Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Update on our Aruba solution

2020-01-17 Thread Amel Caldwell
We have a small installation of 515s running and have experienced the 
same behavior that Keith described.  So far, mostly anecdotal data but we are 
starting to gather data and troubleshoot this with Aruba as well.

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "McCurry, Barry A" 

Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 

Date: Friday, January 17, 2020 at 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Update on our Aruba solution

Do you mind sharing what version of code you are running currently? I think you 
mentioned in the initial thread, but you mentioned the upgrade to was recommended by Aruba. I would be curious to know if the tiger team 
saw these issues on, as we just upgraded to this version over the break.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 On Behalf Of Turner, Ryan H
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2020 4:10 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Update on our Aruba solution


Since the thread generated significant interest last week, I wanted to let you 
know how Aruba responded.

After hearing of our issues, Aruba sent a tiger team (5 or 6 folks) that came 
in to work on the bugs.  We had a punch list of things to work on.

On the top of the list was the 515 performance issues.  This is where people 
would stay connected, but data wouldn’t flow for a period of time.  The 
symptoms were reproduced many times during the week with everyone present.  
Aruba found a bug in code that does not handle queuing properly in certain 
circumstances.  They produced code to fix this issue, but we cannot confirm at 
this time if this will resolve what we are seeing….  We saw a similar symptom 
immediately after putting the fix on the AP.

After seeing the same symptom immediately after putting on the hotfix, they 
realized that someone on the team has an intel AX adapter which has significant 
issues with OFDMA.  It can essentially wreck the airwaves for other clients.  
The solution is to TURN OFF OFDMA on AX access points until Aruba releases a 
build that can selectively ignore Intel OFDMA (while allowing others).  I have 
a release from Broadcom on January 6 speaking to this issue, so they aren’t 
making that.  I confirmed it with a separate wireless vendor that Broadcom has 
had some issues on the OFDMA front.  I plan on keeping it off for likely the 
next year as we don’t really have a significant quantity of ax clients to make 
it work the hassle at the moment.

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Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Who has transitioned away from Aruba, and why?

2020-01-15 Thread Amel Caldwell
Hi Keith and Michael—

That is correct.  We recently experienced a meltdown on our campus  due to this 
very issue.  We had to enable cpsec and that seems to have fixed the issue then 
snow hit our area and we have not hit anywhere near the normal level of traffic 
so we are, at this point, “cautiously optimistic”  .  I don’t consider this a 
permanent fix and have been assured the fix to place PAPI traffic into separate 
queues will be in 8.3 and 8.5 code trains.

I would warn that you need to be careful because this causes control traffic 
from the AP to be sourced through the IPSEC tunnel and over the controller 
uplink.  If you have IP Spoofing deployed then you will have to allow APs’ IP 


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Miller, Keith C" 

Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 

Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Who has transitioned away from Aruba, and why?

Hi Michael,

Currently we do not and yes, that is the situation as I understand it. The PAPI 
traffic between APs and the controllers use the same queue that the controller 
to controller heartbeats use. Enabling CPSec moves that traffic traffic to a 
different queue.

We’re expecting to enable CPSec in Resnet today.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 on behalf of Michael Davis 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 

Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Who has transitioned away from Aruba, and why?

Do you run CPSEC on your APs?   I've heard that non-CPSEC AP connections can
contend with the controller cluster heatbeats and cause disconnect.

On 1/14/20 3:37 PM, Miller, Keith C wrote:
Hi Trent,

No not related to AirGroup, but we’ve had problems with AirGroup server leaks 
in the past on 8.4 – One of the solutions was to configure AirGroup in 
centralized mode at the group level.

The other problems are related to the 515s and we are suffering from cluster 
disconnects in a few of our 8.x environments for what seems to be varying 



 Mike Davis

 IT - University of Delaware  - 302.831.8756

 Newark, DE  19716 Email

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Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Who has transitioned away from Aruba, and why?

2020-01-09 Thread Amel Caldwell
I have direct experience with what Ryan described.  A couple days after X-mas 
when there were very few people in our building, I lost connectivity on my 
iPhone, 2 Mac Book Pro (different vintages), and a wireless Avaya desk phone.  
At the same time an engineer across the hall lost connectivity on a Windows 
laptop and his android phone, plus and Aruba Cape Sensor experienced the same 
thing.  On the clients involved there was no indication of there being a 
problem and they appeared to be connected, just no IP connectivity.  I did see 
that the Cape sensor roamed from the AP where it had -62 signal to one that had 
-89 and that is when we lost connectivity and 3 minutes later everyone roamed 
back and we again had connectivity.

