Re: BiDi, Unicode 6.3 and Wine.

2013-10-04 Thread Kyle Auble
While I have no experience contributing code to wine itself so far, BiDi
or not, I smell a high-level design choice here. If the new revision to
the Unicode algorithm looks superior, my first idea would be to try
rebasing the code on that and then explicitly overriding it for Windows

I don't know enough about wine's code or performance issues to advocate
when that redirection should take place. I suppose it could be done
during compilation and linking, during runtime, or even by just
hard-coding and commenting standards and quirks versions in the source.

Mine's not the most informed opinion though so I would take it with a
grain of salt.

On 10/04/2013 07:54 AM, Aric Stewart wrote:

   So Unicode 6.3 was just recently released. One of the things it features is 
 an updated BIDI (Bidirectional) algorithm. This is revision 29 to the 
 algorithm. ( 
 Looking at the code I moved from gdi32 to usp10, it looks like the existing 
 code is based off of revision 17. This implementation was originally by 
 Shachar and Maarten. I simply integrated it into uniscribe.

   I am tempted to update our code to match the revision 29 version of the 
 algorithm. But this raises a question. Right now our code mostly correctly 
 mimics Windows. It may be that I am not testing the correct edge cases that 
 would reveal if windows is coded to a later version of the algorithm or not. 
 But if we update to revision 29 then we will almost assuredly be using a 
 later version of the algorithm.

   What is more important to us in this regard?  Do we want to have the latest 
 algorithm based on the unicode standard, or do we want to try to match the 
 algorithm that Windows makes use of? 


Re: Wiki RFC: Redirects, swarm tactics, etc.

2013-08-04 Thread Kyle Auble
Thanks everyone, I've created a table of all of the pages that seemed
relevant at I put
down details on that page and its parent instead of cluttering up
this email.

On 08/02/2013 06:49 AM, Rosanne DiMesio wrote:
 By any chance do any of those fixes/branches take care of That bug stops me from
 touching any page with preformatted text on it, specifically the FAQ,
 which is the one page I use most often and need to be able to update. 
As for the preformatted text issue, I actually just tried a few
things in the sandbox and you can cancel the exorcism. I'm seeing it
too. It seems to be specific to the GUI editor so if you don't mind
using the text editor in the short term, that won't choke on the
preformatted text. I'll post my thoughts in more detail on the bug
 From disable new user 
 registration and force users to manually request accounts.
Then for the spammers, I'm with the discussion in the link. We have a
lot of valid links to resources, and restricting all external sites
would cripple the wiki much more than the spammers, but having to
request an account sounds reasonable to me. I doubt someone familiar
with Wine and interested enough to edit the wiki would be discouraged
by a short confirmation process.


Wiki RFC: Redirects, swarm tactics, etc.

2013-08-02 Thread Kyle Auble
So I've finished with pretty much all of the edits I had in mind for
the wiki, but before I ride off into the sunset for a while, I wanted
to toss out a few ideas.

1. Do we want some kind of guideline on redirects for the wiki? Some
stable interface pages to the main site might be good, but beyond
that, I think minimizing redirects makes sense in this use case.

2. There's still a lot of old/missing content on the wiki, and much
of it requres a good sense of where the code is at. Also, it might be
too overwhelming for one person to work in depth on more than a few
pages at this point. I feel like a semi-coordinated swarm of editing
might be the best bet for further improvements. I was picturing a
table of all relevant pages, then people could adopt one or two to
work on, then strike/delete a record once that page is finished. Any

3. There are actually a few more fixes to the theme code at the head
of my bitbucket repo (and also branches for 2 different Moinmoin
upgrade paths). I'm cool with keeping the theme code for the near
future; if and when we move it onto WineHQ's git server though, just
let me know so I can note that I'm not upstream anymore.

4. Finally, spammers... they keep coming... and they're getting
smarter. We can mostly stalemate them with the regex filter, but it
blocks legit edits too sometimes (in very annoying fashion). In fact,
I think there are a few of them that have learned to turn the filter
against us by completely wiping pages with false positives so we
can't revert the page. Are there any relatively easy things we could
do to cut the spam? I don't know, but it's possible the newer version
of Moinmoin has more potent anti-spam tools.


