[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2018-01-19 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,
We’re preparing for the January 2018 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201801 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is on January 26 UTC. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph 
reviews are most welcome.
Highlights from this month:
• Can conference papers have information value through Wikipedia? An 
investigation of four engineering fields
• Collaborative Approach to Developing a Multilingual Ontology: A Case Study of 
• Determining Quality of Articles in Polish Wikipedia Based on Linguistic 
• Emo, Love, and God: Making Sense of Urban Dictionary, a Crowd-Sourced Online 
• Fostering Public Good Contributions with Symbolic Awards: A Large-Scale 
Natural Field Experiment at Wikipedia
• Knowledge categorization affects popularity and quality of Wikipedia articles
• The Conceptual Correspondence between the Encyclopaedia and Wikipedia
• The Wisdom of Polarized Crowds
• Use of Louisiana's Digital Cultural Heritage by Wikipedians
• What Makes Wikipedia's Volunteer Editors Volunteer?
• Wikipedia-integrated publishing: a comparison of successful models
If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2018-01-19 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,
We’re preparing for the January 2018 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201801 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is on January 26 UTC. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph 
reviews are most welcome.
Highlights from this month:
• Can conference papers have information value through Wikipedia? An 
investigation of four engineering fields
• Collaborative Approach to Developing a Multilingual Ontology: A Case Study of 
• Determining Quality of Articles in Polish Wikipedia Based on Linguistic 
• Emo, Love, and God: Making Sense of Urban Dictionary, a Crowd-Sourced Online 
• Fostering Public Good Contributions with Symbolic Awards: A Large-Scale 
Natural Field Experiment at Wikipedia
• Knowledge categorization affects popularity and quality of Wikipedia articles
• The Conceptual Correspondence between the Encyclopaedia and Wikipedia
• The Wisdom of Polarized Crowds
• Use of Louisiana's Digital Cultural Heritage by Wikipedians
• What Makes Wikipedia's Volunteer Editors Volunteer?
• Wikipedia-integrated publishing: a comparison of successful models
If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2018-01-19 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,
We’re preparing for the January 2018 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201801 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is on January 26 UTC. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph 
reviews are most welcome.
Highlights from this month:
• Can conference papers have information value through Wikipedia? An 
investigation of four engineering fields
• Collaborative Approach to Developing a Multilingual Ontology: A Case Study of 
• Determining Quality of Articles in Polish Wikipedia Based on Linguistic 
• Emo, Love, and God: Making Sense of Urban Dictionary, a Crowd-Sourced Online 
• Fostering Public Good Contributions with Symbolic Awards: A Large-Scale 
Natural Field Experiment at Wikipedia
• Knowledge categorization affects popularity and quality of Wikipedia articles
• The Conceptual Correspondence between the Encyclopaedia and Wikipedia
• The Wisdom of Polarized Crowds
• Use of Louisiana's Digital Cultural Heritage by Wikipedians
• What Makes Wikipedia's Volunteer Editors Volunteer?
• Wikipedia-integrated publishing: a comparison of successful models
If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The September 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:

2017-12-28 Thread masssly
The September 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 Medical articles on French Wikipedia have “high rate of veracity”
2 Assessing article quality and popularity across 44 Wikipedia language versions
3 “Wikipedia: An opportunity to rethink the links between sources’ credibility, 
trust, and authority”
*** 23 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2017-12-10 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,
We’re preparing for the September 2017 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201709 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is on December 14 UTC. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph 
reviews are most welcome.
Highlights from this month:
• Etude de la véracité des articles médicaux sur Wikipédia
• Nonhuman language agents in online collaborative communities: Comparing 
Hebrew Wikipedia and Facebook translations
• Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
• Relative Quality and Popularity Evaluation of Multilingual Wikipedia Articles
• Roles and Success in Wikipedia Talk Pages: Identifying Latent Patterns of 
• Wikipedia Verification Check: A Chrome Browser Extension
If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
 Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
 [1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The August 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:

2017-12-01 Thread masssly
The August 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 Who wrote this? A new dataset tracks the provenance of English Wikipedia text 
over 15 years
*** 10 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2017-11-12 Thread masssly

We’re preparing for the August 2017 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201708 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is Saturday November 18 UTC. As usual, short notes and 
one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

• Analysis of References across Wikipedia Languages
• Analyzing Gender Stereotyping in Bollywood Movies
• Comparison of the Impact of Wikipedia, UpToDate, and a Digital Textbook on 
Short-Term Knowledge Acquisition Among Medical Students: Randomized Controlled 
Trial of Three Web-Based Resources
• Connecting Wikipedia and the Archive
• Emotional Content in Wikipedia Articles on Negative Man-Made and Nature-Made 
• Fine Grained Citation Span for References in Wikipedia
• Foundation research project learns from Czech and Korean Wikipedia communities
• FRISK: A Multilingual Approach to Find twitteR InterestS via wiKipedia
• Hacking Academic Collaboration with GLAM Edit-a-thons
• Improving Multilingual Named Entity Recognition with Wikipedia Entity Type 
• Instytucjonalizacja ruchu wolnej kultury na przykładzie projektów Wikimedia w 
przestrzeni Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
• Introduction to anatomy on Wikipedia
• Investigating the Gender Pronoun Gap in Wikipedia
• Joining the Global Village: Teaching Globalization with Wikipedia
• Lexicographical explorations of neologisms in the digital age : tracking new 
words online and comparing wiktionary entries with 'traditional' dictionary 
• Relevance judgments for properties of 350 Wikidata entities
• Stages of motivation for contributing user-generated content: A theory and 
empirical test
• Structural Differentiation in Social Media – Adhocracy
• Wikipedia as a Pedagogical Tool
• Wikipedia as a space for discursive constructions of globalization
• Wikipedia: An opportunity to rethink the links between sources' credibility, 
trust, and authority
• Writing Women in Mathematics into Wikipedia

