it come from the 
   ':focus' style of the element that is passed in?
  It should come from the platform.
 Why not the style of the element? If the child element has a class of 
 'button' and the CSS has
 button:focus {
 Shouldn't the focus be in red?

The button is likely to be invisible, so it's likely to not have computed 
style, so I don't think this works.

On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
 While I also think there should probably be some way to override at 
 least the color of the focus ring in order to match the rest of the UI

Yeah, I think on the medium to long term we'll add something as suggested 
in this e-mail:

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-29 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Wed, 24 Jul 2013, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
  I'm looking into implementing
  Blink, but it's unclear what style to use when drawing the focus ring
  i.e. the color, thickness, etc., assuming that the user hasn't overridden
  it for accessibility. Here are some possible interpretations:
  1. Hard-code default values. I don't think this would be ideal, since it
  wouldn't necessarily match the focus color of other elements that get the
  focus color from the system.
  2. Get them from the default style of a generic element (which may match
  the system focus style). This could work, but I think this is less
  for developers - if they picked a custom outline color for every other
  element in their site but would have no way to override it for canvas
  (other than using drawCustomFocusRing).
  3. Get them from the outline style of the canvas element. This means
  focus ring within the canvas would be the same, but otherwise I have no
  4. Get them from the outline style ofelement passed to
  This is my preference.

 The idea is it's supposed to be the system style (hence the name of the
 method, draw _system_ focus ring), and that if the authors wants a special
 style, they use drawCustomFocusRing() and if it returns true they draw it
 themselves (using strokeStyle and stroke(), or whatever).

 There's an example in the spec -- search for couple of checkboxes.

That example doesn't show how the focus rings are supposed to render.
The spec says:

... draws a focus ring *around *the current default path or the given path


... draw a focus ring of the appropriate style along the intended path...

Which way should it be drawn?
It seems that the focus ring should be around the path and drawn in
accordance to the browser's algorithm of focus regions.

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
  The idea is it's supposed to be the system style (hence the name of 
  the method, draw _system_ focus ring), and that if the authors wants a 
  special style, they use drawCustomFocusRing() and if it returns true 
  they draw it themselves (using strokeStyle and stroke(), or whatever).
  There's an example in the spec -- search for couple of checkboxes.
 That example doesn't show how the focus rings are supposed to render. 
 The spec says:
 ... draws a focus ring *around *the current default path or the given path

Note that that text is non-normative. There's a big box to that effect 
just above the text itself.

 ... draw a focus ring of the appropriate style along the intended path...

That one is normative.

 Which way should it be drawn?

The way the normative one says it is to be drawn.

 It seems that the focus ring should be around the path and drawn in 
 accordance to the browser's algorithm of focus regions.

Not really should what you're asking. Can you elaborate?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-29 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
   The idea is it's supposed to be the system style (hence the name of
   the method, draw _system_ focus ring), and that if the authors wants a
   special style, they use drawCustomFocusRing() and if it returns true
   they draw it themselves (using strokeStyle and stroke(), or whatever).
   There's an example in the spec -- search for couple of checkboxes.
  That example doesn't show how the focus rings are supposed to render.
  The spec says:
  ... draws a focus ring *around *the current default path or the given

 Note that that text is non-normative. There's a big box to that effect
 just above the text itself.

  ... draw a focus ring of the appropriate style along the intended path...

 That one is normative.

  Which way should it be drawn?

 The way the normative one says it is to be drawn.

Does that mean it should be stroked along the path?

  It seems that the focus ring should be around the path and drawn in
  accordance to the browser's algorithm of focus regions.

 Not really should what you're asking. Can you elaborate?

How is the focus ring usually calculated? Does the UA know about the shape
of the focused objects and then draws a box around it?

As for the color of the focus ring, shouldn't it come from the ':focus'
style of the element that is passed in?

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
 Does that mean it should be stroked along the path?

That depends on the platform. Some platforms render the focus as a 
highlight, some as a dotted line around the exact path of the control, 
some as a box around the bounding box of the focused control, etc.

The idea of this API is to let the user agent render the focus ring 
however it is appropriate for the platform.

 How is the focus ring usually calculated? Does the UA know about the 
 shape of the focused objects and then draws a box around it?

It depends on the platform.

 As for the color of the focus ring, shouldn't it come from the ':focus' 
 style of the element that is passed in?

It should come from the platform. See also this recent discussion:

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-29 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Rik Cabanier wrote:
  Does that mean it should be stroked along the path?

 That depends on the platform. Some platforms render the focus as a
 highlight, some as a dotted line around the exact path of the control,
 some as a box around the bounding box of the focused control, etc.

 The idea of this API is to let the user agent render the focus ring
 however it is appropriate for the platform.

I see. So the user agent can decided if it closes the path, use end caps,
round joins, etc.
Maybe the spec should be more specific and say that nothing in the graphics
state (except clipping) should affect the focus ring.

  How is the focus ring usually calculated? Does the UA know about the
  shape of the focused objects and then draws a box around it?

 It depends on the platform.

  As for the color of the focus ring, shouldn't it come from the ':focus'
  style of the element that is passed in?

 It should come from the platform.

Why not the style of the element? If the child element has a class of
'button' and the CSS has

button:focus {



Shouldn't the focus be in red?

 See also this recent discussion:

Yes, we're still in that thread :-)

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-29 Thread Dominic Mazzoni
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Why not the style of the element? If the child element has a class of
 'button' and the CSS has

 button:focus {



 Shouldn't the focus be in red?

While I also think there should probably be some way to override at least
the color of the focus ring in order to match the rest of the UI, I also
think that at this stage it might make more sense to just get this out in
front of developers (behind a flag) and see what happens with some
real-world apps.

I know at least 3 developers who are interested in trying it out with their

- Dominic

Re: [whatwg] Outline style to use for drawSystemFocusRing

2013-07-29 Thread Rik Cabanier
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Dominic Mazzoni dmazz...@google.comwrote:

 On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

 Why not the style of the element? If the child element has a class of
 'button' and the CSS has

 button:focus {



 Shouldn't the focus be in red?

 While I also think there should probably be some way to override at least
 the color of the focus ring in order to match the rest of the UI, I also
 think that at this stage it might make more sense to just get this out in
 front of developers (behind a flag) and see what happens with some
 real-world apps.

That sounds like good plan. Keep us posted on your findings!

 I know at least 3 developers who are interested in trying it out with
 their apps.

 - Dominic