Re: Fresh WineWiki Theme, Straight from the Farm

2013-04-11 Thread Kyle Auble
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 8:43 AM, André Hentschel wrote:
 First: Wow! You did a great job! Finally our Wiki theme is up to date :)
 I had a look at some Pages already and they look perfect here with FF 20.0
 What i wonder is how we want to proceed with tables, i've seen different 
 tables already and we should maybe choose one style: - Here we used a workaround for the missing 
 boarders and spacing - strange HTML

Thank you for the compliment! I just pushed
Dimi's changes (I reset the author flag to him 
used the time of his email for the date) and my
own last set of changes to my repo. If everyone
wants, we could probably put the upstream repo on
WineHQ now.

After a bit more testing, I was actually able to
figure out the other problems. The overflow issue
was coming from a subtlety with absolutely
positioned elements (if no explicitly positioned
container exists, the container defaults to the
browser window, not the page). I also fixed the
problem where any link in a message box was being
rendered like the clear button.

The other funky rendering I was seeing actually
has nothing to do with IE or the CSS. I forgot
but Moin 1.5 doesn't spit out strict HTML4 so my
browsers were defaulting to quirks mode. I guess
the standalone server injects a doctype
declaration though, which is why I wasn't seeing
the problems in testing. Those problems should go
away once upgrading to Moin 1.9.

And regarding the tables, I'm cool with whatever
style everyone agrees on, but I don't know how
everyone feels about setting styles in the wiki-
markup. Moin (1.5 at least) doesn't use th
elements so I created a custom CSS class for tr
elements called heading. It just makes the text
heavier in print view, but on screen, it's like
a heading row on the other pages, only with a
wine-red background instead of black.

- Kyle

Re: Fresh WineWiki Theme, Straight from the Farm

2013-04-06 Thread Kyle Auble
On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Dimi Paun wrote:

 I've actually deployed your theme to production already:

 My only change was this:

 diff --git a/winewiki.conf b/winewiki.conf
 index 4e79248..e3da9cc 100644
 --- a/winewiki.conf
 +++ b/winewiki.conf
 @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
      #RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/rewrite.log
      # map some static files to their respective locations
      RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico$ /var/www/wine/wiki/favicon.ico [last]
 -    RewriteRule ^/logo.png$ /var/www/wine/wiki/logo.png [last]
 +    RewriteRule ^/logo_glass.png$ /var/www/wine/wiki/logo_glass.png [last]
 +    RewriteRule ^/logo_text.png$ /var/www/wine/wiki/logo_text.png [last]
  # map /wiki static files to Moin htdocs
      RewriteRule ^/wiki/(.*)$ /usr/share/moin/htdocs/$1 [last]
      # map everything else to server script
Oh, cool!
Don't worry about taking time to reply, I know
when people are busy it's good to follow up just
now and then. I'm looking at it right now on some
of the computers in my apartment's business
office  it does seem to be causing IE 8  9 some
One of them has Firefox 3 though (they go a while
without updates), and even for that old version,
there are only a few issues I can see. I'll get
my laptop out in a little bit to check it on
newer versions of the major browsers, and over
the next few days, I'll try to iron out any IE
issues and last wrinkles.
After that, I guess the next order of business
will be to see about moving the repo onto WineHQ.
- Kyle

Fresh WineWiki Theme, Straight from the Farm

2013-03-30 Thread Kyle Auble
So as usual, my estimate of how long it would take was way off, but
I'm finally done adapting the WineHQ theme to Moinmoin.

It's not perfect, but I feel it's ready to submit for switching over.
I've tested it in Firefox, Chromium, Midori, and Opera (briefly in
IE8  IE9 too). I did do everything through Moinmoin's stand-alone
server, but while I know there always seem to be ghosts in the
machine, I'm guessing that Apache shouldn't interfere with layout

I mostly followed the WineHQ  current WineWiki theme for large
things, just tweaking the CSS to make it fit what Moinmoin spits out.
I did make more design choices of my own on the smaller stuff though.
After wrestling with Moinmoin's theme system, I was surprised how
many things are still hard-coded (at least as of v1.5).

For example, Moinmoin wraps some things in divs without providing a
CSS class for the div, just the child element. The fortune cookie on
the RecentChanges page  the edit page are two cases of that. The
dummy content in the search bar is another tricky one. It's set in
the javascript for the search bar (don't remember where it was in the
source tree) so I left that one alone.

One other tricky issue was handling overflows  RTL support. They
both seem to work ok in isolation, but go crazy when you mix them. I
haven't checked RTL in IE, but if you force an RTL page to overflow
in Webkit, it positions things based on what's actually in the window
(so the sidebar winds up floating in the middle of the page). Firefox
simply doesn't try to apply any of the overflow rules in RTL (which I
guess is nice in a Hippocratic sense). Opera alone handled things
exactly like I hoped.