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The July 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:

2017-10-22 Thread masssly
The July 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 "Problematizing and Addressing the Article-as-Concept Assumption in Wikipedia"
2 Briefly
2.1 85% of German scientists use Wikipedia, and other European media survey 
*** 12 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2017-09-17 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,

We’re preparing for the July 2017 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: 
https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201707 and add your name next to any paper 
you are interested in covering. Our target publication date is Friday September 
22 UTC. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

• Modeling Dynamics of Wikipedia: An Empirical Analysis Using a Vector Error 
Correction Model
• Implementation and Evaluation of a Framework to calculate Impact Measures for 
Wikipedia Authors
• The Russian-language Wikipedia as a Measure of Society Political 
• An end-to-end learning solution for assessing the quality of Wikipedia 
• What Do Wikidata and Wikipedia Have in Common?: An Analysis of Their Use of 
External References
• A Glimpse into Babel: An Analysis of Multilinguality in Wikidata
• Interpolating Quality Dynamics in Wikipedia and Demonstrating the Keilana 
• Before the Sense of ‘We’: Identity Work as a Bridge from Mass Collaboration 
to Group Emergence

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Jaune 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2017-09-17 Thread masssly
The June 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 Briefly
1.1 "Wikum: bridging discussion forums and wikis using recursive summarization"
1.2 Annual "State of Wikimedia Research" summary presentation at Wikimania
*** 11 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2017-08-23 Thread masssly

We’re preparing for the June 2017 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: 
https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201706 and add your name next to any paper 
you are interested in covering. Our target publication date is Friday August 25 
UTC although actual publication may take place several days later. As usual, 
short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:
• ‘What are these researchers doing in my Wikipedia?’: ethical premises and 
practical judgment in internet-based ethnography
• 280 Birds with One Stone: Inducing Multilingual Taxonomies from Wikipedia 
using Character-level Classification
• Analysing Timelines of National Histories across Wikipedia Editions: A 
Comparative Computational Approach
• Assessing and Improving Domain Knowledge Representation in Dbpedia
• Chaudron: Extending DBpedia with measurement
• Cultural diversity of quality of information on Wikipedias
• Digging Wikipedia: The Online Encyclopedia As a Digital Cultural Heritage 
Gateway and Site
• Evaluation of Metadata Representations in RDF stores
• High-Throughput and Language-Agnostic Entity Disambiguation and Linking on 
User Generated Data
• Measuring Global Disease with Wikipedia: Success, Failure, and a Research 
• Measuring Global Disease with Wikipedia: Success, Failure, and a Research 
• Predicting Member Productivity and Withdrawal from Pre-Joining Attachments in 
Online Production Groups
• Problematizing and Addressing the Article-as-Concept Assumption in Wikipedia
• Scholia and scientometrics with Wikidata
• Shocking the Crowd: The Effect of Censorship Shocks on Chinese Wikipedia
• Spammer Users Identification in Wikipedia via Editing Behavior
• Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Reverted Wikipedia Edits
• The Evolution and Consequences of Peer Producing Wikipedia's Rules
• The Substantial Interdependence of Wikipedia and Google: A Case Study on the 
Relationship Between Peer Production Communities and Information Technologies
• The Unusual Suspects: Deep Learning Based Mining of Interesting Entity Trivia 
from Knowledge Graphs
• The Wikipedia Adventure: Field Evaluation of an Interactive Tutorial for New 
• TokTrack: A Complete Token Provenance and Change Tracking Dataset for the 
English Wikipedia
• Visualizing Rank Time Series of Wikipedia Top-Viewed Pages
• Who Wants to Read This?: A Method for Measuring Topical Representativeness in 
User Generated Content Systems
• WikiSeq: Mining Maximally Informative Simple Sequences from Wikipedia
• Wikum: Bridging Discussion Forums and Wikis Using Recursive Summarization

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The May 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2017-08-10 Thread masssly
The May 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 "Wikipedia matters": a significant impact of user-generated content on 
real-life choices
2 Improved article quality predictions with deep learning
3 Recent behavior has a strong impact on content quality
4 Briefly
4.1 Predicting book categories for Wikipedia articles
*** 13 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2017-08-01 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,

We’re preparing for the May 2017 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at:
https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201705 and add your name next to any paper 
you are interested in covering. Our target publication date is Friday August 4 
UTC although actual publication might take place several days later. As usual, 
short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

• “A wound that has been festering since 2007”: The Burma/Myanmar naming 
controversy and the problem of rarely challenged assumptions on Wikipedia
• An algorithm designed to expand Wikipedia in all languages
• A productive clash of perspectives? The interplay between articles’ and 
authors’ perspectives and their impact on Wikipedia edits in a controversial 
• Analysing Timelines of National Histories across Wikipedia Editions: A 
Comparative Computational Approach
• Automatic Classification of Wikipedia Articles by Using Convolutional Neural 
• Conclusion: So, what is the gender breakdown of heads of government?
• Connecting the sum of all human knowledge, one edit at a time
• Cumulative Experience and Recent Behavior and their Relation to Content 
Quality on Wikipedia
• Cyberfeminism on Wikipedia: Visibility and deliberation in feminist 
• Do wikipedia science articles reflect on state-of-the-art research?
• Embracing Wikipedia as a teaching and learning tool benefits health 
professional schools and the populations they serve
• Estimating the Quality of Articles in Russian Wikipedia Using the 
Logical-Linguistic Model of Fact Extraction
• How Does Knowledge Come By?
• Information Has Value: A View from Three Institutions
• Nation image and its dynamic changes in Wikipedia
• Projects Wikisource and Wikibooks as information resource
• Student perceptions of writing with Wikipedia in Australian higher education
• Wikipedia Controversial Articles by Size of Controversy Section
• Wikipedia Matters
• Wikipedia Vandal Early Detection: from User Behavior to User Embedding by 
Marry Trame - network, memory, deep learning

