Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-15 Thread Gerald Combs
On 12/15/14, 8:39 AM, Jeff Morriss wrote:
> On 12/10/14 12:17, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa wrote:
>> Many thanks for the detailed info to everyone.
>> I already pushed some of my changes (already accepted) to the
>> repository, and I will keep doing that in the future.
>> I have a last question (technical one this time). Do you build Wireshark
>> for Solaris (9 and 10)? I am facing issues doing it and I want to know
>> if it is supposed to work and the problems are on my side.
>> Anyone here has done that before manually? Any recommendation on where
>> to get the missing packages?
> When I last built for Solaris I was using the packages from
> .  They make it easy with a command to install, for example, Gtk
> together with all its dependencies.

The Solaris buildbot[1] uses OpenCSW packages as well. If you run into
trouble you might look at some of the build steps. For example, the
following `configure` command is currently used for compiling with gcc:

./configure LDFLAGS=-R/opt/csw/lib CFLAGS=-DG_CONST_RETURN=const
--with-gtk2 --disable-warnings-as-errors --with-pcap=/opt/csw
--with-gnutls=yes --with-gcrypt=yes --with-libgcrypt-prefix=/opt/csw
--with-libsmi=/opt/csw --with-zlib=/opt/csw --with-geoip=/opt/csw
--with-krb5=/opt/csw --with-c-ares=/opt/csw --with-qt

Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-15 Thread Jeff Morriss

On 12/10/14 12:17, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa wrote:

Many thanks for the detailed info to everyone.

I already pushed some of my changes (already accepted) to the
repository, and I will keep doing that in the future.

I have a last question (technical one this time). Do you build Wireshark
for Solaris (9 and 10)? I am facing issues doing it and I want to know
if it is supposed to work and the problems are on my side.

Anyone here has done that before manually? Any recommendation on where
to get the missing packages?

When I last built for Solaris I was using the packages from 
.  They make it easy with a command to install, for example, Gtk 
together with all its dependencies.

Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-12 Thread Graham Bloice
On 10 December 2014 at 20:13, John Dill  wrote:

> >Message: 3
> >Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:02:05 +
> >From: Graham Bloice 
> >To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
> >Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
> >   customization
> >Message-ID:
> >   <
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >
> >On 10 December 2014 at 18:53, John Dill 
> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> >Message: 3
> >> >Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:08:25 -0700
> >> >From: Stephen Fisher 
> >> >To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
> >> >Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
> >> >   customization
> >> >Message-ID: <>
> >> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >> >
> >> >On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:51:23PM -0500, John Dill wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> So what restrictions are there when you have a Wireshark plugin that
> >> >> contains proprietary information (which can be of the do not export
> >> >> variety) from the govt or customer and they do *not* want that
> >> >> information released to the public, since Wireshark can be used as a
> >> >> tool to visualize and analyze these private kinds of protocols?  If
> >> >> some of that implementation leaks into the Wireshark application
> (like
> >> >> hiding all of the unnecessary protocol cruft to make it simpler for
> >> >> user to use), what are the implications?
> >> >
> >> >Is the proprietary information short, such as encryption keys?  A
> >> >preference can be used for things like that and then only if the
> >> >user's preferences file is shared will it get out.  If that's a
> >> >high-risk, you could even have the dissector/plug-in do something
> >> >non-stndard like reading a file for the information (but we probably
> >> >wouldn't want that kind of dissector in the base source).
> >>
> >> The entire packet stream generated is a proprietary system on top of
> >> TCP and UDP that consists of avionics data, all of which is considered
> >> proprietary.  There are several hundred different packet messages that
> >> contain one to several hundred data elements.
> >>
> >> I was curious how the license Wireshark uses applies to this scenario,
> >> since I've created a DLL to process data that is also distributed to a
> >> govt entity, but I'm using an open source project with a GPL license
> >> to translate this data, but the source code that translates the content
> >> they want to keep private.
> >>
> >> Regardless, there's no way I would be allowed to submit this plugin to
> >> the public Wireshark repository (not without serious legal/employment
> >> consequences), so maybe its a moot point to discuss.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> John D.
> >>
> >>
> >IMHO you're contravening the licence.  When distributing you must abide by
> >the licence that permits you to distribute and which requires you to make
> >the source code available.
> Does the license only apply to those to whom the binary has been
> distributed
> to?  If the plugin is never publicly released, does the license imply that
> only the receivers of the plugin are required to be sent the source code?
> If the plugin is never seen by the public eye, does that imply that the
> source code may stay private as well?
> I've never been in a situation like this, so I don't quite understand the
> intent of Wireshark's license for this kind of scenario.
> Best regards,
> John D.
What covers "distribution" requiring release of source code is discussed in
the GPL FAQ (link here:

Q: Does the GPL require that source code of modified versions be posted to
the public?

