Re: wiki slightly broken still?

2010-08-03 Thread David Gerard
[to list as well]

On 3 August 2010 15:07, Dimi Paun wrote:
 On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 14:30 +0200, Alexandru Băluț wrote:

 How difficult would it be to use ReCaptcha?

 Hm, don't know. We could hack our version to support recaptcha,
 but I'm not familiar with the code base, and I don't have the
 time right now. But I can take patches if someone is willing
 to do it.

The MoinMoin developers consider TextCHA inherently superior and so
have no interest in writing a reCaptcha interface:

(Note also the problems people have had with TextCHA: it becomes too
much work to write the questions and to answer the questions.)

If someone wants reCaptcha in MoinMoin, it appears they will need to
write it all themselves.

- d.

Re: Should we expect Liberation fonts to be installed?

2010-08-03 Thread David Gerard
On 3 August 2010 21:57, Scott Ritchie wrote:

 This bug, for instance, prevents Photoshop from working unless there is
 an Arial font installed:
 Wine doesn't seem to respect system-level fontconfig aliases, so even
 though Liberation Sans is installed on the system Photoshop won't try to
 use it in place of Arial.

This is an excellent idea, except that the Liberation fonts are really
horrible. I've *tried* using them for general text use and they make
me want to gouge my eyes out.

Is there really no reasonable way to detect the system font settings
in GNOME or KDE? And where detection fails, a Wine control panel

- d.

Re: wiki slightly broken still?

2010-07-28 Thread David Gerard
On 28 July 2010 21:49, Dimi Paun wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-07-28 at 13:05 -0700, Dan Kegel wrote:

 Creating new wiki pages seems broken today...

 Yes, due to all the spam, we've hit the ext3 limit
 of subdirectories (32k). More here:
 I'm looking into how we can clean this up.

Ubuntu hit this one:

The other solution is permanent deletion of the spam pages from the
actual file system. I've done such pruning before, and it needs
(obviously) to be done with *remarkable* care. It's also very fiddly.
I eventually cobbled together scripts to do the deletion for me. (At
an old workplace, I don't have them to hand.) The MoinMoin page above
lists maintenance scripts that can do it for you.

They also suggest moving the wiki directories to a filesystem that can
allow stupid amounts of directories, like XFS. (Even ext4 only scales
to 64,000 directories.)

MoinMoin 2.0 will apparently use a database instead of flat files.
ETA: some time or other in the far future. we can't tell exactly when
the new storage stuff will be production ready, but I expect end 2008
.. mid 2009. Ahem.

Oh, and regards this as not being a bug, but the result of
bad file system design. (And not, e.g., a wiki that doesn't scale.)

- d.

Re: D3DXCreateTeapot

2010-07-20 Thread David Gerard
On 19 July 2010 19:54, Ian Macfarlane wrote:

 Following the question as to how to implement D3DXCreateTeapot, might I
 suggest making it in the form of a wine glass?
 Given that is unlikely to negatively affect anything (indeed the entire
 method does border on the ridiculous) I think it would make a nice hidden

+1 :-D

- d.

Re: Quick legal question... teapot related

2010-07-20 Thread David Gerard
On 20 July 2010 14:52, Dan McDonald wrote:
 On 07/20/2010 06:44 AM, Misha Koshelev wrote:

 If I take a publicly available teaset:
 And run it through a Microsoft function:
 D3DXTesselateRectPatch for example
 And then copy the vertex buffer and index buffer and save them...
 Do I have the rights to use the vertex and index buffers?
 I am assuming yes... but wanted to double check first.

 I would think that the output of the function does not pass the
 threshold of originality requirement in U.S. copyright law. We will see
 what the higher powers decide.

It absolutely does not create a new copyright in US law. (Bridgeman v.
Corel.) No machine transformation of a public domain object can create
a new copyright, no matter who built the machine.

I still like the wine glass idea better ;-)

- d.

Re: Quick legal question... teapot related

2010-07-20 Thread David Gerard
On 20 July 2010 20:20, Avery Pennarun wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:35 AM, David Gerard wrote:
 On 20 July 2010 14:52, Dan McDonald wrote:
 On 07/20/2010 06:44 AM, Misha Koshelev wrote:

 If I take a publicly available teaset:
 And run it through a Microsoft function:
 D3DXTesselateRectPatch for example
 And then copy the vertex buffer and index buffer and save them...
 Do I have the rights to use the vertex and index buffers?

 I would think that the output of the function does not pass the
 threshold of originality requirement in U.S. copyright law. We will see
 what the higher powers decide.

 It absolutely In does not create a new copyright in US law. (Bridgeman v.
 Corel.) No machine transformation of a public domain object can create
 a new copyright, no matter who built the machine.

 So if the original file was under an acceptable license, then the
 output file still will be, right?

Technically, per US copyright:

That said, Alexandre might want to be more paranoid. And I still like
the wine glass idea;-)

- d.

Re: D3DXCreateTeapot and reverse engineering?

2010-07-18 Thread David Gerard
On 18 July 2010 21:56, Roderick Colenbrander wrote:

 Others have mentioned before that the only 'reverse' engineering
 method we allow is black box reverse engineering. Technically this is
 black box, but I would say that you can't use the output because of
 copyright reasons.

In the US, a public domain dataset cannot be made copyright by a
machine transformation, per Bridgeman v. Corel. Wikimedia has dealt
with this one extensively - running the data through a Microsoft
machine transformation absolutely does not establish a new copyright.
This is established law.

In other countries, it is less certain. However, approximately no-one
is willing to risk their asserted copyrights trying it out. The last
one Wikimedia had was the National Portrait Gallery making legal
threats, and merely making the threat got them pretty much ostracised
by the museum and academic community and Wikimedia are about the only
people still on speaking terms with them, 'cos we love everybody and
approached their foolish legal aggression as an error ;-)

- d.

Re: Please remove / block user from bugzilla

2010-07-17 Thread David Gerard
On 17 July 2010 03:56, James McKenzie wrote:

 Does this sound doable and is it permissible?  I don't want folks walking
 away because they cannot post, but if they are posting garbage it doesn't
 help us.

It depends also on the balance you want between

(a) the possibility of a bad comment on Bugzilla
(b) lots of people being unable to post their bugs.

(b) will get the bug count down nicely, but rather misses the point of
having a bug tracker.

You are going to get noise. Stopping people reporting bugs is probably
not the answer. It's hard enough to get bug reports out of people

- d.

Re: How far to push behavioural compatibility with native?

2010-07-08 Thread David Gerard
On 8 July 2010 10:32, wrote:

 What do you think?
 A) Bug compatibility = Behavioural compatibility = drop existing
   code and try to mimic native's behaviour as closely as possible.
 B) PAUSE and RESUME is a useful extension not present in native, keep it
   as long as no app is affected by this difference in behaviour.

Bug-for-bug compatibility with an explanatory note somewhere (wiki
page BrokenByDesign?) as to why.

Now you have to write a test for it, of course ... Fail! Your MIDI works!

- d.

FAQ on Nautilus needed?

2010-07-04 Thread David Gerard
10.3. Nautilus can delete your home directory when you empty the trash!

This affected GNOME 2.21.90-91. This is a rather old version of GNOME.
Hass this problem come up in recent times? Is there any current *nix
that uses GNOME 2.21.90 or 2.21.91?

- d.q

FAQ just updated and copyedited

2010-07-03 Thread David Gerard
Just went through the FAQ, copyediting, tweaking and bringing things
into the present:

Please sanity-check :-)

- d.

The annoying FAQ of detecting Wine

2010-07-03 Thread David Gerard
Unfortunately, this is a FAQ, so I've added it. I based the answer on
the last time this came around on wine-users; I'm not a developer, so
please sanity-check what I wrote! Hopefully this will be useful in
dealing with the actual problems people think they can solve by doing

8.6. I write a Windows app. How can it detect if it's running under Wine?

This is a bad idea. The goal of Wine is that an application will be
unable to tell it's running under Wine rather than Windows. So any
method to detect running under Wine is unsupported and may break
without warning in the future. Wine should not be treated as a
version of Windows - functionality or performance-tuning is likely
to be different between any two development versions.

Rather than detecting Wine:

* Detect if functionality exists and use it when available.
* File a bug if something works in Windows that does not work in Wine.
* Ask for help on the developers' list.