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The April 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2017-07-25 Thread masssly
The April 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:


In this issue:
1 Chilling effects: The impact of surveillance awareness on Wikipedia pageviews
*** 13 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***

Contributors are still welcome for our next issue, which is planned to be 
completed on Thursday already - see https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201705
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2017-07-03 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,

We’re preparing for the April 2017 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: 
https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201704 and add your name next to any paper 
you are interested in covering. Our target publication date is Friday July 7 
UTC although actually publication might take place several days later. As 
usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

• Automatic Classification of Wikipedia Articles by Using Convolutional Neural 
• Cumulative Experience and Recent Behavior and their Relation to Content 
Quality on Wikipedia
• Embracing Wikipedia as a teaching and learning tool benefits health 
professional schools and the populations they serve
• Information needed: comprendere e anticipare i bisogni informativi al tempo 
di Wikipedia
• Persistent Bias on Wikipedia, Methods and Responses
• Wikipedia Matters

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletterndows 10

Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The March 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2017-06-24 Thread masssly
The March 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:


In this issue:
1 “Wikipedia, work, and capitalism. A realm of freedom?”
2 How does unemployment affect reading and editing Wikipedia ? The impact of 
the Great Recession
3 Briefly
3.1 How complete are Wikidata entries?
3.2 “Cardinal Virtues: Extracting Relation Cardinalities from Text”
*** 10 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter: new papers open for review

2017-06-05 Thread masssly
Hi everyone,

We’re preparing for the March 2017 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201703 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is Sunday June 11 UTC. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph 
reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:
• Analyse and visualize signal of interest for Italian zone wikipedia pages
• Biases in the production and reception of collective knowledge: the case of 
hindsight bias in Wikipedia
• Cultural Interpretations of Global Information? Hindsight Bias after Reading 
Wikipedia Articles across Cultures.
• Editing Behavior Analysis and Prediction of Active/Inactive Users in Wikipedia
• Expanding the sum of all human knowledge: Wikipedia, translation and 
linguistic justice
• Multiple Account Identity Deception Detection in Social Media Using Nonverbal 
• Nation image and its dynamic changes in Wikipedia
• The Accessibility, Readability, and Quality of Online Resources for Gender 
Affirming Surgery
• Using Wikipedia to Predict Election Outcomes: Online Behavior as a Predictor 
of Voting
• Wikidatians are born: paths to full participation in a collaborative 
structured knowledge base
• Wikipedia Verification Check: A Chrome Browser Extension
• Wikipedia, Work and Capitalism: A Realm of Freedom?

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The February 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2017-05-28 Thread masssly
The February 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:


In this issue:
1 Wikipedia bot wars capture the imagination of the popular press - but are 
they real?
2 “Relationship between personality and attitudes to Wikipedia”
3 “ExpertIdeas: Incentivizing Domain Experts to Contribute to Wikipedia”
*** 15 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The January 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2017-03-02 Thread masssly
The January 2017 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



This edition is a special issue collecting recent research about the topic of 
Wikipedia in education.

In this issue:

1 "Wikipedia as a platform for impactful learning: A new course model in higher 
2 Faculty perception of Wikipedia improves over five-year term
3 Students report 95% of their interactions with other Wikipedians as positive 
– even when they are getting reverted
4 Briefly
4.1 What we know from research about why Wikipedia is still struggling to get 
accepted in academia, and about the benefits of teaching with Wikipedia
4.2 "Contributing to Wikipedia as an assignment for undergraduate students"
4.3 How to motivate students and others to contribute to Wikibooks
4.4 K-12 teachers perceive Wikipedia as easy to use but unreliable
4.5 Conferences and events

*** 17 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
PS: As always, remember that you can also follow research news via our Twitter 
account: https://twitter.com/Wikiresearch. The feed is celebrating its 5th 
anniversary currently, having featured around 3000 research updates per day 
since 2012, or 1.6 per day on average. We recently made a Facebook version 
available, too: https://www.facebook.com/WikiResearch/

Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The December 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2017-01-27 Thread masssly
The December 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:
1 Getting more female editors may not increase the ratio of articles about women
2 Theorizing the foundations of the gender gap
3 How old and new astronomy papers are being cited
4 Wikipedia is not a suitable source for election predictions
5 “Black Lives Matter in Wikipedia: Collaboration and collective memory around 
online social movements"
6 Briefly
6.1 Conferences and events
*** 20 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The November 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out

2016-12-27 Thread masssly
The November 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:


In this issue:
1 "Privacy, anonymity, and perceived risk in open collaboration: a study of Tor 
users and Wikipedians"
2 Briefly
2.1 Conferences and events

*** 9 publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/WikiResearch/
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (November 2016): new papers open for review

2016-12-11 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,

We’re preparing for the November 2016 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201611 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Reviews 
should be in before December 14. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph 
reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:
• Black Lives Matter in Wikipedia: Collaboration and Collective Memory around 
Online Social Movements
• DePP: A System for Detecting Pages to Protect in Wikipedia
• Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, 
and Protection
• Docforia: A Multilayer Document Model
• Does astronomy research become too dated for the public? Wikipedia citations 
to astronomy and astrophysics journal articles 1996-2014
• Election Prediction Based on Wikipedia Pageviews
• Establishing and Evaluating Digital Ethos and Online Credibility
• Finding and Expanding Hypernymic Relations in the Music Domain
• Game with a Purpose for mappings verification
• Hierarchical Question Answering for Long Documents
• How Many People Constitute a Crowd and What Do They Do? Quantitative Analyses 
of Revisions in the English and German Wiktionary Editions
• Measuring Quality of Collaboratively Edited Documents: the case of Wikipedia
• On Emerging Entity Detection
• Predicting Importance of Historical Persons Using Wikipedia
• Relationship between personality and attitudes to Wikipedia
• Social patterns and dynamics of creativity in Wikipedia
• Travel Attractions Recommendation with Knowledge Graphs
• What Makes a Link Successful on Wikipedia?