As for the tables, I think they should display ok now, although I
don't know if everyone wants my exact values for paddings  such. The
old theme had some table-based layout that may have had conflicting
CSS rules, but I've div-vied everything up so the only table tags now
should be when Moinmoin itself chooses them over a div and well...

I've pushed all of the changes to my Bitbucket repo at:
The refined branch is the one you want although I expect that once
the code is hosted at WineHQ's git repo, it would become the new
master branch. At that point, I can just reset my repo to point to
the WineHQ one as the origin.

- Kyle

Re: Updating WineWiki Theme?

2013-03-15 Thread Kyle Auble
On Friday, March 15, 2013 7:45 PM, André Hentschel wrote:

 What i'd like is that you first upgrade the theme for now, whatever changes 
 it may need.
 For this task don't care about search fields, tables, sponsoring, ...
 The result should be a wine wiki with the same quality and/or bugs as we have 
 now, just with a new look.
 After that is pushed and running and you fixed remaining bugs with the new 
 look, you can then start fixing other bugs,
 changes things (keep in mind to talk to Jeremy Newman) and upgrade the wiki 
 software itself.

Sounds like a good plan. I've been testing the new theme with a v1.9
install of Moinmoin, but I should be able to create a branch and
backport that to v1.5 pretty easily.

After that, I can work on the tweaks and we can look into upgrading
the underlying software. Dimi mentioned that he has some
maintenance scripts written up, and I also have some on my
Bitbucket account so getting the tarball up again and converting
the data shouldn't take too long.

- Kyle

Updating WineWiki Theme?

2013-03-14 Thread Kyle Auble
Hi everybody,

Although my hiatus was longer than expected, I've been making progress
with updating the wiki code over the past few days (spring break is a
very good thing).

My workflow is a bit non-linear so I want to sort my changes into
patches first, but fingers-crossed, I'll be pushing them to my
Bitbucket account by the weekend.

I did want to ask for input on a few things:
1. Should we just keep Moinmoin's search, replace it with the custom
  Google search, or offer both?
2. How about the icon? I can get the standard WineHQ one to display
  fine, but I'm not sure about which approach to take. Essentially, do
  what's simplest for us, or should I make it play well with other
  themes too?
3. Finally, the credits are currently just text links. In the future
  though, if Dimi wanted to, we could have a sponsored by Lattica
  banner like the Codeweavers ones on the other pages.

After I get the theme together  test it some more on different
browsers, I can look into migrating the data to the newest Moinmoin


Re: Wine Wiki needs your help!

2013-01-24 Thread Kyle Auble
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:19 AM, Juan Lang wrote:
 Could the password hashes be excluded from the regular tarball? E.g. using 
 --exclude in the tar command?

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, been a little busy the past week. I don't have a
copy of the Wine Wiki data in front of me, but if I remember, the passwords
aren't stored separately at the file level. Each user has a data file (and at
least for v1.5, a .trail and possibly a .bookmark file).

The password is stored as a single record in that file. I'm no security
expert, but my gut feeling is that separating the password data by default
might be a good change upstream. Short of that though, I fiddled with reading
off each password, running it through bcrypt, then putting it back into place
before packing up the files.

It probably wouldn't be too hard to sift out the passwords before archiving
the user directory. Ultimately, it seemed just keeping the user directory out
of the open was the best bet though. My logic was that while there are several
reasons someone might want to fork or independently archive the content
(which is LGPL), I couldn't think of a legitimate reason someone would want
everyone's account info without cooperating with the current maintainers.


Re: Wine Wiki needs your help!

2013-01-15 Thread Kyle Auble
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Dimi Paun wrote:
 Thanks everyone for your help!

 I'll take down the Pages spreadsheet.

 Now, what about the users? Those are files (not directories) so we don't
 the same low limit (32k), but it would be nice if we could, somehow, cleanup
 those files as well.

If I'm remembering right, a full install of Moinmoin (not just running the
service portably in the unpacked tree) puts a moin command into /usr/bin.
The documentation for it isn't great yet, but you can find it at

Unfortunately, it doesn't have a mechanism for cleaning out users beyond
obvious duplicate accounts. One possibility that I was looking at is that
v1.5 of Moinmoin updates .trail files for all logged-in users, even if
the page trail display has been disabled.

The idea was to scan the user directory for all .trail files with a mod-time
older than a certain time period (I picked 1 year). If a user has logged in
to do anything more recently than then, it should show up in the mod-time of
the .trail file.