So as Ryan described, no common drivers, we still see the SSID, we just get no 
traffic and it clears with no intervention.

Amel Caldwell

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Turner, Ryan H" 

Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 

Date: Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Who has transitioned away from Aruba, and why?

This isn’t the problem.  The drivers are updated.  Clients see the ssid.  Just 
periodically they stop communicating.
Ryan Turner
Head of Networking, ITS
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
+1 919 274 7926 Mobile
+1 919 445 0113 Office

On Jan 9, 2020, at 11:48 AM, Martin Reynolds  wrote:
Not sure if this could be of help but the issues with the 515 and 535 Aruba APs 
we use was driver related to the 802.11ax code that is on the AP's.  This is 
not an Aruba specific issue but affects other vendors as well.  The following 
link is for the updated Intel drivers.

In our case users could not see the ESSIDs at all where 515 APs were installed 
but could where other model of AP's (2xx and 3xx)were installed.  By using a 
different adapter from what is installed in the hardware (example USB-and not 
Intel) that allowed us to see the ESSIDs


On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 11:40 AM David Morton>> wrote:
Ryan, we have been experiencing some of the very same issues. Since installing 
515s and resulting 8.5.x code in our offices (always our first step to any 
migration) we too have experienced unexplained periods of no connectivity. In 
most or all the cases I’ve personally experienced, I believe that I remain 
connected at an 802.11 standpoint but will have that 30 seconds to a couple of 
minutes of no IP connectivity. We have now deployed 515s and 8.5.x in one of 
our residence halls so I am concerned about their experience as well. Just 
before the holiday break we had a series of very high-profile outages that 
impacted our students leading up to and during finals week. The issue got so 
bad that our CIO had to issue a letter to students explaining the problem and 
what we are doing about it. This is the first time that this level of 
communication was needed in my 15 years at the UW using Aruba.

We too are a heavy Juniper shop and have recently received a MIST demo kit. We 
haven’t done anything with it yet due to lack of resources, but if things 
continue on the current path we may give it a more serious look.


David Morton
Director, Network & Telecom Design/Architecture
University of Washington
tel 206.221.7814

PS I am currently on medical leave so if you wish to reply off-list, please 
direct it to Amel Caldwell, amelc@<>

On Jan 9, 2020, at 8:15 AM, Turner, Ryan H>> wrote:


We’ve been an Aruba shop for a very long time and have around 10,000 access 
points.  While every relationship with vendors have their ups and downs, my 
frustration with the Aruba is finally peaking to the point that I am 
considering making the enormous move to choose a different vendor.  The biggest 
reason is with the 8.X code train, and bugs that we just don’t consider 
appropriate to use in production.  It has been one thing after the other, and 
my extremely talented and qualified Network Architect (Keith Miller) might as 
well be on the Aruba payroll as much work as he has been doing for them to 
solve bugs.  Just when we think we have one fixed, another one crops up.

The big one as of late is with 515s running 8.5 code train.  We have them 
deployed in one of our IT buildings.  Periodically, people that are connected 
to these APs in the 5G band will stop working.  To the user, they are browsing 
a site, then it becomes unresponsive.  If they are on their phone, they will 
disconnect from wifi and everything works fine on cell.  Nothing makes an 
802.11 network look worse than switching to cell and seeing a problem resolve.  
Normally, if t

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Apple TV alternative?

2018-06-20 Thread Amel Caldwell
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Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Bandwidth/Throughput/Latency Tester

2018-02-26 Thread Amel Caldwell
We also have an instance of the Ookla speedtest at the University of 
Washington.  One thing I notices is for clients on private IP space, the 
speedtest shows a NATed IP, even though the server is on campus.  This is 
because not everything is local.  Anyway, having someone send me a screenshot 
or tell me their IP address is the NATed address is not that helpful.  I 
believe we are considering an alternative when our year is up.

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Osborne, Bruce W (Network 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Monday, February 26, 2018 at 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Bandwidth/Throughput/Latency Tester

That is what we use.