A: The GPL does not require you to release your modified version, or any
part of it. You are free to make modifications and use them privately,
without ever releasing them. This applies to organizations (including
companies), too; an organization can make a modified version and use it
internally without ever releasing it outside the organization.

But if you release the modified version to the public in some way, the GPL
requires you to make the modified source code availa

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Guy Harris

On Dec 10, 2014, at 11:02 AM, Graham Bloice  wrote:

> A Wireshark plugin links with the main body of the program and thus is 
> covered by the licence of the main program.

>From the GPL FAQ:

"If I write a plug-in to use with a GPL-covered program, what requirements does 
that impose on the licenses I can use for distributing my 

  It depends on how the program invokes its plug-ins. If the program uses fork 
and exec to invoke plug-ins, then the plug-ins are separate programs, so the 
license for the main program makes no requirements for them.

  If the program dynamically links plug-ins, and they make function calls to 
each other and share data structures, we believe they form a single program, 
which must be treated as an extension of both the main program and the 
plug-ins. This means you must license the plug-in under the GPL or a 
GPL-compatible free software license and distribute it with source code in a 
GPL-compliant way.

  If the program dynamically links plug-ins, but the communication between them 
is limited to invoking the ‘main’ function of the plug-in with some options and 
waiting for it to return, that is a borderline case."

"We" here being the Free Software Foundation.  The GPL itself doesn't 
explicitly discuss this; I'm not sure what the legal status of a claim in the 
FAQ is.

Wireshark would fall under the second clause, as its dissector plugins make 
calls to Wireshark (libwireshark, to be specific) and share data structures 
with it.

This means that the plugin must be licensed under the terms of the GPL.
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Stephen Fisher
On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 03:13:08PM -0500, John Dill wrote:

> Does the license only apply to those to whom the binary has been 
> distributed to?  If the plugin is never publicly released, does the 
> license imply that only the receivers of the plugin are required to be 
> sent the source code? If the plugin is never seen by the public eye, 
> does that imply that the source code may stay private as well?

My understanding of the GPLv2 license, which Wireshark is distributed 
under, is that only the persons to whom you give the plugin must be 
offered the source code:

  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, 
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of 
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; 

b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,

c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for 
making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source 
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any 
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control 
compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a special 
exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is 
normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major 
components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on 
which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the 

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access 
to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy 
the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source 
code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source 
along with the object code.

Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Bill Meier

On 12/10/2014 3:13 PM, John Dill wrote:

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:02:05 +
From: Graham Bloice 
To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On 10 December 2014 at 18:53, John Dill  wrote:

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:08:25 -0700
From: Stephen Fisher 
To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:51:23PM -0500, John Dill wrote:

So what restrictions are there when you have a Wireshark plugin that
contains proprietary information (which can be of the do not export
variety) from the govt or customer and they do *not* want that
information released to the public, since Wireshark can be used as a
tool to visualize and analyze these private kinds of protocols?  If
some of that implementation leaks into the Wireshark application (like
hiding all of the unnecessary protocol cruft to make it simpler for
user to use), what are the implications?

Is the proprietary information short, such as encryption keys?  A
preference can be used for things like that and then only if the
user's preferences file is shared will it get out.  If that's a
high-risk, you could even have the dissector/plug-in do something
non-stndard like reading a file for the information (but we probably
wouldn't want that kind of dissector in the base source).

The entire packet stream generated is a proprietary system on top of
TCP and UDP that consists of avionics data, all of which is considered
proprietary.  There are several hundred different packet messages that
contain one to several hundred data elements.

I was curious how the license Wireshark uses applies to this scenario,
since I've created a DLL to process data that is also distributed to a
govt entity, but I'm using an open source project with a GPL license
to translate this data, but the source code that translates the content
they want to keep private.

Regardless, there's no way I would be allowed to submit this plugin to
the public Wireshark repository (not without serious legal/employment
consequences), so maybe its a moot point to discuss.

Best regards,
John D.

IMHO you're contravening the licence.  When distributing you must abide by
the licence that permits you to distribute and which requires you to make
the source code available.