I wanted to test my scripts a little more, but this was one thing my
sweep-once script at was designed
to do. Besides blanking-out and putting instead of file.tmp in
line 96 of, the logic seemed sound on small test batches. I
wanted to try it on a full copy of the Wine Wiki just to be safe though.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 4:40 AM, André Hentschel wrote:
 This should also speed up that old wiki and maybe helps upgrading it 
 (hopefully that'll happen soon :D).

I haven't touched a line of code in a couple of months (had a holiday job that
really knocked the wind from my sails at times), but after getting settled into
my classes over the next few days, I plan on working on moving the wiki to
v1.9 of Moinmoin again.

The one thing that would probably help a lot is if there was a regularly
updated tarball of the wiki content either at WineHQ or Lattica's FTP again. I
haven't messed with cron itself much, but my archive.cron script should pack
up the files correctly. The main complication is that the user dir probably
should be shared on a need-to-know basis because it contains weakly-hashed
password info.


Re: Updated Wine Wiki Repo

2012-10-08 Thread Kyle Auble
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Jeremy Newman wrote:
 I'd like to port our theme over to this.

 Also, yes, I think we should look into WineHQ hosting the git for this.

I've played with the code just a little on my own
machine and MoinMoin 1.9.5. I haven't made much
progress yet; some of the old MoinMoin methods
used for themes were deprecated.

I've been able to make the old theme load, but it
has several glitches. I was planning on trying to
adapt the old theme to run on v1.9.5 exactly like
it runs at the Wine Wiki. After that, I was going
to work on importing the current WineHQ theme to

If I make any patch-worthy changes while the repo
is on my account, I'll post them (probably in a
branch so there can be some code review).

- Kyle

Re: Updated Wine Wiki Repo

2012-10-08 Thread Kyle Auble
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 5:17 PM, André Hentschel wrote:

 Am 08.10.2012 01:06, schrieb Kyle Auble:
 Just wanted to let everyone know I've created a
 git repo for the Wine Wiki from the CVS one at
 SourceForge. You can find it at:

 Not sure if bitbucket is the right place, there are not much repos regarding 
 Have a look at github, there we have e.g. 49 wine forks 
 ( and it's recommended by
 There is also some wine-specific stuff on, e.g.

I actually just chose Bitbucket for my personal
code-sharing account (private repos, I've been
using a lot of python recently, and sometimes I
just have to be a silly, stubborn contrarian ;-)

So Bitbucket just happened to be where I posted
the repo. I'm hoping we can move it to WineHQ's
git server relatively soon, but if anyone on
Github wants to clone it too, that would be great.
Since there are more people, it would probably be
better for code review, and if someone else wants
to manage it, I would have no problem setting my
fork on Bitbucket to track a Github version as

- Kyle

Updated Wine Wiki Repo

2012-10-07 Thread Kyle Auble
Just wanted to let everyone know I've created a
git repo for the Wine Wiki from the CVS one at
SourceForge. You can find it at:

Since it's a fresh repo, I thought editing the
history should be ok (just moved the right info
into Author  Committer fields and made the commit
message formatting more consistent). I do still
have the unedited branches from cvsimport and can
put those up too if there's any demand for them.

I've been talking with Dimi about what we would
need to upgrade MoinMoin, and once he can find
some time, he said he would setup a regular
archive of the Wine Wiki's data. I also like the
idea of using tags to mark which wiki version is
in use, but I'm not sure how many times the wiki
has been upgraded. If anyone knows what versions
of MoinMoin we've used and when the upgrades took
place, I can add the extra tags.

I don't know if there's much interest in just
moving this to the Wine git repo yet. If not, I
can probably review patches, but would be happy to
add someone else as an admin if they have a
bitbucket account.

- Kyle

Re: Help getting amd64 assembly patch into wine?

2012-10-04 Thread Kyle Auble
On 10/03/2012 09:49 PM, Dan Kegel wrote:

 The main challenge was figuring out how to get the variable
 list of arguments off the stack, and then put them back onto
 the stack when calling the provided function pointer.
 This bit of varargs hackery can't be done in pure C as far as I
 can tell, so I used assembly.
 I started programming in machine language long ago,
 so getting that working wasn't too hard once I
 realized that's what was needed.  Getting it to pass the
 Alexandre test is another matter.

 Alexandre did give feedback on one earlier iteration of
 the patch, telling me I was re-inventing the wheel, so I
 tossed my old assembly and copied the helper-calling code
 nearly verbatim from call_method in oleaut32/typelib.c

I haven't studied assembly in a while, and I've
never looked at this part of Wine before, but
every once in a while, a silly question from a
novice doesn't hurt.