Bruce Osborne
Senior Network Engineer
Network Operations - Wireless
 (434) 592-4229
Training Champions for Christ since 1971

From: Adam Forsyth []
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: Bandwidth/Throughput/Latency Tester

Isn't this: what you asked Ookla about 
and were told that it doesn't exist?  I ran a version of that on a local server 
a few years ago.I got the premium subscription for a year but ultimately 
decided I hadn't figured out how to get any advantage from its ability to save 
test results into a database.  I have since moved to using (which Clemson also mentioned) because 
I wanted a speedtest that was HTML5 and didn't use flash, and at the time 
Ookla's speedtest custom required flash.  It looks like maybe its also all 
HTML5 now so maybe I'll take a look at that again.

On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 11:56 AM, Fishel Erps 
Hello everyone.

I’m curious to find out what other universities are doing to test throughput, 
internally, to proof their networks.  I’m looking for something that functions 
like Ookla’s<> (browser-based, no required 
clients) , but that runs internally (I have already contacted them directly, 
and been told that they only provide products that are alive on the public net).

As we all know, % of utilization and available throughput are not 
one-in-the-same, and I need a way to address and diagnose legitimate 
performance complaints, live.

Fishel Erps,
Sr. Network & Infrastructure Engineer
School of Visual Arts
136 W 21st St., 8th Floor
New York, NY, 10011
LL: 212-592-2416
F:  646-845-6150

Please excuse any typographical
errors as this e-mail has been sent
from my mobile device

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Adam Forsyth
Director of Network and Systems
Luther College Information Technology Services
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA 52101
** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE 
Constituent Group discussion list can be found at
** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE 
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discussion list can be found at

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba / HA / And ARP broadcasting during controller losses

2018-01-05 Thread Amel Caldwell
Hi Ryan—

We have a similar setup, our main campus has around 7,000 APs with one master 
controller.  We have separate AP management VLANs in each of our buildings (we 
don’t span VLANs across multiple buildings here) and use DHCP options for 
master controller discovery.  We still get a ton on pings looking for a lost 
controller but the infrastructure handles the pings better than they do ARPs.  
It may help if you separate the controller management and AP management onto 
separate VLANs and use DHCP options; this would have the effect of changing the 
ARP to ICMP traffic and hopefully that would be enough to weather the event of 
a lost controller.

I do wholeheartedly agree that Aruba implenting a back-off mechanism to lessen 
this impact over time would be great.  I am also not real happy with how Aruba 
implemented the “heartbeat” option for the standby-controller to verify the 
primary is still up and it really does not scale well.

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Turner, Ryan H" 

Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Friday, January 5, 2018 at 9:14 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba / HA / And ARP broadcasting during controller 


Based on design recommendations from Aruba, our 10,000 AP network has been 
broken up into a few management domains.  For example, Main Campus has 
approximately 5,000 access points, and the controllers and access points share 
the same VLAN.

What we have noticed is that if we lose a controller (or shut it down for 
maintenance or a move), the access points start ARPing like crazy for the 
downed controller.  We can see in excess of 1,000 ARPs a second in the 
management VLAN.  This has the negative side effect of causing CPU spikes 
across certain models of switches on campus, and we lose management to those 
switches.  User traffic doesn’t generally seem affected, but SNMP monitoring 
ceases.  We are wondering if others have seen this, or designed around 
mitigating this.  This is definitely a scaling issue, and we feel as though 
Aruba could develop back-off mechanisms from allowing High Availability to 
essentially DoS parts of campus with ARP.


Ryan Turner
Manager of Network Operations
ITS Communication Technologies
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill<>
+1 919 445 0113 Office
+1 919 274 7926 Mobile

** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE 
Constituent Group discussion list can be found at

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

2017-10-25 Thread Amel Caldwell
No, we did not make the video available publically.  I am not sure the person 
who made the video would be comfortable with it being publicly available; I can 
ask him if there is interest or I can ask if I can send it to individuals.

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

University of Washington has open positions for Wi-Fi Network Engineers on our 
Network Design and Architecture team.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Floyd, Brad" 

Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

I actually was referring to the JY706A AP-220-MNT-W3. In the 200 series APs, we 
have only purchased the 22X models for indoor use. I thought all of the 2XX 
indoor APs used the same mount and didn’t realize there is a JY705A, as well as 
a JY706A. Is the video you refer to publically available? If so, would you post 
the URL?

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Amel Caldwell
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

I started to respond thinking you were referring to the AP-220-MNT-W3 and then 
I remembered that the 200 series uses their own.  We had a rough time when the 
AP-220-MNT-W3 came out and worked with Aruba to fix the slide mechanism and to 
get a usable patch cord with them.  One of our techs actually did a video of an 
installation and talked through the problems.  That made it to engineering and 
they sent us a prototype within a couple of weeks that worked much better and 
this is standard mount now.