That said: if you really want to detect Wine, try, e.g., running a
native binary or syscall (AppArmor or SELinux may block this), reading
the environment, accessing a function (e.g ntdll.get_wine_version() )
or registry key only found in Wine. Any of these may break at any

Asking the user directly if they are running the app under Wine will
be more reliable than trying to automatically detect it.

- d.

Re: Speed/latency issues for development in a Wine environment

2010-06-18 Thread David Gerard
On 18 June 2010 20:12, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

 That would be a most interesting comparison.  In computer terms 150 ms is an
 absolutely enormous time that allows something like 150 million (!)
 operations to occur on modern PC's.  So I would be surprised if Microsoft
 Windows required that long to start up applications.

Creating processes on Windows is *expensive*. Do a
./configure;make;make install natively in Cygwin for any piece of
open source software and you'll be amazed how slow ./configure is to
run. This is because ./configure works by making a source code file,
compiling it in gcc and then running the resultant binary; this is
easy on a Unix, very laborious on Windows.

So I don't know, but I would be unsurprised if it's Wine doing all the
stuff it has to do to pretend to be Windows.

Cygwin runs under Wine. How does ./configure for a given program
running on Cygwin on Wine compare to ./configure for the same program
running on Cygwin on Windows on the same hardware?

- d.

Re: Wine on cygwin now compiles!

2010-06-16 Thread David Gerard
On 16 June 2010 20:41, Austin English wrote:

 Thanks to a few recent commits by AJ (and several commits over the
 past months by others), wine now builds on Cygwin.
 Not everything works, of course, but still a neat exercise in recursion.

And thus the fifth seal was broken!

(Sixth is someone writing a program loader for Wine on Cygwin. Seventh
is Win16 working in the Cygwin build.)

I suppose we can't have this in the 1.2 press release, really ;-)

- d.

Fwd: Call for translators

2010-05-28 Thread David Gerard
to list as well!

-- Forwarded message --
From: David Gerard
Date: 28 May 2010 21:07
Subject: Re: Call for translators
To: Paul Vriens

2010/5/28 Paul Vriens

 I totally agree (and have already talked to Francois a few times about this)
 that we need a nicer/better way for translators to help us out.

Participate in TranslateWiki? - started doing
translations for Wikimedia projects, now does them for other people

- d.

Re: Voting for own bugs not allowed?

2010-05-25 Thread David Gerard
On 25 May 2010 09:27, Roderick Colenbrander wrote:
 On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Florian Köberle wrote:

 just someone informed me that I MUST NOT vote for my own bugs. Is there
 a reason for it?

 I think it is disallowed because self promotion can make an app more
 important while only few people may use it.

So, er ... why not disable the ability to do such a thing? Rather than
shouting at people and closing otherwise-valid bugs. I suppose it
depends how much you need to put people off participating at all.

- d.

Re: Voting for own bugs not allowed?

2010-05-25 Thread David Gerard
On 25 May 2010 14:45, Rosanne DiMesio wrote:

 It's definitely misleading to users. There are sporadic posts on the forum 
 urging people to vote for a bug, as if it made a difference, and angry posts 
 that bugs that have lots of votes aren't fixed yet. The one purpose I can see 
 it serving is that a bug can be confirmed by popular vote and the status 
 changed to new if a couple of people vote for it. That's why users shouldn't 
 vote for their own bugs--the point is independent confirmation. So I'm all 
 for removing the field, but if it's kept, I suggest at least changing the 
 wording from vote to something like confirm you can reproduce this bug.

This would be like the this is a problem for me too field in
Launchpad, and may be useful.

- d.

Re: The WineHQ About page needs a picture

2010-05-19 Thread David Gerard
On 19 May 2010 16:03, Scott Ritchie wrote:

 I was doing some housecleaning work looking at the WineHQ website, and I
 realized we still have an awful lot of flat, wide text on the About
 page.  This is the perfect place to collapse it into a column and fill
 the right side of the screen with an image.
 But...what image?

winecfg screenshot, About tab?

- d.

Re: on most hated OS in the history of computing

2010-03-29 Thread David Gerard
On 29 March 2010 10:14, Saulius Krasuckas wrote:
 * On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

 Out of interest, why were you visiting Are you also
 looking into Win16 tests for Wine?

 Kind of.  I was looking into licensing problems preventing its inclusion
 in Debian.  Seems like I should try starting negotiation between OWC folks
 and Debian-legal experts on slight license changes.

The problem is that the OpenWatcom licence is so unremittingly awful
that debian-legal went ahahaha, you must be joking and quickly
dismissed it. It obviously fails the DFSG in a ridiculous number of
ways. Heck, reading it myself I'm reluctant to even *run* the

I'm boggling that the OSI accepted it, given the OSI rules are based
on the Debian rules.

I did email licens...@fsf, who said they may try to negotiate with
Sybase over getting it to actually being a free software licence.
Because it would be an obviously good thing for a good DOS/Win16
compiler to be free software. I don't know if anyone at FSF has
managed to do anything about this, though a legacy environment such as
this is likely not the highest of priorities for a tiny charity of
minimal resources.

- d.

Re: on most hated OS in the history of computing

2010-03-29 Thread David Gerard
On 29 March 2010 10:37, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

 Why should Debian politics be a barrier to its adoption by Wine?

It's not that, it's what the actual licence text says:

Read what you give away just by using the software ...

- d.

Re: Is there something we can do about Java?

2010-03-10 Thread David Gerard
On 10 March 2010 02:31, James McKenzie wrote:
 Ben Klein wrote:

 I won't tell you about the Java (esp swing) apps I've seen that hit
 NPE on *nix but work fine on Windows ...

 Bingo.  Good code does not make assumptions, but checks for presence and
 gives an appropriate error when whatever is not found.

We are of course talking about programming on Windows ...

The question is not is it broken? The question is are there real
apps that work on Windows, for whatever value of 'works,' that don't
work in Wine?

i.e. the apps that fail stupidly in Wine without Java, what do they
actually do on Windows without Java?

- d.

Re: Intercepting GDI calls

2010-02-18 Thread David Gerard
On 18 February 2010 22:08, Steven Edwards wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Ove Kaaven wrote:

 Sure it might be confusing, because that's not how the logic goes in the
 Microsoft world. Over there, the big machine acting as Terminal Server
 thing is the server, and the Remote Desktop client, which provides the
 actual display, is the client... while on X11, it's the complete
 opposite. I'm not going to pretend that it couldn't be confusing.

 The whole X11 client/server discussion was touched on in the Unix
 Haters Handbook chapter on X11. I think that reference proves the
 merit of the argument.


- d.

Re: Adding wikipedia links to appdb?

2010-02-16 Thread David Gerard
2010/2/16 Dan Kegel

 I have a prototype of how this (and other) info might be used at
 I think this kind of dashboard would be quite handy.

Are there other game-specific encyclopedias that might be useful, for
those games not notorious to make Wikipedia? (Noting as I have that WP
includes on notability, roughly third-party attention, rather than
actual quality.) e.g. Is there any site that tries to cover

- d.

Re: Intercepting GDI calls

2010-02-14 Thread David Gerard
On 12 February 2010 06:11, Jui-Hao Chiang wrote:

 I am currently starting a project which tries to run a window
 application on one (source) machine, and display on another
 (destination) machine. Of course, the VNC or X11 forwarding technique
 can achieve the same goal, but I am trying to reduce the bandwidth by
 not transferring the video frame buffer but transfer the GDI
 function calls instead.
 The way I can see is try to intercept all the calls inside gdi32.dll,
 and forward the calls and parameters to remote machine by using some
 RPC library, and then replay the GDI calls on the destination machine.

Sounds like you're actually trying to reproduce Citrix or Tarantella.
(Which do rather better than X11 in many ways.) Not that I have useful
advice on doing so ...

- d.

Re: Adding wikipedia links to appdb?

2010-02-11 Thread David Gerard
[to list as well, *cough*]

On 11 February 2010 11:35, Rosanne DiMesio wrote:
 On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 21:38:56 -0800
 Dan Kegel wrote:

 I often want to learn more about an app while
 I'm in the appdb, and particularly, I want to know
 whether it has a good reputation.  Wikipedia
 can often tell me what I need to know.  It
 might be handy to have a wikipedia url field
 in the appdb, and an option in Browse Apps
 that says only show apps with wikipedia links.
 What do folks think about the idea?

 I think the AppDB is for information about how well an app works in Wine, not 
 the merits of the app itself.