I'm just wondering is assembly definitely needed?
This is just based on some googling and skimming
through StackOverflow, but it sounds like you can
still use va_list on amd64. It just takes some

One method involves a va_copy macro, but that
may only apply to C99 or later:

The other solution mentioned just involves
wrapping va_list inside a struct, as mentioned in
the top answer of the first link. I don't know if
that helps or if I'm totally misunderstanding the

- Kyle

Re: WineHQ on CMS/Framework

2012-09-23 Thread Kyle Auble
Sun, Sep 23, 2012 04:33, Aleksey Bragin wrote:
 Two prototype websites were made, one using Drupal7 and another one 
 (more recent and more complete) using Typo3. What's important is that we 
 have a substantial set of interconnected services too:

I honestly haven't heard of Typo3 before now (I
guess it really hasn't caught on outside the
German-speaking world yet), but my first
impression is that may be closer to what we would
want than Drupal. I've heard that Drupal can be
very brittle and hard to use if your design
doesn't fit a template. The fact that your T3
prototype is more complete despite being a younger
site seems like a hint that it has been more
productive for you.

Being able to integrate most of your services with
the CMS is also very reassuring. Have you come
across a situation where you think having a
framework would have helped? The main scenario I'm
picturing is if someday we wanted to combine data
from different parts of the website (for example,
bugzilla queries along with related git patches).
That may be overdoing things, but I feel like
those cross-connections are one of the main things
that could really help WineHQ.

Right now it seems like there's a lot of good
information, but it may be spread out over forum
threads, mailing lists, the wiki, AppDB, etc. with
no simple way to connect the dots (even after
using search).

- Kyle

WineHQ on CMS/Framework

2012-09-21 Thread Kyle Auble
After working on the wiki for a while, I finally wanted to ask about
possibly moving WineHQ to a CMS or web framework.

First off, while there are a couple of mentions on the wiki and mailing
lists, is there still much interest in doing this? If there is, I think
the second question is which kind of system do we want to use?

While mentions Drupal, which has a
lot of plugins and features for easy editing, I've read that a CMS can
become a hassle if your website needs to do more complex things than
serving regular chunks of content. WineHQ provides a bug-tracker, a
forum, a wiki, mailing lists, source-code browsers, and other tools
besides static content, with lots of interconnections between them. If
we did go with a web framework, we could still probably run a CMS on top
of it for the AppDB and static pages.

Finally, for the frameworks, it seems that one of the main differences
is simply which language we want to deal with. Is there a strong
preference for using a specific language? Right now the various parts
outside of Wine proper use a mix of Perl, PHP, and Python.

This also raises the question of whether there's any desire to (over the
very long term) try consolidating all the code outside Wine around one
or two languages. I'm guessing it wouldn't be worth the trouble
(different tools for different jobs), but if there is a strong reason
to, it would probably be good to pick a framework in the language we
want to emphasize.

- Kyle

Translations of the About Pages

2012-09-12 Thread Kyle Auble
I just submitted a draft rewrite of WineHQ's About page in English that
integrates some things from the wiki page, but there are still Hebrew
and Spanish about pages on the wiki. I started working on translating
the Spanish one, but realized someone else should probably do it after
one paragraph, and my Hebrew is even weaker.

I think the goal is still to move all central pages to WineHQ so I'd
like to remove those versions from the wiki soon too. If any Hebrew or
Spanish-speaking contributors would prefer to work from the wiki content
though, I can leave it up for a while. If you would rather translate
from the new English version to keep the different translations in sync
though, I'll go ahead and clean up the wiki some more.

- Kyle

Re: Moving pages to/from wiki

2012-08-30 Thread Kyle Auble
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 11:55, André Hentschel wrote:
 Am 30.08.2012 04:32, schrieb Kyle Auble:
 As for redirecting to, since that was designed
 as a notice page for people trying to browse the source code, I was
 picturing just redirecting the links to and
 deleting as only WWN issues and news would
 still have dangling links. I don't want to remove it if there's another
 reason for keeping it though.

 please don't remove it. there's still much linking to it on the web, or 
 hiding links, like in sourcecodes somewhere

OK, sounds good. I'll leave the CVS notice pages but update the links.