I would recommend giving Aruba feedback and having your locals push it to 
engineering.  You might enjoy starring in a video for them too :)

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

University of Washington has open positions for Wi-Fi Network Engineers on our 
Network Design and Architecture team.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
on behalf of "Floyd, Brad">>
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

Thanks Mike! I’m most worried about having to disassemble the mount to mount 
it, followed by reassembling it after it’s mounted.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

I have some of the w3 mounts.. they're very close to the w2s but white, about 
1/2 the depth, and not a rigid.  The mechanism that moves is a little 
different, and it's harder to push in the part that moves.  I can get you a few 
pic's tomorrow if that helps you our.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
on behalf of Floyd, Brad>>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3


Do you have a way to share pictures? We’ve started ordering these because the 
W2 mounts were discontinued and in

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

2017-10-25 Thread Amel Caldwell
I started to respond thinking you were referring to the AP-220-MNT-W3 and then 
I remembered that the 200 series uses their own.  We had a rough time when the 
AP-220-MNT-W3 came out and worked with Aruba to fix the slide mechanism and to 
get a usable patch cord with them.  One of our techs actually did a video of an 
installation and talked through the problems.  That made it to engineering and 
they sent us a prototype within a couple of weeks that worked much better and 
this is standard mount now.

I would recommend giving Aruba feedback and having your locals push it to 
engineering.  You might enjoy starring in a video for them too :)

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

University of Washington has open positions for Wi-Fi Network Engineers on our 
Network Design and Architecture team.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Floyd, Brad" 

Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

Thanks Mike! I’m most worried about having to disassemble the mount to mount 
it, followed by reassembling it after it’s mounted.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

I have some of the w3 mounts.. they're very close to the w2s but white, about 
1/2 the depth, and not a rigid.  The mechanism that moves is a little 
different, and it's harder to push in the part that moves.  I can get you a few 
pic's tomorrow if that helps you our.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
on behalf of Floyd, Brad>>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3


Do you have a way to share pictures? We’ve started ordering these because the 
W2 mounts were discontinued and in the pictures, they look just like the W2s 
did. If they are this complex, we may need to have a discussion with a product 



From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 4:14 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Particulars about Aruba bracket JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3

Hi All,

I wanted to share our first look at the JY705A AP-200-MNT-W3.

The slide latch is on a plate that comes out of the main body of the mount and 
until it’s removed that plate obscures the screw holes we would typically use 
to attach the mount to the mud plates with two machines screws. These two 
pieces are held together by screws that thread into the main body of the mount.

So the first step of installation of this mount would require removing this 
slide latch plate to attach the main AP mount body to the box. The second step 
would be to fasten the slide latch plate into the main AP mount body with four 
small coarse thread plastic screws, then finally attaching the AP. Because the 
main AP mount body needs to be fastened down first you can’t assemble it ahead 
of time. If the AP is overhead, you’d have to fasten in the slide latch plate 
overhead with four fiddly little screws.

The design does allow an installer to rotate the latch plate by 90° so that the 
AP release button might be more accessible after installation. This is 
obviously why they separated the latch plate and main body. Other than that it 
complicates the installation and adds steps that wouldn’t be required with a 
single piece mount.

Probably more of a cautionary tale. Don’t get them unless you need them or your 
installers may hold a grudge. I’m thinking these are a none starter and we’ll 
look at stocking another model.

Paul Reimer

Please note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written 
communications to or from state/university employees and students are public 
records and available to 

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Outdoor WiFi infrastructure experiences/strategies?

2017-10-13 Thread Amel Caldwell
I’ll answer inline.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Lee, Steven" 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 11:43 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Outdoor WiFi infrastructure experiences/strategies?

There is quite a bit to think about here, so in an effort to keep the scope in 
a hopefully reasonable place, I’d love to hear what others are doing regarding 
the infrastructure (not so much the networking and RF at this point) and 
overall campus strategy.

  *   Has anyone already developed a comprehensive campus wide strategy?

 *   We have an informal strategy and have been trying to work with our 
Campus Architects to formalize it and get something we can work off of and 
expect to be allowed to deploy.  Our idea is to agree on a small number of 
options for deployment that is pre-approved and then ask to use “Option A” at a 
particular site.