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The October 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:

2016-11-07 Thread masssly
The October 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:
1 "Gender gap on Wikipedia: visible in all categories?"
2 Quality and importance in different language editions
3 Why women edit less: a controlled experiment
4 "Wikipedia traffic data and electoral prediction: towards theoretically 
informed models"
5 Briefly
5.1 Conferences and events

*** 13 publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Thanks to Giuseppe Profiti, Morten Warncke-Wang, Jonathan Morgan and Zareen 
Farooqui for contributing.
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The September 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:

2016-10-23 Thread masssly
The September 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:
1 "Wikipedia Dispute Index" detects high-conflict countries
2 Emergent Role Behaviours in Wikipedia – The "How" and "Why"
3 Briefly
3.1 Conferences and events

*** 8 publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Thanks to Piotr Konieczny and Morten Warncke-Wang for contributing.

Apologies for the late publication of this issue. The October edition of the 
newsletter should come out with less delay (depending on the timing of the next 
Signpost issue). Thanks to those who have already signed up to contribute 
reviews; more are still welcome at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201610

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (September 2016): new papers open for review

2016-10-12 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,

We’re preparing for the September 2016 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201609 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. The 
publication schedule is a bit mixed up currently - there is a chance we will 
already need to get out this issue in the next few days; but if you prefer to 
take more time, feel free to mark your contribution for the subsequent October 
issue instead, which should come out toward the end of this month. As usual, 
short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:
• 5000 people on Brexit & US Elections
• A Smooth Transition to Modern mathoid-based Math Rendering in Wikipedia with 
Automatic Visual Regression Testing
• Answering End-User Questions, Queries and Searches on Wikipedia and its 
• Automated News Suggestions for Populating Wikipedia Entity Page
• Content Disputes in Wikipedia Reflect Geopolitical Instability
• Creating Causal Embeddings for Question Answering with Minimal Supervision
• Cultural Differences in the Understanding of History on Wikipedia
• Examining potential mechanisms underlying the Wikipedia gender gap through a 
collaborative editing task
• Expanding Wikidata's Parenthood Information by 178%, or How To Mine Relation 
• Exploration on the Use of WDQS: Breakdown by Geography, User Agent and 
Referer Class
• Finding News Citations For Wikipedia
• Gender gap on Wikipedia: visible in all categories?
• How do students trust Wikipedia? An examination across genders
• Incorporating Relation Paths in Neural Relation Extraction
• Memory Remains: Understanding Collective Memory in the Digital Age
• Once You Step Over the First Line, You Become Sensitized to the Next: Towards 
a Gateway Theory of Online Participation
• Privacy, Anonymity, and Perceived Risk in Open Collaboration: A Study of Tor 
Users and Wikipedians
• Quality and Importance of Wikipedia Articles in Different Languages
• Using Semantic Web Technologies for Explaining and Predicting Abnormal 
• Veni, Vidi, Vicipaedia: Using the Latin Wikipedia in an Advanced Latin 
• WikInfoboxer: A Tool to Create Wikipedia Infoboxes Using Dbpedia
• Wikipedia and participatory culture: Why fans edit
• Writing for Wikipedia in the classroom: challenging official knowledge (a 
case study in 12th grade)

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 6(8) is out

2016-09-12 Thread masssly
The August 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:
1 AI-generated Wikipedia articles give rise to debate about research ethics
2 Ethics researcher: Vandal fighters should not be allowed to see whether an 
edit was made anonymously
3 Briefly
3.1 Conferences and events

*** 18 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***
Thanks to Denny Vrandečić for contributing.
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia Research Newsletter
* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (February 2016): new papers open for review

2016-02-22 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,

We’re preparing for the February 2016 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201602 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is likely Friday February 26 UTC or later. As usual, short 
notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

Controversy goes online: Schizophrenia genetics on Wikipedia
Dynamics of Disagreement: Large-Scale Temporal Network Analysis Reveals 
Negative Interactions in Online Collaboration
Employing Wikipedia for good not evil: innovative approaches to collaborative 
writing assessment
From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration. ACM (2016)
Gender Gap in Wikipedia Editing: A Cross Language Comparison
Growing Wikipedia Across Languages via Recommendation
Monetary Materialities of Peer-Produced Knowledge: The Case of Wikipedia and 
Its Tensions with Paid Labour
Request for Adminship (RFA) within Wikipedia: How Do User Contributions Instill 
Community Trust?
Visual Positions of Links and Clicks on Wikipedia. WWW '16
Visualizing a Modern History of Music Using Wikipedia Data
Wikipedia Tools for Google Spreadsheets
WIKIPEDIA vs. ACADEMIA An investigation into the role of the Internet in 
education, with a special focus on collaborative editing tools such as Wikipedia

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 6(1) is out

2016-01-29 Thread masssly
The January 2016 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 Burstiness in Wikipedia editing

2 Emerging trends based on Wikipedia traffic data and contextual networks

3 "Hidden revolution of human priorities: An analysis of biographical data from 

4 "Women through the glass-ceiling: gender asymmetries in Wikipedia"

5 Briefly

5.1 Wikipedia influences medical decision-making in acute and critical care

*** 20 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***

Thanks to Brian Keegan and Piotr Koniecznyfor contributing.