- Kyle

Re: Moving pages to/from wiki

2012-08-30 Thread Kyle Auble
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 12:23, Michael Stefaniuc wrote:
 On 08/30/2012 06:05 PM, Jeremy Newman wrote:
 On 08/29/2012 09:32 PM, Kyle Auble wrote:
 just checked and sure enough, there is still a
 very outdated CVS repository there, but I can't find a template or a PHP
 applet for it, just the same links you found (most in WWN issues). I've
 CCed Jeremy Newman because I'm guessing the site admin would have to
 remove it.

 I am not opposed to removing it. We had left it up as a historical
 archive, or for people that were not ready to switch to GIT yet. If
 there is consensus then I can certainly take it down.
 According to Alexandre it is used by for the
 Wine Cross Reference.

Ahhh, that certainly changes things. Does the server have to run a
CVS instance to generate the web interface? If so, and if it's possible
to somehow store the CVS data somewhere else, it might not hurt to
consolidate it someday. That's really distant, low-priority stuff though.
I'll remove the line from the WineHQ Todo list and make a note on the
wiki SourceCode page so no one gets confused.

- Kyle

Moving pages to/from wiki

2012-08-29 Thread Kyle Auble
I'm starting to work on moving static pages to and from the wiki, but I 
wanted to ask for opinions on a few changes first:

1. Move all static IRC pages to the wiki or add info from the wiki to 
the static templates? The static pages only mention #winehq and don't 
describe guidelines, but IRC details shouldn't change much right?

2. For the static About page, some languages also have wiki versions. 
Do we want to keep the sparser versions currently in use, or add the 
more detailed information from the wiki version? Both versions seem 
well-written, and exist for English, Hebrew,  Spanish (I deleted 
the Polish wiki version; it was a duplicate).

3. Do we still need the static cvs page, or should I just redirect any 
links to it, then delete? On a related note, the WineHQ ToDo on the 
wiki still claims that a browser for the old CVS source tree is 
lurking on the site somewhere. Is that true, or do I need to cut that 
line from the ToDo list?

4. Since licensing tends to be really static could we just redirect 
the WikiLicense page to the static license page, or should they be 
kept separate? While I'd think it wouldn't be too hard to reword the 
static page's intro to include other projects, I'm leery of editing 
any legal-ese without asking first. By the way, the WikiLicense page 
says it's LGPL v2.1 in the intro text, but the included license 
actually looks like v2.0 of the GPL with a modification for libraries. 
If the wiki version of the page should stay, I'll put in a copy of v2.1

- Kyle

Re: Moving pages to/from wiki

2012-08-29 Thread Kyle Auble
Wed, Aug 29, 2012 16:09, André Hentschel wrote:
 get the website source and do grep -Ri cvs *
 then ignore wwn/ and news/


 all that should somehow bring you to or be deleted

grep -r  * is rapidly becoming a very good friend of mine ;) I
just checked and sure enough, there is still a
very outdated CVS repository there, but I can't find a template or a PHP
applet for it, just the same links you found (most in WWN issues). I've
CCed Jeremy Newman because I'm guessing the site admin would have to
remove it.

As for redirecting to, since that was designed
as a notice page for people trying to browse the source code, I was
picturing just redirecting the links to and
deleting as only WWN issues and news would
still have dangling links. I don't want to remove it if there's another
reason for keeping it though.

- Kyle

Re: About WineHQ Wiki

2012-08-28 Thread Kyle Auble
Tues, Aug 28, 2012 4:47 AM, Oleg Yarigin wrote:
 Now I wait an answer from Dimi Paun.

 Well, in addition, how do you think, is any necessarity there to move
 wine site and wiki from Apache to Cherokee?

While I think it's good to keep alternatives in mind as new technology
comes out, I wouldn't want to switch the actual http server out until
it starts having noticeable problems, or in the distant future once
higher priorities have been taken care of.

For me, WineHQ itself seems to be really fast, and as we were
discussing earlier in the thread, the wiki is hosted at Lattica, which
may not have the same hardware resources or bandwidth of WineHQ.

If you're mainly noticing problems with the wiki, that may also be
that we're using an outdated version of moinmoin. Cheer Xiao was saying
that Moinmoin 2.0 will allow Mediawiki syntax so I'd recommend
upgrading Moinmoin, then converting the pages to Mediawiki syntax.

I've never run a real Apache server myself (just played with it on my
computer), but while it can be a pain to set up, it is battle-tested.
Since the site admins would have to do all the dirty work, I feel like
this should be their call in the end.