Does the license only apply to those to whom the binary has been distributed
to?  If the plugin is never publicly released, does the license imply that
only the receivers of the plugin are required to be sent the source code?
If the plugin is never seen by the public eye, does that imply that the
source code may stay private as well?

I've never been in a situation like this, so I don't quite understand the
intent of Wireshark's license for this kind of scenario.

Best regards,
John D.

A Wireshark plugin links with the main body of the program and thus is
covered by the licence of the main program.


To be perfectly honest, I would suggest you consult a lawyer experienced 
in these matters.

Bill Meier

Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread John Dill

>Message: 3
>Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:02:05 +
>From: Graham Bloice 
>To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
>Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
>   customization
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>On 10 December 2014 at 18:53, John Dill  wrote:
>> >Message: 3
>> >Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:08:25 -0700
>> >From: Stephen Fisher 
>> >To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
>> >Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
>> >   customization
>> >Message-ID: <>
>> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> >
>> >On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:51:23PM -0500, John Dill wrote:
>> >
>> >> So what restrictions are there when you have a Wireshark plugin that
>> >> contains proprietary information (which can be of the do not export
>> >> variety) from the govt or customer and they do *not* want that
>> >> information released to the public, since Wireshark can be used as a
>> >> tool to visualize and analyze these private kinds of protocols?  If
>> >> some of that implementation leaks into the Wireshark application (like
>> >> hiding all of the unnecessary protocol cruft to make it simpler for
>> >> user to use), what are the implications?
>> >
>> >Is the proprietary information short, such as encryption keys?  A
>> >preference can be used for things like that and then only if the
>> >user's preferences file is shared will it get out.  If that's a
>> >high-risk, you could even have the dissector/plug-in do something
>> >non-stndard like reading a file for the information (but we probably
>> >wouldn't want that kind of dissector in the base source).
>> The entire packet stream generated is a proprietary system on top of
>> TCP and UDP that consists of avionics data, all of which is considered
>> proprietary.  There are several hundred different packet messages that
>> contain one to several hundred data elements.
>> I was curious how the license Wireshark uses applies to this scenario,
>> since I've created a DLL to process data that is also distributed to a
>> govt entity, but I'm using an open source project with a GPL license
>> to translate this data, but the source code that translates the content
>> they want to keep private.
>> Regardless, there's no way I would be allowed to submit this plugin to
>> the public Wireshark repository (not without serious legal/employment
>> consequences), so maybe its a moot point to discuss.
>> Best regards,
>> John D.
>IMHO you're contravening the licence.  When distributing you must abide by
>the licence that permits you to distribute and which requires you to make
>the source code available.

Does the license only apply to those to whom the binary has been distributed
to?  If the plugin is never publicly released, does the license imply that
only the receivers of the plugin are required to be sent the source code?
If the plugin is never seen by the public eye, does that imply that the
source code may stay private as well?

I've never been in a situation like this, so I don't quite understand the
intent of Wireshark's license for this kind of scenario.

Best regards,
John D.

>A Wireshark plugin links with the main body of the program and thus is
>covered by the licence of the main program.
>Graham Bloice
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Graham Bloice
On 10 December 2014 at 18:53, John Dill  wrote:

> >Message: 3
> >Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:08:25 -0700
> >From: Stephen Fisher 
> >To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
> >Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
> >   customization
> >Message-ID: <>
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >
> >On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:51:23PM -0500, John Dill wrote:
> >
> >> So what restrictions are there when you have a Wireshark plugin that
> >> contains proprietary information (which can be of the do not export
> >> variety) from the govt or customer and they do *not* want that
> >> information released to the public, since Wireshark can be used as a
> >> tool to visualize and analyze these private kinds of protocols?  If
> >> some of that implementation leaks into the Wireshark application (like
> >> hiding all of the unnecessary protocol cruft to make it simpler for
> >> user to use), what are the implications?
> >
> >Is the proprietary information short, such as encryption keys?  A
> >preference can be used for things like that and then only if the
> >user's preferences file is shared will it get out.  If that's a
> >high-risk, you could even have the dissector/plug-in do something
> >non-stndard like reading a file for the information (but we probably
> >wouldn't want that kind of dissector in the base source).
> The entire packet stream generated is a proprietary system on top of
> TCP and UDP that consists of avionics data, all of which is considered
> proprietary.  There are several hundred different packet messages that
> contain one to several hundred data elements.
> I was curious how the license Wireshark uses applies to this scenario,
> since I've created a DLL to process data that is also distributed to a
> govt entity, but I'm using an open source project with a GPL license
> to translate this data, but the source code that translates the content
> they want to keep private.
> Regardless, there's no way I would be allowed to submit this plugin to
> the public Wireshark repository (not without serious legal/employment
> consequences), so maybe its a moot point to discuss.
> Best regards,
> John D.
IMHO you're contravening the licence.  When distributing you must abide by
the licence that permits you to distribute and which requires you to make
the source code available.

