2009/3/8 James Mckenzie <jjmckenzi...@earthlink.net>:
> David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote on March 8th:
>>2009/3/8 James Mckenzie <jjmckenzi...@earthlink.net>:

>>> Would you be willing to clean out the ash and trash that will show up with 
>>> an open Wiki?

>>I already said I would, yes - that the only reason for not just
>>starting one is to avoid massive duplication of effort.

> If we move to an open Wiki, be prepared to be very busy.  I've seen spambots 
> get past most, if not all, of the verification systems and bomb away.  I've 
> read where several systems had to shut them down for fear of being sued.  At 
> the present time, we have verification for exactly that reason.  To keep the 
> spam out and to pre-edit those entries that do not provide all of the 
> information needed.

I come from years of fighting vandals on Wikipedia. I know a thing or
two about the field ...

You're conflating a few separate things in your reply:

* The spammers are mostly dealt with by requiring a login to write
stuff *and* having a submission address or (better) form for those who
can't be bothered creating yet another website login.
* "I've read where several systems had to shut them down for fear of
being sued" - [citation needed]. Sec 230 has proven enough to
completely protect Wikipedia in actual court cases, not just in
* Entries that do not provide all the information needed - that's
quality control, which is part of the editing process.

- d.

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