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli


Wikimedia Research Newsletter

* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (January 2016): new papers open for review

2016-01-23 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,

We’re preparing for the January 2016 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201601 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is Wednesday January 27 UTC although actual publication might 
happen several days later. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are 
most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

50/50 Norm in Massive Online Public Good: The Case of Wikipedia
Advances in Network Science| chapter = Studying the Role of Diversity in Open 
Collaboration Network: Experiments on Wikipedia
An AI for the Wikipedia Game
Analyzing the Usage of Wikipedia on Twitter: Understanding Inter-Language Links
Anon productivity and productive efficiency in English Wikipedia (Showcase, 
Jan. 2016)
Common knowledge? An ethnography of Wikipedia
Das Ende klassischer Printmedien? Ein Vergleich soziologischer Einführungswerke 
und Lexika mit der Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia aus studentischer Perspektive
From Digital Library Citation Parsing to Wikipedia Reference Analysis
Hidden revolution of human priorities: An analysis of biographical data from 
Identifying missing dictionary entries with frequency-conserving context models
Intellectual interchanges in the history of the massive online open-editing 
encyclopedia, Wikipedia
Not at Home on the Range: Peer Production and the Urban/Rural Divide
On the origin of burstiness in human behavior: The wikipedia edits case
Political Advertising on the Wikipedia Market Place of Information
Population automation: An interview with Wikipedia bot pioneer Ram-Man
Prediction of influenza outbreaks by integrating Wikipedia article access logs 
and Google flu trend data
Public relations interactions with Wikipedia
Quantifying the Relationship between Hit Count Estimates and Wikipedia Article 
Relevance Analyses and Automatic Categorization of Wikipedia Articles
The Detection of Emerging Trends Using Wikipedia Traffic Data and Context 
The Evolution of Wikipedia's Norm Network
The Impact of Sentiment-driven Feedback on Knowledge Reuse in Online Communities
The Impact of Sentiment-driven Feedback on Knowledge Reuse in Online Communities
Verifying social network models of Wikipedia knowledge community
Vier von fünf Internetnutzern recherchieren bei Wikipedia
Where are the Women in Wikipedia? Understanding the Different Psychological 
Experiences of Men and Women in Wikipedia
Wikiometrics: A Wikipedia Based Ranking System
Wikipedia: Access and participation in an open encyclopaedia
Women Through the Glass-Ceiling: Gender Asymmetries in Wikipedia

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(12) is out

2016-01-08 Thread masssly
The December 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:





In this issue:


1 Does advertising the gender gap help or hurt Wikipedia?

2 Teaching Wikipedia: The Pedagogy and Politics of an Open Access Writing 

3 "Wikipedia, sociology, and the promise and pitfalls of Big Data"

4 Briefly

3.1 Wikipedia and the Stock Market


*** 8 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***


Thanks to Piotr Konieczny, Tilman Bayer and Max Klein for contributing.


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli




Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (December 2015): new papers open for review

2015-12-26 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,

We’re preparing for the December 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201512 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is Wednesday December 30 UTC although actual publication might 
happen several days later. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are 
most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

Accidental Technologist: How Can Libraries Improve Wikipedia?
Artificial intelligence service gives Wikipedians ‘X-ray specs’ to see through 
bad edits
Conflict and Computation on Wikipedia: a Finite-State Machine Analysis of 
Editor Interactions
Evolution of Privacy Loss in Wikipedia
Extracting Semantics from Unconstrained Navigation on Wikipedia
Information-seeking behaviour for epilepsy: an infodemiological study of 
searches for Wikipedia articles
Integrated Parallel Sentence and Fragment Extraction from Comparable Corpora: A 
Case Study on Chinese--Japanese Wikipedia
Les discussions Wikipedia : un corpus pour caractériser le genre "(wiki) 
Mapping bilateral information interests using the activity of Wikipedia editors
Microtext Normalization using Probably-. Phonetically-Similar Word Discovery
Mining Wikipedia to Rank Rock Guitarist
Only 2-4% of UK 12-15 year olds  use Wikipedia as first stop for information
Open Collaboration Systems Research Workshop 2015 Report
Teachers' use of Wikipedia with their Students
The implications of Wikipedia for contemporary science education: Using Social 
Network Analysis Techniques for Automatic Organisation of Knowledge
Understanding the Role of Participative Web within Collaborative Culture: The 
Case of Wikipedia
Untangling Performance from Success
Wikidata: A platform for data integration and dissemination for the life 
sciences and beyond
Wikipedia Ranking of World Universities
Wikipedia, sociology, and the promise and pitfalls of Big Data
Wikipedia: The difference between information acquisition and learning knowledge
Wikis and Collaborative Systems for Large Formal Mathematics

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(11) is out

2015-12-01 Thread masssly
The November 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:





In this issue:


1 "Are Wikipedia citations important evidence of the impact of scholarly 
articles and books?"