A Wireshark plugin links with the main body of the program and thus is
covered by the licence of the main program.

Graham Bloice
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread John Dill

>Message: 3
>Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:08:25 -0700
>From: Stephen Fisher 
>To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
>Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
>   customization
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:51:23PM -0500, John Dill wrote:
>> So what restrictions are there when you have a Wireshark plugin that 
>> contains proprietary information (which can be of the do not export 
>> variety) from the govt or customer and they do *not* want that 
>> information released to the public, since Wireshark can be used as a 
>> tool to visualize and analyze these private kinds of protocols?  If 
>> some of that implementation leaks into the Wireshark application (like 
>> hiding all of the unnecessary protocol cruft to make it simpler for 
>> user to use), what are the implications?
>Is the proprietary information short, such as encryption keys?  A 
>preference can be used for things like that and then only if the 
>user's preferences file is shared will it get out.  If that's a 
>high-risk, you could even have the dissector/plug-in do something 
>non-stndard like reading a file for the information (but we probably 
>wouldn't want that kind of dissector in the base source).

The entire packet stream generated is a proprietary system on top of
TCP and UDP that consists of avionics data, all of which is considered
proprietary.  There are several hundred different packet messages that
contain one to several hundred data elements.

I was curious how the license Wireshark uses applies to this scenario,
since I've created a DLL to process data that is also distributed to a
govt entity, but I'm using an open source project with a GPL license
to translate this data, but the source code that translates the content
they want to keep private.

Regardless, there's no way I would be allowed to submit this plugin to
the public Wireshark repository (not without serious legal/employment
consequences), so maybe its a moot point to discuss.

Best regards,
John D.

Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread pogiako

On 2014-12-10 15:21, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa wrote:

Hi Anders,

Yes! I was aware of the licensing terms. Is it mandatory to provide
the source in the same bundle as the binary or on the other hand. I
can mention in our documentation that the source code is available,
and if they ask for it, provide it?

Thanks for the advice regarding the development version.

Juanjo Martin

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Anders Broman


Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of
your modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.

I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff
or the latest stable if stability is more of an issue.



[] ON BEHALF OF Juan Jose
Martin Carrascosa
SENT: den 10 december 2014 14:39
TO: Developer support list for Wireshark
SUBJECT: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for

Hi all,

I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version,
so we can provide that to our customers.

I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest
stable release or the development release?

Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries.
So far, I have found the README files, and the Development webpage
[1]. Any other source of information I can take a look at? My plan
is to provide binaries for some Linux distributions, Solaris, MacOS
and Windows.


Juanjo Martin


Sent via: Wireshark-dev mailing list

Archives: [2]


Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 


I'm looking for something something to work on for my thesis. I'm a Free 
Software guy and I thought of contributing to Wireshark is great idea. 
I'm doing an exploratory project (Like to find something out or to prove 
something), more on research. I don't code, I only know basic C. I have 
the K&R 2nd E. book, will that help? I have up to April or May for this.


Gary dela Rosa
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Stephen Fisher
On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:51:23PM -0500, John Dill wrote:

> So what restrictions are there when you have a Wireshark plugin that 
> contains proprietary information (which can be of the do not export 
> variety) from the govt or customer and they do *not* want that 
> information released to the public, since Wireshark can be used as a 
> tool to visualize and analyze these private kinds of protocols?  If 
> some of that implementation leaks into the Wireshark application (like 
> hiding all of the unnecessary protocol cruft to make it simpler for 
> user to use), what are the implications?

Is the proprietary information short, such as encryption keys?  A 
preference can be used for things like that and then only if the 
user's preferences file is shared will it get out.  If that's a 
high-risk, you could even have the dissector/plug-in do something 
non-stndard like reading a file for the information (but we probably 
wouldn't want that kind of dissector in the base source).

Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread John Dill
>Message: 2
>Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:13:08 +
>From: Anders Broman 
>To: Developer support list for Wireshark 
>Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
>   customization
>   <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of your 
>modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.
>I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff or the 
>latest stable if stability is more of an issue.