However, I believe all the content on WineHQ  the wiki are under the
LGPL so if you really wanted to, I'd think you could try testing a
mirror of the site as a proof of concept, running Cherokee on your own
computer. If you can show the advantages outweigh the trouble of
switching over, the site admins would probably be more willing to
consider it.

Rather than switching out the http server, I think there is some
interest in moving WineHQ over to a web-framework/CMS. I wanted to
handle the wiki first, but afterwards if there's still demand for it,
I'd like to try helping make the jump to a CMS.


Re: About WineHQ Wiki

2012-08-26 Thread Kyle Auble
Sorry if my replies come in large batches, I'm subscribed to the
mailing list digest.

Sun, 26 Aug 2012 10:08, Cheer Xiao wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm a MoinMoin contributor, one of MoinMoin's participating students
 in this year's Summer of Code.

 2012/8/26 Kyle Auble
 Sat, 25 Aug 2012 14:44, Oleg Yarigin wrote:
 When I edited pages in the WineHQ Wiki, I notised, its markup lankuage
 isn`t so good as MediaWiki`s one. How do you think about moving the Wiki
 into MediaWiki engine? Besides, moving each language section of the Wiki
 into separated subdomain (like in Wikipedia) would be a good idea too.
 There are some pluggable parsers for Moinmoin, and there may be one
 that allows MediaWiki syntax. After going through and checking,
 categorizing, and editing so many pages, I definitely agree with your
 suggestion that each language be given a domain, instead of one flat
 namespace. Then maybe just add a single common translation menu to
 the side toolbar?

 Indeed there is a MediaWiki parser[1].

 Also, take a look at MoinMoin 2.0[2]. It has multiple markups support
 out of the box (including mediawiki of course). You can even mix them
 in a single wiki instance - this is not necessarily a good idea, but
 it helps when you have to migrate some content from another wiki by
 Feature requests are welcome, but be noted that MoinMoin 2.0 is the
 current development version (it's not a development branch since the
 codebase is almost a total rewrite) and quite likely the feature you
 want is already there (or a TODO). :)

Hello, I'm glad to hear there's already a line of communication.
Allowing people to use MediaWiki syntax will probably be a big plus.

There have been performance problems, but I noticed both the Ubuntu
and Moinmoin wikis are pretty snappy so I'm thinking it's due to a
strained server and using an old version of Moinmoin (although the
SystemInfo macro seems to be disabled, I ran across version info
somewhere, and I think Wine Wiki is running Moinmoin 1.5 or 1.6).
I'm not sure if other problems I've noticed have been fixed in v1.8 or
1.9 so I would have to try out those versions before checking against

One thing I have done is written up some python code to help
convert HTML tables to Moinmoin ones. I checked in Moinmoin's
script market, but could only find full-blown page converters, and
their output was kind of messy. I probably got carried away, but I'll
attach it to because I'm using it to
move WineHQ's static status pages to the wiki. I guess that would
make it LGPL so if you want to salvage a few parts from it or have me
submit it to your utility marketplace, just let me know.

Sun, 26 Aug 2012 16:07, Andre Hentschel wrote:
 Further it seems a bit more complicated with Wine, the moinmoin wiki is 
 sponsored by (whatever
 sponsored means, didn't find further information) and the code
 is not accessable via a wine git repo (maybe it should be in tools.git, 
 website.git or its own). This also leads to the
 fact that we still have no new wiki theme years after the
 theme change on the website.

 Now that we upgraded the Forum engine we (we as in laxdragon xD) could maybe 
 do something about the wiki, it
 needs love.
 It seems Kyle is doing a good job at the content, but the content is not 

Thank you for the compliment. I am actually planning on doing more
coding soon, but besides ramping up, I though cleaning up the wiki
some first would let me see where the different parts of the project
are. Applying the theme from the rest of the WineHQ is on both the
WikiToDo and my own list (no guarantees about how long I would take

Sun, 26 Aug 2012 22:46, Cheer Xiao wrote:
 And yes, as I noted in a previous post moin2 is *not* production-ready
 yet and I don't suggest you jump ship now. :)

 What I do strongly suggest, however, is that you upgrade to moin1.9
 first, since 1) there has been many security fixes[1] which are not
 backported to old versions, and 2) upgrade to moin2 will only be
 supported from moin1.9.