  *   Did you leverage buildout of cellular micro sites?

 *   No.

  *   What kinds of locations/areas do you find that your users get the most 
value/appreciation out of the service?

 *   We are wanting to have complete coverage across our entire camus, but 
the priority areas are major walking paths, and green spaces.  We are starting 
to discover in heavy foot traffic areas people walking by can become a sort of 
DoS on Wi-Fi inside the building because they associate to indoor APs as they 
walk by and sometime max out the number of associations allowed.

  *   Where do you physically install the AP’s and has that kind of deployment 
been successful?

 *   rooftops with directional antennas?

*   This is how most of our outdoor is deployed, but from a tall 
building there is a lot of signal loss just getting down to the ground and you 
want to be careful not to have the signal bleed back into the building too much 
and impact indoor coverage.  We also had to turn of “short-guard interval”.

 *   exterior wall mounts?

*   We have some of this type on our new residence halls and I think 
from a performance perspective this is a much better scenario.  We have been 
allowed to build in the external wall mount on our residence halls because they 
are governed by our Housing and Food Services; on campus buildings it either 
adds too much cost to projects or the aesthetics don’t work and it has been 
much harder to get approved.  Existing buildings this has been a non-starter.

 *   building canopies/overhangs?

*   One or two sites, but this has been a hard sell for the same 
reasons as external wall mounts.

 *   light poles?

*   This would be ideal, but we have so many different types of 
lighting it is nearly impossible to find a consistent solution.  After trying 
to work with our campus architects the new lighting standard makes it nearly 
impossible to put any wires inside the pole or mount any antennas.

  *   Ideas on aesthetics/concealment/physical access?  Ive heard of a use-case 
where the AP has been buried in flower beds also small antennas in light pole 
globes.  How else do you hide the gear?  Any good/bad experiences with custom 
enclosures and/or external antennas?

 *   I have been trying to push the idea of using bollards, either close to 
buildings or other foliage areas.  This would allow for interior APs (if they 
meet regulatory specs) or eternal APs and puts the AP right at waist or chest 

  *   Experiences (suggestions) with providing power for areas out of 802.3 
distance specs? Anyone use the hybrid fiber/copper products that are on the 

 *   We have used Commscope’s hybrid fiber and have been really pleased 
with it; it save a lot of costs on the install and I find their product is 
really well designed and flexible.  Their system can fully power an AP-275 up 
to 1 mile and they can fully recover power with up to 50% loss.

  *   How do you plan pathway build-outs?   Do you leverage facilities and/or 
landscape construction to install conduit, etc?

 *   So far, we have been taking advantage of construction projects, but 
are considering using the mole tunneling to try to get into some areas.  We 
also have underground tunnel system we use to pull connections most of the way 
and then do what is needed from there.

  *   Any experience with putting hardened equipment (switches/aps) in 
underground enclosures?

 *   No direct experience with this but there are a number of vaults that 
can be buried and are designed for this purpose.
I could go on and on with questions but I’m really looking for general 
advice/suggestions/creative ideas/war stories from others who have already gone 
down this road.

Hope this helps.


Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>


Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Clearpass Bug - Posture and Profile Data update

2017-10-11 Thread Amel Caldwell
Fortunately for us, we are still on 6.6.5 and we were not affected by this.  
This did make me think about how fragile the operational state of the ClearPass 
cluster can be.  Looking through my event logs, I see the AV/AS updates 
happening 20 plus time a day and they hit all of our servers simultaneously. 
So, I am curious how others deal with this.

Do you monitor process status on each of your individual servers?
Do you have automated mechanisms to restart stopped processes and notify 
If so, what methods do you use?

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

University of Washington has open positions for Wi-Fi Network Engineers on our 
Network Design and Architecture team.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of Chad Burnham 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 8:43 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Clearpass Bug - Posture and Profile Data update

HI fellow Clearpass users:

This one bit us this morning. Not a great way to come into work today.

The Posture and Profile Data update version 1.48743 which was released today 
had caused the Policy Service to crash causing authentication issues.

A defect RM42553 has been created for this issue.

The Dev Team has released an update 1.48751 which has resolved the issue.

Please ensure that the update 1.48751 is installed and the Policy Service is 
running on all the servers in the cluster, by following the below stated steps.

· To install AV/AS Update version 1.48751, Please navigate to ClearPass 
Policy Manager GUI à Administration à Agents and Software Updates àSoftware 
Updates page à Click on 'Check Status Now".