Having an entry in Wikipedia has more to do with Wikipedia's notions
of notability than any actual merits of the app. A quite horrible
app could have a Wikipedia entry if its horribleness is famous enough

However, a Wikipedia link field may be a useful thing to have.

- d.

Re: Building list of great demos for Wine

2010-02-11 Thread David Gerard
On 11 February 2010 22:46, Austin English wrote:

 By demo I think Dan means applications/games that would make for a
 good demonstration of wine's capabilities/success, for example, to
 show at a LUG meeting/computer conference/etc.

I just added Exact Audio Copy to the list - it's downloadable, even
though the downloadable flag isn't ticked in AppDB. So perhaps don't
use this as a search criterion, just check if it is ;-)

- d.

Re: Understanding 64bit implications and wine64

2010-02-09 Thread David Gerard
On 9 February 2010 18:16, David Laight wrote:

 A 32bit (i386) windows application binary can only run in a 32bit
 Unix application [1].  In which case the Unix kernel will handle the
 system call emulation and ensure that the only user-space virtual
 addresses the application sees are 32bit (it may be able to give
 the app almost 4G of user address space - instead of the usual 3G).

So the Wine on my 64-bit Ubuntu (which works perfectly well) is
actually a 32-bit app? I didn't know that!

- d.

Re: idea: display drivers

2010-02-07 Thread David Gerard
On 7 February 2010 15:40, Reece Dunn wrote:

  1/  Does this mean that OpenGL is required for all GDI calls, not
 just D3D? If so, it will exclude people who don't have OpenGL support
 (e.g. are using the vesa, nv, or nouveau drivers).

As I understand it, current Xorg does OpenGL in software on any video
chipset it supports ... eeerrryyy ssslllooowwwlllyyy, but it does

- d.

Re: idea: display drivers

2010-02-07 Thread David Gerard
On 7 February 2010 20:23, Gert van den Berg wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 21:40, David Gerard wrote:

 As I understand it, current Xorg does OpenGL in software on any video
 chipset it supports ... eeerrryyy ssslllooowwwlllyyy, but it does

 But what about other X servers, such as Xsun, Xvnc, remote Xming sessions, 

No idea, sorry. Xsun is on extended (life-)support with Sun moving to
Xorg (and Alan Coopersmith from Sun being one of the main Xorg
developers). Xming is Xorg compiled for mingw. Xvnc, no idea.

- d.

Fwd: The (Casual) Game Support Report in Wine (Jan 2009)

2010-01-06 Thread David Gerard
whoops, sending to list as well!

-- Forwarded message --
From: David Gerard
Date: 2010/1/6
Subject: Re: The (Casual) Game Support Report in Wine (Jan 2009)
To: Reece Dunn

2010/1/5 Reece Dunn

  2/  the major issues appear to be in the application launchers used
 by different game providers (most of which are in the current wine
 implementation of the IE browser ActiveX control);

Curious question: you tested with IE6, how do things work if you
install IE7? Any better?

(I installed IE7 with winetricks to see if I could get the ActiveX
control for our work VPN going. It didn't work, and I didn't expect it
to - it uses ActiveX to completely take over and try to secure a
Windows installation, and I think it just recoiled in horror when it
found itself in Wine on Linux - but I routinely use it now to check
website rendering. It's really horrible. But useful.)

- d.

Re: Another article that makes me want Wine to run in a sandbox

2009-11-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/8 Dan Kegel

 I expect that people will do utterly stupid things,
 there's no two ways around that, it's human nature.
 That being the case, I think there are still opportunities
 for providing a safe computing experience without
 compromising the user's convenience.
 Case in point: the sandbox used by the Chromium web
 browser.  It provides a modicum of security without
 getting in the way.   I can easily imagine classes
 of windows apps, say, games, fitting nicely into a
 sandboxed wine environment.  Sure, getting the
 networking right would be a challenge, but for at
 least casual games, it ought to be quite doable.
 The key is to require no user choices -- just do the
 right thing by default.  Then the user's level of education
 or computer skills don't matter.

You'd get good sandboxing running Wine apps as another user. Main
problem then is integration with the user's desktop. Doable, but a

- d.

Re: Another article that makes me want Wine to run in a sandbox

2009-11-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/8 Dan Kegel
 On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 3:25 AM, Ben Klein wrote:

 I believe the type of sandboxing being discussed includes things like
 preventing Win32 apps from breaking out into native calls using the
 infamous interrupt trick. Correct me if I'm wrong though :)

 No, I was thinking of native sandboxing, so even if they did
 manage to make native calls, they couldn't do any harm.
 Running as another uid is a fine example of a native sandboxing
 technique.  (So, on a single user system, you could have a
 uid dedicated to running sandboxed apps, and it would be
 unable to affect the regular user's data.)  This would
 only be useful for apps that don't need to load or save user data
 (probably), for example, for casual games.

Yes, Unix comes with pretty good sandboxing built-in in the form of
separate user names. Then one could explicity open communication
channels between the Unix environment and the Wine user, rather than
trying to close off open-everything.

Fairly obviously, it'll take some pretty substantial real-world need
for this to get anywhere near the winehq tree! But it's an interesting
idea. Imagine, successfully securiing Win32 ...

- d.

Re: DirectX 10 status, do simple programs work yet?

2009-10-26 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/26 Henri Verbeet
 2009/10/26 Warren Dumortier

 So i would like to know if there's already something running concerning
 DirectX 10? Like making very basic applications?
 The fact i would like to know that is because i'm curious what has alread
 been done! ;)

 *Very* basic stuff like rendering triangles and running trivial
 shaders works. Most of the work so far has gone into adding basic
 stubs for interfaces and parsing d3d10 effects and shaders. The
 original planning was that most of that would have been done as a GSoC
 project in 2007, but unfortunately that didn't quite work out the way
 we hoped.

BTW, is there a list anywhere of target applications that use D3D 10
and don't have D3D 9 fallback?

- d.

Re: Another virus-in-wine story

2009-10-25 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/25 Nicholas LaRoche

 From a usability standpoint, adding switches to wine for sandboxing is a
 good thing. But it seems to only cover the APIs exported by wine. A
 specially crafted win32 wine-aware malware app could leverage sys_open(1)
 and sys_write(4) via int 80h to bypass this isolation and install itself
 anywhere in the users home directory.
 e.g. this malware could open ~/.bashrc and install linux specific malware
 that executes the next time you open a shell.

Yes. It would be exceedingly foolish to claim to offer security that
cannot be delivered.

(I'd sugest big warnings. WARNING: any Windows app can do anything on
your system that the user it is running as can do. If you want to
study malware, use WineZero or similar.)

 Perhaps the app-specific package that you mentioned can be shipped with an
 AppArmor/SELinux profile that prohibits syscalls from originating anywhere
 in user code. (Assuming that the other sandboxing changes are made to wine).

This would need some really serious testing before making such a
promise, of course. i.e., will Wine itself still work?

- d.

Re: Multiple wineservers?

2009-10-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/7 Nicholas LaRoche

 Is it possible to run more than 1 version of wineserver concurrently?

You can run more than one instance from a given version of Wine - set
the WINEPREFIX accordingly. (CrossOver has good support for this,
calling it bottles.).

WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine2 wine application.exe

I suppose you could run different versions of Wine if you needed to by
a similar process, e.g.

WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine101 /usr/bin/wine app1.exe
WINEPREFIX=/home/user/.wine1130 ~/wine/wine app2.exe

- though I haven't tried it myself.

Remember that there is no security as such between different
WINEPREFIXes - any binary running with Wine can do anything that Unix
user can do - but it does help keep things from inadvertently stomping
all over each other.

- d.

- d.

Re: winehq: Fix some HTML markup

2009-09-10 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/10 Jeremy Newman

 The reason I left the XHTML markup in was eventually the goal was to convert
 the entire website to XHTML. The only issue with leaving them in while still
 in HTML4/Transitional is that the pages do not pass W3C validation. I am
 still willing to live with non-valid working HTML to save some work down the

XHTML is officially no longer developed - the future is HTML5, apparently.

- d.

Re: Mirror Space

2009-09-02 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/2 Scott Ritchie

 I don't think it's worth bothering to set that up, as my medium term
 plan is to migrate users to a real Launchpad PPA for Ubuntu 9.10.  In
 9.10, it'll actually be much easier to add PPAs (and their unique key),
 so I can cut the instructions on the download page dramatically.
 Launchpad has that sophisticated mirroring infrastructure already.