So what restrictions are there when you have a Wireshark plugin that contains 
proprietary information (which can be of the do not export variety) from the 
govt or customer and they do *not* want that information released to the 
public, since Wireshark can be used as a tool to visualize and analyze these 
private kinds of protocols?  If some of that implementation leaks into the 
Wireshark application (like hiding all of the unnecessary protocol cruft to 
make it simpler for user to use), what are the implications?

Best Regards,
John D.
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa
Many thanks for the detailed info to everyone.

I already pushed some of my changes (already accepted) to the repository,
and I will keep doing that in the future.

I have a last question (technical one this time). Do you build Wireshark
for Solaris (9 and 10)? I am facing issues doing it and I want to know if
it is supposed to work and the problems are on my side.

Anyone here has done that before manually? Any recommendation on where to
get the missing packages?

Juanjo Martin

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Graham Bloice 

> Hi Juan,
> The GPL FAQ has answers for this type of question (
>, see the section "Distribution
> of programs released under the GNU licenses") but note that Wireshark is
> GPL 2.0.
> On 10 December 2014 at 15:21, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa 
> wrote:
>> Hi Anders,
>> Yes! I was aware of the licensing terms. Is it mandatory to provide the
>> source in the same bundle as the binary or on the other hand. I can mention
>> in our documentation that the source code is available, and if they ask for
>> it, provide it?
>> Thanks for the advice regarding the development version.
>> Juanjo Martin
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Anders Broman <
>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>> Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of your
>>> modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.
>>> I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff or
>>> the latest stable if stability is more of an issue.
>>> Regards
>>> Anders
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *Juan Jose Martin
>>> Carrascosa
>>> *Sent:* den 10 december 2014 14:39
>>> *To:* Developer support list for Wireshark
>>> *Subject:* [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
>>> customization
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version, so
>>> we can provide that to our customers.
>>> I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest stable
>>> release or the development release?
>>> Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries. So
>>> far, I have found the README files, and the Development webpage
>>> <>. Any other source of
>>> information I can take a look at? My plan is to provide binaries for some
>>> Linux distributions, Solaris, MacOS and Windows.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Juanjo Martin
>>> ___
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>>> Archives:
>>> Unsubscribe:
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> Graham Bloice
> Software Developer
> Trihedral UK Limited
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Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Graham Bloice
Hi Juan,

We have a Solaris 10 buildbot (  but
nothing for Solaris 9.

On 10 December 2014 at 17:17, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa 

> Many thanks for the detailed info to everyone.
> I already pushed some of my changes (already accepted) to the repository,
> and I will keep doing that in the future.
> I have a last question (technical one this time). Do you build Wireshark
> for Solaris (9 and 10)? I am facing issues doing it and I want to know if
> it is supposed to work and the problems are on my side.
> Anyone here has done that before manually? Any recommendation on where to
> get the missing packages?
> Thanks!
> Juanjo Martin
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Graham Bloice <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Juan,
>> The GPL FAQ has answers for this type of question (
>>, see the section "Distribution
>> of programs released under the GNU licenses") but note that Wireshark is
>> GPL 2.0.
>> On 10 December 2014 at 15:21, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa > > wrote:
>>> Hi Anders,
>>> Yes! I was aware of the licensing terms. Is it mandatory to provide the
>>> source in the same bundle as the binary or on the other hand. I can mention
>>> in our documentation that the source code is available, and if they ask for
>>> it, provide it?
>>> Thanks for the advice regarding the development version.
>>> Juanjo Martin
>>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Anders Broman <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>> Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of your
>>>> modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.
>>>> I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff or
>>>> the latest stable if stability is more of an issue.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Anders
>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>] *On Behalf Of *Juan Jose Martin
>>>> Carrascosa
>>>> *Sent:* den 10 december 2014 14:39
>>>> *To:* Developer support list for Wireshark
>>>> *Subject:* [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
>>>> customization
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version, so
>>>> we can provide that to our customers.
>>>> I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest stable
>>>> release or the development release?
>>>> Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries. So
>>>> far, I have found the README files, and the Development webpage
>>>> <>. Any other source of
>>>> information I can take a look at? My plan is to provide binaries for some
>>>> Linux distributions, Solaris, MacOS and Windows.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Juanjo Martin
>>>> ___
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>>> ___
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>> --
>> Graham Bloice
>> Software Developer
>> Trihedral UK Limited
>> ___
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> ___
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Graham Bloice
Software Developer
Trihedral UK Limited
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Graham Bloice
Hi Juan,