· Please navigate to ClearPass Policy Manager GUI à Administration 
àServer Manager à Server Configuration à Click on the name of the serverà 
Services Control à Check for the status of the Policy server.

· If the status is Stopped, please click on the Start button next to 
it, to start the service.

The ClearPass Dev Team will provide an RCA for this issue shortly.


Director of Network Services
Information Technology
University of Denver
2100 S. High St. #106
Denver, CO 80208
Desk Phone: 303-871-4441
Mobile Phone: 303-520-5657

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Constituent Group discussion list can be found at

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba OS 6.5.X

2017-09-22 Thread Amel Caldwell
Did they say what the release will be?  Will it be or are they going to 
expect you to jump to 6.5.3 or 6.5.4?  We often request fixes to be put in 
older versions to minimize risk of going to a whole other train of code.

I am curious because I was told 6.5.2 had been “parked”.

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

Ask me about open Network Engineer positions on the wireless team.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Bucklaew, Jerry" 

Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Friday, September 22, 2017 at 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba OS 6.5.X

We have been on for a couple months now with no “major issues”.We 
have the 3xx dfs bug and we do see a ton of radar hits.

Waiting for the fix release that is due out in another week or two.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Amel Caldwell
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 5:15 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba OS 6.5.X

Hi y’all—

We have depleted our supply of AP 215s and are wanting to begin installing AP 
315s on our campus and have been having a hard time finding stable 6.5.X code.  
Our school starts next week, and we just had a failed attempt at rolling out because we saw dozens of radar detected events right after upgrading.  
This was the fourth version of 6.5.1.x we have tried to put on this particular 
set of controllers and each has brought a new set of issue; STM crash and cause 
APs to lose contact with controller; AMON not sending firewall session data; 
radar detection events; LACP and VRRP problems to name a few.

Since most of you have been back in session for a month or so, I thought I 
would ask to see what code version you have, issues you may have experienced, 
and any war stories you might want to share.  It would also be interesting to 
know what types of APs and controllers, and a brief description of your 


Amel Caldwell
** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE 
Constituent Group discussion list can be found at
** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE 
Constituent Group discussion list can be found at

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba OS 6.5.X

2017-09-22 Thread Amel Caldwell
We have been working extensively with our local reps.  The version with the STM 
crash was the first one thjey recommended.  We have been trying to find code we 
could move to for about 4 months and don’t feel like we are any closer.

Amel Caldwell
University of Washington UW-IT
Wi-Fi Network Engineer
Wi-Fi Service Manager<>

Ask me about open Network Engineer positions on the wireless team.

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
 on behalf of "Norton, Thomas (Network 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 

Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 at 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Aruba OS 6.5.X

 I highly recommend reaching out to your Aruba rep. I’m aware of a particular 
stm crash, as that was across multiple code branches.

What type of controllers are you running 6.5 code on, and what’s your 
deployment setup like?

Are you sure the radar events weren’t legitimate?

T.J. Norton
Wireless Network Architect
Network Operations

(434) 592-6552


Liberty University  |  Training Champions for Christ since 1971

On Sep 21, 2017, at 5:15 PM, Amel Caldwell>> 
Hi y’all—

We have depleted our supply of AP 215s and are wanting to begin installing AP 
315s on our campus and have been having a hard time finding stable 6.5.X code.  
Our school starts next week, and we just had a failed attempt at rolling out because we saw dozens of radar detected events right after upgrading.  
This was the fourth version of 6.5.1.x we have tried to put on this particular 
set of controllers and each has brought a new set of issue; STM crash and cause 
APs to lose contact with controller; AMON not sending firewall session data; 
radar detection events; LACP and VRRP problems to name a few.

Since most of you have been back in session for a month or so, I thought I 
would ask to see what code version you have, issues you may have experienced, 
and any war stories you might want to share.  It would also be interesting to 
know what types of APs and controllers, and a brief description of your 


Amel Caldwell
** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE 
Constituent Group discussion list can be found at<>.
** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE 
Constituent Group discussion list can be found at

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at

Aruba OS 6.5.X

2017-09-21 Thread Amel Caldwell
Hi y’all—

We have depleted our supply of AP 215s and are wanting to begin installing AP 
315s on our campus and have been having a hard time finding stable 6.5.X code.  
Our school starts next week, and we just had a failed attempt at rolling out because we saw dozens of radar detected events right after upgrading.  
This was the fourth version of 6.5.1.x we have tried to put on this particular 
set of controllers and each has brought a new set of issue; STM crash and cause 
APs to lose contact with controller; AMON not sending firewall session data; 
radar detection events; LACP and VRRP problems to name a few.