Oh yes,that's the obvious answer :-) I assume you'll still be putting
Debian builds on (Or can Debian feed from an
Ubuntu PPA as well?)

- d.

Re: Wine to be used as botnet testbed

2009-07-30 Thread David Gerard
2009/7/29 Maik Schulz

 More in the linked New York Times article, Sandia National Labs plans to
 have a Dell super computer run 1 million Linux instances using Wine to host
 and study a botnet:
 Does someone on the list have more detailed information on or is even
 involved with it? How about we post about this on as well? Would
 be a departure from posing only about new releases and WWN issues, but it
 could make more interesting for users... I'd volunteer...

Now we wait till malware starts detecting Wine, and we can file bugs
saying that the malware is not sufficiently suported in Wine because
it behaves differently to how it does Windows ;-p

- d.

Re: [Wine] Sandia Studies Botnets In 1M OS Digital Petri Dish

2009-07-29 Thread David Gerard
2009/7/29 Austin English

 Nothing to stop them from donating to the Wine Development fund, or
 contributing back any fixes they write.

Indeed, I'd be surprised if there weren't any. Anyone got in touch
with them to ask?

I'd also be surprised if botnet code didn't soon start detecting Wine ...

- d.

Re: Cleaning up the website

2009-07-27 Thread David Gerard
Rosanne DiMesio wrote:

 You should also take a look at the Debunking Wine Myths page, particularly 
 Myth 6. Touting Office XP as an example of a fairly new application that 
 works in Wine does not inspire confidence.

Sounds like that should be moved to the wiki. Documents probably
belong on the wiki, in general.

- d.

Re: why is Kronenberg's Wine/Mac work blacklisted on winehq?

2009-06-26 Thread David Gerard
2009/6/27 Austin English
 On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Roderick wrote:

 If they ship hacks like the DIB engine then we won't accept bug
 reports for it as it a real big hack and shouldn't be linked to from
 our website. Tweaking themes or icons is fine. Actually we just need
 to refine our .msstyles support and then icon can just be part of a
 theme like they are on Windows.

 I wouldn't call the DIB engine a hack. A large piece of code not
 accepted into official WineHQ, sure.

Even the author considers it a *bit* of one :-)

- d.

Re: Which virtualization software should I choose

2009-06-12 Thread David Gerard
2009/6/12 Kai Blin
 On Thursday 11 June 2009 14:58:14 David Gerard wrote:

 VMWare is reputedly better - it's the oldest common VM software and
 its emulation is very seasoned, well-tested and robust.

 If you discount that last I checked, VMware still couldn't do IPv6 in their
 virtual networks, and every single kernel upgrade your distro does is a pain.
 There's always something, I guess.

It's closed-source software for stable enterprise environments; people
like us are as the buzzing of flies to such elevated beings. The
quality of the VM is superb though.

- d.

Re: Which virtualization software should I choose

2009-06-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/6/11 Michael Stefaniuc
 Paul Vriens wrote:

 I need to run several Windows versions (95 up to Vista for now) for our
 winetest and I really like the snapshot possibilities of VMware.
 Suggestions, recommendations?

 I'm using KVM/Qemu with libvirt aka virt-manager. I have problems with WinNT
 and NetBSD; those hang/crash during the install. Win2k3, FreeBSD and
 OpenSolaris work just fine and I didn't try anything else yet. But I'm on F9
 and once I have a little spare time I'll move to F11. I'll test it there
 (never qemu) if that fixes WinNT.

Since you're asking on the Wine list ...

VirtualBox does okay for Windows and Linux, barely for FreeBSD with
lots of caveats and not really for anything else. Notably, OpenBSD
doesn't work and the VirtualBox developers admit it but consider the
bug beneath their attention. It's really not a very well-written
virtualisation app.

VMWare is reputedly better - it's the oldest common VM software and
its emulation is very seasoned, well-tested and robust.

QEMU *without* KVM works well, if slowly - it's almost a complete red
pill for the guest OS. With KVM, OpenBSD is known not to work
entirely properly.

(OpenBSD is a bit of a torture test for virtual machines. It's very
wary and cautious about what it runs on, and will happily segfault at
a perceived hardware problem rather than risk letting a program access
memory it shouldn't. Theo de Raadt says about a third of all problem
traces come from VMs.)

For testing Wine in other OSes, bugs found in a VM should always,
always be confirmed on a physical machine, with the OS running on the
bare metal - there are too many glitches in the Matrix in almost any
VM software to be sure a bug is real.

- d.

Re: Which virtualization software should I choose

2009-06-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/6/11 Paul Vriens

 The problem with both VirtualBox and QEMU/KVM seems to be supporting older
 Windows versions as guests ( NT4).

Yeah. Try QEMU without KVM on a very fast host machine, your ancient
Windows should run just as well as it would on a 486 ;-)

- d.

Re: Which virtualization software should I choose

2009-06-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/6/11 Austin English
 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:58 AM, David wrote:

 VirtualBox does okay for Windows and Linux, barely for FreeBSD with
 lots of caveats and not really for anything else. Notably, OpenBSD
 doesn't work and the VirtualBox developers admit it but consider the
 bug beneath their attention. It's really not a very well-written
 virtualisation app.

 Virtualbox works great for OpenSolaris as well.

*cough* Yes, I expect it would :-)

(explanation: Sun owns VirtualBox, you can be very sure their own OS
runs like a charm!)

- d.

Re: How is handled in Wine?

2009-06-09 Thread David Gerard
2009/6/9 Ben Klein

 Only case that I can think of where handling will break apps
 is in lazy network programming.

I am shocked, shocked to hear that there might be apps with lazy
network programming! ;-p

 On Windows, this would likely cause a catchable error. On Linux (at
 least), the socket connection may succeed. I think someone said CC3
 is affected by this inconsistency between Linux and Windows INADDR_ANY
 handling; this is probably why :P
 Until someone demonstrates a real need for this (with appropriate test
 cases) ...

Apart from the test cases, didn't you just name a real app that needs this?

- d.

Re: Test box tagged [dr-asus]

2009-06-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/6/7 Francois Gouget

 Winetest should have an email field (optional) to make contacting the
 tester easier. That and also a description field (bug 13027) so one can
 give a proper description of the setup the tests are running on (e.g.
 locale, running in vmware or not, etc).


I'd expect most people running the tests would be happy to give more
detail as needed, as that would help Wine run better on their stuff!

- d.

Re: DIB engine

2009-05-30 Thread David Gerard
2009/5/30 Dan Kegel

 If you're looking for something better specified, try finishing off
 gdiplus.   That's a somewhat well defined graphics package,
 and Wine's implementation has a few missing bits yet, last
 I checked.


(lots of apps missing bits of this - check over bugzilla and
everything in it that's been stubbed)

- d.

Re: [Article] WINE and the importance of application compatibility

2009-05-18 Thread David Gerard
2009/5/18 Brian Vincent

 Which leads me to my $.02: I wonder if there's a sweet spot for Wine
 adoption somewhere in the middle-tier of the software application popularity
 contest.  For instance, rather than going after Photoshop or Photoshop
 Elements (which is still a noble goal), what about approaching Paintshop Pro
 about their Photo x2 product.  Or, what about approaching the ISV that
 created Home Depot's freeware CD for laying out your home design?
 Specifically, I think there's a lot of proprietary applications without a
 good alternative (think more of the Home Depot or Sysco's Rio, etc ).  I
 think there's $$$ to be made for someone who can QA apps with Wine, fix
 minor issues, package Wine alongside the app, and finally deliver the
 product to an ISV.  I don't think this is something the Wine community
 itself would be interested in, but I suspect there's someone in the Wine
 community who's capable of pulling it off.  I think there's a lot of angles
 to the idea that could work.

1. Find apps that work pretty much perfectly in Wine.
2. Ask them to declare Wine officially supported.
3. Add them to
4. Use 3. to add more to 2.

- d.

Re: Shuttleworth on Wine

2009-05-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/5/7 Austin English

 Though, I must say, the majority of people I see/hear using Photoshop
 *are* using it as a toy/hobby, not for 'real' work, i.e., a full time

Yes. The biggest problem for free-as-in-freedom software - Linux and
GIMP, and to some extent Wine - is that Windows and Photoshop are
effectively free-as-in-beer software ...

- d.