2 Exploration of co-stardom networks between 1920 and 1930 using Wikidata

3 Briefly

3.1 "Editing for equality: the outcomes of the Art+Feminism Wikipedia 

3.2 Research at Wikimania 2016


*** 12 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***


Thanks to Daniel Mietchen, Guillaume Paumier and Piotr Konieczny for 


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli




Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (October 2015): new papers open for review

2015-11-21 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,

We’re preparing for the November 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201511 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is Wednesday November 25 UTC although actual publication might 
happen several days later. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are 
most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

An Analysis of the Quality Issues of the Properties Available in the Spanish 
Are Wikipedia Citations Important Evidence of the Impact of Scholarly Articles 
and Books?
Automatic Identification and Disambiguation of Concepts and Named Entities in 
the Multilingual Wikipedia
Change In Access After Digitization: Ethnographic Collections In Wikipedia
Collective remembering of organizations: Co-construction of organizational 
pasts in Wikipedia
Cumulative Growth in User-Generated Content Production: Evidence from Wikipedia
Economic Downturn and Volunteering: Does a Crisis Affect Content Generation on 
Gender by language
How do Twitter, Wikipedia, and Harrison's principles of medicine describe heart 
How Structure Shapes Dynamics: Knowledge Development in Wikipedia - A Network 
Multilevel Modeling Approach
Improving Website Hyperlink Structure Using Server Logs
Individual versus Collaborative Information Processing: The Case of Biases in 
Influence Of Wikipedia And Other Web Resources On Acute And Critical Care 
Decisions. A Web-Based Survey
Intellectual Interchanges in the History of Massive Online Open-editing 
Encyclopedia, Wikipedia
Leveraging the Crowdsourcing of Lexical Resources for Bootstrapping a 
Linguistic Data Cloud
Model the social network of movie actors of the 1920s and 1930s with Wikidata
Relation between Wikipedia edits and news published
The Impact and Evolution of Group Diversity in Online Open Collaboration
Top 100 historical figures of Wikipedia
Towards a Class-Based Model of Information Organization in Wikipedia
Transforming Wikipedia into a Search Engine for Local Experts
Transparency, Control, and Content Generation on Wikipedia: Editorial 
Strategies and Technical Affordances
Understanding Editing Behaviors in Multilingual Wikipedia
Use and awareness of Wikipedia among the M.C.A students of C. D. Jain college 
of commerce, Shrirampur : A Study
Utilising Wikipedia for text mining applications
Visualizing Wikipedia Article and User Networks: Extracting Knowledge 
Structures using NodeXL
Wikipedia and history: a worthwhile partnership in the digital era?
Wikipedia und History
Wikipedia, Work and Capitalism: A Realm of Freedom?
Wisdom of the Crowd: Wikipedia Controversies and Coordinating Policies
Zero Rating and Mobile Net Neutrality

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(10) is out

2015-11-04 Thread masssly
The October 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:





In this issue:


1 Students value Wikipedia both for quick answers and for detailed explorations

2 Jesus, Napoleon, and Obama top the "Wikipedia social network"

3 "Exploration of Online Culture Through Network Analysis of Wikipedia"

4 Briefly

4.1 Vandalism detection research neglects smaller languages

4.2 Automatic quality assessment using the "collaboration network"


*** 20 recent publications were covered or listed in this issue ***


Thanks to Jonathan Morgan, Morten Warncke-Wang and Piotr Konieczny for 


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli




Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (October 2015): new papers open for review

2015-10-24 Thread masssly
Hi everybody, 

We’re preparing for the October 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201510 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is Wednesday October 28 UTC. As usual, short notes and 
one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:


Use and awareness of Wikipedia among the M.C.A students of C. D. Jain college 
of commerce, Shrirampur : A Study

Understanding Editing Behaviors in Multilingual Wikipedia

The Impact and Evolution of Group Diversity in Online Open Collaboration

Teaching Wikipedia: The Pedagogy and Politics of an Open Access Writing 

“An Encyclopedia, Not an Experiment in Democracy”: Wikipedia Biographies, 
Authorship, and the Wikipedia Subject

 "You get what you need” : A study of students’ attitudes towards using 
Wikipedia when doing school assignments

Machine Learning and the Detection of Anomalies in Wikipedia

"Collective remembering of organizations: Co-construction of organizational 
pasts in Wikipedia"

Top 100 historical figures of Wikipedia

Towards a Class-Based Model of Information Organization in Wikipedia

Transparency, Control, and Content Generation on Wikipedia: Editorial 
Strategies and Technical Affordances

Influence of Wikipedia and other web resources on acute and critical care 
decisions. A web-based survey

Utilising Wikipedia for text mining applications

Automatic Identification and Disambiguation of Concepts and Named Entities in 
the Multilingual Wikipedia

Beyond Friendships and Followers: The Wikipedia Social Network

Intellectual Interchanges in the History of Massive Online Open-editing 
Encyclopedia, Wikipedia

Exploration of Online Culture Through Network Analysis of Wikipedia
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

Measuring Article Quality in Wikipedia using the Collaboration Network

How do Twitter, Wikipedia, and Harrison's principles of medicine describe heart 

Sociotechnical interaction at work: an ethnographic study of the Wikipedia 

Wikipedia and history: a worthwhile partnership in the digital era?


If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli 

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(9) is out

2015-10-07 Thread masssly
The September 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 “Teaching Philosophy by Designing a Wikipedia Page”

2 Wikipedia Search Isn’t Necessarily Third BESt

3 More newbies mean more conflict, but extreme tolerance can still achieve 
eternal peace

4 Predicting Wikimedia pageviews with 2% accuracy

5 Wiktionary special

5.1 “Online dictionaries in Web 2.0 platform – Wikiszótár and Wiktionary”

5.2 “GLAWI, a free XML-encoded Machine-Readable Dictionary built from the 
French Wiktionary”

5.3 “IWNLP: Inverse Wiktionary for Natural Language Processing”

5.4 “knoWitiary: A Machine Readable Incarnation of Wiktionary”

5.5 “Zmorge: A German Morphological Lexicon Extracted from Wiktionary”

5.6 “Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linked Data for 12 Language Editions with Enhanced 
Translation Relations”

5.7 “Observing Online Dictionary Users: Studies Using Wiktionary Log Files”