The GPL FAQ has answers for this type of question (, see the section "Distribution of
programs released under the GNU licenses") but note that Wireshark is GPL

On 10 December 2014 at 15:21, Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa 

> Hi Anders,
> Yes! I was aware of the licensing terms. Is it mandatory to provide the
> source in the same bundle as the binary or on the other hand. I can mention
> in our documentation that the source code is available, and if they ask for
> it, provide it?
> Thanks for the advice regarding the development version.
> Juanjo Martin
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Anders Broman  > wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of your
>> modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.
>> I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff or the
>> latest stable if stability is more of an issue.
>> Regards
>> Anders
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Juan Jose Martin
>> Carrascosa
>> *Sent:* den 10 december 2014 14:39
>> *To:* Developer support list for Wireshark
>> *Subject:* [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
>> customization
>> Hi all,
>> I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version, so
>> we can provide that to our customers.
>> I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest stable
>> release or the development release?
>> Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries. So
>> far, I have found the README files, and the Development webpage
>> <>. Any other source of information
>> I can take a look at? My plan is to provide binaries for some Linux
>> distributions, Solaris, MacOS and Windows.
>> Thanks,
>> Juanjo Martin
>> ___
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>> Archives:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> ?subject=unsubscribe
> ___
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Graham Bloice
Software Developer
Trihedral UK Limited
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Graham Bloice
And as you'll have to make the source of your customizations available, you
might as well submit them to the core project where they'll be maintained
and packages for all your required platforms will be automatically built.

On 10 December 2014 at 15:13, Anders Broman 

>  Hi,
> Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of your
> modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.
> I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff or the
> latest stable if stability is more of an issue.
> Regards
> Anders
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Juan Jose Martin
> Carrascosa
> *Sent:* den 10 december 2014 14:39
> *To:* Developer support list for Wireshark
> *Subject:* [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
> customization
> Hi all,
> I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version, so we
> can provide that to our customers.
> I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest stable
> release or the development release?
> Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries. So far,
> I have found the README files, and the Development webpage
> <>. Any other source of information
> I can take a look at? My plan is to provide binaries for some Linux
> distributions, Solaris, MacOS and Windows.
> Thanks,
> Juanjo Martin
Graham Bloice
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa
Hi Anders,

Yes! I was aware of the licensing terms. Is it mandatory to provide the
source in the same bundle as the binary or on the other hand. I can mention
in our documentation that the source code is available, and if they ask for
it, provide it?

Thanks for the advice regarding the development version.

Juanjo Martin

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Anders Broman 

>  Hi,
> Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of your
> modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.
> I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff or the
> latest stable if stability is more of an issue.
> Regards
> Anders
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Juan Jose Martin
> Carrascosa
> *Sent:* den 10 december 2014 14:39
> *To:* Developer support list for Wireshark
> *Subject:* [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for
> customization
> Hi all,
> I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version, so we
> can provide that to our customers.
> I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest stable
> release or the development release?
> Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries. So far,
> I have found the README files, and the Development webpage
> <>. Any other source of information
> I can take a look at? My plan is to provide binaries for some Linux
> distributions, Solaris, MacOS and Windows.
> Thanks,
> Juanjo Martin
> ___
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Re: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Anders Broman
Note that under GPL you are obliged to supply the source code of your 
modifications if you distribute binaries to your customers.
I would use the development version to get the bleeding edge stuff or the 
latest stable if stability is more of an issue.


[] On Behalf Of Juan Jose Martin 
Sent: den 10 december 2014 14:39
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: [Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

Hi all,

I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version, so we can 
provide that to our customers.

I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest stable release 
or the development release?

Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries. So far, I 
have found the README files, and the Development 
webpage<>. Any other source of information 
I can take a look at? My plan is to provide binaries for some Linux 
distributions, Solaris, MacOS and Windows.

Juanjo Martin
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 

[Wireshark-dev] What Wireshark base version to use for customization

2014-12-10 Thread Juan Jose Martin Carrascosa
Hi all,

I have the task to customize and package a custom Wireshark version, so we
can provide that to our customers.

I wonder what Wireshark version should I use as base. The latest stable
release or the development release?

Also, I have been looking for the information to package binaries. So far,
I have found the README files, and the Development webpage
. Any other source of information I
can take a look at? My plan is to provide binaries for some Linux
distributions, Solaris, MacOS and Windows.

Juanjo Martin
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list 