Re: Wine on Solaris 10 and SXCE

2009-05-06 Thread David Gerard
2009/5/6 Vit Hrachovy

 IMO one of technical barriers preventing Wine in /release repo could be
  that Wine doesn't compile with SunStudio compiler, only with gcc.
 *eof rumour*

Obviously that sort of thing consititutes a set of bugs that should be
reported and/or fixed by those it affects ;-)

(Wine's cross-platform abilities are presently dismal. But there are
people working on fixing this.)

- d.

Re: Article on wine development strategy

2009-04-18 Thread David Gerard
2009/4/18 Scott Ritchie

 Thank you Dan, you reminded me to forward my blog post to the list ;)

I'm not sure how to put this into your simulation as described, but
there's another effect that's important: the good-enough-to-be-beta

I'd say there was a significant upturn in Wine's quality around 0.9.
That's where Wine crossed from being an interesting idea into
something good enough to actually use - where it was good enough for
actual users, so more users meant more bug reports. Yay bug reports!

I got a similar feeling around Mozilla 0.9 - where this fat,
lumbering, bug-riddled, crash-prone browser that was nevertheless very
important crossed some line and ... was more usable than not. I
believe it was the stability push between 0.8.1 and 0.9 that did that.

Another important comment on your post links to an idea Wine needs:
crash reporting. Just like Windows does.

Note that the latter post advocates this for the Wine development
model of fixing bugs as they're a problem: Although I remain a fan of
test driven development, the speculative nature of the time investment
is one problem I've always had with it. If you fix a bug that no
actual user will ever encounter, what have you actually fixed? While
there are many other valid reasons to practice TDD, as a pure bug
fixing mechanism it's always seemed far too much like premature
optimization for my tastes. I'd much rather spend my time fixing bugs
that are problems in practice rather than theory.

I wonder how much work crash reporting would be to add to Wine.

The importance of automatic reporting, of course, is that if you rely
on your users to complain actively then you've already lost.

- d.

- d.

Re: Icons, logos, Tango, consistency, the user experience, and our project looks like a 2D champaign flute

2009-04-17 Thread David Gerard
2009/4/17 Scott Ritchie

Oh, that's nice!

Pity it's not tilted - I think of the Wine logo as being tilted. I
assume there's something in the Tango guidelines against that?

- d.

Re: NTFS filesystem features - WONTFIX?

2009-04-16 Thread David Gerard
2009/4/16 Francois Gouget
 On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Ben Klein wrote:

 But his bug raises an interesting issue. If an application has sanity
 checks on FAT32 vs NTFS (e.g., I need a 4GB file ... I've detected no
 NTFS therefore it's FAT32 which doesn't support more than 2GB files),

 Then the application is buggy: NTFS is not the only filesystem that
 supports 2GB files on Windows. Even if they are not very common, there
 are at leastt two drivers to use Ext2 filesystems on Windows (Ext2Fsd,
 Ext2 IFS), both of which support 2GB files. Besides if Microsoft ever
 changes the filesystem again, it will most certainly support 2GB files
 and the application will get it wrong again.

Usage of file systems other than FAT32 or NTFS on Windows is somewhere
below negligible.

(Unless USB sticks really do go UDF to avoid a FAT tax, or something.)

So apps doing this may theoretically be sloppy programming, but in
practice they'd pretty much always get the right answer on Windows.

- d.

Re: do ERR messages imply bugs?

2009-04-12 Thread David Gerard
2009/4/12 James McKenzie

 Bugzilla should request an application name and AppDB entry number.

Demanding an appID number will certainly keep the bug reports down,
though at the expense of bug reporting.

I can't see making bug reports arbitrarily more difficult as a good
way for devs to get an idea of what's broken.

- d.

Re: do ERR messages imply bugs?

2009-04-12 Thread David Gerard
2009/4/12 James McKenzie

 I understand your concern.  I like bug reports, I just don't like bug
 reports in a vacuum.  If we can get some of the functionality of an
 automatic Bugzilla to Applications Database linker in place this would
 make it much easier to avoid (not prevent) duplicate reports and for bug
 reports to have application entries and the other way round.  I really
 would like to see a bug report for each garbage entry in the
 Applications Database with associated terminal output and such.  This
 might give developers a push to fix a problem or implement code based
 upon the number of related problem reports and affected programs.  For
 example, if only three people report the same bug on the same program
 would it make more sense to work on a problem that has fifty
 reports/votes and it affects a dozen programs.
 Of course, implementing the linker may be a project in itself.

I suspect single user login for the various Wine websites is a similar
problem to arrange. And would facilitate such an appdb-bugzilla
linkage helping things along rather than being another barrier.

The problem is really the various sites having been built as five or
six compeltely separate things rather than one in the first place.

- d.

Re: User forum thread: how can we improve WINE?

2009-04-06 Thread David Gerard
2009/4/5 Warren Dumortier

 Here's what i set as message in the configuration window in my patch:
 Only change these settings if you know what you're doing. Changing
 these values may result in unexpected behaviors and unstability.

Also include a revert to default button?

May be worth seeing how or if this fits in with AJ's vision for Wine,
i.e. if it'd ever go in under any circumstances ...

- d.

User forum thread: how can we improve WINE?

2009-04-05 Thread David Gerard

Some highly impractical ideas, but certainly having the users throw
ideas around should inspire wine-devel (and Codeweavers) :-)

- d.

Re: Windows 7

2009-04-03 Thread David Gerard
2009/4/3 Austin English
 On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:58 PM, Stefan Dösinger 
 Am Donnerstag, 2. April 2009 13:07:18 schrieb Fred .:

 Yeah, I know.
 It is on the way though. It will be released.
 So I would like to be able to choose Windows 7.
 Feel free to send a patch ;-)
 I'm not sure what the dwbuildnumber should be, I can't find that
 information anywhere...Anywho, this should work.

Austin and I were trying to work it out last night from the Win 7 beta
:-) Is there any software on Earth that looks specifically for Windows
7 as yet?

- d.

Fwd: How to bottle applications for distribution with wine?

2009-03-29 Thread David Gerard
to list as well

-- Forwarded message --
From: David Gerard
Date: 2009/3/29
Subject: Re: How to bottle applications for distribution with wine?
To: Ben Klein

2009/3/29 Ben Klein

 He's asking if it's possible to bundle a minimal Wine with some native
 app (e.g. EVE Linux version which was EVE for Windows with Cedega,
 and the same basic principle for the Linux version of the Sims
 shipped with some Mandrakes).
 The only thing I can think of is to calculate the maximum set of
 required DLLs for the application, and only ship those, but it's
 probably not worth it. It's better in general to use a system-wide
 Wine, due to the general-purpose nature of Wine.

Mm. Look at Picasa for Linux, which really does package pretty much a
whole Wine with the app. (I just run the Windows version in my system
Wine ;-) )

So it won't be smaller, but it will be a single package. Are there
notes anywhere on how Picasa packages Wine?

- d.

Re: 16bit code generation

2009-03-29 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/28 Austin English
 On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 5:34 PM, King InuYasha wrote:

 What is wrong with OpenWatcom? It is an open source development toolchain,
 with experimental linux binaries, yes, but they do work the last time I
 checked (which was when 1.8 release came out).

 It's not widely available, it's license is not open enough for many
 distros (ArchLinux has it available, and there's an initial Gentoo
 ebuild according to their wiki), but Fedora/Suse/Ubuntu don't have it

It fails DFSG (so I'm surprised it passed OSI, given OSI is based on
DFSG), with many important concerns raised:

I emailed to ask about it (since it isn't on their
list of licenses) and got back a quick reply saying an official
determination wasn't likely any time in the foreseeable future, but
it's definitely not GPL compatible and they couldn't actually tell at
a glance if it was FSF free or not.

- d.

iphlpapi patch - what does it need?

2009-03-24 Thread David Gerard has a patch for iphlpapi
that stubs GetAdaptersAddresses(). Just this stub is enough to get
Safari 4 working.

Patch is:

Do these need anything done before they're fit to go in?

(These are not my patches - I'd just like Safari 4 working.)

- d.

Single login for Wine sites?

2009-03-22 Thread David Gerard
What's standing in the way of unified login for the various Wine sites
(appdb, wiki, Bugzilla)?

Is there anyone running any of these sites who doesn't consider single
unified login a good idea?

- d.

Re: Single login for Wine sites?