6 In brief

6.1 “Multilingual Open Relation Extraction Using Cross-lingual Projection”

*** 12 publications were covered in this issue ***


Thanks to Federico Leva, Panda10, Piotr Konieczny and Trey Jones for 


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli




Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (September 2015): new papers open for review

2015-09-26 Thread masssly
Hi everybody, 

We’re preparing for the September 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201509 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target 
publication date is Wednesday September 30 UTC. As usual, short notes and 
one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:


Editorial Bias in Crowd-Sourced Political Information

Disease identification and concept mapping using Wikipedia

Recognizing Biographical Sections in Wikipedia

The Descent of Pluto: Interactive dynamics, specialization and reciprocity of 
roles in a Wikipedia debate

How will your workload look like in 6 years? Analyzing Wikimedia's workload

Gender imbalance and Wikipedia

“A Spousal Relation Begins with a Deletion of engage and Ends with an Addition 
of divorce": Learning State Changing Verbs from Wikipedia Revision History

How much is Wikipedia Lagging Behind News?

Measuring the Effectiveness of Wikipedia Articles: How Does Open Content 

Wikipedia entries on fiction and non-propositional knowledge representation

Students' use of Wikipedia as an academic resource — Patterns of use and 
perceptions of usefulness


If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli 

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(8) is out

2015-09-01 Thread masssly
The August 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:




In this issue:


1  OpenSym 2015

1.1 "Tool-Mediated Coordination of Virtual Teams"

2 Measuring Wiki Quality with PageRank

3 "Automated News Suggestions for Populating Wikipedia entity Pages"

4 "Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science"

5 Early warning system identifies likely vandals based on their editing behavior

6 "DBpedia Commons: Structured Multimedia Metadata from the Wikimedia Commons"

7 Briefly

7.1 Wikipedia in education as an acculturation process


*** 7 publications and overview report of OpenSym 2015 were covered in this 
issue ***


Thanks to Morten Warncke-Wang, Brian Keegan, Piotr Konieczny, Andrew Gray, 
Srijan Kumar, and Guillaume Paumier for contributing.


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli




Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter/Identi.ca: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (August 2015): new papers open for review

2015-08-21 Thread masssly
Hi everybody, 

We’re preparing for the August 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201508 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. We 
encourage reviews of individual papers/posters from the just ended OpenSym 2015 
conference. Our target publication date is Wednesday August 26 UTC. As usual, 
short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

An Analysis of the Application of Wikipedia Corpus on the Lexical Learning in 
the Second Language Acquisition
Cultural Anthropology through the Lens of Wikipedia: Historical Leader 
Networks, Gender Bias, and News-based Sentiment
Wikipedia in Education: Acculturation and learning in virtual communities
Exploiting Wikipedia for Information Retrieval Tasks
Analysing Wiki Quality using Probabilistic Model Checking
An Exploratory Study of Free / Libre / Open Source Software Organizations
WikiSERM: Wikipedia Vandalism Detection Through Sequential Event Risk Measure
Enabling Complex Wikipedia Queries - Technical Report
Policies For The Production Of Contents In The Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Validity Claims Of Information In Face Of Authority Of The Argumention Wikipedia
What Works Well With Wikidata?
Management and the Future of Open Collaboration
GLAWI, a free XML-encoded Machine-Readable Dictionary built from the French 
DBpedia Commons: Structured Multimedia Metadata from the Wikimedia Commons
Automatically Expanding the Synonym Set of SNOMED CT using Wikipedia
Content Volatility of Scientific Topics in Wikipedia: A Cautionary Tale
Automated News Suggestions for Populating Wikipedia Entity Pages
A Comparative Survey of DBpedia, Freebase, OpenCyc, Wikidata, and YAGO
Networked Knowledge: Approaches to Analyzing Dynamic Networks of Knowledge in 
Wikis for Mass Collaboration
IWNLP: Inverse Wiktionary for Natural Language 
Detecting Vandalism on Wikipedia across Multiple Languages


If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli 

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(7) is out

2015-08-03 Thread masssly
The July 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:



In this issue:

1 Wikipedia as an example of collective intelligence
2 #Wikipedia and Twitter
3 Briefly
3.1 How old is the account making an average edit?
3.2 Simplifying sentences by finding their equivalent on Simple Wikipedia


••• 3 publications were covered in this issue •••


Thanks to Piotr Konieczny and Kim Osman for contributing.


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli



Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter/Identi.ca: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (July 2015): new papers open for review

2015-07-26 Thread masssly
Hi everybody, 

We’re preparing for the July 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201507 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. We 
encourage coverage of Submissions from the just ended Wikimania 2015 conference 
in Mexico City. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most 

Highlights from this month:

Models for Understanding Collective Intelligence on Wikipedia
Wikipedia vs. peer-reviewed medical literature for information about the 10 
most costly medication conditions
Wikipedia, democracy and local elections in São Paulo: a study of the 
developing of articles edited during the election campaign in 2012
Detection of text-based advertising and promotion in Wikipedia by deep learning 
Extracting and Visualizing Biographical Events from Wikipedia
Detecting spatial patterns of natural hazards from the Wikipedia knowledge base
Generating Quizzes for History Learning Based on Wikipedia Articles
The influence of network structures of Wikipedia discussion pages on the 
efficiency of WikiProjects
The Rise and Fall of an Online Project. Is Bureaucracy Killing Efficiency in 
Open Knowledge Production?
Theories: Wikipedia and the production of knowledge
VEWS: A Wikipedia Vandal Early Warning System
An agent-based model of edit wars in Wikipedia: How and when is consensus 
Google Trends and Wikipedia Page Views
Hot news detection using Wikipedia
Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science
#Wikipedia on Twitter: Analyzing Tweets about Wikipedia
Towards Vandalism Detection in Knowledge Bases: Corpus Construction and Analysis
Wikidata World Maps June 2015


If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli 

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(6) is out

2015-06-30 Thread masssly
The June 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:


In this issue:

1 How Wikipedia built governance capability, 2001–2009

2 Readability of plastic surgery articles examined

3 Briefly

3.1 Fukushima discussions in the English and Japanese Wikipedias

*** 4 publications were covered in this issue ***

Thanks to Piotr Konieczny and Leeza Rodriguez for contributing.