Helping to upgrade the wiki is on my list somewhere between finishing
a first round of polishing content and trying a couple of patches to
Wine itself. Although the maintainer would actually have to deploy it, I
could test and work some of the kinks out of the upgrade using a local

Dimi Paun put a lot of work into setting up the wiki in the first place
and is the maintainer at lattica. From the git logs and mail list, it
seems like he has been really busy with other things for a while. At
times, Jeremy Newman has raised the possibility of moving the wiki
to WineHQ:

I remember stumbling across another email too, but I can't find it
right now. If it's still a possibilty, I think the first step would be
somehow setting up datadumps so we could start on the upgrade. If
there is already a feature for admins

Re: About WineHQ Wiki

2012-08-25 Thread Kyle Auble
Sat, 25 Aug 2012 14:44, Oleg Yarigin wrote:
 When I edited pages in the WineHQ Wiki, I notised, its markup lankuage
 isn`t so good as MediaWiki`s one. How do you think about moving the Wiki
 into MediaWiki engine? Besides, moving each language section of the Wiki
 into separated subdomain (like in Wikipedia) would be a good idea too.

I've been working a lot on the wiki recently, and I actually brought up
something similar in this thread:
While I'm busy with other things right now, I wanted to discuss this in more
detail in the near future, particularly how it ties into possibly migrating the
entire site over to a CMS.

The Moinmoin syntax was new to me too, but after using it a little, I don't
mind it too much. There are definitely a few missing features and rough
edges compared to MediaWiki. However, and this is just my impression, I
think MediaWiki has really evolved to fit Wikipedia's needs. I'm not sure how
well it integrates (style-wise at least) if you don't run your entire site off 
of it,
and while I haven't actually looked at MediaWiki's code, I've heard that it can
be really tricky to setup, maintain, and reprogram.

There are some pluggable parsers for Moinmoin, and there may be one
that allows MediaWiki syntax. After going through and checking,
categorizing, and editing so many pages, I definitely agree with your
suggestion that each language be given a domain, instead of one flat
namespace. Then maybe just add a single common translation menu to
the side toolbar?

I've come to the opinion that we should probably stick with Moinmoin, and
migrate to a new engine other than MediaWiki only if there are strong
reasons. What might be best is if we actually got in touch with some of the
Moinmoin developers and put in some feature requests. Helping with the
wiki's engine is on my list so I'd like to hear some more opinions.


Re: Policy for the Wiki?

2012-07-06 Thread Kyle Auble
On Friday, July 6, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Austin English wrote:
 Dimi Paun (CC'ed) set up/runs the wiki, so he'd be the guy to ask.
 Other people have discussed MoinMoin/alternatives before, but to my
 knowledge, there hasn't been much effort put into changing it.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've looked into the moinmoin code a little 
more, and Dimi already switched out the cgi module. Besides possibly
updating to a newer version and adding Xapian search, there may not
be much more that can be done on the software end.

Ubuntu wiki is fast and it apparently uses moinmoin so it could just be
server resources too. If that's the case then moinmoin is probably still
the best choice: uses python, no database required, customizable, and
it seems to be the main alternative to MediaWiki.

On a side note, is there any talk of moving the wiki code from the 
sourceforge CVS repo to a Git one at WineHQ someday?


P.S. Sorry about the word-wrapping in my last email. Yahoo zigged
when I thought it would zag.

Policy for the Wiki?

2012-07-04 Thread Kyle Auble
Hello all,

    I've been working on the wiki recently and noticed that a lot of 
out-of-date or redundant information is retained. For example, completed tasks 
on to-do lists are checked off and never removed. Isthere an unofficial policy 
of not deleting info, even if it may exist elsewhere (in the git repo history, 
wikipage revision history, etc)? Other instances might be stubs dedicated to 
features in development years ago, or pages on bugs that have already been 
fixed or triaged in Bugzilla.I know even page deletions can still be reverted, 
but I wanted to check first before cleaning things out more aggressively. If 
there are a few unwritten rules everyone likes the wiki to follow, I could add 
them somewhere as editing guidelines.

    While the topic's up, I was also wondering how moinmoin was chosen as the 
wiki engine. I couldn't really find a discussion on the mailing lists so I 
figured it was the best option when the wiki was first started. I can 
appreciate that it doesn't require a database and it's written in python 
instead of php. Allowing only inline CSS in tables causes some headaches, but 
mainly it can be really slow sometimes, especially when editing, and unless 
using wikilinks or going directly to a page, navigation is tricky. Has the 
possibility of migrating the wiki to a different engine ever come up? Or does 
the Wine wiki code just need some tweaking and maybe some tools? To be honest, 
I don't know if there is a better alternative (MediaWiki is designed for a very 
different use case and has really messy code). It just seems like something is 
discouraging even basic upkeep on the wiki, which kind of defeats its whole 