2009-03-22 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/22 Austin English
 On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 9:18 AM, David Gerard wrote:

 What's standing in the way of unified login for the various Wine sites
 (appdb, wiki, Bugzilla)?

 Someone to do the work to combine the logins and implement the infrastructure.

Cool, so the only problem is to do the work then :-)

(Apologies to all for the somewhat frustrated tone of my message.)

 Is there anyone running any of these sites who doesn't consider single
 unified login a good idea?

 AppDB/Bugzilla/Forums are all hosted by WineHQ (sponsored by
 Codeweavers). The Wiki is run/sponsored by Lattica (Dimi Paun).

Cross-site authentication could be more than a little interesting ...

- d.

Re: How to enable font anti-aliasing in Wine?

2009-03-15 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/15 Roderick Colenbrander

 What is so special about Wine why anti-aliasing isn't working for most users? 
 (it could be a regression) In Stefan his case it started working after 
 installing a Windows tahoma.ttf. What is so special about this font? A modern 
 Linux system has dozens or hundreds of fonts installed and both GNOME/KDE can 
 use each font AA'ed without issues.

I recently reinstalled this system with Ubuntu 8.10 and its inbuilt
Wine 1.0.1. I then added the repo to get the
fortnightly snapshots. A string of registry changes enabled smoothed
fonts for me:

However, it's deeply problematic that I had to do this at all instead
of it Just Working when Wine was updated. This is just broken.

- d.

Re: wine web pages update

2009-03-15 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/15 Ben Klein
 2009/3/16 Vít Hrachový
 Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:

 For example, the first page says Run Windows Applications on Linux, BSD
 and MacOS.
 OK Solaris is a commercial product but so is MacOS! Since I do release
 binary packages
 of wine for both Solaris and OpenSolaris at
 could you include
 this info in the download section. Also, could you please say something
 like Run Windows
 Application on most Unix and Unix-like systems. This shows impartiality
 and is far more

 Didn't someone suggest this change when then new website design was
 being discussed? I believe I showed support for it too ... But now
 we're being accused of bias against Solaris? What about HP-UX, AIX,
 NetBSD, OpenBSD etc.? :P

It's *intended* to run on anything Unix or Unix-like, but in practice,
development was Linux-centric for long enough that everything else is
in practice a second-class platform, and implying otherwise would be

I understand the actively supported platforms where stuff can be
expected mostly to work (Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris) are
already listed. AIUI, Wine isn't actually working properly at present
on OpenBSD and NetBSD.

(Heck, I'm fiddling with getting it compiling on Windows ... but I'm
not demanding that be listed to be fair.)

- d.

Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/12 Dmitry Timoshkov

 Spammers do contribute a lot lately to the Wine wiki, that's why this
 thread has appeared in the first place.

What are the numbers? Any action should be based on evidence.

 If a user has found a typo, probably he/she is aware of bugzilla or irc.

Or you could just require all wiki updates to be done by an approved
patch to a git tree. This fundamentally misses the point of having a
wiki rather than a static page.

- d.

Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/13 Dimi Paun
 On Sat, 2009-03-14 at 01:59 +1100, Ben Klein wrote:

 Of course, complicated captchas don't keep out manually created spam
 accounts, only bots.

 And I'll like to see some data that shows that we have a
 significant portion of the spammers are bots before we
 even start thinking of captchas.

Yes. This thread is long on anecdote and short on quantified evidence.

- d.

Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/13 Dmitry Timoshkov has all the details. Please
 consider at least removing the spammers' accounts listed there,
 or give a way to do that for us poor people who regularly brushes
 spam out of the Wine wiki.

Yes, the usual remedy in this situation would be to make it possible
for more individuals to deal with the problems rather than to make the
wiki not a wiki.

- d.

Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/13 Dimi Paun
 On Sat, 2009-03-14 at 00:59 +0800, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:

 or give a way to do that for us poor people who regularly brushes
 spam out of the Wine wiki.

 I have no problem with that if if can be done.
 Can someone look it up what would it take to make
 Moin do that?

A first glance at shows:

Is any use?

- d.

Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/13 John Klehm
 Section Disable a user account
 The account is still there but can't post which would probably be good
 enough till dimi comes to zap it.
 Seems there is no way to delete a user account from the web gui
 without a custom patch.

You need to be a SuperUser to have that power, not a mere Admin. Does
that carry too many extra abilities with it?

Because the ideal way to deal with more malicious users without
hampering the good users is to give community members the power to do
the work, so it doesn't fall to just Dimi.

(I'm highly familiar with this stuff on MediaWiki, so am trying to map
concepts from one onto the other, which is probably not a useful

- d.

Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/13 John Klehm
 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:24 PM, David Gerard wrote:

 Because the ideal way to deal with more malicious users without
 hampering the good users is to give community members the power to do
 the work, so it doesn't fall to just Dimi.

 I'd agree, but there doesn't seem to be a way to delete users from the
 web interface.  Disabling them could be our best bet without some
 custom coding.

Disabling will do.

 I'm not familiar enough with Moin SuperUser powers to say what impact
 parceling them out to a few people would have.

If Dimi's running an Internet-facing Moin wiki, he should be asking on
a list how to distribute his workload to valiant and foolhardy
volunteers with too much time on their hands ;-)

- d.

Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-12 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/12 Dmitry Timoshkov

 Another thing that would probably help to get rid of spammers' accounts
 is to (regularly) delete all user accounts without a personal page.

Evidence-based actions would probably be a good idea. What are the
actual numbers?

- d.

Re: Wiki challenge question on user account creation

2009-03-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/5 King InuYasha

 A wiki shouldn't have users creating accounts every day, that is a bad

It is difficult to understand the thinking behind such a statement
unless you are literally aiming to close a project to outside

- d.

Re: Wiki challenge question on user account creation

2009-03-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/11 King InuYasha

 Why are we using Moin anyways? I know Fedora used to use Moin and they moved
 off of it for their wiki, and I honestly think that perhaps WineHQ needs to
 as well.

As someone who's done the Moin-MediaWiki thing, I heartily
disrecommend it if avoidable:

- d.

Re: Wiki challenge question on user account creation

2009-03-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/11 Ben Klein

 Does what we have now work? Yes. Is there any reason why we should
 consider moving from Moin to some other Wiki system? Your turn to

At work, I use a ridiculous range of wiki engines. I've used Moin and
MediaWiki most heavily.

Reasons for picking Moin are typically:

* it'll do
* it's not PHP
* it doesn't use a database.

Reasons for picking MediaWiki are typically:

* it'll do
* people know how to use Wikipedia.

I did a move at work from Moin to MediaWiki, on the intranet wiki ten
of us use all day every day. Our reason was that our Moin wiki was
just somehow not as usable as we wanted from a wiki, so we gave
MediaWiki a go and it was good enough to bother moving engines. Also,
the Moin wiki was full of outdated rubbish, so this was a handy excuse
to start over.

It's not clear that any of those reasons apply here. Moving wiki
engines is a *pain in the backside* and it's not something you do
unless you have to.

 Number of new users is not necessarily proportional to number of new
 spammers. Do we actually have a problem with spam on the Wiki?

If there is, I'll hereby put my hand up to help.

- d.

Fwd: Disabling File attachments on Wiki

2009-03-11 Thread David Gerard
to list as well

-- Forwarded message --
From: David Gerard
Date: 2009/3/11
Subject: Re: Disabling File attachments on Wiki
To: Dimi Paun

2009/3/11 Dimi Paun
 On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 08:02 -0600, Vitaliy Margolen wrote:

 Anyone? Also how about blocking this IP: ?

 Not sure how we can block that IP easily. If it has to do
 with iptables, forget it.

You add a line to :

MoinMoin doesn't have the sophisticated anti-vandal capabilities of
MediaWiki, but it's far from helpless.

- d.

Re: Wine on Windows - wiki notes

2009-03-11 Thread David Gerard
[reviving oldish thread]

2008/12/31 Steven Edwards

 I've poked at it off and on over the years Its been my experience
 building on Cygwin was actually less trouble. Cygwin and SFU/Internix
 both require the same basic lowlevel magic. Proper signal handling,
 getting the thread management right and sendmsg/recvmsg support. I
 think someone on the cygwin side was working on the sendmsg/recvmsg
 part so maybe that could be ported over to SFU.

I thought Cygwin had long had sendmsg/recvmsg:

What do you mean here?

- d.