Since most of you have been back in session for a month or so, I thought I 
would ask to see what code version you have, issues you may have experienced, 
and any war stories you might want to share.  It would also be interesting to 
know what types of APs and controllers, and a brief description of your 


Amel Caldwell

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Issues with Aruba bracket JY706A AP-220-MNT-W3

2017-05-09 Thread Amel Caldwell
Hi Jethro--

When the AP-220-MNT-W3 was first released, we got some and they were nothing 
but trouble; the jumper that came with them was too tall for the mount and the 
button would stick.   We worked with Aruba on the jumper design that comes with 
them and also the button issue.  Aruba fixed both issues and the newer 
AP-220-MNT-W3 are much easier to use now.

The easiest way to tell is by the jumper.  The jumper should have a low-profile 
connector and is a flat cable; the older one looks like a standard CAT5e cable. 
  If you have the older one, I would follow up with your local SE and try to 
get them swapped for the “fixed” version.


Amel Caldwell

On 5/9/17, 1:12 AM, "The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv on 
behalf of Jethro R Binks"  wrote:

Hello all,

We are relatively new to the Aruba world, but for our first major 
deployment (replacing other APs) we're going for JW797A AP-315 with the 
JY706A AP-220-MNT-W3 White Low Profile Box Style Secure Large AP Flat 
Surface Mount Kit.

We'd originally done some testing with (I)AP-225 and bracket 

AP-220-MNT-W2W was discontined in favour of AP-220-MNT-W3.

Now, as we did a rehearsal for the replacement, we discovered that the 
AP-315 would not fit the AP-220-MNT-W3 bracket.  The slots for the 
mounting lugs of the AP are slightly narrower in width, and so the lugs do 
not fit.

Is this a common problem, or perhaps do we have a bad batch?  Can anyone 

It is possible to make it fit by some juducious shaving of the plastic, 
but that's clearly not desirable.

The AP-315 fits fine on the AP-220-MNT-W2W, although because it is a 
smaller AP it looks a bit odd.  And AP-220-MNT-W2W is EoS regardless.


.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Jethro R Binks, Network Manager,
Information Services Directorate, University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, number SC015263.

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Group discussion list can be found at

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at

Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] EDUROAM Service Fees Thoughts

2017-04-05 Thread Amel Caldwell
This is what the letter said regarding fees:

“eduroam Invoices and Fees
Internet2 will continue its current practice of covering the eduroam fees as a 
benefit for its higher education members. Just for your information, the fee 
structure for non-Internet2 members (and Internet2 members that are not higher 
education members) is $0.10 per user (based on IPEDS "total enrollment" data) 
with a minimum charge of $400. “

Internet2 higher ed institutions will have to pay a one-time fee of $700 and 
the fees will be continued to be covered as part of the I2 membership.

Other institutions do have the per-user fee.


On 4/5/17, 2:42 PM, "The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv on 
behalf of McClintic, Thomas"  wrote:

The recurring service fee is $.10 per enrollment according to IPEDS with a 
minimum fee of $400 paid annually. 

Agreements must be signed by 7/31/2017 in order to ensure no 
discontinuation of services.

Unless I'm reading the communication incorrectly, that is the summary I 
concluded from it.

TJ McClintic

-Original Message-
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Chuck Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] EDUROAM Service Fees Thoughts

My understanding is that there are no recurring fees for Internet2 members, 
just a one-time registration fee.

On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 09:21:08PM +, McClintic, Thomas wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> We have not yet implemented EDUROAM, but began looking into it as it was 
part of our Internet2 subscription. It now appears that they have changed the 
service to have an annual fee, plus price per enrolled student.
> Our feelings are that implementing now with an added fee does not seem 
likely. We have done without the service this long and our faculty/students are 
not using it, so no disconnect of services for them.
> I wanted to know others feeling on the subject. Do you plan to continue 
with the service given the prorate charged back of 2016? Are you segmenting 
campus visitors from other institutions away from your users, and could this 
not be accomplished with a guest network? Do you feel the cost of the service 
is reasonable given the use your institution has?
> Thank you for any responses!
> TJ McClintic

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Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent 
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Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
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