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli


Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter/Identi.ca: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (June 2015): new papers open for review

2015-06-21 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,


We’re preparing for the June 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201506 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. As usual, 
short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome. Drafts should be in 
before the target publication date which is Wednesday, June 24th.


Highlights from this month:

An Examination of Health, Medicaland Nutritional Information on the Internet:A 
Comparative Study of Wikipedia, WebMDand the Mayo Clinic Websites
Multilingual Wikipedia Enrichment using Infobox andWikidata Alignment
Collaboration of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers in Dyads for Wikipedia 
Article Authoring
Medical student preferences for self-directed study resources in gross anatomy
Computational Fact Checking from Knowledge Networks
Challenges of Mathematical Information Retrieval in the NTCIR-11 Math Wikipedia 
WikiMirs: A Mathematical Information Retrieval System for Wikipedia
Extracting Domain Knowledge by Complex Networks Analysis of Wikipedia Entries
Building Governance Capability in Online Social Production: Insights from 
Content Translation: Computer-assisted translation tool for Wikipedia articles
WikiKreator: Improving Wikipedia Stubs Automatically
Peer-production system or collaborative ontology development effort: what is 
Social construction of knowledge in Wikipedia


 If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli 


[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(5) is out

2015-06-02 Thread masssly
The May 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:




In this issue:

1 German study finds Wikipedia's pharma articles accurate and largely complete
2 Notable women "slightly overrepresented" (not underrepresented) on Wikipedia, 
but the Smurfette principle still holds
3 Editors who use user talk pages are more involved in high-quality articles
4 "Wikipedia, collective memory, and the Vietnam War"
5 Survey of secondary school use of Wikipedia
6 Briefly
6.1 "User engagement on Wikipedia, a review of studies of readers and editors"
6.2 Freedom of panorama in Europe
6.3 Talking like an admin: linguistic mimicry and network centrality on 


••• 8 publications were covered in this issue •••


Thanks to William Skaggs, Max Klein, Piotr Konieczny, Gamaliel and Jonathan 
Morgan for contributing.


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli



Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter/Identi.ca: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(5) is out

2015-06-02 Thread masssly
The May 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:




In this issue:

1 German study finds Wikipedia's pharma articles accurate and largely complete
2 Notable women "slightly overrepresented" (not underrepresented) on Wikipedia, 
but the Smurfette principle still holds
3 Editors who use user talk pages are more involved in high-quality articles
4 "Wikipedia, collective memory, and the Vietnam War"
5 Survey of secondary school use of Wikipedia
6 Briefly
6.1 "User engagement on Wikipedia, a review of studies of readers and editors"
6.2 Freedom of panorama in Europe
6.3 Talking like an admin: linguistic mimicry and network centrality on 


••• 8 publications were covered in this issue •••


Thanks to William Skaggs, Max Klein, Piotr Konieczny, Gamaliel and Jonathan 
Morgan for contributing.


Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli



Wikimedia Research Newsletter


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[Wiki-research-l] Upcoming research newsletter (May 2015): new papers open for review

2015-05-15 Thread masssly
Hi everybody,

we’re preparing for the May 2015 research newsletter and looking for 
contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201505 
and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. As usual, 
short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:

Wikidata through the Eyes of DBpedia
Predicting elections from online information flows: towards theoretically 
informed models
Understanding Graph Structure of Wikipedia for Query Expansion
A New Epistemic Culture Wikipedia as an Arena for the Production of Knowledge 
in Late Modernity
The EU Public Interest Clinic and Wikimedia Present: Extending Freedom of 
Panorama in Europe
Utilizing the Wikidata System to Improve the Quality of Medical Content in 
Wikipedia in Diverse Languages: A Pilot Study
Eliciting Disease Data from Wikipedia Articles
Centre Stage: How Social Network Position Shapes Linguistic Coordination
Synthesizing knowledge from disagreement
Aligning Sentences from Standard Wikipedia to Simple Wikipedia
Debating reliable sources: writing the history of the Vietnam War on Wikipedia
Turning Introductory Comparative Politics and Elections Courses into Social 
Science Research Communities Using Wikipedia: Improving Both Teaching and 

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch 

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli 

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter___
Wiki-research-l mailing list

[Wiki-research-l] The Wikimedia Research Newsletter 5(4) is out

2015-05-03 Thread masssly
The April 2015 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:




In this issue:

1 Popularity does not breed quality (and vice versa)
2 Excessive copyright terms proven to be a cost for society, via English 
Wikipedia images
3 Briefly
3.1 "Automatic Text Summarization of Wikipedia Articles"
3.2 Relationship between Google searches and Wikipedia edits
3.3 How much of the Amazon rainforest would it take to print out Wikipedia?
3.4 Perceptions of bot services


••• 6 publications were covered in this issue •••

Thanks to Federico Leva, Gamaliel, Niklas Laxström  and Piotr Konieczny for 


Dario Taraborelli, Tilman Bayer and Masssly



Wikimedia Research Newsletter


* Follow us on Twitter/Identi.ca: @WikiResearch
* Receive this newsletter by mail: 
* Subscribe to the RSS feed: 
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