Re: Wiki challenge question on user account creation

2009-03-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/11 Ben Klein
 2009/3/12 David Gerard

 Reasons for picking Moin are typically:
 Reasons for picking MediaWiki are typically:

 Moin is sounding better to me so far. Less overhead is good.
 Generally, people pick a Wiki that Just Works (TM). Unfortunately,
 they pretty much all do, so there's no absolute this is better. The
 existence of so many different Wiki systems is testament to that.

Well, yeah. Has anyone given a good reason to move from Moin? I can
read the wiki and write stuff in it OK.

 I did a move at work from Moin to MediaWiki, on the intranet wiki ten
 of us use all day every day. Our reason was that our Moin wiki was
 just somehow not as usable as we wanted from a wiki, so we gave
 MediaWiki a go and it was good enough to bother moving engines. Also,
 the Moin wiki was full of outdated rubbish, so this was a handy excuse
 to start over.

 somehow not as usable isn't a strong argument either. Specifically
 what issues do you have with Moin, and are they present on

None. You appear to be reading something that I didn't write.

 Number of new users is not necessarily proportional to number of new
 spammers. Do we actually have a problem with spam on the Wiki?
 If there is, I'll hereby put my hand up to help.

 You were implying that there IS a problem with spammers. I see a
 request elsewhere on wine-devel to have an IP blocked, so that's one
 spammer out of how many new users?

Er, I didn't state that has a problem with spammers -
I asked if there was, *in the text you actually quoted*. Again, you
appear to be reading things I didn't write at all, even while quoting
what I did. Your communications are confusing, please make them less

- d.

Re: Wine on Windows - wiki notes

2009-03-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/11 Steven Edwards
 On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:53 PM, David Gerard wrote:

 I thought Cygwin had long had sendmsg/recvmsg:

 According to Microsofts documentation (thanks Thunderbird)
 Vista/Windows Server 2008 and the Subsystem for Unix applications is
 supposed to support this so we might actually have a chance at seeing
 Wine run on Windows soon. I have a regression test for passing file
 descriptors with sendmsg/recvmsg I am working on that should be ready
 in a few more days and will post it. I'll test with Cygwin and SFU
 under Windows XP. Hopefully someone with Vista and Windows Server 2003
 or 2007 can test for us.

SUA for Windows 7 should be available around RC time:

(I've been experimenting with the Windows 7 beta. I'll have to hold
off on more of that until I have a spare machine with the ridiculous
quantities of memory it wants to run without great pain. Stupidly fat.
Pretty, though.)

Vista/Win7 is where Wine on Windows would actually be useful to users,
of course - given Wine targets XP already.

- d.

Re: [Wine] The pros and cons of a wiki AppDB

2009-03-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/7 IneedAname
 On Sat, 7 Mar 2009 20:10:13 +
 David Gerard wrote:

 Yep. That's why a wiki is nice. If you open it up to everyone to
 contribute, you'll get bad stuff but you'll get good stuff you just
 wouldn't get otherwise. It's a great format to capture that.

 We would use the same system for edit rights that we use now.
 Make appDB account then ask to be a maintainer then you can edit the wiki 
 page for that app.
 The wiki is only for application notes.
 Anyone can read the wiki history.
 It would be very hard to set up.

Con: Becoming a maintainer is a pain in the backside. You won't get
useful drive-by contributions, and a lot of this stuff is drive-by.

 Do not cross post or you may up set people with power.

So when we're talking about a service to users, you're saying God
forbid we ask the users?

- d.

Fwd: [Wine] Re: The pros and cons of a wiki AppDB

2009-03-08 Thread David Gerard
The current appdb system doesn't actually work. Example below.

-- Forwarded message --
From: fcmartins
Date: 2009/3/8
Subject: [Wine]  Re: The pros and cons of a wiki AppDB

Well, I can certainly confirm there is a barrier for drive by
submissions. As a matter of fact the barrier is even bigger than one
might anticipate (as an occasional user):
- sometime ago I submitted test data for a game. It was rejected with:
Please fill the What does not work. I had written something like:
I've done only initial gameplay. I believe the reply was implicitly
there, so IMO it was a unneeded barrier. Anyway, I tried to oblige
with a more explicit reply, and guess what: the submission was not
working: After submit, the form came back with the old data!! So,
another barrier. Furtermore, I sent an email to webmaster with the
issue, but never heard anything back.

As you can imagine, this has lowered my willingness to submit test
data, and lack of updated info for newer versions of wine is THE major
problem with appdb.

On the positive side, I had two comments in Sacred deleted by the
maintainer as a cleanup, and I felt the deletes were appropriate and

Anyway, I think appdb mostly works and putting a wiki as a full
replacement would be a mistake. As it is, appdb has maybe a tiny bit
too much structure and bureaucracy, but going to the wiki and loose
all the structure would be silly.

The UI and function of appdb is mostly quite good: I would look for
small tweaks lowering the barrier for contributions: some areas could
work like a wiki: the description, screenshots, and an always present
howto. The howto should be always editable and invite people to
improve it with their own tweaks, minimising the user having to go
through the comments to find a possibly inexistent needle.

I would definitely look into a simpler form to submit test data, but
above all, I would look into having one of those wine appdb love days
(weeks) were test data is put up to date, e.g. for a forthcoming 1.2?

Re: Fwd: [Wine] Re: The pros and cons of a wiki AppDB

2009-03-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/8 James Mckenzie

 Would you be willing to clean out the ash and trash that will show up with an 
 open Wiki?

I already said I would, yes - that the only reason for not just
starting one is to avoid massive duplication of effort.

 I don't have the time to do this and it REALLY sounds like you are 
 volunteering since you are pushing this issue so hard.  See there are VALID 
 reasons for doing things the way we do them.

I'm sure there are.

- d.

Re: Fwd: [Wine] Re: The pros and cons of a wiki AppDB

2009-03-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/8 James Mckenzie
 David Gerard wrote on March 8th:
2009/3/8 James Mckenzie

 Would you be willing to clean out the ash and trash that will show up with 
 an open Wiki?

I already said I would, yes - that the only reason for not just
starting one is to avoid massive duplication of effort.

 If we move to an open Wiki, be prepared to be very busy.  I've seen spambots 
 get past most, if not all, of the verification systems and bomb away.  I've 
 read where several systems had to shut them down for fear of being sued.  At 
 the present time, we have verification for exactly that reason.  To keep the 
 spam out and to pre-edit those entries that do not provide all of the 
 information needed.

I come from years of fighting vandals on Wikipedia. I know a thing or
two about the field ...

You're conflating a few separate things in your reply:

* The spammers are mostly dealt with by requiring a login to write
stuff *and* having a submission address or (better) form for those who
can't be bothered creating yet another website login.
* I've read where several systems had to shut them down for fear of
being sued - [citation needed]. Sec 230 has proven enough to
completely protect Wikipedia in actual court cases, not just in
* Entries that do not provide all the information needed - that's
quality control, which is part of the editing process.

- d.

Fwd: Sufficient 1.2 release criterion: passing all tests on all platforms?

2009-03-08 Thread David Gerard
to list as well

-- Forwarded message --
From: David Gerard
Date: 2009/3/8
Subject: Re: Sufficient 1.2 release criterion: passing all tests on
all  platforms?
To: Dan Kegel

2009/3/8 Dan Kegel

 For graphics cards:
 1st tier: Nvidia 8400 or higher
 2nd tier:  4 year old Nvidia,  2 year old ATI,  2 year old Intel
 3rd tier: older nvidia

I would question Nvidia cards being first unless we're talking about
the nv or nouveau drivers. The binary drivers are known to crash more
with Wine because it puts more demands on them, and Nvidia is known
not to care about this. The Intel drivers have the advantage of being
good, being open source and being from a company that seriously cares
about getting them right.

Or, shorter: privileging a closed-source driver doesn't seem like a good idea.

- d.

Re: Fwd: [Wine] Re: The pros and cons of a wiki AppDB

2009-03-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/9 Ben Klein
 2009/3/9 David Gerard
 2009/3/8 James Mckenzie

 If we move to an open Wiki, be prepared to be very busy.  I've seen 
 spambots get past most, if not all, of the verification systems and bomb 

 I come from years of fighting vandals on Wikipedia. I know a thing or
 two about the field ...

 AppDB is not an encyclopaedia.

And, of course, I didn't say it was, so your point is very unclear
indeed. I would have thought the above was fairly obviously answering
the question of wiki spam control, and noting that I know a thing or
two about the area; in this case, the relevant point is that Wikipedia
is a wiki rather than that it is an encyclopedia.

If you're going to pick random unrelated tangents out of what I write,
it won't really enhance communication.

- d.

Whither AppDB? (was: Re: AppDB entries are being delete without contacting maintainer by)

2009-03-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/7 Ben Klein

 A wiki is likely to be highly unsuccessful for AppDB when the focus is
 on test data.

I would have thought the focus would be on being useful to users.

 Regarding the changelog/history, it'd even be possible to use git to
 manage AppDB entries. It's perfectly possible to implement a complete
 history without moving to a wiki, but in my opinion only admins should
 have access to the history.

At present users don't have a reliable go-to place. The present
AppDB's failings have been detailed at length on wine-devel.

I must confess I am entirely unable to see why history data, or any
data in AppDB, should be restricted.

- d.

The pros and cons of a wiki AppDB

2009-03-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/7 Rosanne DiMesio

 I can think of one possible benefit. There are a lot of apps without 
 maintainers, and there might be users of those apps who would be willing take 
 a few minutes to post bits of useful information in a wiki, but don't want 
 the responsibility of being a maintainer. Sure, they could just post info in 
 a comment, but user comments are buried at the bottom of the page and not in 
 a useful order for finding information quickly. The same goes for comments in 
 test reports--I've found information on needed tweaks buried several reports 
 down from the most recent.

Yep. That's why a wiki is nice. If you open it up to everyone to
contribute, you'll get bad stuff but you'll get good stuff you just
wouldn't get otherwise. It's a great format to capture that.

Being an app maintainer is too much like bureaucracy. It makes
drive-by reports way too hard. Keep it simple, you'll get more
information and therefore more good information.

(Disclaimer: I'm a Wikipedia admin and press volunteer, so I think of
wikis as good default solutions for lots of things ;-)

What do users want from the AppDB? They want to know how well the app
works with Wine, and what tweaks are needed to get it working.

I'd be tempted to just go and start a wiki on the subject myself, but
it'd be duplicated effort with the present AppDB. So I'd rather try to
make a case for it.

The present AppDB is lacking in many ways that I think a wiki would help with.

I'm cc'ing this to wine-users - since I'd need to make a case for the
wiki to developers, but it's actually *for* the users. Users: what's
right and wrong with the AppDB? How useful is it for you? What would
make it better?

- d.

Re: [PATCH] [RFC] Make drive C always a Local disk

2009-03-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/8 King InuYasha

 Drive C: is not necessarily the truly central drive. I have seen Windows
 installs that installed on D: and have C: as a permanently mounted network
 share. To assume that drive C: is always what it is... is blasphemy.
 However, Wine does make this assumption, and probably the patch would be
 appropriate. Just throwing that out there. However, I have also seen wine
 installs onto a network where the WINEPREFIX is a network share so that
 multiple people can use the same program.

This is true. I've seen a Windows box at work which has the system on
the E: drive and no C: drive at all. WHAT.

That said, is there any program in the world that would balk at
installing on C:?

- d.

Re: AppDB entries are being delete without contacting maintainer by Rozanne

2009-03-06 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/6 Rosanne DiMesio

 I have not been deleting entries per se; I have on occasion merged duplicate 
 entries using Move child objects. However, I was unaware until now that not 
 everything in the merged entry was being transferred when I did this. I 
 apologize for that; I did not realize that information was being lost. It 
 will not happen again.

Suggestion to improve AppDB: make it a free text wiki, with necessary
structure being imposed by those writing it, and complete history

- d.

Re: AppDB entries are being delete without contacting maintainer by Rozanne

2009-03-06 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/6 Austin English

 Codeweavers has their own AppDB type system:

That's no reason not to mention them, if the point is to help the reader.

- d.

Crashes on lack of times.ttf (bug 9623) and using Liberation Serif instead

2009-03-02 Thread David Gerard

Various versions of Photoshop, and now Safari 4, insist on Times New
Roman being present or they crash on startup. (winetricks corefonts
works around it.)

Packaging Liberation Serif with Wine and putting a registry key to
substitute Times New Roman with it would do the job and solve the bug

The only problem I can see is that the Liberation fonts are GPL (plus
font). Would including the font with the Wine download be possible
without making Wine entirely GPL?

- d.

Re: Crashes on lack of times.ttf (bug 9623) and using Liberation Serif instead

2009-03-02 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/2 Remco
 On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:06 PM, David Gerard wrote:

 The only problem I can see is that the Liberation fonts are GPL (plus
 font). Would including the font with the Wine download be possible
 without making Wine entirely GPL?

 Yes, I would think that that constitutes mere aggregation, which is
 allowed by the GPL and the LGPL.

Of course, there are other possible metric-compatible fonts under GPL,
e.g. Linux Libertine which
looks more like Times than Liberation Serif does. But then we're
getting into matters of taste :-)

- d.

Re: wine shirts

2009-03-02 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/2 Gert van den Berg

 Wine cures your Windows hangover! :)

That's what I didn't like about that drunk penguin picture ... Use
Wine in moderation.

- d.

Re: winetricks does not reset service pack number correctly

2009-03-01 Thread David Gerard
2009/3/1 Fabian Köster

 Winetricks is not part of Wine. All bugs for it should be reported to:

 Winetricks has a bug tracking system at though sending email to wine-
 devel at is usually good enough.
 I would be glad if I could avoid creating a google account.

Email to wine-users would probably be appropriate - Dan Kegel reads
that list too, and winetricks is a frequent solution to user problems
(just what it's for) so is usually on-topic.

- d.

Re: Simple but awesome demos of Wine?

2009-02-24 Thread David Gerard
2009/2/24 Ben Klein
 2009/2/24 Vit Hrachovy

 Mmmm. According to AppDB Runescape is said to work well in Wine ;)
 That's another layer-within-layer - Runespace is an MMORPG written in
 JAVA/OpenGL as browser-embedded application.

 Sounds like something that could work equally well natively ...

It does. Also on Macs.

- d.

Re: rpcrt4: Check for null endpoint in RpcServerUseProtseqEpExW

2009-02-24 Thread David Gerard
2009/2/22 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

 come on folks, pick up the ball.  acknowledge that you're aware that
 there is an authoritative source of information on this
 horrendously-complex topic, in the form of nothing less than a fully
 functioning reference implementation.

I don't think anyone questions this. But (speaking as an observer, not
someone with any particular power to garner interest for this), I
suspect that your best bet for getting traction on this in Wine is:

* some apps that use this and work in Windows, but won't work on Wine
without the admittedly bletcherous interface being implemented - that
is, a good reason to implement this particular interface

(remembering that there are large chunks of win32 that Wine doesn't
bother implementing because it turns out they're all but unused by
actual app developers)

* then a conformance test or several that works in Windows but not in Wine.

That is, the first thing is a real-life use case or several.

- d.

Wine's malware compatibility: good

2009-02-24 Thread David Gerard

With apps like ZeroWine, we can I think expect to see Windows binaries
that try int 0x80 calls just because they might be useful and a Linux
box will make a much more robust host.

- d.

Re: Wine download page usability problem

2009-02-20 Thread David Gerard
2009/2/20 Dan Kegel

 Next idea: why don't we detect the user's distro via javascript, and
 put a targeted link to the 'right' package above the table?
 Please try
 and let me know if it detects your distro properly,
 I'll fix it up as needed.

You're running
Mozilla 1.9 on an unknown distribution Windows!

(Actually Firefox 3.1 in Wine on Ubuntu, but there's nothing in the
user-agent that says it's not Windows ;-) )

- d.

Re: WINEGATE.DLL: Wine gateway to native Unix libraries

2009-02-18 Thread David Gerard
2009/2/17 Vincent Povirk

 My opinion on this particular issue doesn't matter, but we don't
 strictly prevent Windows apps from seeing the underlying Linux
 environment. Any app can make linux system calls, access the filename
 conversion functions, invoke linux programs, and access the unix
 filesystem using a wine-specific shell extension.

As I understand it, this isn't possible at present. If I'm wrong, I'd
like to know :-)

(This is relevant to, e.g. malware analysis using Wine - where
Wine-aware malware could easily just use int 0x80 to break out of the
Wine environment. Which is one of the hazards of deliberately running
toxic waste, and is why Zero Wine runs as a QEMU virtual machine
rather than on the box directly, for a bit more safety.)

- d.

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